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Hi! I've been trying to work out a conversion for the final fantasy tactics game into pathfinder, I don't think it should be that hard to achieve since most base classes emulate most of the jobs in final fantasy tactics.
I'm also expanding the history of Ivalice a bit to cover other games like vagrant story/FFXII in the timeline somehow (I got this almost worked out thankfully).
I need help from the people in the forum to create or at least give me their 2 cents on what I have worked on so far and improve it. All critics and, tips and advice is welcome
Best Regards.
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Ikkoku, the continent that is covered by the Final Fantasy Tactics campaign, is made up of three unique kingdoms: Ivalice, Ordallia, and Romanda. The three kingdoms are described briefly below although the latter parts of the campaign will give much more vivid information.
Ivalice makes up the lower portion of the backwards crescent that is Ikkoku. It enjoys temperate weather with warmer weather in the southern portions of the Lionel province and cooler climates in the north.
Ordallia covers the middle of the backwards crescent of Ikkoku. It in general is cooler than Ivalice during most of the year and is no stranger to blizzards, especially in the northern parts that neighbor Romanda.
Setting Notes
The continent of Ikkoku is a diverse place with many secrets and mysteries to be uncovered. This section will explore subjects of interest that a game master should keep in mind when running Final Fantasy Tactics campaigns.
The Ajoran Calendar
The Birth of St. Ajora Glabados marks the beginning of the Ajoran Calendar, which over the centuries has become the standard for historian accounts. The years prior to the beginning of the Ajoran Calendar are marked 'Before Ajora' or BA and the following year to the calendar creation are ‘After Ajora’ or AA. For simplicity's sake, the FFT campaign uses a modified version of the standard Gregorian calendar. The Ajoran Calendar is made up of twelve months (January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, and December) that break down to five weeks that last six days for a total of thirty days a month. Thus a year lasts 360 days.
Although it bears Ajora's name, the Ajoran Calendar has been in use since the Ronkan Empire colonized Ikkoku by the Fara Clergy. The Pharitesof Romanda & Ordallia use a similar calendar, but retain the original dates. The Pharite Calendar starts at the equivalent of 1351 BA. In most cases, you can get Pharite Calendar's date by adding 1351 to the year. For instance, the Fifty Year War ended in 1003 AA or 2354 FC (1351 + 1003 = 2354). This may be of importance for those GMs that are setting their games in either Ordallia or Romanda.
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Magic is an important element in the lives of many people in Ikkoku. While not all people use it, magic is not uncommon either. Prior to the Fifty Year War, the use of magic was often the realm of the privileged nobles, adventurers, and the clergy. The successful use of magic in the Fifty Year War has changed this. Nearly all armies of Ikkoku's three kingdoms now populate their troops with mages in numerous support roles from Black Mages that specialize in using earth magic in siege tactics to White Mages that act to heal wounded troops. There are a number of different mage units that emerged during the Fifty Year War that made a name for themselves such as Tomas' Hammers of Ordallia that wreaked havoc on the strongest fortresses in Zeltennia or St. Mary's Mercy who were always in the bloodiest battles trying to save those soldiers in the war who could be saved. Since mages get paid well for a soldier, most of the three continents are rarely unable to find a fresh supply of magic talent. Most large cities have at least one academy for magic related studies and capital cities such as Lesalia Capitol City in Ivalice may support as many as three to six academies devoted solely to arcane studies. Most soldiers that make fighting as their occupation often dabble into the arts at some point in their career either during their training or during their later years provided they live long enough.
Nobles and Commoner
One common thread throughout Ikkoku's three nations is the status given to the nobility of each country. This trend goes back to the Ronkan Empire and the Pharam Church's belief that the noble families are descended from the sons of the mother of creation, Pharam. This belief is particularly strong in the modern nations that still practice the Pharam religion. The rise of the Glabados Church, despite replacing the Pharam Church in Ivalice, changed this popular belief little beyond setting up a new set of nobles that were 'blessed by god' or had served St. Ajora during its rise to power.
For the commoner seeking advancement in power, there are several possibilities. The easiest is entering a noble family through marriage. How effective this is depends largely on the family involved and what type of reputation the person has achieved for himself or herself. Obviously, it would look poorly for a noble family if one of them married a common wench from the local pub. However, a Knight of exceptional reputation that becomes famous in battle being offered the hand of a lesser noble lady is far from unheard of. Another venue is through the government administration. Like any real government, there is always the bureaucracy that goes around it and as much as nobles wish otherwise, there aren't enough minor nobles to stick them with some of the more menial jobs. Ivalice, in particular, likes to give the common people the illusion that they have some say in how their taxes are spent. Each town in Ivalice has its own mayor, for instance, who answers in turn to the local noble house. The populace elects him or her (female mayors are rare, but not completely unheard of) just like in modern times and they in turn acts as their representatives for the town or city. In addition to the administration, let's not forget the knights and army. As mentioned earlier, it is not unheard of for a distinguished general or particularly valiant knight to be granted marriage into a noble house, land, or a minor title for their family. More than one of the current Greater Houses was once a lesser house that earned their status through blood and sword.
There is progression through the Church, but that is its own set of benefits and hindrances.
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Didn't know it existed, but it will be useful information.
What do you think about what I have so far?
I'm trying to get the best stuff and compile it to make it into a Setting.
This is not a STAND ALONE, it's a Campaign setting so it can be played with pathfinder, basically it's fleshing out Final Fantasy Tactics world and adapt it to pathfinder.
So far I have for prestige classes:
Dark knight
Holy Knight
Divine Knight
Ark Knight
Working on:
Most of the PrC are because they are very specific, but some are just feats or alternative level powers for some classes or just added to the list o talents for rogues, etc...
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I will check it out thank you very much for the info.
Update on the kingdoms for the last one:
Valendia: For 1,200 years, the House Nalzarc continued to rule the kingdom peacefully, until the power shifts to the Regency of Gurunas. Under the regency, Valendia suffered as corrupt politicians of House Gurunas squandered over resources and practiced cronyism and nepotism. Other noble houses could only watch helplessly as corruption and misery spread across the kingdom, wishing that rule be returned to House Nalzarc.
36 years BA, the noble houses banded together, sparking the Valendian Civil War. It is during this war that House Bardorba raised to prominence for helping House Nalzarc and the other noble houses win against House Gurunas two years into the war. The government then shifts from despotic monarchy to constitutional monarchy, with the Valendian National Council, or Parliament, formed to assist the King. Valendia was known as the New Valendian Kingdom. House Bardorba became a strong and influential voice in the rulings of the Parliament. The kingdom's capital city is Valnain, an elegant Parisian city where the King's Palace, the Parliament building and the Valendia Knights of the Peace, or VKP, headquarters are located.
Velndia is a small continent southeast of Ordallia separated by an ocean from Ivalice. The climate is rather warm most of the year with very short but cold winters.
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What about Knight´s special abilities, Like crush punch, Dark punth, or the ones that destroy your equipment?
What ideas do you got, for those particular cases?
How about magic and spells? same system or you´re going for MP?
I'm using same system, not the MP system. Like I already stated this is not creating a whole new system is adapting something to Pathfinder.
Dark Knights have:
Sanguine Sword, Infernal Strike, Crushing Blow, Dark Blade, Shadow Strike.
They count as uses of Channel energy, some costing only 1 use others cost 2 or 3 uses of channel energy to use them.
Yes the Divine knight has the Equipment destruction abilities.
Divine Knight
Skills: Knowledge (History) 5 Ranks
Feats: Power Attack, Extra Channel, Exotic Weapon Bastardsword, Improved Sunder
Special: Channel energy, Cast 2nd level divine spells.
Alignment: Any lawful.
Hit Dice: d8
Class Skills
The divine knight’s class skills are Bluff (Cha), Diplomacy (Cha), Knowledge (Religion) (Int), Profession (Wis), Ride (Dex) and Sense Motive (Wis)
Skill Ranks per Level: 2 + Int modifier.
Level BAB Fort Reflex Will Special Caster
1 1 0 0 2 Sword Skill, Blastar Punch +1 divine
2 2 0 0 3 Icewolf Bite +1 divine
3 3 1 1 3 Shellburst Stab +1 divine
4 4 1 1 4 Hellcry Punch +1 divine
5 5 1 1 4 Resonating Sunder +1 divine
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Divine Knight gains no new weapon or armor proficiency.
Sword Skills (Su): At every level, the Divine Knight gains access to a new Sword Skill as shown on the chart. All of these take a standard action to use, and the save DC, where applicable, is 10 + Divine Knight level + Divine Knight‘s Charisma. Level dependant effects refer to the character‘s Divine Knight level. Each one is a supernatural effect, focused through the Bastardsword, so while it is not a melee attack in any way, it requires the Divine Knight to have a sword in hand. Using a Sword Skill takes a number of channel energy attempts equal to the amount specified in the ability.
The Knight may attempt to use a Sword Skill without spending any turning or rebuke attempts, but each time he does so he must make a Fortitude save (DC 10 + 1 per Channel Energy attempt it would normally use + 2 for each time he’s executed a Sword Skill in this fashion without 8 hours of rest), if he fails, the ability fails, and the Divine Knight becomes fatigued. If he is fatigued already he becomes exhausted instead. He may not use a Sword Skill if exhausted. The Divine Knight may otherwise use these abilities at will, but must wait 1d4 rounds after using one before using the same Skill (although he may use others during this time frame).
Sword Skills never affect the Divine Knight who uses them; even if he is caught in its area of affect or the ability is somehow rebounded upon him. The following feats the Divine Knight may have may be applied to his Sword Skills that either require a ranged attack or deal damage (as appropriate): Improved Critical, Weapon Focus, Weapon Specialization
Blastar Punch: (1 Channel Energy Attempt)
Does 1d8 per level (maximum 3d8) + Charisma modifier (Reflex half) of acid damage. Furthermore, if the target takes any damage, if the target fails his save, the Divine Knight rolls damage as if he just made a sunder attempt against the target shield worn by him. If the shield is magical, he gains a bonus to his save equal to the item’s total enhancement bonus. The attack also does no damage if the selected shield cannot be destroyed or the target is not wielding any shields. Range is 20 ft.
Icewolf Bite: (1 Channel Energy Attempt)
Does 1d8 per level (maximum 3d8) + Charisma modifier (Reflex half) of cold damage. Furthermore, if the target fails his save, one magical accessory he is wearing or carrying is considered sundered but not destroyed just rendered useless until the end of the encounter. You must choose a magic item slot (head, torso, hands, rings, etc…). The attack deals no damage if the target is not wearing any valid magical items or if the selected item cannot be destroyed. Range is 15 feet.
Shellburst Stab: (2 Channel Energy Attempts)
Does 1d8 per level (maximum 3d8) + Charisma modifier (Reflex half) of electricity damage. Furthermore, if the target fails his saving throw, the Divine Knight rolls damage as if he just made a sunder attempt against any armor worn by the target. The armor is considered as damaged and only gives half its normal AC bonus (rounded down). If the armor is magical, he gains a bonus to his save equal to the item’s total enhancement bonus. The attack also does no damage if the armor cannot be destroyed or the target is wearing no armor. Range is 15 feet per level.
Hellcry Punch: (2 Channel Energy Attempts)
Does 1d8 per level (maximum 3d8) + Charisma modifier (Reflex half) of fire damage. Furthermore, if the target takes any damage, the Divine Knight rolls damage as if he just made a sunder attempt against the weapon held by his target. If the weapon is magical, he gains a bonus to his save equal to the item’s total enhancement bonus. The attack also does no damage if the selected weapon cannot be destroyed or the target is not wielding any weapons (natural weapons cannot be destroyed but still receive damage). Range is 15 feet.
Resonating Sunder: (3 Channel Energy Attempts)
Does 1d4 per level (maximum 5d4) + Charisma modifier (Reflex half) of sonic damage to all targets within a 15 ft. radius burst. Furthermore, all targets that fail their save will have an item worn by him sundered selected by the Divine Knight. The attack deals no damage if the selected item cannot be destroyed or the target is not wielding any items (natural weapons cannot be destroyed but still receive damage). Range is 15 ft. per level.
Any review in the class for Balancing it is VERY WELCOME.
Now I've changed some stuff like there are now 4 kingdoms instead of 3.
History is done! will post it later since it's kind of LONG.
The history takes elements from FFT+FFXII+Vagrant Story
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The fourth country, from Vagrant Story ^^
Valendia: For 1,200 years, the House Nalzarc continued to rule the kingdom peacefully, until the power shifts to the Regency of Gurunas. Under the regency, Valendia suffered as corrupt politicians of House Gurunas squandered over resources and practiced cronyism and nepotism. Other noble houses could only watch helplessly as corruption and misery spread across the kingdom, wishing that rule be returned to House Nalzarc.
36 years BA, the noble houses banded together, sparking the Valendian Civil War. It is during this war that House Bardorba raised to prominence for helping House Nalzarc and the other noble houses win against House Gurunas two years into the war. The government then shifts from despotic monarchy to constitutional monarchy, with the Valendian National Council, or Parliament, formed to assist the King. Valendia was known as the New Valendian Kingdom. House Bardorba became a strong and influential voice in the rulings of the Parliament. The kingdom's capital city is Valnain, an elegant Parisian city where the King's Palace, the Parliament building and the Valendia Knights of the Peace, or VKP, headquarters are located.
Valendia is a small continent southeast of Ordallia separated by an ocean from Ivalice. The climate is rather warm most of the year with very short but cold winters.
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Well i finished my first list of MONSTERS for FFT the all and well loved chocobos
The chocobo is a large, herbivorous bird with powerful legs and a sharp, sturdy beak. Its size and impressive speed make it the most popular type of mount in Ikkoku. Although too small to allow flight, the chocobo's wings assist in keeping balance and also function as a type of brake. The only variety of chocobo that flies it’s the Black Chocobo. All chocobos can use the ability of Choco Cure and there are some other abilities that chocobos can learn with skilled riders.
Choco Cure: A chocobo has a special gland that excretes an extremely potent healing balm. It can use this balm on itself as a standard action, tending its own wounds and recovering 1d8+3. A chocobo can use this ability on creatures within 5 ft, but it takes a full round action for each creature. Using Choco Cure on itself does not provoke attacks of opportunity, but using it on others does. A chocobo can use this ability 3 + his wisdom modifier.
Choco Beak: Chocobos can make exceptionally deadly attacks with their beaks sacrificing accuracy for brute strength. A chocobo can choose to take a –1 penalty on all melee attack rolls and combat maneuver checks to gain a +2 bonus on all melee damage rolls. This bonus to damage is increased by half (+50%) when attacking with their beaks.
Large Magical Beast
HD: 3d10 + 9 (24hp)
Initiative: 2
Speed: 50 ft
AC: 11, Touch 11, Flat-footed 9
BAB/CMB/CMD: +3/ +6/ +18
Full attack: Beak +6 melee 1d4 +3
Low-light vision, Darkvision, Scent, Choco Cure 4/day
Saves: Fort +6, Ref +5, Will +2
Str 16, Dex 14, Con 17, Int 2, Wis 13, Cha 7
Skills: Acrobatics +6, Perception +6
Feats: Run, Endurance
Alignment: Always neutral
Choco Esuna: A chocobo has a special gland that excretes an extremely potent healing balm. It can use this balm on itself as a standard action, to remove status conditions A chocobo can use this ability on any creatures within 5 ft, but it takes a full round action for each creature. Using Choco Esuna on itself does not provoke attacks of opportunity, but using it on others does. A yellow chocobo as a standard action can expend one of his Choco Cure uses of the day to use this ability. Choco Esuna removes the following status conditions: confused, blinded, dazed and paralysis.
Large Magical Beast
HD: 4d10 + 12 (32hp)
Initiative: 2
Speed: 50 ft
AC: 11, Touch 11, Flat-footed 9
BAB/CMB/CMD: +4/ +7/ +19
Full attack: Beak +7 melee 1d4 +3
Low-light vision, Darkvision, Scent, Shallow Water Walking
Saves: Fort +7, Ref +5, Will +3
Str 16, Dex 14, Con 17, Int 2, Wis 14, Cha 7
Skills: Acrobatics +7, Perception +7, Swim +7
Feats: Run, Endurance
Alignment: Always neutral
Shallow Water Walking: Blue chocobos have the amazing ability to run over shallow bodies of water, including rivers, lakes, and water just off the shore. This is due to the adaptation of their bone to become spongy and hollow, while their skin, feathers, and hard legs and beak still protect their body just as well from attacks. Unfortunately, a blue chocobo can only run over shallow water, not stand on it; the chocobo must remain moving to not sink. Shallow water is any water with a depth of 10 ft. or less.
Large Magical Beast
HD: 4d10 + 12 (32hp)
Initiative: 2
Speed: 50 ft; Climb 50 ft
AC: 11, Touch 11, Flat-footed 9
BAB/CMB/CMD: +4/ +7/ +19
Full attack: Beak +7 melee 1d4 +3
Low-light vision, Darkvision, Scent, Low Mountain Climbing
Saves: Fort +7, Ref +5, Will +3
Str 16, Dex 14, Con 17, Int 2, Wis 14, Cha 7
Skills: Acrobatics +7, Perception +7, Climb +7
Feats: Run, Endurance
Alignment: Always neutral
Low Mountain Climbing: Green chocobos have the astounding ability to run circle around mountains, scaling and crossing mountains and mountain ranges in anywhere from mere hours to a day or two. Instead of making a climb check, a running chocobo may simply run up most surfaces that would need to be climbed otherwise. Their feet have become powerful at gripping jagged rocks and gravel. They may only climb upward a vertical distance of 50 ft. with each move action, and they must begin and end each move action on a flat surface.
Large Magical Beast
HD: 5d10 + 15 (40hp)
Initiative: 2
Speed: 50 ft
AC: 11, Touch 11, Flat-footed 9
BAB/CMB/CMD: +5/ +8/ +20
Full attack: Beak +8 melee 1d4 +3
Low-light vision, Darkvision, Scent
Saves: Fort +7, Ref +6, Will +3
Str 16, Dex 14, Con 17, Int 2, Wis 14, Cha 7
Skills: Acrobatics +7, Perception +8, Survival +7
Feats: Run, Endurance, Diehard
Alignment: Always neutral
Choco Guard: Brown chocobos have defensive capabilities far superior to other color chocobos. A brown chocobo as a standard action can expend one of his Choco Cure uses of the day to gain a +1 bonus to all his saves and Fast Healing 1 for a number of rounds equal to his Constitution modifier.
Large Magical Beast
HD: 5d10 + 15 (40hp)
Initiative: 2
Speed: Land 50 ft; Fly 50ft (Average)
AC: 11, Touch 11, Flat-footed 9
BAB/CMB/CMD: +5/ +9/ +20
Full attack: Beak +8 melee 1d4 +3
Low-light vision, Darkvision, Scent, Choco Pellets
Saves: Fort +7, Ref +6, Will +3
Str 16, Dex 14, Con 17, Int 2, Wis 14, Cha 7
Skills: Acrobatics +9, Perception +7, Fly +10
Feats: Run, Endurance, Acrobatic
Alignment: Always neutral
Choco Pellets: When a black chocobo attacks, he flaps his wings furiously to work the muscles around his stomach and esophagus; a black chocobo as a standard action can expend one of his Choco Cure uses for the day to belch up to three pellets, dealing bludgeoning damage to a single target at a range of 50 ft. Each pellet deals 1d6 points of damage and it has a Reflex save DC 13.
Large Magical Beast
HD: 5d10 + 15 (40hp)
Initiative: 2
Speed: Land 50 ft
AC: 11, Touch 11, Flat-footed 9
BAB/CMB/CMD: +5/ +8/ +20
Full attack: Beak +8 melee 1d4 +3
Low-light vision, Darkvision, Scent, Choco Recharge
Saves: Fort +7, Ref +6, Will +5
Str 16, Dex 14, Con 17, Int 2, Wis 14, Cha 7
Skills: Acrobatics +7, Perception +8
Feats: Run, Endurance, Iron Will
Alignment: Always neutral
Choco Recharge: A white chocobo as a standard action can expend one of his Choco Cure uses for the day to recover a spell you have already cast that day. The white chocobo must spend a number of daily uses equal to the level of the spell you wish to recover. You can only recover spells of level 3 or lower.
Large Magical Beast
HD: 5d10 + 15 (40hp)
Initiative: 2
Speed: Land 50 ft
AC: 11, Touch 11, Flat-footed 9
BAB/CMB/CMD: +5/ +8/ +20
Full attack: Beak +8 melee 1d4 +3
Low-light vision, Darkvision, Scent
Saves: Fort +7, Ref +6, Will +3
Str 16, Dex 14, Con 17, Int 2, Wis 14, Cha 7
Skills: Acrobatics +7, Perception +8
Feats: Run, Endurance, Power Attack
Alignment: Always neutral
Choco Meteor: Flapping its wings furiously to work the muscles around its stomach and esophagus, a red chocobo can belch a super-heated piece of molten rock, dealing fire damage to the target of its ranged touch attack. A red chocobo as a standard action can expend one of his Choco Cure uses to attack with a molten rock that deals 2d8+3 of fire and bludgeoning damage on a successful hit to a single target, at a range of 50 ft. This has a Reflex save DC 13.
Large Magical Beast
HD: 7d10 + 28 (63hp)
Initiative: 3
Speed: Land 60 ft; Climb 50 ft
AC: 12, Touch 12, Flat-footed 9
BAB/CMB/CMD: +7/ +10/ +23
Full attack: Beak +11 melee 1d4 +4
Low-light vision, Darkvision, Scent, Low Mountain Climbing, Shallow Water Walking
Saves: Fort +9, Ref +8, Will +5
Str 18, Dex 16, Con 19, Int 2, Wis 16, Cha 9
Skills: Acrobatics +8, Perception +8, Climb +8, Swim +8
Feats: Run, Endurance, Nimble Moves, Acrobatic Steps
Alignment: Always neutral
Low Mountain Climbing: Gold chocobos have the astounding ability to run circle around mountains, scaling and crossing mountains and mountain ranges in anywhere from mere hours to a day or two. Instead of making a climb check, a running chocobo may simply run up most surfaces that would need to be climbed otherwise. Their feet have become powerful at gripping jagged rocks and gravel. They may only climb upward a vertical distance of 50 ft. with each move action, and they must begin and end each move action on a flat surface.
Shallow Water Walking: Gold chocobos have the amazing ability to run over shallow bodies of water, including rivers, lakes, and water just off the shore. This is due to the adaptation of their bone to become spongy and hollow, while their skin, feathers, and hard legs and beak still protect their body just as well from attacks. Unfortunately, a blue chocobo can only run over shallow water, not stand on it; the chocobo must remain moving to not sink. Shallow water is any water with a depth of 10 ft. or less.
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Very cool! Dotting; I definitely want to see where you go with this!
Help me with reviewing the material for any orthographic errors, balancing or ideas =)
A little more of the Setting
Although the Ronkan Empire had airships and other elements of high technology, most of this technology was lost in catastrophe that resulted in its demise. Although some of the technology from the Ronkan Empire survived it, most of it was lost during the wars and battles over the fifteen hundred years the former Ronkan Empire's people have lived on Ikkoku. What remains is too sophisticated for the people of the present to duplicate in any degree although there have been numerous attempts to try. In recent years firearms and primitive explosives have come into existence based on ancient models used by the Ronkan Empire. These guns, however, are very rare and expensive to boot. They are still a long way from replacing bows and swords as the standard weapons of any of the Three Kingdoms.
Post-Lion War technology: the use of technology will be in an upswing due to the growing frequency of gun use in the military. Other technology elements might pop up in post-Lion War games pending on how long after the campaign takes place. Very early advances into technologies such as the steam engine and electricity would not be out of the question seventy-five to one hundred years after the Lion War. There is also the question of how stable the world is in terms of warfare. It's hard to develop something like mass-produced firearms when your country has enlisted its finest thinkers as soldiers or other similar roles that support the country's military such as doctors or siege engineers. Functional airships are out of the question for at least one hundred to two hundred or so years.
shiverscar RPG Superstar 2012 Top 8 |
Help me with reviewing the material for any orthographic errors, balancing or ideas =)
Okee dokee.
Divine Knight
Prerequisites: Because the Divine Knights exclude themselves from their own AoE, maybe swap Extra Channel for Selective Channeling as a prerequisite feat? Extra Channel is certainly very useful for them, but in terms of mechanics, Selective Channeling seems to fit a bit better. The downside to this is it imposes an implied stat requirement, since Selective Channeling requires 13 Cha.
Skills: Why do Divine Knights get Bluff as a class skill? It doesn't seem to fit, and the Divine Knights I can recall from the game were not deceptive characters. Maybe Handle Animal, Heal, Spellcraft, or Knowledge(Nobility) might be better?
Sword Skills: I am blown away that you translated these skills as well as you have. I have a couple things I'd like to point out though. First, though I think it's very cool that the Divine Knight can continue to attempt to use these skills when she's exhausted her channel attempts for the day, the Fatigue > Exhaustion mechanic can be bypassed (Barbarians, Oracles with the Lame curse, etc.). The gradually increasing save to succeed does mean that it's not infinitely exploitable, but there's the possibility of cheese there. Just a warning, not a suggestion to remove.
Shellburst Stab and Resonating Sunder are 15ft per character level or Divine Knight level? Probably want to be explicit there to avoid confusion, as it's the difference between 75ft and potentially 300ft.
Choco Cure:
A chocobo can use this ability 3 + his wisdom modifier.
Should this be "A chocobo can use this ability 3 + his wisdom modifier times per day." ?
Choco Beak: This is Power Attack basically. Why the extra caveat about +50% damage when using his Beak? The Beak is effectively the only melee attack they have. It might be worthwhile to simply add Power Attack to their stat block rather than repurposing an existing feat.
Yellow Chocobo: Wow. Choco Esuna is Remove Paralysis, Remove Blindness, Greater Restoration (to remove Confusion), and... there isn't even a spell to remove Dazed that I know of. That's all sorts of powerful. The most comparable ability I can think of it Lay On Hands. Maybe base Choco Esuna on Mercies, as a paladin? It would actually make Yellow Chocobos pretty awesome animal companions if, as they advance in HD, Choco Esuna was improved, as with Mercies, affecting a wider variety of status ailments. It's more to track though, which can be a pain. Anyway, the simplest, least invasive balance I can offer is rephrase the ability: "Choco Esuna can, once per day, remove ONE of the following status effects: Confusion, Blindness, Dazed, Paralyzed." If you're okay with added complexity, Choco Esuna acting to Choco Cure as Mercies act to Lay On Hands would be neat.
Black and Red Chocobo: The Choco Pellet ability should probably act as a Ranged Touch Attack with no save, but you roll for each pellet. Additionally, the Choco Meteor ability should probably be only a Reflex save, with no ranged touch attack necessary. Most spells and SLA that use ranged touch attacks do not require saves (with a few exceptions like Disintegrate). As for Choco Meteor's save, specify whether it's save for half or save for no damage, and maybe make it CON based? Typical save break down for an ability like that would be 10 + 1/2 creature HD + Ability Mod, so in this case, a DC15 Reflex save for half damage sounds reasonable. Advancing the chocobo's HD or CON through items or templates will make for a harder to avoid fiery rock.
White Chocobo: You might want to rephrase Choco Recharge to eliminate "you" and replace with something more specific. Maybe "friendly spellcaster"? Does the ability work on both arcane and divine? How would it affect an alchemist? It may be valuable to state that the ability works "as a Pearl of Power" with a spell level up to the number of Choco Cure charges expended (max 3). That does mean that spontaneous casters can't benefit from the ability though.
Also, you may want to include CRs for the chocobos.
Hopefully you find some of this input useful! I do really like what I've seen so far!
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Yeah, it makes sense what you say about the divine knight.
I'll probably leave them with Knowledge nobility instead.
yeah the sword skills are going to be a tough cookie to handle but I still have to play test it after I basically make it balanced at first glance, reword things or correct the mechanics of it.
Its per divine knight level, Bu I might make it 5ft instead of 15ft since it's a very big range to say 75ft.
About the Choco Beak, it's because if you train them for war, they would be like warhorses gaining a secondary attack, but I suppose I can just remove that 50% part and leave it like that to make more sense.
Choco Esuna will just remove one of them for simplicity sake and avoid abuse of it.
Will make the changes to the chocobos since they make sense, that's why I ask people to review it =) so they can see mistakes I can't.
The ability from white chocobos works for both divine and arcane. I also wanted it to work for both type of casters so I'll see about it a bit more how to reword and correct it properly.
another nice creature for yer enjoyment and review
Huge Magical Beast
Hit Dice: 14d10+98 (160 hp)
Initiative: +0
Speed: 40 ft. (8 squares)
Armor Class: 20 (-2 size, +12 natural), touch 8, flat-footed 20
Base Attack/CMB/CMD: +14/ +22/32
Attack: Claw +20 melee (1d8+8)
Full Attack: 2 Claws +20 melee (1d8+8), and Gore +16 melee (2d6+8)
Space/Reach: 15 ft./10 ft.
Special Attacks: Impale, Shock Wave (DC 29), Thunderbolt (DC 29)
Special Qualities: Darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision, scent, damage reduction (3/-)
Saves: Fort +14, Ref +9, Will +5
Abilities: Str 26 (+8), Dex 11 (+0), Con 20 (+5), Int 6 (-2), Wis 12 (+1), Cha 8 (-1)
Skills: Acrobatics +10, Perception +6, Survival +6
Feats: Alertness, Multiattack, Toughness, Weapon Focus (Horns)
Environment: Temperate plains
Organization: Solitary or pair
Challenge Rating: 13
Alignment: Usually neutral
Behemoth resembles huge bulls with overly developed muscles. They have dark purple carapaces and curved obsidian horns. Their eyes crackle with florescent energy, as they froth violently at the mouth.
Impale (Ex): When charging, a behemoth deals double damage with horns.
Shock Wave (Su): 3/day, a behemoth can cause the ground to quake that ripples from it within a 60-ft.-radius spread. Creatures within the area of effect take 10d6 points of earth damage and are pushed back 5 feet per 10 damage sustained, Reflex save (DC 25) for half damage.
Thunderbolt (Su): Once every 1d4 rounds, a behemoth can discharge a large lightning storm within 120 ft. and in a 40 ft. radius. Creatures within the area of effect take 10d6 points of lightning damage and must make Fortitude save (DC 22) or be inflicted with Dazed condition for 1d4 rounds.
To make a King Behemoth add 2HD and the Advanced Template. Dark behemoths use the Fiendish template.
Bloodsbane |
I don't have any comments on your design work. I just wanted to make you aware that there's some concept art floating around from a cancelled action rpg in the world of final fantasy tactics. Check out Jocke's character work Here. (You need to scroll down to the 'Fortress' project.) There are a couple of environments at Tomislav's page as well. I know I've seen some other stuff as well, but sadly I can't remember any names.
Might give some inspiration!
![]() |
Thank you it was really nice art!
Now I present the History so far:
The Age of Myths
(????? to -4000)
The Gods worked upon the world. In their efforts they created the twenty four Scions based on zodiacs, with the scions split in half as scions of Light and Dark, tasked with important purposes. Some believe there is a Thirteenth Scion based on discoveries of ancient texts. The scions of Dark, as the tale goes, rose against the gods and were bound to the world, hence why only half the Scions appear as Espers. The creation myths of Ivalice are many, but one of the better known ones is as follows:
Before the world was created, there exists two warring tribes of gods, the Fabar and the Danan. The war lasted for thousands of years, until the Prophet Matoya predicts the death of the Danan god-king Xabaam in the hands of his trusted blade. Xabaam fears his trusted General Ahnas to be the death of him, and imprisons him and his loyal followers into the darkest labyrinths. Ahnas implores the death-god Heth to free him in exchange for his own life. Freed along with his followers, Ahnas sought revenge.
Now Ahnas the Holy, he and his followers appeared millennia later upon the Fabar and battled against the Danan triumphantly. The Fabar god We'aka was intrigued with the strength of his vengeance and swore an oath to fight alongside his men. Battles raged on for countless millennia until Ahnas finally confronts Xabaam and defeats him.
While We'aka sought the head of Xabaam, Ahnas wished the Danan god-king pay for his misdeeds and immortalized Xabaam's body, transforming it into a great land. Now Ahnas the Shining, he and his followers then withdraw into the heavens, watching as Man lived and thrived upon Xabaam's eternal body.
The Beginning
(-4000 to -2000)
Like our world, mankind on Pheisias humbly started as amoeba working their way through monkeys and different varieties of primitive men before evolving into homo-sapiens. During this period of time (Estimated from -4000 to -2500 on the Ajorian Calendar) the majority of mankind lived on the southwestern coast of what years later would become Kaladis. Most of the people of these times were simply tribes of hunter\gatherers.
The Age of Gods
Thousands of years before the Galtean Alliance was established, the Occuria ruled over all of the world. While Man was just starting to thrive, the Occuria built imposing structures such as the Pharos at the Ridorana Cataract. However, for reasons unknown, the Occuria withdraw from their command into hiding in their own city Giruvegan, causing mass confusion throughout the world until a new age finally dawned.
Some believed that this happened because of the Thousand Years War incited by the twelve Espers, led by the corrupt Holy Seraph Ultima. Eventually the Espers were defeated, and the Occuria, wanting to ensure the Espers will not rebel again, tied their existence into glyphs and banished them to the dark reaches within Ivalice.
At the same time, the aegyl Feolthanos defied the Occuria and sealed himself and his people on the Purvama of Lemurés to evade their wrath. But in secret, Feolthanos married a Viera, creating a subspecies known as the Feol Viera.
Time of the Glaciers
The world is covered in ice, much like the ice ages of Earth. During this period many creatures adapted well to a land based way of life. Some creatures, such as the Croakadile, had a hard time surviving through the colder temperatures and their population dwindled. Eventually over all the world, glaciers begin to melt as the climate's temperature rises, flooding the planet. The sudden change in sea level killed many of landed species, and a number of surviving creatures, such as the Coeurl, were forced to adapt.
As the age neared its close, however, iron smiting had been developed as well as basic magic study. Unfortunately, there are extremely few records during this time partly in thanks to a lack of a written language (which was first developed during the age of the Ronkan Empire) although there are some rare ruins left behind that have been found in remote parts of Kaladis.
During this period, the countries that would later become Kaladis and Mizuno were first settled. Ivalice, Romanda, and Ordallia were first settled during the Ronkan Empire.
Magic enters Ivalice
Vague records claim that magic was brought over Ivalice from an unknown continent, and into the hands of the Man. It is unknown if the Occuria had a hand in this or not.
The Light of Kiltia
3294 years before the Ajoran calendar is established, The Light of Kiltia is founded. This religion proves relief for some people of Ivalice. Presumably, the religion is later related to the Church of Glabados, which worships Faram, the father, said to be at the head of the Kiltean pantheon.
The Galtean Alliance
Ivalice is at war. The Occuria, fearing Ivalice will be scarred even more, give the Garif a large piece of nethicite, a weapon to set everything straight. The Garif are unable to use it, however. Angered at the Garif's incompetence, the Occuria came to learn of Raithwall's victory over Belias. Amazed, they gave the nethicite and a sword, to him. Taking only three shards off the larger nethicite, King Raithwall unites all of Ivalice. He would now be known as Ivalice's first Dynast King, and the founder of the Galtean Alliance. During this time, the Empires of Archadia and Rozarria rise. Both are great nations and expand quickly.
King Raithwall later dies. He is buried with the Dawn Shard, and his tomb is guarded by an Esper he had defeated in life, Belias. The Dusk Shard goes to the Kingdom of Dalmasca, while the Midlight Shard goes to the Kingdom of Nabradia.
The Dancer-Priestess Müllenkamp lives during this era. A practitioner of the darker arts of Kiltia, Müllenkamp amasses a following, creates many magical Grimoires, and founds the city of Leá Monde. The Blood-Sin tattoo on her back is passed down through her family after her death, and serves as the key to Leá Monde.
The Ronkan Empire: The First Empire
(-2000 to -1000)
History dates that the first true 'civilization' as the Ronkan Empire; an empire that grew from a humble farm village near Zeltennia to a huge empire that spanned most of what would become Ivalice as well as parts of Romanda and Ordallia near its end rough estimated between -1100 and -1000). Not very much is known about this mysterious empire save that it excelled at the use of magic even compared to the level used by the most powerful of today's magicians. Even more mysterious is what caused its downfall. The Ronkan Palace, the center of the empire, was up until its discovery during the Lion Wars a myth in and of itself. Several important ruins came from this era including Matoya's cave, the Tower of Babel, Mirage Tower, and (of course) the Ronkan Palace. The Ronkan Empire was the first country to develop a written language with Mizuno soon following within its own language known as Nihonjin.
The Age of Technology
(-1000 to -200)
Following the downfall of the Ronkan Empire, the territories splintered into four separate countries: the Baron Kingdom, the Kushuka Kingdom, and the Paramekia Empire. Like the Ronkan Empire, these three nations covered Ivalice and began making inroads into the areas that would become Romanda and Ordallia in later years. This period is largely known as the age of myth due to in part to the amount of fantastic ruins that was left behind as well as the level of technology developed.
Baron Kingdom: a kingdom whose military might rival many of the other nations during the age of myth. Baron supported a large number of elite knights as well as a well-known navy of Airships. Baron covered much of what would become Gallionne, Fovoham, and western Lesalia.
Kashuka Kingdom: Compared to its neighbors, Kashuka was a center of trade where traders from other countries would come to trade their wares. Unfortunately for the country itself, its nobility ruled with harsh hand with little concern for their people. After years of abusing the coffers of their nation, the royal family was dethroned in the end by a huge revolution. On a modern map, Kashuka would occupy much of central Lesalia and most of Zeltennia.
Paramekia Empire: Like its neighbors, the Paramekia Empire had a specialty, namely technology. It was the first to develop airships and maintained a fleet that was a fair equivalent of Baron's navy. In addition to its airships, Paramekia also first developed guns that used magical ammunition as well as its "war golems": powerful robots that were used as first line soldiers and guards in. The empire covered what would become Lionel. Many historians believe that its capital is deep below Clockwork City of Goug. Paramekia was also the first to develop steam powered devices and were the first to develop the science of magitek (the fusing of magic and machine).
Melmond: A secluded nation far to the east in what would later become southern Ordallia. More so than other countries, Melmond embraced the study of magic in full and supported many academies dedicated to teaching the arcane arts to interested students. Other studies such as history, philosophy, and literature were also popular among Melmond's people. Unfortunately, Melmond was considered by many of its neighboring countries to be in sync with the forces of Lucavi because of their magical might.
Like the Ronkan Empire before them, all four continents of the age of myth were destroyed by unknown circumstances. Many historians believe widely that this age was ended in the wars that would continue between the years -200 until the life of St. Ajora. The Zodiac Brave Story first emerged during this era. For those that don't know it, the zodiac brave story is the tale of an evil king who called on the powers of Lucavi. Unfortunately Lucavi killed the king and caused great havoc throughout the world. In the end, a small group of 12 heroes banded together and used the sacred zodiac stones to become the Zodiac Braves. The Zodiac Braves were able to defeat Lucavi and (supposedly) restored order. Whether the Zodiac Brave Story had any direct relationship to the wars that plagued the next 200 years is a mystery.
Centuries pass, and the Empires of Rozarria and Archadia are at war. Eventually, a truce is signed. The son of Emperor Gramis Solidor, Vayne Solidor, kills his father and takes over the Archadian Empire. He hopes to start a war with Rozarria and Archadia, and become a new Dynast King. It is revealed he is being led by the rogue Occuria, Venat, who succeeded in shattering the control its kind had over Ivalice. Vayne is eventually stopped, and killed, by Princess Ashe and her cohorts.
A year later, the Purvama of Lemurés is revealed to the world, along with the mysterious aegyl race. This sparks a great treasure hunting spree among Sky Pirates that a maddened Feolthanos attempted to take advantage of. The party that stopped Vayne Solidor, along with some new friends, manages to defeat Feolthanos and restore peace.
The Cataclysm
(-200 to -100)
At some point, a great catastrophe hits the world, wiping out many landmarks and even taking out the race of the moogles. The other races disappear in this time also without a trace. Man starts referring to the previous era as the Golden Era. He starts building again from the ground up.
Thousands of survivors of the cataclysm found themselves without a place to call home. The survivors slowly began to expand in the west and northern territories of what would later become the Ivalice provinces of Gallionne, Lesalia, and Fovoham. Although the descendents of the Ancient Empires expanded quickly into this new land that was now their home, it came with fire & blood as well. The barbarian natives of the continent, the Shiranai, were none too happy that all these foreigners were invading their lands left & right. For years the survivors and the Shiranai Tribes fought dozens of bloody battles. But in the end, the Shiranai Tribes could not stop the invaders and were forced to flee into the north of what would later become Romanda. Despite forcing out the Shiranai Tribes, it was not enough to keep the old Ronkan Empire together. By -100BA, the colonies that the survivors had settled formed into seven kingdoms: Fovoham, Gallionne, Lesalia, Limberry, Lionel, Mullonde, and Zeltennia.
This time period earned its name in part because of the stories and legend it inspired. Although in most of them the Shiranai are portrayed as brutal savages and villains, there are also many of which speak of great courage and bravery. During this time period, much of Ikkoku was still untamed land and many powerful monsters still called it home. More than one village was destroyed during this period of expansion by a horde of Goblins or a raging Dragon. Although much was lost during the cataclysm, much of it was still retained. The use of magic was commonplace and many of the quasi-magical forms of combat using the power known as ki were first developed such as the Samurai and Monks. Airships and Golems were also retained, but the number of them was limited due to the lost of key materials used in their making and design. Many of the Airships were used by trader barons to move their goods around or, for a premium cost, fast travel throughout much of the continent that had been settled.
The Rise of the Ydora Empire
(-100BA to 0AA)
As the seven kingdoms grew and became stable, so did their envy of one another as the threat of the Shiranai Tribes and monster raids faded away with the decades. For hundreds of years during this time period, the seven kingdoms frequently clashed regularly in hopes of expanding their boundaries. Of the seven, the Mullonde kingdom through time became increasingly larger until roughly the year 500 BA, the king had an army large enough to conquer all seven kingdoms. The proceeding war lasted more than twenty years, but one after another the other kingdoms fell before the sword of Mullonde until at last they came to Eagros Castle, the stronghold of the Gallionne Kingdom. There the great Mullonde army was routed in a great battle against the Order of the Northern Sky. Enraged, the King hurled more and more soldiers against the Order of the Northern Sky but could not defeat them. Hungry for power and dismayed that such a minor kingdom had defeated him, the King used a forbidden spell to summon Lucavi to the earth to defeat his enemies. This is one of the most well known instances of the Zodiac Brave Story. In this case, Lucavi wasn't very interested in being ordered around and destroyed the king out of spite. This led to a short era where the dead walked the world and men feared leaving the safety of their towns. That was until Elrin Ydora, a young knight of Mullonde, brought together the Zodiac Braves. Together, they defeated Lucavi's forces and sent him back to Hades.
Throughout the seven kingdoms, Elrin was hailed as the saviour of Pharam and a hero to all. Since Mullonde's king left only daughters behind (the sons had been killed during battles against rival kingdoms or Lucavi), Elrin married the eldest daughter and became King of Mullonde. With a combination of the military power of Mullonde and the Pharam Church behind him, he united all seven kingdoms into one nation. A nation he named after his bride Ivalice.
The Life & Death of St. Ajora
(0 to 25)
The Ajorian Calendar begins its 1st years as the birth of St. Ajora. This begins earlier at -200 because of the wars that would continue to rage by the time the would-be "child of god" would be born. By the time Ajora Glabados came, the four kingdoms of the age of myth had splintered into seven provinces: Gallionne, Fovoham, Lesalia, Lionel, Zeltennia, Limberry, and Mullonde. Melmond was nearly destroyed during the wars early on and left to its own. It would be resettled several centuries later by refugees from the Jihads that would follow the rise of the Glabados Church.
When Ajora Glabados was young, one day he sprang up, walked to a well, and prophesized that "soon, a calamity will befall this land. I am now sealing this well, and no one can drink from it." Several days later, the "Black Death" plagued Velvenia. The people who drank from contaminated well water fell ill and died one after another. However, only the families that believed Saint Ajora's words survived and not fallen to disease. Since then, Saint Ajora became worshipped as "The Miracle Child" or "The Son of God".
Soon after these events, word of a new messiah that would lead Ivalice out of the chaos born from years of war. By the time Ajora had reached 18 years old, he had already gained a devoted community of followers. Much like it had years earlier, another ambitious king attempted to summon Lucavi. The king of Ydora had created an army of immense size in the hopes of securing all of Ivalice under Ydora’s control. Once again, a new group of Zodiac Braves were created united by St. Ajora to defeat the new Lucavi.
Despite his growing widespread fame, Ajora had made many enemies. The Ydora Empire feared Saint Ajora's rise to power; they feared his preaching of the coming of God's country. In those days, there was a much larger church. Clergy of the Pharam faith, the predominant religion, feared Saint Ajora's power. The conclusion is obvious. Saint Ajora was captured with a secret tip from Germonique, Ajora's 13th Apostle. Saint Ajora was executed at the Golgollada Gallows. However, Saint Ajora was the "Son of God". God's anger struck at the clergymen of the pharam faith. Right after the execution, pharam faith headquarter of Mullonde sank into the ocean because of some natural calamity.
The Rise of the Glabados Church
(26 to 952)
Following the death of Saint Ajora, his remaining apostles established a new church under his name: the Glabados Church through using its namesake's exploits. Soon after its establishment, it was able to cooperate with warring nations on a working peace treaty that set up the Atkascha family as the rulers of Ivalice. As part of the peace treaty, Limberry was assimilated into Zeltennia. Despite the end of open warfare among the remaining five nations, a new cold war developed between the remaining followers of the Pharam Clergy and the newly formed Glabados Church. Diminished thanks to the tragedy that led to the destruction of the Ydora Empire, the Glabados church had no trouble forcing the Pharam Clergy and its remaining followers from Ivalice. The remaining Pharism followers would slowly over the period of 300 years help create the nation of Ordallia to the east. The Glabados Church during the first 500 years of its existence was powerful, to say the least. Thanks to its iron handed beliefs it helped create several different splinter factions of the Glabados religion including the Iocus Church which would later become the official religion of the Valendian Empire.
The Dark Age
The Emperor and most of the royal family were dead. The Pharite’s most powerful leaders shared the same coffin. And Ajora had been executed. With no form of immediate leadership, the Ydora Empire crumbled instantly and provinces of Gallionne, Lesalia, Fovoham, Lionel, Limberry, and Zeltennia were once again separate kingdoms. During this time there was only one ruler: absolute chaos.
With the miraculous death of St. Ajora, word quickly spread that God was angered at the people of Ivalice for His son's death. Where Glabados' teachings were thought of as little more than idle chatter or heresy, support for St. Ajora surged in some parts of the nation. The religious strife that began during the years Ajora had lived paled in comparison to what would come. By 50AA, the Glabados church was quickly embraced by the provinces of Lionel, Gallionne, and Lesalia. However, there were still many throughout Ivalice that adamantly refused to abandon the Pharam Church.
Together in Lionel, the remaining apostles and their strongest followers spent five years arranging St. Ajora's teaching into a Bible. Once completed, it was copied by hundreds of the faithful that could read and write so that it could be spread to the world. Within months, the Bible had spread to many of those that had adopted the Glabados religion and the religious clashes that had burned out after St. Ajora's death started over in force. The most fanatical of Glabados would tear through the kingdoms hunting down Pharites and promising rewards for those who turned in 'heretics who profane the 'word of God'. As the search for Pharites became more important, the Church gave those who specialized in finding heretics the title of Heretic Examiner. The Examiners needed protection from their prey, of course, so the Church developed its own private army known as the Temple Knights. In their wake, chaos followed their trail like a faithful hound. Sometimes the Pharites would simply hide from the Knights, but many were not so lucky. Many were burned, stoned, butchered, and tortured by the Glabados fanatics. Young or old, all of them were slain in the name of 'God'. Some of the Pharites, particularly the stronger lords that refused to accept the Glabados Church, attempted to retaliate with mixed results. The highly disciplined Temple Knights who had the backing of more nobles destroyed many of them. A few united together in common interest and jointly fought against the Temple Knights with some degree of success. But even when they succeeded, they would return with a force twice the size of the previous attack force with additional support from neighboring nobility that had turned to the Glabados Church.
By 100AA, the Glabados Church had complete control of Lionel, and Lesalia and was gaining power at a rapid pace. Although it had complete control of three provinces, Zeltennia, Fovoham, and Limberry had become a refugee camp for the Pharites that had fled from their homes in the eastern parts of Ivalice. Over the next fifty years, the two churches did their best to re-organize themselves as best they could. The Glabados Church consolidated its power and did its best to restore order after the mess it had begun while the Pharites prepared themselves for the next wave of violence and absorbed the hundreds upon hundreds of refugees from the now Glabados-controlled lands. Travel between any of the kingdoms, even between friendly countries, was rare and border patrols frequent. Trade was even rarer as few merchants were willing to travel beyond their kingdom's border in fear of the Temple Knights or being caught in the middle of one of the many border clashes that occurred between Glabados/Pharite soldiers. The Dark Age also marks several important changes in Ivalice's use of magic and technology. The last remaining Airships were destroyed early in the military campaigns by the Templar Knights, as were the Golems. With the lack of travel, magic became more rare but not unheard of. Whereas four out of ten people may have had the means to learn magic before Ajora's death, only two out of ten had the ability. Because of the amount of violence, many-embraced ki based combat styles to defend and destroy equally. The Holy Knight and Divine Knight became common among the Temple Knights.
The Unification War
With a much less organized hierarchy of power than their religious counter-parts, the Pharites that remained in Ivalice didn't stand a chance.
As the years passed, the white-hot fanaticism of the Church and its Shrine Knights had become a dull roar and the nobility of Lesalia and Gallionne were growing stronger in support of their people. Lionel, now known as a holy place where St. Ajora had died, was under the direct control of the High Council of the Church. As he gazed to the north, King Ademus Larg of Gallionne saw a gleaming opportunity to expand his border. Although its navy was strong, the knights and ground forces of Fovoham were inferior to the Gallionne's legendary Order of the Northern Sky and their mounted cavalry. On a hot July 3rd of 152AA, Larg's forces began to make steady in-roads into Fovoham's territory. Within six months with the January snows raging around them, Gallionne forces had conquered 80% of Fovoham. Jonathan Romanda, the king of Fovoham, pleaded with his neighbor, Aldrec Goltana of Zeltennia, for assistance. The king would have gladly sent reinforcements had he not been desperately fending off an invasion from Lesalia. Lionel, not to be outdone its neighbors, sent its Temple Knights off to conquer Limberry.
Desperate to save his people and himself from the slaughter that would come when his land was conquered, Jonathan Romanda attempted something that would not only save his people but also give his family line a chance for revenge against those that had ousted them from their homeland. Utilizing its fleet of ships, as many civilians and their property as possible were herded on to the many Fovoham ships where they crossed into the Lanar Channel where they would eventually create the country of Romanda after their king's family name.
Their Zeltennian and Limberian counterparts were not quite as lucky. Thanks to its powerful army, Zeltennia was able to fight off not only the Lesalian invasion, but also the reinforcements that followed from Gallionne after they had secured what remained of Fovoham. The war between the Zeltennia and Lesalia-Gallionne forces raged for five years with nearly no decisive victory for either side. It was during this war that the rivalry of the Order of the Northern Sky and Order of the Southern Sky began with the Order of the Southern Sky being a small elite unit that took up the title as a play on the Order of the Northern Sky’s title. But as the two forces fought, the Order of the Southern Sky became increasingly more famous throughout Zeltennia. But it could not change the inevitable....
The end of the war came with the crushing defeat of Limberry by the Lionel forces. Utilizing stealth and the cover of night, an elite unit of Temple Knights was able to break into Limberry Castle and take the royal family hostage. With the alternative of watching his family slaughtered or surrendering, the King made the obvious choice and his children were taken to 'ensure' that he complied with Church's needs. As an option on Limberry's surrender, the remaining Pharites were to be offered the choice of staying & adopting Glabados or take exile from Ivalice & retain the Pharam Church. Some stayed, but many more took the path of exile. At the same time, the Zeltennian forces were steadily losing ground with the news that Limberry had surrendered and that the Shrine Knights were on its way. In a surprise to both sides, King Aldrec Goltana called upon the Glabados Church for mediations for a possible cease-fire. The Church, eager to end the violent war and the potential to unify Ivalice once again, was happy to comply. After two weeks of deliberation, the two sides came to agreement. Goltana would give up his status as King of Zeltennia and that his children, with the exception of the eldest son David, would marry members of the other royal families. David, who would renounce his family name, would lead the Zeltennian and Limberrian Pharites to create a Pharite nation outside the realm of Ivalice known as Ordallia. As in the case of Limberry, some stayed, but many more Pharites left.
For the first time in over one hundred and fifty years, the six kingdoms of Ivalice were once again united as a single country with one king. Being the most powerful of Ivalice's royal families, the Atkascha of Lesalia was chosen as the royal family of the united Ivalice. Over the intervening years, each of the previous royal families would intermarry each other's children to the point that every member of great houses can pin-point relatives in each other and to the royal family itself.
The Four Kingdoms of Ikkoku
(158AA to 953AA)
With the long religious strife between the Glabados Church and Pharites over with and the entire nation of Ivalice united behind a single King, the majority of Ikkoku saw the longest period of growth & stability since the destruction of the Ronkan Empire more than two thousand years prior. However, little did the Ivalicians know that those they had forced from their homelands would come back to haunt them centuries later...
Ivalice enjoyed a return of trading and commerce throughout the empire that had nearly disappeared during the Dark Age and Unification War. The nobles, in particular, prospered, as they were able to secure their positions and improve upon their stature among the royal family through marriages and trade. A number of love stories about forbidden romance, brave handsome knights, and beautiful maidens were inspired from this age. The Glabados Church, while still greatly respected by the populace of Ivalice, witnessed a slow yet noticeable decline in both its political power and priesthood from years of religious unrest between St. Ajora's demise and the Dark Ages. The Shrine Knights, who had once been a single force that numbered into the tens of thousands, had become splintered into numerous small orders with some as small as ten members to a handful as large as five to eight hundred. When the countries would meet later in the era, the prospects of increasing trade between the three nations of Ikkoku than the centuries old Glabados/Pharite disputes that had dominated Ivalice in the one hundred and fifty years after St. Ajora's death.
Ordallia and Romanda, both newborns struggling to find their place, stumbled and crawled along their way to establishing their kingdoms. The early Ordallians suffered from a severe lack of supplies and materials with which to use to construct new towns. Many died in the harsh winter that followed the year after their exile, but the survivors fought to live on. By the same time the following year, the Ordallians were much better prepared and learned to live with the harsh winters. By 300AA, Ordallia had settled several towns with more on the way.
The Romandans suffered similar problems in their first years, but had a better source of construction material as many of the boats used to flee Ivalice were taken apart in order to build new homes. As the Romandans expanded into several small towns over the following fourteen years, the Shiranai Tribes discovered that the invaders who had stolen their homeland from their ancestors had arrived upon their land. This came to the attention to the Romandans in 172AA when explorers sent out to seek hospitable areas for future expansion were not returning.
On December 3rd of that year, the town of Songbird was assaulted by a war party of three hundred mounted Shiranai warriors. The fighting was brutal for both sides, but the Shiranai were definitely defeated. Of the three hundred warriors, only thirty of them had survived and several died later of their wounds. The behavior of the defeated warriors puzzled the Romandans as they did not speak the Ikkoku language and the once frenzied warriors had become rather docile in captivity. The task of deciphering their language was given to the Pharam Clergy, who was able in time to do so with some success as well as teach the Shiranai the Ikkoku language.
As the attacks by the Shiranai became larger and more desperate for both sides, the King and the Clergy came up with a desperate plot- several of the priests that had become proficient as speaking would be allowed to be captured. Until this point, none of Romandans had been captured alive and this offered them a chance, however bleak, of a peace settlement. The plan worked, to a degree, and has inspired some of the Romanda's most interesting stories. In almost all the cases, the Shiranai were extremely spooked to see an invader speaking their language with a degree of fluency. Some were slain outright while the sly one can be thanked for Romanda's continued existence. The most two famous stories involve Mikhail Penchenkin, Hadrian Levitsky, and Freya Abelev. Mikhail was nearly skewered by his captors until he brought his talents as a Black Mage to their forefront. Wreathed in flames and turning their spears into cinders, Mikhail tricked the tribe into believing he was an earthly incarnation of Faia, the Shiranai God of Fire. Mikhail would later marry a chieftain’s daughter and become Chieftain of their tribe. Hadrian managed to duck and dance around his attackers to a degree that it amused his captors to keep alive. In a series of jokes and schemes that have endured centuries later, Hadrian is praised by many Shiranai boys for teaching them tricks that had been previously unknown. Reduced to a slave by the standards of the Shiranai, he would accomplish every feat put in front of him.
But the most important Romandan-Shiranai development came from Freya, a young priestess captured by a young son of a Shiranai chieftain Hasim. Married to her captor through Shiranai rites, she was forced to do choirs for her husband. Secretly among the other women of the tribe, she made them aware of her ability to speak their language as well as her abilities as a White Mage. Once, as the story goes, Freya was summoned to help with a pregnant woman who was having a difficult birth. The mother and child may have both died had Freya not intervened and put her magic to good use. Although some had been scared to see this in effect, the fact that both child and mother were healthy put Freya in their good graces. The story of Freya also has its amusing parts as neither she nor her husband got along very well. Never satisfied with her work, Hasim would frequently insult her using the Shiranai language and she would counter him in Ikkoku. In one particularly hot argument, he slapped her and she introduced several new forms of profanity and insults to the Shiranai language. From there, their relationship took a softer tone. Three months later, she found to her surprise that she carried Hasim's first child. The women of the tribe were even more surprised and the Chieftain even more so. It seems that Hasim was specifically told by his father to use the foreigner only as a slave and not to impregnate her. The Chieftain order Hasim to kill her and refuses as the other women of tribe come to Freya's defense. Enraged, the Chieftain challenged his son to a duel for the chief hood of the Tribe and the two fought the Shiranai style with spears. In the end, Hasim became the tribe's chief at the expense of his father's life. With these developments, many of the Shiranai Tribes begin to wonder if their attacks were necessary. Some argued that the invaders could be reasoned with -- that both sides could prosper. Others felt that their ancestors had been merciful (daresay, weak) and in turn had been forced from their own homelands. In the end, the coalition that held together the numerous tribes together broke apart. Most of the warriors returned to their homes further north, but one tribe, the Black Wind, would not be deterred. A thousand warriors strong, they attacked the town of Songbird with a fury not seen by many Romandans since. The town's ravaged defenses would have been torn apart by the Black Wind had it not been for the Silver Wolves Tribe, led by Freya's husband Hassim, had come to the town's defense. With the looming threat of losing the remains of their kingdom, the Romandans were given the room to expand without immediate retaliation by the Shiranai. The war with the Shiranai Tribes would not be the first as many other attempts to destroy the Romandans, but the future attempts would be easily defeated by the increasingly well defended Romandan towns and cities. Regardless, the Shiranai culture has had a large effect upon the development of Romanda. Inter-marriage between the former residents of Fovoham and the Shiranai historically is not uncommon and the entry of a full-blood Shiranai into a family even in modern times is considered a good sign. Physical strength is highly thought of among the Shiranai and the Romandans have adopted this trait to an extent. Romandan nobles or celebrities that are physically, mentally, or spiritually strong are more likely to be popular among the citizens.
Other important developments in this era include the mutual discovery of Romanda and Ordallia in the year 439AA and the trade agreement in 521AA. In the years that would follow the rapid growth of Ordallia & Romanda, travel and trade between the two countries would be the beginning of a long-time relationship between the Pharite countries in 439AA. A degree of intermarriage between Romandan and Ordallian nobility over the next four hundred years would intertwine the two together as would sets of defense treaties. But perhaps the single biggest event would be the accidental meeting of a small party of Ivalician peddlers and an Ordallian border patrol in late October of 520AA. The peddlers were allowed to leave unscathed and much of their wares sold for premium prices. This led to a series of political envoys between Ivalice and Ordallia, which ended with an array of trade related treaties and the opening of borders between Ordallia & Ivalice. Farites and Glabados believers are 'allowed' into either country provided that Pharites not attempt to convert Ajorans in Ivalice and vice versa in Ordallia. Even before the Fifty Year War ended the trade routes between Ivalice & Ordallia, the foreign priesthood was 'endured' more than welcomed by their counterparts. While the religious fury between the two had died amongst their people, the Pharites & Glabados still enjoyed their fiery rivalry. Nearly a century later in 603AC, Romandans opened their southern ports to trade with Ivalicians as well to a limited extent. Ivalicians were strictly limited to the port cities only and could not be allowed beyond them. Despite the limitations, trade flourished ironically between the Romandans and their ancestors from Fovoham.
Valendia started as a city state that eventually with time it expanded into a kingdom in its own right. During the Age of Technology Valendia was conquered by the Archadian Empire, during that time of strife and war, Valendia recovered their sovereignty after the death of the Vayne Solidor. House Nalzarc continued to rule the kingdom peacefully for centuries, until the power shifts to the Regency of Gurunas. Under the regency, Valendia suffered as corrupt politicians of House Gurunas squandered over resources and practiced cronyism and nepotism. Other noble houses could only watch helplessly as corruption and misery spread across the kingdom, wishing that rule be returned to House Nalzarc.
The noble houses banded together, sparking the Valendian Civil War. It is during this war that House Bardorba raised to prominence for helping House Nalzarc and the other noble houses win against House Gurunas two years into the war. The government then shifts from despotic monarchy to constitutional monarchy, with the Valendian National Council, or Parliament, formed to assist the King. Valendia was known as the New Valendian Kingdom. House Bardorba became a strong and influential voice in the rulings of the Parliament.
The Fifty year War
(953 - 1003)
The June 12th, 953 on the Ajora Calendar is the date historians acknowledge as the beginning of what would later be known as the Fifty Year war. The war was ignited when King Devanne III of Ordallia died without naming an heir. The throne was succeeded by Devanne’s brother, Varoi VI, but Denamda of Ivalice declared war.
This was only an excuse. The real reason was because of Zelamonia, a territory of Ordallia running along the Ivalician border. It was once independent, but was annexed over a century ago after an invasion. Ordallia supported Zelamonia, but the result was a failure. Unrest among the nobles and citizens of Zelamonia, along with Ordallia's rule, led them to seek intervention from Ivalice.
With Victories in the early battles, Ivalice's army marched on the Zelamonia's capitol, Cura. But king Denamda fell ill during the battle and was never able to return to his kingdom. The confusion gave the Ordallian army an opportunity, as Varoi was successful in holding off the Ivalice Army. Approximately two years of stalemate was broken by the Romandan Army's invasion.
Romanda is a military state separated from Ivalice by the Lanar Channel. Under king Varoi’s orders, a blood relative, they marched on Ivalice. But king Denamda was a brave warrior against both the Romandan and Ordallian armies. The coastal province of Fovoham suffered grievous wounds from the Romandan invasion and would likely have been conquered had the invaders not been forced to return to their country because of an outbreak of bubonic plague in Romanda. For them to retreat after three years into their invasion attempt, the sting of nearly avenging their lost homeland after the Unification War is still a bitter feeling commonly felt among the romandans.
The two squads most effective during the war were the Order of the Northern Sky, led by Barbaneth Beoulve and the Order of the Southern Sky led Cidolfus "TG Cid" Orlandeau. They scored many victories as they marched on Ordallia. But the long war was disastrous for both administrations. Farmers' revolts and riots broke out in many areas as both kingdoms focused on their war efforts within their borders. This made another stalemate that lasted until the death of king Denamda (widely believed to be an assassination). His successor, Ondoria, was not fit to lead the kingdom and left all matters of state to the elder statesmen and his Queen. Therefore, there was no power to drive the troops of prince Lanard, Varoi’s successor, out. After allowing the invasion of Zeltennia, battles where both Order of the Northern Sky and Order of the Southern Sky fought in, Ivalice hoped for peace. Realizing that the war was useless, both countries agreed on peace, focusing their efforts within their respective borders. Although the agreement was bilateral, Ivalice surrendered.
Soon after Ivalice's economy was on the brink of bankruptcy because of severe war reparations. Payment could not be made to soldiers and large groups of knights were discharged. As a result high unemployment, uncertainty, and distrust filled Ivalice. The year following the end of the Fifty Year war (1004) saw a dramatic increase in the number of bandits, thieves, mercenaries, and rebels. One such rebel group known as the Death Corps caused a great deal of trouble for most of Gallionne. They were able to abduct Marquis Elmdor of Limberry who was on his way to Eagros Castle and later made a direct attack on Eagros Castle wounding Dycedarg Beoulve and kidnapping Tietra Heiral. The Marquis was later rescued by Ramza Beoulve, Delita Heiral, and Argath Thadalfus. The kidnappings turned out later to be done under the orders of Gustav Margriff, who would later try to use Tietra to save himself during the attack on Ziekden Fortress where the Order of the Northern Sky were able to snuff the remaining Death Corps. During the attack, Argath Thadalfus was killed by Delita Heiral after the limberian cadet shot his sister. Soon after, Delita was nearly killed by an explosion set off by Gustav Margriff. He narrowly survived thanks in part to his sister shielding him from the full brunt of the blast. Following what seemed to be the death of his friend, Ramza Beoulve and his remaining unit became mercenaries.
The Lion War
(1005 - 1006)
The Lion War was sparked shortly after the death of King Ondoria. With his only son two years old at the time, the two princes: Larg of Gallionne and Goltanna of Zeltennia found themselves competing over who would become the guardian of the prince. Prince Larg was favored by Queen Louvelia while Goltanna had the support of the nobles. The resulting war lasted two years and begins with the abduction of Princess Ovelia by the Order of the Southern Sky. Prince Goltanna would later expose to the other nobles that Queen Louvelia was responsible for princess' kidnapping. Soon following were several bloody battles, all of which cumulated in the Order of the Northern Sky’s attack on the Fort Besselat. During the attack, many of the Order of the Northern Sky were poisoned through the use of a poisonous spore. But more devastating to either side was the deaths of both Larg and Goltanna. It was discovered that Goltanna was murdered by Orlandeau who was then killed by a young knight named Delita Heiral. With the death of their leaders, the Lion Wars soon grinded to a halt. Princess Ovelia several months later took the throne with Delita as King. A week later the queen's body was found in her garden apparently killed by an assassin.
The Greylands Incident
Previously, a Kildean priestess named Müllenkamp founded the city of Leá Monde. Her followers began to create a cult after her. As time passed, a man called Saint Iocus was born, and began prohibiting the use of magic. The influence of the Iocus priesthood increases and followers of Müllenkamp were hunted down in the Inquisition. Later, the prosperous city of Leá Monde is struck by a great earthquake, turning the city into a concentration of dark energy and lost souls.
RKV discover that the Iocus priesthood militia, the Crimson Blades, had moved on their own without the approval of the VKP. Their aim was to capture Sydney, leader of the cult. Ashley meets Callo at their rendezvous point in the forest outside the Graylands, secretly watching the activities in the manor's tower from faraway. Ashley, moves in as the manor catches fire. Dispatching a few cultists, Ashley encounters Sydney, who summons a Wyvern to delay the Riskbreaker and allow his escape.
Beyond the Lion War
(1007 - Unknown)
Since the FFT campaign is set in the time period after the Lion War explodes, it's up to the game master and players to decide what happen afterward.
I still need to polish it a bit more but that's what I have so far enjoy the read, and comment remember all feed back is VERY APPRECIATED.
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A new monster for review and feedback please ^^
Medium Aberration
Hit Dice: 6d8 (30 hp)
Initiative: +4
Speed: 10 ft, fly 40 ft (good)
Armor Class: 18 (+4 Dex, +3 natural, +1 Dodge), touch 15, flat-footed 13
Base Attack/CMB/CMD: +4/+6/20
Attack: Claw +7 melee (1d6+2)
Full Attack: 2 claws +7 melee (1d6+2)
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: Fright Gaze, Devil’s Gaze
Special Qualities: DR 5/Magic, Aberration traits, Awareness
Saves: Fort +3, Ref +9, Will +6
Abilities: Str 14, Dex 18, Con 12, Int 14, Wis 12, Cha 11
Skills: Fly +13, Intimidate +9, Perception +14, Spellcraft +13, Stealth +13, Survival +10
Feats: Weapon Finesse, Dodge, Ability Focus (Fright Gaze)
Environment: Any underground
Organization: Solitary or Flock (4-10)
Challenge Rating: 6
Treasure: None
Alignment: Usually neutral evil
Leathery wings and a pair of talon-tipped feet encircle this creature, with a big eye in the middle.
Awareness: Ahriman’s have a racial bonus of +4 to Perception checks.
Fright Gaze: Standard action, become Panicked for 5 rounds, 30 feet, Will DC 16 negates. The save is Intelligence based.
Devil’s Gaze: Standard action, become blind and staggered for 5 rounds, 30 feet, Will DC 15 negates. The save is Intelligence based.
If the player wishes to make a Flotiball they can apply the young creature template to the Ahriman or you can also make the Ahriman a 3HD creature instead. Flotiballs lose the ability to use the Devil’s Gaze.
If the player wishes to make a Plague they can apply the Advanced Creature template to the Ahriman and add 3 HD. Plagues also gain an additional ability. Plagues sometimes choose to use their ability focus on their Devil’s gaze since they are crueler in their behavior.
Anti-Magic Circle: Works like Dispel Magic spell.
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Well another class for review if you don't mind reviewing and helping me make this way better and balanced ^^
Holy Knight
Skills: Knowledge (Religion) 5 Ranks
Feats: Power Attack, Selective Channel, Exotic Weapon Bastardsword, Weapon Focus Bastardsword
Special: Channel energy, Cast 2nd level divine spells.
Alignment: Any good.
Hit Dice: d8
Class Skills
The holy knight’s class skills are Diplomacy (Cha), Heal (Wis), Knowledge (Religion), Knowledge (the Planes), Profession (Wis) and Ride (Dex)
Skill Ranks per Level: 2 + Int modifier.
Level BAB Fort Reflex Will Special Caster
1 1 0 0 2 Holy Sword Skill, Stasis Sword +1 divine
2 2 0 0 3 Cleansing Strike +1 divine
3 3 1 1 3 Judgment Blade +1 divine
4 4 1 1 4 Hallowed Bolt +1 divine
5 5 1 1 4 Divine Ruination +1 divine
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Holy Knight gains no new weapon or armor proficiency.
Holy Sword Skills (Su): At every level, the Holy Knight gains access to a new Holy Sword Skill as shown on the chart. All of these take a standard action to use, and the save DC, where applicable, is 10 + Holy Knight level + Holy Knight‘s Charisma. Level dependant effects refer to the character‘s Holy Knight level. Each one is a supernatural effect, focused through the Bastardsword, so while it is not a melee attack in any way, it requires the Holy Knight to have a sword in hand. Using a Holy Sword Skill takes a number of channel energy attempts equal to the amount specified in the ability.
The Holy Knight may attempt to use a Holy Sword Skill without spending any turning or rebuke attempts, but each time he does so he must make a Fortitude save (DC 10 + 1 per Channel Energy attempt it would normally use + 2 for each time he’s executed a Holy Sword Skill in this fashion without 8 hours of rest), if he fails, the ability fails, and the Holy Knight becomes fatigued. If he is fatigued already he becomes exhausted instead. He may not use a Holy Sword Skill if exhausted. The Holy Knight may otherwise use these abilities at will, but must wait 1d4 rounds after using one before using the same Skill (although he may use others during this time frame).
Holy Sword Skills never affect the Holy Knight who uses them; even if he is caught in its area of affect or the ability is somehow rebounded upon him. The following feats the Holy Knight may have may be applied to his Holy Sword Skills that either require a ranged attack or deal damage (as appropriate): Improved Critical, Weapon Focus, Weapon Specialization
Stasis Sword: (1 Channel Energy attempt)
Does 1d6 + 1d6 per level (maximum 3d6) + Charisma modifier half of it is cold damage the other part is positive energy damage to a single target upon a successful ranged touch attack. Furthermore if the target takes any damage, he must make a Fortitude save to avoid being paralyzed for 1d4 rounds. Range is 20 ft.
Cleansing Strike: (1 Channel Energy attempt)
Does 1d8 + 1d8 per level (maximum 3d8) + Charisma modifier (Reflex half) of positive energy damage to a single target who must be on the ground. Furthermore if the target takes any damage, he takes 1d4 point of damage from bleeding every turn, for each die of the Holy Knight’s Cleansing Strike attack (Fortitude negates). The bleeding can be stopped by a DC 15 Heal check or the application of any effect that heals hit point damage. This ability does not stack with itself. The bleeding damage bypasses any damage reduction the creature might possess. Range is 20' per level.
Judgment Blade: (3 Channel Energy attempts)
Does 1d4 + 1d4 per level (maximum 3d4) + Charisma modifier (Reflex half) of positive energy damage to a single target. Furthermore if the target takes any damage, he must make fortitude save or be stunned for 1d4 rounds + Holy Knight Class levels. Range is 5 per Holy Knight level.
Hallowed Bolt: (2 Channel Energy attempts)
Does 1d10 + 1d10 per level (maximum 3d10) + Charisma Modifier (Reflex half) take half electricity damage and half positive energy damage to all within a 5 feet radius emanating from the main target. Furthermore, those who take damage must make Fortitude save to avoid being deafened for 1d4 hours. Range is 10 feet Holy Knight per level.
Divine Ruination: (3 Channel Energy Attempts)
Does 1d6 + 1d6 per level (maximum 3d6) + Charisma Modifier (Reflex half) of holy damage to all creatures within the path of a straight line that emanates out from the Holy Knight in the chosen direction. Each creature that takes damage must make a Will save or become confused (as the 4th level spell) for 2d4 rounds. The line is 5 ft. wide and 10 ft. high with a length of 30 feet.
shiverscar RPG Superstar 2012 Top 8 |
I would not want to run into this guy; looks like it would be a rough fight! The save DCs for the behemoth's abilities are listed in his stat block as DC29, while in the text they're DC25 and DC22 respectively. Minor discrepancy that could cause some confusion.
Shockwave's DC is STR based and Thunderbolt's is CON based? That's what it looks like with a bit of reverse math. It's helpful to detail that in the description of the ability, so when someone makes a King Behemoth, they know how changes in stats affect the save DCs.
Where is Anti-Magic Circle mentioned in the stat block? I only see it in the text description underneath. Is it SA/SQ? At will? X times a day? Spell-like or Supernatural? What's the Ahriman's caster level?
Holy Knight
I am really liking your interpretations of these classes!
You probably don't need both Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Bastard Sword) and Weapon Focus (Bastard Sword) listed as prerequisites. Listing Weapon Focus (Bastard Sword) will cover both those feats; I'm not aware of any way of picking up Weapon Focus without proficiency.
Based on the 2nd level Divine Spells requirement, Paladins won't be able to enter this class until level 8 at the earliest. Is it intentional that Paladins have to wait longer than Clerics to enter this class?
Just to be in line with Pathfinder's HD/BAB progression, Divine Knights and Holy Knights should probably have a d10 for hit points. It shouldn't be terribly overpowering, considering they only have one good save. The Holy Vindicator is a similarly aggressive divine class with full BAB, d10 hit dice, and divine spellcasting progression, so it doesn't seem unreasonable to up their defenses a bit.
While I'm looking at the Holy Vindicator, do levels of Holy Knight or Divine Knight stack for the purposes of determining Channel Energy attempts and power? Considering how crucial that feature is to these classes, it might be good to have levels in the prestige classes stack.
Sword skills: Make sure to specify if it's +1d6 damage per level, or per Holy Knight level. It makes a big difference. If it's the former, anyone that can qualify for this class is immediately doing max dice damage with the abilities (as they should be at least level 5).
All very good work so far! Keep it up!
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Oh don't know how I did not notice those minor mistakes on behemoth. The ahriman is going to have a caster level = to HD, and the Anti-Magic Circle is only for the Plague version not the normal ahriman that's why I did not listed in the Ahriman version.
Yeah I know that I look at it's very redundant and I might add another prerequisite to make it paladin only classes or maybe cleric/paladin like it is right now. then I might ask for a BAB 5 so paladins go in faster to these PrC?
Blastar Punch: (1 Channel Energy Attempt)
Does 1d8 per Divine Knight level (maximum 3d8) + Charisma modifier (Reflex half) of acid damage. Furthermore, if the target takes any damage, if the target fails his save, the Divine Knight rolls damage as if he just made a sunder attempt against the target shield worn by him. If the shield is magical, he gains a bonus to his save equal to the item’s total enhancement bonus. The attack also does no damage if the selected shield cannot be destroyed or the target is not wielding any shields. Range is 20 ft.
Fixed the abilities for all three knights (dark,holy,divine)
Just working on the Netherseer & Seer hopefully have something for
today done and recheking the Behemoth and Ahriman
Ahriman (Plague)
If the player wishes to make a Plague they can apply the Advanced Creature template to the Ahriman and add 3 HD. Plagues also gain an additional ability Anti-Magic Circle. Plagues sometimes choose to use their ability focus feat on their Devil’s gaze since they are crueler. The Ahriman caster level is equal to its total Hit Die.
Anti-Magic Circle: Works like Dispel Magic spell. This Special Ability counts as a Spell-like Ability that a Plague can use up to 5/day
Large Magical Beast
Hit Dice: 6d10+18 (51 hp)
Initiative: +2
Speed: 40 ft. (8 squares)
Armor Class: 16 (-1 size, +2 Dex, +1 dodge, +4 natural armor); touch 12; flat-footed 13
Base Attack/CMB/CMD: +6/+10/22
Attack: Claw +9 melee (1d6+4)
Full Attack: 2 Claws +9 melee (1d6+4) and bite +4 melee (1d8+2)
Space/Reach: 10 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: Blaster
Special Qualities: Darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision, damage reduction (1/-)
Saves: Fort +5, Ref +7, Will +6
Abilities: Str 18 (+4), Dex 15 (+2), Con 16 (+3), Int 5 (-3), Wis 12 (+1), Cha 8 (-1)
Skills: Acrobatics +7, Climb +7, Stealth +9, Perception +8
Feats: Skill Focus Perception, Run, Dodge
Environment: Temperate hills
Organization: Solitary, pair, or pride (6-10)
Challenge Rating: 4
Alignment: Usually neutral
Advancement: 7-9 HD (Large); 10-18 HD (Huge)
A coeurl is a savage carnivore that resembles a tiger in some respects with two long whiskers. Coeurls favor small game but will eat anything they can catch. They regard all other creatures as prey and tend to attack anything they meet. A coeurl is the size of a tiger, about 9 feet long and weighing about 500 pounds.
Blaster (Su): A coeurl can send out a pulse of electricity through its whiskers at a single target within 30 ft. The coeurl must make a ranged tough attack, if it hits, the target takes 3d6 points of electricity damage and must make Fortitude save (DC 14) or be inflicted with paralyzed status for 1d4 rounds. Wisdom based save DC.
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I present for your review the malboro
Huge Plant
Hit Dice: 9d8+27 (67 hp)
Initiative: +2
Speed: 20 ft. (4 squares)
Armor Class: 17 (-2 size, +2 Dex, +7 natural), touch 10, flat-footed 15
Base Attack/CMB/CMD: +6/ +11/ 23
Attack: Tentacle +10 melee (1d8+5)
Full Attack: 2 Tentacles +10 melee (1d8+5) and Bite +5 melee (2d6+2)
Space/Reach: 15 ft./10 ft.
Special Attacks: Bad Breath, Malboro Touch, Constrict (1d8+5), Improved Grab
Special Qualities: Plant traits, damage reduction 1/-
Saves: Fort +9, Ref +5, Will +5
Abilities: Str 21 (+5), Dex 15 (+2), Con 17 (+3), Int 13 (+1), Wis 15 (+2), Cha 10 (+0)
Skills: Bluff +5, Stealth +4, Intimidate +5, Perception +10, Survival +7
Feats: Weapon Focus (tentacle), Power Attack, Cleave
Environment: Temperate plains
Organization: Solitary
Challenge Rating: 8
Alignment: Always neutral evil
A large black-and-green-patterned plant, with countless rows of dripping teeth. Hundreds of thick twitching tentacles cascade from its base.
A Malboro attacks living creatures if it feels threatened or if it is hungry; otherwise it is content to remain hidden. Malboros slash and squeeze with their tentacles, which they also use to drag prey into their mouths or emits their Bad Breath ability to make it easier to do so.
Constrict (Ex): A Malboro deals automatic tentacle damage with a successful grapple check.
Improved Grab (Ex): To use this ability, a Malboro must hit with a tentacle attack. It can then attempt to start a grapple as a free action without provoking an attack of opportunity. If it wins the grapple check, it establishes a hold and can constrict.
Bad Breath (Su): 3/day, the Malboro can emit a 30 ft. cone of foul gas. All creatures caught within the cone are affected by the following conditions for 1d4 rounds each: Blinded (Fortitude save DC 17 to negate), Confused (Will save DC 17 to negate), Dazed (Fortitude save DC 17 to negate), Nauseated (Fortitude save DC 17 to resist), Staggered (Fortitude save DC 17 to negate). The Malboro must wait 1d4 rounds to use this ability again. Constitution based save DC.
Malboro Touch (Sp): 3/day, the Malboro can use Ghoul Touch that functions like the wizard spell. Caster level 9th with Fortitude save DC 16. Wisdom based save DC.
Skills: *A Malboro has a +8 racial bonus on Stealth checks when in its lair, due to its natural coloration and a -8 size penalty to Stealth checks.
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I need help to balance this template and maybe change the name to extras or something.
Minion Template
Minions are low-threat followers of a tougher boss monster or even to represent a military unit. They're usually of a similar type, and should be based on a weak creature, such as orcs, goblins, gnolls, skeletons, zombies, and so on. Also minions are to present challenges for characters of levels higher than 8th level.
Type: As base creature.
Size: As base creature.
HD: Minions have d4 HD + Constitution modifier regardless of their creature type or class. This is used for the purpose of calculating their total HP.
Speed: As base creature.
Armor Class: Minions receive a +5 minion bonus to AC that stacks with their regular equipment bonus to calculate their AC.
Attack: Minions receive a +3 minion bonus to attack rolls and attacks of Opportunity
Damage: The damage is always an average amount calculated accordingly to what the minion wields as a weapon or natural weapon plus the respective modifiers.
Special Attacks:
Improved Aid Another: when using the Aid Another action, for every 10 points over DC 10 reached, the minion adds another +2 to either Armor Class or Attack bonus
Aid Combat Maneuver: minions may use the Aid Another action to improve CMB or CMD.
Saving Throws: Minions receive a +2 minion bonus to all saves. All saving throws are calculated as if they always rolled d10.
Minions are weaker than regular encounter creatures; as such for every creature you would normally place in the encounter you can put 3 minions to represent it. In addition minions are usually between 3 or 5 levels lower than the players.
Sample Encounter of a group of minions guarding their boss chamber vs. 10th level party. They are not very hard to dispatch but they can threat the player’s enough to not be ignored.
15 x Human (Minion) Fighter 5; each minion has a CR 5 (minions are made by 3 members)
Medium Humanoid (Human)
Hit Dice: 5d4+15 (25hp)
Initiative: +6
Speed: 20ft
Armor Class: 23 (+2 Dex, +5 minion, +6 Chainmail), touch 12, flat-footed 21
Base Attack/CMB/CMD: +5/ +8/20
Attack: Longsword +12 attack, melee 9 damage; Longsword +10 attack melee 13 (power attack)
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
Saves: Fort +8, Ref +5, Will +4
Abilities: Str 16 (+3), Dex 14 (+2), Con 14 (+2), Int 10 (+0), Wis 13 (+1), Cha 8 (-1)
Special Attack: Improved Aid Another, Aid Combat Maneuver
Skills: Climb +3, Ride +2, Survival +1, Swim+3
Feats: Improved Initiative, Weapon Focus Long Sword, Weapon Specialization Long Sword, Toughness, Endurance, Diehard, Power Attack
Languages: common
Challenge Rating: 10
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I present the Dragoon class from FFT, the best I could make it so far.
Skills: Acrobatics 5 ranks, Climb 5 ranks
Feats: Weapon Focus (Any spear, lance or polearm), Dodge, Mobility, Spring Attack
Base Attack Bonus: 5
Alignment: Any.
Hit Dice: d10
Class Skills
The ark knight’s class skills are Acrobatics (Dex), Climb (Str), Escape Artist (Dex), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (Local) (Int) Perception (Wis) and Profession (Wis)
Skill Ranks per Level: 2 + Int modifiers
Level BAB Fort Reflex Will Special
1 1 2 2 0 Jump, Ignore Height 30 feet
2 2 3 3 0 Fast Movement 10 feet
3 3 3 3 1 Acrobatics +10
4 4 4 4 1 Ignore Height 40 feet
5 5 4 4 1 Fast Movement 10 feet
6 6 5 5 2 High Jump
7 7 5 5 2 Ignore Height 50 feet
8 8 6 6 2 Fast movement 10 feet
9 9 6 6 3 Acrobatics +20
10 10 7 7 3 Dragonheart, Ignore Height 60 feet
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Dragoons are proficient with all simple weapons and with all spears, lances and polearms. Dragoons are proficient with light and medium armor, and with shields (except heavy shields or tower shields).
Jump (EX): At 1st level, a Dragoon trains for years in the ability to leap astounding and nearly supernatural distances, emulating the dragon's ability to fly. You can use 'Jump' to deal weapon damage to a single enemy target within your base movement range as long as the target is in line of sight. You must make an Acrobatics (Jump) skill check and if you cover at least 10 feet of horizontal and vertical distance with your jump you can attack your target opponent, after the attack has been resolved you can make a second Acrobatics (Jump) skill check to jump back to the place you jumped from before. When the player uses 'Jump' on an enemy target A Dragoon’s maximum height or weight is not affected by his size, allowing very strong, very powerful Dragoons to eventually leap higher than their own height. You can't jump from more than 30 feet above your opponent, nor can you effectively battle jump while under the influence of a fly or levitate spell or effect. If you are using a using a spear it will inflict double damage just as if you were charging. 'Jump 'is a standard action. Dragoons cannot use the Jump ability while wearing heavy armor or heavy shields.
At 5th level, a Dragoon's ability to Jump is further increased in the fact that his Acrobatics (Jump) checks are treated as though he got a running start, regardless of whether or not he gets a running start. You can also combine a jump with a charge against an opponent you must end your jump in a space adjacent to your target. In addition, when a Dragoon of 5th or higher level uses the Jumping Down action, he may add an additional 5 to the DC in order treat the fall as 10 feet less than normal (thus jumping down 20 feet would have DC 20 and thirty feet would have DC 25, etc). Dragoons only take half of their armor check penalty when making a Jump.
At 10th level, a Dragoon no longer suffers armor check penalty to his Jump. The Ignore Height ability can now be used without having anything to help him to slow his fall and they can make an Acrobatics (Jump) skill check to start a climb check. In addition
Ignore Height (Ex): The Dragoon can fall from any height, as if he were light as a feather. At 4th level or higher, a dragoon within arm’s reach of a wall can use it to slow his descent. When first gaining this ability, he takes damage as if the fall were 20 feet shorter than it actually is. The dragoon’s ability to slow his fall (that is, to reduce the effective distance of the fall when next to a wall) improves with his dragoon level until at 10th level he can use a nearby wall to slow his descent and fall any distance without harm.
Fast Movement: At 2nd level and higher, a dragoon moves faster than normal. A dragoon in heavy armor or carrying a medium or heavy load loses this extra speed.
Acrobatics: At 3rd level the dragoon gains a +10 competence bonus on Acrobatics checks. At 9th level this bonus becomes +20. In addition, a dragoon can always choose to take 10 on any Acrobatics checks, even when circumstances would normally prevent him from doing so.
High Jump (Ex): Dragoon’s attacks hit harder than normal, they deal weapon damage as if the weapon they are using was one size larger than it really is. In addition they can double the extra damage dealt when they use Power Attack feat. If you use this tactic with a two-handed polearm, spear or lance, you instead triple the extra damage from Power Attack. This attack must follow all the normal rules for using the Acrobatics (Jump) skill and for making a charge, except that you ignore rough terrain in any squares you jump over.
Dragonheart (Su): A single spark of light shines in the dragoon’s heart, glowing softly whenever a dragoon’s health is dropped below 1HP from an attack they can make a Fortitude save DC 25, if successful the single spark of light disappears with a thundering dragons roar, healing the dragoon for a total amount equal to his character level, effectively putting him above 0 HP.
shiverscar RPG Superstar 2012 Top 8 |
Looks good! No comments here.
Ye gods, this thing is terrifying. Well done!
Bad Breath: Making players roll 5 times seems like a lot of rolling for one ability. On the other hand, rolling for one save against 5 debuffs can really cripple a player and ruin their fun. This ability is supposed to be mean and it's the signature ability of these guys so I'm leery of nerfing it. Maybe consider dropping the Staggered condition? Nausea and staggered have some overlap, so it might be worthwhile to drop one of them, and keeping nausea makes a lot of sense.*
*(An entirely flavour based suggestion would be to remove Dazed and replace with Sickened as well, but that's got no bearing on balance. If it doesn't suit how you want this monster to work, ignore the suggestion completely!)
Interesting idea. It's a spin on what a lot of people do already, which is pad out boss fights with softer hitting mooks. This seems to make those mooks hit harder, but take significantly less punishment. So they're a threat, but they can be dealt with quickly. Becomes a cost/benefit ratio for exhausting actions and resources to deal with the minions or the boss.
I don't see anything glaringly broken about them. If there are problems, it'll have to come out in playtest.
As for the name, maybe call them Squads? They're sort of like swarms for bigger creatures, so that might work. Squad of Zombies, Squad of Goblins, Squad of Fighters, Squad of Squid, that sort of thing. Alternatives could be Cohort, Underling, Troop, Follower, Lackey, Peon... Minion still works too.
I'll take a closer look at Dragoon when I've got time today. Keep up the good work!
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Yeah the name is just not "convincing" enough but Squad doesn't sound bad, I only had one playtest on them and well a fighter/barbarian with cleave or whirlwind attack kills a minimum of 4-5 of this guys unless they roll low on dmg, since their AC is only 23 which for a level 10 fighter/barbarian is not very hard to hit and average or not so hard for a cleric/rogue BAB progression.
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Yes it made "cosmetic" sense to changed dazed for Sickened hehehehe and yes I would not enjoy a fight with a Malboro at all...
Switching to another creature, DRAGONS!
Dragons in fft have wings but can't fly they are too small, and I added made some tweaks, dividing dragons into grey, elemental, dark and holy. grey dragons are very common dragons that you can find in any environment. There is red/white/green/blue dragons for fire/cold/acid/electricity damage and live in certain areas only. The ultra rare very uncommon Dark and Holy dragons are way tougher and fearsome.
Holy Dragons
If you wish to create a Holy Dragon, apply the Advanced Creature template to the Young or Adult version of an elemental dragon and also apply the Celestial Creature template. In addition Holy Dragons gain the ability to use 3 different breath weapons: Acid, Cold and Electric, are immune to those elements and gain Damage Resistance 10 Fire if young and 15 Fire if Adults.
Holy Dragons
If you wish to create a Dark Dragon, apply the Advanced Creature template to the Young or Adult version of an elemental dragon and also apply the Fiendish Creature template. In addition Dark Dragons gain the ability to use 3 different breath weapons: Acid, Fire and Electric, are immune to those elements and gain Damage Resistance 10 Cold if young and 15 Cold if Adults.
Grey Dragons
Young Grey Dragon
Medium Dragon
HD: 7d12 + 21 (66hp)
Initiative: 6
Speed: 40 ft
AC: 20, Touch 12, Flat-footed 18
BAB/CMB/CMD: +7/ +11/ 23
Full attack: 2 claws +11 melee (1d6 +4), bite +11 melee (1d8 +6)
Special Qualities: Darkvision, Low-light vision, Scent, Natural Armor 11, Immunity to magic sleep effects and paralysis, 10 DR/Adamantine
Saves: Fort +10, Ref +10, Will +8
Str 19, Dex 14, Con 17, Int 8, Wis 11, Cha 8
Skills: Climb +12, Intimidate +9, Perception +12, Stealth +12, Survival +12, Swim +12
Feats: Alertness, Improved Initiative, Power Attack, Cleave
Alignment: Always neutral
Languages: Draconic (Cannot Speak)
CR: 6
Grey Dragon
Large Dragon
HD: 13d12 + 65 (149hp)
Initiative: 5
Speed: 40 ft
AC: 27, Touch 10, Flat-footed 26
BAB/CMB/CMD: +13/ +21/ 32
Full attack: 2 claws +19 melee (1d8 +7), bite +20 melee (2d6 +10), Tail Slap +14 (1d8+10)
Special Qualities: Darkvision, Low-light vision, Scent, Natural Armor 20, Immunity to magic sleep effects and paralysis, 10 DR/Adamantine
Saves: Fort +13, Ref +9, Will +10
Str 25, Dex 12, Con 21, Int 8, Wis 15, Cha 12
Skills: Climb +30, Intimidate +17, Perception +22, Stealth +13, Survival +17, Swim +30
Feats: Improved Initiative, Weapon Focus Bite, Vital Strike, Power Attack, Cleave, Dazzling Display
Alignment: Always neutral
Languages: Draconic (Cannot Speak)
CR: 10
Elemental Dragon
Young Blue Dragon
Large Dragon (Air)
HD: 10d12 + 30 (95hp)
Initiative: 7
Speed: 40 ft
AC: 23, Touch 12, Flat-footed 20
BAB/CMB/CMD: +10/ +16/ 29
Full attack: 2 claws +14 melee (1d8 +5) and bite +15 melee (2d6 +7), Tail Slap +12 (1d6+2)
Special Qualities: Darkvision, Low-light vision, Scent, Natural Armor 11, Immunity to magic sleep effects and paralysis, 10 DR/Adamantine, Immune electricity
Special Attack: Breath Weapon (60 ft Cone, DC 18, 6d8 electricity)
Saves: Fort +10, Ref +10, Will +8
Str 21, Dex 16, Con 17, Int 8, Wis 13, Cha 12
Skills: Climb +14, Intimidate +14, Perception +14, Stealth +10, Survival +14, Swim +14
Feats: Improved Initiative, Multiattack, Weapon focus Bite, Dazzling Display, Shatter Defenses,
Alignment: Always neutral
Languages: Draconic (Cannot Speak)
CR: 9
Blue Dragon
Huge Dragon (Air)
HD: 16d12 + 80 (184hp)
Initiative: 6
Speed: 40 ft
AC: 30, Touch 8, Flat-footed 28
BAB/CMB/CMD: +16/ +26/ 38
Full attack: 2 claws +22 melee (2d6 +8) and bite +23 melee (2d8 +12), Tail Slap +20 (2d6+12)
Special Qualities: Darkvision, Low-light vision, Scent, Natural Armor 20, Immunity to magic sleep effects and paralysis, 10 DR/Adamantine, Immune electricity
Special Attack: Breath Weapon (60 ft Cone, DC 23, 12d8 electricity)
Saves: Fort +15, Ref +12, Will +13
Str 27, Dex 14, Con 25, Int 8, Wis 14, Cha 12
Skills: Climb +30, Intimidate +20, Perception +21, Stealth +11, Survival +22, Swim +30
Feats: Improved Initiative, Multiattack, Weapon focus Bite, Dazzling Display, Shatter Defenses, Power Attack, Cleave, Great Cleave
Alignment: Always neutral
Languages: Draconic (Cannot Speak)
CR: 13
shiverscar RPG Superstar 2012 Top 8 |
This class, man. I have seen so many people take a stab at making this class work and it is such a pain to balance for a d20 system and keep flavour of the FF class.
Class Skills: You call it the Ark Knight when you list its class skills. ;P Minor typo. While I'm looking at the class skills, though, why Knowledge(Local)? Knowledge(Arcana) would let them ID dragons, and Knowledge(Nobility) is generally the more knightly knowledge skill.
Weapons and Armor: The dragoon is a pretty martial class, has some steep martial feat requirements, and a BAB bonus requirement. There really isn't much harm in giving them all simple and martial weapons. Light/Medium armor proficiency makes sense, but I can't find any other class that grants proficiency with all shields except tower and heavy. Most classes just exclude tower shields, so for consistency's sake, I'd say let dragoons do the same.
Jump: The bread and butter of the class. This is where things get tricky. I like your take on the ability, but in the interests of clarity, let's boil this down to a few different parts.
Part 1: (Jump) This is essentially Spring Attack on Steroids. You are actually springing on to someone. So here's my suggested rewrite:
Jump(Ex): As part of a Spring Attack action, a Dragoon can choose to leap at his opponent and away after completing his attack. The Dragoon makes an Acrobatics (Jump) check to cover the vertical and horizontal distance between himself and his target. Success means the Dragoon can make a single attack against his target. If the Dragoon is wielding a spear, shortspear, longspear, lance, or any type of polearm*, this attack deals double damage. The Dragoon can make a second Acrobatics (Jump) check after attacking to move away from his target. The Dragoon's movement using Jump does not provoke attacks of opportunity and is not subject to penalties due to difficult terrain. The Dragoon cannot move more than his movement speed in a single round as part of a Jump action.
*Are tridents allowed?
I'm not sure where the maximum height/weight rules are coming from, but I couldn't find anything like that in the PRD.
Part 2: (Improved Jump) This is just separating out a small bit of Jump to make it easier to find, read, and track for players and GMs.
Improved Jump(Ex): A 5th level Dragoon always counts as having a running start when making jump checks using Acrobatics. Additionally, a Dragoon can use Jump as part of a charge action, but they must end their movement in a square adjacent to their target.
Part 3: (Armor Penalty) The armor check penalty reduction is kind of a lame capstone. Most abilities require a Dragoon to be wearing Medium armor at best, and they will likely be wearing mithril to take advantage of extra movement speed and so on, so their armor check penalty should be negligible at best. So, here's a suggested replacement, active from level 1 onwards:
Dragoon Armor Training(Ex): A Dragoon reduces his armor check penalty for Acrobatics checks while wearing light or medium armor by an amount equal to half his Dragoon level (minimum 1).
Ignore Height: It's essentially a monk's Slow Fall, so that's just fine. Here's a version with some extra bits from Jump wrapped in:
Ignore Height(Ex): The Dragoon can fall from any height, as if he were light as a feather. At 4th level or higher, a dragoon within arm’s reach of a wall can use it to slow his descent. When first gaining this ability, he takes damage as if the fall were 20 feet shorter than it actually is. The dragoon’s ability to slow his fall (that is, to reduce the effective distance of the fall when next to a wall) improves with his dragoon level. Additionally, when making an Acrobatics check to reduce damage from falling, a Dragoon may add an additional 5 to the DC in order treat the fall as 10 feet less than normal (thus jumping down 20 feet would have DC 20 and thirty feet would have DC 25, etc).
Improved Ignore Height(Su): A Dragoon of 10th level can activate a feather fall effect at will, as an immediate action. The effect lasts until the Dragoon lands safely, or until dismissed by the Dragoon.
Fast Movement: The way you have it written, it looks like the Dragoon only ever gets a +10 increase to movement speed. Check the Monk in the CRB or the PRD for an example of graduated Fast Movement progression. +10 > +20 > +30 is how it normally seems to be written out.
Acrobatics: Maybe make this a bonus based on their level? +1 to Acrobatics checks per Dragoon level seems fair. If you make it apply only to Acrobatics (Jump) checks, I could see increasing it to +2 to Jump checks per Dragoon level (capping out at +20 at level 10).
High Jump: That's a lot of damage. It might be more valuable to phrase it like this and maybe drop the increased weapon size. In conjunction with something like lead blades, some truly savage damage could be achieved. Or, if you'd prefer to keep the increased weapon size, just add a line stating that it doesn't stack with other effects that increase a weapons size category (like enlarge person, lead blades, etc.)
High Jump(Ex): Attacks made as part of a Jump attack, with a spear, shortspear, longspear, lance, or polearm deal triple damage, instead of double damage.
Dragonheart: One great big recommendation is to change how healed the Dragoon is by this. How deep in the negative hit points a character is matters, and if a Dragoon was at 5hp, takes 40hp in damage, and Dragonheart activates (healing them for, say 15hp) are they still dead? The ability says it effectively puts them above 0hp, but the math doesn't pan out. For clarity's sake, you might want to say it restores them to 1hp and they're staggered until they rest for 8 hours. That way, they're guaranteed to be able to come back, but they're not in fighting shape. Most other raise dead/resurrection abilities won't work if you were killed by a Death effect, too, so you might want to add a similar caveat.
Last thing I'd say about Dragonheart is that it probably needs a cooldown. Maybe works 1/day or 1/week or something?Sorry if I seem overly critical of this class! I think you've got a solid interpretation, it just needs some fine-tuning for balance. Overall, it's a good representation of Dragoons from FFT!
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Dragonheart (Su): 1/day when a dragoon is severely wounded a single spark of light shines in the dragoon’s heart, glowing softly; whenever a dragoon’s health is dropped below 1HP from an attack they can make a Fortitude save DC 20, if successful the single spark of light disappears with a thundering dragon roar, restoring the dragoon to 1HP and staggered until they rest for 8 hours.
I think the class is not overpowered and that the damage potential while doing the one trick jump thing is high, other classes can do more or same amounts of damage.
This is the revised dragoon ability. I lowered the Fortitude DC and made it 1/day. I think exhausted could also be an option instead of staggered but I'll think about it.
Yeah it is a typo I made the Ark Knight with the dragoon and just copy the prestige class template to fill it out, I have only one problem I got no level 9 ability, tho I suppose I can use the Improved Ignore height at level 9 for that.
Well hopefully I got a good faithful not overpowering version like some that I have seen out there.
I leave for review the Archaic Demon & Ultima Demon
Archaeodemon “Archaic Demon”
Medium Outsider (Chaotic, Demon, Evil, Extraplanar)
HD: 6d10 + 21 (81 hp)
Initiative: 6
Speed: 40 ft
AC: 20, Touch 12, Flat-footed 18
BAB/CMB/CMD: +6/ +11/ 23
Full attack: 2 claws +11 melee (1d6+4)
Special Qualities: Darkvision, Natural Armor +8, Natural Weapons: Claws, 10 DR/Cold Iron, immune to Fire and Poison. Resist Acid 10, Cold 10 and Electricity 10, SR 16, See in darkness
Special Attacks: Gigaflare, Unholy Darkness, Almagest, At-will Darkness
Saves: Fort +6, Ref +10, Will +6
Str 19, Dex 15, Con 19, Int 16, Wis 14, Cha 12
Skills: Bluff +10, Climb +13, Diplomacy +10, Intimidate +10, knowledge (Planes) +12, Perception +11, Stealth +11, Sense Motive +11, Swim +10
Feats: Ability Focus (Karma), Improved Initiative, Weapon Focus (Claws)
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Languages: Common, Abyssal, Any 3 languages
CR: 7
See in Darkness (Ex): Archaic Demons can see perfectly well in magical darkness.
Gigaflare (Sp): 3/day the Archaic Demon generates a magical explosion that explodes on its enemies with a fiery roar and deals 6d6 of force damage, to creatures within 100 feet range and in a 20feet radius. Creatures in the radius can make a Reflex DC 16 saving throw to take only half the damage. Intelligence based save DC.
Unholy Darkness (Sp): 3/day, an Archaic Demon can create a ray of darkness to envelope his opponent burning it with unholy energy within 30 feet. The target creature takes 5d6 negative energy damage and must make Fortitude save DC 16 or be blinded by the magical darkness. Creatures blinded by this effect can be targeted again without making an attack roll. Intelligence based save DC.
Almagest (Su): 1/day, Archaic Demons are dangerous opponents, but they are even more deadly when heavily wounded, as part of a standard melee attack an Archaic Demon deals damage equal to his total lost hit points instead of his regular damage, the creature hit by this attack must make a Fortitude save DC 18 to completely ignore the effect and take normal damage from the attack. Almagest is not spent if the attack was not successful. Intelligence based save DC.
Ultima Demon
Large Outsider (Chaotic, Demon, Evil, Extraplanar)
HD: 12d10 + 96 (156 hp)
Initiative: 9
Speed: 40 ft
AC: 21, Touch 11, Flat-footed 20
Space/Reach: 10ft/10ft
BAB/CMB/CMD: +12/ +22/ 22
Full attack: 2 claws +21/+16/+11 melee (1d8+10)
Special Qualities: Darkvision, Natural Armor +13, Natural Weapons: Claws, 10 DR/Cold Iron, immune to Fire, Electricity and Poison. Resist Acid 15, Cold 15, SR 22, See in Darkness
Special Attacks: Nanoflare, Unholy Darkness, Almagest, Ultima, At-will, Deeper Darkness
Saves: Fort +12, Ref +12, Will +12
Str 31, Dex 18, Con 27, Int 20, Wis 18, Cha 16
Skills: Bluff +18, Climb +25, Diplomacy +18, Intimidate +18, knowledge (Planes) +20, Perception +19, Stealth +15, Sense Motive +18, Swim +22
Feats: Ability Focus (Ultima), Improved Initiative, Awesome Blow, Power Attack, Improved Bull Rush
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Languages: Common, Abyssal, Any 5 languages.
CR: 13
See in Darkness (Ex): Ultima Demons can see perfectly well in magical darkness.
Nanoflare (Sp): 6/day the Ultima Demon generates a magical explosion that explodes on its enemies with a fiery roar and deals 10d6 of force damage, to creatures within 100 feet range and in a 20 feet radius. Creatures in the radius can make a Reflex DC 21 saving throw to take only half the damage. Intelligence based save DC.
Unholy Darkness (Sp): 6/day, an Ultima Demon can create a ray of darkness to envelope his opponent burning it with unholy energy within 30 feet. The target creature takes 8d6 negative energy damage and must make Fortitude save DC 21 or be blinded by the magical darkness. Creatures blinded by this effect can be targeted again without making an attack roll.Intelligence based save DC.
Almagest (Su): 2/day, Ultima Demons are dangerous opponents, but they are even more deadly when heavily wounded, as part of a standard melee attack an Ultima Demon deals damage equal to his total lost hit points instead of his regular damage, the creature hit by this attack must make a Fortitude save DC 26 to completely ignore the effect and take normal damage from the attack. Almagest is not spent if the attack was not successful. Strength based save DC.
Ultima (Su): 1/day, the Ultima Demon as a full round action begins to chant in ancient arcane words, an eerie calm falls over the battlefield as the sky grows dark, shading the combatants in blue and black. Only one sound breaks the silence; a single note, gaining in pitch as a dome of purest dark energy starts to form underneath the targets, growing outwards in an unstoppable, destructive rush that engulfs the whole area dealing 60 damage to creatures within 100 feet range and in a 30 feet radius. Creatures in the radius can make a Reflex DC 23 saving throw to take only half the damage. As the sound reaches ear-splitting frequencies the creatures engulfed in the dome must make Fortitude save DC 23, the dome flashes out of existence, and all becomes still once more. Intelligence based save DC.
shiverscar RPG Superstar 2012 Top 8 |
Yeah, in retrospect, I think my reaction to the damage a Dragoon can deal was largely knee-jerk. It sounds really strong, but Dragoons give up iterative attacks to do their signature attack, so they kind of need the boosts to stay competitive.
I do really like your take on the Dragoon. It definitely feels like the FFT dragoon, and at the same time, doesn't do anything I would consider overpowered in Pathfinder. I think it could be a lot of fun, especially in combination with various martial classes. Barbarian + Dragoon for Raging Jumps. Paladin + Dragoon for Smite Jumps. Heck, if you worked at it, you could make a Magus with a shortspear into a Dragoon for Shocking Grasp Jumps. The class synergizes best with Fighter or Ranger in my opinion, but there's a lot of fun to be had with it with any class that can meet the prereqs.
(Oooh! Just had a thought! Similar prereqs to Shadowdancer. Shadowdancer/Dragoon would be entertaining, jumping from shadows 60ft above your target! Probably not very effective mechanically, but a lot of fun to play, I bet.)
Can't see anything major. I think the DC for the elemental dragon's breath weapon is a point or two off. If it's CON based, like most breath weapons, I think that's a DC25.
You titled the Dark Dragon as "Holy Dragon". Minor typo.
Otherwise, these look like a pain to fight! :)
The Archaeodaemon has Ability Focus(Karma) but that ability isn't mentioned anywhere else. Is that a different name for Almagest?
Unholy Darkness is a ray that requires a ranged touch attack, right? Make that clear if that's the case. In the interests of fairness, you might want to remove the ability to attack a previously blinded target without an attack roll. Blindness imposes penalties to a player's AC and removes Dex bonuses to AC. For most people this will reduce their Touch AC to 8, so the daemons will only miss on a 1 after a failed save anyway. Players would probably prefer the dice decide, even if the odds are low, rather than unavoidable damage every turn. On the flipside, as a ranged touch attack, the daemons can crit, so by removing the roll you remove their ability to crit a player into oblivion, which might reduce the fun for the more malicious DMs. I'm against removing the element of chance, but as always, it's entirely up to your style.
6/day for abilities seems a bit more than necessary. Fights rarely cross the 5-6 round mark, so if you'd like the Daemons to be able to use those skills throughout the fight, make them At Will. If you want them to have to think about when they use their skills to the greatest benefit, keep it to 1 to 3 times per day.
Ice Devils are a good example of an evil outsider with a bunch of At Will attack spells, and they're the same CR as your daemon, so it's a good yard stick to balance the Ultima Daemon against.
Does Ultima deal typeless damage? Would make sense from what I remember of the ability.
What's the Fort save in Ultima for? Is it to resist deafness maybe? That's what it seems like from the descriptive text. If you pass the Reflex save, do you still have to make the Fort save? Think about the case of players with Evasion, who took no damage if they passed their save. They effectively avoided the damaging effect, but are they still subject to the secondary Fortitude save effect?
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Yeah the Karma ability is the same as almagest, just that the demons have a different name for it, so I just decided to keep it simple and use Almagest for both of them.
Ultima does typeless damage so should I just say typeless damage in the description?
Yes even if you get to save the damage you still have to roll for deafness forgot to add deafness, I just need to think some way to word it that they still have to throw fortitude save even after the made the reflex save I suppose, even if I don't think it needs it, but I'll think of something on how to word it.
I'll just make Nanoflare and Unholy Darkness at-will I suppose, since it's their most common attack they always use.
I will also make Gigaflare at will for the Archaic Demon.
Maybe Almagest make it 3/day instead of two.
I will also add telepathy to them since they are supposed to be super old demon (since the war with the gods) according to history and their fluffy things.
I still have to work on most of their fluff since they are not common demons, they are "Lucavi" demons
Well Almagest I think is their strongest melee attack if they get damage on this guys, they can probably kill d8 characters class and for certain a d6 character class.
Well almost done with monsters:
Medium Elemental (Fire)
Hit Dice: 4d10+8 (28 hp)
Initiative: +7
Speed: Fly 30 ft. (clumsy)
Armor Class: 15 (+2 Dex, +1 dodge, +2 natural), touch 13, flat-footed 12
Base Attack/CMB/CMD: +4/ +5/17
Attack: Bite +5 melee (1d8+1 +1d4 Fire)
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: Burn (1d6, DC 14)
Special Qualities: Self-Destruct, elemental traits, immune Fire, Absorb Fire
Saves: Fort +6, Ref +6, Will +4
Abilities: Str 12 (+1), Dex 15 (+2), Con 14 (+2), Int 3 (-4), Wis 11 (+0), Cha 6 (-2)
Skills: Perception +8, Survival +7
Feats: Dodge, Improved Initiative , Mobility, Ability Focus (Ignite)
Environment: Any
Organization: Solitary, pair, or squad (3-5)
Challenge Rating: 3
Alignment: Always chaotic evil
Advancement: 5-8 HD (Large); 9-12 HD (Huge)
A red, floating ball of crimson fire, with big eyes, and an even bigger mouth. Bombs are often shaped similarly to a fireball with arms and a face, and are capable of self-destructing. They usually have bright yellow eyes and a wicked, toothy grin.
Ignite (Su): 3/day, the Bomb can use Ignite that functions like the wizard Fire Ball spell, with the only difference is that it only targets a single opponent and not an area. Caster level 7th.
Self-Destruct (Ex): After each successful physical attack that damages the Bomb, it increases in size by 1-ft. in diameter and increases its strength by 1 also, size increase lasts for 1d6+2 rounds; after the 3rd successful physical attack, the Bomb explodes as an immediate action, destroying itself and dealing 4d6 points of fire damage to everything within a 15-ft.-radius (Reflex save DC 14 for half damage).
Absorb Fire (Su): Bombs heal themselves when they are hit with flaming attacks.
And another PrC
Ark Knight
Skills: Intimidate 5 Ranks, Knowledge (Nobility) 5 ranks
Feats: Power Attack, Improved Sunder, Combat Reflexes, Weapon Focus Bastard Sword, Weapon Specialization Bastard Sword
Alignment: Any.
Hit Dice: d10
Class Skills
The ark knight’s class skills are Diplomacy (Cha), Handle Animal (Cha), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (Local) (Int), Knowledge (Nobility) (Int), Profession (Wis) and Ride (Dex)
Skill Ranks per Level: 2 + Int modifier.
Level BAB Fort Reflex Will Special
1 1 0 0 2 Parry
2 2 0 0 3 Arts of War
3 3 1 1 3 Bonus Feat
4 4 1 1 4 Arts of War
5 5 1 1 4 Adrenaline Rush
6 6 2 2 5 Arts of War
7 7 2 2 5 Bonus Feat
8 8 2 2 6 Arts of War
9 9 3 3 6 Safe Guard
10 10 3 3 7 Ruination, Arts of War
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Ark Knights gains no new weapon or armor proficiency.
Arts of War: The ark knight can choose one Art of War at second level and one more every other level. Some Arts of War damage the opponent’s ability scores directly, while others are used to damage equipment. Using the Arts of War is a standard action, which does not provoke an attack of opportunity, it’s like a normal sunder attempt, or melee attack, but it deals some special type of affect instead of dealing normal damage.
Magic Break (Su): The ark knight resolves a standard melee attack, but instead of dealing damage as normal, the target makes a Concentration check (DC 10 + damage dealt + target spell level), if the opponent
fails they lose a prepared spell.
Power Break (Su): The ark knight resolves a standard melee attack, but instead of dealing damage as normal, the target makes a Strength check (DC 10 + damage dealt), if the opponent fails their Strength attribute suffers damage equal to the Ark Knight’s Strength modifier and lasts till the end of an encounter.
Mind Break (Su): The ark knight resolves a standard melee attack, but instead of dealing damage, the target suffers a penalty to their Will saving throw equal to ½ the Ark Knight level. This penalty is cumulative (Will save cannot be lower than 0), and lasts till the end of an encounter.
Speed Break (Su): The ark knight resolves a standard melee attack, but instead of dealing damage, the target suffers a penalty to their Reflex saving throw equal to ½ the Ark Knight level. This penalty is cumulative (Reflex save cannot be lower than 0), and lasts till the end of an encounter.
Strength Break (Su) The ark knight resolves a standard melee attack, but instead of dealing damage, the target suffers a penalty to their Fortitude saving throw equal to ½ the Ark Knight level. This penalty is cumulative (Fortitude save cannot be lower than 0), and lasts till the end of an encounter.
Adrenaline Rush (Ex): Ark Knights train to seize the moment. Whenever a knight receives physical damage, they receive a morale bonus to their initiative equal to ½ their Ark Knight’s level. This bonus last for 1 round only.
Safe Guard (Ex): The Ark knight knowledge of the Arts of War is so great that he gains ½ his knight level as a bonus to resist other Arts of War. In addition an Ark Knight’s equipment cannot be sundered or suffer of the broken condition by any other means.
Parry (Ex): When an opponent attacks you, you can make a single opposed attack to use in place of your armor class and that also uses an attack of opportunity for that turn. If you make a successful parry the opponent's attack is blocked, and if you win by 10 or more you may make a disarm attempt that does not provoke attack of opportunity. If you lose the Parry, your opponent's attack hits, and if you lose by 10 or more, your opponent can attempt to disarm you without provoking an attack of opportunity.
Ruination (Ex): Whenever an Ark Knights sunders or uses his Arts of War successfully he also deals damage like a regular standard action attack with his weapon.
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Corrected the Bomb and adding the Grenade & Explode
Medium Elemental (Fire)
Hit Dice: 4d10+8 (28 hp)
Initiative: +6
Speed: Fly 30 ft. (clumsy)
Armor Class: 14 (+2 Dex, +2 natural), touch 12, flat-footed 12
Base Attack/CMB/CMD: +4/ +5/17
Attack: Bite +5 melee (1d8+1 +1d4 Fire)
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: Burn (1d6, DC 12), Ignite, Self-Destruct
Special Qualities: Elemental traits, Immune Fire, Absorb Fire
Saves: Fort +6, Ref +6, Will +1
Abilities: Str 12 (+1), Dex 15 (+2), Con 14 (+2), Int 3 (-4), Wis 11 (+0), Cha 6 (-2)
Skills: Perception +7, Survival +5
Feats: Improved Initiative, Ability Focus (Ignite)
Environment: Any
Organization: Solitary, pair, or squad (3-5)
Challenge Rating: 3
Alignment: Always chaotic evil
Language: Ignan
A red, floating ball of crimson fire, with big eyes, and an even bigger mouth. Bombs are often shaped similarly to a fireball with arms and a face, and are capable of self-destructing. They usually have bright yellow eyes and a wicked, toothy grin.
Ignite (Sp): 3/day, the Bomb can use Ignite that functions like the wizard Fire Ball spell, with the only difference is that it only targets a single opponent and not an area. Caster level 6th.
Self-Destruct (Ex): After each successful physical attack that damages the Bomb, it increases in size by 1-ft. in diameter and increases its strength by 1 also, size increase lasts for 1d6+2 rounds; after the 3rd successful physical attack, the Bomb explodes as an immediate action, destroying itself and dealing 4d6 points of fire damage to everything within a 15-ft.-radius (Reflex save DC 12 for half damage). Wisdom based save DC.
Absorb Fire (Su): Bombs heal themselves when they are hit with flaming attacks.
Medium Elemental (Fire)
Hit Dice: 8d10+16 (56 hp)
Initiative: +7
Speed: Fly 30 ft. (clumsy)
Armor Class: 15 (+2 Dex, +1 dodge, +2 natural), touch 12, flat-footed 12
Base Attack/CMB/CMD: +8/ +9/21
Attack: Bite +9/+4 melee (1d8+1 +1d4 Fire)
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: Burn (1d6, DC 14), Bomblet, Ignite, Self-Destruct, Spark
Special Qualities: Elemental Traits, Immune Fire, Absorb Fire
Saves: Fort +8, Ref +8, Will +3
Abilities: Str 12 (+1), Dex 15 (+2), Con 14 (+2), Int 3 (-4), Wis 12 (+1), Cha 6 (-2)
Skills: Perception +11, Survival +9
Feats: Dodge, Improved Initiative, Ability Focus (Spark)
Environment: Any
Organization: Solitary, pair, or squad (3-5)
Challenge Rating: 7
Alignment: Always chaotic evil
Language: Ignan
A blue, floating ball of azure fire, with big eyes, and an even bigger mouth. Bombs are often shaped similarly to a fireball with arms and a face, and are capable of self-destructing. They usually have bright yellow eyes and a wicked, toothy grin.
Ignite (Sp): At-will, the Grenade can use Ignite that functions like the wizard Fire Ball spell, with the only difference is that it only targets a single opponent and not an area. Caster level 10th.
Self-Destruct (Ex): After each successful physical attack that damages the Grenade, it increases in size by 1-ft. in diameter and increases its strength by 1 also, size increase lasts for 1d6+2 rounds; after the 3rd successful physical attack, the Grenade explodes as an immediate action, destroying itself and dealing 8d6 points of fire damage to everything within a 15-ft.-radius (Reflex save DC 15 for half damage). Wisdom Based save DC.
Spark (Su): 3/day, a Grenade releases a wave of flames by channeling their inner power against their enemies while healing themselves in the process. This causes a burst that affects all creatures in a 30 ft radius centered on the Grenade. The amount of damage dealt is equal to 4d6 points of fire damage. Creatures within the radius of effect can make a Reflex save DC 17. Wisdom based save DC.
Absorb Fire (Su): Grenades heal themselves when they are hit with flaming attacks.
Medium Elemental (Fire)
Hit Dice: 12d10+48 (108 hp)
Initiative: +8
Speed: Fly 30 ft. (clumsy)
Armor Class: 19 (+4 Dex, +1 dodge, +4 natural), touch 15, flat-footed 14
Base Attack/CMB/CMD: +12/ +15/25
Attack: Bite +15/+12/+7 melee (1d8+3 +1d4 Fire)
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: Burn (1d6, DC 16), Bomblet, Ignite, Self-Destruct, Spark, Bomblet
Special Qualities: Elemental Traits, Immune Fire, Absorb Fire
Saves: Fort +13, Ref +13, Will +7
Abilities: Str 16 (+3), Dex 19 (+4), Con 18 (+4), Int 8 (-1), Wis 16 (+3), Cha 10 (+0)
Skills: Perception +15, Survival +13
Feats: Dodge, Improved Initiative, Ability Focus (Spark), Empower Spell-Like Ability (Bomblet)
Environment: Any
Organization: Solitary, pair, or squad (3-5)
Challenge Rating: 12
Alignment: Always chaotic evil
Language: Ignan
A black, floating ball of dark fire, with big eyes, and an even bigger mouth. Bombs are often shaped similarly to a fireball with arms and a face, and are capable of self-destructing. They usually have bright yellow eyes and a wicked, toothy grin.
Ignite (Sp): At-will, the Explode can use Ignite that functions like the wizard Fire Ball spell, with the only difference is that it only targets a single opponent and not an area. Caster level 14th. Wisdom Based save DC.
Self-Destruct (Ex): After each successful physical attack that damages the Explode, it increases in size by 1-ft. in diameter and increases its strength by 1 also, size increase lasts for 1d6+2 rounds; after the 3rd successful physical attack, the Explode explodes as an immediate action, destroying itself and dealing 8d6 points of fire damage to everything within a 15-ft.-radius (Reflex save DC 19 for half damage). Wisdom Based save DC.
Spark (Su): 3/day, an Explode releases a wave of flames by channeling their inner power against their enemies while healing themselves in the process. This causes a burst that affects all creatures in a 30 ft radius centered on the Explode. The amount of damage dealt is equal to 6d6 points of fire damage. Creatures within the radius of effect can make a Reflex save DC 21. Wisdom based save DC.
Absorb Fire (Su): Explodes heal themselves when they are hit with flaming attacks.
Bomblet (Sp): At-will, an Explode can send miniature versions of himself called Kobombs to attack his enemies, by self-destructing against them. Kobombs darts forward from the mouth of the Explode and strikes its target, dealing 1d4+3 points of fire damage. Kobombs strike unerringly, even if the target is in melee or has less than half cover or total concealment (otherwise the kobomb cannot target that opponent). The Explode can attack with 5 kobombs per round and can choose a different target for every Kobomb. Kobombs can travel up to 60 ft to attack their targets.
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Netherseer (basically the same as the Skyseer)
Skills: Knowledge (Planes) 5 Ranks, Knowledge (Arcana) 5 Ranks, Spellcraft 5
Special: Mystery Class Ability, Cast 2nd level divine spells.
Alignment: Any Evil.
Hit Dice: d8
Class Skills
The netherseer’s class skills are Bluff (Cha), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (Arcana) (Int), Knowledge (Planes) (Int), Sense Motive (Wis), and Spellcraft (Int)
Skill Ranks per Level: 2 + Int modifier.
Level BAB Fort Reflex Will Special Caster
1 0 0 0 2 Nether mantra +1 divine
2 1 0 0 3 Nether mantra +1 divine
3 2 1 1 3 Nether mantra +1 divine
4 3 1 1 4 Nether mantra +1 divine
5 3 1 1 4 Nether Mantra +1 divine
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Netherseer gains no new weapon or armor proficiency.
Nether Mantra (Su): At every level, the Netherseer gains access to a new Nether Mantra as shown on the chart. All nether Mantra are area of attacks that strike every individual within the area of effect a number of times equal to 1d6-2 (minimum 1), once the amount of attacks has been determined the Netherseer must roll randomly amongst the targets dealing an amount of damage indicated under each separate ability. All of these take a standard action to use, and the save DC, where applicable, is 10 + Netherseer level + netherseer Charisma Modifier, + 2 for every time the target is struck by the Nether Mantra. Level dependant effects refer to the character’s Netherseer level.
Nether Mantra:
Hell’s Wrath:
Does 1d8 points of electricity damage per strike to all individuals within a 10’ radius of its origin (Fortitude Half). Range is 10' per Netherseerlevel. You can use this ability once per day, plus one additional time per day at 10th level and for every five levels thereafter.
Nether Ashura:
Does 1d10 points of fire damage per strike to all individuals within a 30’ radius of its origin (Fortitude Half). Range is 10’ per Netherseer level. You can use this ability once per day, plus one additional time per day at 10th level and for every five levels thereafter.
Nether Blade:
Does 2d6 points of wind damage (counting as slashing damage) per strike to all individuals within a 10’ radius of its origin (Fortitude Half). Range is 10' per Netherseer level. You can use this ability once per day, plus one additional time per day at 10th level and for every five levels thereafter.
Nether Maelstrom:
Does 3d6 points of cold damage per strike to all individuals within a 10’ radius of its origin (Fortitude Half). Range is 15’ per Netherseer level. At 15th level, you can use this ability twice per day. You must be at least 8th level to select this revelation.
Corporeal Void:
Strikes all individuals within a 10’ radius of its origin (Fortitude Half) with various conditions. Range is 10’ per Netherseer level. Furthermore, all targets who take damage must make Fortitude save or suffer a random effect determined by the table below. Range is 10’ per Netherseer level. At 15th level, you can use this ability twice per day. You must be at least 10th level to select this revelation.
Roll 1d4:
1-Target is deaf for 1 round per strike.
2-Target is shaken for 1 round per strike.
3-Target is stunned for 1 round per strike.
4-Target is paralyzed for 1 round per strike.
Does 2d8 points of Acid damage per strike to all individuals within a 10’ radius of its origin (No Save). Range is 10’ per Netherseer level. Range is 15’ per Netherseer level. At 15th level, you can use this ability twice per day. You must be at least 8th level to select this revelation.
Now I give you the human race (basically the one you know with a little extra since it's the only playable race.
Human Racial Traits
Average Height: 4´12˝–6´6˝
Average Weight: 140 – 185 lb.
+2 to One Ability Score: Human characters get a +2 bonus to one ability score of their choice at creation to represent their varied nature.
Medium: Humans are Medium creatures and have no bonuses or penalties due to their size.
Normal Speed: Humans have a base speed of 30 feet.
Bonus Feat: Humans select one extra feat at 1st level.
Adaptive Learning: Humans can designate any one-class skill as an adaptive skill. This skill is treated as a class skill in all respects for all classes that characters has levels in.
Skilled: Humans gain an additional skill rank at first level and one additional rank whenever they gain a level.
Languages: Humans begin play speaking Common (Kingdom) and Common. Humans with high Intelligence scores can choose any language.
Ivalice: Ivalicians are of medium built and height, although smaller and broader in built then most Ordallians. Their skin tends to have a dusky hue, although on average they are increasingly fairer in complexion the farter the east one travels. Ivaliacians hair and eye color varies widely, with brown hair and hazel eyes being most common. Those born close to the desert are of darker skin color.
Ordallia: Ordallians are slender, tawny-skinned folk with brown hair ranging from almost blond to almost black. Most Ordallians are tall and have green or brown eyes, but all builds, hair and eyes colors may be seen. Those born to the north and west are more likely to have blue eyes and have fairer complexions and darker hair. Those born close to the desert are of darker skin color.
Romanda: Romandans are of strong built, tall, fair-skinned folk with eyes of blue or steely gray. Those who dwell among the south are largely fair-haired, with blond hair predominating over red and light brown. Those who dwell on the east part are more prone to raven-black hair.
Valendia: Valendians come in all size and shapes; they have a tanned skin with dark hair being predominant but not the only hair color you will find. Most Valendians have brown eyes and very rarely any other color.
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![Cayden Cailean](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/cayden_final.jpg)
Hmm. Can I make a suggestion?
Since you only have the one race...
You could make Ivalician, Ordallian, Romandan, and Valendian talents, and say everyone gets one or 2 cultural talents in addition to their standard talents. Have like 2-4 talents for each culture (3 if you only give one talent, 4 if you're giving 2) so that they have alot in common with eachother and giving cultural identity/similarity even though theyre the same base race. It wouldnt matter which race you're born as, you're all human. But which culture you grow up in is the one that determines it. And if you were a mutt who lived in more than one of these countries, talk to your GM, it wouldnt be too bad to let you pick from 2 countries, you get the same total number.
I'll be watching this carefully, even if I dont have that much to contribute. I do have stores and stores and stores of FFT art kicking around on a harddrive somewhere though (I hope I still have it). When its all done I can help compile it into a full-blown PDF.
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Deiros wrote:You're not adding moogles, bangaa, or any of the other FFT:A races?Netherseer (basically the same as the Skyseer)
** spoiler omitted **...
Nope those are all FFT:A not from the war of the lions, sorry.
Tho there is nothing to stop you from doing them and adding them to the setting.
Yeah Images would be a great addition when its fully done. I did think about traits but I still have to make all the traits for each Kingdom.
And I was thinking it of making it 2 general Traits, 1 kingdom trait and 1 province trait, but it maybe to much and just make it simpler and leave it as 2 general and 2 kingdom.
I also need to work on the: Samurai and Geomancer
I'll leave the Dark knight:
Dark Knight
Skills: Knowledge (Religion) 5 Ranks
Feats: Power Attack, Selective Channel, Weapon Focus Bastardsword
Special: Channel energy, Cast 1st level divine spells.
Alignment: Any evil.
Hit Dice: d10
Class Skills
The dark knight’s class skills are Disguise (Cha), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (Religion), Knowledge (the Planes), Profession (Wis) and Ride (Dex)
Skill Ranks per Level: 2 + Int modifier.
Level BAB Fort Reflex Will Special Caster
1 1 0 0 2 Dark Sword Skill, Sanguine Sword +1 divine
2 2 0 0 3 Infernal Strike +1 divine
3 3 1 1 3 Crushing Blow +1 divine
4 4 1 1 4 Dark Wave +1 divine
5 5 1 1 4 Shadow Flare +1 divine
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Dark Knight gains no new weapon or armor proficiency.
Dark Sword Skill: At every level, the Dark Knight gains access to a new Dark Sword Skill as shown on the chart. All of these take a standard action to use, and the save DC, where applicable, is 10 + Dark Knight level + Dark Knight‘s Charisma. Level dependant effects refer to the character‘s Dark Knight level. Each one is a supernatural effect, focused through the Bastardsword, so while it is not a melee attack in any way, it requires the Knight to have a sword in hand. Using a Dark Sword Skill takes a number of channel energy attempts equal to the amount specified in the ability.
The Dark Knight may attempt to use a Dark Sword Skill without spending any channel energy attempts, but each time he does so he must make a Fortitude save (DC 10 + 1 per channel energy attempt it would normally use + 2 for each time he’s executed a Dark Sword Skill in this fashion without 8 hours of rest), if he fails, the ability fails, and the Knight becomes fatigued. If he is fatigued already he becomes exhausted instead. He may not use a Dark Sword Skill if exhausted. The Dark Knight may otherwise use these abilities at will, but must wait 1d4 rounds after using one before using the same Skill (although he may use others during this time frame).
Dark Sword Skills never affect the Dark Knight who uses them; even if he is caught in its area of affect or the ability is somehow rebounded upon him. The following feats the Dark Knight may be applied to his Dark Sword Skills that either require a ranged attack or deal damage (as appropriate): Improved Critical, Weapon Focus and Weapon Specialization.
Sanguine Sword: (1 Channel Energy Attempt)
Does 1d6 per Dark Knight level (maximum 3d6) + Charisma modifier damage (Fortitude half) to a single target upon a successful ranged touch attack. The Dark Knight heals the same amount as the damage taken by the target, up to his maximum number of hit points. Range is 20 ft.
Infernal Strike: (1 Channel Energy attempt)
Causes a single target capable of casting spells to lose one random memorized spells or spell slots of their highest spell level currently available upon a successful ranged touch attack (Will negates). Furthermore, if the attack is successful, the Dark Knight gains one temporary use of Channel Energy attempts which he can use normally. These extra Channel Energy attempts last for up to 1 minute, or until used. Note that this does not grant the Dark Knight the ability to Channel Energy if he could not normally do so, and they are only for activating Dark Sword Skills. This is a mind-affecting effect. Range is 20 ft.
Crushing Blow: (2 Channel Energy attempts)
Does 1d6 + 1d6 per Dark Knight level (maximum 5d6) + Charisma modifier half of it is fire damage the other part is negative energy damage to a single target upon a successful ranged touch attack. Furthermore if the target takes any damage, he must make a Fortitude save to avoid being paralyzed for 1d4 rounds. Range is 15 ft.
Dark Wave: (2 Channel Energy attempts)
Does 1d10 per Dark Knight level (maximum 3d10) + Charisma modifier of unholy damage (Reflex half) to all creatures within a cone shaped area, up to 10 feet long and 5 feet high per Dark Knight level starting from the Dark Knight. Furthermore, those who take damage must make Fortitude save to avoid being blinded for 1d4 hours. Using this ability deals 1d4 points of subdual damage to the Dark Knight for each target affected.
Shadow Flare (3 Channel Energy attempts)
All targets within a 20 feet radius burst take 1d10 per Dark knight level (maximum 5d10) + Charisma modifier of negative energy damage (Reflex half). Unlike other Dark Sword Skills, this ability takes a full-round action to use. Range is 5 feet per level. Using this ability deals 1d6 points of subdual damage to the Dark Knight for each target affected.
Freehold DM |
![Drow Dancer](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/DrowDancer.jpg)
Freehold DM wrote:Deiros wrote:You're not adding moogles, bangaa, or any of the other FFT:A races?Netherseer (basically the same as the Skyseer)
** spoiler omitted **...Nope those are all FFT:A not from the war of the lions, sorry.
Tho there is nothing to stop you from doing them and adding them to the setting.
Yeah Images would be a great addition when its fully done. I did think about traits but I still have to make all the traits for each Kingdom.
And I was thinking it of making it 2 general Traits, 1 kingdom trait and 1 province trait, but it maybe to much and just make it simpler and leave it as 2 general and 2 kingdom.
I also need to work on the: Samurai and Geomancer
I'll leave the Dark knight:
Dark Knight
** spoiler omitted **...
It's cool man. Although I will miss the moogles.
shiverscar RPG Superstar 2012 Top 8 |
Oh Bombs. You're such impractical creatures. The temperment of a badger, the self-preservation instincts of a lemming, and the payload of crate of TNT.
Ignite: Can probably rewrite it as a repurposed fireball without pointing out that it's a repurposed fireball. Also bear in mind that fireball has a range of Long (400ft+40ft/lvl = 680ft for CL7) so the only limitation would really be line of sight. Maybe knock it down to Close range? Something like this:
Ignite(Su): 3/day, a (Bomb/Grenade/Explode) can cause a single target within 40ft to burst into flame, as a standard action. The (Bomb/Grenade/Explode)'s target takes (1d6 per CL) of fire damage. A DC(XX) reflex save reduces this damage by half.
Self-Destruct: I have a few big suggestions for this ability. First off is that is isn't clear how the diameter increase affects the actual size of the Bomb. What I would suggest is start Bombs off as Small. Whenever the Bomb's hit points are reduced by 25%, it increases a size category (Small > Medium > Large) and gains the benefits of a size increase (+2 Size Bonus to Strength -2 Size Penalty to Dex, -1 to AC + Attack Rolls, as enlarge person. Maybe reach too?). If it's at its 3rd size category and it takes a hit that doesn't kill it, it goes off as an immediate action, dealing 1d6 fire damage per HD, like you have it already. I'd also suggest switching the save DC to being CON based, since the Bomb is physically detonating itself. Makes a little more sense, based on the nature of the ability. In fact, you might want to do that for all their abilities. I might have a different interpretation of Bombs though, so I could be off the mark.
Fire Absorb: For the sake of clarity, you might want to remove Fire Immunity. Technically, a creature with Fire Immunity takes no damage from fire. Since it takes no fire damage, it can't convert nonexistant damage into healing. Rephrase the ability like this to avoid arguments over meaning (I switched it to Ex so it would function even in an anti-magic field):
Fire Absorb(Ex): Bombs are not immune to fire damage. Instead, for every point of fire damage a Bomb would take, it instead heals for one point of damage. Healing that would raise the Bomb's hit points beyond its maximum has no effect.
Spark: "Creatures within the radius of effect can make a DC21 Reflex save for half damage." Words in bold are my edit. Otherwise makes sense.
Bomblet: Ha! This ability is hilarious! I'd consider calling the ability Kobomb, so that it's in line with the critters being fired, but that's relatively minor. Otherwise, damage, range, and cover are all accounted for in the description. Looks good to me!
+1 to Darkholme's comment. Definitely make some racial traits for humans from the various regions, to add a bit of crunch to go along with the fluff of the various nationalities.
It's cool man. Although I will miss the moogles.
I won't deny that playing a moogle would be pretty badass. But this campaign seems more based on FFT than FFT:A/A2, so I think that means moogles are actually extraplanar. At least, the only way they showed up in FFT was as a summons. Interpret that however you'd like.
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Like what you are doing here. Love the Final Fantasy games and Tactics was one of my favs. So the setting is only during the War of the Lions, meaning all of the old races are extinct or in hiding at this point. That is pretty cool but overall makes for some boring race choices, human or human.
What you could do is have the setting take place after the War of the Lions and have a reintroduction of some of the old races or have new races that are variants to the old ones. This way you don't have such limiting race selection, no issues with story conflicts, and no limitation of what the races can and can not be.
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Yeah, the ability name is Bomblet but I have been thinking to just change it to Kobombs.
Yeah I havne't gotten to the regional traits probably have 3 or 4 per regions so players can at least have something to choose from them.
I will think about half races maybe, like half-elf but that would be rare and would be more like an Elven Ancestry Human (still human) just elf blood in them, sort of an aasimar - tiefling but with blood of elfs instead.
Samurai is searing my brain and about to crack my skull open... friggin prerequisites are gonna be tough to come up with.
So far:
Skills: Knowledge Arcana 5, Spellcraft 5, Knowledge History 5
Feat: Weapon Focus Katana, Power Attack
Special: Ability to cast 2nd level Arcane spells
Equipment: Masterwork Katana
Then come up with the Iaido range Probably be 15 ft since they are very powerful.
New self-destruct:
Self-Destruct (Ex): After each successful physical attack that damages the Bomb, it increases in size as if affected by the enlarge person spell that last for the rest of the fight; if the Bombs hit points are below 25% of their maximum hit points can choose to self-destruct voluntarily on their turn as a swift action, if they take damage that will lower their hit points but not kill them the Bomb explodes as an immediate action, destroying itself and dealing 4d6 points of fire damage to everything within a 15-ft.-radius (DC 14 Reflex save for half damage). Constitution based save DC.
Squad template is also now 4 creatures instead of 3 after some playtesting, this way they have some strength in numbers because the power, cleaving barbarian just killed like 5 each round hahahaha, so at least an encounter of a squad for the lvl 10 party of fighters had a total amount of 24 members, yes sounds like a lot but they drop dead very easy for fighters and wizards have AoE spells, so far the fights are pretty cinematic as the fighter/barbarian duo basically clean this squad by half in one round themselves. Yeah it adds a bit of numbers in a fight but nothing that serious at least and makes a nice cinematic moment for the players to shine before facing a big bad mini boss or boss.
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![Cayden Cailean](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/cayden_final.jpg)
Like what you are doing here. Love the Final Fantasy games and Tactics was one of my favs. So the setting is only during the War of the Lions, meaning all of the old races are extinct or in hiding at this point. That is pretty cool but overall makes for some boring race choices, human or human.
What you could do is have the setting take place after the War of the Lions and have a reintroduction of some of the old races or have new races that are variants to the old ones. This way you don't have such limiting race selection, no issues with story conflicts, and no limitation of what the races can and can not be.
Personally I'm hoping he doesn't. But then, I didn't care for FFT:A very much. Hate Bengaa, Prefer FF6, 7, T Moogles to the bunny ones, and I dont care for Nu Mou and Viera much. So I'm interested in a Vagrant Story/War of the Lions Campaign Setting, but I'm not interested in an FF12 or FFTA D&D setting.
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Its all good if he decides not to include them. I was just thinking that having more race selection helps make different unique characters.
The idea of having half race traits works in my opinion. It would allow for the presence of the old races in a new way. So you could just have one half race trait for each of the other races: Moogle, Nu Mou, Bangaa, Viera, Seeq, Aegyl, and Gria. And if you wanted to you could include some of the more obscure races: Baknamy, Garif, Helgas, Rev, and Urutan-Yensa.
What you could do is have them just give a single ability that represents the race.
Moogle: Due to your inheritance of the resourceful moogle you gain a +2 racial bonus on any one craft skill of your choice. The skill is chosen at character creation and can not be changed after that.