Pathfinder "Final Fantasy Tactics"


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Being the result of much breeding in a now long forgotten land, the aim of which being the creation of a superior war charger around which to build a cavalry without equal in all of the world. In this time when a cavalry's strength means victory or defeat, there was one knight whose feats in the saddle shone above all others. This hero named his horse 'Sleipnir,' a name later given to those steeds chosen by his disciples. In more recent days, their once proud steeds have grown wild and feral at heart.

Warhorse (horse)


Large Magical Beast
HD: 4d10 + 20 (40hp)
Initiative: 4
Speed: 50 ft
AC: 23, Touch 13, Flat-footed 19
BAB/CMB/CMD: +4/ +10/ 24
Full attack: 2 hooves +8 melee (1d6 +5), bite +3 melee (1d4 +2) and Gore +8 (1d8+5 19-20x2)
Special Attack: Powerful Charge Gore +10 (2d8+7 19-20x2)
Special Qualities: Warbeast, Low-light vision, Darkvision 60ft, Scent, Natural Armor 10
Saves: Fort +9, Ref +8, Will +5
Str 20, Dex 18, Con 21, Int 2, Wis 18, Cha 11
Skills: Climb +9, Swim +9, Acrobatics +8, Perception +8
Feats: Endurance, Power Attack
Alignment: Always neutral
Environment: Temperate plains
Organization: Solitary, pair, or herd 3-30
Challenge Rating: 4

Warbeast: All warhorses are considered to be trained for combat and proficient in light and medium armor.[spoiler]

Sleipnir (Warhorse stronger version)[spoiler]
Large Magical Beast
HD: 8d10 + 48 (88hp)
Initiative: 5
Speed: 60 ft
AC: 25, Touch 13, Flat-footed 21
BAB/CMB/CMD: +8/ +16/ 30
Full attack: 2 hooves +14 melee (1d6 +7), bite +9 melee (1d4+4) and Gore +14 (1d8+7 19-20x2)
Special Attack: Powerful Charge Gore +16 (2d8+9 19-20x2)
Special Qualities: Warbeast, Low-light vision, Darkvision 60ft, Scent, Natural Armor 12, Swift
Saves: Fort +10, Ref +9, Will +5
Str 25, Dex 20, Con 23, Int 2, Wis 18, Cha 11
Skills: Climb +11, Swim +11, Acrobatics +9, Perception +12
Feats: Endurance, Improved Overrun, Power Attack
Alignment: Always neutral
Environment: Temperate plains
Organization: Solitary, pair, or herd 3-30
Challenge Rating: 8

Warbeast: All sleipnir are considered to be trained for combat and proficient in light and medium armor.

Mallicant: Being a variant warhorse with tentacles grown were the mane should be on account of its feeding on malboros. Formerly an herbivore, its mutation has given it the malboro's appetite for flesh. Using the sharp spikes that grow at the tips of its tentacles, it stabs at its enemy's vitals with disheartening accuracy. It is said that, should each tentacle find its mark, a man would die before sensing the merest touch.



Large Magical Beast
HD: 6d10 + 30 (60hp)
Initiative: 4
Speed: 50 ft
AC: 18, Touch 13, Flat-footed 15
BAB/CMB/CMD: +6/ +12/ 26
Full attack: 2 hooves +10 melee (1d4 +2), bite +5 melee (1d6 +5) and Tentacles +10 (1d6+5)
Special Attack: Grab, Extract
Special Qualities: Low-light vision, Darkvision 60ft, Scent, Natural Armor 6
Saves: Fort +10, Ref +9, Will +6
Str 20, Dex 18, Con 21, Int 2, Wis 18, Cha 11
Skills: Swim +10, Acrobatics +8, Perception +8
Feats: Greater Grapple, Combat Reflexes, Run
Alignment: Always neutral
Environment: Temperate swamps
Organization: Solitary, or pair
Challenge Rating: 6

Tentacle Lash (Sp): 4/day a mallicant as a standard action can deliver a very painful tentacle attack that deals 1d6 points of damage. The pain the tentacle inflicts causes its victims to take 1 point of Strength damage unless they make a successful DC 18 Fortitude save. Strength based save DC.

Grab (Ex): Gains grab special attack with tentacle attacks.

Extract (Ex): A mallicant that gains its turn with all six tentacles attached and that makes a successful grapple check extracts the opponent's innards, instantly killing that creature. This power is useless against constructs, elementals, oozes, plant, and undead. It is not instantly fatal to foes with multiple heads, such as hydras.




Medium Humanoid (orc)
Hit Dice: 2d8+8 (16 hp)
Initiative: +0
Speed: 30 ft.
Armor Class: 15, touch 10, flat-footed 15 (+4 armor)
Base Attack/CMB/CMD: +1/+3/ 13
Attack: Falchion+4 (2d4+3 18-20x2), Javelin +1 (1d6+2)
Special Qualities: Darkvision 60ft, Low-light vision, Ferocity, Natural Armor 1, Orc’s Resilience, Scent
Saves: Fort +6, Ref +0, Will +2
Abilities: Str 14, Dex 11, Con 16, Int 11, Wis 14, Cha 8
Skills: Fly +16, Intimidate +2, Perception +3, Survival +3
Feats: Weapon Focus Falchion
Environment: Temperate Hills, Mountains, or Underground
Organization: Solitary, gang (2-4), squad (11–20 plus 2 sergeants of 3rd level and 1 leader of 3rd–6th level), or band (30–100 plus 150% noncombatants plus 1 sergeant of 3rd level per 10 adults, 1 lieutenant of 5th level per 20 adults, and 1 leader of 7th level per 30 adults)
Challenge Rating: 1
Alignment: Usually chaotic evil
Languages: Common, Orc

Orc’s Resilience: Orc's natural resiliency gives them one extra hit point per hit die they have.



Medium Humanoid (Gnoll)
HD: 2d8 +4 (13 hp)
Initiative: +1
Speed: 30 ft
AC: 17, Touch 11, Flat-footed 16 (+2 armor, +2 shield)
BAB/CMB/CMD: +1/ +3/ 14
Attack: Bite +3 (1d6+2), Morningstar +3 (1d8+2)
Special Qualities: Darkvision 60ft, Natural Armor 2, Scent, Pack Attack
Saves: Fort +5, Ref +1, Will +1
Str 14, Dex 13, Con 14, Int 11, Wis 13, Cha 10
Skills: Perception +4, Survival +4
Feats: Skill Power Attack
Environment: Warm plains or desert
Alignment: Usually chaotic evil
Language: Gnoll
Challenge Rating: 1

Pack Attack: Gnolls deal an extra +2 damage on melee attacks against an enemy that has one or more allies adjacent to it.

KOBOLDS(yes they look like dogs)


Kobolds are defined by their class levels, they do not possess racial Hit Dice.
HD: 1d8 (4 hp)
Initiative: +0
Speed: 20 ft
AC: 16, Touch 12, Flat-footed 15 (+2 armor)
BAB/CMB/CMD: +1/ +1/ 12
Attack: Spear +1 (1d6)
Special Qualities: Natural Armor 1, Keen Senses, Darkvision 60ft, Crafty, Hatred, Canine Senses, Scent
Saves: Fort +2, Ref +1, Will +1
Str 10, Dex 13, Con 11, Int 10, Wis 13, Cha 10
Skills: Stealth +5, Perception +4, Craft (Traps) +6, Profession (Miner) +3
Feats: Skill Focus Perception
Alignment: Usually neutral evil
Language: Gnoll
Challenge Rating: 1/2

Canine Sense: Kobolds have the Scent ability. They also suffer a -2 circumstance penalty to saving throws against gasses. In addition Kobolds receive a +2 racial bonus on Perception skill checks.

Hatred: Kobolds receive a +1 bonus on attack rolls against humanoid creatures of the Human subtypes due to special training against these hated foes.

Crafty: Kobolds gain a +2 racial bonus on Craft (trapmaking), Perception, and Profession (miner) checks. Craft (trapmaking) and Stealth are always class skills for a kobold.

WYRMKIN (the ones that do look like reptilian regular kobolds)


Wyrmkin are defined by their class levels, they do not possess racial Hit Dice. All wyrmkin have the following racial traits.

Wyrmkin Warrior, Small Humanoid (Reptilian)
HD: 1d8 (4 hp)
Initiative: +0
Speed: 30 ft
AC: 17, Touch 12, Flat-footed 16 (+2 armor, +2 shield)
BAB/CMB/CMD: +1/ +0/ 11
Attack: Mace +0 (1d6-1)
Special Qualities: Natural Armor 1, Darkvision 60ft
Saves: Fort +2, Ref +1, Will +0
Str 8, Dex 13, Con 11, Int 13, Wis 10, Cha 10
Skills: Stealth +6, Perception +5
Feats: Skill Focus Perception
Alignment: Usually lawful evil
Language: Draconic
Challenge Rating: 1/2

Black: Widely dispersed in forests, swamps, and underground, the black-scaled wyrmkin are better swimmers than their brethren and gain a +2 racial bonus on Swim checks and gain a +2 inherent bonus to their Constitution.
Blue: The blue variant of wyrmkin appears most often within tribes dominated by other scale colors. These wyrmkin gain a +2 bonus to the DC of any divine spell they cast from scalykind domain or its respective subdomains and gain a +2 inherent bonus to their Wisdom. Many are powerful clerics.
Green: These are the standard forest wyrmkin, well camouflaged in leafy undergrowth. They gain an additional +2 racial bonus on Stealth checks and gain a +2 inherent bonus to their Dexterity.
Red: These wyrmkin are pyromaniacs and make extensive use of fire, especially the alchemical and magical kinds. These wyrmkin gain a +2 bonus to the DC of any spell they cast with the fire subtype and a +2 inherent bonus to their Intelligence. Most are a bit more arrogant than average wyrmkin.
White: Like the blues, white-scaled Wyrmkin are a little less frequent than other types. They are often powerful sorcerers, gaining a +2 bonus to the DC of any spell they cast with the cold subtype and a +2 inherent bonus to their Charisma.

Still waiting some comments/reviews on samurai and other stuff posted earlier ^^ thank you guys.

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 8

Okay, okay, I'll review Samurai. I've got to teach myself how Magus works in parallel, so we'll see how this goes ;P


All the feats make sense, but you might want to cut it back to 2 feats. Keep Improved Initiative and Power Attack. Maybe downgrade Weapon Focus(Katana) to Proficiency with Katana. Are katanas exotic? I don't have UC, so I don't know. If they are, that's a 4 feat requirement since you'd need EWP before WF. Moving along...

The requirements suggest that a magus could jump into the samurai prestige class at level 6, except for one thing: magus gets medium armour proficiency at level 7. So a magus can't enter the samurai class until level 8 without spending another feat and even then, until level 7, the magus still incurs spell failure penalties for wearing the armour. I recommend lowering the bar to Light Armour or removing the requirement entirely.

If you strip out the armour requirement, this open samurai up to bard as well. Which is sort of neat. Arcane duelist + samurai. Sorceror/dragon disciples could do some damage as samurai as well. The reliance on INT would hold them back though. The class seems most open to magus or wizards (or witches) with splashed martial levels. If that's not the intent, the requirements would need to be even more general.

Weapon + Armor Proficiency:
: There's a dangling sentence in there. "Samurai do not incur in arcane spall failure for using their Iaido on medium or heavy armor. They " and it cuts off. Also a typo where I bolded it.

Reworded and suggested some rebalances for the basic use of Iaido.
Rewritten Iaido Intro wrote:

Iaido (Su): Samurai may call on a Katana's spirit for assistance at any point during battle. However, this talent is not without its price. Each use of Iaido has a chance of breaking the katana, giving it the broken condition. Broken katanas cannot be used to perform Iaido.

After every use of Iaido, the samurai must make a fortitude save for his katana, with a DC equal to 10 + the number times the samurai has used Iaido that day. The katana uses either its enhancement bonus or the samurai's fortitude save, whichever is higher. A failed save means the katana is reduced to half its hit points and has the broken condition.

A low level samurai has a decent chance of breaking his katana. A high level samurai with a decent CON score is pretty unlikely to break his katana except when unlucky. If you want to make it harder for a samurai to lose his primary weapon/ability focus, swap his good saves from Ref/Will to Fort/Will.

Uses per day: If you want samurai to be strictly built on top of magus, I'd say drop the uses per day and connect Iaido to their Arcane Pool (have levels stack for determining arcane pool size). If you want other arcane classes to have a shot 3+Int Mod is alright, just gives the CHA based arcane casters a handicap.

Range: Because there are exceptions to the 15ft radius, it might be best to explicitly state the range in the description of every ability. It's a style choice though. The information is already there if you look for it. I just usually err in favour of being leaving no room for error, which usually means I end up writing out a lot more. ;)

Spirit Blade: If you're making the poor 3/4 BAB class roll an attack roll against everything in range, you should let them at least apply some sort of bonuses. Maybe make the attack roll use the samurai's BAB + Int mod and deal 1d8+int mod slashing damage. It's sort of like whirlwind attack, so they should get something for their trouble; they're going to miss more often than a full BAB class. You could even just treat it as a Whirlwind attack that reaches 15ft away and costs a resource (1 use of Iaido) by letting them apply their full attack bonus to the attack roll and STR to damage.

Binding Darkness: If creatures take the damage regardless of the grapple, you'll want to have the damage precede the grapple check to avoid confusion. (i.e. Targets in the area of effect take 1d6 points of typeless damage. The shadows summoned by the spell attempt to grapple creatures in range using the samurai's BAB...) The spirits use the samurai's CMB, but do they use the samurai's CMD when the grappled enemies attempt to break free? How long does the grapple last? Can the spirits be attacked to break the grapple? Do they have AC/hp/Saves? For simplicity's sake, I'd say they get a Reflex save to avoid being entangled for 1d4 rounds or something. Still impacts their movement, but less for players and GMs to track.

Verse of Oblivion: As written, this ability is a combination of Detect Spellcaster and Remove Spell. It's a little on the powerful side. It's also got built in IFF! It doesn't target friendlies because you stated "enemies"! So you can use this to have butterflies single out nearby spellcasters (even invisible ones!) and they lose spells. And then the fighters target the butterfly covered enemies. Parties will weep tears of blood when you have an NPC use this on them. As it stands, this is not a fairly balanced ability.

Here's a alternative. See what works for you.

Alternative Verse of Oblivion wrote:
Verse of Oblivion (Osafune): A technique that sends the whispering dead to feed on magical energies. Butterflies composed of spirit fill the area of effect for a number of rounds equal to the samurai's level. Anyone other than the samurai that attempts to cast a spell in the area while the butterflies persist takes 1d6 damage. This damage increases to 2d6 when the samurai reaches level 3 and increases by another 1d6 every two levels beyond that. Casting defensively will prevent the damage. The butterfly field remains centered on the samurai for its duration. The butterflies do not otherwise obstruct sight or actions taken in the midst.

It's not friendly fire smart, so it can work against allies, but a magus/samurai will probably be in the thick of things. This forces enemy casters to cast on the defensive (a full round action) or suck up damage that could disrupt the spell or move out of the area of effect (and perhaps provoke AoOs from the samurai).

Rain of Wisdom: "This ability functions as cure light wounds, mass. The samurai treats his samurai level as his caster level."

Cloudsea Curse: If opponents can save for half, maybe ramp up the damage on this somehow... maybe deals 1d4+1 cold damage per samurai level? That's minimum 20 damage at level 10 on a failed save, 10 on a pass. That's decent AoE for a 15th level caster. I suggest swapping it to cold because force is a particularly strong energy type and you don't want to overdo it. Cold damage seems to suit the image of the phantom mist too. Or keep the damage low and add a Fatigue effect if they fail a Fort save?

Purifying Breeze: Suggested alternative

Alt. Purifying Breeze wrote:
A technique bestowing the protection of its effervescent life force. Allies within range gain a deflection bonus to AC equal to the samurai's Intelligence modifier and gain Fast Healing 2. This effect lasts for a number of rounds equal to 1/2 the samurai's level (minimum 1).

Doomed Aspirations: I'm not sure how to fiddle with this. It needs some work to distinguish it from Asura/Spirit Blades since they're very similar abilities, but not sure where to go. Maybe negative energy and strength damage? If you like the way it works now, that's cool, it's a good ability and my gripe with it amounts to it being similar to another ability. In that case, I'd say keep the "highest damage as temp. hit points" and drop the "lowest damage as healing". Less to track is better for players and GMs. And mention the duration of the temporary hitpoints (I'd suggest 1 minute, flat out. 10 rounds should last an entire fight).

Sanguine Blossom: A Magus 5/Samurai 7 (minimum level to use this ability) can cast lightning bolt 4 or more times per day depending on his intelligence. Lightning bolt has a range of 120ft and deals 10d6 at this level. This ability in underpowered in comparison. Keep the range of 30ft, but make it 1d6+1 per samurai level, Reflex for half. It's a slightly more dangerous, close range lightning bolt that way. You pay for the range with increased damage. Fair trade off.

Ethereal Embrace: Make sure to note the caster level is equal to samurai level for cure moderate wounds, mass, and instead of 10ft movement speed, give them 1 round of haste. That seems fair to me as a GM, and appeals to me as a player. At this level, with an arcane caster in the party you'll probably be hasted most of the time anyway, so this is a nice emergency ability for extra movement, attacks, defense, and attack, with a burst of healing to keep you alive for one more round.

Raging Inferno: See Sanguine Blossom for why this is underpowered. To keep this one in flavour, maybe keep it to 5d6 fire damage, and on a failed reflex save, they have to roll reflex again on your next turn or take 4d6 fire damage, and so on until they make their save or the fire goes out after reaching 1d6. Essentially they catch on fire from your initial blast. It can do more damage than a fireball, but that's statistically unlikely. And that seems more like a 'raging' inferno too.

Iai Cut:
If I'm reading this right, this is Rapid Shot for swords? Flurry of Katana? If so, I'd recommend stealing the wording from Rapid Shot wholesale and saving yourself some trouble.

First Strike: Seems fair. I think Kensai gets something similar too.

: This can be simplified. A lot. But first, my concerns. I worry about this ability simply because it steps ALL OVER monks who get a similar ability, but can't couple it with armour. +10 AC at level 10 is waaaaay too good. Monks at level 20 get +5, plus their wisdom, and monks suffered through 20 levels to get there. A samurai can spit all over that at level 15. Here's my suggested alternative:
Simplified Shirahadori wrote:
Shirahadori(Ex): As long as a samurai is wielding a katana and has no shield equipped, he gains a +4 shield bonus to AC. This ability functions only when the samurai has at least one remaining use of Iaido for the day.

This way he gets a free shield spell so long as he's not spent all his Iaido. It's a good boost to AC, doesn't encumber him, is permanent and conditional all at once. Seems fair to me.

: This one... I think it would make the most sense, based on how magus worked, if Doublehand worked like this:
Revised Doublehand wrote:
Doublehand (Ex): Samurai have mastered blending their arcane and martial arts together while wielding their favoured katana. Samurai are treated as having a free hand while wielding a katana in two hands.

Wielding a katana two-handed lets them up their strength and power attack damage, and treating them as having a free hand does not force them to forego magus abilities. That's how I'd treat it. Take it as you will!

: Rather than make the opponent roll a fort save to ignore the damage, let the samurai deal damage equal to the damage they've taken, but it costs them all of their remaining Iaido for the day. It makes Bonecrusher a more tactical choice at that point.

THERE. Wow. Samurai is a complex job. Kudos for you for taking it on as thoroughly as you did. Hope my input helps refine it. It's got potential to be a very fun job to play.

Dark Archive

You version of Bonecrusher would make people cry before they mess with a Samurai.

I can just see a samurai surviving some very lethal damage spell just to walk up to the caster and give it back or a barbarian that didn't get to kill him suddenly taking up the same amount of ludicrous damage lol.

Yes I have tried to make Spirit Blades and Doomed Aspiration are "similar"

SO I added some effect to Doomed

Doomed Aspirations (Muramasa): A technique only a living soul will quell its tumult. The bloodthirsty spirit of the sword rushes outward to attack its enemies, the Samurai resolves a standard melee attack and damage for every enemy within range. This attack also grants the samurai temporary hit points equal to the damage dealt. The opponents can make a Fortitude save to deny the Samurai the temporary hit points. This temporary hit points last for a number of rounds equal to the samurai level. Creatures that fail the save are also fatigued for 1d4 rounds. This ability does not stack on itself.

This is the new Raging Inferno

Raging Inferno (Chirijiraden): A technique which pursues the living as a band of blue flame. A Samurai releases a wave of blue flames by channeling their inner strength of his katana against his enemies; this causes a burst that affects enemies within range dealing 5d6 points of fire damage. Creatures affected can make a Reflex save at the start of their turn to avoid taking 4d6 points of fire damage and extinguish the flames. Every time a creature fails its Reflex save they take one less dice of damage until they reach 1d6. This effect lasts until the Reflex save is successful. If Raging Inferno is used again on the same creature that is still affected by it, the dice stack and increases the difficulty by two. This only applies if the Raging Inferno comes from the same Samurai.

I'm about to NPC this as a mini-boss for an encounter, my players love to do side quest/stories or weird randomness extravaganza.

They will typically for some weird reason take the worst and most brutal options why I don't know they probably love to die in horrible intricate and funny ways.

Last Sunday in a Hilarious moment the rogue was underwater (human) in the darklands and he is swimming back to the fight were the Paladin is fighting a Demon in a small "island" in a lake the cleric casted a light spell on a rock that was on the little island so everyone could see and "try" to help. THe rogue ended in the water making a jump thinking his super acrobatics would allow it (he rolled 1...)

Rogue Player: Swim roll! Check ok what do I see!

ME GM: It is a bit murky but you see a pair of what you think are people fighting but you cant really make out yet who is who.

Paladin + demon perception check both pass it

Demon sees the rogue coming up from his hilarious fall in the water and step a bit back.

Paladin decides to aid another the rogue to help him up.

(Rogue player went to the W.C. quickly before his turn so he is not aware of this)

GM me: Rogue well so far this is what you missed.

Rogue Player: GM I really don't give a damn, I will jump and stab and hopefully kill that demon and just stab to death the first thing I get my hands on.

You should have seen the Paladin's face... or what was left of it. He got for the first time in this campaign MAX DAMAGE on all rolls+sneak attack + critical hit... yes this was the most hilarious moment of the evening and so now the "paladin" decides not to be resurrected and has become an evil npc that wants vengeance on the rogue.

Paladin player is now a Sniper archetype and the rogue player live in continuous hiding and sneaking.

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 8

Oh dang. I had not considered how Bonecrusher would work when used by a BBEG. A player would be flat out obliterated. The BBEG would have no special Iaido attacks from samurai left, but he'd still have arcane pool and spells left. Errrgh. This class is a rough fight.

I'm actually thinking you might want to make this a "smart fighter" class. Drop Power Attack for Combat Expertise (Int 13 pre-req) as a pre-requisite and keep all the abilities except the arcane caster level advancement. Spells and arcane pool and a full caster level advancement makes wonder what the downside is.

Then again, I'm not a big fan of the magus class or fighter/mage combos in general, so I am by no means an expert on how they work. If you're set on samurai being a magus prestige class, I'd recommend staggering the arcane spell advancement some. Maybe no spell progression at levels 1, 4, and 9 (similar to Arcane Archer).

Back to Bonecrusher though... It's a reactive ability if I remember right. Maybe it could work like this?:

Reactive Bonecrusher wrote:
Bonecrusher(Ex): When a samurai suffers a melee attack that reduces him to zero or fewer hit points, he can, as an immediate action, spend a daily use of Iaido to make a counterattack against his attacker as he falls. The samurai makes the attack at his full attack bonus. At level 5, this attack always deals maximum damage. At level 8, this attack is automatically a critical threat (the samurai must still roll to confirm).

I think this would work pretty well. If you manage a crit as you're going down you'll deal a heavy hit to the guy that brought you down, maybe take him with you. Feels like it fits well with samurai and the FFT ability.

Also, lolz @ the rogue stabbing the poor paladin to death.

Dark Archive

It not really magus exclusive it's just much easy for him to actually go into it.

Bonecrusher new review sounds more fair and of course very deadly to actually consider to kill a samurai in melee combat. I just wanted to keep the flavor of the HP missing = damage dealt.

I could just say he does max damage with bonecrusher. This will make lots of people take the Diehard feat for sure... I can see it lol, drop to -1 diehard + bonecruser, my turn I use rain of wisdom or another healing ability. I like this combo is not ULTRA gay like some other combos and he can still go down with much by ranged attacks or magical attacks.

Spellcasting will probably go down to 1 caster every 3 levels or something of the sort so they only win 3 or 4 caster levels.

That's why it was a " magus" class because of the arcane fighter type you need to be samurai. Still any other class that has arcane magic based on Int has a fair chance to it as well as the Charsa based ones they are just going to be a bit gimped.

Dark Archive

Deiros wrote:

Does a diamond worth 15,000 be to much for Reraise???

Considering is a 7 level spell that resurrect instantly during a fight and heals basically.

Honestly I think that's much too high.

Resurrection takes a 10k diamond.

It doesn't matter how long they've been dead, and you can cast it when you need it.

Reraise has to be cast a very short amount of time before they die. For 11,500 gp, you could achieve contingency+resurrection for 1 day/lvl, which is far more useful. (yes, negative level, but thats not that pricy to fix)... 16500 to do the whole thing with no penalties. and that lasts 13 days (minimum level to cast 7th level spells).

If its only going to last minutes or rounds (and may just be a waste of $$) then make it cost much less. Maybe 3000gp.

Dark Archive

I could make it diamond worth 3,000.

Like I sayed determining this material components and creation of magical items is not my grace.

Makes sense Darkholme will do as suggested ^^

Dark Archive

Pharam Pantheon


Pharam Pantheon/ Alignment Domains Weapons
Pharam “Mother of Creation” CG Knowledge, Magic, Artifice, Protection Warhammer
Umoth “The Forgotten” N Animal, Plant, Strength, Rune Unarmed Strike
Yulath “Master of the Sea & Sky” LG Air, Water, Weather, Travel Trident
Ortai “Ruler of the Earth” LE Earth, Darkness, Strength, Protection Earth Breaker
Faia “Lady of the Flame & Sun” NG Sun, Fire, Glory, Nobility, Good Longsword
Adest “The Spirit Lord” LN Repose, Death, Law, Knowledge Bastard Sword
Cirra “The Fallen” NE Trickery, Madness, Charm, Evil Dagger
Eijar “The Destroyer” CE Destruction, Chaos, Evil, Death Greataxe

Glabados Church


Glabados Church 13 Saints/ Alignment Domains Weapon
Ajora “The Son of God” All Long Sword
Balias “The Honorable” LG Nobility, Law, Glory, Good Bastard Sword
Sorice “The Healer” NG Healing, Fire, Repose, Sun Morningstar
Germonique “The Traitor” CE Evil, Death, Madness, Destruction Scythe
Tyhalta “The Master” N Knowledge, Law, Strength, War Unarmed Strike
Alaune “The Traveler” N Travel, Protection, Weather, Luck Rapier
Engad “The Hunter” CG Animal, Plant, Law, Weather Long Bow
Zarfhid “The Magi” N Magic, Knowledge, Rune, Trickery Quarterstaff
Lorque “The Lover” CN Charm, Trickery, Chaos, Liberation Whip
Gideon “The Free” CG Air, Luck, Chaos, Liberation Scimitar
Vilen “The Creator” LN Earth, Community, Sun, Knowledge Warhammer
Belccer “The Foehammer” CN War, Chaos, Destruction, Strength Great Sword
Swuiltos “The Silent” LE Water, Repose, Darkness, Death Short Sword

Iocus Church


Iocus Church Alignment Domains Weapon
Saint Iocus LN Healing, War, Protection, Destruction, Magic Falcata

Minor religions


Ya gonna hafta wait on dat one mates!


I just came upon this doing a quick search. Amusingly I've been planning out a FFT campaign for the last month using the Pathfinder system. A lot here I'd like to borrow if you don't mind.

I wasn't fond of some of the lore used in FF 12 so I wasn't going to use it honestly. So it won't all translate over, but the monsters and such you've documented should save me a lot of time if you wouldn't mind.

My own campaign is taking place around 5 years after the Lion War. Planning to have the PCs take part in the fall of the Hyral dynasty.

Some differences I've noted:
-Most of your Knight classes are PRCs while the way I've done it is just transfer them straight over. Example: Antipaladin becomes Dark Knight, Paladin becomes Holy Knight, Cleric becomes White Mage, Sorcerers of various bloodlines become the mage classes (black, time, blue, etc). This has meant a bit of altering and customizing, but I think it has probably saved me work.
-PCs will be starting as a Squire or Scholar (The chemist essentially). This is sort of a transition class, gives them a few bonuses but they don't actually become a 1st level character until they undertake a personalized quest that will function as the intro to the campaign. I've tossed these below for the curious:


The most basic of all warriors, the squire is still not one to be scoffed at. After all, even most of the mightiest knights were once squires themselves. While they may be just beginners in the realm of physical combat, everyone has to start somewhere.

• Starting HP: 10 (Flat Amount, no Con bonus)
• Proficiences: Light Armor, Medium Armor, Light Shields, Simple Weapons, Martial Weapons
• Free Skill Focus Feat (Acrobatics, Athletics, Craft, etc)
• Human Bonus Feat
• One Orison/Cantrip as a spell-like ability (3/day)
• One (or more) Trait(s) DM Chosen based on Characer Background


A scholar is an intellectual by nature. Their background focuses on battles with the mind and books, not blades. From these humble beginnings scholars can master the magic that infuses them and the world around them. They have but taken a single step along their path and the opportunities that await them are limited only by their impressive imaginations.

• Starting HP: 5 (Flat Amount, no Con bonus)
• Proficiences: Simple Weapons
• Free Skill Focus Feat (Heal, Knowledge, Craft, etc)
• Throw Item Feature (3 Squares) - (Under construction)
• Human Bonus Feat
• One Orison/cantrip as a spell-like ability (5/day)
• One (or more) Trait(s) DM Chosen based on Characer Background

-Squires in my campaign can transition into: Knight (Fighter/Cavalier), Samurai (Samurai), Machinist (Gunslinger), Archer (Ranger), Holy Knight (Paladin), Dark Knight (Antipaladin), Inquisitor (Inquisitor), Monk (Monk), Thief (Rogue), Ninja (Ninja), Bard/Dancer (Bard), Rune Knight (Magus)

-Scholars in my campaign can transition into: White Mage (Oracle), Black/Time/Blue Mage (Sorcerer), Geomancer (Druid), Mystic (Witch), Summoner (Summoner), Machinist (Alchemist), Thief (Rogue), Ninja (Ninja), Bard/Dancer (Bard), Rune Knight (Magus)

Each of the above have gained some changes to better fit the setting. Examples include:
- Summoners are able to form pacts with Espers to call them forth for a short period of time (they can't have an active Eidolon active during this).
- Dark Knights gained three sword techniques (Sanguine Sword, Abyssal Blade, Unholy Sacrifice) that use touch of corruption/channel energy to use. Additionally, they may be of LN, LE, NE alignments.
- Sorcerer chooses specific bloodlines to become certain mage classes (Time and Blue Mage have ones I've made custom).
- Monk lose a couple immunities but gain additional uses for their ki (chakra, aura blast, shockwave)

...and more. There is a 36 page document so far on setting and character creation.

Suffice to say glad to see I'm not the only one working on this and would be great to have someone to bounce ideas off. Best luck and hope to work with you! Feel free to email me or contact me on skype/msn. Will send you either if interested. Thanks for your time!

Dark Archive

Yeah I did like the FF 12 game, but fact remains that FF12 is the past of FFT.

I haven't finished up, so far I'm up to 209 pages... (yes very long), including all I have.

Squire for me I worked his abilities as feats or I might just make him a Fighter Archetype but it's not worth the hassle, thus made feats for fighters.

White Mages will be cloistered cleric versions of cleric nothing special and the normal cleric will be called templar.

Wizards will be just called Black Mages regardless of archetype or it's just simple fluff change.

Summoners will have their unique aeon, they will be able to "find" other aeons in their environments/dungeons becoming a nice sidequest and will stat them up accordingly unless they already exists as monsters (cyclops) and if they do probably add them their special attack to their arsenal and they would be summonable as the summon monster spell accordingly.

Espers are only the 12 Espers, that I will have to make stats for them later on, probably using a pit fiend or a balor as a base creature for them.

I just made the "knights" prestige classes because they just dont fit with paladin/antipaladin thingy.

The normal knight is basically a fighter with improved sunder, so there is nothing to do about him.

Monk I will just make feats out of the other monk like chackra would probably have as requirement for him to have wholeness of body + wis 15 or something like that.

The mystic ended up absorbed by the normal divine classes that already cast all his spells + 4 spell that I made for my brave/faith system.

Some monster maybe from ff12 but I also made background check to see about it in other finals and like the Gigas is a signature monster and horses still exists but they are just like cattle or wild beast in reality since the chocobo stole their place (way more useful).

You are making a bigger transformation than I will ^^ if you are tweaking so many classes I'm just creating the Setting to be played with pathfinder as is, just making the "flavor" changes here and there like the cleric class and renaming it to White Mage and wizards to Black Mage.

Cloistered Cleric = White Mage (only name change)
Wizard = Black Mage (only name change)
Cleric = Templar (only name change)
Paladin = Paladin
Fighter = Fighter
Barbarian = Berserker (only name change)
Witch = Witch (this class exists in FFT it for Valmafra)
Magus =
Gunslinger = Engineer (probably remake his skills but leave the rest as is)
Samurai (Archetype) = Rename it to Kingdom Soldier
Ronin (Archetype) = Rename it to Brigand
Rogue = Rogue
Ninja (Archetype) = Ninja
Monk = Monk
Ranger = Ranger
Sorcerer = Sorcerer (this class exists but is for a villain)
Cavalier = Not sure yet, probably leave it as is
Oracle = Mystic (yes this class absorbed the regular Mystic just added to it the spells)

Now after 5 years from king heyral rule (you got the Old version hyral).
I have an adventure that takes place 15 years later, that is the return of Orinus (18 years old) rightful heir to the throne of Ivalice. He fled to Romanda as a baby still but he is now in Ordallia that is about to go into civil war, that he will use to gain favor, fame and an army to go and take his throne back by force if necessary.

You are more than welcome to use the monsters if you want, this is all free of use and you can tweak it to fit your homebrew as you see fit. I'm more than happy to know my stuff is being used because it's worth it.

My final version will probably finish being up to 300 pager average.

I have a wealth system to explain the gil, Introduction to Ikkoku, history, kingdoms, religions, weapons & armors, magic items, spells, bestiary, prestige classes, archetypes/ fluff for classes or renaming), feats and might remake a few feats, race, zodiac system, brave/faith, hero points and traits

That's basically what it contains so far.

Ha, I totally had Delita's last name mixed up. Think it is Heiral in the new translation. Had them mixed up in any case, you're right. Need to adjust my writeup.

Orinus does take part in my story but not as a full time focus. My ideas for the PCs I'm keeping quiet on (just in case they read these boards, it wouldn't surprise me) but it'll involve a good portion of the cast from the game to a degree. They make excellent premade npcs and well made at that so I'm excited to use them.

I had considered a brave/faith system but it seemed like it would slow down the gameplay a bit too much so I left it out. Kudos to you for running with it though.

Interesting class changes overall. Now that you mention it mine might be longer lol. Oh well, I had a blast doing it. Doubt it is all balanced, though figure once we get playing I can adjust as we go to make it more final. I'm particularily pleased with how the time mage bloodline worked out. Blue mage I'm hesitant with so far, think it'll require a lot of changing to make it work. I may use your dragoon PRC since I couldn't figure out a good way to implement that the way I wanted.

I did choose sorcerer over wizard to more emphasize the more focused study of various magic over the ability to learn all the spells. Plus I like sorcs more heh. Seemed to fit the world a bit better imo.

For Summoners the lore I am going with is the espers dwell in the spirit realm. Summoners can make pacts with them to summon them (per FFT) for short durations in combat (thinking like 1 round per 2 levels or something). They are so immensely powerful that a summoner can only hold them on this plane for a short time. The idea behind their "Eidolon" is they create a magical body that an esper can dwell in. This explains why it can stay near indefinitely but the esper within is limited to the power the summoner can grant to the body.

(Yes, call them espers sorry lol. Did I mention my first FF game was 6 as well? Loved it to death!)

The creatures would be a huge help, I was honestly a bit intimidated on trying to create them all. Seeing someone else has worked on them helped a lot. Still lots to do, but not as bad as it was. So thanks very much! I'm still in the process of going through the three pages of your notes and seeing what I can and can't use. So far very high quality work though so well done!

I'll definitely be checking back on this thread often. :) Keep up the great work!

Shadow Lodge

Magus = Red Mage

Dark Archive

dartnet wrote:
Magus = Red Mage

You are right dartnet ;) thanks for the reminder.

Well I have about 5 possible stories the orinus is a suggested one,you will see the other possible stories in some prior post.

Sorcerer is fine and dandy but the Blak Mage fluff is a scholar magician like a normal wizards that's why I stand by using wizard as the class, and just call them Black Mage to generalists (I suppose it's the majority) and the other ones will be just called according to their archetypes.

Inquisitor would still be called inquisitor

Ranger = Hunter actually another slip up like the magus that I just got reminded.

You should just use Summon Monster spells for the "espers" it only lasts a couple of rounds and you just create them using other creatures that are similar already in the bestiary like the cyclops (which in FFT seem to be extinct race also).

The real espers (Ultima, Zalera, etc...) I will use the Pit Fiend as the base creature to stat them up, I just can't see them as something weaker since they are basically like Dukes of hell serving Ultima.

Yeah the mage thing comes down to preference really either way. Just explaining my own take, not saying yours is wrong or anything. Another way of looking at it is all.

I'll probably use your idea for the cloistered cleric and actual cleric. I was having a really hard time deciding how to add them in considering the white mage shouldn't be the guy running up in full plate and whacking everything to death. Keepings things relatively the same in flavour to the game is a bit important to me.

Summoner I'm still deciding on. As the class is written in Pathfinder, their summon spell like ability lasts a minute per level (at least in the book I have, maybe they errata'd that). That seems a bit long for the espers, plus I wanted them to have some real punch to them. Basically when they are called out they really make a difference but don't last long/maybe leave the summoner vulnerable after.

For the Zodiac Demons/real espers, yeah I would agree with you on those. Pit Fiend sounds about right for the power you are looking at. They are meant to be big bosses/near campaign enders. I'll be curious on your take on them and will be looking forward to it.

I've already made a ton of changes to my stuff based on yours. All of it is well thought out and balanced. Great work and looking forward to seeing more!

Dark Archive

Aleron wrote:

Summoner I'm still deciding on. As the class is written in Pathfinder, their summon spell like ability lasts a minute per level (at least in the book I have, maybe they errata'd that). That seems a bit long for the espers, plus I wanted them to have some real punch to them. Basically when they are called out they really make a difference but don't last long/maybe leave the summoner vulnerable after.

That is a simple fix ^^, just create them as a race "aeons" that are usually creature or characters of legend, they can only be summoned 1 round per 2 summoner level or something and stat them up.

Dark Archive

Here we go the First summon IFRIT

I reviewed all other FF to see his abilities and ended up with this monstrosity that I would not want to go looking for in his special dungeon just to make him show up as a Summon Monster 8/9 spell. He is no pushover and is pretty damn friggin strong. They are meant to be "sidequests" only or optional dungeon bosses, the rewards is basically themselves, some of them would fight you (Ifrit) others might require you to bring or do something for them to call them and defeat them afterwards.



The ground rumbles and shakes as a fountain of magma erupts from the earth, carrying a great and fiendish figure with it. Reflected flame glints from its massive horns, highlighting sinewed, ruddy skin and rippling muscles; the figure of a god in a body half man, half beast. With a thud, Ifrit lands squarely on the cooling lava, hellfire erupting from his canine maw as he throws back his head and bellows his defiance to the skies.

Large Outsider (aeon, extraplanar, fire)
HD: 13d10+117 (189hp)
Initiative: +7
Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft.
Speed: 40 ft
AC 30, Touch 12, Flat-footed 27
BAB/CMB/CMD: +13/+24/ 27
Attack: 2 Claws +22 (1d8+10 + 1d6 fire), Gore +19 (1d8+10 + 1d6 fire), Bite +22 (1d10+10 + 1d6 fire)
Special Attacks: Grand Slam
Special Qualities: Darkvision 60ft, Natural Armor 18, Immune Fire, SR 23
Weakness: Cold
Fort +17, Ref +11, Will +8
Str 31, Dex 16, Con 29, Int 13, Wis 18, Cha 14
Skills: Acrobatics +16, Bluff +14, Climb +23, Intimidate +14, Knowledge (Planes) +15, Perception +17, Sense Motive +17
Feats: Power Attack, Cleave, Improved Initiative, Multiattack, Ability Focus (Hellfire), Empower Spell-Like Ability (Hellfire)
Spell-Like Abilities:
Constantly - Fire Shield, Burning Hands
At-will: Cone of Fire (DC 18)
3/day Fireball (DC 18), Fire Wall (DC 18)
Languages: Common, Ignan, Infernal, Abyssal
Challenge Rating: 13

Burning Strike (Sp): Ifrit lets out a chilling roar as flames begin to dance across his claws. Lunging forward, he smashes his fist into the ground; below the target, creating a 60ft cone, the earth cracks and breaks open, releasing gouts of flame of a 20ft radius and fountains of lava of 10ft radius. Burning Strike creates a total of 1d4+1 gouts of flame that inflict 5d6 points of fire damage and 1d4+1 fountains of lava that creates impassable terrain and damages anybody in the area of effect for 4d6 fire damage per round. Ifrit can choose where in the 60ft cone area, will the gouts of flame and lava fountains will be. Creatures within the area of effect can attempt a Reflex save DC 19 for half damage. This ability can only be used 3/day. The save DC is Strength based.

Infernal Blaze (Sp): The ground shudders as a sphere of molten rock and fire bursts forth beneath Ifrit's feet, carrying Ifrit many feet into the air. As the ball comes into position, the Ifrit searches for his enemis within a 400ft range and then leaps from it, bringing both fists down hard on the molten rock. The force of the blow sends the fiery mass hurtling towards his enemies covering a 20ft radius where it lands, obliterating all in a mass of flames and superheated rock dealing 10d6 damage to every creature within the area. Infernal Blaze deals half fire damage and half bludgeoning damage from the rocks. Creatures within the area of effect can attempt a Reflex save DC 18 for half damage. This ability can only be used 3/day. The save DC is Constitution based

Hellfire (Sp): Leaping into the air, Ifrit creates two spheres of fire in his hands that grow up to a 20ft radius, waiting just a split-second before hurling them towards his enemies within 100ft range, this balls of fire deal 10d6 fire damage and can be thrown at the same area. Creatures within the area of effect can attempt a Reflex save DC 20 for half damage. Even as flames engulf everything in sight, Ifrit spits another roaring blast of flame that deals 3d6 points of fire damage and must successfully make a touch attack against all targets within 100ft range. In addition those creatures hit by this blast of flame must make a Will save DC 20 or be levitated from the ground against their will; the resulting explosion creates a coruscating sphere of fire magic that envelops the enemy, leaving them suspended in mid-air. Foes now immobilized, Ifrit delivers a final blow by tearing up a great fragment of earth to hurl at the hovering conflagration dealing 5d6 points of bludgeoning damage and shattering the sphere of fire and sending everything plummeting back down to earth. There is no falling damage. This ability can only be used 1/day.


You aren't kidding, he's a real monster! You think a level 8 or 9 summon for him? I wanted him near the middle of the road so I'll probably move him closer to a level 4 or 5 summon or so. That or possibly including an expensive reagant or something to balance it out a bit. Thoughts on that?

As a note, you mentioned he has a special attack called "Grand Slam" that doesn't seem to be documented there. The only other thing I can see is maybe clarifying Hellfire a bit more. He throws 2 balls of flame that hit everything in sight or two targets? It's a really powerful ability in either case, especially with everyone in such a huge range getting hit with a couple saves each.

Great work as always in any case. :)

I had a similar idea for the summon creatures and if one of the player's did a summoner it was my main idea for side quests and character growth. Think it is a really good idea and fun way for them to get rewards that aren't necessarily magical items or whatnot. Nothing quite like a summoner cutting loose and watching the fireworks cackling like a madman from the sidelines.

One more thing I just caught, you gave him Natural Armor 18 and a dexterity of 16 (+3 bonus) so his AC should be 31 and his touch AC should be 13 I believe.

Pardon double post, wouldn't let me re-edit my other one for some reason.

Dark Archive

Corrected one. Still his AC is correct he is large he gets a -1AC. Grand slam is from the gigas attack. I used the same tamplate forgot to erase his ability hehehe.



The ground rumbles and shakes as a fountain of magma erupts from the earth, carrying a great and fiendish figure with it. Reflected flame glints from its massive horns, highlighting sinewed, ruddy skin and rippling muscles; the figure of a god in a body half man, half beast. With a thud, Ifrit lands squarely on the cooling lava, hellfire erupting from his canine maw as he throws back his head and bellows his defiance to the skies.

Large Outsider (aeon, extraplanar, fire)
HD: 13d10+117 (189hp)
Initiative: +7
Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft.
Speed: 40 ft
AC 30, Touch 12, Flat-footed 27
BAB/CMB/CMD: +13/+24/ 27
Attack: 2 Claws +22 (1d8+10), Gore +19 (1d8+10), Bite +22 (1d10+10)
Special Attacks: Burning Strike, Hellfire, Infernal Blaze
Special Qualities: Darkvision 60ft, Natural Armor 18, Immune Fire, SR 23
Weakness: Cold
Fort +17, Ref +11, Will +8
Str 31, Dex 16, Con 29, Int 13, Wis 18, Cha 14
Skills: Acrobatics +16, Bluff +14, Climb +23, Intimidate +14, Knowledge (Planes) +15, Perception +17, Sense Motive +17
Feats: Power Attack, Cleave, Improved Initiative, Multiattack, Ability Focus (Hellfire), Empower Spell-Like Ability (Hellfire)
Spell-Like Abilities:
Constantly - Fire Shield
At-will: Burning Hands (DC 18), Cone of Fire (DC 18)
3/day Fireball (DC 18), Fire Wall (DC 18)
Languages: Common, Ignan, Infernal, Abyssal
Challenge Rating: 13

Burning Strike (Sp): Ifrit lets out a chilling roar as flames begin to dance across his claws. Lunging forward, he smashes his fist into the ground; below the target, creating a 60ft cone, the earth cracks and breaks open, releasing gouts of flame of a 20ft radius and fountains of lava of 10ft radius. Burning Strike creates a total of 1d4+1 gouts of flame that inflict 5d6 points of fire damage and 1d4+1 fountains of lava that creates impassable terrain and damages anybody in the area of effect for 4d6 fire damage per round. Ifrit can choose where in the 60ft cone area, will the gouts of flame and lava fountains will be. Creatures within the area of effect can attempt a Reflex save DC 19 for half damage. This ability can only be used 3/day. The save DC is Strength based.

Infernal Blaze (Sp): The ground shudders as a sphere of molten rock and fire bursts forth beneath Ifrit's feet, carrying Ifrit many feet into the air. As the ball comes into position, the Ifrit searches for his enemis within a 400ft range and then leaps from it, bringing both fists down hard on the molten rock. The force of the blow sends the fiery mass hurtling towards his enemies covering a 20ft radius where it lands, obliterating all in a mass of flames and superheated rock dealing 10d6 damage to every creature within the area. Infernal Blaze deals half fire damage and half bludgeoning damage from the rocks. Creatures within the area of effect can attempt a Reflex save DC 18 for half damage. This ability can only be used 3/day. The save DC is Constitution based

Hellfire (Sp): Leaping into the air, Ifrit creates two spheres of fire in his hands that grow up to a 20ft radius, waiting just a split-second before hurling them towards his enemies within 100ft range, this balls of fire deal 10d6 fire damage and can be thrown at the same area. Creatures within the area of effect can attempt a Reflex save DC 20 for half damage. Even as flames engulf everything in sight, Ifrit spits another roaring blast of flame that deals 3d6 points of fire damage and must successfully make a touch attack against all targets within 100ft range. In addition those creatures hit by this blast of flame must make a Will save DC 20 or be levitated from the ground against their will; the resulting explosion creates a coruscating sphere of fire magic that envelops the enemy, leaving them suspended in mid-air. Foes now immobilized, Ifrit delivers a final blow by tearing up a great fragment of earth to hurl at the hovering conflagration dealing 5d6 points of bludgeoning damage and shattering the sphere of fire and sending everything plummeting back down to earth. There is no falling damage. This ability can only be used 1/day.

Well he is a CRC 13 what summon monster is that normally?

Doh! Totally forgot the large size penalty to AC.

Not sure for the summons. Will need to familiarize myself with them a bit more. As a summon, he's pretty uber in any case. Definitely would leave a swath of destruction when called. On a rough guess, as is, I would probably put him around a 6th or 7th level summon. He's no Solar so I don't think he's around 8 or 9th but still up there somewhere.

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 8

The DCs for Ifrit's abilities are all over the place.

[url= wrote:
Monster Creation Rules[/url]]The DC for almost all special abilities is equal to 10 + 1/2 the creature's Hit Dice + a relevant ability modifier (usually Constitution or Charisma depending on the ability).

So Burning Strike would be DC26 (Again, odd to use Strength as the modifier for an ability, but this is your show).

Infernal Blaze would be DC25.

Hellfire would be DC27, assuming a CON based DC.

Secondly, I'm not sure where Ifrit is taking penalties to his natural attacks from, or why he needs Multiattack. This might be a throwback to 3.5 rules. In Pathfinder, all natural attacks are primary attacks (and made at your full attack bonus) unless specifically called out in the rules or if you incorporate manufactured weapons as part of your attack cycle. When you include an attack made with a manufactured weapon, all your natural attacks become secondary. Base attack 13 and STR mod of +10... Ifrit should attack at +23 for natural attacks.

It's also become standard practice to include Power Attack penalties and damage as part of their full attack cycle in the stat block. In Ifrit's case I believe it should look like this:

Full Attack: 2 claws +19 (1d8+18) gore +19 (1d8+18) bite +19 (1d10+18)

Since he doesn't need Multiattack unless he's using a manufactured weapon, you can swap that feat out for something else. Maybe Great Cleave, Improved Bull Rush, Improved Overrun, Toughness...

Burning Strike:
The multiple area of effects of Burning Strike seem like a lot bookkeeping to me in order to manage terrain issues, overlapping areas of effect, and stacking damage. The wide radius of the effects means that you can easily overlap multiple fields in his relatively small 60ft cone, which is a very easy way to stack up deadly damage and wipe a party. Impassable terrain gimps melee as well, as Ifrit can simply stand in the lava. That's not a bad thing, really, it's a clever tactic and entirely valid for the monster to use to survive. But with 3/day uses Ifrit can pretty much blanket your standard battlefield in lava and leave players dead, dying, or twiddling their thumbs.

I put this together as an alternative. See if it works for you in part or as a whole.

Alt. Burning Strike wrote:
Burning Strike(Sp): Ifrit lets out a chilling roar as flames begin to dance across his claws. Lunging forward, he smashes his fist into the ground. Two effects take place when Ifrit uses this ability. The first effect is a fire storm blanketing the area, as the spell (CL 13) with a DC 25 reflex save for half damage. The secondary effect is a 15ft cone of lava jets from the ground at Ifrit's feet, coating an area he designates. Ground covered in Ifrit's lava is considered impassable. Anyone in the area of effect or entering the area of effect takes 4d6 points of fire damage, DC 25 reflex save for half. The lava disappears after 1 minute.

Wasn't sure how long the lava should persist (maybe forever?) so I left it at 1 minute since 10 rounds is easy to track and may outlast the fight.

Infernal Blaze:
This is just a really dramatic fireball... I have a suggestion for improvement though. Retain the damage, the split between bludgeoning and fire, but make it 1/day and creatures in the area of effect have to pass a DC25(CON Based) Reflex save or be knocked prone. No save for half damage, you just take a rock to the face and have to struggle to stay standing. It's (Sp) so spell resistance applies, fire resist will lower the fire damage, DR can lower the bludgeoning. Seems fair to me, and Ifrit already gets the fireball spell 3/day. This is an upgrade with some oomph.

I am tempted to suggest splitting this into 2-3 different abilities. The fireballs + coruscating sphere could be combined into one ability, likely a (Sp). Describe the attack, but combine the full fire damage (maybe 15d6) and make a single Reflex to avoid it. Even if they avoid the fire damage, they can still be pulled 10ft up into the glowing corona of fire. Reverse gravity, a similar effect, gives them a reflex save to grab onto something to prevent being pulled into the air so long as there's something to grab onto. It's worthwhile to borrow that mechanic rather than reinvent one. They stay elevated until the end of Ifrit's next round if they fail their second save.

The secondary ability (Call it Earth Toss? Rock Hurl?) is the Ifrit grabbing the terrain and chucking it at them. It's (Ex), a standard action to make a ranged attack that deals 5d6 bludgeoning damage to the target. If the Ifrit targets the coruscating sphere, it's a ranged touch attack and deals 5d6 bludgeoning damage to everyone inside the sphere and they drop back to the ground. They drop only 10ft (so no falling damage). If the Ifrit is prevented from making the attack, or chooses not to, or is killed, or fireballs them instead, they drop back to ground and still take no damage.

This splits the damage up, gives the Ifrit a utility ranged attack that can be used at any time, and gives the players a chance to escape the full effects or counter it. It also feels less like you just gave the Ifrit 3 rounds worth of actions in a single round.

He's a heck of a CR13 too, maybe even a higher CR considering the power of his abilities. Comparable to devils and demons of the same CR and those are rarely easy fights. The bright side is he doesn't have DR or Regeneration like a lot of devils and demons, so he's low on the defense side. Fire Resistance and a blitz of damage would be the best bet. Low defenses are the only justification I can see for him not being a CR15 or worse. The saving throws, if CON based, are super tough to beat.

Dark Archive

You are right, I changed the DC to Wisdom and they all pretty much stay as DC 20 (Still high enough).

Yeah I think I went with 3.5 for a second... probably minor confusion of me.

I changed them and reworded some added Earth Toss (Ex)

This would be the new changed abilities.

Burning Strike (Sp): Ifrit lets out a chilling roar as flames begin to dance across his claws. Lunging forward, he smashes his fist into the ground. Two effects take place when Ifrit uses this ability. The first effect is a fire storm blanketing the area, as the spell (CL 13) with a DC 20 Reflex save for half damage. The secondary effect is a 15ft cone of lava jets from the ground at Ifrit's feet, coating an area he designates. Ground covered in Ifrit's lava is considered impassable. Anyone in the area of effect or entering the area of effect takes 4d6 points of fire damage, DC 20 Reflex save for half. The lava disappears after 1 minute. The save DC is Wisdom based.

Infernal Blaze (Sp): The ground shudders as a sphere of molten rock and fire bursts forth beneath Ifrit's feet, carrying Ifrit many feet into the air. As the ball comes into position, the Ifrit searches for his enemis within a 400ft range and then leaps from it, bringing both fists down hard on the molten rock. The force of the blow sends the fiery mass hurtling towards his enemies covering a 20ft radius where it lands, obliterating all in a mass of flames and superheated rock dealing 10d6 damage to every creature within the area. Infernal Blaze deals half fire damage and half bludgeoning damage from the rocks. Creatures within the area of effect can attempt a Reflex save DC 20 or be knocked prone. This ability can only be used 1/day. The save DC is Wisdom based.

Hellfire (Sp): Leaping into the air, Ifrit creates two spheres of fire in his hands that grow up to a 20ft radius, waiting just a split-second before hurling them towards his enemies within 100ft range, this balls of fire deal 10d6 fire damage each. Creatures hit by the spheres can attempt a Reflex save DC 22 to avoid the spheres of fire. Those hit by the Ifrit’s spheres of fire become trapped in a bubble of flame that floats 10ft above the ground, creatures caught in the bubbles suffer a further 5d6 points of damage and stay elevated until the end of Ifrit’s next round. Creatures can attempt a Reflex save DC 22 to avoid the bubble effect. This ability can only be used 1/day.

Earth Toss (Ex): Ifrit delivers a blow to his enemies by tearing up a great fragment of earth to hurl at them dealing 5d6 points of bludgeoning damage. If Ifrit’s attacks enemies caught in the flaming spheres, they shatter the sphere of fire and sending everything plummeting back down to the ground.

Thinking to let him as CR 14 after this. I know he would still be in the edge of CR 15 but this are just "special" uncommon creatures with their own dungeon etc... usually, still I need to keep it under the rules.

Next up is Shiva. xD defo a Charisma save DC or Int. based it probably on the Ice Devil as base creature for some abilities.

For Shiva, I think an ice-damage, cone-shaped breath weapon would be a must heh. Potentially something like Cone of Cold as a spell-like ability. Perhaps add an additional fort save vs being frozen in place? An ice damage aura would probably also fit. Last thing to come to mind is perhaps an area of effect blizzard sort of effect (obscures sight, ice damage each round, strong winds, etc).

Just some thoughts. Looking forward to what you come up with. :)


This site might be helpful, it catalogs the summon in each game and gives some information on their attacks:

Dark Archive

This is Shiva (so far)

A battlefield control pain in the butt to kill, not very hard to actually hit.



As the Summoner completes the final motions of the summoning ritual, man-sized fragments of ice come crashing down on the battlefield, creating a jagged tower of polished, glistening cold. Yet this spectacular structure is only the beginning; instantly, a soft shaft of light falls down upon it, illuminating the gentle fall of snowflakes as a lithe female figure descends from above, landing in the midst of the ice. For a moment, only her reflection is visible: the delicate blue skin covered in strange, inhuman markings, the scant scraps of clothing protecting only her modesty from the elements, multiplied into infinity by countless facets of ice. Then her eyes snap open, shattering the frozen carapace. Shiva, queen of ice, stands ready for battle.

Large Outsider (aeon, extraplanar, cold)
HD: 13d10+65 (137 hp)
Initiative: +9
Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft.
Speed: 40 ft
AC 28, Touch 18, Flat-footed 19
BAB/CMB/CMD: +13/ +19/ 38
Attack: 2 Slams +17 (1d8+5)
Special Attacks: Heavenly Strike, Diamond Dust, Freezing Entombment
Special Qualities: Darkvision 60ft, Natural Armor 10, Immune Cold, SR 25
Weakness: Fire
Fort +11, Ref +17, Will +15
Str 21, Dex 29, Con 21, Int 20, Wis 24, Cha 26
Skills: Bluff +21, Fly +22, Intimidate +21, Knowledge (Arcana) +18, Knowledge (Planes) +18, Perception +20, Sense Motive +20, Spellcraft +18, Stealth +22
Feats: Great Fortitude, Ability Focus (Diamond Dust), Empower Spell-Like Ability (Diamond Dust),
Spell-Like Abilities: Caster Level 13
Constantly - Fly
At-will: Ice Storm (DC 23), Cone of Cold (DC 23), Wall of Ice (DC 23)
Languages: Common, Aquan, Celestial, Infernal, Draconic, Abyssal
Challenge Rating: 14

Heavenly Strike (Sp): Shiva regards her target with a cool, disdainful gaze. Judging the foe unworthy of effort, she waves her hand and freezes the air above the target at a range of 100ft into an enormous block of ice that immediately drops down, delivering a crushing blow that deals 5d6 points of damage. The target creature under the block can attempt a Reflex save DC 23 to avoid the damage. Creatures that fail this save are pinned and prone. This ability can be used 3/day. The save DC is Charisma based.

Freezing Entombment (Sp): Shifting her stance for stability, Shiva gathers a charge of magic in her hands, barely pausing before unleashing a blast of pure frigid might against her enemies in a 60ft. cone area dealing 10d6 of cold damage. Creatures within the area of effect can attempt a Reflex save DC 23 to avoid being frozen in place and take half damage. Even the mightiest foe is quickly entombed as relentless streams of supercool air build layer after layer of sharp, gleaming ice, trapping everything in range beneath a frozen tomb effectively suffering the Pinned condition. Creatures inside the tomb stay pinned in place until the end of Shiva’s next round. Anytime before the end of her next round Shiva's can snap her fingers promptly shatters the ice prison, showering its victims with a cascade of tiny fragments creating a 10ft area of difficult terrain centered on the creature that was just released. This ability can only be used 1/day. The save DC is Charisma based.

Diamond Dust (Sp): Shiva whirls on the spot, sending motes of blue snow scattering across the battlefield. Where they land, the snowflakes instantly grow a hundredfold, hardening into cruel spikes of ice that freeze and pierce with impunity. Yeah I need to work this ones mechanic probably be a big area of effect thing.

Dark Archive

Undead seem to be a bit stronger or at least more unique than the typical pathfinder ones so I added this ones for actual "fighting" skeletons and the "mage" skeleton that shows up in the game also, still debating on the skeletons if they are worth it, but I will leave the skeleton mage since it's in the game.



Medium Undead
HD: 3d8 (14hp)
Initiative: 2
Speed: 30 ft
AC: 22, Touch 12, Flat-footed 20 (+6 armor)
BAB/CMB/CMD: +2/ +4/ 16
Attack: Scimitar +4 1d6+2 18-20x2
Full Attack: Scimitar +0 1d6+2 18-20x2; Scimitar +0 1d6+2 18-20x2
Damage Reduction 5/Bludgeoning, Natural Armor 4, Darkvision, Immunity to Cold, Undead Traits
Saves: Fort +1, Ref +3, Will +5
Str 15, Dex 15, Con -, Int 11, Wis 10, Cha 10
Skills: Climb +5, Intimidate +3, Perception +3, Stealth +5
Feats: Two-weapon fighting, two-weapon defense
Equipment: Breastplate, Scimitars
Alignment: Always evil
Languages: Common
Challenge Rating: 2



Medium Undead
HD: 3d12 (14hp)
Initiative: 2
Speed: 30 ft
AC: 18, Touch 12, Flat-footed 16 (+2 armor)
BAB/CMB/CMD: +2/ +6/ 19
Attack: Scimitar +4 1d6+2 18-20x2
Longbow +4 1d8 x2
Damage Reduction 5/Bludgeoning, Natural Armor 4, Darkvision, Immunity to Cold
Saves: Fort +1, Ref +3, Will +5
Str 15, Dex 15, Con -, Int 11, Wis 10, Cha 10
Skills: Climb +5, Intimidate +3, Perception +3, Stealth +5
Feats: Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot
Equipment: Chain Shirt, Scimitar, Longbow
Alignment: Always evil
Languages: Common
Challenge Rating: 2

Medium Undead


HD: 3d8 (17hp)
Initiative: 2
Speed: 30 ft
AC: 14, Touch 10, Flat-footed 14
BAB/CMB/CMD: +2/ +2/ 12
Attack: Dagger +2 1d4 19-20x2
Damage Reduction 5/Bludgeoning, Natural Armor 4, Darkvision, Immunity to Cold, Undead Traits
Saves: Fort +1, Ref +1, Will +5
Str 10, Dex 11, Con -, Int 16, Wis 10, Cha 13
Skills: Intimidate +5, Perception +3, Stealth +3
Feats: Ability Focus (Thunder Anima), Toughness
Equipment: Dagger
Alignment: Always evil
Languages: Common
Challenge Rating: 3

Flaming Anima (Sp): A Skeleton Mage can cause a single target within 40ft to burst into flame, as a standard action. The Skeleton Mage target takes 1d6 of fire damage per caster level. Targets can make a DC 18 Reflex save to reduce damage by half. Intelligence based save DC. The Skeleton Mage can use this ability every 1d4 rounds.

Skeleton mages variants are represented by the type of elemental attack they have: Ice Anima, Thunder Anima, Wind Anima, Acid Anima.

There is a stronger variant of the skeleton mage called Skeleton Fiend, this skeleton has the Champion Skeleton template and the Fiendish Creature template added to them.

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 8

Don't skeletons normally carry broken equipment? In most statted instances that's how I've seen them. If it's a style choice to leave the equipment intact, ignore my comment entirely.

Skeleton Warrior:
AC: Should be 23 with the +1 shield bonus from Two-Weapon Defense.

Saves: Will should be +3, unless the skeletons are getting a bonus from somewhere else I'm not aware of.

Skills: How many skill ranks do the skeletons get per HD? Normal PF skellies get 0, but most undead get 4 + Int Mod per level. This looks similar, but you're not factoring in the bonus for ranks in class skills (assuming you're using the Undead class skills), so each skill should be 3 higher (Climb +8, Intimidate +6, Perception +6, Stealth +8).

Feats: Skeletons in PF get Improved Initiative as a bonus feat. Did you decide to drop that?

Languages: Can the skeletons talk or just understand language?

Skeleton Archer:
HD: Should be d8 not d12. Looks like the average HP are based on d8s already though, so just a typo I guess :)

AC: Should be 20. Armour bonus from Chain Shirt is +4 (Max Dex +4).

Attacks: Crit Range on a Longbow is x3.

Saves: As with Warrior; Will should be +3 unless I'm missing something.

Skills: Same as the Warrior. See my comments there.

Languages: As above.

Equipment: How many arrows do your skeletons normally carry? Maybe a single quiver of 20?

Skeleton Mage:
HD: Should be written as 3d8+6, so 20 hp. Undead add their CHA bonus to hp.

Saves: Fort should be +2 (+1 from CHA) and Will should be +3.

Skills: Intimidate should be +7 (3 skill ranks, +3 class skill bonus, +1 CHA modifier). Other skills should be +6 (3 skill ranks, +3 skill bonus, +0 ability mods). If this skeleton is getting 4+Int Mod skill points per HD, he has 21 skill points kicking around and only 9 have been spent. There's another 12 skill points available.

Feats: Should be Ability Focus(Flaming Anima) I believe.

Flaming Anima: What's the skeleton's caster level? Is its CL equal to its HD?

Dark Archive

Final fantasy would make random encounters as the typical skeleton with broken equipment and such, but this guys are created undead for that specific service and thus equipped with normal gear. Since the encounters in the game the skeletons area actually pretty tough pricks and they have a chance of reviving with low or full health also.

This type of skeleton would be added later as the Bonesnatch that would make him a tougher version of the warrior + mage skeleton with the revival effect if the fight doesn't end quickly.

Skeleton Fiends would be stronger by just adding the fiendish template.

Yes they understand and speak common only.

I fiddled with the idea of removing Improved Initiative for those 2 feats, but I guess they can take it also and have 3 feats.

Yeah Skeleton Mages still got skill points left and I changed to flaming anima at the last second and forgot to switch it from Thunder anima. CL = HD just added it in there.

I must accept this are my worst and most sloppy done monsters but I was on a hurry lol.

Did you like the variant warhorse/mallicant versions of the normal "horses" in final fantasy ^^ I had to change them somehow.

Will post Tiamat also soon enough xD



Huge Magical Beast
Hit Dice: 12d10+84 (150HP)
Initiative: +7
Speed: land 20 ft, Swim 20 ft
Armor Class: 26, touch 11, flat-footed 23
Base Attack/CMB/CMD: +12/ +20/ 32
Attack: 12 Bite +18 (1d10+6)
Space/Reach: 15ft/10ft
Special Attacks: Pounce, Breath Weapon, Dark Whisper
Special Qualities: Darkvision, Low-light Vision, Natural Armor 15, Scent, Hydra Traits, Fast Healing 5, regenerate head.
Saves: Fort +15, Ref +13, Will +9
Abilities: Str 22 (+6), Dex 16 (+3), Con 24 (+7), Int 2, Wis 16 (+3), Cha 13 (+1)
Skills: Perception +17, Swim +14, Climb +14
Feats: Iron Will, Combat Reflexes, Lightning Reflexes, Improved Initiative, Power Attack, Cleave
Environment: Any
Organization: solitary
Challenge Rating: 13
Alignment: Neutral

Breath Weapon: A Tiamat has a breath weapon that deals 3d6 fire or cold damage in a 15 ft cone area. Targets within the breath attack area can make a DC 23 Reflex save. This ability is usable every 1d4 rounds. Although fire attacks cannot prevent a tiamat’s neck stump from growing new heads or freezing it either (since it is immune to fire and cold). Acid works normally on Tiamat. Reflex save is Constitution based.

Dark Whisper (Su): 1/day Tiamat growls in a low humming noise, creatures within a 30 ft radius centered on Tiamat, all creature caught within the radius must make Fortitude save DC 23 or suddenly collapse dead, those that make a successful save, must make a Will save DC 23 or into deep slumber. Both saves are Constitution based.

Dark Archive

For the Summoner,

Ifrit and Such are specific creatures, not a general type that is summoned.

I'd like to see them as summons who come out, do a single effect of some kind (encompassing a large area and only hitting enemies/allies as appropriate) and go away.

I like the summoner having regular summon monster stuff as well, but the way I see the named summons, each should be its own spell that invokes a different outsider, summoning a demigod for one spectacular effect.

But thats just me.

Dark Archive

Yes I was thinking of making an Archetype for the Summoner, that exists in other Final Fantasy Tactics to fill such a role but only as an OPTION, they would be Callers, which is a job in many other FF games.

Callers would still have an Eidolon but they would lose the Summon Monster ability, for the Calling ability and it would be still the same 3+cha per day uses you just only have a creature for each level, that you have to make a pact or defeat to gain their service.

I need better wording for the Enduring Unlife ability but I think the mechanic is ok and that is how it works in game.



Medium Undead
HD: 6d8+24 (51hp)
Initiative: 8
Speed: 30 ft
AC: 26, Touch 14, Flat-footed 22 (+4 Armor, +2 shield)
BAB/CMB/CMD: +4/ +8/ 22
Attack: Scimitar +8 1d6+4 18-20x2; Power Attack Scimitar +7 1d6+6 18-20x2
Special Attack: Thunder Anima, Ice Anima
Special Qualities: Damage Reduction 5/Bludgeoning, Natural Armor 6, Darkvision, Immunity to Cold, Undead Traits, Enduring Unlife
Saves: Fort +8, Ref +6, Will +7
Str 19, Dex 19, Con -, Int 20, Wis 14, Cha 18
Skills: Climb +8, Intimidate +8, Knowledge Arcana +9, Perception +6, Spellcraft +9, Stealth +8
Feats: Power Attack, Cleave, Improved Initiative, Great Fortitude
Equipment: Scimitar, Chain Shirt, Heavy Shield
Alignment: Always evil
Languages: Common
Challenge Rating: 6

The Bonesnatch caster level is equal to his total Hit Dice.

Enduring Unlife (Su): Once per day, a defeated bonesnatch can come back to kill you when you least expect it. Bonesnatch can make a Fortitude save DC 15 to cling to their mockery of life and continue to fight the living. If the save is successful a Bonesnatch can raise again in 1d4 rounds. When a Bonesnatch rises again, they calculate their HP by rolling 6d8+24.

Thunder Anima (Sp): As a standard action a Bonesnatch points at a single target within 40ft to send a lightning bolt from the tip of his hand to damage his target. The Bonesnatch target takes 1d6+1 of electrical damage per caster level (5d6+5). Targets can make a DC 18 Reflex save to reduce damage by half. Intelligence based save DC. The Bonesnatch can use this ability every 1d4 rounds.

Ice Anima (Sp): As a standard action a Bonesnatch looks at a single target within 40ft transforming the air above his enemy into an ice shard to fall upon him. The Bonesnatch target takes 1d6+1 of electrical damage per caster level (5d6+5). Targets can make a DC 18 Reflex save to reduce damage by half. Intelligence based save DC. The Bonesnatch can use this ability every 1d4 rounds.

Bonesnatch variants are represented by the two types of elemental attacks they have: Ice Anima, Thunder Anima, Acid Anima or Flaming Anima.

Dark Archive

I finished shiva will post soon

Dark Archive



As the Summoner completes the final motions of the summoning ritual, man-sized fragments of ice come crashing down on the battlefield, creating a jagged tower of polished, glistening cold. Yet this spectacular structure is only the beginning; instantly, a soft shaft of light falls down upon it, illuminating the gentle fall of snowflakes as a lithe female figure descends from above, landing in the midst of the ice. For a moment, only her reflection is visible: the delicate blue skin covered in strange, inhuman markings, the scant scraps of clothing protecting only her modesty from the elements, multiplied into infinity by countless facets of ice. Then her eyes snap open, shattering the frozen carapace. Shiva, queen of ice, stands ready for battle.

Large Outsider (aeon, extraplanar, cold)
HD: 13d10+65 (137 hp)
Initiative: +9
Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft.
Speed: 40 ft
AC 28, Touch 18, Flat-footed 19
BAB/CMB/CMD: +13/ +19/ 38
Attack: 2 Slams +17 (1d8+5)
Special Attacks: Heavenly Strike, Diamond Dust, Snowstorm
Special Qualities: Darkvision 60ft, Natural Armor 10, Immune Cold, SR 25
Weakness: Fire
Fort +11, Ref +17, Will +15
Str 21, Dex 29, Con 21, Int 20, Wis 24, Cha 26
Skills: Bluff +21, Fly +22, Intimidate +21, Knowledge (Arcana) +18, Knowledge (Planes) +18, Perception +20, Sense Motive +20, Spellcraft +18, Stealth +22
Feats: Great Fortitude, Ability Focus (Diamon Dust), Empower Spell-Like Ability (Diamond Dust),
Spell-Like Abilities: Caster Level 13
Constantly – Fly, Chill Touch
At-will: Ice Storm (DC 24), Cone of Cold (DC 24), Wall of Ice (DC 24)
Languages: Common, Aquan, Celestial, Infernal, Draconic, Abyssal
Challenge Rating: 14

Heavenly Strike (Sp): Shiva regards her target with a cool, disdainful gaze. Judging the foe unworthy of effort, she waves her hand and freezes the air above the target at a range of 100ft into an enormous block of ice that immediately drops down, delivering a crushing blow that deals 5d6 points of damage. The target creature under the block can attempt a Reflex save DC 24 to avoid the damage. Creatures that fail this save are pinned and prone. This ability can be used 3/day. The save DC is Charisma based.

Freezing Entombment (Sp): Shifting her stance for stability, Shiva gathers a charge of magic in her hands, barely pausing before unleashing a blast of pure frigid might against her enemies in a 60ft. cone area dealing 10d6 of cold damage. Creatures within the area of effect can attempt a Reflex save DC 24 to avoid being frozen in place and take half damage. Even the mightiest foe is quickly entombed as relentless streams of supercool air build layer after layer of sharp, gleaming ice, trapping everything in range beneath a frozen tomb effectively suffering the Pinned condition. Creatures inside the tomb stay pinned in place until the end of Shiva’s next round. Anytime before the end of her next round Shiva's can snap her fingers promptly shatters the ice prison, showering its victims with a cascade of tiny fragments creating a 10ft area of difficult terrain centered on the creature that was just released. This ability can only be used 1/day. The save DC is Charisma based.

Diamond Dust (Sp): 1/day, Shiva whirls on the spot, sending motes of blue snow scattering across the battlefield. Where they land, the snowflakes instantly grow a hundredfold, hardening into cruel spikes of ice that freeze and pierce with impunity, dealing 13d6 points of cold damage to all creatures within a 100ft. radius centered on Shiva. Creatures within the area of effect can attempt a Reflex save DC 26

Dark Archive

So, I guess there are no more helpers out there ^^ well will continue to post stuff still just in case someone is nice enough to stop by and help me with some suggestions, review, critique, etc...

Can say I'm still around. :) Generally check the thread every day or two, still working through your older posts and adapting to my own purposes.

Hadn't really posted on these since I didn't have much to say.

The Bonesnatch is pretty tough, but seems right from what I can tell. Still fairly new to Pathfinder rules so not sure I would be the best to point out mistakes there. As for it's comparison to the game it does and is what it should be. I like enduring unlife especially, though not sure how to improve the wording on it.

Shiva is what I expected. Capable of dealing some fairly decent damage and controlling the field to an extent by freezing or pinning creatures (not to mention walls of ice). The DCs seem right, only thing I noticed is a spelling mistake on ability focus that reads diamon. Pretty tough for her CR but based on Ifrit, I wouldn't say out of the question or overpowered.

Dark Archive

Aleron wrote:

Can say I'm still around. :) Generally check the thread every day or two, still working through your older posts and adapting to my own purposes.

Hadn't really posted on these since I didn't have much to say.

The Bonesnatch is pretty tough, but seems right from what I can tell. Still fairly new to Pathfinder rules so not sure I would be the best to point out mistakes there. As for it's comparison to the game it does and is what it should be. I like enduring unlife especially, though not sure how to improve the wording on it.

Shiva is what I expected. Capable of dealing some fairly decent damage and controlling the field to an extent by freezing or pinning creatures (not to mention walls of ice). The DCs seem right, only thing I noticed is a spelling mistake on ability focus that reads diamon. Pretty tough for her CR but based on Ifrit, I wouldn't say out of the question or overpowered.

Yes Shiva is a battlefield controller with decent damage, that is her how I see her and that is what I showed, I will work with other more easy aeons like Carbunckle, probably make it a CR 5 or so, Moogle would be a CR 1 or 2 maybe.

will work the CR of the others later on, right now I'm doing the elemental ones and the next one up is Ramuh followed probably by Titan to cover the elements.

Then I'll go with the Sylph, Fearie, Golem, Moogle and Carbunckle since they are basically all protection or healing more of a support role.

Then the rest Leviathan, Cyclops, Lich, Salamander and Bahamut (plus any I might have missed)

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 8

Deiros wrote:
So, I guess there are no more helpers out there ^^ well will continue to post stuff still just in case someone is nice enough to stop by and help me with some suggestions, review, critique, etc...

I'm still around :) I'm peeking in on occasion, but you're putting out a lot of material. I do a lot of editing and revision for my job so I get a little exhausted by it sometimes.

When things are quieter I'll try and catch up, starting with the Horses and working my way up to Shiva and any new aeons/espers/summons you've got written.

Dark Archive

I understand ya! I did consulting so I know how hard it is to review so much stuff, thank you guys ^^ just checking there was still some peole around here ^^

Will hope to post something soon since Ramuh will be kinda tricky.

Grand Lodge

Sounds like a crazy endeavour
G'Luck with that ><

Dark Archive

Surubbabel Wyvenmarch wrote:

Sounds like a crazy endeavour

G'Luck with that ><

Will probably need it. You are also more than welcome to critique/suggest/review my posts, or even help if you fill like it.

Dark Archive

Some traits I got so far, they are basically existing traits in Pathfinder just changed the fluff to make them nice, but I might still change some.

Ikkoku Campaign Traits:


Master’s Demeanor: As a proud Nobleborn, you are confident that members of inferior birth will obey you, quickly. You gain a +3 trait bonus on Intimidate checks against low-born or commoners.

Machine Trader Your time among the engineers in a Machine City has led to an extensive knowledge of engineer and ready connections in the trade. You gain a +2 trait bonus on all Craft (Firearms) checks.

Merchant: You grew up among the market stalls of the greatest trading post in the entire world, and can almost smell the value of an item before you touch it. You gain a +1 trait bonus to Appraise checks, and Appraise is always a class skill for you.

Knightly Order Ancestry: At least one of your parents was a Knight, and you see the orders as the embodiment of virtue. You gain a +2 trait bonus on Diplomacy checks to influence the chosen Knightly Order and a +2 trait bonus on Intimidate checks to influence enemies of the Knightly Order.

Magic Academy School: You studied under one of the masters of the Magic Academy. You gain a +1 trait bonus on Knowledge (Arcana) checks and a +1 trait bonus on Spellcraft checks to recognize spells.

Military Academy School: You studied under one of the masters of the Military Academy School. You gain a +1 trait bonus on Knowledge (History) checks and a +1 trait bonus on Intimidate, Ride, or Survival checks.

Ikkoku Noble: You are a scion of one of the warring noble houses of your kingdom, and are well versed in maneuvering though the cutthroat world of politics. You gain a +1 trait bonus on Knowledge (nobility) and Sense Motive checks.

Aspiring Knight: Your family has a long tradition of service in the Knightly Orders, and your strict upbringing and training have given you a forceful aura of command. You gain a +1 trait bonus on Intimidate checks, and Intimidate is always a class skill for you.

Artifact Hunter: You know the legends of Ikkoku and the places where great treasures were rumored to have fallen. You gain a +1 trait bonus on Knowledge (geography) and Knowledge (history) checks, and one of them is always a class skill for you.

Magic Academy Graduate: You graduated from one of the justly famous magic academies, and the rigorous program of study has honed your mind. You gain a +2 trait bonus on concentration checks when casting arcane spells.

Military Academy Graduate: You graduated from one of the justly famous military academies, and the rigorous program of martial study has honed your body. You gain a +2 trait bonus to resist one combat maneuver (Sunder, Grapple, etc…).

Ancient Nobility: You come from an aristocratic family, though your family has long since lost any power or prestige it once had. You gain a +1 trait bonus on Diplomacy and Knowledge (nobility) checks. In addition, your starting money is increased by 100 gp your “birthright,” such as it is.

Bastard: One of your parents was a member of one of the great families of Ikkoku, perhaps even of the line of Raithwall itself. Yet you have no substantive proof of your nobility, and you’ve learned that claiming nobility without evidence makes you as good as a liar. You take a –1 penalty on all Charisma-based skill checks made when dealing with members of your kingdom nobility but gain a +1 trait bonus on Will saves as a result of your stubbornness and individuality.

Historian: Your parents were scholars of history, whether genealogists of your own family tree, sages on the subject of ancient empires, or simply hobbyists with a deep and abiding love for the past. You gain a +1 trait bonus on Knowledge (history) checks and bardic knowledge checks, and Knowledge (history) is always a class skill for you.

Deceptive: You see through deception and lies since you know them all too well. You gain a +1 trait bonus on opposed checks against the Bluff and Disguise skills and a +1 trait bonus on Bluff and Disguise skills.

Religion Traits:

Holy Schemer: You are well versed in the arts of misdirection, plotting and intrigue, and you know how to recognize them when used against you. You earn a +1 trait bonus on Sense Motive, and it becomes a class skill for you.

Church Influence: Your family boasts ties that may go as far as the “Unification War” and much deeper. You gain a +2 trait bonus on Diplomacy checks when dealing with the Church.

Strength of Faith: Having anchored yourself in your faith and your knowledge of yourself, you make it difficult for others to dominate you. You gain a +1 trait bonus on saves against charms and compulsions, and the DC of any attempts to use the Intimidate skill on you increases by +1.

Purity of Faith: Your soul is clean, and you are deeply committed to fulfilling your duties to the church. You take +1 trait bonus on all Will saves and a +1 bonus on all saving throws made against spells and effects originating from worshipers of other faiths.

Divine Warrior: From an early age, you were trained by militaristic order of the church. You are devoted both to the teachings and to spreading those teachings by force. Your divine spells gain a +1 trait bonus to melee weapon damage.

Did you post those before by chance? They look familiar and it looks like I had copied them earlier into my own notes for later perusal.

In any case, very well done and some will definitely being seeing PC use I'm pretty sure. :)

Dark Archive

Aleron wrote:

Did you post those before by chance? They look familiar and it looks like I had copied them earlier into my own notes for later perusal.

In any case, very well done and some will definitely being seeing PC use I'm pretty sure. :)

Yeah I did post some before and had some typos and stuff in them, reworded some and added/removed some also ^^.

Dark Archive

The new aeons of the day!



A deep rumbling is felt in the earth as the battleground becomes a web of cracks and fissures, finally erupting to disgorge an exquisitely muscled man clad in little more than a loincloth. Perhaps his skin is the color of earth; perhaps it is the earth, rock and soil come together to mold a physique as mighty as a mountain. As dust and grit cascade off his body, Titan bellows with rage, glowering at those who would dare befoul the sanctity of the land.

Large Outsider (aeon, extraplanar, earth)
HD: 13d10+130 (202hp)
Initiative: +9
Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft.
Speed: 40 ft
AC 32, Touch 14, Flat-footed 27
BAB/CMB/CMD: +13/+22/ 27
Attack: 2 Slams +20 (1d8+8)
Special Attacks: Rock Throw, Earthen Shards, Anger of the Land, Earthen Fury
Special Qualities: Darkvision 60ft, Natural Armor 18, Immune Acid, SR 25
Weakness: Electricity
Fort +17, Ref +12, Will +10
Str 27, Dex 20, Con 29, Int 13, Wis 20, Cha 14
Skills: Acrobatics +16, Bluff +14, Climb +23, Intimidate +14, Knowledge (Planes) +15, Perception +17, Sense Motive +17
Feats: Improved Initiative, Ability Focus (Earthen Fury), Empower Spell-Like Ability (Earthen Fury), Toughness,
Spell-Like Abilities: Caster Level 13
Constantly – Force Punch
At-will: Acid Hands (DC 21)
3/day Earth Shard Strike (DC 21)
Languages: Common, Terran, Infernal, Abyssal
Challenge Rating: 14

Earthen Shards (Sp): 3/day the Titan slams his fist into the ground, rupturing the ground in a 100ft. cone, creating a rippling wave of shards of stone to come from the ground to strike at the Titan’s enemies dealing 10d6 of piercing damage to all creatures in the area of effect. Creatures within the area of effect may attempt a Reflex save DC 21 for half damage.

Anger of the Land (Su): 3/day, the Titan as a swift action, the Titan chooses one target within reach. The titan adds his Constitution bonus to her attack and damage rolls made against the intended target. In addition while Anger of the Land is in effect the Titan gains a deflection bonus equal to his Constitution modifier to his AC against attacks made by his intended target. The effects of Anger of the Land remain until his target is dead or the Titan changes target.

Earthen Fury (Sp): Titan leaps into the thick of the enemy, slamming his incredible fists into the ground as he lands. The resulting impact buckles the earth and creates a shockwave with a 60 ft radius that ripples through his foes dealing 10d6 points of bludgeoning damage, sending them toppling every which way and falling prone. Creatures within the area of effect may attempt a Reflex save of DC 23 for half damage. In addition creatures that fail their Reflex save fall prone.



Thunder rumbles in the distance as dark, foreboding clouds gather over the battlefield, casting the proceedings in an eerie half-light. Without warning, bolts of lightning burst forth from the clouds and strike the ground, obscuring everything in a single blinding flash. When the glare has faded and the last peal of thunder rung out, the battlefield has been joined by a wizened man with a long grey beard, dressed in loose robes and carrying a gnarled staff. Despite his age, not a flicker of weakness or infirmity passes over Ramuh's face; his expression is hard, eyes shining with a terrible majesty.

Large Outsider (aeon, extraplanar, electricity)
HD: 13d10+65 (137 hp)
Initiative: +9
Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft.
Speed: 40 ft
AC 28, Touch 14, Flat-footed 23
BAB/CMB/CMD: +13/ +19/ 24
Attack: 2 Slams +17 (1d8+5)
Special Attacks: Shock Strike, Judgment Bolt, Judgment Staff
Special Qualities: Darkvision 60ft, Natural Armor 14, Immune Electricity, SR 25
Weakness: Acid
Fort +11, Ref +13, Will +15
Str 21, Dex 21, Con 21, Int 27, Wis 24, Cha 26
Skills: Bluff +24, Fly +21, Intimidate +24, Knowledge (All) +24, Perception +23, Sense Motive +23, Spellcraft +24
Feats: Great Fortitude, Ability Focus (Judgment Staff), Empower Spell-Like Ability (Judgment Staff), Flaring Spell (Lightning Ray), Piercing Spell (Shock Strike), Improved Initative
Spell-Like Abilities: Caster Level 13
Constantly – Fly, Shocking Grasp, Mage Armor
At-will: Lightning Bolt (DC 24), Lightning Ray (DC 24)
3/day: Chain Lightning (DC 24), Call Lightning Storm (DC 24)
Languages: All languages
Challenge Rating: 14

Shock Strike (Sp): Ramuh lifts his staff high, allowing it to be struck by an errant bolt of lightning from the clouds. Whirling his staff once over his head, he points it at a target within 100 ft range and the accumulated electrical charge leaps out, sending ten lightning bolts to the target's body that deal 1d6+1 points of electrical damage. There is no Saving Throw, it does allow Spell Resistance. This ability can only be used 1/day

Judgment Bolt (Sp): The wind begins to howl as Ramuh chants in an arcane language, drawing a swirling, twisting mass of stormclouds to him. He stands unflinching as lightning begins to flash and crackles, letting the bolts strike him again and again until his staff sizzles with barely contained power before hoisting it aloft. In an instant, electricity springs forth in all directions covering a 60 ft area centered in Ramuh, a rolling wave lighting devastation that spins and scorches with erratic but deadly force, dealing 13d6 electric damage to all creatures within the area. Creatures within the area of effect may attempt a Reflex saving throw DC 24 for half damage. This ability can only be used 1/day. The save DC is Intelligence based.

Judgment Staff (Sp): Tiny arcs of blue-white electricity surge over Ramuh's body as he charges his staff with the wrath of the heavens themselves, waiting until the very tip of it glows golden before hurling 40 ft into the midst of the enemy with unexpected force. The gathered power bursts forth on a 20ft radius on impact, creating an ever-expanding circle that grows 10 ft per round of pure lightning that shocks everything in its vicinity with a merciless barrage of bolts, dealing 10d6 points of electric damage per round to all creatures within. Creatures within the area of effect may attempt a Reflex saving throw DC 26 for half damage. This ability lasts for a number of rounds equal to Ramuh caster level. This ability can only be used 1/day. The save DC is Intelligence based.

Just finished Titan also, just to have the 4 elements covered, moving to the "support" aeons.

Dark Archive

I'm working on some fluff for the Kingdom of Romanda for now in case you don't see me greatly active, if you want to know anything fluff wise I'll be more than happy to post it up just like I did with the history ^^

Scarab Sages

I've compiled the first chapter (plus cover and TOC in progress): link.

Comments welcome.

Shadow Lodge

Tom Baumbach wrote:

I've compiled the first chapter (plus cover and TOC in progress): link.

Comments welcome.

Very cool can't wait for the crunch.

Dark Archive

dartnet wrote:
Tom Baumbach wrote:

I've compiled the first chapter (plus cover and TOC in progress): link.

Comments welcome.

Very cool can't wait for the crunch.

All in do time will be there for ya ^^

I would have posted the link but I have no idea how to do it lol, some things still escape my knowledge of forums.

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 8

Hookay, let's start this catch up. Already had my post eaten up once, so bear with me.


HP: Should be 42 hit points. Avg hp per 1d10 = 5.5.

AC: That's a lot of natural armor for a CR4. Young dragons have comparable natural armor to this. Compound that with the fact these guys have armor proficiency and are (I assume) intended to be ridden, you could have a seriously high armor horse. Drop it by half I'd say, or maybe just +6 to bring it in line with the Mallicant.

Full attack: Why did you give horses a bite attack? Are they omniverous in this universe? I've been bitten by horses in real life, and yeah it hurts like the dickens, but they're still herbivores; they don't have the teeth to tear and rend flesh normally. I'm guessing they have horns as well for the gore attack?

Anyhow, your full attack should break down like this,

Full Attack: 2 hooves +2 melee (1d6 +4), bite +7 melee (1d4 +9) and Gore +7 (1d8+9 19-20x2)

Power Attack is included (-2/+4). Hooves are a secondary natural attack, bites are not, so hooves take the -5 to hit.

Warbeast: This is 3.5 material, isn't it? MM2 I think? Have you updated the template for PF at all or is it a straight import?


HP: Should be 92 (8d10 = 44 avg + 48)

AC: Should be 26. Also, see the warhorse for my comment on natural armor. PCs facing an armored Sleipnir will be swinging and missing a lot, unless targetting its touch.

Full Attack: 2 hooves +7 melee (1d6 +6), bite +12 melee (1d4+13) and Gore +12 (1d8+13 19-20x2)

Power Attack is included (-3/+6). Hooves are secondary.

Swift: What's the Swift special quality? Not familiar with this one.


HP: Should be 63. Got to remember those .5 hit points. They add up!

AC: Should be 19. (+4 Dex, +6 Natural, -1 size)

Full attack: 2 hooves +6 melee (1d4 +2), 6 tentacles +6 (1d6+2), and bite +11 melee (1d6 +5)

Tentacles are also secondary attacks. Need to specify the number of tentacles as well.

Feats: The Mallicant doesn't qualify for Greater Grapple. He doesn't even qualify for Improved Grapple. Improved Unarmed Strike is a prerequisite. You might want to invest in either Weapon Focus(tentacle), to help with initiating a Grab attempt, or Ability Focus(Extract) (see my comments below).

Grab: This is usually written in with the attack. So "6 tentacles +6 (1d6+2 plus grab)".

Extract: Few things on this ability. One, this sounds like a death attack. Usually good form to call it out that way. That statement also clarifies that undead, constructs, and similar critters are immune. Second, a no save death effect sucks for players. Give them a Fort save at least. CON based with Ability Focus(Extract) still gives a difficult DC20 to pass. Last, why are hydras and other multi-headed beings immune? This sounds like it liquifies organs, not brains. Is that just the fluff text confusing me?


HP: Should be 17. Is this annoying yet? :D

Skills: Orcs are natural fliers I take it? The +16 Fly seems out of place.

Equipment: What type of armor are they carrying? How many javelins?


Skills: Perception isn't a class skill for humanoids, normally. At best, it should be +3 (+2 skill ranks, +1 wisdom). Survival can be +6 at best. (+2 skill ranks, +3 class skill, +1 wisdom). Add +3 to perception if you're homebrewing humanoids as having access to Perception as a class skill though.

Feats: "Skill Power Attack" looks like a typo.

Pack Attack: "When two or more creatures with Pack Attack are flanking an enemy, they each get a +2 circumstance bonus to damage." This seems like a clearer way to say what you're getting at. If you'd rather the bonus be easier to maintain, swap it to "adjacent to one another" instead of "flanking an enemy".

Equipment: What kind of armor and shield do they carry?


Creature Type: Kobolds are humanoid(canine)? Humanoid(goblin)? What creature type are they now? The used to be humanoid(reptilian) but that's wyrmkin territory now. Are they medium sized or small? I'm assuming they're small Humanoid(?) for now.

Init: Should be +1.

AC: I'm seeing 15 for AC. (+1 Dex, +1 Size, +2 Armor, +1 Natural Armor)

BAB: Humanoids have a 3/4 BAB, so a 1HD humanoid has a BAB of +0. Small sized creatures do get a +1 to hit, but that's not BAB.

Skills: If kobolds are small sized, they get a +4 size bonus to stealth, bumping that to a +9.

Equipment: What kind of armor do they wear?


HP: Warriors get a d10 for hp.

Init: Is +1.

CMB/CMD: CMB is -1 (+1 BAB, -1 STR, -1 Size). CMD is 10 (+1 BAB, +1 Dex, -1 Str, -1 Size).

Attack: Light mace or heavy mace? I'm assuming heavy mace (1d6 for small sized).

Skills: Perception should be +4 (+1 skill rank, +3 skill focus).

Equipment: What kind of armor and shield do they wear?

Great stuff!

Nice to have someone that knows all the rules that well, I couldn't have picked that stuff up. Kudos to you Shiverscar!

Love Ramuh, he turned out really well. Never been as big on Titan myself, but I think you captured him in essence. Both are absolute beasts suffice to say.

Actually wanted to bounce an idea off everyone here while I'm at it. What do you think of this?

Phoenix Down:
Phoenix Down
Cost: ?
Weight: -

This soft, fluffy substance is a bright crimson in colour and often takes the shape of a small feather. Created through alchemical means, while phoenix down is not actually from the legendary bird its name is derived from, its function is very reminiscent of it. If applied to a creature that died within the last five rounds (a standard action) they are restored to life per the raise dead spell.

So my questions would be:
1) What is a suitable cost for an item like this? It's like a raise dead spell but more restricted so I was having trouble deciding myself.
2) Thoughts on possible creation rules?
3) Is five rounds too long or short?
4) Is this abusable in some way I'm not seeing? Should there also be an additional penalty (fatigued for an hour afterward for instance) on the person revived?

Dark Archive

Warhorse is not intended to be ridden it was experimented on by a dead long forgotten empire and now they are to feral and carnivorous.

The warbeast is more of an ability that reflects they were trained for war as such and they are still capable of wearing some, but they are not going to be ridden or at least not by common men. The name is going to change but I haven't thought of a better one for now.

Sleipnir Swift is a typo I missed in the copy paste it seems.

Swift (Ex): Sleipnir have a 10ft bonus to their land speed.

Mallicant, might be the text but it's more of an attack that rips yer innards out of your body and basically a death attack like you said, gonna give him multiattack and ability Focus also. The hydra part made no sense I was just basing it in the mindflyer extract and must have slipped me as a typo.

Orc fly is a template error from copy pasting another creature, this happens to me often it seems...

I also added the equipment entry for the creatures to state their armor, weapons and ammo when necessary.

It's not annoying yet xD

Kobolds: Yes they are Canine now like they show up in several FF games so I decided to keep them like that and they are small sized. Corrected the other things thanks for helping me a lot ^^

Phoenix down seem interesting but I am REALLY bad at creating magical items costs and stuff but it would be about 500gp-100gp probably.

You can add fatigue and it only restores a minimum health.

That is why magic items, armor +weapons will be last.

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 8

Magic items are tough to price, Wondrous Items most of all. I took a stab at it for ya.

Phoenix Down:

Phoenix down
Aura moderate conjuration(healing); CL 13th
Slot none; Price 4550 gp; Weight -.
This soft, fluffy substance is a bright crimson in colour and often takes the shape of a small feather. Created through alchemical means, while phoenix down is not actually from the legendary bird its name is derived from, its function is very reminiscent of it. If applied to a creature that died within the last four rounds they are restored to life per the raise dead spell. Using a phoenix down is a standard action that provokes attacks of opportunity.
Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, breath of life; Cost 2275 gp

Pricing explanation:

The phoenix down is a use activated, single shot, spell effect simulating something between breath of life and raise dead. Pricing for a similar single shot, spell effect, healing item works like this:

Spell level x Caster Level x 50gp

So, since the effect of the phoenix down is similar to (though not exactly like) breath of life let's build that, assuming it's like a potion. To begin with, a "potion of breath of life" would cost 2250gp (5th level spell x 9th level caster x 50gp). But, breath of life only works within 1 round of death. So let's pretend for a second that we can apply the Extend Spell metamagic to double that time limit. Let's pretend we can stack it while we're at it, extending the time limit to 2 rounds, then doubling it again to 4 rounds. We effectively increase the spell level to 7 and the minimum caster level to 13 (7 x 13 x 50gp). We end up with an item that costs around 4550gp. Again, I'm bending the rules and reinterpreting them liberally to make this item, but unfortunately that's the only real way to stat most wondrous items.

Alarmingly, this is cheaper than a raise dead scroll and it can be used by anyone. However, the trade off is the limited period you have to use it and the danger of using it midcombat (provokes AoOs).

I'll probably start working my way through the aeons and the bonesnatch next week :) Keep up the good work!

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