A New Take On Life

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

So, let's hear some interesting character concepts that go against convention. I'll start off.

I played a human Paladin named Shiloh Moonshade. After accidentally drowning his sister and carrying her dead, waterlogged body back home from the lake 3 miles away, his parents blamed him for her death. Not being able to cope with the guilt, Shiloh left his small home and immersed himself in religion, deciding to try and do as much good as he can to cleanse the wrong he'd done.

However, this guilt was further magnified by the severe night terrors he had, of a seaweed covered girl crawling out of the lake and pointing an accusatory finger at the "righteous" man. 'Why did you let me die? she would cry out.

He awakes every night soaked in sweat, his heart racing. Never again has he been able to go near a body of water larger than a tub.

Hence, a Paladin with a phobia of water.

What are some of your interesting twists on classic race/class issues?

arent paladins supposed to be immune to fear ? ;)

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A righteous assassin.

He feels guilt every time he squeezes the life out of a person's body,slices their throats with his poisoned blade...

but,still,he knows that the lives of his clan are more important to him than his targets.If he does not complete the assassinations to perfection,The Silent One won't just kill them.....he will reanimate them every day,then kill them again.

He has vowed one day to stop all the evils in the world.....but first,the Silent One must die.

Remco Sommeling wrote:

arent paladins supposed to be immune to fear ? ;)

This is what I mean. There are certain preconceptions, whether be it race or class, that everyone falls into. Yes, Paladins are immune to fear, but Shiloh is only afraid of water. Certainly not game-breaking, and I know you didn't mean this. Just something different and unexpected.

sphar wrote:

A righteous assassin.

He feels guilt every time he squeezes the life out of a person's body,slices their throats with his poisoned blade...

but,still,he knows that the lives of his clan are more important to him than his targets.If he does not complete the assassinations to perfection,The Silent One won't just kill them.....he will reanimate them every day,then kill them again.

He has vowed one day to stop all the evils in the world.....but first,the Silent One must die.

I love it! What a great motivation to perform your gruesome task to perfection! Did you or your DM install any type of homebrew mechanic which shows how difficult this must have been for the PC? Insanity points, maybe?

Back in the day, when being resurrected meant that you lost a level (not sure if this was a house-rule or not), I proposed a goblin PC to my GM who was an epic hero, who came across an extreme amount of bad luck lately, worse than any regular curse. He's died and had been brought back so many times he's back down to level 1.

His name was Moey Molo. No one speaks his name, for your fortunes are sure to be lost.

The GM decided that I needed to chronicle all of his deaths, so I gave him a list of 100. After that, he decided how to introduce me to the party. Let me paint the gist of it.

"Ahead of you there's a fork in the road. It's not very clear which way leads to your destination, as the sign in front of you has been vandalized, making it illegible."

After deciding which way to go, The GM calls for a spot check.

"Off in the distance, just over a hill, a small humanoid figure is running toward you. He seems to be in a panic, and is screaming something, but it's hard to make out what. After a moment, it's clear that the humanoid approaching is a goblin, with stark white hair, in a perpetually shocked style. Wearing light clothes and a cape, his frantic expression clearly centers on you."

After a brief "huddle" from the party...

"He's telling you to run."


"From over the hill, leaping into flight, a massive red dragon gives chase."

Right about here the group panics and we all go the other way in the fork of the road. After some time, the dragon gives up the chase and we all head together to our next destination.

Ah, to be new to the game. Good times.

It was a city based campaign, the group being a small gang of minor criminals near the harbour. We had plans, both criminal and for our futures, but we really had to fight for them.

My character was a half-elf female named Velkan. She was gaunt, scarred and crude, carrying a notched meatcleaver around when collecting the "insurance payments" and being a cranky thug in general.

Yet she managed to know everything going on in town, every rumour, every little secret. She had contacts everywhere and could get you anything. For despite all her social failings and her dockworker's manners, she was a Bard ...

And I honestly can't remember her ever using Bardic Performance, it just wasn't in her character ;)

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