redclover-Savage Worlds Zombie Run

Gamer Connection

Zombie Run

On July 2, at roughly the same time worldwide
(a little after midnight, Eastern US time), the recently
dead started rising. Any corpse that wasn’t dismembered,
decapitated, decomposed, or otherwise destroyed came
back to life. Crawling out of their graves, stumbling out of
morgues and funeral homes, the dead swarmed over
cities and towns, attacking, killing, and eating everyone
they could get their rotting hands on. On July 3, the
President declared a national emergency, and Army and
National Guard units started coordinating with local law
enforcement to deal with the zombie threat. Other nations
took similar actions. The World Health Organization, the
Centers for Disease Control, and other scientific
organizations around the world began studying the dead,
trying to figure out what was animating them.
The situation degenerated quickly. It seemed as if for
every zombie killed, two more rose. Scientists had no
idea what was animating the corpses, but they did
discover that it was infectious: a single bite would kill an
otherwise healthy person and turn him or her into one of
the walking dead. Terror and panic spread. Riots flared in
Los Angeles, New York, London, Paris, Tokyo, and other
major cities, forcing already beleaguered military and law
enforcement to deal with the living as well as the dead.
People began abandoning their homes and cities.
Police and soldiers deserted en masse, and military and
government chains of command fell apart. In one city after
another, communications, power, and other services shut
down. By the end of August, gangs had risen up to fill the
vacuum left by the disintegration of centralized authority.
By mid-September society had been reduced to isolated
bands, scavenging to survive.

The adventure begins in the second week of October

Hey guys after reading over this pdf, and bouncing the idea of running it tabletop, I've decided to try running it on here.

Any who are interested need only to write up a novice hero, but don't bother in buying gear.

i may have a spot reserved, should my friend decide to take part, but I'd be comfortable with 7-8 players, the more the merrier.

See the full pdf here, as it has a few edges and hindrances useful to the game, although I'll ask you not to look at the adventure itself, as a large part of this zombie horror genre relies on suspense and surprise. If you've seen this, or even played or ran it, and you think you can divorce character knowledge from player knowledge, then by all means express interest.

I look forward to seeing how this goes, thank you.

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Are running it as pbp or online ttp? I'd like to try it out if it's pbp.

randall793 wrote:
Are running it as pbp or online ttp? I'd like to try it out if it's pbp.

pbp, sorry for not being clearer

i'd definitely be interested. Sounds like it would be fun.

Great, good to see some interest!

Anyone else around itchin for some savage worlds/zombie related gaming?

bumpity bump

I don't suppose there is the equivilent of the SRD for Savage World is there? I'd be very interested, I just don't have access to the books.

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