PaizoConOz 2011 Brisbane

Local Play

Lantern Lodge 4/5

I'm pleased to announce that we're working hard behind the scenes to bring you PaizoConOz 2011 Brisbane!

To be held Thursday 13th - Sunday 16th October at the Riverside Hotel Southbank conference room.

Watch this space over the coming weeks for further announcements as information becomes available.

Note: PaizoConOz is scheduled two weeks apart from Auscon II (Brisbane) and Sydcon 2011 (Sydney) both running on 1st and 2nd October. Auscon II in particular is seeking Pathfinder Society GMs to run tables at their event. I'd like to coordinate with GMs at these events to ensure we're not scheduling scenarios you've previously run at either Auscon or Sydcon two weeks earlier.

Any Brisbane folk available for GMing Pathfinder should email me (you'll find my contact details on the PaizoConOz event page), and I'll put you in touch with Andrew at Auscon. We're very keen for Pathfinder Society to become a regular feature of gamedays and conventions such as these, but that can only happen with GMs to run them. With two Pathfinder events in October, here's your chance to build a Pathfinder community in Brisbane!

Stephen (DarkWhite)
Pathfinder Society 4-Star GM
Venture-Captain, Australia

Lantern Lodge 4/5

1 person marked this as a favorite.

PaizoConOz 2011 Brisbane

Date: 13th to 16th October, 2011 (Thursday through Sunday)

Venue: Riverside Hotel Southbank
20 Montague Road
South Brisbane QLD 4101

I'm pleased to announce that PaizoConOz is returning to Brisbane this October.

Whether you're a long-time fan of Pathfinder, or someone new to gaming curious to find out what all the Pathfinder hype is about? you'll want to come along to PaizoConOz.

Last year's event was a huge success, the largest gathering of Pathfinder fans ever in Australia, bringing 40 players from Brisbane, Melbourne, Sydney and throughout Australia, together for four days to meet and play the game we all love!

This year promises to be even bigger, with five new factions, and plenty more adventures, including a new story arc for Season Three.

There will be two five-hour sessions each day - $10 per session played to cover room hire.

Lunch and dinner menus are available at the Southbank Hotel, and feedback from players last year was there was a good choice at reasonable prices delivered right to your gaming table.

Players will need to pre-register their sessions online, so stay tuned to this messageboard thread as more details become available.

If flying into Brisbane for the event, why not stay at the gaming venue for convenience? The Riverside Hotel Southbank have offered special room rates for those attending PaizoConOz - $160 per double room per night - call 1800 301 101 ask for Meagan and mention you're attending the Pathfinder games convention.

Local gamers driving into the city for the event may like to take advantage of free on-site parking at the venue, just ask at the reception desk.

I'm really excited to be involved with PaizoConOz in Brisbane again this year, and hope to see many familiar faces from previous years.

Please forward this to other gamers you think might be interested.

PaizoConOz is only three months away, so start planning your trip, or building your characters, now!

Hope to see you there!

Stephen (DarkWhite)
Pathfinder Society 4-Star GM
Venture-Captain, Australia

Sovereign Court

Great news!

Thanks to Stephen for organizing this event once again. I am certainly looking forward to the event, have booked time off work and all.

See you all there.



Lantern Lodge 4/5

Hi Angur,

Good to hear you'll be joining us!

But I can't take all the credit, this has been and will be a team effort. I've been coordinating closely with Deluge (Melbourne) and Al Rigg (Sydney) among others, and we're enlisting the help of a team of GMs from Brisbane, Melbourne and Sydney to bring this event together.

I just wanted to give a call-out to everyone who has helped so far and volunteered their time and effort (travel, GMing, etc). This will be a great event, and all your help is very much appreciated.

Stephen (DarkWhite)
Pathfinder Society 4-Star GM
Venture-Captain, Australia

Scarab Sages 1/5

I wish you all the best. There is less than 1% chance I will be there. I doubt if others from up here will venture down. It will be awesome just as it was last year. If anything can be done from my end I volunteer to help.

Silver Crusade


I would really like to come in as a player for this, but it said I had to pre-register a session? if so how do I go about it? It sounds like I can't just show up with a character and start rolling dice...

I will be Bringing my Copy of the Pathfinder core book signed by Jason Bulman himself! I have all the currently released hard copy books EXCEPT ultimate magic and ultimate combat, which I hope to remedy at this event!

Lantern Lodge 4/5

Hi Azariel,

We'll be releasing pre-reg details over the coming weeks, though the sooner the better, we do need to finalise our scenario line-up first.

Judging from last year's experience, there may still be seats available for anyone who does arrive unannounced on the day, but the vast majority of players pre-register for this event, and many popular scenarios will booked out. I would recommend pre-registering early to ensure your prefered scenario choices.

Once pre-registration opens, we watch sign-ups closely, and respond to scenarios or tiers that book out quickly by adjusting the schedule accordingly.

If you'd like to be notified when sessions open for pre-registration, please shoot me an email asking to be added to our mailing list and in which city you reside, as there may be other Pathfinder Society gamedays, groups or conventions we can notify you of.

My contact details can be found on the last page of the Guide to Pathfinder Society Organised Play V4.0 or the Good Game Blackburn event page.

Looking forward to seeing you there :-)

Stephen (DarkWhite)
Pathfinder Society 4-Star GM
Venture-Captain, Australia

Lantern Lodge 4/5

Fellow Pathfinders!

I'm pleased to announce our schedule line-up for PaizoConOz 2011 Brisbane.

Thursday 13th - Sunday 16th October 2011

Thursday AM
[Intro] First Steps - Part I: In Service to Lore
Tier [1-2] We Be Goblins!
Tier 1-2 [4-5] Shades of Ice - Part I: Written in Blood
Tier 7-8 [10-11] Wrath of the Accursed

Thursday PM
[Intro] First Steps - Part II: To Delve the Dungeon Deep
Tier 1-2 [3-4] 6-7 The Midnight Mauler
Tier 1-2 [4-5] Shades of Ice - Part II: Exiles of Winter
Tier 1-2 [4-5] The Penumbral Accords
Tier 7-8 [10-11] The Mantis Prey

Friday AM
[Intro] First Steps - Part III: A Vision of Betrayal
[Intro] First Steps - Part I: In Service to Lore
Tier [3-4] 6-7 Sewer Dragons of Absalom
Tier 1-2 [4-5] Shades of Ice - Part III: Keep of the Huscarl King
Tier 1-2 [4-5] Murder on the Throaty Mermaid
Tier [12] Eyes of the Ten - Part Ia: Requiem for the Red Raven

Friday PM
Tier [1-2] 4-5 Shades of Ice - Part I: Written in Blood
[Intro] First Steps - Part II: To Delve the Dungeon Deep
Tier 1-2 [3-4] 6-7 The Midnight Mauler
Tier 1-2, 3-4 [6-7] Shadow's Last Stand - Part I: At Shadows Door
Tier [12] Eyes of the Ten - Part Ib: Requiem for the Red Raven

Saturday AM
Tier [1-2] 4-5 Shades of Ice - Part II: Exiles of Winter
[Intro] First Steps - Part III: A Vision of Betrayal
Tier [3-4] 6-7 Song of the Sea Witch
Tier 1-2, 3-4 [6-7] Shadow's Last Stand - Part II: Web of Corruption
Tier [5-6] 8-9 Fortunes Blight
Tier [12] Eyes of the Ten - Part II: The Maze of the Open Road

Saturday PM
Special - Blood Under Absalom!

Sunday AM
Tier [1-2] 4-5 Shades of Ice - Part III: Keep of the Huscarl King
Tier [1-2] 4-5 The Frostfur Captives
Tier [5-6] 8-9 The Ghenett Manor Gauntlet
Tier [7-8] 10-11 Shadows Fall on Absalom
Tier [12] Eyes of the Ten - Part III: Red Revolution

Sunday PM
Tier [1-2] 4-5 Tide of Twilight
Tier [7-8] 10-11 The Kortos Envoy
Tier [7-8] 10-11 The Mantis Prey
Tier [12] Eyes of the Ten - Part IV: Nothing Ventured, Nothing Gained


  • The complete Eyes of the Ten series! If your characters have reached 12th-level, please support these sessions.
  • We Be Goblins!
  • First Steps Intro series for new characters
  • The Midnight Mauler exclusive
  • Blood Under Absalom multi-table special event!

Just few notes:

Characters are only permitted to play in the Tiers listed. The preferred tier has been [bracketed] in an attempt to not have level 1 and 7 characters playing at the same table. Please help us out by joining tables for which your character is within the [bracketed] Tiers where possible.

A few more scenarios are being added here and there to fill gaps in the schedule. We'll also monitor the pre-registration process closely, and may adjust the scheduled scenarios if it looks like some scenarios (or tiers) are being heavily booked, while others are left languishing. We welcome feedback if you're having trouble finding a session for your character, we'll try to help. Please be understanding if a scenario you're booked to play needs to change due to lack of numbers.

Online player pre-registration for PaizoConOz 2011 Brisbane should now be open at: If you experience any problems pre-registering, please let me know.

Stephen (DarkWhite)
Pathfinder Society 4-Star GM
Venture-Captain, Australia

Scarab Sages

Awesome lineup.
I'm currently just starting 2nd level. Will I be able to play the First Steps intro series?

Lantern Lodge 4/5

Darvesh Ironskull wrote:

Awesome lineup.

I'm currently just starting 2nd level. Will I be able to play the First Steps intro series?

You must bring a fresh never before played character into the First Steps Intro Series. The Intro series introduces new characters to Absalom and it's surrounds and their role in the Pathfinder Society.

Your character begins the series without having yet signed up for a faction. During the series, you're sent on errands for each of the ten faction heads, and in doing so, form a better idea of what each of the factions are about. By the end of the series, you should have a pretty good idea which of the ten factions your character is likely to ally with, and gets to choose his/her faction then. You may leave one of your two charcter traits free to select a faction trait once you have decided upon a faction.

If you already have a 2nd level character, that's cool. The first run of the Intro series (Thurs AM, Thurs PM, Fri AM) is nearly booked out, but the second run (Fri AM, Fri PM, Sat AM) I think has plenty of seats remaining. You can play your 2nd level character in the two Thurs slots, and your new 1st level character through the Intro series. Thereafter, you can pick and choose which character to play in which scenario - it's often a good idea to have two characters, as some tables may be needing a cleric, or others may be witout a fighter, etc. Or you may want to play your Osirion character through desert missions, and your urban diplomat through city missions, etc.

Some sessions are booking out, so if you can't find a session available for your character level, please email me or post a message here, because we do have the capacity to expand, we're just watching the sign-ups to see where demand lies. Currently demand seems to be with low-Tier scenarios, so we've axed a few of the high-Tier ones, eg Eyes of the Ten, to free up tables for more low-Tier games. Just let us know what you need, and keep an eye on the schedule.

Oh, and if you happen to live in Brisbane, Melbourne or Sydney, check out Pathfinder Society appearing at the following conventions in the week or two prior to PaizoConOz, as there might be opportunity to play First Steps at one of those first, or run your 2nd level character through a few more sessions to level him up to 3rd (or maybe 4th?) before PaizoConOz:

SydCon 2011 Sydney, Australia
Date: Labour Day Long Weekend - 1st to 3rd, October 2011
Location: St Scholastica's College, Glebe, Sydney, NSW Australia

SydCon also have an awesome lineup, posted here on the messageboards.

AusCon II Brisbane, Australia
Date: Labour Day Long Weekend - 1st and 2nd, October 2011

UniCon 2011 Melbourne, Australia
Date: 8th and 9th October, 2011
Location: Melbourne High School, South Yarra, VIC Australia

We'll be running tables of First Steps at UniCon, though we'll probably have a few other scenarios up our sleves just in case.

Stephen (DarkWhite)
Pathfinder Society 4-Star GM
Venture-Captain, Australia

Dark Archive

Flights and accommodation are booked, and my game sessions have been registered!

You have done an awesome job in getting this all organized Stephen!

I look forward to rolling some bones in Brisbane... very, very soon!

Lantern Lodge 4/5

It's going to be a busy few weeks of PFS gaming in Australia, starting this weekend:

SydCon and Shadow Lodge both in Sydney, and Auscon II Brisbane, all kick off this weekend!

Next weekend Unicon Melbourne, and the following weekend, four days of PaizoConOz 2011 Brisbane!

Tables of Pathfinder Society will be running at all of the above. Check dates, locations, and other details via links throughout this thread.


Only two weeks away, some tables are booking out at PaizoConOz in Brisbane. We have removed some high level scenarios that were sitting idle, and replaced them with more in-demand low-level scenarios.

If you go to pre-register, but find there isn't a table available at your character level, please email me or post to this board to bring it to our attention, as we don't want anyone to miss out, and we can open new tables if current ones are booked out.

Note: Al Rigg has added two long sessions of Feast of Ravenmoor to our line-up. This is a Pathfinder Module for 3rd level characters - you can even create a 3rd level version of one of your current characters for purposes of playing this Module and apply credit to that character. If you're looking for something to sink your teeth into this session is scheduled over a day and a half!

Please pre-register for these events so you don't miss out!

Look forward to seeing you there!

Stephen (DarkWhite)
Pathfinder Society 4-Star GM
Venture-Captain, Australia

Lantern Lodge 4/5

Hey everyone,

Just letting you all know, I'm busy GMing at Unicon in Melbourne this weekend, but I have been keeping an eye on the sign-ups for PaizoConOz in Brisbane this coming week, and notice a few last-minute registrations.

This is great to see! However, I just wanted to get the message out there, if you're having trouble finding tables at your character level, shoot me an email to let me know, so I get an idea of how many of you are in this situation. We do have some spare capacity among our GMs to provide extra tables if required, so don't be discouraged if you hit our registration page and things are looking booked out - we'll make room for you, but please let us know who you are and what you need!

Gotta run ... Unicon players awaiting adventure!

Stephen (DarkWhite)
Pathfinder Society 4-Star GM
Venture-Captain, Australia


Sounds good Stephen

Let's hope the numbers keep rising before the start of PaizoConOz. I hope that Qantas doesn't cause too much disruption.

I'm really looking forward to some warmer weather in Brisbane and a great gaming experience. Melbourne weather is too up and down.

Roll on PaizoConOz players. See you there.

Lantern Lodge 4/5

PaizoConOz 2011 Brisbane ... only days away!

Thursday 13th to Sunday 16th October - Riverside Hotel, Southbank, Brisbane

Some of us are already on our way to Brisbane ... most of us are flying up there tomorrow afternoon to be ready for a 9am Thursday start to gaming.

This will be my third year running Pathfinder Society at GenConOz/PaizoConOz in Brisbane, previous events have been awesome! and I'm really looking forward to this year being the best event ever!

If you're in Brisbane, you've heard about Pathfinder, but haven't had an opportunity to play it yet, or know friends you could bring along, then what are you waiting for?

With the Beginners Box set releasing later this month, and PaizoConOz featuring some great low-level adventures, including the First Steps series, We Be Goblins!, Frostfur Captives, and more, this is the perfect opportunity not only to learn Pathfinder, but also meet a great community of players.

>> Pre-register now! <<

If you stumble upon this after we've already left for the event, it's not to late to join us. Shoot me an email or give me a call, or just turn up and we'll find a seat at a table for you. Ready-to-play character sheets will be available for new players.

Looking forward to meeting you all, and rolling dice together soon!

Stephen (DarkWhite)
Pathfinder Society 4-Star GM
Venture-Captain, Australia

Grand Lodge 4/5

Deluge wrote:

Melbourne weather is too up and down.

Or down and down and down, as it seems to be behaving this year.

:casts Control Weather on the ceaselessly grey sky:
:shakes fist at weather:

I've never done organized play for RPGs before, but I've booked in for the events I can make and have a few questions.

As I understand because this is my first go I'll be level 1 and should stick to Tier 1-2 events so what about this Blood Under Absalom? It doesn't have a tier listed next to it so is level 1 going to be okay?

Also I can only make the weekend events so the first event I can do is "A Vision of Betrayal", but its part 3 of the intro so is that going to be a problem or a bit of a difficulty?

Any help would be appreciated.

Good to see this sort of event exists in Brisbane! Shame theres no 6pm games for Friday night.

2/5 *

BQ wrote:

I've never done organized play for RPGs before, but I've booked in for the events I can make and have a few questions.

As I understand because this is my first go I'll be level 1 and should stick to Tier 1-2 events so what about this Blood Under Absalom? It doesn't have a tier listed next to it so is level 1 going to be okay?

Also I can only make the weekend events so the first event I can do is "A Vision of Betrayal", but its part 3 of the intro so is that going to be a problem or a bit of a difficulty?

Any help would be appreciated.

Good to see this sort of event exists in Brisbane! Shame theres no 6pm games for Friday night.

Hi there,

Blood Under Absalom is for levels 1-11, so you're fine with your character.
I don't think there's a huge problem with Vision of Betrayal, it's meant for 1st level characters after all. There might be a slight continuity issue but I doubt it will affect play (note I haven't done that scenario myself).

Lantern Lodge 4/5

Neil has it correct.

It will be fine joining Part 3, in fact Vision of Betrayal is perhaps the stronger of the three storywise, though Part one makes for a better overall intro, but they each stand well on their own.

Blood Under Absalom will feature many tables of various levels all playing the same session.

Enjoying cafe breakfast / latte in Brisbane just before our first session, where the weather is refeshingly warmer than Melbourne where I hear it's raining right now.

PS: Australia's first event with two VCs in attendance -Yeah!


I would just like to thank Stephan White for organizing a fantastic convention up in Brisbane. You did a great job and I had a hell of a time (even if I was dog tired by Sunday night). Who knew roleplaying could take so much out of you. I would also like to thank all the GM's for the time and effort they put in (especially those who travelled interstate). Anyway, fingers crossed I might see you guys up here next year. ;)


Pathfinder Adventure, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Seconded on the thanks of Stephen and Al! (VC's)

The Con was good fun and a great way to spend a rainy couple of days. Big thanks to Paizo for their support too. It was great to see everyone fly back to Brisbane from all over Australia. I am already looking forward to next year (and those joining us for MacquarieCon in December in Sydney).

Thanks to all the people whose enthusiasm at the tables makes for a great event.

Sovereign Court

PaizoconOz was great!
Thank you to all the GM's over the event, you all did a great job and I hope I have the pleasure of playing with you all again someday :)

Hope the city's really recovering from those floods now. Thoughts and congratulations to you from the UK. :)

2/5 *

Just wanted to say cheers to Stephen and Al and thanks for a great con, even if we could only make it on Saturday (sorry couldn't stick around for the end of the special).

Lantern Lodge 4/5

Thanks for all the words of encouragement everyone.

I had one hell of a fun time, as did everyone I have spoken to. Everyone put in an amazing effort, GMs and players alike, to make PaizoConOz in my opinion the most successful event yet! This weekend couldn't have happened without you.

I'd like to thank a great team of GMs and organisers, particularly those who traveled up from Melbourne and Sydney to make this happen:

  • Venture-Captain, Sydney: Al Rigg - every time I stepped into your room GMing Feast of Ravenmoor, I shuddered - I don't know how your players left the table with their sanity intact;
  • RPG Superstar: Matt Goodall for GMing his Wrath of the Accursed;
  • everyone who GMed the Blood Under Absalom special: Ben, John, Matt, Myra, Patto;
  • and GMs who ran other scenarios: Daniel, Jim, Seb
Daniel in particular, it was great to have a local Brisbane GM at the event, your tables sounded like a lot of fun, and I hope your effort inspires others to help out at future gamedays and events in Brisbane.

I loved running games for you all!

  • We Be Goblins! who doesn't love being a goblin?
  • two tables of the Midnight Mauler exclusive which ended with completely different outcomes;
  • two tables of Sewer Dragons of Absalom, I always enjoy roleplaying the character in the blue cloak, and the sewer encounter is so much fun to run;
  • Song of the Sea Witch;
  • You Only Live Twice, great scenario, so many memorable moments!
but the reason I love GMing so much is that Pathfinder Society authors give us such great material to work with - all I provide is the stage and let you the players entertain me for five hours!

The thing I enjoyed most about PaizoConOz this year over last year was that the 5/6-hour format (9am-2/3pm, 3pm-8/9pm) provided adequate time in most cases to muster tables, complete the scenario, have meal breaks and remaining evening time to socialise, and I personally got to know more of you away from the gaming table. It made a BIG difference! Rolling dice and putting rogue Shadow Lodge members to the sword is great, but let's not forget the reason we gather together to game, particularly if traveling interstate for an event, is to socialise with friends we make along the way, and I think PaizoConOz offers a friendly/relaxed home-gamer feel within a con environment.

Looking for more Pathfinder?

We've had many enquiries, and a few leads, from Brisbane players/GMs (also Newcastle) who are keen for more Pathfinder. Please contact Daniel or Ken in Brisbane for more Pathfinder opportunities, or contact Al or myself and we'll put you in touch with them, or add you to our Brisbane (or a region closer to you) mailing list and let you know of any upcoming Pathfinder events.

Pathfinders in Brisbane, Geelong, Melbourne or Sydney, be on the lookout for Beginner Box Bash events to coincide with the release of the new Pathfinder Beginner Box in a Good Games store near you soon!

Stephen (DarkWhite)
Pathfinder Society 4-Star GM
Venture-Captain, Australia

Lantern Lodge 4/5

@Neil - it was a pleasure to meet you and your lovely wife, putting a face to another messageboard avatar. I enjoyed the opportunity to GM Song of the Sea Witch for you both :-)

@Charles - we held the event at the Southbank Hotel, located a street away from the rivers edge. I'm told unsurprisingly the Southbank Hotel had flooded, though the clean-up was thorough, as I didn't see any evidence of flooding anywhere on this visit to Brisbane. Economic recovery was indeed a contributing reason we returned to Brisbane for PaizoConOz 2011, to bring some gamer/tourist dollars back to Brisbane and in particular the Southbank Hotel which had been good to us the previous year. I think they did good trade from Pathfinders in terms of venue hire, meals and accommodation over the last four days, and I'm glad we could help in a practical way.

Shadow Lodge 3/5

I'd just like to add another post of support, I had an awesome time at Paizocon Oz.

It was well organised, thanks for all the effort that went into making it happen.

Grand Lodge 4/5

Yes, thanks very much to the organisers and GMs and I appreciate as well that there's such a friendly atmosphere around the con itself. Great games all the way through.

Grand Lodge 3/5

Stephen White wrote:
PS: Australia's first event with two VCs in attendance -Yeah!

Next year we'll make it three (or more!)


Thanks to GMs and Players at PaizoCon Oz this year. It was great. The people are the ones who make the event.

It's great to catch up with gamers, some of whom I see just once a year (and others I see more often). Everything seemed to go very well. The venue staff were very accommodating which helped too, and we seemed to find good coffee and good food which was great.

Thanks to Stephen fr running everything (of course). I hope to see the same faces next year and hopefully some new ones.

Shadow Lodge 4/5 5/55/5

Just to add to the notes of support, yes, once again PaizoConOz was a terrific event and a massive thank you to Stephen White who deserves all the praise for the organisation. Great work, Steve.
I'd also like to thank all the other GMs for stepping up, and the players for making it all so much fun. You're awesome, each and every one of you.

Sovereign Court

What a great convention!

I had a ball! I have to thank all the GM's at my tables(Stephen, John, Ben)and of course the (at time riotous)characters too who had to put up with the likes of Angur, Count Du Mort and Edggar C Jeckyle. Everyone contributed to one of the best of conventions I have been to.

Well done to Stephen and all the organizers. If only there was exhibition hall to shop, if only;)



I had a ball too with the only real bummer being that I could do just two of the four days. A store there with some merch would have been good because I was itching to spend after getting a look at what other people were playing.

Really enjoyed seeing the sort of characters being had come up with.

I'm interesting in finding out if there's any news on future PFS events in Brisbane.

The Exchange 1/5

I"m sorry I couldn't make it this year. Al sent me regular picture to keep the jealously up. Look forward to bigger and better next year!

Lantern Lodge 4/5

BQ wrote:

I had a ball too with the only real bummer being that I could do just two of the four days. A store there with some merch would have been good because I was itching to spend after getting a look at what other people were playing.

Really enjoyed seeing the sort of characters being had come up with.

I'm interesting in finding out if there's any news on future PFS events in Brisbane.

Hi BQ,

This coming weekend, game stores world-wide are hosting the Beginner Box Bash, an event to Preview or Launch the release of the new Pathfinder RPG Beginner Box.

Australia is no exception, with a stores across the country participating in this event. Daniel and Ken will be running the Brisbane Bash! at:

Good Games Brisbane
74 Little Edward Street
Spring Hill QLD 4000

Date: Saturday 30th October
Time: 11am to 6pm

Give the good folk at Good Games Brisbane a call on 07 3832 2230 to reserve your seat at the Brisbane Bash! Anyone from Melbourne or Sydney can check participating stores in their city.

There are several game stores across Brisbane which sell a wide range of Pathfinder sourcebooks. Why not attend the Beginner Box Bash! and see what they have available.

Stephen (DarkWhite)
Pathfinder Society 4-Star GM
Venture-Captain, Australia

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