Creating Believable Heroes From Popular Culture


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Liberty's Edge

DeathQuaker wrote:
You are welcome in your belief that a mortal woman who slew the entire Greek pantheon (save two she intentionally spared)... and Grendel... and a host of other powerful mythical creatures... is only 10th level.

Pfft. The entire Greek pantheon appears to be about a CR 12 encounter. A balor would have wiped the floor with them.

DeathQuaker wrote:
Xena is 20+ levels fighter/monk....

I'd just say pure monk, with the weapon adept archetype. Add in a house rule that allows her to use base weapons like monk weapons, and take a feat or two to make up for what was lost by taking the archetype (improved unarmed strike, for one).

Her "cheap shots" can be duplicated via stunning fist (using a magic weapon that allows such things to be used through the sword) and other monk feats. While very few of the weapons on any show are magical, Pathfinder assumes that you have some. Some things have to give in order to effectively translate the rest.

So basically there are a million ways to build any number of people and this argument is Moot.

Gailbraithe wrote:
DeathQuaker wrote:
You are welcome in your belief that a mortal woman who slew the entire Greek pantheon (save two she intentionally spared)... and Grendel... and a host of other powerful mythical creatures... is only 10th level.
Pfft. The entire Greek pantheon appears to be about a CR 12 encounter. A balor would have wiped the floor with them.

Yeah, this tends to happen in most dettings.

i'm inclined to agree. most tv-series deities are chumps. not to say they don't wield awe-inspiring power, but they don't approach it as fearsomely methodically as a player character would.

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