seekerofshadowlight |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

After thinking it over and getting some interest a while ago, I have decided I will start up an Eclipse Phase PBP.
The game will start with each player as a fire wall agent, you need not be an active agent and can have a life outside of firewall. The game will be set in Earth orbit (Meduim earth orbit really) at earths L1 Lagrange point.The setting will be a torues habitat, a former high end hotel know as "The ArcRoyal " Mostly known now days as the Arc. Once a place for the rich with fabulous spas, spacious rooms and gardens and breathtaking views of earth, the arc has seen better days. Now its an over crowed station, its luster long gown, mostly home to the destitute and those with no other place to go or those not wanting to be seen by places with more security. Its gardens replaced with shanty towns, its spars and rooms now repurposed and replaced with crap quarters. Only a few powerful elite still on the station still live in the upper section.
The station is a port of call for scavengers, scum barges , criminals and those with no other place to go.
Each Pc would need a reason to be on the Arc, business, thrill seeking, being stuck there or the like. They would also need to list how they got there, ship (what kind), infogee,refugee or egocast.
So anyone willing to defend Transhumanity from all comers?
Books: I allow the core book, sunward and gatecrashing , although please list were and from what page you have gotten things.

J. Christopher Harris |

I've never participated in a pbp, but I've recently gotten my hands on a couple of the books (core and 'Sunward', have 'Gatecrashing' on order) and would love to play this game however possible. So if you still have room, I'm game. If so, what timeline are we looking at for starting up? I can have a character ready to go by tomorrow.

seekerofshadowlight |

It will be standard character creation, I will be using the errata and I do allow all three books ( Core, Sunward and gatecrashing) if you have them. I do ask you list page numbers and books for items from sunward and Gatecrashing, it just makes it easier on me.
If someone needs more info i=on the inner system and earth orbit itself let me know.

![]() |

So, character synopsis - an octomorph uplift who is of a mercurial faction; he has a certain fondness for the works of Mythos writers, particularly Lovecraft, and feels a certain affinity for Cthulhu and his star-spawn. He's somewhere between a scavenger and a xenobiologist/genehacker in his skills, and a staunch believer in the supremacy of the octoform biological design due to how well it works in zero gravity.

Mark Sweetman |

Cool - thanks Seeker, am working up the spider AI as we speak. Is my first time building a character for this system, so will likely have numerous errors.
Have some prelim aptitude and skill values (pre-morph) in spoiler below. It's looking to be pretty useless in social situations, but has beam weapons for combat plus a bucketload of computer skills.
Cognition: 30
Coordination: 15
Intuition: 10
Reflexes: 15
Savvy: 10
Somatics: 15
Willpower: 10
(total of 105 aptitude points)
Active Skills: (400 total spent)
Beam Weapons – Coo – Active, Combat
15 Coo + 45 Bought = 60 (45 CP spent)
Fray – Ref – Active, Combat
15 Ref + 45 Bought = 60 (45 CP spent)
Freerunning – Som – Active, Physical
15 Som + 45 Bought = 60 (45 CP spent)
Hardware: [Electronics] – Cog – Active, Technical
30 Cog + 20 Bought + 10 Faction = 60 (20 CP spent)
Hardware: [Industrial] – Cog – Active, Technical
30 Cog + 30 Bought = 60 (30 CP spent)
Hardware: [Robotics] – Cog – Active, Technical
30 Cog + 20 Bought + 10 Faction = 60 (20 CP spent)
Infosec – Cog – Active, Technical
30 Cog + 50 Bought = 80 (35 CP spent)
Interfacing – Cog – Active, Technical
30 Cog + 30 Background + 20 Bought = 80 (20 CP spent)
Networking: [Firewall] – Sav – Active, Social
10 Sav +10 Bought = 20 (20 CP spent)
Networking: [Scientists] – Sav – Active, Social
10 Sav +20 Faction = 30
Perception – Int – Active, Mental
10 Int + 50 Bought = 60 (50 CP spent)
Programming – Cog – Active, Technical
30 Cog + 50 Bought = 80 (35 CP spent)
Research – Cog – Active, Technical
30 Cog + 50 Bought = 80 (35 CP spent)
(Infosec, Interfacing, Programming and Research 1/2 cost from background. Networking double cost from background)
Knowledge Skills: (320 spent)
Academics: [Astronomy] – Cog – Knowledge
30 Cog + 30 Bought = 60 (30 CP spent)
Academics: [Astrophysics] – Cog – Knowledge
30 Cog + 30 Bought = 60 (30 CP spent)
Academics: [Computer Science] – Cog – Knowledge
30 Cog + 30 Bought = 60 (30 CP spent)
Academics: [Engineering] – Cog – Knowledge
30 Cog + 30 Bought = 60 (30 CP spent)
Academics: [Geology] – Cog – Knowledge
30 Cog + 30 Bought = 60 (30 CP spent)
Academics: [Mathematics] – Cog – Knowledge
30 Cog + 30 Bought = 60 (30 CP spent)
Academics: [Memetics] – Cog – Knowledge
30 Cog + 30 Bought = 60 (30 CP spent)
Academics: [Nanotechnology] – Cog – Knowledge
30 Cog + 30 Bought = 60 (30 CP spent)
Language: [English] – Int – Knowledge
10 Int + 40 Bought = 50 (40 CP spent)
Language: [Mandarin] – Int – Knowledge
10 Int + 40 Bought = 50 (40 CP spent)
Language: [Russian] – Int – Knowledge
70 Native + 10 Int = 80

Jonasty1031 |

Character concept is set. Hashing out the mechanics now.
Character is a zero-one G (Original Space Colonist) Argonaut, probably using a Bouncer biomorph. He's spent almost his entire life traveling the stars however he can, living much of his time in zero or near-zero gravity. Being planetside has never appealed to him but when needs must. Living amongst the cold vaccum of space he has developed a strong sense of the importance of technology in maintaining transhuman life, for without it there would be no space flight or space life.
He will be on the Arc as either part of a Reclamation team or one that recently disbanded. He's been attempting to salvage whatever technology he can from Earth's orbit, always looking for anything that will further advance today's science, despite the inherrent risks those salvages entail.

seekerofshadowlight |

What issue are you having with the morph?
Edit: I see what you are saying. Here is what I will do
Large Hominid Morph
Implante: Basic Biomods,Basic Mesh Inserts,Cortical Stack, Prehensile Feet
Aptitude Max:30
Durability : 40
Wound Threshold : 7
Advantages : +5 COO, +5 INT, +10 SOM, +10 Climbing
CP Cost : 40
Credit Cost : Expensive

J. Christopher Harris |

Fantastic, and thanks! Working on the sheet, which I'll have done by tonight (have to go work for a bit), but so far I've got:
Uplifted Mountain Gorilla
After long observation and reading of history, and what he can absorb of evolution, he's come by the notion that mankind's dominance could've just as easily happened for any other primate, and he also believes that the end results would have certainly been better. Like mountain gorillas, say, for example.
He secretly daydreams about Earth being reclaimed, or some other planet discovered, and inhabited by his kind, somehow cutting humans out of the deal. He doesn't hate them, but sees them as hopelessly flawed, selfish, and shortsighted, whereas he and his are physically superior now, just as smart, and naturally inclined to look out for the well being of their people (under fair but firm leadership, of course).
He does, however, like humanity's comics, cigars, and guns.
(more later, have to run!)

J. Christopher Harris |

Actually going to change him up a little bit:
A bit misanthropic, but not so extreme. Since evacuation he's been working as contract private security, a bouncer, etc, with occasional low points of day labor or jobs involving work at dangerous heights.
He does hope for a big score one day, with the vague plan of pooling resources with other uplifts (preferably other gorillas) for a private habitat somewhere, even though he doesn't really know any other uplifted gorillas very well. He's trained extensively in unarmed combat and blunt weaponry.

Shunka Warakin |

IF it should turn out that you have an opening, should I sort of pre-prep a character bio and sheet, and if so, do you have any suggestions as to what roles the group is 'light' on? I notice in EP very often one ends up with 'fighter, hacker, tech, scientist' and misses out on having a 'face or a medic.
I'm seeing in this thread:
Kassil------------------Uplift Octomorph/Mercurial - Scavenger/Xenobio
Mark Sweetman-----------Infomorph/Argonaut - Arachnid, Computer Interface/Hacking
Balodek-----------------Ultimate Merc/Fury - Fighter type, Merc template
Jonasty-----------------OSG/Argonaut - Bouncer, Salvage artist
J. Christopher Harris---Uplift Simian/Mercurial - Fighter type
Sure enough, seems like a lack of a 'face or a medic. :)
And if I'm asking too soon, I apologize if I sound like a pest. I don't mean to be. Just wandered by Paizo, saw it had been a week, and thought I would check in.