DM NomadSage's Jade Regent OOC

Play-by-Post Discussion

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Liberty's Edge

M Half-Orc Holy Mystic Monk

does anyone want to keep the kusarigama? the giant wasp summoning ability is kinda cool, but is anyone ever going to actually use it?

Anything for Harlan?

Male Human Vanguard 14 (AC:28 (32); F:15 R:10 W:13, Perc:+25)
  • HP:94/143 (42)
  • Vanguard Blast: 6/7
  • Swift Spell: 3/5
  • SpellGrapple: 6/7
  • Enhance Weap 13/13
  • Spells: 1st: 2/6, 2d: 3/6, 3rd: 0/5, 4th: 4/5, 5th: 1/2
  • Chaincloth Cloak: 2/3
  • Jingasa negate crit/SA: 0/1
  • Terra Cotta Talisman: Luck Reroll: 1/1, spiritual ally: 1/1
  • Suishen abilities: airwalk: 2/3, see invisibility: 2/3 resist cold: 2/3, daylight:3/3
  • Active effects: Blind, stnskin (120), Images (5), keen, res cold 30, airwalk, end elem, see inv, lt fort, all-round vision, DR10/adam, DR5/pierce, res skin)
Heng wrote:
does anyone want to keep the kusarigama? the giant wasp summoning ability is kinda cool, but is anyone ever going to actually use it?

I can't see an actual use. In combat, its a replacement for your action. May be useful out of combat as a scout, if we could communicate with the bug. I wanna like it, just can't find the niche.

Recommend selling.

|| Per +16 | Fort +10 Ref +11 Will +13 | BAB +10 | CMB +8 | CMD 23 || Init +3 Halfling Oracle of Life/14

I'm good, if we survive this raid I'll want a crossbow that comes to my hands when I summon it. Or I'm just going to start cooking with the crossbow at hand, which is good for raiders and complainers.

I meant more, do you have any inputs for round 6? ;p

|| Per +16 | Fort +10 Ref +11 Will +13 | BAB +10 | CMB +8 | CMD 23 || Init +3 Halfling Oracle of Life/14

Oh, thought I posted them? I must have gotten confused, I went to post last night and saw we were in round 6 but my last update already had round 6.

Yeah, the count got kinda goofed up. I typed "Round 6" for 5. Then backtracked, then realized I had it sorta right. I think you had "Round 7" for round 5 inputs too, lol!

|| Per +16 | Fort +10 Ref +11 Will +13 | BAB +10 | CMB +8 | CMD 23 || Init +3 Halfling Oracle of Life/14

Yeah, went back and figured out what I did. Updated now, Heng should be nice and healed. Now if only we had some sort of Cure Serious Wagon Damage spell.

Mal, I don't think you need to make 2 attack rolls to use your spellstrike. The way I'm reading it, you cast the touch spell and make the attack roll with your weapon (vs a touch attack normally). If the weapon attack hits, the target takes both weapon and spell damage.

Does that make sense?

|| Per +16 | Fort +10 Ref +11 Will +13 | BAB +10 | CMB +8 | CMD 23 || Init +3 Halfling Oracle of Life/14

That's correct, but the way I read it he's using both Spell Strike and Spell Combat, so he gets a normal weapon attack and he gets to cast a spell and then use his weapon to deliver the touch attack with it.

Wouldn't that be a touch spell thru the weapon and an 'offhand' second spell? Or am I reading that backwards? The example you gave would require dual-wielding weapons, the way I read it.

Male Human Vanguard 14 (AC:28 (32); F:15 R:10 W:13, Perc:+25)
  • HP:94/143 (42)
  • Vanguard Blast: 6/7
  • Swift Spell: 3/5
  • SpellGrapple: 6/7
  • Enhance Weap 13/13
  • Spells: 1st: 2/6, 2d: 3/6, 3rd: 0/5, 4th: 4/5, 5th: 1/2
  • Chaincloth Cloak: 2/3
  • Jingasa negate crit/SA: 0/1
  • Terra Cotta Talisman: Luck Reroll: 1/1, spiritual ally: 1/1
  • Suishen abilities: airwalk: 2/3, see invisibility: 2/3 resist cold: 2/3, daylight:3/3
  • Active effects: Blind, stnskin (120), Images (5), keen, res cold 30, airwalk, end elem, see inv, lt fort, all-round vision, DR10/adam, DR5/pierce, res skin)

Weapon channel for a vanguard very specifically says it's tied to the weapon attack roll. If it misses, the spell is gone. Is the magus one as specific?

|| Per +16 | Fort +10 Ref +11 Will +13 | BAB +10 | CMB +8 | CMD 23 || Init +3 Halfling Oracle of Life/14

Spell combat functions like two-weapon fighting with the spell as the offhand.

Spell Combat:

At 1st level, a magus learns to cast spells and wield his weapons at the same time. This functions much like two-weapon fighting, but the off-hand weapon is a spell that is being cast. To use this ability, the magus must have one hand free (even if the spell being cast does not have somatic components), while wielding a light or one-handed melee weapon in the other hand. As a full-round action, he can make all of his attacks with his melee weapon at a –2 penalty and can also cast any spell from the magus spell list with a casting time of 1 standard action (any attack roll made as part of this spell also takes this penalty). If he casts this spell defensively, he can decide to take an additional penalty on his attack rolls, up to his Intelligence bonus, and add the same amount as a circumstance bonus on his concentration check. If the check fails, the spell is wasted, but the attacks still take the penalty. A magus can choose to cast the spell first or make the weapon attacks first, but if he has more than one attack, he cannot cast the spell between weapon attacks.

At second level the magus gets Spellstrike, which replaces the touch attack from casting a spell with a weapon strike instead.

Spell Strike:

At 2nd level, whenever a magus casts a spell with a range of “touch” from the magus spell list, he can deliver the spell through any weapon he is wielding as part of a melee attack. Instead of the free melee touch attack normally allowed to deliver the spell, a magus can make one free melee attack with his weapon (at his highest base attack bonus) as part of casting this spell. If successful, this melee attack deals its normal damage as well as the effects of the spell. If the magus makes this attack in concert with spell combat, this melee attack takes all the penalties accrued by spell combat melee attacks. This attack uses the weapon’s critical range (20, 19–20, or 18–20 and modified by the keen weapon property or similar effects), but the spell effect only deals ×2 damage on a successful critical hit, while the weapon damage uses its own critical modifier. See FAQ/Errata at right for more information.

And the recent FAQ to how this touch spell through a weapon business works:


Can a magus use spellstrike to cast a touch spell, move, and make a melee attack with a weapon to deliver the touch spell, all in the same round?

Yes. Other than deploying the spell with a melee weapon attack instead of a melee touch attack, the magus spellstrike ability doesn’t change the normal rules for using touch spells in combat. So, just like casting a touch spell, a magus could use spellstrike to cast a touch spell, take a move toward an enemy, then (as a free action) make a melee attack with his weapon to deliver the spell.

On a related topic, the magus touching his held weapon doesn’t count as “touching anything or anyone” when determining if he discharges the spell. A magus could even use the spellstrike ability, miss with his melee attack to deliver the spell, be disarmed by an opponent (or drop the weapon voluntarily, for whatever reason), and still be holding the charge in his hand, just like a normal spellcaster. Furthermore, the weaponless magus could pick up a weapon (even that same weapon) with that hand without automatically discharging the spell, and then attempt to use the weapon to deliver the spell. However, if the magus touches anything other than a weapon with that hand (such as retrieving a potion), that discharges the spell as normal.

Basically, the spellstrike gives the magus more options when it comes to delivering touch spells; it’s not supposed to make it more difficult for the magus to use touch spells.

For the spellstrike ability, no... it's treated as a touch spell, so basically remains charged until you get a hit, or cast another spell.

Female Human Bard/Monk (Martial Artist) 8/1 || Per +14 | Fort +7 Ref +11 Will +9 | BAB +6 | CMB +10 | CMD 24 ||

Question: How many days are we away from the city? I thought it was, at this point, two or less, and under a day by decent boat.

About 100 miles, so 3-ish days.

Level 12 Magus, INIT:6, AC:29, HP:90/90, F:8 R:11 W: 8, Perception 15 (18 Sight)

"If the magus makes this attack in concert with spell combat, this melee attack takes all the penalties accrued by spell combat melee attacks."

I take this to mean that for a touch attack spell, I can attack normally with a -2 then cast the spell and use a second attack to "touch" with it, at -2 also.
If this is not the case please clearify for me.

That was what I was trying to clarify above... straight spell combat is just using a spell as an "off-hand" attack in a full attack action (instead of a second weapon).

But, if you use spellstrike and spell combat simultaneously, they way I read it, you {main hand} cast a touch spell but use your weapon attack to hit and weapon+spell damage if you hit, then {off hand} cast a spell.

Spell-combat is like dual-wield, spell strike is touch spell via weapon.

|| Per +16 | Fort +10 Ref +11 Will +13 | BAB +10 | CMB +8 | CMD 23 || Init +3 Halfling Oracle of Life/14

My interpretation (and the way my magus in another PbP does it) is:

{Main hand} weapon attack
{Off hand} cast spell
{Main hand} weapon attack to deliver spell

Yeah, I see what you mean now... using the spell combat ability to cast a touch spell, which includes a free-action attack, and then use spellstrike to make that attack.

If that's what you were already doing, then disregard my confusion. It's kind of a convoluted rule combo.

Level 12 Magus, INIT:6, AC:29, HP:90/90, F:8 R:11 W: 8, Perception 15 (18 Sight)

Yes Harlan simplified thinks for me but that was what I was doing.

Liberty's Edge

M Half-Orc Holy Mystic Monk

So all the locals in the BONE Quarter look like this?

Whatta bunch of freaks. I'd make the foreigners stay there, too. : )


Liberty's Edge

M Half-Orc Holy Mystic Monk

GM Nomad-
Do you have a listing for the value of Dancing Wasp?

6 MW Shuriken @ 7 gp= 42/2 = 21 gp
4 Skyrockets @ 50 gp= 200/2 = 100 gp
phylactery of faithfulness @ 1000gp/2 = 500 gp

18 arrows - should we just keep these? Mal?
3 vials of ink- again, not really worth selling. Heng will use these to practice his kanji.

Thanks for keeping track of the caravan again, Harlan.

Heng wrote:

GM Nomad-

Do you have a listing for the value of Dancing Wasp?

Dancing Wasp is 12,392 gp. Whispering Shrike is 5,940 gp, if you decide to sell it.

Male Human Vanguard 14 (AC:28 (32); F:15 R:10 W:13, Perc:+25)
  • HP:94/143 (42)
  • Vanguard Blast: 6/7
  • Swift Spell: 3/5
  • SpellGrapple: 6/7
  • Enhance Weap 13/13
  • Spells: 1st: 2/6, 2d: 3/6, 3rd: 0/5, 4th: 4/5, 5th: 1/2
  • Chaincloth Cloak: 2/3
  • Jingasa negate crit/SA: 0/1
  • Terra Cotta Talisman: Luck Reroll: 1/1, spiritual ally: 1/1
  • Suishen abilities: airwalk: 2/3, see invisibility: 2/3 resist cold: 2/3, daylight:3/3
  • Active effects: Blind, stnskin (120), Images (5), keen, res cold 30, airwalk, end elem, see inv, lt fort, all-round vision, DR10/adam, DR5/pierce, res skin)

We can sell Whispering Shrike now, Heng, as well. Forgot about that.

|| Per +16 | Fort +10 Ref +11 Will +13 | BAB +10 | CMB +8 | CMD 23 || Init +3 Halfling Oracle of Life/14

The caravan is fun, but there is a lot to keep track of.

Liberty's Edge

M Half-Orc Holy Mystic Monk

dancing wasp = 12392/2= 6196 gp
whispering shrike = 5940/2 = 2970 gp

total 6196+2970+621 = 9787/5 = 1957.4 gp each

was there any party gear we wanted?

Level 12 Magus, INIT:6, AC:29, HP:90/90, F:8 R:11 W: 8, Perception 15 (18 Sight)

What was the arrows? Do we need to stock consumables on the caravan?

|| Per +16 | Fort +10 Ref +11 Will +13 | BAB +10 | CMB +8 | CMD 23 || Init +3 Halfling Oracle of Life/14

Caravan is fully restocked, I've been putting the money we initially invested to work on supplies. I also put the 500 we got from the stranded merchants in there, but if you guys want that split out just let me know.

Male Human Vanguard 14 (AC:28 (32); F:15 R:10 W:13, Perc:+25)
  • HP:94/143 (42)
  • Vanguard Blast: 6/7
  • Swift Spell: 3/5
  • SpellGrapple: 6/7
  • Enhance Weap 13/13
  • Spells: 1st: 2/6, 2d: 3/6, 3rd: 0/5, 4th: 4/5, 5th: 1/2
  • Chaincloth Cloak: 2/3
  • Jingasa negate crit/SA: 0/1
  • Terra Cotta Talisman: Luck Reroll: 1/1, spiritual ally: 1/1
  • Suishen abilities: airwalk: 2/3, see invisibility: 2/3 resist cold: 2/3, daylight:3/3
  • Active effects: Blind, stnskin (120), Images (5), keen, res cold 30, airwalk, end elem, see inv, lt fort, all-round vision, DR10/adam, DR5/pierce, res skin)

Nah, keep it in the caravan. Rather not get stranded.

|| Per +16 | Fort +10 Ref +11 Will +13 | BAB +10 | CMB +8 | CMD 23 || Init +3 Halfling Oracle of Life/14

Part of me wants to sink some money into the caravan but without knowing if we'll be using it for the entire 6 books I'm hesitant to do that, but having a caravan that moves 40 or 50 miles a day would be pretty cool.

Female Human Bard/Monk (Martial Artist) 8/1 || Per +14 | Fort +7 Ref +11 Will +9 | BAB +6 | CMB +10 | CMD 24 ||

Well, from a (metagame) perspective, I should point out that Kalsgrad will probably be our last chance to upgrade for the entire third adventure. Anything we're going to buy or anyone we're going to hire, we'll need to do it before we leave. Also, I'd just like to point out that that encounter nearly destroyed the caravan we've got - Combat will likely only get much nastier from here.

Just a foreshadow, but the caravan will be pretty prominent for at least pts 3 - 4, and a bit less in 5 - 6 (unless you break off significantly from the flow, kill Ameiko, or fall into an ice crevasse).

BTW, if you want to split the costs to upgrade the caravan (armored wagon, for example), the others are willing to add in 500 gp each (2k total) towards upgrades.

|| Per +16 | Fort +10 Ref +11 Will +13 | BAB +10 | CMB +8 | CMD 23 || Init +3 Halfling Oracle of Life/14

Yeah, the armored wagon with a ballista is a major upgrade at this level and would be well worth it, though it would cut our operational range food wise.

Female Human Bard/Monk (Martial Artist) 8/1 || Per +14 | Fort +7 Ref +11 Will +9 | BAB +6 | CMB +10 | CMD 24 ||

Didn't really have any intention of letting Fynn's name drop just in case someone's keeping an eye on him, but oh well....

Quiet today from most of you... everything alright?

Liberty's Edge

M Half-Orc Holy Mystic Monk

Some folks must have forgotten we have an extra day today and just skipped on to March 1. ; )

Male Human Vanguard 14 (AC:28 (32); F:15 R:10 W:13, Perc:+25)
  • HP:94/143 (42)
  • Vanguard Blast: 6/7
  • Swift Spell: 3/5
  • SpellGrapple: 6/7
  • Enhance Weap 13/13
  • Spells: 1st: 2/6, 2d: 3/6, 3rd: 0/5, 4th: 4/5, 5th: 1/2
  • Chaincloth Cloak: 2/3
  • Jingasa negate crit/SA: 0/1
  • Terra Cotta Talisman: Luck Reroll: 1/1, spiritual ally: 1/1
  • Suishen abilities: airwalk: 2/3, see invisibility: 2/3 resist cold: 2/3, daylight:3/3
  • Active effects: Blind, stnskin (120), Images (5), keen, res cold 30, airwalk, end elem, see inv, lt fort, all-round vision, DR10/adam, DR5/pierce, res skin)

So, after all that cloak and dagger stuff, she just spills the beans on who, what, why to the merchant AFTER he'd agreed to what we needed. Id hate to be inside Maeves head. :)

Female Human Bard/Monk (Martial Artist) 8/1 || Per +14 | Fort +7 Ref +11 Will +9 | BAB +6 | CMB +10 | CMD 24 ||

Except that the key point of all that stuff was on the assumption that the bad guys either didn't know what happened to the sword or had found it a long time ago. That's changed - it's fairly obvious the enemy knows everything we do, and learned it when we did. That's the best explanation for the timing of Suishen's theft. Between that and the attack, we're now not just on the clock, we're completely out of time. And secrecy is pointless because we have no secrets left. They know we're coming, they know who we are, and they're going to be moving fast to either kill us or bail out and regroup. And a local merchant may not be much good as a contact when it comes to the former, the latter might just cause some odd movements in town that would come to his attention.

That's why she shared the bit about Suishen, specifically. It's out of date information - everybody relevant already knows that. But if Fynn doesn't know it, telling him now gives him a feeling of being in on something special. And if he does, he's lying and working for the enemy, so she's given away nothing and potentially fooled him into thinking we trust him.

Male Human Vanguard 14 (AC:28 (32); F:15 R:10 W:13, Perc:+25)
  • HP:94/143 (42)
  • Vanguard Blast: 6/7
  • Swift Spell: 3/5
  • SpellGrapple: 6/7
  • Enhance Weap 13/13
  • Spells: 1st: 2/6, 2d: 3/6, 3rd: 0/5, 4th: 4/5, 5th: 1/2
  • Chaincloth Cloak: 2/3
  • Jingasa negate crit/SA: 0/1
  • Terra Cotta Talisman: Luck Reroll: 1/1, spiritual ally: 1/1
  • Suishen abilities: airwalk: 2/3, see invisibility: 2/3 resist cold: 2/3, daylight:3/3
  • Active effects: Blind, stnskin (120), Images (5), keen, res cold 30, airwalk, end elem, see inv, lt fort, all-round vision, DR10/adam, DR5/pierce, res skin)

She's given away that we specifically are with Ameiko and that Ameiko is the heir. We don't know what the thieves are, whether this guy is complicit and how honed in their location info is, but regardless of all that ... It still makes for great role playing! Carry on!

Male Human Vanguard 14 (AC:28 (32); F:15 R:10 W:13, Perc:+25)
  • HP:94/143 (42)
  • Vanguard Blast: 6/7
  • Swift Spell: 3/5
  • SpellGrapple: 6/7
  • Enhance Weap 13/13
  • Spells: 1st: 2/6, 2d: 3/6, 3rd: 0/5, 4th: 4/5, 5th: 1/2
  • Chaincloth Cloak: 2/3
  • Jingasa negate crit/SA: 0/1
  • Terra Cotta Talisman: Luck Reroll: 1/1, spiritual ally: 1/1
  • Suishen abilities: airwalk: 2/3, see invisibility: 2/3 resist cold: 2/3, daylight:3/3
  • Active effects: Blind, stnskin (120), Images (5), keen, res cold 30, airwalk, end elem, see inv, lt fort, all-round vision, DR10/adam, DR5/pierce, res skin)

I think Harlan may be my favorite character someone else has played, ever. People look at me strange when I laugh at my phone.

|| Per +16 | Fort +10 Ref +11 Will +13 | BAB +10 | CMB +8 | CMD 23 || Init +3 Halfling Oracle of Life/14

Thank you. :D

Unless you specifically don't want to be there, I assume you're all still together. If you want to chime in on either conversation, go for it! (IAW, Maeve isn't alone with the old man, right?)

Liberty's Edge

M Half-Orc Holy Mystic Monk

meh, I figured Heng would just focus on the guide finding. so I specifically just chimed in there. assuming we are reunited though, let's compare notes.

Male Human Vanguard 14 (AC:28 (32); F:15 R:10 W:13, Perc:+25)
  • HP:94/143 (42)
  • Vanguard Blast: 6/7
  • Swift Spell: 3/5
  • SpellGrapple: 6/7
  • Enhance Weap 13/13
  • Spells: 1st: 2/6, 2d: 3/6, 3rd: 0/5, 4th: 4/5, 5th: 1/2
  • Chaincloth Cloak: 2/3
  • Jingasa negate crit/SA: 0/1
  • Terra Cotta Talisman: Luck Reroll: 1/1, spiritual ally: 1/1
  • Suishen abilities: airwalk: 2/3, see invisibility: 2/3 resist cold: 2/3, daylight:3/3
  • Active effects: Blind, stnskin (120), Images (5), keen, res cold 30, airwalk, end elem, see inv, lt fort, all-round vision, DR10/adam, DR5/pierce, res skin)

I totally thought we were split ... Maeve and Mal with the old man. The rest of us with drunk chick.

If you want to be, that's fine. The standard ROE on flex-time is you can be 'everywhere at once', more or less. But Maeve did state the plan for split investigations, so that's cool. (Ameiko also suggested sticking together, but who care what those pesky NPCs say! :P)

If the mass assumption was you were 3 x 2, then once you're done with each scene, you can swap notes back at the caravan...

Female Human Bard/Monk (Martial Artist) 8/1 || Per +14 | Fort +7 Ref +11 Will +9 | BAB +6 | CMB +10 | CMD 24 ||

Edited my last post, didn't see the private communication from Nomad at first.

Maeve Haela wrote:
Edited my last post, didn't see the private communication from Nomad at first.

Yeah, sorry... I put it there a few minutes after the original submit. =)

Liberty's Edge

M Half-Orc Holy Mystic Monk

just a note that I'll be out camping this weekend, so will be out tomorrow until sunday night or monday should the action commence.

NPC me as needed to keep things going.

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