How to Make Spells and Influence People

Homebrew and House Rules

This thread is about one thing: New spells. Whether those spells are variations on existing spells or entirely new spells of your own design. Criticism is not only welcome but but encouraged.

Here's a template to keep things nice and neat. Just delete what you don't need :)

Spell Name
School: text; Level: class Domain text
Casting Time action
Component text
Range text
Effect text
Target text
Duration text
Saving Throw text; Spell Resistance text
Resistance text

New spells:

Open Portal
School: Evocation[force]; Level: sorcerer/wizard 1
Casting Time 1 standard action
Component V
Range medium
Target one portal, up to 20 sq. ft./level
Duration 1 min./level (D)
Saving Throw none; Spell Resistance no

"They tried to flee into the safety of the castle...they failed"

This spell magically holds open an already open door, gate, window, or shutter of wood, metal, or stone. The magic creates a rod of force at the edge of the portal extended from one side to the other that holds it open. The rod can be damaged by weapons and supernatural abilities, but has a hardness of 5 and a number of hit points equal to 10 per caster level (to a Maximum of 100 Hit Points at 10th level). Alternatively a successful Strength check (DC 25) can be made to pull the bar from the door (which destroys the bar). A successful dispel magic spell can negate an Open Portal spell.

Summon Armor
School: Conjuration(creation); Level: cleric 1, sorcerer/wizard 1,
Casting Time 1 standard action (see text)
Component V, S
Range Touch
Target Creature touched who is not currently wearing any armor
Duration 1 hour/level
Saving ThrowWill negates (harmless); Spell Resistance no

"I hate having to take the time to put on full plate in the morning"

The subject of this spell is outfitted with an armor of your choice. The armor is of masterwork quality and has the same statistics as it normally would. It can be made of any common wood, leather, metal or stone appropriate to that type of armor (use your best judgement). You could make a full plate out of stone, for example, but you could not make a chain shirt out of wood. This spell does not grant an proficiency with the summoned armor and cannot be used to summon shields.

You can cast this spell as an immediate action. When cast in this way the range becomes Personal and you suffer the penalties for donning armor hastily.

Nizznevr's Quantum Magic Redistribution
School: Transmutation; Level: alchemist 2, magus 2, sorcerer/wizard 3
Casting Time 1 standard action
Component V, S
Range Touch
Target 1 weapon, armor, or shield touched
Duration 1 hour per level or until released (D)
Saving Throw Will negates(object); Spell Resistance no

"Ghost tough is nice against ghosts. Not so much against owlbears"

You alter the state of a magical weapon, armor, or shield with one or more special abilities with a base price modifier of +1 or higher. The special property is converted into an ordinary enhancement bonus equal to its base price modifier for the duration of the spell or until the items wielder spends a standard action to return the item to normal. For example, if you cast this spell on a +1 Long Sword of Icy Burst(a +2 special ability) you would have a +3 Long Sword instead.

In the case of items that have multiple qualifying abilities that can be converted, you may choose any number or combination of these special abilities to convert. You could convert a +1 Ghost Touch Long Sword of Icy Burst, for example, into a +2 Long Sword of Icy Burst, a +3 Ghost Touch Long Sword, or a +4 Long Sword.

WPharolin wrote:

Nizznevr's Quantum Magic Redistribution
School: Transmutation; Level: alchemist 2, magus 2, sorcerer/wizard 3
Casting Time 1 standard action
Component V, S
Range Touch
Target 1 weapon, armor, or shield touched
Duration 1 hour per level or until released (D)
Saving Throw Will negates(object); Spell Resistance no

"Ghost tough is nice against ghosts. Not so much against owlbears"

You alter the state of a magical weapon, armor, or shield with one or more special abilities with a base price modifier of +1 or higher. The special property is converted into an ordinary enhancement bonus equal to its base price modifier for the duration of the spell or until the items wielder spends a standard action to return the item to normal. For example, if you cast this spell on a +1 Long Sword of Icy Burst(a +2 special ability) you would have a +3 Long Sword instead.

In the case of items that have multiple qualifying abilities that can be converted, you may choose any number or combination of these special abilities to convert. You could convert a +1 Ghost Touch Long Sword of Icy Burst, for example, into a +2 Long Sword of Icy Burst, a +3 Ghost Touch Long Sword, or a +4 Long Sword.

This appears to be awesome.

CaitSith wrote:

This appears to be awesome.

Thank you. I will be posting more later.

Here are a couple more:

Eidetic Projection
School: Divination[mind-affecting]; Level: bard 1, sorcerer/wizard 2, witch 2
Casting Time 1 standard action
Component S
Range touch
Target two creatures touched
Duration instantaneous
Saving Throw Will negates (harmless); Spell Resistance no

"You do not see yet. But you will."

You impart the memory of a specific event that is fresh in the mind of one subject into the mind of the other. The imparted memory must have taken place within the last 24 hours for the spell to function. The events of the memory cannot have taken longer than an hour. The memory enters the second subjects mind as if it were their own. The second subject recalls all auditory, olfactory, vision, and physical sensations that the first subject does.

Sanctioned to Live
School: Conjuration; Level: cleric/oracle 4
Casting Time 1 standard action
Component V, S
Range close
Duration Concentration up to 1 round per caster level

"No one dies on my watch."

You encase the subject in a bubble of protective energies. While this spell is active the subject is immune to the following adverse effects and conditions: ability damage, blinded, confused, dazed, dazzled, deafened, diseased, exhausted, fatigued, feebleminded, insanity, nauseated, poisoned, sickened, and stunned. In addition, they gain Fast Healing, DR /-, and Fire, Cold, Acid, Electricity, and Sonic resistance equal to your caster level.

The subject of this spell may not make any attack or cast any spell targeting a foe or whose area or effect includes a foe. The subject may still target and effect objects as long as the object is unattended and does not includes a spell or effect that includes a foe.

WPharolin wrote:

Eidetic Projection

School: Divination[mind-affecting]; Level: bard 1, sorcerer/wizard 2, witch 2
Casting Time 1 standard action
Component S
Range touch
Target two creatures touched
Duration instantaneous
Saving Throw Will negates (harmless); Spell Resistance no

"You do not see yet. But you will."

You impart the memory of a specific event that is fresh in the mind of one subject into the mind of the other. The imparted memory must have taken place within the last 24 hours for the spell to function. The events of the memory cannot have taken longer than an hour. The memory enters the second subjects mind as if it were their own. The second subject recalls all auditory, olfactory, vision, and physical sensations that the first subject does.

Perhaps a line could be added clarifying whether or not the memory must be accurate or whether the one giving the memory can imagine or alter details of it. Also whether or not them memory is transmitted in first person, as perceived, or if the person receiving the memory has a different range of senses or otherwise facilitates new perception checks to notice any details the giver may have failed to take note of.

Ringtail wrote:

Perhaps a line could be added clarifying whether or not the memory must be accurate or whether the one giving the memory can imagine or alter details of it. Also whether or not them memory is transmitted in first person, as perceived, or if the person receiving the memory has a different range of senses or otherwise facilitates new perception checks to notice any details the giver may have failed to take note of.

Thanks for the feedback. I like the idea of the first subject being able to creatively alter their memories, so that will be included as well. The spells text will be altered to read as follows...

New Text wrote:

You impart the memory of a specific event that is fresh in the mind of a donor into the mind of another subject. The imparted memory must have taken place within the last 24 hours for the spell to function. The events of the memory cannot have taken longer than an hour. The memory enters the second subjects mind as if it were their own, recalling the experience exactly as if it had happened to them, including sensory input for each of the five senses.

The donor of the original memories may attempt to deceive the subject being imparted with his memories if he chooses. He must succeed on a bluff check opposed by the subjects sense motive. This follows all the normal rules for making a bluff check except that he must make a separate check for each of the 5 senses he is attempting to deceive.

In addition the Sanctioned to Live spell was missing its Target line. It should read...

Target one living creature

More spells to come eventually. I've been a bit busy.

WPharolin wrote:
The donor of the original memories may attempt to deceive the subject being imparted with his memories if he chooses. He must succeed on a bluff check opposed by the subjects sense motive. This follows all the normal rules for making a bluff check except that he must make a separate check for each of the 5 senses he is attempting to deceive.

I dunno. That's kinda trippin on the bard spell Modify Memory, and it's a 4th-level spell (I think). Although it does offer an opposed Sense Motive check to resist, that skill is based on Wisdom, do a character that is likely to fail his will save is also likely to fail his skill check, too (especially against a Bard, whose spell DC and skill check are both based on his prime statistic). Seems too low a level by comparison to the existing spell.

CaitSith wrote:

I dunno. That's kinda trippin on the bard spell Modify Memory, and it's a 4th-level spell (I think). Although it does offer an opposed Sense Motive check to resist, that skill is based on Wisdom, do a character that is likely to fail his will save is also likely to fail his skill check, too (especially against a Bard, whose spell DC and skill check are both based on his prime statistic). Seems too low a level by comparison to the existing spell.

Modify Memory is also a much more powerful spell. This spell, for example, can't tamper with your existing memories. All it does is allow you to experience an event in recall. The donor can "lie". But the consequences for lying are the same as if he had just told you the story and lied about it. Lying is a first level ability.

That first spell is really really cool!
Sanctioned To Live seems EXTREMELY overpowered though...
Maybe if the DR/Fast Healing part was 1 per 4 caster levels (max 5 at lvl 20)
It would still be crazy good at that though.
A lvl 20 caster being able to concentrate a 4th level spell to give something DR 20/- and Fast Healing 20 is waaaaaaay too good.

Cool thread though, I would love to see more homemade spells!

Interzone wrote:

That first spell is really really cool!

Sanctioned To Live seems EXTREMELY overpowered though...
Maybe if the DR/Fast Healing part was 1 per 4 caster levels (max 5 at lvl 20)
It would still be crazy good at that though.
A lvl 20 caster being able to concentrate a 4th level spell to give something DR 20/- and Fast Healing 20 is waaaaaaay too good.

Cool thread though, I would love to see more homemade spells!

I can see both fast healing and DR at the same time being too good. I think the best fix would be to have the fast healing be set at 5 or to just remove it. I don't think the DR needs to be changed. People over value DR. Especially the developers.

I am working on more spells. Most of my posts are done from a laptop without any PDF's and not on my PC (which is where my PDF's are). I don't like to make spells without references for comparison so it takes me a little longer than I'd like. But I have more on the way.

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