7 people marked this as a favorite.
crystal: I'm like 7 thirty-pound babies strapped together
gary: i knew that trenchcoat was suspicious
christopher: Does explain all the fidgiting, though.
4 people marked this as a favorite.
Sara Marie wrote: crystal: I'm like 7 thirty-pound babies strapped together
gary: i knew that trenchcoat was suspicious
christopher: Does explain all the fidgiting, though.
{waves excitedly from sekrit hq} HI BABIES!!!
Lamontius wrote: giant jalapenos
gaseous jellybeans
garlic jewels
green jumps
galactic jams
growling jumbles
ugh physics is hard
What happens if you have 3 giant jalapeños? I think I should have cut a little off that last ... <fwooosh>
18 people marked this as a favorite.
crystal: We spilled green paint in one room last night and spent 90 minutes cleaning JUST that
crystal: Because we can't just go to the landlord and be like "Yeah, the carpet just turned all green on it's own. Weirdest thing."
crystal: because we are the landlord, and I know how to tell when I'm lying -_-
sara marie: am i gonna get a green carpet cleaning machine back?
crystal: Yeah, it's the weirdest thing. You carpet cleaner just turned green on its own
8 people marked this as a favorite.
gary: Lepri-Con?
crystal: Leper-con?
lissa: Surprisingly not the worst con ever.
christopher: I almost went to LeperCon. Despite my misgivings, they really pulled it off.
crystal: Your humor's a little flaky
christopher: My writers went on strike, so I have to make do with scabs.
crystal: You should fire them. They're just not a-peeling
2 people marked this as a favorite.
plus it costs an arm and a leg
My face fell when I read 'em
Limeylongears wrote: My face fell when I read 'em That reminds me: do you know why you shouldn't by Ukranian underpants?
1 person marked this as a favorite.
money chris: me and the soda machine do just fine, tyvm
2 people marked this as a favorite.
Crystal: Really, I'm going to have to [redacted]. There's no way around it.
5 people marked this as a favorite.
money chris: gah...almost 5 already
money chris: at least it's better than jobs at which you go, "OMG...it's 4:18...it was 4:15 an hour ago...gah..."
3 people marked this as a favorite.
alvarez: I want my Cosmo back.
2 people marked this as a favorite.
Sara Marie wrote: alvarez: I want my Cosmo back. WHAT HAVE YOU DONE WITH MY SCAPEGOAT?!?!?
4 people marked this as a favorite.
Ryan: But I'm from Syracuse!
Sutter: Whatever, tentacles.
12 people marked this as a favorite.
cs erik: Can I be an ogre that duel wields goblins that duel wield al'miraj?
3 people marked this as a favorite.
only rouges can duel wield
Lamontius wrote: only rouges can duel wield
Ha! Engineers can make use of dual shield welding!
I thought only duelists could duel...
Sutter: Hey, cool! Humans are talking!
5 people marked this as a favorite.
Sutter: You know, like a wiener dog. Only in the most majestic way possible.
3 people marked this as a favorite.
sara marie: if i could be a god in golarion i would be Pharasma
cs erik: I'd totally be Arod--- awwww
2 people marked this as a favorite.
Sara Marie wrote: alvarez: I want my Cosmo back. Isn't this thread supposed to be genuine quotes??
1 person marked this as a favorite.
Rob: When next you see the tarrasque a'rampaging and you see its bushy mustache, you will think twice.
1 person marked this as a favorite.
Adam Daigle wrote: Rob: When next you see the tarrasque a'rampaging and you see its bushy mustache, you will think twice. COSMOOOOOOOOOO
2 people marked this as a favorite.
will the tarrasque also be drinking PBR and wearing an ironic t-shirt
1 person marked this as a favorite.
crystal: Okay, I either made some forums, or made a Swiss bank account
gary: can i squirrel away monies in it?
sara marie: only if you invest in knuts
1 person marked this as a favorite.
robot chris: ...magical meat candy...
2 people marked this as a favorite.
how did robot chris know my nickname
Ryan's coffee order:
Venti vanilla latte with no foam (because I hate freedom)
9 people marked this as a favorite.
Robot Chris: oops
Robot Chris: ignore that
Gary: i can't, it's mocking me
Christopher: Its beady little @ mocks all that is holy.
Gary: the @ stares back
Gary: its all @.@
Christopher: When you look into the @, the @ also looks into you.
Robot Chris has left this chat.
4 people marked this as a favorite.
Scribbling Rambler wrote: Sara Marie wrote: alvarez: I want my Cosmo back. Isn't this thread supposed to be genuine quotes?? Well we can't very well be taking the blame for anything now can we? We would put poor Cosmo right out of a job!
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber
Christopher Anthony wrote: Robot Chris: oops
Robot Chris: ignore that
Gary: i can't, it's mocking me
Christopher: Its beady little @ mocks all that is holy.
Gary: the @ stares back
Gary: its all @.@
Christopher: When you look into the @, the @ also looks into you.
Robot Chris has left this chat.
My condolences to Robot Chris. She has to put up with both of you. :)
Stephen: [redacted] That won't get us in trouble, right?
Jason: What are you, out of your [redacted] mind?
Ashley Gillaspie wrote: Scribbling Rambler wrote: Sara Marie wrote: alvarez: I want my Cosmo back. Isn't this thread supposed to be genuine quotes?? Well we can't very well be taking the blame for anything now can we? We would put poor Cosmo right out of a job! You have defeated me with your Kirkian logic.
robot chris: but that is for future worms
5 people marked this as a favorite.
One of my favorite parts about being an intern at Paizo is being able to sit back and watch conversations like this unfold:
Jessica: I couldn't wait until I got forced reincarnation so I could make a bugbear paladin!
Sean: I'm a bugbear, I'm creepy! *flails*
John: Did I hear bugbear paladin? What about a troglodyte paladin? Holy B.O.!
9 people marked this as a favorite.
robot chris: I am convinced that Liz is a wizard
robot chris: I have decided that this [redacted] probably isn't as helpful as it could be and can/will totally fix that
robot chris: with ~*sparkles*~
robot chris: ...this is just based on past worms
Sara Marie wrote: robot chris: but that is for future worms Sara Marie wrote: robot chris: ...this is just based on past worms No love for the present worms Chris?
2 people marked this as a favorite.
Gary: Did you say freeze-dried cadaver bones?
5 people marked this as a favorite.
Sara Marie: heard song the other day
Sara Marie: "a little party never killed nobody"
CS Erik: woah, small parties are exceptionally dangerous, they usually have way have way higher point buy, or worse, gestalt
7 people marked this as a favorite.
gary: a mom: one who sees cthulhu and says "that is one giant strangulation hazard"
3 people marked this as a favorite.
sara: my hands smell like meat now
sara: and not in a good way
4 people marked this as a favorite.
Sara Marie wrote: sara marie: if i could be a god in golarion i would be Pharasma
cs erik: I'd totally be Arod--- awwww
Man, I have no idea who I'd be.
1 person marked this as a favorite.
cosmo: I will take two tubs of goo, please.
9 people marked this as a favorite.
cosmo: Put it at infinite mass. Let's see if we can ship a singularity.
6 people marked this as a favorite.
Jessica: Why is Sutter walking around talking about hitting people with swarms of crows?
gary: it's thursday?