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As for racial stuff I'm not going too far, I just maybe allow something like aasimars and tieflings they will still look like humans they would just have certain things to give tham away and not so obvius ones like the poor tieflings and maybe half elfs, the rest of the races perished/hide from the world at this point.
The Setting is after the Lion War and it's up to the Storytellers/DMs/Narrators to decide I give some options:
The Succession War: 15 years have passed in the reign of King Heiral and Orinus Atkascha is now 18 years old. Having been raised by an old knight that deserted with him as infant to keep him safe from the usurpers, Orinus is now gathering the means to return to his homeland with an army behind him. Players could be in the role of Orinus' main supporters. Under no circumstance should one of the players control Orinus himself. The game itself should begin in Ordallia with steady progression into Ivalice.
Magitek-War: it's now been a hundred years since the Lion War and peace & stability have finally come to the countries of Ikkoku. That is until a new political regime comes into power in Romanda, igniting the ages old hatred its people feel for the homeland they lost over a thousand years ago: Fovoham. With an impressive new weapon known as Magitek Armor, the Romandans have aimed their sights at their neighbors to the south to end the rivalry once and for all.
Valendian Expansion War: Shortly after the “War of the Lions” the Valendian kingdom decides to attack Ivalice during this moment of weakness and uncertainty. Players could be from Ivalice and defend it from the invaders.
Ordallian Civil War: After some years of uneasy peace the noble have been scheming to wrestle the control of the Kingdom of Ordallia from Lennard, engulfing the lands in civil turmoil and despair. Players can be warrior of the crown defending it from the usurpers.
I will also add the Faith/brave:
The overall measure of the character's faith in both themselves and the creator. Faith comes into play often when magic is involved. A character with a lower faith will take less damage from magic but faces a lower chance of success of being revived or healed by magic. Vice versa, a character with a high faith faces the prospect of being hurt more by magic but has a much better chance for revival and being cured more effectively. For every 5 points below 40, all magic users face a –1 penalty to their spells DC to be resisted, -1 to touch attack spells rolls and loses one dice from the damage or healing of his spell. For every 5 points over 60, any magic user gains a +1 to their spells DC to be resisted, +1 to touch attack spells rolls and gain one dice from the damage or healing of his spell. To determine your Faith points, roll 2d10 and add them to 40.
The overall measure of the character's brave in themselves and their skills at arms. Brave comes into play often when battle is involved. A character with a lower brave will do less damage from attacks; less chances to strike accurately and faces a lower chance of success in skill checks. Vice versa, a character with a high brave faces the prospect of doing more damage, a much better chance for striking down his enemies and being more effective at skill checks. For every 5 points below 40, all melee or ranged attacks suffer a –1 penalty to their rolls when determining weapon damage, attack and skill checks. For every 5 points over 60, any melee or ranged attack the user gains a +1 bonus when determining weapon damage, attack and skill checks. To determine your Brave points, roll 2d10 and add them to 40.
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It seems I might add 1 more race to the mix.
This is normally in game a Job for Reis and the sidequest boss, but after reading the description they are actually more of a Human with dragonblood in them.
I'm trying to make them sort of an NPC race like the Aasimar. This means that yes you might play one if your GM/DM/Narrator/Storyteller lets you do it.
Average Height: 4´12˝–6´6˝
Average Weight: 140 – 155 lb.
+2 Consitution, +2 Charisma, -2 Dexterity. Dragonkin are physically hearty and strong-willed, but are not as nimble as other races.
Medium: Dragonkin are Medium creatures and have no bonuses or penalties due to their size.
Speed: Dragonkin have a base land speed of 30 feet.
Draconic Immunities: Dragonkin are immune to magic sleep effects and get a +2 racial saving throw bonus against enchantment spells and effects.
Low-Light Vision: Dragonkin can see twice as far as humans in conditions of dim light.
Dragon Blood: Dragonkin count as dragons for any effect related to race.
Dragon Breath: Dragonkin have retained the dragon breath of their draconic heritage, manifesting itself in the form of a 30-foot cone length and a 5-foot high. The type of energy breath weapon is determined by choosing one of the following: Holy or Unholy. A Dragonkin breath weapon deals 1d6 points of damage for every three character levels. A successful Reflex save (DC 10 + ½ Dragonkin’s Hit Die + Dragonkin Constitution modifier) reduces damage in half. Dragonborn can use their breath weapon once per day.
Draconic Sorcery (Ex): Dragonkin sorcerers with the Dragon bloodline treat their Charisma score as 2 points higher for all sorcerer class abilities.
Languages: Dragonkin begin play speaking Common and Draconic. Dragonkin with high Intelligence scores can choose any languages they want (except secret languages, such as Druidic).
Noe there are other "powers" in the job but I will leave those as racial feats.
Dragons Charm
Dragon Speed
Different Dragon breaths
Think there was one called Dragon Care or something like that a healing an ally ability like Wish.
Geomancer might be a ranger class (Specialist in Terrain) will probably sacrifice its spellcasting capabilities as a class.
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Well Im done with the " COinage" system basically
1 Gil = 100 Half Gil = 1000 Quarter Gil
and it has its little text explaining it but its kinda late and I'll post more progress, I'll repost the Ark Knight and Dark Knight tomorrow for those that didn't see them on the first page since they got mixed in with the before bombs and after bomb monsters.
Also got the Hydra which are basically the same in stats as those in pathfinder except for the Tiamat version.
Made the minotaurs also post them later for review, hopefully don't burden the helpful souls that have come to aide me ^^ with lots of things to review and comment on.
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![Cayden Cailean](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/cayden_final.jpg)
I generally like it so far. I started to attempt a project like this at one point, but it was a total conversion project and it was too much as a side hobby thing at the time.
Some thoughts:
Coins: If you're using the terms half-gil, and quarter-gil, they should probably actually be worth half a gil and a quarter of a gil. Otherwise that's really confusing. Either change the name, or the conversion rate.
Also, Given the price of a basic dagger in fft is 50gil, your value for a Half Gil is like a 10th of a penny in value, and a quarter gil, a 10th of that.
The second nit to pick, is that you have brave and faith on the same scale they are in FFT. should they not be on a more d20 scale? Maybe not 1-18, but 1-20? Generally percentile mechanics aren't a great fit in D&D/Pathfinder, and maybe condensing it to a 1-20 scale would help it not stand out so much.
Other than that, I think you've been doing a great job, and I wouldn't mind running this when its completed. I like your magitek idea, and it makes me want to make a world map with FFT on one side, and FF6 on the other. The FF6 side would have moogles as playable, and its where all the magitek (and magicite) are coming from..... uwahahaha. "That's Treasure Hunter!"
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![Cayden Cailean](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/cayden_final.jpg)
I second Darkholme's praise. My only problem would be deciding if I did FF6 if I wanted the World of Balance or the World of Ruin :)
Well Clearly World of Balance meshes better with Tactics, though Ruin could offer some good post end of the world stuff.
I think if the people of Ikkoku are just learning of the Magitek Armor, I'd say it must be somewhere before or near the start of ff6. The Empire has Magitek, they're expanding and conquering stuff, etc.
Main problem with WoR: How the hell did Ikkoku remain unharmed when Kefka ended the world? How did they not notice it happening? lol. Either the WoB is new and undiscovered, or you have to substantially change Ikkoku to accomodate the WoR.
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Yes you are right about the coin just make it a full conversion and make it probably
1 gp = 1 gil
1 sp = 1 half gil
1cp = 1 quarter gil
Just that there is no other currency like silver or copper so I just made it into quarter and half. Post later the Wealth of Ikkoku chapter for your enjoyment and quick read since its not very long.
Yeah I just wrack my head trying to make faith and brave into something d20 dice roll or maybe even 3d6 and use the same things as normal attributes.
I also tied the ability to raise your Brave/faith to the zodiac system, is very simple and is a kind playing your alignment, but instead of alignment is playing your sign. You may also lose faith/brave if you don't keep up with your zodiac sign also.
I'll post more actual stuff than just my rumbling and will change things as suggested since you make more sense than my crazy moments of typing the things up.
Thank you for the review Darkholme ^^ will repost prestige classes as I stated before (Dark Knight & Ark Knight)
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For the gil conversion why don't you just do 1 cp = 1 gil. That way there is only 1 currency type. So if you have "1 gp" you would have 100 gil.
Also I don't like the idea of connecting this with FF6. What would the reason be? There is no connection between the games in any way. There is more of a connection between FF7 and FFT with the appearance of Cloud.
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Wealth in Ikkoku
Wealth exists in many forms. It can appear as a bag filled with gil coins or as a profitable mine with workers and guards to run it or a keep filled with artwork and weaponry. The first of these is cash on hand, the second is capital and the third is credit. All three tend to surround Ikkoku’s richest and most influential people.
The Gil Standard
A regular system of coinage supports all of these financial ventures and institutions. This system is based on gil, and it is accepted by tax collectors, mercenaries, merchants and everyone else. Gil coinage is issued in a variety of sizes but it is always made of solid gold. The Gil being a big rounded golden coin. The royal seal is impressed on one side of the coin while a symbol of the church is on the other. Gil changes from kingdom to kingdom for the seals and religious symbols but they have the same weight and value everywhere you go, since the Gil is the currency respected in other countries. The Half Gil is part of the coinage system employed in the Ikkoku Kingdoms, this is usually half the size of a normal Gil coin and has the royal seal on one side and a province seal on the other, this is made with the purpose to measure internal commerce in a kingdom and determine the proper taxations and other such measures. The half gil is also the common coinage seen in a kingdom, not meaning that the Gil is rare but it is more common amongst traders, craftsmen and other people that sell their services to use the Half Gil more often than a Gil and this usually leads people to call the half gil as the “Gil” instead. There is also the Quarter Gil, this coin has the royal seal on one side and the seal of the ruling house of a province, this coin is rarely seen outside the province it was made for and is a quarter of the size than the normal Gil, this does not mean that the quarter gil has no value in other provinces or countries it is just the currency of the common man and as such it usually is seen as such but its value is the same everywhere in the kingdom it was made and the other kingdoms as well.
To represent the coinage system and compare it to the regular Pathfinder coinage system, the following table represents accurately the exchange rate of Ikkoku:
1 Gold Piece = 10 Silver Pieces = 100 Copper Piece
1 Silver Piece = 10 Copper Pieces
1 Copper Piece
1 Gil = 2 Half Gil
1 Half Gil = 4Quarter Gil
1 Quarter Gil
Dark Knight
Skills: Knowledge (Religion) 5 Ranks
Feats: Power Attack, Selective Channel, Weapon Focus Bastardsword
Special: Channel energy, Cast 1st level divine spells.
Alignment: Any evil.
Hit Dice: d10
Class Skills
The dark knight’s class skills are Disguise (Cha), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (Religion), Knowledge (the Planes), Profession (Wis) and Ride (Dex)
Skill Ranks per Level: 2 + Int modifier.
Level BAB Fort Reflex Will Special Caster
1 1 0 0 2 Dark Sword Skill, Sanguine Sword +1 divine
2 2 0 0 3 Infernal Strike +1 divine
3 3 1 1 3 Crushing Blow +1 divine
4 4 1 1 4 Dark Wave +1 divine
5 5 1 1 4 Shadow Flare +1 divine
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Dark Knight gains no new weapon or armor proficiency.
Dark Sword Skill: At every level, the Dark Knight gains access to a new Dark Sword Skill as shown on the chart. All of these take a standard action to use, and the save DC, where applicable, is 10 + Dark Knight level + Dark Knight‘s Charisma. Level dependant effects refer to the character‘s Dark Knight level. Each one is a supernatural effect, focused through the Bastardsword, so while it is not a melee attack in any way, it requires the Dark Knight to have a sword in hand. Using a Dark Sword Skill takes a number of channel energy attempts equal to the amount specified in the ability.
The Dark Knight may attempt to use a Dark Sword Skill without spending any channel energy attempts, but each time he does so he must make a Fortitude save (DC 10 + 1 per channel energy attempt it would normally use + 2 for each time he’s executed a Dark Sword Skill in this fashion without 8 hours of rest), if he fails, the ability fails, and the Dark Knight becomes fatigued. If he is fatigued already he becomes exhausted instead. He may not use a Dark Sword Skill if exhausted. The Dark Knight may otherwise use these abilities at will, but must wait 1d4 rounds after using one before using the same Skill (although he may use others during this time frame).
Dark Sword Skills never affect the Dark Knight who uses them; even if he is caught in its area of affect or the ability is somehow rebounded upon him. The following feats the Dark Knight may be applied to his Dark Sword Skills that either require a ranged attack or deal damage (as appropriate): Improved Critical, Weapon Focus and Weapon Specialization.
Sanguine Sword: (1 Channel Energy Attempt)
Does 1d6 per Dark Knight level (maximum 3d6) + Charisma modifier damage (Fortitude half) to a single target upon a successful ranged touch attack. The Dark Knight heals the same amount as the damage taken by the target, up to his maximum number of hit points. Range is 20 ft.
Infernal Strike: (1 Channel Energy attempt)
Causes a single target capable of casting spells to lose one random memorized spells or spell slots of their highest spell level currently available upon a successful ranged touch attack (Will negates). Furthermore, if the attack is successful, the Dark Knight gains one temporary use of Channel Energy attempts which he can use normally. These extra Channel Energy attempts last for up to 1 minute, or until used. Note that this does not grant the Dark Knight the ability to Channel Energy if he could not normally do so, and they are only for activating Dark Sword Skills. This is a mind-affecting effect. Range is 20 ft.
Crushing Blow: (2 Channel Energy attempts)
Does 1d6 + 1d6 per Dark Knight level (maximum 5d6) + Charisma modifier half of it is fire damage the other part is negative energy damage to a single target upon a successful ranged touch attack. Furthermore if the target takes any damage, he must make a Fortitude save to avoid being paralyzed for 1d4 rounds. Range is 15 ft.
Dark Wave: (2 Channel Energy attempts)
Does 1d10 per Dark Knight level (maximum 3d10) + Charisma modifier of unholy damage (Reflex half) to all creatures within a cone shaped area, up to 10 feet long and 5 feet high per Dark Knight level starting from the Dark Knight. Furthermore, those who take damage must make Fortitude save to avoid being blinded for 1d4 hours. Using this ability deals 1d4 points of subdual damage to the Dark Knight for each target affected.
Shadow Flare (3 Channel Energy attempts)
All targets within a 20 feet radius burst take 1d10 per Dark knight level (maximum 5d10) + Charisma modifier of negative energy damage (Reflex half). Unlike other Dark Sword Skills, this ability takes a full-round action to use. Range is 5 feet per level. Using this ability deals 1d6 points of subdual damage to the Dark Knight for each target affected.
Ark Knight
Skills: Intimidate 5 Ranks, Knowledge (Nobility) 5 ranks
Feats: Power Attack, Improved Sunder, Combat Reflexes, Weapon Focus Bastard Sword, Weapon Specialization Bastard Sword
Alignment: Any.
Hit Dice: d10
Class Skills
The ark knight’s class skills are Diplomacy (Cha), Handle Animal (Cha), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (Local) (Int), Knowledge (Nobility) (Int), Profession (Wis) and Ride (Dex)
Skill Ranks per Level: 2 + Int modifier.
Level BAB Fort Reflex Will Special
1 1 0 0 2 Parry
2 2 0 0 3 Arts of War
3 3 1 1 3 Bonus Feat
4 4 1 1 4 Arts of War
5 5 1 1 4 Adrenaline Rush
6 6 2 2 5 Arts of War
7 7 2 2 5 Bonus Feat
8 8 2 2 6 Arts of War
9 9 3 3 6 Safe Guard
10 10 3 3 7 Ruination, Arts of War
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Ark Knights gains no new weapon or armor proficiency.
Arts of War: The ark knight can choose one Art of War at second level and one more every other level. Some Arts of War damage the opponent’s ability scores directly, while others are used to damage equipment. Using the Arts of War is a standard action, which does not provoke an attack of opportunity, it’s like a normal sunder attempt, or melee attack, but it deals some special type of affect instead of dealing normal damage.
Magic Break (Su): The ark knight resolves a standard melee attack, but instead of dealing damage as normal, the target makes a Concentration check (DC 10 + damage dealt + target spell level), if the opponent fails they lose a prepared spell.
Power Break (Su): The ark knight resolves a standard melee attack, but instead of dealing damage as normal, the target makes a Strength check (DC 10 + damage dealt), if the opponent fails their Strength attribute suffers damage equal to the Ark Knight’s Strength modifier and lasts till the end of an encounter.
Mind Break (Su): The ark knight resolves a standard melee attack, but instead of dealing damage, the target suffers a penalty to their Will saving throw equal to ½ the Ark Knight level. This penalty is cumulative (Will save cannot be lower than 0), and lasts till the end of an encounter.
Speed Break (Su): The ark knight resolves a standard melee attack, but instead of dealing damage, the target suffers a penalty to their Reflex saving throw equal to ½ the Ark Knight level. This penalty is cumulative (Reflex save cannot be lower than 0), and lasts till the end of an encounter.
Strength Break (Su): The ark knight resolves a standard melee attack, but instead of dealing damage, the target suffers a penalty to their Fortitude saving throw equal to ½ the Ark Knight level. This penalty is cumulative (Fortitude save cannot be lower than 0), and lasts till the end of an encounter.
Adrenaline Rush (Ex): Ark Knights train to seize the moment. Whenever a knight receives physical damage, they receive a morale bonus to their initiative equal to ½ their Ark Knight’s level. This bonus last for 1 round only.
Safe Guard (Ex): The Ark knight knowledge of the Arts of War is so great that he gains ½ his knight level as a bonus to resist other Arts of War. In addition an Ark Knight’s equipment cannot be sundered or suffer of the broken condition by any other means.
Parry (Ex): When an opponent attacks you, you can make a single opposed attack to use in place of your armor class and that also uses an attack of opportunity for that turn. If you make a successful parry the opponent's attack is blocked, and if you win by 10 or more you may make a disarm attempt that does not provoke attack of opportunity. If you lose the Parry, your opponent's attack hits, and if you lose by 10 or more, your opponent can attempt to disarm you without provoking an attack of opportunity.
Ruination (Ex): Whenever an Ark Knights sunders or uses his Arts of War successfully he also deals damage like a regular standard action attack with his weapon.
Zodiac Signs
Every human being is born under a constellation that will guide his hand without them knowing most of the time. Choose a zodiac sign for your character to guide you for good or ill in your life however short or long it maybe, but choose wisely for once the choice is made it can’t be changed.
Zodiac Signs also are play an interesting role in your everyday interaction with other people, some zodiac signs have friendly attitude to some and they just don’t get along with others.
Players must roll a 1d12 with the chance of 1 reroll in case they do not like what they rolled first, but they must accept the second roll regardless of result. There is the option of letting them choose what their own sign.
ARIES: AC March 21st to April 19th; FC Aries 1st to Aries 30th
“The Warrior”
Those born under the sign of Aries tend to be both quick to act and to speak. They are ambitious and independent, preferring to be leaders rather than followers. Natural hotheads, characters under this sign aren’t particularly known for their cunning and subtly, preferring to make decisions that will lead them on a blunter, direct course.
Gain Brave when Aries characters place themselves in extreme danger as part of the solution to a problem they are confronted with, they gain +1 Bravery if they survive the threat and their solution works.
Gain Faith when Aries ignores a solution proposed by another individual in favor of carrying out his or her own plans, and those plans lead to success, he or she gains +1 Faith.
This is just 1 of the 12 zodiac signs
Zodiac Compatibility
Sign Compatible Non-Compatible Best/Worst (opposite/same sex)
Aries Sagittarius, Leo Cancer, Scorpion Libra
Taurus Virgo, Capricorn Leo, Aquarius Scorpio
Gemini Libra, Aquarius Virgo, Pisces Sagittarius
Cancer Scorpio, Pisces Libra, Aries Capricorn
Leo Sagittarius, Aries Scorpio, Taurus Aquarius
Virgo Capricorn, Taurus Sagittarius, Gemini Pisces
Libra Aquarius, Gemini Capricorn, Cancer Aries
Scorpio Pisces, Cancer Aquarius, Leo Taurus
Sagittarius Aries, Leo Pisces, Virgo Gemini
Capricorn Taurus, Virgo Libra Aries Cancer
Aquarius Gemini, Libra Taurus, Scorpio Leo
Pisces Cancer, Scorpio Sagittarius, Gemini Virgo
Serpentis None None None
Compatible Zodiac signs give a +2 bonus on all rolls when working together or against each other. Neutral Zodiac signs give no special bonuses or penalties. Non-compatible zodiac signs give a –2 penalty on all rolls when working together or against each other. In the case of the worst and best compatible signs works Just as the compatible and non-compatible signs, but the bonus and penalty applied is increased to +4 or –4 respectably.
Its 2 compatible, 2 non-compatible and only 1 best/worst (best opposite sex/worst same sex)
Ikkoku Campaign Traits:
Master’s Demeanor: As a proud Nobleborn, you are confident that members of other, inferior races will obey you, quickly. You gain a +3 trait bonus on Intimidate checks against low-born or commoners.
Machine Trader Your time among the engineers in a Machine City has led to an extensive knowledge of engineer and ready connections in the trade. You gain a +2 trait bonus on all Craft (Firearms) checks.
Merchant: You grew up among the market stalls of the greatest trading post in the entire world, and can almost smell the value of an item before you touch it. You gain a +1 trait bonus to Appraise checks, and Appraise is always a class skill for you.
Knightly Order Ancestry: At least one of your parents was a Knight, and you see the orders as the embodiment of virtue. You gain a +2 trait bonus on Diplomacy checks to influence the chosen Knightly Order and a +2 trait bonus on Intimidate checks to influence enemies of the Knightly Order.
Magic Academy School: You studied under one of the masters of the Magic Academy School style of architecture. You gain a +1 trait bonus on Knowledge (Arcana) checks and a +1 trait bonus on Spellcraft checks to recognize spells.
Ikkoku Noble: You are a scion of one of the warring noble houses of your kingdom, and are well versed in maneuvering though the cutthroat world of politics. You gain a +1 trait bonus on Knowledge (nobility) and Sense Motive checks.
Aspiring Knight: Your family has a long tradition of service in the Knightly Orders, and your strict upbringing and training have given you a forceful aura of command. You gain a +1 trait bonus on Intimidate checks, and Intimidate is always a class skill for you.
Artifact Hunter: You know the legends of Ikkoku and the places where great treasures were rumored to have fallen. You gain a +1 trait bonus on Knowledge (geography) and Knowledge (history) checks, and one of them is always a class skill for you.
Magic Academy Graduate: You graduated from one of the justly famous magic academies, and the rigorous program of study has honed your mind. You gain a +2 trait bonus on concentration checks when casting arcane spells.
Ancient Nobility: You come from an aristocratic family, though your family has long since lost any power or prestige it once had. You gain a +1 trait bonus on Diplomacy and Knowledge (nobility) checks. In addition, your starting money is increased by 100 gp your “birthright,” such as it is.
Bastard: One of your parents was a member of one of the great families of Ikkoku, perhaps even of the line of Raithwall itself. Yet you have no substantive proof of your nobility, and you’ve learned that claiming nobility without evidence makes you as good as a liar. You take a –1 penalty on all Charisma-based skill checks made when dealing with members of your kingdom nobility but gain a +1 trait bonus on Will saves as a result of your stubbornness and individuality.
Historian: Your parents were scholars of history, whether genealogists of your own family tree, sages on the subject of ancient empires, or simply hobbyists with a deep and abiding love for the past. You gain a +1 trait bonus on Knowledge (history) checks and bardic knowledge checks, and Knowledge (history) is always a class skill for you.
Deceptive: You see through deception and lies since you know them all too well. You gain a +1 trait bonus on opposed checks against the Bluff and Disguise skills and a +1 trait bonus on Bluff and Disguise skills.
Religion Traits:
Holy Schemer: You are well versed in the arts of misdirection, plotting and intrigue, and you know how to recognize them when used against you. You earn a +1 trait bonus on Sense Motive, and it becomes a class skill for you.
Church Influence: Your family boasts ties that may go as far as the “Unification War” and much deeper. You gain a +2 trait bonus on Diplomacy checks when dealing with the Church.
Strength of Faith: Having anchored yourself in your faith and your knowledge of yourself, you make it difficult for others to dominate you. You gain a +1 trait bonus on saves against charms and compulsions, and the DC of any attempts to use the Intimidate skill on you increases by +1.
Purity of Faith: Your soul is clean, and you are deeply committed to fulfilling your duties to the church. You take +1 trait bonus on all Will saves and a +1 bonus on all saving throws made against spells and effects originating from worshipers of other faiths.
Divine Warrior: From an early age, you were trained by militaristic order of the church. You are devoted both to the teachings and to spreading those teachings by force. Your divine spells gain a +1 trait bonus to melee weapon damage.
This are experimental and not final feel free to suggest more or changes tot hem, they are mostly Regional traits already found in Pathfinder.
shiverscar RPG Superstar 2012 Top 8 |
Ark Knight
Oh man, all these equipment smashing classes will make christmas tree players cry. Going to start using spoilers to make my comments easier to read.
Alternatively, maybe make Magic Break a targeted dispel? I'm stealing this almost wholesale from the rogue talent Dispelling Attack so I take no credit for it:
Magic Break(Su): The ark knight resolves a standard melee attack, but instead of dealing damage as normal, the ark knight's opponent is affected by a targeted dispel magic, targeting the lowest-level spell effect active on the target. The caster level for this ability is equal to the ark knight's character level.
Oh, you should probably also state that the Strength damage from Power Break does not stack with itself, so you don't have someone's STR score being pounded into nonexistance.
Again, entirely up to your discretion here on what you feel is most balanced. I'll offer up one suggestion as an alternative, but I do want to say that I'm not really for or against being Sunder Immune.
Safe Guard(Ex): The Ark knight knowledge of the Arts of War is so great that he gains ½ his knight level as a competence bonus to resist other Arts of War. Additionally, he receives a competence bonus to his CMD equal to his Ark Knight level to resist sunder attempts.
Malak, right? I didn't get the impression that Malak was necessarily evil. At least, he seemed to come around to the good guys, if only for his sister. It might be worth changing the "Any evil" to "Any nongood" (and Skyseer would be "Any nonevil"). Still, that's my impression and I don't remember a lot of the lore behind those two characters, so entirely a matter of opinion. Whatever works for you!
Looks like they're built to be put on top of Oracle, but any divine class will do. It's a very cool class. Nothing stands out as unbalanced to me, so I'd say it's ready for play test!
Dark Knight
Definitely a neat class. Like the Netherseer, I'd say it's ready for play test. Any changes from here should just be minor tweaks for balance.
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Magic break I was thinking it should target the highest spell and a random one they prepared, if they had none it would affect the next highest one. Maybe I should make it like the rogue talent for simplicity sake.
Yes now that you mention the Power break would be a little to difficult to resist and it would result in an almost impossible Concentration check on higher levels.
Well the money is:
1gil =2 half gil
1 half gil = 2 quarter gil
representing things like this:
1 gp = 1gil
1 sp = 1half gil
1 cp = 1 quarter gil
I'm very lazy to make the last race that is goblins, since they look more like a more furry thin boar-like race, considering in FF orcs are very boar chubby like also makes some sense. Orcs of FF remind me of the ones in Kingdom Underfire game for some reason ^^.
Added the Great Chocobo (basically a heavy warhorse thing, add the advanced template, 1 more attack beak attack gets stronger etc.)
Jura Aevis "Juravis"[spoiler]
Medium Magical Beast
HD: 1d10+1 (6hp)
Initiative: +4
Speed: land 10 ft, Fly 50 ft (good)
AC: 14, Flat 14, Touch 10
BAB/CMB/CMD: +1/+2/16
Attack: 2 Talons +2 (1d6+1)
Special Attack: Feather Bomb
Special Qualities: Darkvision, Low-light vision
Saves: Fort +3, Ref +6, Will +1
Abilities: Str 13, Dex 18, Con 12, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 10
Skills: Fly +8, Perception +3
Feats: Fly-by Attack
Environment: warm plains
Organization: pair or flock (3-5)
CR: 1/2
Feather Bomb (Sp): 3/day a Juravis can create a special feather from his wings that he can throw at his enemies with great force, exploding when hitting the target. The juravis makes a ranged attack against his target dealing 1d4+1 points of typeless damage.
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Yeah I saw the Axe Beak, but still based them of the horse and just made changes to it, since the Axe Beak + chocobo abilities is way to strong, comparing it with horses I think.
About to post the Samurai class ^^
Skills: Knowledge (Arcana) 5 Ranks, Spellcraft 5 Ranks
Feats: Power Attack, Improved Initiative, Weapon Focus Katana
Special: Cast 2nd level arcane spells, able to wear medium armor
Equipment: Masterwork Katana
Alignment: Any Lawful.
Hit Dice: d8
Class Skills
The samurai’s class skills are Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (Arcana), Knowledge (History), Profession (Wis), Spellcraft (Int) and Swim (Str)
Skill Ranks per Level: 2 + Int modifier.
Level BAB Fort Reflex Will Special Casting
1 0 0 2 2 Iaido +1 Arcane
2 1 0 3 3 Bonecrusher 1/day +1 Arcane
3 2 1 3 3 Iaido +1 Arcane
4 3 1 4 4 First Strike +1 Arcane
5 3 1 4 4 Iaido, Boncrusher 2/day +1 Arcane
6 4 2 5 5 Iai Cut +1 Arcane
7 5 2 5 5 Greater Iaido +1 Arcane
8 6 2 6 6 Bonecrusher 3/day +1 Arcane
9 6 3 6 6 Iaido +1 Arcane
10 7 3 7 7 Shirahadori, Iaido +1 Arcane
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Samurais are proficient with all simple and martial weapons. A samurai is also proficient with all types of armor but not shields. Samurai do not incur in arcane spall failure for using their Iaido on medium or heavy armor. They
Iaido (Su): Samurai may call on a Katana's spirit for assistance at any point during battle. However, this talent is not without its price. Each use of Iaido has a chance of braking the katana effectively leaving it in the broken condition and unable to call upon its spirit. The katana takes a total amount of damage every time it’s used equal to double the Samurai’s Intelligence modifier, this cannot be reduced by the katana hardness and it automatically damages its HP. Magical katanas receive a fortitude save to avoid the damage from drawing out the spirit.
A Samurai can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + Intelligence modifier. All Iaido techniques have a range of 15 ft radius centered on the samurai unless stated otherwise. The save DC for the Iaido techniques is DC 10 + ½ Samurais level + Intelligence modifier when applicable. A Samurai’s sword spirits are various and they can’t master all of them, every two levels after the first a samurai may choose a spirit to release from his blade, this choice cannot be changed once made. The Samurai must choose a sword spirit they want to release from the following list:
Spirit Blade (Asura): A technique causing an unseen specter-sword to slash at the targets. Targets within the area of effect are slashed by an invisible weapon. The weapon deals 1d8 force damage + 1 point per 2 Samurai levels. The Samurai rolls his attack normally against every target in range.
Binding Darkness (Kotetsu): A technique losing a wave of howling dark spirits. Targets within the area of effect are attacked by spirits using the Samurai CMB to grapple their targets and making 1d6 of typeless damage to them.
Verse of Oblivion (Osafune): A technique sending the whispering dead to feed on the target's spells. Butterflies fly within the range of effect attacking those enemies that have casting capabilities, the Samurai resolves a standard melee attack for each opponent that can cast spells or spell-like abilities within range, if the attack is successful the target makes a Concentration check DC 10 + damage dealt + target spell level, the target does not receive any physical damage it is only to establish the DC of the Concentration. Opponents that fail this check la prepared spell or 1 daily use of a spell-like ability.
Rain of Wisdom (Murasame): A technique of raining tears of an enlightened soul that restores life. This ability works like a Mass, cure light wounds.
Cloudsea Curse (Ame-no-Murakumo): A technique releasing a phantom of pure mist to attack the target. A mist attacks the targets within range dealing 2d6 points of force damage +1 points per 2 Samurai levels. Opponents can make Reflex save to take only half damage.
Greater Iaido (Su): At 7th level, and every two levels thereafter, a Samurai can choose one of the following Greater Iaido in place of a normal one.
Purifying Breeze (Kiyomori): A technique bestowing the protection of its effervescent life force. Allies within range gain a +2 deflection bonus to AC with an additional +1 to the bonus for every 3 Samurais levels also granting Fast Healing 2 for a number of rounds equal to the Samurai Intelligence modifier.
Doomed Aspirations (Muramasa): A technique only a living soul will quell its tumult. The bloodthirsty spirit of the sword rushes outward to attack its enemies, the Samurai resolves a standard melee attack and damage for every enemy within range. This attack also grants the samurai temporary hit points equal to the damage dealt (only the highest damage is gained as temporary hit points and the lowest damage heals the Samurai for that amount). The opponents can make a Fortitude save to deny the Samurai the temporary hit points and healing.
Sanguine Blossom (Kiku-ichimonji): A technique wreaking havoc with its all-consuming hatred.
The Samurai releases the blossoming hatred from his sword towards his enemies in a straight line with a range of 30ft; this attack hits every opponent in range dealing 1d6 damage per 2 samurai levels +1 point per samurai level. Enemies within range can make a Reflex save to take half damage.
Ethereal Embrace (Masamune): A technique bestowing physical healing and increased speed. This ability works like Mass, cure moderate wounds, also grants all allies within range a bonus to their movement speed of 10 ft.
Raging Inferno (Chirijiraden): A technique which pursues the living as a band of blue flame. A Samurai releases a wave of blue flames by channeling their inner strength of his katana against his enemies; this causes a burst that affects enemies within range dealing 4d6 points of fire damage. Creatures within the radius of effect can make a Reflex save to take half damage.
Iai Cut (Ex): The Samurai moves with flawless speed and accuracy, delivering a devastating one-two strike against a hapless opponent. Iai Cut consists of two separate attacks, when making a full-attack action with a katana; both attacks take a -2 penalty when using Iai Cut.
First Strike (Ex): A trained Samurai is ready for combat at a moment’s notice. This ability gives the Samurai a bonus to Initiative equal to its Intelligence modifier.
Shirahadori (Ex): Mastery of the katana is as much about defense as offense. With this in mind, an experienced Samurai can turn blows aside with the edge and flat of his blade, greatly increasing his ability to avoid incoming attacks. Shirahadori grants the Samurai a typeless AC bonus of
(Samurai’s Current Level) against attacks targeting them alone; Area of Effect attacks and magical attacks still hit as normal (Except those that require a attack roll to hit the samurai). This bonus is in effect as long as the Samurai is not using a shield and the katana is not broken.
Doublehand (Ex): When a Samurai makes a full attack with a katana, Samurais add double their Strength bonus on damage rolls.
Bonecrusher (Ex): Starting at second level and every 3 levels after that (5th and 8th), a wounded Samurai is a dangerous creature indeed when close to death. The Samurai deals damage equal to his total lost hit points instead of his regular damage, the creature hit by this attack must make a Fortitude save DC 10 + ½ Samurai clad level + Strength modifier to completely ignore the effect and take normal damage from the attack. Bonecrusher is not spent if the attack was not successful. Strength based save DC.
Medium Magical beast
Hit Dice: 4d10+12 (32HP)
Initiative: +6
Speed: land 10 ft, Fly 50ft (Good)
Armor Class: 18, touch 16, flat-footed 12
Base Attack/Grapple: +4/CMB +8/CMD 24
Attack: 2 Talons +8 (1d6+4), Beak +8 (1d8+6)
Special Attacks: Feather Bomb +10 1d4+3
Special Qualities: Darkvision, Low-light Vision, Natural Armor 2, Steel Beak
Saves: Fort +7, Ref +10, Will +4
Abilities: Str 18 (+4), Dex 22 (+6), Con 16 (+3), Int 2, Wis 16 (+3), Cha 14 (+2)
Skills: Fly +10, Perception +7
Feats: Flyby Attack, Hover
Environment: warm plains
Organization: solitary, pair or flock (1-5 Juravis)
Challenge Rating: 4
Feather Bomb (Sp): 3/day a Steelhawks can create a special feather from his wings that he can throw at his enemies with great force exploding when hitting its mark. The Steelhawks makes a ranged attack against his target dealing 1d4+3 points of typeless damage.
Steel Beak (Ex): The Steelhawks beak is known to be deadly and hard as steel. Steelhawks gain a bonus to damage rolls equal to half their Strength modifier when making a beak attack.
Large Monstrous Humanoid
Hit Dice: 8d10+24 (64HP)
Initiative: +4
Speed: land 30ft
Armor Class: 14, touch 9, flat-footed 14
Base Attack/Grapple: +8/CMB +13/CMD 23
Attack: Greataxe +11/+6 (1d12+6) x3 and gore +6 1d6+4
Special Attacks: Powerful Charge (Gore +13 2d6+6), Feral Spin
Special Qualities: Darkvision, Natural Cunning, Natural Armor 5, Beef Up, Beef Up
Saves: Fort +7, Ref +6, Will +9
Abilities: Str 18 (+4), Dex 10 (+0), Con 16 (+3), Int 7, Wis 16 (+3), Cha 12 (+1)
Skills: Intimidate +8, Perception +13, Stealth +4, Survival +13
Feats: Power Attack, Improved Bull Rush, Great Fortitude, Improved Initiative
Environment: temperate ruins or underground
Organization: Solitary, pair, or gang (1 Wisekin - 4 Minotaurs)
Challenge Rating: 7
Languages: Giant
Alignment: Any Chaotic
Natural Cunning (Ex): Although Wisekin are not especially intelligent, they possess innate cunning and logical ability. This gives them immunity to maze spells and prevents them from ever becoming lost. Further, they are never caught flat-footed.
Beef Up (Sp): 3/day a Wisekin can become stronger and infuse his allies with the strength of the earth. The target ally or self gains a +4 morale bonus to Strength, adding the usual benefits melee attack rolls, melee damage rolls and other uses of the Strength modifier. Beef Up lasts for a number of rounds equal to the Wisekin Constitution modifier.
Feral Spin (Ex): Wisekin can strike every opponent within their reach. When using the full attack action, Wisekin can give up their regular attacks and instead make on melee attack at the highest base attack bonus against each opponent within reach. You must make a separate attack roll against each opponent.
SEKHRET “Sacred Bull”
Large Monstrous Humanoid
Hit Dice: 10d10+50 (100 HP)
Initiative: +6
Speed: land 30ft
Armor Class: 18, touch 11, flat-footed 15
Base Attack/Grapple: +10/CMB +17/CMD 27
Attack: Greataxe +16/+11 (1d12+8) x3 and gore +10 1d6+6
Special Attacks: Powerful Charge (Gore +17 2d6+8), Feral Spin, Earthsplitter
Special Qualities: Darkvision, Natural Cunning, Natural Armor 6, Beef Up
Saves: Fort +9, Ref +8, Will +11
Abilities: Str 22 (+6), Dex 14 (+2), Con 20 (+5), Int 7, Wis 20 (+5), Cha 16 (+3)
Skills: Intimidate +10, Perception +15, Stealth +4, Survival +15
Feats: Power Attack, Improved Bull Rush, Great Fortitude, Improved Initiative, Cleave
Environment: temperate ruins or underground
Organization: Solitary, pair, or gang (1 Sekhret – 2 Wisekin - 8 Minotaurs)
Challenge Rating: 10
Languages: Giant
Alignment: Any Chaotic
Natural Cunning (Ex): Although Sekhret are not especially intelligent, they possess innate cunning and logical ability. This gives them immunity to maze spells and prevents them from ever becoming lost. Further, they are never caught flat-footed.
Beef Up (Sp): 3/day a Sekhret can become stronger and infuse his allies with the strength of the earth. The target ally or self gains a +4 morale bonus to Strength, adding the usual benefits melee attack rolls, melee damage rolls and other uses of the Strength modifier. Beef Up lasts for a number of rounds equal to the Sekhret Constitution modifier.
Feral Spin (Ex): Sekhret can strike every opponent within their reach. When using the full attack action, Sekhret can give up their regular attacks and instead make on melee attack at the highest base attack bonus against each opponent within reach. You must make a separate attack roll against each opponent.
Earthsplitter (Sp): 3/day a Sekhret can cause the ground to shake and ripples from it within a 30ft. radius spread. Creatures within the area of effect take 6d6 points of earth damage and knocked prone, Creatures affected can make a Reflex save (DC 20) for half damage and then make Acrobatics (Balance) check (DC 20) or fall prone. The save is Constitution based.
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![Cayden Cailean](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/cayden_final.jpg)
Hmm. I just noticed something: Why are you doing the monsters in 3.5 statblocks. Are you using the pathfinder monster building rules or are you basing them on 3.5? Would we have to convert stuff?
And I was under the impression you were making things to mesh in a PF game. Should samurai be a new class, or should you be doing an archetype on samurai to give it some more FF style abilities. It's confusing to have two samurai classes, and if one is a PrC it may be even more so, because they're clearly not interchangeable.
Are you replacing all the classes? If yes then the magic system should be probably made to match FFT as well.
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Hmm. I just noticed something: Why are you doing the monsters in 3.5 statblocks. Are you using the pathfinder monster building rules or are you basing them on 3.5? Would we have to convert stuff?
And I was under the impression you were making things to mesh in a PF game. Should samurai be a new class, or should you be doing an archetype on samurai to give it some more FF style abilities. It's confusing to have two samurai classes, and if one is a PrC it may be even more so, because they're clearly not interchangeable.
Are you replacing all the classes? If yes then the magic system should be probably made to match FFT as well.
Well until UC is out there is no Samurai Class and it was supposed to be an archetype for cavalier, I admit I'm not current in the UC news except for the Gunslinger being it's own class.
In FFT there is a class called Samurai, that in pathfinder would be a prestige class, I'm not trying to have 2 classes with the same name, you can always just change the name to Master Swordsman for the prestige class I'm presenting I suppose. The other option could be change the samurai class of name to something like Imperial Soldier or something of the sorts so the prestige class that is from the FFT that is named samurai keeps it's name.
Yeah I was using some creatures of 3.5 as base for some monsters so maybe somethings slip here and there, that's why I submit them so people can point my errors out and help me =)
I don't see anything wrong with the monsters they are pathfinder compliant, just presented in 3.5 way I think that is the confusing part I suppose
I also use the PF creation rules for monsters, but if I can find a similar monster already in 3.5 I just convert it to pathfinder and then make the changes to FFT.
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![Cayden Cailean](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/cayden_final.jpg)
Well until UC is out there is no Samurai Class and it was supposed to be an archetype for cavalier, I admit I'm not current in the UC news except for the Gunslinger being it's own class.
I believe its an alt. class as opposed to an archetype (think antipally). They may have made it its own class as well, I'm a few months behind with UC.
In FFT there is a class called Samurai, that in pathfinder would be a prestige class, I'm not trying to have 2 classes with the same name, you can always just change the name to Master Swordsman for the prestige class I'm presenting I suppose. The other option could be change the samurai class of name to something like Imperial Soldier or something of the sorts so the prestige class that is from the FFT that is named samurai keeps it's name.
Yep. I know more about FFT than nearly anybody who isn't frequently at FFHacktics. Have 3 copies for PSX, one that I wore out the disc, and I have a copy of wotl for psp as well. I've probably played through the game a good 15 or 20 times start to end, as well as FFT1.3 (the hard-mode patch that makes enemies in story battles level up with you).
But yeah, samurai would be a PrC I suppose (though in FFT everything but Squire and Chemist are PrCs. lol.
Yeah I was using some creatures of 3.5 as base for some monsters so maybe somethings slip here and there, that's why I submit them so people can point my errors out and help me =)
I don't see anything wrong with the monsters they are pathfinder compliant, just presented in 3.5 way I think that is the confusing part I suppose
I also use the PF creation rules for monsters, but if I can find a similar monster already in 3.5 I just convert it to pathfinder and then make the changes to FFT.
No worries, I didn't do a thorough check. I just noticed the 3.5 presentation, and wanted to know if the numbers matched up to the pathfinder monsters or the 3.5 monsters.
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Yeah it was a super bad typo of me, I never know how does things get past me >< even tho I try to check for them.
Well I'm done with 2 full kingdoms Ordalia & Ivalice, just eed to work on Romanda and Valendia. Valendia will probably use locations from FFXII since it's the only source besides Vagrant Story or I might just cut the place out entirely and stick with the original 3 kingdoms of Ikkoku + unknown continent.
Yeah I always wanted to see a FFT:2 not a FFT:A, just the story of it was excellent and I would take fft over ANY other final fantasy game.
I will visit FFhacktics didn't even knew about that website, hopefully they have info for this.
Yeah almost all classes are PrC, but Monk I can still make him into alternate class features of the regular monk and some even feats.
Right now I'm pretty afraid to tackle the geomancer looks like a pain lol and so does the Time Mage, I could just make it a subschool for travel?
Orator is not really worth it... its just a bard or rogue with a focus on Cha skills. maybe make a feat out of Mimic Daravon.
Calculator not going to touch it's a broken class for pathfinder terms, I tryed to make it not but it's impossible, like having a 15 lvl char that casts arcane+divine as if he had 15 levels on each class.
Squire I just broke him down to feats, Chemist =Alcemist just probably adding somethings to the spell list for the "support" role if they choose to do so.
Nightblade (Izilude job) it's going to be a feat similar to the Korvosa sable sword marine that is for rangers.
Archeologist not sure about it yet.
Ninja... it already exist in UC I suppose as an alternate clas for rogue (basically will make rogues disappear).
I also still to make the dragonkin race I posted earlier on so Ill repost soon.
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![Cayden Cailean](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/cayden_final.jpg)
Personally I'd like to see any FFT class except for dark knight and onion knight either as a base class or an archetype. For all the non-mage classes, I'd definitely prefer the Archetype approach.
The ffhacktics people aren't necessarily experts on the ply, but the mechanics. They've been hacking and changing the way it works for a long long time.
Wikipedia has some useful info under ivalice, there is a history sections and whatnot too. Some other wikis also had decent ikkoku history. If you can't find them I can pass you what I have.
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All info is more than welcome.
I think I have the history tied up really well mixed some FFXII elements and Vagrant Story for valendia and explain were the "Lucavi" demons come and why they are in the "Zodiac Stones" that is part of the history of FFXII so I just used some bits and and little things of two for fluff reasons.
Onion Knights is not in my list to make even if it is in the "War of the Lions" it's like basically adding the Advanced Creature to a character give it Use Magic Device and the ability to use any weapon, armor, or shield even if it is exotic.
Dark Knight I did it already it's a bit higher in the posts or maybe by the end of the first page.
Yeah Time Mage is going to be a very commonly sought after archetype
with the MP Switch, probably recall it to Spell Switch, Critical Quick at lvl 8 add Demi as a spells specifically for time mages, will try to find some nice ability for them to use at first level also like everyone else; it will probably have to do with something like granting a move action, or since that is somewhat to powerful maybe a bonus to Initiative equal to the Intelligence modifier to target ally witch would "speed" up his places in a turn.
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Well I brain farted a Time Mage that is the TIME School Archetype for wizard school of Transmutation and will post later hopefully get feed back for what I have posted already. Made changes to Faith and Brave also as suggested by Darkhlome to see how the work out.
I miss shiverscar feedbacks lol they are balanced and well done.
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Well I brain farted a Time Mage that is the TIME School Archetype for wizard school of Transmutation and will post later hopefully get feed back for what I have posted already. Made changes to Faith and Brave also as suggested by Darkhlome to see how the work out.
I miss shiverscar feedbacks lol they are balanced and well done.
Well I'll post something soon ^^ just got very busy with RL work
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Time School for wizards (Time Mage)
Time School
Associated School: Transmutation.
Replacement Powers: The following school powers replace the physical enhancement, telekinetic fist and change shape powers of the transmutation school.
Critical Quick (Su): Whenever you receive damage of any kind, you receive an immediate bonus to your Initiative equal to your Intelligence modifier. This effect lasts until the start of your next turn. In addition each time you suffer damage during the same round your bonus to initiative stacks.
Swiftness (Sp): As a standard action, you can touch a creature and grant it either a bonus to their initiative equal to your Intelligence modifier or a +10 movement to one type of speed the target has. At 10th level, the enhancement bonus to initiative is double your Intelligence modifier. The movement speed increases by +10 for every five wizard levels you possess, to a maximum of +50 at 20th level. Swiftness lasts a number of rounds equal to 1/2 your wizard level (minimum 1 round). You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Intelligence modifier.
Spell Shield (Su): At 8th level, as an immediate action after receiving any type of damage you can instead sacrifice a prepared spell to mitigate that damage. The damage received is lessened by the level of the spell sacrificed this way. You may use this ability as long as you have spells prepared.
The overall measure of the character's faith in both themselves and the creator. Faith comes into play often when magic is involved. A character with a lower faith will take less damage from magic but faces a lower chance of success of being revived or healed by magic. Vice versa, a character with a high faith faces the prospect of being hurt more by magic but has a much better chance for revival and being cured more effectively. Players should roll 3d6 to get their starting Faith and determine their bonus or penalty. Faith affects casters spells DC, touch attack spells and loose or gain one dice from damage or healing spells accordingly (this effect is only if a character has Faith 20). Warriors with low Faith have a bonus to their saves against spells and take one less dice of healing or damage spells (this effect is only if the character has Faith 3).
Moreve a wizard is about to determine her starting faith and rolls 3d6 = 3,7,2 for a total of 12, Moreve has a +1 bonus to her Spell DC, +1 when delivering a touch attack but gets no extra dice because her faith is not strong enough, the downside of this is that Moreve receives a -1 penalty to her saves to resist spells and her Faith is not low enough to take one dice of spells targeting her.
Wilard a Fighter is going to determine his starting faith and rolls 3d6 = 1,5,2 for a total of 8, Wilard has a -1 penalty to his Spell DC, -1 to deliver his touch attacks and no extra dice since his Faith is too low even if he has no spells this would affect him if he would multiclass to a caster class, the good side of this is that Wilard gets a +1 bonus to his save to resist spells and his Faith is not low enough to take one dice of spells targeting him.
The overall measure of the character's brave in themselves and their skills at arms. Brave comes into play often when battle is involved. A character with a lower brave will do less damage from attacks; less chances to strike accurately and faces a higher chance of success in skill checks. Vice versa, a character with a high brave faces the prospect of doing more damage, a much better chance for striking down his enemies and being more ineffective at skill checks. Players should roll 3d6 to get their starting Brave and determine their bonus or penalty. Brave affects warriors weapon damage rolls, attack rolls and loose or gain one dice from critical multiplier accordingly (this effect is only if a character has Brave 20). Casters with low brave have a bonus to their skills based on Intelligence, Wisdom and Charisma, and AC.
Lossarot a barbarian is about to determine her starting brave and rolls 3d6 = 3,7,2 for a total of 12, Lossarot has a +1 bonus to his weapon damage rolls, +1 attack rolls and since his Brave is not high enough he gets no dice for his critical multiplier, the downside of this is that Lossarot receives a -1 penalty to his skills and his AC,
A new monster ^^ this basically substitutes the Hill Giant and just use this as base to create the other Giant varieties.
Large humanoid (giant)
HD: 10d8+40 (85hp)
Initiative: +4
Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft.
Speed: 30ft (40ft base)
AC 22, Touch 9, Flat-footed 22 (+4 Hide)
BAB/CMB/CMD: +7/+15/24
Attack: Great Axe +15/+10 (3d6+10), 2 Slams +13 (1d8+7)
Special Attacks: Grand SlamSpecial Qualities: Low-light Vision, Darkvision 60ft, Natural Armor 9
Fort +11, Ref +3, Will +4
Str 25, Dex 10, Con 19, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 8
Skills: Climb +10, Intimidate +12, Perception +7
Feats: Power Attack, Cleave, Weapon Proficiency (Great Axe), Weapon Focus (Great Axe), Improved Initiative
Languages Common, Giant
Environment temperate or cold hills
Organization solitary, pair, gang (3–4), or family (5–16)
Alignment: NE
Challenge Rating: 7
Grand Slam (Ex): Gigas can strike every opponent within their reach in a devastating blow. When using the full attack action, Gigas can give up their regular attacks and instead make on melee attack at the highest base attack bonus against each opponent within reach. You must make a separate attack roll against each opponent.
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Thanks for the help to the following people so far:
Michael T. Smith
Robert Pool
Allan Willing
Adrian Durbin
Aaron Mortensen
Phil Rezanow
Tom Baumbach
Wizards of the Coast
Darkholme you still around here? I still need help with balancing and review/critique on this stuff.
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A couple of new monsters to add to it, since they are not the same as pathfinder.
Medium Humanoid (Garou)
HD: 2d8 +4 (12 hp)
Initiative: +0
Speed: 30 ft
AC: 14, Touch 12, Flat-footed 12
BAB/CMB/CMD: +1/ +2/ +14
Attack: Claws +2 (1d6+1), Bite +2 (1d6+1)
Special Qualities: Low-light Vision, Natural Armor 2, Scent
Saves: Fort +5, Ref +2, Will +1
Str 13, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 11, Wis 13, Cha 10
Skills: Perception +4, Survival +2, Intimidate +4
Feats: Skill Focus Intimidate
Alignment: Usually neutral evil
Language: Gnoll
Challenge Rating: 1
Howl (Ex): While first meeting his enemies werewolves perform a terrifying howl as a full-round action. Werewolves make an Intimidate check to demoralize all foes within 30ft who can see them.
Zaghnal is a name given to the strongest werewolves of a tribe and if you wish to create one of these creatures just add three HD and the Advanced Creature template. In addition the Zaghnal gains the following abilities:
Crippling Assault (Ex): Whenever a Zaghnal attacks an opponent that has been denied his Dexterity bonus or flanking they reduce the target movement speed by 5ft and cannot run. This effect does not stack it can only affect one opponent at any given time. This effect last for the rest of the encounter.
Humbaba are the king of the beast as they are known amongst the werewolves they are the most vicious and terrible enemies to encounter. If you wish to create one of these creatures just add four HD to the Zaghnal and the Giant Creature template. In addition the Humbaba gains the following abilities:
Thundering Roar (Sp): 3/day, a Humbaba can roar with such force that his opponents are left amazed at his power. Thundering roar has a range of 60ft and affects a cone shaped area. Creatures within the area must make a DC 19 Fortitude save or suffer the Dazed condition for one round.
Werewolves are proficient with simple weapons and light armor unless noted otherwise.
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I'm curious about how you are going to handle Quickenings/Limit Breaks and Magicite/Materia, as well as the spells from the games themselves, there's only a few that translate over in a sort of direct manner, and even those would have to be adjusted a bit, I'd think.
Limit Breaks and Materia do not exist in the world of FF: Tactics.
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You're going to need to butcher spellcasting if you're going to try to port it over.
Not really, I already made the Gravity + Greater Gravity (Graviga) spells and they port just fine with a little tweak for an added effect since they are from the transmutation (Time Archetype). (Post the spells later)
I will probably make the wizard spell list first, then Cleric and Ill just ask for help figuring out which spells could be for other classes.
I'm still working on the geomancer since there is about 2 way to approach it:
1.- Terrain master with abilities that trigger on certain terrains like the ranger terrain but magical abilities and let them have about 1 or 2 of these.
Example: Forest terrain: 5 ailities + another terrain and other 5 abilities or maybe just 1 terrain.
The other way is make it that they can choose each other level a different ability, maybe a 15 level class or 10 level class but lacking some abilities so they would have to choose between a pool of around 12-15 abilities the geomancer has + the class abilities.
I'm more inclined to the 10 level one of course.
I also changed the Giant, Ogre, Kobold, races and added the Wyrmkin and werewolves.
Wyrmkin = kobold in appearance and now the kobolds are a doglike race in appearance. (Will post them later).
Orc will be the same just goblins from FFT look like small thinner versions of orcs and pointy ears and are very physically strong since.
Any critique or comments on the work so far that could help me out even if its just wording I will greatly appreciate it.
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Materia does exist in FFT they are just not usable since people have no knowledge of their use, but you can find them as a valuable rare treasure.
Magicite is even more rare since the only known magicite is nethicite and its the Zodiac Stones that Ramza has and well nobody really know about it and what happened to them.
Now I did include the history of raithwall as part of the history of Ikkoku so you could say that Auracite does exist it's just maybe in one of the floating continents or islands (sun crystal) or Tomb of Raithwall that has been lost in time can contain a shard.
I left that open on purpose so GM can make their game about treasure hunting or I give about 4 suggestions to what kind of wars there are to fight I'll probably steal the Crystal War from the FFXI but that is about to take place in Romanda ^^
School Transmutation; Level Sorcerer/Wizard 4
Casting Time 1 standard action
Range close (25ft + 5 ft/2 levels)
Area Immobile 10ft radius
Duration Instantaneous
Saving Throw Fortitude half (see text); Spell Resistance yes
You release a powerful pull of gravity by creating ultra high-density space that deals 1d6 points of force damage per caster level (maximum 10d6) to each creature within its area. Creatures within the area of effect must also make a Fortitude save to take only half the damage and become pinned where they stand. Creatures pinned in this way are bound to the ground, considered flat-footed and must make a concentration check DC 10 + damage dealt. This effect lasts a number of rounds equal to 1d4+1. Creatures suffering this condition for more than one round, can attempt a Fortitude save at the beginning of their turn to free themselves.
Greater Gravity
School Transmutation; Level Sorcerer/Wizard 6
This spells functions like Gravity, except that you deal a maximum damage of 15d6 to each creature within its area. The pinned condition lasts for 1d6+1 and creatures suffering this condition for more than three rounds, can attempt a Fortitude save at the beginning of their turn to free themselves.
ProfessorCirno |
![Wil Save](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/private/Wil-Wheaton4.jpg)
ProfessorCirno wrote:You're going to need to butcher spellcasting if you're going to try to port it over.Not really, I already made the Gravity + Greater Gravity (Graviga) spells and they port just fine with a little tweak for an added effect since they are from the transmutation (Time Archetype). (Post the spells later)
I will probably make the wizard spell list first, then Cleric and Ill just ask for help figuring out which spells could be for other classes.
I think you actually agree with me? ;p
Here's the two problems I see with using the 3e spell system.
1) No niche protection between different types of wizards. If each type of "mage" is just a specialization, then they can all cast each others' spells. So Time Mages can cast Black Mage spells.
2) You're going to have to redo the spells entirely. There is no Fly spell in FFT, no polymorph, no invisibility. 3e wizards are way, way, way more powerful then their FFT counterparts.
That second one is what I mean by you needing to butcher the spellcasting - you'll have to erase their spells and start anew.
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The only disagreement I have to reworking the spells is this.
In FFT the only time "Mages" come into play, as well as any of the other classes, is during combat. Now that should not have a precedence in an open world game. You have to remember that he is not trying to convert the game FFT to Pathfinder, he is trying to convert the setting of Ivalice to Pathfinder rules.
If you want a system that would translate FFT well you should look at 4e. Since everything is combat oriented there it wouldn't be that difficult to translate.
And to be honest there was a "Fly", "Polymorph", and "Invisibility" spell in FFT they were called Float (Time Mage), Toad (Black Mage), and Vanish ability (Ninja).
ProfessorCirno |
![Wil Save](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/private/Wil-Wheaton4.jpg)
The only disagreement I have to reworking the spells is this.
In FFT the only time "Mages" come into play, as well as any of the other classes, is during combat. Now that should not have a precedence in an open world game. You have to remember that he is not trying to convert the game FFT to Pathfinder, he is trying to convert the setting of Ivalice to Pathfinder rules.
If you want a system that would translate FFT well you should look at 4e. Since everything is combat oriented there it wouldn't be that difficult to translate.
And to be honest there was a "Fly", "Polymorph", and "Invisibility" spell in FFT they were called Float (Time Mage), Toad (Black Mage), and Vanish ability (Ninja).
Float just lets you hovor a few feet above the ground, not take to the air like an eagle ;p
Toad, likewise, is an offensive polymorph spell. I'm referring more to Beast Shape or Dragon Shape or Polymorph itself that transmutes the wizard.
As for Vanish, I'm totally down for non-Wizards getting supernatural abilities ;p
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Geomancers, Dark, holy and divine knights use Supernatural abilities.
Now yes there are basically a lot more spells in Pathfinder than FFT making casters more powerful in Paizo than FFT setting, but also the noncaster classes are more powerful in Pathfinder than FFT so I don't think it's that bad to add some spells that are in the FFT game to Pathfinder.
The important part is for example the Geomancer is a PrC for the ranger that exploits his favored terrain feature.
Dark, Holy and Divine knights are basicaly PrC for paladins.
Ark Knight is a fighter prestige class.
Samurai is a Magus prestige class.
Skyseer & Netherseer are oracle prC.
Now they are not exclusive to those classes but it's the fastest or easy way to get in them.
Claases I won't be doing is Mediator since its just a skill monkey in Pathfinder. Knight is basically a fighter with sunder. Mystics are just not worth it since most spells are already usable by most classes except some that affect brave and faith that I am making. Calculator IM VERY LAZY honestly to be able to make this class to work in Pathfinder.
Engineers not sure I'll make one since gunslinger looks decent enough and I could just make it an archetype if there isn't a suitable one already in UC. Monk I just broke it down on feats or might just be an archetype of Monk. Chemist, we got something similar and better already as base class (Alchemist).
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For the Calculator you could just make a 3 or 5 level PrC like this:
HD: d6
BAB: Low
F/R/W: Bad/Bad/Good
Skills: 2 + Int
Class Skills: Appraise (Int), Craft (Int), Fly (Dex), Knowledge (all) (Int), Linguistics (Int), Profession (Wis), and Spellcraft (Int).
Mathamatics (SU):
You can choose targets of your spells using mathamatics instead of the normal targeting abilities of your spells. At first level you gain one number and one variable from the following lists and add them to your Mathamatics known.
Multiple of 3
Multiple of 4
Multiple of 5
You can use Mathamatics a number of times per day equal to 3 + Int Mod. Plus 2 additional times per day per Calculator level.
You gain one new Mathamatics per level chosen from either the numbers list or the variables list.
Only spells with multiple targets can be utilized with Mathamatics. Using Mathamatics is similar to Metamagic and alters the way you cast a spell thus it does not give you the ability to cast more spells than you can already cast. Using Mathamatics is a free action that is used as part of casting a spell.
You can only apply one number and one variable to any spell you cast. When you apply Mathamatics to a spell you choose one number and one variable. The spell effects all creatures within its normal area of effect that has the selected variable equal to the selected number, whether friend or foe. Spells that effect an area, such as Fireball, only affect those that Mathamatics effects.
ie. You cast a Fireball using Mathamatics and choose the number 3 and variable HD. The fireballs area is a 20 ft radius spread. So this fireball would only deal its damage to creatures within the 20 ft radius spread that have a HD that is a multiple of 3.
Creatures that are immune to a spells effect or are not affected by the spell are not affected by a spell modified with Mathamatics.
+1 Spellcaster Level per level
It is pretty rough but the idea is there. It would just allow you to modify who is effected by a spell within an area as well as keep your spells per day, etc. at full power.
IDK, I think it would be an interesting PrC.
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Yeah but the calculator abilities for pathfinder are broken, because you have the will hit on level or CR, HP, amount of spells prepared and so he would be difficult to handle and not very useful in reality.
everyone better buy an elemental resistance or something so they can withstand a calculator damage that is not as easy to come by like in FFT were you can just use holy and everyone has an excalibur equipped.
SO I'm not very fond of making him a full prestige, maybe he can be an Archetype of sort for wizard.
I don't remember if the Sorcerer has giant as bloodline in this case would be Gigas.
I still need to do the dragonkin race.
shiverscar RPG Superstar 2012 Top 8 |
Back! I was on vacation for awhile there. Glad to see you're still going!
Critical Quick: Did some rewording. Take what you like, leave out what you don't. Mostly was concerned with how this ability would interact with volleys like magic missile or scorching ray. Hopefully this balances and clarifies a bit. I swapped the bonus from based on Int to wizard level because it brings it more in line with the benefits of other wizard schools. I was debating putting in a ceiling on how many times in a round this ability could trigger, but that might be needless nerfing. If you're getting smacked 8-9 times in a round, that's when this ability really matters, so why take that away?
Critical Quick (Su): Whenever you receive damage from a single source, you gain an immediate bonus to your Initiative equal to 1/2 your wizard level (minimum +1). This effect lasts until the start of your next turn. This benefit stacks with itself; whenever you receive damage from a different source, you gain an additional bonus to your Initiative.
Swiftness: Looks alright. I'd suggest 1/2 wizard level instead of Int Mod for the initiative increase. Also, for balance reasons, make the increase to movement speed an enhancement bonus. It won't stack with most other movement speed boosts that way and prevents ungodly movement speeds.
Spell Shield: Woefully underpowered. Spend a 9th level spell for DR9/- for a single attack? Not worth it. I'm trying to think of a good way to transfer the flavour of this ability into the mechanics of Pathfinder. Maybe this works?
Spell Shield (Su): At 8th level, as an immediate action, you can sacrifice a spell to grant yourself an insight bonus equal to the spell level to your AC and all saves. This bonus lasts for 1 round.
Blowing a 9th level spell for +9 to AC and saving throws seems fair, I think. Not game breaking and it turns any spell in your head into a defensive utility spell to get out of a jam; old fashioned preventative mitigation. You'll take no damage or half damage from most spells with a good roll, and +X Insight to AC will stop most rays and some melee strikes. Still not sure I'm capturing Spellshield as it was in FFT though... If I come up with something better, I'll post it.
School Transmutation; Level Sorcerer/Wizard 4
Casting Time 1 standard action
Range close (25ft + 5 ft/2 levels)
Area 10-ft.-radius spread
Duration Instantaneous
Saving Throw Fortitude half (see text); Spell Resistance yes
You release a powerful pull of gravity by creating ultra high-density space that deals 1d6 points of force damage per caster level (maximum 10d6) to each creature within its area. Creatures within the area also become entangled for 1d4+1 rounds and cannot move. A successful fortitude save halves the damage and negates the entangle effect. A creature that fails the initial save can make a new fortitude save at the beginning of their turn for the duration of the effect to end the entangle.
Hooray for the glossary. There's a premade effect that suits your needs just fine. Normally entangle allows limited movement "unless the bonds are anchored to an immobile object or tethered by an opposing force.". Gravity here is the opposing force so you can explicitly state that they are both entangled and can't move. This saves them from being Sneak Attack fodder since they aren't denied Dex or flat-footed; if the intent was to make them Sneak Attackable, swap entangled for pinned, where the CMB of the spell is equal to the caster's BaB + Primary Caster Stat Mod. Prone might work as well. Entangled feels a bit more balanced and is more streamlined, so that's my recommendation.
That's it for now. I need to sit down and look at Magus before I can really comment on Samurai and I'll deal with the Steelhawk, Wisekin, and Sekhret at the same time, just to keep things (somewhat) organized. :)
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Yeah the Gigas is basically a hill giant with a little better stats + whirldwind attack, but you use this gigas as base to make the other regular giants into Gigas version.
Werewolf race is a tough one changed it a bit only in giving them shield + leather armor + morningstar, made the claw attack into 1d4.
Zaghnal has a bit better stats only.
Humbaba is Large and basically same stats as Zaghnal + increase size bonuses/penalties.
Gave them their respective attacks.
The creatures are basically called Beastmen and the list of "beastmen" is as follows:
Gnoll (same as pathfinder + a little extra ability)
Goblin/black goblin/gobblyduck (different than normal goblins they are furry brownish skin with little tusks, very aggressive and strong)
Kobolds (they are little aggressive dogs not lizards but they are similar to the kobolds)
Kenku (normal)
Lizardfolk (normal)
Ogre/Ogre Magi/Ogre Tyrant (little different in culture and physical appearance, nothing special except for the ogre Magi [not oni])
Sahuagin (normal)
Trolls (haven't gotten to them but they will probably be the same)
Werewolves (Race not shape changer and very strong)
Wyrmkin (kobold looking creatures but different in certain ways)
Got a bunch of other spell that I will put up later on, I'll wait for ya to catch up lol since its a lot of material. So far I have 192 pages and I'm probably 65% done.
Made the Flotiball and Plague versions of the Ahriman and also made all the other advancement for the other creatures (werewolves included)
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Skills: Knowledge (Geography) 5 ranks, Knowledge (Nature) 5 ranks, Spellcraft 5 ranks, Survival 5 Ranks
Feats: Self-Sufficient, Magical Aptitude
Special: Favored Terrain (any one)
Alignment: Any neutral.
Hit Dice: d10
Class Skills
The geomancer’s class skills are Climb (Str), Heal (Wis), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (Geography) (Int), Knowledge (nature) (Int), Profession (Wis), Spellcraft (Int), Survival (Wis) and Swim (Str)
Skill Ranks per Level: 4 + Int modifier.
Level BAB Fort Reflex Will Special Caster
1 0 2 2 0 Geomancy +1 divine
2 1 3 3 0 Ignore Terrain +1 divine
3 2 3 3 1 Geomancy +1 divine
4 3 4 4 1 Favored Terrain +1 divine
5 3 4 4 1 Geomancy +1 divine
6 4 5 5 2 Nature’s Wrath +1 divine
7 5 5 5 2 Geomancy +1 divine
8 6 6 6 2 Favored Terrain +1 divine
9 6 6 6 3 Geomancy +1 divine
10 7 7 7 3 Nature’s Wrath, Geomancy +1 divine
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Geomancers gain no new weapon or armor proficiencies.
Geomancy (Su): The secrets of geomancy allow a Geomancer to create useful and powerful effects by summoning the power of the land around him. At every other level, the Geomancer gains access to a new Geomancy. All of these take a standard action to use, and the save DC, where applicable is 10 + ½ Geomancer + Geomancer’s Wisdom modifier. Level dependant effects refer to the character’s Geomancer level. Each one is a supernatural effect, focused through the environment the Geomancer is touching. Geomancy can be used a number of times per day equal to 3 + Geomancer Wisdom modifier. Geomancy never affects the Geomancer who uses it, even if he is caught in the area of effect. All geomancy abilities deal 1d6 points of typeless damage (unless stated otherwise) per two Geomancer level (maximum 5d6). Geomancy abilities have a range of 60ft and 15ft radius area. Geomancy effects are instantaneous and disappear unless noted otherwise at the end of the Geomancer turn.
The following section describes the geomancy for each terrain category they produce for Geomancers. The Geomancer is proficient with only the geomancy effects that belong to the terrain he favors. Geomancers at first level gain geomancy ability from their favored terrain and can choose a new ability every other level.
Icicle: Blades of extreme cold stab up from under the Geomancer's foes. Icicle inflicts. This attack deals Cold damage.
Snowstorm: A shower of snow, ice, rocks, and debris descends, burying a single unfortunate victim. Targets within the area of effect must make a Fortitude save or be silenced for 1d4 rounds, effectively unable to cast spells with Verbal components and unable to speak.
Vacuum Blade: A howling crescent of wind scythes across the battlefield, cutting into a single foe.
Sandstorm: A howling wind picks up and sweeps across the battlefield, assailing the Geomancer's foes with a veil of sand and small stones. Targets within the area of effect must make a Reflex save or be blinded for 1d4 rounds.
Leaf Swirl: Whipped up by the wind, a cloud of razor-sharp leaves encircles a single foe.
Will-o’-the-Wisp: Glowing spirits converge on the Geomancer's enemies in a disorienting dance, burning a single target with spectral fire. Targets within the area of effect must make a Will save or fall asleep for 1d4 rounds.
Tanglevine: Bramble vines of ivy shoot out of the ground, catching the Geomancer's enemies in a thorny embrace. Targets within the area of effect must make a Fortitude save or be entangled for 1d4 rounds.
Branch Spears: The forest shakes and shivers, seeming to come to life as sharpened branches begin to rain down on the battlefield.
Sinkhole: A crevice pulls open beneath the Geomancer's foes, unceremoniously dropping them into a gaping pit. Targets within the area of effect must make a Reflex save or fall prone rounds.
Wind Blast: Gale-force winds assail the target.
Torrent: A globe of pure crustal clear water detaches from the water's surface and sails towards the enemy, crashing into them in an explosion. Targets within the area of effect must make a Fortitude save or be affected by reduce person spell effect for 1d4 rounds.
Water Blast: Water unceremoniously explodes around a single target.
Contortion: Gray dust creeps up to cover the enemy, quickly hardening into a shell of solid rock. Targets within the area of effect must make a Fortitude save or be paralyzed for 1d4 rounds.
Tremor: The Geomancer calls violent tremors to shake the battlefield.
Sickening Mist: Deadly vapors bubble up from the mire, drawing a choking veil over a single foe. Targets within the area of effect must make a Will save or be nauseated for 1d4 rounds.
Whipping Roots: The ground suddenly shifts beneath the Geomancer's foes, as roots come out from the ground and start to attack them.
Collapse: Jagged columns of rock shoot up around the target, trapping it in a rapidly-shrinking stone cocoon. Targets within the area of effect must make a Fortitude save or be pinned for 1d4 rounds.
Magma Surge: Columns of burning lava erupt underneath the Geomancer's foes, spreading fiery destruction throughout the immediate area. This attack deals Fire damage.
Cave In: A dangerous rumble tears through the buildings; seconds later, half man size boulders begin crashing down.
Wind Slash: Howling storm spirits swirl about the enemy, calling down crackling bolts of lightning upon all and sundry. Targets within the area of effect must make a Reflex save or be dazed for 1d4 rounds.
Ignore Terrain (Ex): Starting at 2nd level, a Geomancer may move through any sort of terrain at his normal speed and without taking damage or suffering any other impairment. This benefit only applies in the favored terrain. Areas that are enchanted or magically manipulated to impede motion, however, still affect him.
Favored Terrain (Ex): At 4th level, a geomancer may select a type of terrain from the Favored Terrains table. The ranger gains a +2 bonus on initiative checks and Knowledge (geography), Perception, Stealth, and Survival skill checks when he is in this terrain. A geomancer traveling through his favored terrain normally leaves no trail and cannot be tracked (though he may leave a trail if he so chooses).
At 8th level the Geomancer may select an additional favored terrain. In addition, at each such interval, the skill bonus and initiative bonus in any one favored terrain (including the one just selected, if so desired), increases by +2. If a specific terrain falls into more than one category of favored terrain, the ranger’s bonuses do not stack; he simply uses whichever bonus is higher.
Nature’s Wrath: At 10th level the Geomancer is so attuned to nature that his attack and damage rolls gain a bonus equal to half his Geomancer level. In addition every time a Geomancer suffers physical damage from an attack and he is in his favorite terrain he can immediately attack back with a geomancy ability (this ability does not trigger against traps, natural effects or magic). This ability does not use any of your daily uses of Geomancy.
Doubt Faith
School Abjuration Level Cleric 2, Antipaladin 1, Oracle 2, Inquisitor 2, Bard 2
Component V, S
Casting Time 1 standard action
Range Touch
Target Creature touched
Duration 1 round/level
Saving Throw Will negates Spell Resistance Yes
Seeking the true tone to form his will the subject takes a -2 penalty to Faith. This effect does not stack.
School Abjuration Level Cleric 2, Antipaladin 1, Oracle 2, Inquisitor 2, Bard 2
Component V, S
Casting Time 1 standard action
Range Touch
Target Creature touched
Duration 1 round/level
Saving Throw Will negates Spell Resistance Yes
Cowards and weak show their true colors with your slightest touch. The subject takes a -2 penalty to Brave. This effect does not stack.
School Abjuration Level Cleric 2, Paladin 1, Oracle 2, Inquisitor 2, Bard 2
Component V, S
Casting Time 1 standard action
Range Touch
Target Creature touched
Duration 1 round/level
Saving Throw Will negates (harmless) Spell Resistance Yes (harmless)
Shining globes of golden-blue light streak towards the targetcreating a strengthening barrier that suffuses it with fighting spirit to bestow +2 bonus to Brave. This effect does not stack.
Pray Faith
School Abjuration Level Cleric 2, Paladin 1, Oracle 2, Inquisitor 2, Bard 2
Component V, S
Casting Time 1 standard action
Range Touch
Target Creature touched
Duration 1 round/level
Saving Throw Will negates (harmless) Spell Resistance Yes (harmless)
A translucent shield of gold encloses the target, slowly rotating as golden motes dance around it in graceful circles to bestow +2 bonus to Faith. This effect does not stack.
School Conjuration Level Cleric 5
Component V, S
Components V, S, M
Casting Time 1 standard action
Range Touch
Target Dead creature touched
Duration 1 round/leve
Saving Throw None; see text Spell Resistance Yes (harmless)
Reraise miraculously restores life to a recently deceased creature. However, the spell must be cast at least 1 round before the victim’s death. Before the soul of the deceased has any chance to leave the body, this spell halts its journey while repairing somewhat the damage to the body. This spell functions like raise dead, except that the raised creature receives no level loss, no Constitution loss, and no loss of spells. The creature is only restored to +1 hit points.
School Necromancy Level Summoner 6
Component V, S
Casting Time 1 standard action
Range close (25 ft + 5ft/2 level)
Area 30 ft radius
Duration 1 min/level
Saving Throw Reflex half; Fortitude (see text) Spell Resistance Yes
Begins to chant in ancient words, an eerie calm falls over the battlefield as the sky grows dark, shading the combatants in blue and black. Only one sound breaks the silence; a single note, gaining in pitch as a dome of purest dark energy starts to form underneath the targets, growing outwards in an unstoppable, destructive rush that engulfs the whole area dealing damage equal to 5 points of damage per caster level. As the sound reaches ear-splitting frequencies the creatures engulfed in the dome must make Fortitude save or be deafened, the dome flashes out of existence, and all becomes still once more.
School Necromancy Level Cleric 3
Component V, S
Casting Time 1 standard action
Range Touch
Target Creature touched
Duration 1 min/level
Saving Throw Fortitude negates (harmless) Spell Resistance Yes (harmless)
This spell imparts a physical transformation upon the subject, not unlike the process that produces a zombie. While the subject does not actually become undead, he is still affected as if he were one of the undead. The subject becomes immune to subdual damage just as undead are and they are also damaged by Channel Energy (positive) and healing spells as if they were truly undead, while they are healed by inflict spells and Channel Energy (negative).
Small Humanoid (Goblinoid)
HD: 2d8 +2 (11 hp)
Initiative: +1
Fast Speed: 30 ft
AC: 16, Touch 12, Flat-footed 15 (+2 armor, +2 shield)
BAB/CMB/CMD: +1/ +1/ 12
Attack: Battleaxe +3 (1d8+1)
Special Qualities: Darkvision 60ft
Special Attack: Eye Gouge
Saves: Fort +4, Ref +1, Will +0
Str 13, Dex 13, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 11, Cha 8
Skills: Perception +2, Stealth +9, Intimidate +4
Feats: Power Attack
Alignment: Usually any evil
Language: Goblin
Challenge Rating: 1
Eye Gouge (Ex): 3/day, a Goblin as standard action can make a melee attack that blinds his opponents. The goblin attacks as normal but instead of dealing damage it blinds his opponent for 1d4+1 rounds.
Small Humanoid (Goblinoid)
HD: 4d8 +8 (26 hp)
Initiative: +2
Fast Speed: 30 ft
AC: 17, Touch 13, Flat-footed 15 (+2 armor, +2 shield)
BAB/CMB/CMD: +3/ +5/ 17
Attack: Battleaxe +8 (1d8+3)
Special Qualities: Darkvision 60ft
Special Attack: Eye Gouge, Spin fist
Saves: Fort +6, Ref +3, Will +2
Str 16, Dex 15, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 13, Cha 10
Skills: Perception +5, Stealth +10, Intimidate +8
Feats: Power Attack, Weapon Focus Battleaxe
Alignment: Usually any evil
Language: Goblin
Challenge Rating: 3
Eye Gouge (Ex): 3/day, a Black Goblin as standard action can make a melee attack that blinds his opponents. The black goblin attacks as normal but instead of dealing damage it blinds his opponent for 1d4+3 rounds.
Spin Fist (Ex): Black Goblins can strike every opponent within their reach. When using the full attack action, Black Goblins can give up their regular attacks and instead make on melee attack at the highest base attack bonus against each opponent within reach. You must make a separate attack roll against each opponent.
Small Humanoid (Goblinoid)
HD: 6d8 +18 (45 hp)
Initiative: +3
Fast Speed: 30 ft
AC: 18, Touch 14, Flat-footed 15 (+2 armor, +2 shield)
BAB/CMB/CMD: +4/ +7/ 17
Attack: Battleaxe +8 (1d8+3)
Special Qualities: Darkvision 60ft
Special Attack: Eye Gouge, Spin fist, Goblin Punch
Saves: Fort +7, Ref +4, Will +3
Str 18, Dex 17, Con 16, Int 14, Wis 15, Cha 12
Skills: Perception +6, Stealth +11, Intimidate +9
Feats: Power Attack, Weapon Focus Battleaxe, Dazzling Display
Alignment: Usually any evil
Language: Goblin
Challenge Rating: 6
Eye Gouge (Ex): 3/day, a Gobbledyguck as standard action can make a melee attack that blinds his opponents. The goblin attacks as normal but instead of dealing damage it blinds his opponent for 1d4+3 rounds.
Spin Fist (Ex): Gobbledyguck can strike every opponent within their reach. When using the full attack action, Gobbledygucks can give up their regular attacks and instead make on melee attack at the highest base attack bonus against each opponent within reach. You must make a separate attack roll against each opponent.
Goblin Punch (Ex): 3/day a Gobbledyguck as a full attack action can make a very powerful attack that deals additional damage. A Gobbledyguck’s Goblin Punch deals 1d6 damage per two HD. This extra damage is not multiplied on a critical hit, but is added to the total. In addition Gobbledygucks ad half his Strength modifier to each damage dice that Goblin Punch grants, but other modifiers such as weapon abilities, precision-based damage and other damage bonuses are resolved as normal.
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Mage Masher
This +2 dagger created especially for the purpose of fighting mages, this knife has the power to silence its target. It allows the wielder to use a Silenced effect (Fortitude save DC 16), upon a creature struck by the blade once per day. The wielder can decide to use the power after he has struck. Doing so is a free action, but the effect must be invoked in the same round that the dagger strikes. The Silence lasts for a number of rounds equal to 1d4+2.
Blood Sword
This +2 Bastard Sword blade is a deep crimson, as if it were drenched in blood. It is cruelly sharp, this sword allows the wielder to steal the hit points out of his enemies and regain the wielders own hit points. You gain hit points equal to the amount of damage dealt when wielding a Blood Sword. You can’t gain more than the opponent’s current hit points + its Constitution score. This sword also grants its power to a Dark Knight using Sanguine Sword ability as if he had made a successful melee attack with the weapon.
I really do suck at determining magic items costs for some reason so I still have to calculate their market value and their creation cost-requirements.
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![Cayden Cailean](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/cayden_final.jpg)
I've had a very long day, so I'm only going to point out balance problems I can see without referencing my books right now.
Time school seems cool.
Have them roll for both, let them choose which number goes in which place.
High brave gives you AC and skill penalties?
What penalty does High Faith give you?
Here's somewhere a PF block would help.
Natural armor should be listed beside the +4 Hide armor.
His AC should be 23 with the numbers you have listed there.
I wouldn't make a new type for the werewolf. Either make it a shapeshifter like a doppelganger or a Monstrous Humanoid. Potentially Both.
Why aren't you just using the Pathfinder Werewolves, or potentially making a variant template with some alt. abilities?
(I've *never* seen werewolves in an FF game anyways. Or if I have, I dont recall.)
Gravity/Greater Gravity
These seem cool. I was going to say its too high a level for the damage it deals (same as fireball, nicer damage type, but tiny AOE) but maybe with the pin condition it adds to creatures its good at 4.
You might want to change the wording; or people may refer to the pin condition under grapple in confusion
Dark, Holy and Divine knights are basicaly PrC for paladins:
This should be for any melee class. There's no way Delita was a Paladin. And Gafgarion wasn't an antipaladin or a paladin. (I can see Paladin for Agrias, and *Maybe* Wiegraf)
Calculators were broken in FFT. I wouldnt even bother trying to include them in PFRPG/
Why is it Ranger only?
Doubt Faith/Foxbird/Pray Faith/Lionheart:
Looks like a level 1 spell to me.
Looks okay to me. though at +1 hp, the character is definitely going to play dead until he gets an opportunity to escape, or heal himself.
I will say this though: Reraise is essentially contingency+true resurrection, with a more limited duration, at a much lower spell level.
Undead: Looks good to me.
Goblins: Looks pretty good. Not sure PF Goblins are small. I might peg them at dwarf size.
Mage Masher: I think that silence effect is likely a +2, but I'd say its a weak +2. Either beef it up a little (Higher DC) or tone it down a little and call it a +1.
Blood Sword: This is an effect I've seen in 3.x I believe they called it a vampiric weapon. I dont remember the source. I think it may have been extra damage, and you recover from the extra though, instead of recovering whatever you do with it. This version I'd price quite high, potentially a +3 or even +4. I believe the version I saw was a d6 or d8 and you recover the same, as a +2.
Ultima: Damage may be crappy for the level at which it becomes available.
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Brave/Faith: Yes a high brave gives a penalty to Intelligence, Wisdom and Charisma based skills. and Faith gives a penalty on saves to resist magic.
The gigas: Yeah but he is also large so I left his AC at 22 instead of his normal total of 23. I will change the stat block to present the +Natural armor in the AC area instead of the special qualities.
Werewolf: Yeah there is a race of werewolves in final fantasy series and they are not shapeshifters, they are basically garou/lupins/werewolves type of race, since shapeshifting is a very uncommon or rare disease. Hey I will name them garou lol Humanoid (Garou)
Gravity/Greater Gravity: Yea I changed it to grapple and the wording thanks ^^
Dark, Holy and Divine knights: Yeah you are right, I changed the wording and if you see the requirements it is only "easier" for Paladins to qualify but a fighter multiclass to cleric can qualify also, like most characters in FFT that had holy, dark or divine knight they all had the white mage job.
Calculator: Yeah I'm not very inclined to put it in, unless it's some sort of archetype for the wizard and it is still a BIG IF.
Geomancer: Just testing it still, I might change it, but to me it made sense since he works with his favored terrain to draw his Geomancy powers from.
Doubt Faith/Foxbird/Pray Faith/Lionheart: Yeah changed them to
Level Cleric 1, Paladin 1, Oracle 2, Inquisitor 2, Bard 2
Reraise: Yeah but I think it's fair that it only gives it +1 hp, I might lower it to a level 4 spell to reflect that.
Goblins: FFT goblins are totally different from PF goblins even in appearance they look like thin humanoid boar like race, whit small tusks pointy ears furry, and a pig like nose. They are very physically strong, but just a bit frail of frame.
Ultima: Yeah but it has an extra effect and the saves I think are not easy to make, but I changed it to be Sorcerer/Wizard 5, Summoner 6.
What would be the creation cost or should I leave it to the players to figure it out?
Yes I suck at making magic items out of the blue for some reason.
Bloodsword is a +3
Magemasher would be a +2 (increased the DC)
I liked the Undead spell also.
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New Monster from the Malboro progression:
Huge Plant
Hit Dice: 10d8+30 (75 hp)
Initiative: +2
Speed: 20 ft. (4 squares)
Armor Class: 17, touch 10, flat-footed 15
Base Attack/CMB/CMD: +7/ +12/ 24
Attack: Tentacle +10 (1d8+5)
Full Attack: 2 Tentacles +11 (1d8+5) and Bite +6 (2d6+2)
Space/Reach: 15 ft./15 ft.
Special Attacks: Bad Breath, Ochu Touch, Constrict (1d8+5), Grab
Special Qualities: Plant traits, damage reduction 1/- , Natural Armor 7
Saves: Fort +10, Ref +5, Will +5
Abilities: Str 21 (+5), Dex 15 (+2), Con 17 (+3), Int 13 (+1), Wis 15 (+2), Cha 10 (+0)
Skills: Bluff +5, Stealth +5, Intimidate +5, Perception +10, Survival +8
Feats: Weapon Focus (tentacle), Power Attack, Cleave, Greater Grapple
Environment: Temperate marshes
Organization: Solitary
Challenge Rating: 9
Alignment: Always neutral evil
Constrict (Ex): A Ochus deals automatic tentacle damage with a successful grapple check.
Grab (Ex): To use this ability, an Ochu must hit with a tentacle attack. It can then attempt to start a grapple as a free action without provoking an attack of opportunity. If it wins the grapple check, it establishes a hold and can constrict.
Bad Breath (Su): 3/day, the Ochu can emit a 30 ft. cone of foul gas. All creatures caught within the cone are affected by the following conditions for 1d4 rounds each: Blinded (Fortitude save DC 18 to negate), Confused (Will save DC 18 to negate), Sickened (Fortitude save DC 18 to negate), Nauseated (Fortitude save DC 18 to resist). The Ochu must wait 1d4 rounds to use this ability again. Constitution based save DC.
Ochu Touch (Sp): 3/day, the Malboro can use Ghoul Touch that functions like the wizard spell. Caster level 9th with a Fortitude save DC 18. Wisdom based save DC.
Goo (Sp): 3/day, an Ochu can spit goo up to 60 ft. away and has a radius of 15 ft. that covers their enemies. The targets hit by the Goo can make a Reflex save DC 18. Creatures that fail their save gain the entangled condition.
shiverscar RPG Superstar 2012 Top 8 |
Brave + Faith spells: Seems a little odd that they're all Abjuration spells. The buffs sound a little like Enchantment or Transmutation to me (like Good Hope or Bear's Endurance, respectively). The debuffs would likely be Necromancy or Enchantment (like Bestow Curse or Bane, respectively). If undead will have Brave/Faith scores, then Trans (Buffs) and Necro (Debuffs) would make the most sense, since undead will be immune to most Enchantments.
Reraise: This takes a very similar niche to Breath of Life and rather than have the two spells step all over each other, it might be worthwhile to boost the power of Reraise to make it an appealing choice at later levels.
School Conjuration Level Cleric 7
Component V, S
Components V, S, M (**what's the material component? is there a gp cost associated? maybe make it a phoenix down?**)
Casting Time 1 standard action
Range Touch
Target Creature touched
Duration 1 min/level
Saving Throw None; see text Spell Resistance Yes (harmless)
Reraise infuses a dying body with positive energy, drawing it back from the brink of death. If the touched creature is reduced to negative hit points while under the effects of reraise, the spell immediately heals them for 10hp for every 2 levels of the caster (to a maximum 100 at 20th level). If the healed creature's hit point total is at a negative amount less than its Constitution score, it comes back to life and stabilizes at its new hit point total. If the healed creature's hit point total is zero or greater, it remains standing and concious; otherwise it falls prone, is unconscious, but stable. If the creature's hit point total is at a negative amount equal to or greater than its Constitution score, the creature remains dead. Creatures brought back to life through reraise gain a temporary negative level that lasts for 1 day.The spell's duration ends immediately after healing the touched creature once. If the spell expires without the touched creature being brought to negative hit points, it has no effect. Creatures slain by death effects cannot be brought back to life by reraise.
It's a higher caster level (in line with Heal and Resurrection), but lasts minutes per level, and doesn't require any action on the part of the cleric once cast. Otherwise, it functions like its lesser brother, Breath of Life.
Ultima: Why is Ultima a Necromancy spell? Sounds more like Evocation to me.
Undead: This exact spell exists somewhere. It's a 3.5 spell... Shroud of Undeath I think? It's probably in the 3.5e Spell Compendium, but I don't have it handy to check. You could probably rip it off wholesale or make some tweaks to suit your needs better.
Speaking of restrictive though, those are some harsh requirements to become a Geomancer. Spellcraft is a bit of a pointless tax as none of the core features of the class require its use. You're using (Su) skills mostly, not (Sp). Favored Terrain already makes this class favour rangers over other jobs and enough classes are skill point starved already without making them pay out to cover 4 skill requirements. I'd say 3 max, and I'd even knock it down to 2 or 1 personally.
Given that Spellcraft and UMD do not see heavy use for this class, Magical Aptitude is deliberately asking someone to waste a feat. It is in flavour, don't get me wrong, but a wasted feat will discourage some players. Same goes for Self-Sufficient. It's not a bad feat, but it doesn't exactly help the Geomancer do... anything really. Geomancers aren't healers or trackers. They can do those things, but they don't define the class.
Also, seeing as you progress in your divine spellcasting class, it might be worthwhile to require that they have some capabilities as a divine spellcaster. Otherwise there'll be a headache of creating a spell list unique to the prestige class.
So, here's some suggested requirements:
Skills: Knowledge (Geography) 5 ranks, Knowledge (Nature) 5 ranks, Survival 5 ranks
Feats: Combat Casting
Special: Favored Terrain (any)
Spells: Able to cast 1st-level divine spells.
Simple enough. Favored Terrain still slows non-rangers. Divine caster level requirements means some classes will have to splash druid or cleric to get in. Combat casting is pretty darn useful and won't feel like a wasted feat for most players. Geomancers will often be at close range anyhow, so it'll come into play with some regularity.
Geomancers should have d8 for hit points, to be in line with their 3/4 BAB.
15ft radius seems kind of wide for an area of effect, but the Geomancer abilities aren't supremely powerful so I'd say it's balanced for the time being. Definitely worthy of playtest before nerfing/boosting.
You accidentally left "ranger" in some of the Geomancer skills you copy-pasted. ;) Don't forget to add a "Spells per day" note as well. You can pretty much do the same thing and find a prestige class that advances divine caster levels, copy-paste, and replace every instance of the prestige class with "Geomancer".
It might be worth the annoying redundancy of restating the damage for every terrain type (does 1d6 for every two geomancer levels, blah blah). It fills up space, and it's repetitive, but sometimes it's worthwhile to be explicit. YMMV.
Whew. All that said, I think this is a really neat class! Using Favored Terrain as the basis was a very cool way of interpreting it into Pathfinder. Seems fun to play and probably pretty nasty to fight.
The single Attack: Tentacle, should be at +11, shouldn't it?
Ochu Touch: DC should be 17 for a Wisdom based save. Spell-like abilities can be included as part of the stat block. Take a look at demons or devils; they tend to have a bunch of spell-likes so you can use them as an example of formatting.
Goo: Sounds more like an (Ex) or (Su), not a spell-like. What's the DC, if any, to break free of the goo? How long does it last if they don't break out? Typically for entangling abilities, you can break free with Escape Artist or a Strength check (DC = 10 + 1/2 monster HD + monster CON bonus). Don't necessarily need to have a limit on how long it lasts. If you don't state a duration, the assumption should be that it lasts until the target breaks free.
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I knew Reraise was going to be tricky, will probably add a diamond as a material component and maybe downgrade it to round/level. I think a minute per level lasts to long for my taste and it basically a prebattle buff not a OMFG!! cast reraise on that MOFO since he messed up or he is getting the punshiment (happens quite often for some reason I drop at least an average of 4 natural 20 per encounter and crit average 2 lol.
A phoenix down is something I could also require for this, but I will have to create it anyway as a cheap version of raise dead that only works on a X number of rounds after the character death. (cost sh.t loads of money also.
Ok! I'll make all the Brave/Faith spells enchantment spells like bear endurance and stuff.
Yeah the tentacle is a typo I will fix asap. The Goo will be changed to Ex and will add a reflex save for the initial purpose and then the str or escape artist DC to break free or stay in there for eva!
Ultima can be Evocation I was just using a template on the spells and forgot to change the necro thingy.
Yeah undead spell is half a rip of the 3.5 spell you mention ^^
Geomancer was actually complicated to bring in, since really I could only see it by the favored terrain feature really, I really searched other way but didn't came so easy for me and I liked the idea to exploit that overlooked ranger feature.
Yeah, I will probably have to put the damage in all the abilities. Search for those evil pesky ranger words that got lucky enough to stay hahahaha (They be goblin words).
Yeah requirements I wasn't sure really what to do with it, so I went with flavor first and then just review it again.
So far we made "sample encounters with a ranger 5/geomancer 1, ranger 5/geomancer 5 and ranger 5/geomancer 10
So far at low levels it makes him look strong since its a ranger with a Great Sword (not very common) that hits you with nature at a distance for a good amount. Geomancer level 5 is at his strongest you could say and at geomancer level 10 he was still doing significant damage with his normal attacks he had a falcon pet just to scout ahead and so since it was a weak pet but he could hit anything every round for a decent amount and had lots of monster doing saves every turn very very annoying and type of damage + some control in the right environment.
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I always loved the flavor of the Geomancer. I once tried to make a druid archetype for it, trading spells for geomancy. They would work kind of like how the spell-less ranger/paladin abilities work. Usable so many times per day total, had decent effects that were comparable to spells, etc. It never really worked out though cause I always ran into the issue of them being limited to certain terrain types.
But I like your idea of using the Ranger's Favored Terrain. I had never actually thought about that. I may yet still be able to make that archetype at some point, giving the druid favored terrain and basing geomancy off of that.
Thanks for the inspiration.
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I always loved the flavor of the Geomancer. I once tried to make a druid archetype for it, trading spells for geomancy. They would work kind of like how the spell-less ranger/paladin abilities work. Usable so many times per day total, had decent effects that were comparable to spells, etc. It never really worked out though cause I always ran into the issue of them being limited to certain terrain types.
But I like your idea of using the Ranger's Favored Terrain. I had never actually thought about that. I may yet still be able to make that archetype at some point, giving the druid favored terrain and basing geomancy off of that.
Thanks for the inspiration.
No problem you are free yo use the geomancer and change/tweak for your purpose ;)
Does a diamond worth 15,000 be to much for Reraise???
Considering is a 7 level spell that resurrect instantly during a fight and heals basically.