herkles1 |

This should be the upcoming release schedule for Pathfinder RPG:
1. Ultimate Combat
2. Bestiary 3
3. Advanced Race Guide
4. book of order: the guide book to being orderly and lawful
5. book of chaos: the guide book to playing chaotic and anarchy characters.
6. skills book: a guide book for skills.
7. gamemastery guide 2: with a focus on running a social/urban/political game
8. guide to gadgets and technolgy: a book that focuses on all sorts of tech stuff, from clockwork and steampunk to superscience and more.

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This should be the upcoming release schedule for Pathfinder RPG:
1. Ultimate Combat
2. Bestiary 3
3. Advanced Race Guide
4. Ultimate Kingdoms
5. Advanced Rules Guide
6. Bestiary 4
7. Ultimate Villainy
8. Advanced Planar Guide
Advanced Rules Compendium - Advanced rule options and rule variants. A tool box of new optional rules that re-imagine aspects of the Pathfinder RPG.
Ultimate Villainy - A catalog of villains and their backgrounds/motivations with versions at low/mid/high levels. Included are also henchmen, foot soldiers, and organizations to support them. Advice for building your own and using villains and their machinations in your campaign.
Advanced Planar Guide - A book on planar cosmologies, planar character options, using planar elements in your campaign, running plane-hopping campaigns, and planar invasions.

wraithstrike |

Raymond Lambert wrote:There should be no need to pull your hair out over short comments. I listed in order of desire as opposed to best business sense.It makes tabulation harder. If everyone follows the guidelines I can write a simple script to collect all the data and automatically process it. Your post will have to be manually corrected for entry. So thank you for making extra work for me, Raymond.
Maybe I should just say this: If you can't be bothered to follow the format provided, your vote simply won't be counted when the final tabulation is done.
I don't think it really matters since the sales number are more important than a list generated by a fan. As an example if the votes on here suggest another GM book, but the sales numbers support a bestiary book the bestiary book will get priority.

John Kretzer |

1)Ultimate combat
2)Beastairy III
3)Advanced races guide
4)Advanced Equipment guide
5)Worlds of Intrigue
6)Ultimate Skill
7)Worlds of War
8)Mythic Adventures
9)Advanced Player's Guide 2
10)Game Mastery 2
The Worlds of x books are sorta like the WotC 3.5 book seris of Book of Battle or Book of Horror.

gbonehead Owner - House of Books and Games LLC |

For those curious, 45 people have posted something that could be interpreted as votes. I've done my best to collate and combine them (I'm sure to garner the ire of some voters), with the following results. Note that I've renamed some of the categories to hopefully be more descriptive.
This covers through John Kretzer.
33 21+-level Rulebook31 Gamemastery Guide 2 (levels 12-20, kingdom building, organizations, etc.)
26 Bestiary 4
21 Ultimate Adventure (skill-based adventuring and classes)
15 Ultimate Psionics
14 Advanced Players Guide 2 (classes, prestige classes, and additional material)
10 Advanced Companion Guide
10 Pathfinder Alternative/Optional Rules8 Advanced Equipment Guide (possibly including crafting/materials/classes and magic items)
8 Bestiary 5
8 Kingdom Sourcebook (includes war/mass combat)5 Golarion World Guide (other, Casmaron, "African")
5 Immortals Rulebook
5 NPCs/Opponents Sourcebook
5 Rise of the Runelords Hardcover (and others)
5 Ultimate Magic 24 Gamemastery Guide to Politics and Trade
4 Planetary/Space Sourcebook3 High-Level Bestiary (CR 11+)
3 Pathfinder Science Sourcebook (Numeria, starmetals, steampunk, etc.)
3 Planar Sourcebook3 21+-level Bestiary (CR 20+)
2 New Systems (like Book of Nine Swords, Magic of Incarnum, Tome of Magic)
2 Ultimate Nature
2 Ultimate Scoundrel
2 Ultimate Spells1 Book of Chaos/Anarchy
1 Book of Law/Order
1 Book of Wonder (sourcebook of charts similar to GMG/AEG Toolbox)
1 Environment Sourcebooks
1 Pathfinder Draconomicon
1 Savage Species
1 Ultimate Clerics/Religion
1 Ultimate Feats
1 Ultimate Locations (environment, traps and puzzles)
1 Ultimate Villainy

idilippy |

Interesting compilation, but it doesn't take into account the ranking of when people want the items. I gave a point value to weigh the votes by how soon they are wanted as well as how many people just flat out want it. I recounted with the numbers weighted to where a #4 slot is worth five votes, #5 worth four votes, and so on. I tried to put similar items together, while not putting things in the wrong places, but this is far from perfect, and I only counted the first 5 listed items for any voter, but it's an alternate take to keep in mind. This is through edduardco.
GMG 2/High Level- 101(a little higher if we add kingdoms to this)
Mythic Heroes/Epic/Immortal- 98(a little higher if we add epic bestiaries to this)
Bestiary 4- 73
Ultimate Adventure- 52
Ultimate Psionics- 41
Pathfinder Alternate Rules- 29
Advanced Companion Guide- 28
Ultimate Trickery/Skillmonkey- 22
APG 2- 22
Ultimate Equipment- 20
World Guide, any- 17
Big Book of NPCs- 15
Stronghold Builder's Guide/Crafts and Leadership/Kingdoms- 15
Planar- 10
Ultimate Nature- 10
Ultimate Magic 2- 8
Bestiary 5- 7
Super Science/Sci Fi- 7
Ultimate Prestige- 6
Enviroment Book- 5
Ultimate Gears/Technology- 5
RoTRL Hardcover- 5
Book of Order- 5
Book of Chaos- 4
PF in Space/Planets- 4
Book of Intrigue- 4
Bestiary 5- 3
Spell Compendium- 3
Ultimate Villiany- 2
Worlds of War- 2
Book of Wonder- 2
Draconomicon- 2
Adventure Archive- 1
Savage Species- 1

Sketchpad |

This should be the upcoming release schedule for Pathfinder RPG:
1. Gamemastery Guide II
2. Numeria Campaign Guide
3. Ultimate Adventure
4. Ultimate Psionics
5. Bestiary IV
6. Pathfinder Alternative Rules
7. Ultimate Magic II
8. Other: Pathfinder Sci-Fi Setting/Planetary Guide
I'm still hoping for a Paizo produced sci-fi game ;)

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Interesting compilation, but it doesn't take into account the ranking of when people want the items. I gave a point value to weigh the votes by how soon they are wanted as well as how many people just flat out want it. I recounted with the numbers weighted to where a #4 slot is worth five votes, #5 worth four votes, and so on. I tried to put similar items together, while not putting things in the wrong places, but this is far from perfect, and I only counted the first 5 listed items for any voter, but it's an alternate take to keep in mind. This is through edduardco.
That comes a lot closer to what I was intending, though I would have flat out deleted all of the entries that are clearly votes in the wrong line. The Pathfinder RPG line is for rules, not (for example) campaign setting material.

gbonehead Owner - House of Books and Games LLC |

idilippy wrote:Interesting compilation, but it doesn't take into account the ranking of when people want the items. I gave a point value to weigh the votes by how soon they are wanted as well as how many people just flat out want it. I recounted with the numbers weighted to where a #4 slot is worth five votes, #5 worth four votes, and so on. I tried to put similar items together, while not putting things in the wrong places, but this is far from perfect, and I only counted the first 5 listed items for any voter, but it's an alternate take to keep in mind. This is through edduardco.That comes a lot closer to what I was intending, though I would have flat out deleted all of the entries that are clearly votes in the wrong line. The Pathfinder RPG line is for rules, not (for example) campaign setting material.
It was plenty of work as it was, and more for my own curiosity than anything.
In any case, the presence of the Inner Sea Campaign Guide seems to indicate that Paizo has nothing against setting-specific hardcovers, so I saw no reason to remove them.
Anyways, reaction was as expected :)

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In any case, the presence of the Inner Sea Campaign Guide seems to indicate that Paizo has nothing against setting-specific hardcovers, so I saw no reason to remove them.
I think you're a bit confused about the different product lines. The Inner Sea Guide is part of the Pathfinder Campaign Setting line, not the Patherfinder RPG line.

gbonehead Owner - House of Books and Games LLC |

gbonehead wrote:In any case, the presence of the Inner Sea Campaign Guide seems to indicate that Paizo has nothing against setting-specific hardcovers, so I saw no reason to remove them.I think you're a bit confused about the different product lines. The Inner Sea Guide is part of the Pathfinder Campaign Setting line, not the Patherfinder RPG line.
Glory be, you're right! My mistake; I'd figured that since it was a hardcover it was in the same line as every other hardcover.
Well, that's an oddity. But I don't think it negates anyone's opinion as to what Paizo should publish for hardcovers. It's no more/less valid than a planetary book, for example, or a book on the super science or the planes, all of which would also be very tied to the setting, yet were mentioned repeatedly in the voting.

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But I don't think it negates anyone's opinion as to what Paizo should publish for hardcovers.
The question isn't what hardcovers should paizo publish, it's what rpg rulebooks should they publish.
If I ask "What's your favorite color?" and you answer "Four!" that doesn't really answer my question, does it? That's just bad data. And bad data gets thrown out.

gbonehead Owner - House of Books and Games LLC |

gbonehead wrote:But I don't think it negates anyone's opinion as to what Paizo should publish for hardcovers.The question isn't what hardcovers should paizo publish, it's what rpg rulebooks should they publish.
If I ask "What's your favorite color?" and you answer "Four!" that doesn't really answer my question, does it? That's just bad data. And bad data gets thrown out.
Not the same thing.
If you ask "What type of fiction should I publish, fantasy or romance?" and 27 people answer with types of fiction and 300 say "you should publish non-fiction WWI books" and you ignore that, you're kind of missing the point of doing a survey.
Thus, the data was included. Feel free to do your own tabulation however you like; I did it because I was curious about the result and nobody else had yet bothered.

Rhishisikk |

This should be the upcoming release schedule for Pathfinder RPG:
1. Ultimate Combat
2. Bestiary 3
3. Advanced Race Guide
4. AP Compendium (with all those cool plug-ins, expanded upon, and conversions of old NPC into new classes; possibly with links between adventures listed/expounded upon)
5. Ultimate Psionics, even if it's just skins for casters that let them 'fake' psionics
6. Gamemastery Guide 2
7. Pathfinder Alternative Rules
8. Immortal's Guide, with where each immortal is strong/weak, and an expanded section of minor gods/beings that grant spells but are not gods. Mostly fluff, crunchy stat blocks in web format, so they can be kept up to date.

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Not the same thing.
'fraid so.
If you ask "What type of fiction should I publish, fantasy or romance?" and 27 people answer with types of fiction and 300 say "you should publish non-fiction WWI books" and you ignore that, you're kind of missing the point of doing a survey.
No, that just means that 300 people are stupid and didn't read the question they were asked, which means they missed the point of the survey.
Look gbonehead, this poll was to determine what Pathfinder RPG products people want to see, and what order they want to see them. The majority of people who are answering are answering the question asked and answering in the format requested. Some people have demonstrated a failure to understand the question and a failure to follow instructions. Those people's reward for not having a clue what's going on is that they get ignored.
Retroactively changing the question so that people who don't have a clue can still get their answers counted is just punishing all of the people who actually paid attention.
I get why you're arguing this, since you are one of the ones who weren't paying attention and you didn't know that there's a difference between the Pathfinder RPG line and paizo's hardcover books, but that's your error. You can argue that the question should be retroactively changed to mitigate your error all you want, but that's not how the real world works. Just be a grown up and learn from your mistake.
Now I think we've wasted enough space talking about this.

gbonehead Owner - House of Books and Games LLC |

For those curious, now 52 people have posted something that could be interpreted as votes. I'm sure I'm still doing it wrong, but here's the results.
This covers through Alceste008.
36 21+-level Rulebook
35 Gamemastery Guide 2 (levels 12-20, kingdom building, organizations, etc.)
31 Bestiary 4
25 Ultimate Adventure (skill-based adventuring and classes)
21 Ultimate Psionics
14 Advanced Players Guide 2 (classes, prestige classes, and additional material)
14 Pathfinder Alternative/Optional Rules10 Advanced Companion Guide
9 Kingdom Sourcebook (includes war/mass combat)
8 Advanced Equipment Guide (possibly including crafting/materials/classes and magic items)
8 Bestiary 57 Immortals Rulebook
6 NPCs/Opponents Sourcebook
6 Ultimate Magic 25 Gamemastery Guide to Politics and Trade
5 Golarion World Guide (other, Casmaron, "African")
5 Pathfinder Science Sourcebook (Numeria, starmetals, steampunk, etc.)
5 Planetary/Space Sourcebook
5 Rise of the Runelords Hardcover (and others)3 High-Level Bestiary (CR 11+)
3 Planar Sourcebook3 21+-level Bestiary (CR 20+)
2 New Systems (like Book of Nine Swords, Magic of Incarnum, Tome of Magic)
2 Pathfinder Modern/Sci-fi
2 Ultimate Nature
2 Ultimate Scoundrel
2 Ultimate Spells1 Adventure Path Compendium (non-adventure material)
1 Alternate Settings Sourcebook
1 Book of Chaos/Anarchy
1 Book of Law/Order
1 Book of Wonder (sourcebook of charts similar to GMG/AEG Toolbox)
1 Environment Sourcebooks
1 Even More Psionics
1 Pathfinder Draconomicon
1 Savage Species
1 Ultimate Clerics/Religion
1 Ultimate Feats
1 Ultimate Locations (environment, traps and puzzles)
1 Ultimate Villainy

Tibibe Nanba |

This should be the upcoming release schedule for Pathfinder RPG:
1. Ultimate Combat
2. Bestiary 3
3. Advanced Race Guide
4. Mythic Heroes
5. Ultimate Adventure
6. Pathfinder SPANISH translated core book
7. Pathfinder SPANISH translated APG (whether it combines Ultimate Combat & Ultimate Magic with the standard APG, or if they are all separate. If not combined, then place the other two as separate releases)
8. Pathfinder SPANISH translated Bestiary

gbonehead Owner - House of Books and Games LLC |

6. Pathfinder SPANISH translated core book
7. Pathfinder SPANISH translated APG (whether it combines Ultimate Combat & Ultimate Magic with the standard APG, or if they are all separate. If not combined, then place the other two as separate releases)
8. Pathfinder SPANISH translated Bestiary
Note that Paizo doesn't do the translations; they're all licensed. So if you want Spanish translations, you should find a company that's willing to do the work and poke them about it.

Herbo |

This should be the upcoming release schedule for Pathfinder RPG:
1. Ultimate Combat
2. Bestiary 3
3. Advanced Race Guide
4. Ultimate Treasure
5. Game Mastery Guide 2: Alternate Rules
6. Beastiary 4: Templates
7. Rise of the Runelords Compendium: 5th Anniversary Special Edition
8. Pathinder RPG Presents: Star Wars

LoreKeeper |

1. Ultimate Combat
2. Bestiary 3
3. Advanced Race Guide
4. Gamemastery Guide 2
5. Rise of the Runelords (hardcover compilation)
6. Challenges
7. Tian Xia World Guide
8. Bestiary 4
"Challenges" is like a Bestiary, but instead contains traps, haunts, possessions, poisons, diseases, etc instead of creatures

Herbo |

That reminds me - did we ever find out who purchased the Star Wars license after WoTC gave it up?
To avoid derailing willy-nilly
As much as I'd love to see Paizo carry on with the license, I could see cooler heads prevailing and avoiding the (likely expensive or at least complicated) Star Wars license for legitimate reasons.

Tibibe Nanba |

Note that Paizo doesn't do the translations; they're all licensed. So if you want Spanish translations, you should find a company that's willing to do the work and poke them about it.

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I'd love to see environment/culture books.
Forestscape (sadly neglected by WotC)
Arabian Adventures
Asian Adventures
African Adventures
(Native) American Adventures
Also, NPCs (both good and bad), maps and adventures.
Also I'd love to see more adventure paths collected into massive hardcovers like Shackled City was.

Beek Gwenders of Croodle |

Personally, I have had enough monsters so far, and the extra ones in AP just ive me that extra edge I need without new Bestiary books.
I'd be curious to see
1 - Epic rules
2 - Psionics made the Paizo way (that is, properly)
3 - Alternative rules
And since we're on speculative ground, I'd like to see some hardcover super-module like Ptolus or Shakled City as well.

secher_nbiw |

Personally, I have had enough monsters so far, and the extra ones in AP just ive me that extra edge I need without new Bestiary books.
I'd be curious to see1 - Epic rules
2 - Psionics made the Paizo way (that is, properly)
3 - Alternative rulesPeriod.
And since we're on speculative ground, I'd like to see some hardcover super-module like Ptolus or Shakled City as well.
I'm with you here. There are more than enough monsters out there, I'd like to see something other than Paizo flipping through The Big Book of World Mythology and grinding out another (or 2 or 3) Bestiary.
I want some Psionics, Epic Rules, and miniatures for familiars.

CunningMongoose |

This should be the upcoming release schedule for Pathfinder RPG:
1. Ultimate Combat
2. Bestiary 3
3. Advanced Race Guide
4. Ultimate Trickery (Skills tricks. Beguiler-like and Factotum-like classes. More mundane alchemichal stuff.)
5. Game Mastery Guide 2: Alternate Rules
6. Beastiary 4: Templates
7. Ultimate Companions (Familiars, Animal Companions, Mounts, Summons and Eidoilons.)
8. Golarion Rule Compendium (reprint of most of the crunch from Golarion not covered in the main line, for us who don't care about the setting but still want access to the crunch.)

edduardco |

I'm with you here. There are more than enough monsters out there, I'd like to see something other than Paizo flipping through The Big Book of World Mythology and grinding out another (or 2 or 3) Bestiary.I want some Psionics, Epic Rules, and miniatures for familiars.
+1 Me too, Psionics, Epic and Deities

Ben Kent |
This should be the upcoming release schedule for Pathfinder RPG:
1. Ultimate Combat
2. Bestiary 3
3. Advanced Race Guide
4. Mythic Heros (but actually just from lvl 13-20)
5. Pathfinder Core Rulebook Revised & Expanded
6. Ultimate Adventurers
7. [Something blah blah blah]
8. Ultimate Companions
Keeping comments out of the list is tough!

gbonehead Owner - House of Books and Games LLC |

This should be the upcoming release schedule for Pathfinder RPG:
1. Ultimate Combat
2. Bestiary 3
3. Advanced Race Guide
4. Mythic Heros (but actually just from lvl 13-20)
5. Pathfinder Core Rulebook Revised & Expanded
6. Ultimate Adventurers
7. [Something blah blah blah]
8. Ultimate CompanionsKeeping comments out of the list is tough!
Feel free to add some comments. It doesn't interfere with the collation I've been doing.
Plus, comments are interesting :)

gbonehead Owner - House of Books and Games LLC |

As of now, 62 people have posted something that could be interpreted as votes; here's the results.
This covers through Ben Kent
40 21+-level Rulebook
38 Gamemastery Guide 2 (levels 12-20, kingdom building, organizations, etc.)
33 Bestiary 4
31 Ultimate Adventure/Scoundrel (skill-based adventuring, classes and equipment)
24 Ultimate Psionics
17 Pathfinder Alternative/Optional Rules
16 Advanced Players Guide 2 (classes, prestige classes, and additional material) ... I'm lumping "Ultimate Feats" in with this.
12 Advanced Companion Guide
10 Kingdom Sourcebook (includes war/mass combat)
9 Rise of the Runelords Hardcover (and other hardcover mega-adventures)
8 Advanced Equipment Guide (possibly including crafting/materials/classes and magic items)
8 Bestiary 5
8 Golarion World Guide (other/other cultures, "African," "Arabian," Asian/Tian Xia, Casmaron, Native American)
8 Immortals Rulebook
8 NPCs/Opponents Sourcebook6 Ultimate Magic 2
5 Gamemastery Guide to Politics and Trade
5 Pathfinder Science Sourcebook (Numeria, starmetals, steampunk, etc.)
5 Planetary/Space Sourcebook3 21+-level Bestiary (CR 20+)
3 Advanced Monster Design (monster classes, templates, etc.)
3 Environment Sourcebooks (forest, etc.)
3 High-Level Bestiary (CR 11+)
3 Planar Sourcebook
3 Updated Rules (updated core rulebook, rules material from Adventure Paths and Golarion books)2 New Systems (like Book of Nine Swords, Magic of Incarnum, Tome of Magic)
2 Pathfinder Modern/Sci-fi
2 Ultimate Challenges (environmental, diseases, haunts, poisons, possesions, and puzzles)
2 Ultimate Nature
2 Ultimate Spells1 Alternate Settings Sourcebook
1 Book of Chaos/Anarchy
1 Book of Law/Order
1 Book of Wonder (sourcebook of charts similar to GMG/AEG Toolbox)
1 Even More Psionics
1 Miniatures (esp. for familiars)
1 Pathfinder Draconomicon
1 Spanish translations of (rulebooks, bestiaries, etc.)
1 Ultimate Clerics/Religion
1 Ultimate Treasure
1 Ultimate Villainy