J-Spee Lovecraft |

Sooo, this may seem like a dumb question but if a druid multiclasses and takes on another class that normally grants it new weapon proficiencies, does it have any restrictions? I know they can't wear metal armor without losing the ability to cast spells but I wasn't sure if wielding different weapons would handicap them in the same way. Like, could a druid 3/barbarian 2 wield a battleaxe without being prohibited from casting spells? HALP!
- Spee

pipedreamsam |

Nope there is no interference in the druids spells from using a battleaxe with proficiency gained from another class. Just as a fighter/wizard looking to take ranks in eldritch knight doesn't take any penalties to spellcasting from using say a scythe. This is why there is no column on the weapons chart for arcane spell fail chance, it simply doesn't exist.

HappyDaze |
Druids are not prohibited from using metal tools or weapons of any kind. In other words, you are allowed to use your metal weapons with no prohibitions.
Metal armor is still a taboo.
There is a suggestive line in Faiths of Balance that Gorum has metal-clad battle-druids. Hopefully we will see more on them in Magic of Golarion.