Need help - Background story

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

The Exchange

Hello everyone.

I am in the process of making a background story for this clash Race with 2 Templates.

Baxter is the character Name:
Race type is Kobold:
Templates: ½ Dragon Umbral and ½ Fiend.

Please help me with a funny and really cool story back Gound for this character.

Thank you.

PS: If you need a class type its going to be a Monk

Grand Lodge

Oh wow.

Maybe a Rovagug cult was casting an epic ritual spell to summon "The Black Hand of Horror", an incredibly powerful demonic umbral dragon. When the Silver Crusade rushed in at the nick of time and slew the Head Priest mid chant, only 1% of the Rituals words had been said, and "The Black Hand of Horror" emerged at only 1% of his true strength.

In the chaos, the runtish creature was smuggled away and then abandoned, where a monastery master saw the creature as a mewling anomaly and took it in to be cared for and raised.

What's alignment?

The Exchange

KestlerGunner wrote:

Oh wow.

What's alignment?

Awesome With your responce.

Lawful for the Monk at lease.

Neutral or Evil.

KestlerGunner wins at internets. That's such an awesome story, that I'm tempted to revisit a possible kobold NPC build that I deemed too pathetic even for its comedic value. Hell, I'm turning that into an adventure.

But I would personally make "The BHH" fully aware of who he is and give him an insufferable god complex.

Salarain, you either go with KG's idea or live with the unbearable guilt.

Grand Lodge

If you do this right, the tall, handsome, impossibly noble paladin who slew the Rovagug Head Priest during the ritual must be your arch-enemy. He's the one that stole your destiny! He must pay!

I want to play this lil' dude now. I think he'd be awesome.

The Exchange

Salarain wrote:

Hello everyone.

I am in the process of making a background story for this clash Race with 2 Templates.

Baxter is the character Name:
Race type is Kobold:
Templates: ½ Dragon Umbral and ½ Fiend.

Please help me with a funny and really cool story back Gound for this character.

Thank you.

PS: If you need a class type its going to be a Monk

I decided with Lawful Netural for the Monk Class.

What other more stories that you guys think of fit to the story?

Once again thank you for the begaining part. To help out a little bit of the story. Baxter has also a twin Sister and Her name is Pat-Taz.

Please input more to the Background story.

I think baxter is a better name for a bard. MAybe make him have studied an ancient techinque of terrifying both sides into not fighting and how to fight around traps.

Mother, hideous kobold shadowcrafter who once summoned an incubus and mated, but she had to grant him one request.
He helped her increase her grasp on the realm of shadows, but what she didn't know was that he impregnated her and on purpose let the shadows change the child inside of her.
When she realized what he did, she wanted to kill the baby, but the incubus requested that the child would be provided for.
In desperation the Mother gave the child to a (racially very open minded) monastary.

The monks saw that something was wrong and teached him self-control and how to live in harmony with oneself.

Salarain wrote:

I decided with Lawful Netural for the Monk Class.

What other more stories that you guys think of fit to the story?

Once again thank you for the begaining part. To help out a little bit of the story. Baxter has also a twin Sister and Her name is Pat-Taz.

Please input more to the Background story.

This is what hit me:

A Paladin 20/Cleric 20 was sent by Torag himself to stop the summoning of the Black Hand of Horror. The Paladin and his Monk sidekick burst in and stop the ritual to summon the Black Hand of Horror just as it was getting started. Near the end of the fight, the Paladin/Cleric casts Joyful Rapture to cure the Wisdom drain on his Monk chum. The altar happened to be within range and the spell interacts strangely with the dark magic of the ritual causing a new Black Hand of Horror to appear. This one, however, is the exact opposite of the original right down to being a female (though still at 1% of the power of the original BHH). After the battle, the Monk felt pity on the two little creatures and dropped them off at a monastery on the way back home.

If Pat-Taz is also in the party, I would remember that siblings will bicker and outright fight at pretty much every opportunity even/especially when they are fiercely protective of each other. Pat should always refer to Baxter as The Black Hand of Horror in a mocking way and love to play jokes on him while he is extremely serious and full of himself. I would even check with the DM about letting them have their own secret twin language as one of their bonus languages. And she should totally be a religious class like a cleric or oracle. Maybe even *gasp* a paladin (much to her brother's dismay).

The Exchange

Hello everyone,

I want to say thank you those took in part; for this wonderful inspiring that inputted ideals to this background story. The ideals were so most helpful for me.

Question too all those whom inputted to this thread. Would any of you aloud such a creature type as a PC? And tell me how would enjoy role-playing this PC.

Now keep in mind this ideal is to have fun with.

And Yes, I am running such a PC in one of my members PF group on sundays.

Once again thank you all.

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