Need Advice on Pathfinder Adventures


Hello Everyone!

Some Background,
It's been 3 years since my last venture into RPGing.
I have a bad habit of selling things I don't use for a few years and unloaded my 3.5 ed. stuff about a year ago.
Now I'm getting back into the hobby and picked up a Pathfinder RPG rulebook today.

What I need from posters on this board is suggestions on modules, be them adventure path or just modules.
I'm looking for a basic dungeon crawl adventures from Pathfinder something to take my group starting from level one OR level 3.

So please post some good Pathfinder Dungeon crawls.

For example I like the picture on page 14 of the core Pathfinder rulebook about the example of play, was that a good Dungeon crawl adventure? or was it a Pathfinder adventure path book? if so which one?

Please no adventure paths before Legacy of Fire (think that's the name) as I bought that today also and it's 3.5 looking for Pathfinder system only.

Thanks for your time..........

Chris: I'd jump in to a subscription now to get in on the start of the Jade Regent AP, which is showing signs of increasing excellence. Get it first and get it with savings, says I. If you're anti-subscription or don't want an AP that is going to trend increasingly towards a fantasy Orient as it progresses, then I'd get Kingmaker -- although maybe from your comments you are really more about the dungeon crawl and others' advice would fit you better. (If you were willing to run the already acquired Legacy of Fire that would get you some dungeon crawl and accessories already out to help you run it: minis, paper minis, and 3d dungeon tiles, among them. I don't think you'd really have to update that much -- you might want to search from threads that might already be working on that.)

Welcome back!

Mairkurion {tm} wrote:

Chris: I'd jump in to a subscription now to get in on the start of the Jade Regent AP, which is showing signs of increasing excellence. Get it first and get it with savings, says I. If you're anti-subscription or don't want an AP that is going to trend increasingly towards a fantasy Orient as it progresses, then I'd get Kingmaker -- although maybe from your comments you are really more about the dungeon crawl and others' advice would fit you better. (If you were willing to run the already acquired Legacy of Fire that would get you some dungeon crawl and accessories already out to help you run it: minis, paper minis, and 3d dungeon tiles, among them. I don't think you'd really have to update that much -- you might want to search from threads that might already be working on that.)

Welcome back!

I had a sub, way back in the day and stopped at #9 but will continue through other sources, I'm not in the U.S (can't blame a guy to save $3 per issue can ya?)

Kingmaker interests me and will listen to Pathfinder podcast issue 8 and 11? to find out about the first 2 issues of Kingmaker.

Any other comments from anyone feel free to post!

Thanks Mairkurion!

Yeah, I hear ya -- my advice fits US customers better (unless they are pdf users, in which case, back to subscription).

Chronicles is a great resource for Kingmaker. Flagons & Dragons started down that road, but they got stalled somewhere...hopefully they'll finish that campaign up and record more shows on it.

Mairkurion {tm} wrote:

Yeah, I hear ya -- my advice fits US customers better (unless they are pdf users, in which case, back to subscription).

Chronicles is a great resource for Kingmaker. Flagons & Dragons started down that road, but they got stalled somewhere...hopefully they'll finish that campaign up and record more shows on it.

Listening to chronicles podcast #8 I will pass on Kingmaker, my group likes to get lead around, too a point and I think Kingmaker will be a bad fit for a first adventure with a 3 year absence.

a year down the road yes it would make a good starting adventure.

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The module Crypt of the Everflame is designed as an introduction for 1st level characters. It has special sidebars that explain some of the specific rule changes from 3.5.

It also has two "sequel" adventures that you could use if you want to stick to modules after the first one.

Silver Crusade

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Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Hollow's Last Hope, despite being 3.5 and requiring a small amount of conversion work, remains my favourite intro adventure.

Oh, and it's free!

Pathfinder Adventure, Lost Omens Subscriber

Evil Lincoln and Gorbacz are both correct -- Crypt and Hollow's are excellent low-level adventures.

Additionally, FWIW, I think Realm of the Fellnight Queen is excellent. It's a wilderness adventure, though, not a dungeon crawl.

And it's hard to go wrong with the adventure paths. A lot of crunch for your money.

Hey thanks for the replies peeps!

I think I will try and steer away from 3.5 modules, this is not an excuse but time constrains.
I have to read the core rulebook, the adventure module I go with and any and all books I purchase before we make characters. I will be picking up 3-4 other products like players guide, ultimate magic, GM's guide and bestiary. So I prefer to play Pathfinder adventures so little conversion work has to be done.

Dungeon crawl may have been the wrong choice or words, more action packed adventure, lots of encounters for the first outing.

I'm going to recommend Crypt of the Everflame. It's Pathfinder module for level 1 characters, and it was released right when Pathfinder RPG came out so it has lots of sidebars and stuff to address the differences between game systems between Pathfinder and 3.5e, which makes it more handy for someone who maybe isn't intimately familiar with the Core Rulebook yet.

I have only read it, not ran it, but the comments and feedback it received when first published suggested it was a challenging adventure. (I recall some complaint of TPK either in the product discussion or another thread.)

Basically, the party are a group of people from the local community that are being sent on a rite of passage to retrieve the Everflame from the Crypt of the Everflame. This is meant to be a mildly challenging adventure for the young people that focuses on problem-solving and team-building exercises, all under the pretext that the place is haunted/dangerous. Unfortunately, the crypt has been tampered with by interlopers from outside the village and the challenges have been replaced by deathtraps and real monsters.

Anyway, that might be worth a look for you.

There were two modules released as sequential follow-ups to it as well, making one arc in three parts.

Regarding CotE and Total Party Kills, it is probably

The shadow encounter on the first level. If the party has no mage or the wrong spells, or takes the encounter too early, it will kill them.

I listened to Chronicles podcast EPS. #1-3(well half of three) Yes and CotE sounded good.
I then jumped ahead and listened to ep#8 and tonight finished it at work and have to tell ya I may do kingmaker instead, it sounds great!

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