Overheard at the Paizo office

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I say kill them all and let the Gawds sort them out.

*innocent face*


Dark Archive

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Go Monsters!

Scarab Sages

Mark Moreland wrote:

Watching the Pacific Rim trailer

Jessica: Ermahgerd, rerberts!
James: Ermahgerd, mernsters!
Me: I guess we know who's rooting for whom, don't we?

Dread Pirate Rerberts?

I didn't just start a new meme, did I? <shudders>

Lantern Lodge Customer Carebear

andrew: Its not like we work in a macramé factory!

Lantern Lodge Customer Carebear

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crystal: Oh look! Your macramé comment made it into the overheard thread!

Lantern Lodge Customer Carebear

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[redacted]: Ok, thats hot and horrific at the same time.

Dark Archive

their talking about coffee right? :P

Liberty's Edge Production Specialist

Not even in the slightest. To see it is to love and despair...

Coffee with tentacles coming out of the mug that couldn't possibly fit?

Liberty's Edge Production Specialist

6 people marked this as a favorite.
Turin the Mad wrote:
Coffee with tentacles coming out of the mug that couldn't possibly fit?

You couldn't put enough tentacles in a standard coffee mug to make me despair.

Lantern Lodge Customer Carebear

6 people marked this as a favorite.

cosmo: If you can't be nice... be EXTRA mean. Muwhahahahaa!

Paizo Employee Customer Service Happiness-Inducement Imp

Andrew: The cancer cherries...?

Crystal: Yeah, the cancer cherries.

Webstore Gninja Minion

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Sara Marie: erhmergerd berklerverh

Lantern Lodge Customer Carebear

13 people marked this as a favorite.

sara marie: Just made the reservation to go yurt camping next year!

sara marie: OMG.... SO EXCITED....YURT!

sara marie: (don't worry, its exactly like a cabin but round instead)

gary: we can tell mikey to go sit in the corner and then laugh and laugh

Crystal Frasier wrote:
Turin the Mad wrote:
Coffee with tentacles coming out of the mug that couldn't possibly fit?
You couldn't put enough tentacles in a standard coffee mug to make me despair.

Love it is! ;)

Liz Courts wrote:
Sara Marie: erhmergerd berklerverh


Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

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Liz: This reminds me of my childhood.
Crystal: You had a bad childhood.

Paizo Employee Customer Service Happiness-Inducement Imp

8 people marked this as a favorite.

Sara Marie: Ok, nobody type so I can take a screen grab...

***Sara Marie disconnected***

Sara Marie: (Expletive)! I had everything perfect for a screen grab, and I hit the wrong (Expletive) button!

Lantern Lodge Customer Carebear

7 people marked this as a favorite.

CS Erik: I can either dress up as Valeros or I can break dance. I can't break dance as Valeros.


7 people marked this as a favorite.

Adam: You took something I used to f*+& with you about, and made it annoyingly complicated.
Wes: That's... kind of like winning.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Only if you are Charlie Sheen.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Here is a shameless off-topic link for all staff.


Andrew: "It was kind of uncomfortable because she had to sit there and watch Rob and James flirt with each other."

No idea. Just dropping this here for posterity.

Lantern Lodge Customer Carebear

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Jeff: I can heal you too. I have a 2x4 downstairs.

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Sara Marie wrote:
Jeff: I can heal you too. I have a 2x4 downstairs.

Ah, good ol' St Cuthbert's Clue-by-Four of Concussive Enlightenment

Edit: Or Plank has levels as an oracle of wood with the requisite inanimate curse.

Lantern Lodge Customer Carebear

3 people marked this as a favorite.

robot chris: Dear Humans, There is a process for everything. Bypassing this process creates cats.

Lantern Lodge Customer Carebear

robot chris: It's Robot Opposite Day!

Lantern Lodge Customer Carebear

Ryan Dancey: ... and I am in no way comparing you to a hippopotamus.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Sara Marie wrote:

Ryan Dancey: ... and I am in no way comparing you to a hippopotamus.

Oooooo ... how's that foot taste? ;)

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Sara Marie wrote:
robot chris: Dear Humans, There is a process for everything. Bypassing this process creates cats.


Lantern Lodge Customer Carebear

robot chris: I think we've discovered the logic behind 3/4 of the creatures found in Jabba's palace

Lantern Lodge Customer Carebear

2 people marked this as a favorite.

gary: and then i realize snerking is a victimless crime

gary: and then i feel better

gary: it's the cycle of snerk!

Lantern Lodge Customer Carebear

ross: Why would you use those?

liz: Because they're there!

Lantern Lodge Customer Carebear

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[redacted]: don't forget: Dragging your butt across people's graves.

Liberty's Edge Production Specialist

15 people marked this as a favorite.

Andrew: So, we got pulled over by this patrol boat for inspection. Apparently there's a kind of boat called a pinnace...

Crystal: So... you were stopped by a pinnace full of seamen?

Andrew: Yeah... that derailed the game.

Crystal: You never really grow beyond 12, do you?

Andrew: It was entrapment!

Lantern Lodge Customer Carebear

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cosmo pours coffee from thermos into cup.

sara marie: That sounds nice.

cs erik: yeah.

cosmo: You know, it would sound about the same if I was peeing into a cup.


sara marie: and now I'm going to beat you over the head with my water bottle.

cs erik: I think the Christmas cards were a bribe so he could get away with saying stuff like that.

Lantern Lodge Customer Carebear

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cosmo: Yeah, you're right.

sara marie: I usually am.

Lantern Lodge Customer Carebear

crystal: I'm going to choke on my own laughter.

Lantern Lodge Customer Carebear

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cs erik: well.... I have too many puns in my head so I'll just keep it to myself.

Lantern Lodge Customer Carebear

4 people marked this as a favorite.

Erik Mona: Presenting your lap for him to sit on is probably the number one thing.

Lantern Lodge Customer Carebear

3 people marked this as a favorite.

andrew: I would divorce my wife and marry that soup if possible.

Lantern Lodge Customer Carebear

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andrew: I stand by that one!

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens Subscriber
Sara Marie wrote:
andrew: I would divorce my wife and marry that soup if possible.
Sara Marie wrote:
andrew: I stand by that one!

Working on the presumption that these are related, the first is unlikely to make him a popular guy, but the second just underscores that. LOL

Lantern Lodge Customer Carebear

cs erik: This just never stops smelling terrible.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Sara Marie wrote:
cs erik: This just never stops smelling terrible.


Paizo Employee PostMonster General

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robot chris: time goblins

Lantern Lodge Customer Carebear

3 people marked this as a favorite.

robot chris: I... retract my festive animal

Sara Marie wrote:
robot chris: I... retract my festive animal


1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens Subscriber
Bitter Thorn wrote:
Sara Marie wrote:
robot chris: I... retract my festive animal

That's in the running for "worst euphemism ever."

Lantern Lodge Customer Carebear

7 people marked this as a favorite.

Normally I don't like to provide context for quotes, but these are just too cute not to.

Retracted Festive Animal

Better Festive Animal

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