DM NomadSage's Jade Regent OOC

Play-by-Post Discussion

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Liberty's Edge

M Half-Orc Holy Mystic Monk

yeah Harlan, but your damage is low and the bolts wouldn't have made it through his wind barrier. we need some distance spells or someone to put some fly on us.

I could recharge my Ring of the Ram, that's 3d6 ranged force damage. javelins of lightning are 1.5K. flying boots are 16K.

i'm procrastinating instead of packing, but can I just say I'm ready for level 8- that'll be a nice boost : )

Not sure when we're gonna be back in civilization, but i've been thinking about gear. I'd like trade in my Shozoku of Night for standard Bracers of Armor +2. Heng just ain't the ninja type. I'd suggest it go to Maeve, but she's already got a magic suit.

GM Nomsage:
Also thinking i'd like to upgrade the belt of Giant Strength for a Belt of Phys. Perfection with a symbol of Iro-shu buckle. Finally, when I first planned out Heng there wasn't the UC dragon styles which he's become focused on. I'm kinda thinking now i'd like to trade out the avalanche wraps for a silver dragon medallion which would have the same effects, but be more dragon themed and pretty much be an amulet of mighty fists with potential silver dragon powers down the road (detect evil, silver fists...) Also I'm never sure if using fire elemental fist would damage cold handwraps. No offense against the wraps they are a cool concept, but they just seem off as Heng develops.

Female Human Bard/Monk (Martial Artist) 8/1 || Per +14 | Fort +7 Ref +11 Will +9 | BAB +6 | CMB +10 | CMD 24 ||

...I have to admit that Dancing Butterfly is rapidly approaching obsolesence. Once I hit level 8, I'm going to have another Versatile Performance ability, and Dance, being the obvious choice, will pretty much override Dancing Butterfly's passive bonus with the one from the Circlet of Persuasion. Meanwhile, a standard action for partial concealment, while nice, already has to compete with spells like Versatile Weapon and Allegro on offense, and mage armor and mirror image on defense for my very limited self-buff actions. Hitting Bard 7 and getting Good Hope and Haste just makes the problem worse.

Liberty's Edge

M Half-Orc Holy Mystic Monk

not sure if ninja pajamas are your style, Maeve, but the shozoku is +2 armor, +5 stealth and dim light invisibility 1/day if you want it.

My initial intent with the 'named' items was to have them augment with you as you rise in level, keeping them valid throughout the campaign. I totally understand if your character concepts outgrow them, or more powerful/desirable replacement gear comes available.

I was going to have the items upgrade at about 8th, 11th and 14th levels or so... flexible based on the pace of the campaign (which is progged to 'cap out' around 15th). I was going to be creative with the enhanced powers, maybe give you each a menu to choose from, but now that I think about it more, I'm leaning towards giving you more power to choose, so hopefully you can work them into your characters better.

I was originally thinking something along the lines of:

Harlan/Circlet: additional charge abilities (heal, neut poison, restoration, death ward...)
Heng/Wraps: acid/acid burst, cold res 20, freezing ice ability (chance to encase in ice (ala flesh-to-stone) on crit...
Maeve/Dancing: permanent blur, displacement/blink per day...
Malnival/Coat: additional evasion charges, jump, tree stride...
Parity/Cloak: additional charges, improved bonuses...

Its difficult to adjudicate every option... a blanket +x bonus ability or +x gold value is easy, but I'm open to suggestions (within reason). Let me know what you come up with, or discuss if you think its overpowering/lame/etc.

Sounds cool! I have no problems with stacking elemental types - flaming fists are not going to torch the ice wraps. Its all magic/ki in my book.

Liberty's Edge

M Half-Orc Holy Mystic Monk

alright, I'm heading out for the week so NPC me as needed this week until the 7th.

Copy all... enjoy!

Liberty's Edge

M Half-Orc Holy Mystic Monk

Did we divvy all the loot from Tunuak?

potion of barkskin- ?
cloak of resistance +2- Heng
ring of mind shielding- Parity?
staff of journeys- Harlan

demon worshipper's cold weather outfit and unholy symbol- trash

So selling the +1 breastplate and cloak of resistance +1 = 1100

potion of flying is 750 which leaves 350.
i'll set Koya on a potion of owl wisdom if no one wants anything.
half price- 150 ?

Do we have enough resist energy spells for everyone, Harlan?

Liberty's Edge

M Half-Orc Holy Mystic Monk

wand of flame arrow has 9 charges, add it to your sheet Malnival as I think you're the only one who can really use it.
we also have a plethora of curing potions and lesser restorations. if anyone wants them on hand lemme know.

a mwk heavy xbow, fire wine, and mwk net can likely be sold off as well.

|| Per +16 | Fort +10 Ref +11 Will +13 | BAB +10 | CMB +8 | CMD 23 || Init +3 Halfling Oracle of Life/14

I have 7 castings of Resist Energy, that should be enough for the five of us, plus the scout if we're feeling generous. :D

Liberty's Edge

M Half-Orc Holy Mystic Monk

i've got all these in the party loot:

2 clay vials of cure light wounds
1 potions of cure moderate wounds
3 potions of lesser restoration
5 potions of cure light wounds (1 each)

take the cure mod and a couple of cure light. Cure light is prob gettgin inefficient.

Female Human Bard/Monk (Martial Artist) 8/1 || Per +14 | Fort +7 Ref +11 Will +9 | BAB +6 | CMB +10 | CMD 24 ||

...also, I note that Maeve has in reserve enough cash for her own Potion of Fly, albiet I had intended to save that up for other things. Oh well, if now isn't an emergency, I don't know what is.

Note, there's only one potion of fly available for purchase.

Liberty's Edge

M Half-Orc Holy Mystic Monk

Does Maeve want some ranged attack other than UMD-ing her wand?

Does Quasit boy have any magic weapons?

Do we have any plans other than Maeve and Heng rush around behind it, Mal and Parity attack from the front corners and Harlan don't get eaten?

I've got elemental fire fists and Parity Suishen
Mal and possibly Maeve have scorching ray.
I can give Qalvanaq alchemists fire to throw...

if it flies Parity can follow and do we want myself or Mal to get the one potion of fly? Mal can do some big damage with a spell strike and if hasted maybe we should give him the potion.

Female Human Bard/Monk (Martial Artist) 8/1 || Per +14 | Fort +7 Ref +11 Will +9 | BAB +6 | CMB +10 | CMD 24 ||

At this point, the wand's going to be useless against non-humanoid opponents thanks to spell resistance kicking in. That especially applies to the dragon. I've got some alchemist's fire and acid flasks left (the latter won't be great but they'll work.)

Maeve can take Harlan's Flame Weapon spell on her fists, as she said, but that's going to be dependent on being able to get to the dragon - not a guarantee every round.

Qal's has a +1 handaxe.

Female Human Bard/Monk (Martial Artist) 8/1 || Per +14 | Fort +7 Ref +11 Will +9 | BAB +6 | CMB +10 | CMD 24 ||

Hmmm...just trying to think of some way to pull this one happens to have Fly on a scroll, do they? If we have a few days, Mal might be able to work with Koya to make the potions if we add Fly to his spellbook.

Yeah, really reaching now.

Liberty's Edge

M Half-Orc Holy Mystic Monk

OK, and finally if we can get the dragon in his lair or to chase us into his lair where flight might be somewhat limited, we should go with that?

I guess we have as much of a plan as we're going to have. stupid flying dragons...

Mal's got the potion of flight.

Koya will make a potion of owl wisdom for me and we're ready to go?

Liberty's Edge

M Half-Orc Holy Mystic Monk

Maeve- the spell has to be known by the potionmaker. I already looked. also I can give you half my shuriken and the flame arrow wand so you have something to throw.

Female Human Bard/Monk (Martial Artist) 8/1 || Per +14 | Fort +7 Ref +11 Will +9 | BAB +6 | CMB +10 | CMD 24 ||

...right. Although the scroll is probably worth considering anyway. If the enemies continue the heavy air-and-storm theme we're already looking at, this problem isn't going away.

|| Per +16 | Fort +10 Ref +11 Will +13 | BAB +10 | CMB +8 | CMD 23 || Init +3 Halfling Oracle of Life/14

When we hit civilization we'll make fly a priority. :D

Liberty's Edge

M Half-Orc Holy Mystic Monk

Fly might be a suitable power up for Maeve's Butterfly dress...

Heng wrote:
Fly might be a suitable power up for Maeve's Butterfly dress...


Female Human Bard/Monk (Martial Artist) 8/1 || Per +14 | Fort +7 Ref +11 Will +9 | BAB +6 | CMB +10 | CMD 24 ||

...that works. ^^ I think I can afford to make do serving as a buff dispenser for the dragon fight if need be. Finales, Versatile Weapon for Heng for the better enhancement bonus, and the like. Of course, if the dragon comes down on the ground I can certainly throw a punch or three.

Forgot to tell you the properties of the claws of the ice bear... they are enchanted climbing spikes, strapped to the hands, with metal claws on a palm-side plate. They grant a +2 competence bonus to Climb checks and Acrobatics checks made when using both hands to aid in movement, and allow the wearer to ignore the normal penalties on those skills for slippery or icy surfaces. In addition, up to 3 times per day, the wearer can activate the claws as a swift action to gain the benefits of spider climb for 1 round. The wearer cannot hold anything else in their hands while using the claws. If used as a weapon, they function as spiked gauntlets.

Level 12 Magus, INIT:6, AC:29, HP:90/90, F:8 R:11 W: 8, Perception 15 (18 Sight)

Some reason the Discussion page hasn't been showing post for me.

Female Human Bard/Monk (Martial Artist) 8/1 || Per +14 | Fort +7 Ref +11 Will +9 | BAB +6 | CMB +10 | CMD 24 ||

Hey, guys. Some things have come up and I'm not going to be able to post for a few days, most likely. Hope to be back up and running by Friday at the latest, but just roll around me until then.

@ Mal - boards have been acting funny today... try reposting?

@ Maeve - hope its nothing bad, but no worries if you have to take more time...

Liberty's Edge

M Half-Orc Holy Mystic Monk

Nevermind, I didn't add a charge bonus. I was just getting creative about how far I could push dragon style charge to be more of a wuxia flying master flavor. huh, just saw the flying jump kick feat, that's what I need!

EDIT:oops, just saw that was 3rd party. I thought there was some kind of Paizo jumping kick feat though.

There used to be a flying kick feat in the old 3.5 Complete Warrior days, IIRC. I'm surprised some version didn't make it into APG or UC. Then again, there's not a lot of monk-love coming from Paizo...

I'll admit I'm not read up on all the forum arguments, but based on a review of the monk ki abilities and the haste spell, I'd say they don't stack. Mainly, the "this effect is not cumulative..." portion of the spell seems to preclude it.

Are there any cogent counter-arguments on the boards?

|| Per +16 | Fort +10 Ref +11 Will +13 | BAB +10 | CMB +8 | CMD 23 || Init +3 Halfling Oracle of Life/14

In the games I run I generally allow it. The monk has to spend 1 ki to get an extra attack and can only do so during a flurry. The flurry is treated as using the improved two weapon fighting chain and is different enough that I don't see much of a problem. One of my players is a level 11 monk using a magic item that allows him to count as a monk 5 levels higher for purposes of damage and he isn't really lighting the world on fire even flurry + haste + ki spent.

If it wasn't a used resource I might feel differently but since there are so many good uses of ki and it's a limited pool it doesn't seem to be unbalanced. That party also has a ninja turning himself invisible and sneak attacking with two weapons every round of the fight so there are worse things.

Monk's Robe

Female Human Bard/Monk (Martial Artist) 8/1 || Per +14 | Fort +7 Ref +11 Will +9 | BAB +6 | CMB +10 | CMD 24 ||

And you two pretty much came ip with the whole forum argument in a nutshell. "No consensus"

... which sums up half the monk-related discussions, lol!

Female Human Bard/Monk (Martial Artist) 8/1 || Per +14 | Fort +7 Ref +11 Will +9 | BAB +6 | CMB +10 | CMD 24 ||

Yah. Basically, the argument "for" is that the monk ability, unlike most "extra action" abilities, doesn't specifically call out the "doesn't stack" thing, and the argument against is that it's clearly just an oversight and there isn't supposed to be any way to get more than one additional attack in a round. Since I'm not planning on taking any more levels in Monk and can't get a ki pool as one anyway, it's really more to do with Heng than me.

Liberty's Edge

M Half-Orc Holy Mystic Monk

I don't mind it not stacking. I guess flurry already feels like Ki powered haste effect. I already run fast and have some Wis AC bonus so no biggy.

agreed that monk is a mess though. I think they really tried to stay too close to first ed and it really needs a reimagining. I'm still enjoying Heng though so it's all good.

just don't put me in a Body Wrap of Mighty Strikes. that has got to be the cheesiest magic item ever. does it come with a facial and pedi?

OMIGOD, A MUMMY! Burn it! oh, nevermind. it's the monk.

LOL! The grief coming from the UE items is pretty funny, especially the "body wrap". That somehow slipped past the quality check!

Female Human Bard/Monk (Martial Artist) 8/1 || Per +14 | Fort +7 Ref +11 Will +9 | BAB +6 | CMB +10 | CMD 24 ||

Well, the body wraps (whose proper name I don't really know) are at least somewhat justified in terms of what they do, and do exist. It's basically a long bandage that you tie tightly around your torso to give some extra support. HOW they do it, on the other hand, is just an example of bizarre thinking that monks are somehow on the cusp of being overpowered and unarmed fighters need to be given a massive boost to let them compete. It's pretty much completely at odds with how things APPEAR to be intended to work. I can't really comprehend where they're coming from.

EDIT: ...that said, I do have to admit that Maeve would probably be better off wearing Brawling armor, using the body-wraps, and then dropping in an AoMF with the special properties she wants still later. At least from a pure optimization standpoint, one level of flurry isn't great even if (for her) the ability to enchant her body as a magic weapon is.

Male Human Vanguard 14 (AC:28 (32); F:15 R:10 W:13, Perc:+25)
  • HP:94/143 (42)
  • Vanguard Blast: 6/7
  • Swift Spell: 3/5
  • SpellGrapple: 6/7
  • Enhance Weap 13/13
  • Spells: 1st: 2/6, 2d: 3/6, 3rd: 0/5, 4th: 4/5, 5th: 1/2
  • Chaincloth Cloak: 2/3
  • Jingasa negate crit/SA: 0/1
  • Terra Cotta Talisman: Luck Reroll: 1/1, spiritual ally: 1/1
  • Suishen abilities: airwalk: 2/3, see invisibility: 2/3 resist cold: 2/3, daylight:3/3
  • Active effects: Blind, stnskin (120), Images (5), keen, res cold 30, airwalk, end elem, see inv, lt fort, all-round vision, DR10/adam, DR5/pierce, res skin)

Soooo ... I just realized that the Gameplay updated tab and the Discussion update tab are separate ... so one can go inactive and not show updates while the other does.

Damn it.

All that to tell you that I haven't been ignoring you! I just caught up on 3 weeks of posts like right now.

Hmmm ... so, anyhow ... would've like to hop in the OOC Maeve/Ame/Parity discussion while it was happening, but suffice it to say ... role playing is role playing. Perception is what makes this great. All players in this scenario think they're right ... and probably are from their perspective. Interesting moral discussion, BTW ... some translation to real life in a way. Somalia, terrorists, shooting children running at you with grenades (my father saw that in Vietnam ...).

But as for the in-character stuff... I enjoyed it. Parity is a tangle of angst, ignorance, pride and misplaced softer emotions. He was never taught morality but I do believe that people are inherently inclined to help one another out. He's desensitized to violence, but doesn't seek it out. There are some other conflicting emotions with Ame that confuse him as well. Parity will likely engage with Maeve in character at some point but certainly not with a dragon on the mind. :) Let's be real, now!

Speaking of which, sorry about missing the planning ... and the loot divvy ... and pretty much everything else. Parity thinks the ring of mind-shielding is probably better sold than used on him. He could wear it, but I dont see the advantage.

As for the monk discussion ... ah, to hell with it. I'm so over monks :)

Sorry again ... and by the way, married life = AWESOME. Love this woman. She's fabulous.

Most of you have probably already run Curse of the Crimson Throne as a player or GM, but... I just put up a RECRUITMENT THREAD to start a new PbP game. You've all been awesome players, and would love to have you play that also (if you're interested). =)

Female Human Bard/Monk (Martial Artist) 8/1 || Per +14 | Fort +7 Ref +11 Will +9 | BAB +6 | CMB +10 | CMD 24 ||

Actually, I have not run through any of the 3.5 APs in any form, having pretty much picked up the game with Pathfinder. Since I just got out of the S&S game I was playing, give me a day or two to consider ideas.

Level 12 Magus, INIT:6, AC:29, HP:90/90, F:8 R:11 W: 8, Perception 15 (18 Sight)

I started it on PBP but it fell apart I would like to submit Kazadarin, an Urban Ranger, if you would have me.

Liberty's Edge

M Half-Orc Holy Mystic Monk

trying to resist... and failing... Pitr would fit CotCT perfectly.

never played or ran it, but I have flipped through a couple of the books at some point.

|| Per +16 | Fort +10 Ref +11 Will +13 | BAB +10 | CMB +8 | CMD 23 || Init +3 Halfling Oracle of Life/14

Ooooh...yes I am very interested. I have a rogue statted up for a Way of the Wicked game that he didn't get into. I need to retool him from the point buy of that game and change his alignment from LE to something more heroic. I'll apply with him tonight.

|| Per +16 | Fort +10 Ref +11 Will +13 | BAB +10 | CMB +8 | CMD 23 || Init +3 Halfling Oracle of Life/14

Hmmm, now I don't know. Reading players guide now, working on concept.

Hehe... will be difficult to compete you guys vs the horde of other applicants! =)

|| Per +16 | Fort +10 Ref +11 Will +13 | BAB +10 | CMB +8 | CMD 23 || Init +3 Halfling Oracle of Life/14

Yeah there are a lot of people interested. I'm going to submit an arcane caster, that field looks pretty empty right now. How do you feel about summoners? I'm not going to build a cheesy synthesist or something like that if I go that route, just bouncing between that and sorcerer and witch.

I wouldn't miss the opportunity for another nomadsage game. My submission is in.

Level 12 Magus, INIT:6, AC:29, HP:90/90, F:8 R:11 W: 8, Perception 15 (18 Sight)

I can change mine if you want.

|| Per +16 | Fort +10 Ref +11 Will +13 | BAB +10 | CMB +8 | CMD 23 || Init +3 Halfling Oracle of Life/14

Whew, decision made and back story submitted.

Female Human Bard/Monk (Martial Artist) 8/1 || Per +14 | Fort +7 Ref +11 Will +9 | BAB +6 | CMB +10 | CMD 24 ||

Argh! and someone goes right for the character concept I had while I was asleep....oh well, I'll give it a try.

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