What does the Andoran faction and the Andoran PCs get for winning the Prestige race?

Pathfinder Society

Silver Crusade 5/5

Now I understand that the Andoran faction was able to a) recruit the most pathfinder player characters, and accumulate the most prestige points.

I suppose over the last three years of the “silent war” by the Cheliax Andoran, Taldoran Qadiran, and Osirion factions, Andoran has been declared the winner.

What does this mean for the Andoran faction? Has control of Absalom shifted in Andoran’s favor? What does this mean for the Andoran faction PCs? What kind of rewards might there be?

I have heard a rumor that they are no longer measuring the amount of prestige accumulated, but they are measuring faction’s success another way. How are they planning to do this?


The Exchange 4/5

They will measure success by:

Actual PP Earned / Max PP Available

This helps to account for different sizes in faction member totals.

/I love watching Andorans fail at my table.
//They are actually the 2nd lowest PA earners at my tables. Taldans are the lowest.
///Even better when Andoran blood is spilt.
///Can't tell you how much I hate goody-two-shoes factions.

Dark Archive

Joseph Caubo wrote:

//They are actually the 2nd lowest PA earners at my tables. Taldans are the lowest.

Taldans are bad at PA gains in the games I play in too. If they ever allowed evil characters I think we would see more people playing Cheliax. Or if they allowed assassins/anti-paladins/hellknights one alignment step.


You got a new faction symbol. Congratulations!

Liberty's Edge

A lamp.

Paizo Employee Director of Brand Strategy

And your faction leader got a promotion. You might start to see some in-game changes to the political landscape of Absalom to reflect Andoran's successes, but these changes will likely be subtle and not immediate.

Silver Crusade 5/5

Thank you all for your responses.

Joseph Caubo, now I know some of this is in toungue and cheek, and I do like the ///shalshies answer, but as a GM aren’t you supposed to try and put your personal preferences aside and try to be a fair arbitrator and story teller?

For example I myself have a violent dislike for guns in my “fantasy settting”. I would flat out refuse to allow them in a home game. If a player insisted, I would let him know that he is putting something in the game the GM doesn’t like, and his character might a) be beggered by the cost of guns and ammunition, and b) suffer an “accidental” death at the claws and teeth of some monster, random or in an encounter. It would only be a matter of time till the odds turned against his character.

But I realize with organized play, I don’t get to say what is in and out, and If I do have a player at my table who is running a gunslinger, I will have to mask my distaste, and politely ask to see a printout of the rules for gunslingers, go over them, and ask the player about his character. I would then try to make sure everyone at the table is having a good time.

Chris Kenney, and Kortz, thank you. I had forgotten about the new symbol and the lamp.

Mark Moreland, thank you for taking the time to answer my query and letting me know about the andoran’s faction leader’s promotion. It will be interesting to see what the in game political changes though subtle will be.

I do realize that initially in year 0 the idea was to have the factions compete for gaining “influence” over Absalom, and that by year 2, through the faction missions the competition was de emphasized, I am curious to see what the Andoran faction will get for recruiting the most “operatives” ie players who wanted to be in the Andoran faction, and by extension accumulating the most prestige.

I am curious to see what tangible in game rewards the Andoran faction players might get, like say a +2 to diplomacy and Knowledge local checks while in Absalom to reflect the political winds are blowing Andoran’s way (diplomacy) and the vast size of the network Andoran has successfully built up (knowledge local). Perhaps there will be nothing like that.

I assume all will be revealed or at least some things at Gen Con.

Thank you

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Joseph Caubo wrote:

They will measure success by:

Actual PP Earned / Max PP Available

This helps to account for different sizes in faction member totals.

/I love watching Andorans fail at my table.
//They are actually the 2nd lowest PA earners at my tables. Taldans are the lowest.
///Even better when Andoran blood is spilt.
///Can't tell you how much I hate goody-two-shoes factions.

People play Andorans not because they're "goody two shoes" but to them Andoran equals "American". But as to what you get.... it's bragging rights.


Kortz wrote:
A lamp.

I <3 lamp!

Silver Crusade 5/5

Lazer X i had not realized the similarities between Andoran and "American". Perhaps you don't notice what is right under your nose. If I extend such an analogy, does Taldor represent feudal europe?

My Knowledge: geography has only one or two ranks in it, (like most Americans) but I seem to remember isn’t there is a small European country called Andorra, which is in the Pyrenees between France and Spain?

Now my history is dimly remembered at best, but didn't the British Empire outlaw slavery and the slave trade, well before the Americans did?

In the small game I am running at my local game store (Toy City) in Keene New Hampshire, I have found, when people are joining the game who are new to PFS, but not the Pathfinder game, and so far, they have been regulars at the game store, there has been some encouragement by some of the players to play Andoran. My group size ranges from 3 to 6, and I have two andorans, a Taldor player, and Osirion player, Qadiran player, and a Cheliaxian player.

Grand Lodge 4/5 5/5

ElyasRavenwood wrote:

Lazer X i had not realized the similarities between Andoran and "American". Perhaps you don't notice what is right under your nose. If I extend such an analogy, does Taldor represent feudal europe?

My Knowledge: geography has only one or two ranks in it, (like most Americans) but I seem to remember isn’t there is a small European country called Andorra, which is in the Pyrenees between France and Spain?

Now my history is dimly remembered at best, but didn't the British Empire outlaw slavery and the slave trade, well before the Americans did?

In the small game I am running at my local game store (Toy City) in Keene New Hampshire, I have found, when people are joining the game who are new to PFS, but not the Pathfinder game, and so far, they have been regulars at the game store, there has been some encouragement by some of the players to play Andoran. My group size ranges from 3 to 6, and I have two andorans, a Taldor player, and Osirion player, Qadiran player, and a Cheliaxian player.

A lot of first impressions see Andoran as close to American though when you dig it isn't quite an obvious connection. I'm guilty of this.

Sovereign Court

ElyasRavenwood wrote:

Lazer X i had not realized the similarities between Andoran and "American". Perhaps you don't notice what is right under your nose. If I extend such an analogy, does Taldor represent feudal europe?

My Knowledge: geography has only one or two ranks in it, (like most Americans) but I seem to remember isn’t there is a small European country called Andorra, which is in the Pyrenees between France and Spain?

Now my history is dimly remembered at best, but didn't the British Empire outlaw slavery and the slave trade, well before the Americans did?

In the small game I am running at my local game store (Toy City) in Keene New Hampshire, I have found, when people are joining the game who are new to PFS, but not the Pathfinder game, and so far, they have been regulars at the game store, there has been some encouragement by some of the players to play Andoran. My group size ranges from 3 to 6, and I have two andorans, a Taldor player, and Osirion player, Qadiran player, and a Cheliaxian player.

He said they think of Andoran as America not that it made any historical sense they do so.

My society is at 20+ players now and oddly enough its all Taldan and Qadirans. Many back handed high fives on Sundays!

The Exchange 4/5

ElyasRavenwood wrote:
now I know some of this is in tongue and cheek

Well if you know this, then the rest of the discussion is superfluous. :)

Sovereign Court

Nimon wrote:
Joseph Caubo wrote:

//They are actually the 2nd lowest PA earners at my tables. Taldans are the lowest.
Taldans are bad at PA gains in the games I play in too.

...stupid Sleight of Hand/Disable Device skill checks...grumble, grumble...

The Exchange 2/5

~Andoran, F^$# Yeah!~

Silver Crusade 3/5

I'm not American and I prefer Andoran.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
ElyasRavenwood wrote:

Now my history is dimly remembered at best, but didn't the British Empire outlaw slavery and the slave trade, well before the Americans did?

That is mostly correct, but as I recall, the abolition only extended to the home countries not the colonies themselves. I could be wrong on that though.

Practically everyone else in the "Western" cultures did so. In fact in the Western Hemisphere itself, the U.S. was the last country to outlaw slavery. The Texas rebellion against Mexico was touched off by the latter's decision to end slavery in all of it's territories.

Wiki check: The Brits did outlaw slavery in 1833 (with the notable exceptions "of the Territories in the Possession of the East India Company," the "Island of Ceylon," and "the Island of Saint Helena")The last was where Napoleon died in exile.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
ElyasRavenwood wrote:

Lazer X i had not realized the similarities between Andoran and "American". Perhaps you don't notice what is right under your nose. If I extend such an analogy, does Taldor represent feudal europe?

Taldor is a tougher call, I'd say it's more likely to represent Rome in it's decline or possibly Byzantium.

Liberty's Edge

Kyle Baird wrote:
Kortz wrote:
A lamp.
I <3 lamp!

There were horses, and a man on fire, and I killed a Chelaxian with a trident.

Silver Crusade 3/5

Kortz wrote:
Kyle Baird wrote:
Kortz wrote:
A lamp.
I <3 lamp!
There were horses, and a man on fire, and I killed a Chelaxian with a trident.

Kortz, I've been meaning to talk to you about that. You should probably find yourself a safehouse or a relative close by. Lay low for a while, because you're probably wanted for murder.

Liberty's Edge 5/5

LazarX wrote:
Joseph Caubo wrote:

They will measure success by:

Actual PP Earned / Max PP Available

This helps to account for different sizes in faction member totals.

/I love watching Andorans fail at my table.
//They are actually the 2nd lowest PA earners at my tables. Taldans are the lowest.
///Even better when Andoran blood is spilt.
///Can't tell you how much I hate goody-two-shoes factions.

People play Andorans not because they're "goody two shoes" but to them Andoran equals "American". But as to what you get.... it's bragging rights.

Hmm... my first character is Andoran simply because of their hatred for slaves. My character is an ex slave and as such... voila he's Andoran.

Lets not pigeonhole anyone here eh?

Grand Lodge 5/5

Well, us Qadirans will just buy you all in the end...and then sell you back to the Chelaxians at a profit :P

Frog God Games

I think the "America" analogy has more to do with Andoran's form of government than their outlawing of slavery.

Grand Lodge

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber
ElyasRavenwood wrote:
What kind of rewards might there be? ... How are they planning to do this?

Mark Moreland is going to give a big hug to every player of an Andoran character he meets at GenCon, possible beyond.


The Exchange 5/5

Greg A. Vaughan wrote:
I think the "America" analogy has more to do with Andoran's form of government than their outlawing of slavery.

And the Eagle Knight's uniforms have an American Revolution / Continental Army look to them. Check out this crossing of the Potomac-inspired piece of artwork.

Paizo Employee Director of Brand Strategy

Skeld wrote:
ElyasRavenwood wrote:
What kind of rewards might there be? ... How are they planning to do this?
Mark Moreland is going to give a big hug to every player of an Andoran character he meets at GenCon, possible beyond.

Nope! There's enough exposure to germs at GenCon as it is. No hugs from me will make it even more likely I get sick while there.

The Exchange 5/5

Mark Moreland wrote:
Skeld wrote:
ElyasRavenwood wrote:
What kind of rewards might there be? ... How are they planning to do this?
Mark Moreland is going to give a big hug to every player of an Andoran character he meets at GenCon, possible beyond.
Nope! There's enough exposure to germs at GenCon as it is. No hugs from me will make it even more likely I get sick while there.

I heard Mark (or possibly a Paizo intern) will give Andoran players hugs for $5 at the Paizo booth, and if you pre-order one before July 31 you can get the 10% Paizo Anniversary discount applied.

Scarab Sages 3/5

Mark Moreland wrote:
Skeld wrote:
ElyasRavenwood wrote:
What kind of rewards might there be? ... How are they planning to do this?
Mark Moreland is going to give a big hug to every player of an Andoran character he meets at GenCon, possible beyond.
Nope! There's enough exposure to germs at GenCon as it is. No hugs from me will make it even more likely I get sick while there.

So hugs will actually make you healthier....? Personally I think your taking a risk here Mark.

How about a "Hale and Hearty Handshake" from Mark. Granted it he might have a hand damp from antibacterial gel, but it's a firm handshake.

Sovereign Court 5/5 RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32, 2010 Top 8

LazarX wrote:
ElyasRavenwood wrote:

Lazer X i had not realized the similarities between Andoran and "American". Perhaps you don't notice what is right under your nose. If I extend such an analogy, does Taldor represent feudal europe?

Taldor is a tougher call, I'd say it's more likely to represent Rome in it's decline or possibly Byzantium.

I look at Taldor = Byzantium and Cheliax = Rome/Italy myself.

Yes, that means that the church of Asmodaeus could draw paralleles to the Catholic Church. Let's not go there.

The Exchange 5/5

Matthew Morris wrote:

Yes, that means that the church of Asmodaeus could draw paralleles to the Catholic Church. Let's not go there.

It's not like Cheliax is involved in some kind of Spanish Inquisition...[wait for it]

Scarab Sages 3/5

Doug Miles wrote:
Matthew Morris wrote:

Yes, that means that the church of Asmodaeus could draw paralleles to the Catholic Church. Let's not go there.

It's not like Cheliax is involved in some kind of Spanish Inquisition...[wait for it]

Um, excuse me, I have a fluffy chair and here for a ....Para,...Para, Paracountess???? Can anyone sign for this?


Doug Miles wrote:
Matthew Morris wrote:

Yes, that means that the church of Asmodaeus could draw paralleles to the Catholic Church. Let's not go there.

It's not like Cheliax is involved in some kind of Spanish Inquisition...[wait for it]

Sir... are you implying that each faction has an analogous Monty Python skit?

And why is that Andoran running a chesse shop with only frustrated customers? And the Quadirian trying to sell a dead parrot?...

Sovereign Court 4/5

This is how we in Finland explain all the factions!

Andoran = AMERICA !"#¤ YEAH!
Cheliax = 1984, V for Vendetta's Britain (colors match!)
Osirion = Ancient Egypt
Qadira = Capitalist islam
Taldor = Decadent renaissance lords from Italy

Liberty's Edge 5/5

LazarX wrote:
ElyasRavenwood wrote:

Lazer X i had not realized the similarities between Andoran and "American". Perhaps you don't notice what is right under your nose. If I extend such an analogy, does Taldor represent feudal europe?

Taldor is a tougher call, I'd say it's more likely to represent Rome in it's decline or possibly Byzantium.

16th century France

Grand Lodge 5/5

Azothath wrote:
Doug Miles wrote:
Matthew Morris wrote:

Yes, that means that the church of Asmodaeus could draw paralleles to the Catholic Church. Let's not go there.

It's not like Cheliax is involved in some kind of Spanish Inquisition...[wait for it]

Sir... are you implying that each faction has an analogous Monty Python skit?

And why is that Andoran running a chesse shop with only frustrated customers? And the Quadirian trying to sell a dead parrot?...

Why sir! I would NEVER push a dead parrot on an unsuspecting customer! Just because SOME of us are money grubbing people with turbans and scimitars doesn't mean we're all unscrupulous dead songbird merchants! Habib was just trying to make a silver for dinner!

Of course if someone WANTED a dead parrot I'd be more than happy to get them one! Wouldn't ask why though...probably for some weird Osiron ritual or something. Mummy bird...creeeeeepy!

Hmm...are Andorans as heightest as my Qadiran bretheren?

Paizo Employee Chief Creative Officer, Publisher

I didn't see this mentioned, but the PaizoCon special miniature this year was the head of the Andoran faction, in large part as a "reward" for the faction's victories in the last couple of years of the campaign.

This isn't officially a prize for winning the most prestige, and we won't necessarily do this every year, but I'd like to think it's a tradition we will continue for as long as we can.

Grand Lodge 5/5 Regional Venture-Coordinator, Baltic

Erik Mona wrote:

I didn't see this mentioned, but the PaizoCon special miniature this year was the head of the Andoran faction, in large part as a "reward" for the faction's victories in the last couple of years of the campaign.

This isn't officially a prize for winning the most prestige, and we won't necessarily do this every year, but I'd like to think it's a tradition we will continue for as long as we can.

So I guess the Shadowlodge actually won in 2010!

(Did anyone else find a tiny eavesdropping device in the 2010 PaizoCOn special miniature?)

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