Kisame Hoshigaki


Hello, I wish to create a similar character as Kisame Hoshigaki.

Kisame Hoshigaki (干柿 鬼鮫 Hoshigaki Kisame?) is a former ninja of Kirigakure and partnered to Itachi Uchiha, having a unique appearance with pale blue skin, a gill-like facial structure, and sharp triangular teeth. While most Akatsuki partners are hostile towards each other, Kisame and Itachi get along considerably well; Kisame does as Itachi asks of him unquestioningly and always looks out for Itachi's well-being. While he was still loyal to Kirigakure, Kisame was one of the Seven Swordsmen of the Mist, a group of violent ninja that use particularly large swords in battle. His sword, Samehada (鮫肌 "Sharkskin" in Shippuden?), is a living weapon covered in scales that can absorb untold amounts of an opponent's chakra. Only allowing those it sees as worthy to wield it, Samehada can provide the user with the chakra it holds, ensuring him an infinite amount of stamina. During his battle with Killer Bee, Kisame reveals Samehada's completely unsheathed form, a spiked broadsword with a shark like mouth. Kisame himself has massive amounts of chakra, comparable to a tailed beast, enough so that a clone created by the Akatsuki that held only 30% of his power contained an amount of chakra comparable to Naruto when using the Nine-Tails' chakra.[37] By fusing Samehada into him, Kisame can assume a more shark-like form that increases his abilities. In battle, he frequently shapes water into the forms of sharks to damage opponents, able to quickly produce his own lake to use at his leisure if no water is present. After discarding Samehada when it chose Killer Bee over him, Kisame is decapitated by Bee and the Raikage. It was later revealed that was just a shapeshifting technique performed by Zetsu; the real Kisame having hidden inside Samehada.[38] He attempted to flee from Naruto, Killer Bee, Yamato, and Might Guy, having been discovered by Naruto in his new jinchuriki form, but was defeated by Guy and captured. Kisame committed suicide by summoning sharks and allowing them to eat him, but not before using one of them to steal back the information he had compiled and send it to the Akatsuki.


Kisame mainly uses water techniques (Suiton), although it did the possibility of using the techniques of Earth (Doton).

He has a tremendous amount of chakra, even compared to other group members (whose average is still very high). It is relatively good at fighting in melee, strength and techniques of water helps. Guy who has yet incredible strength to that of Kisame said it is superhuman.
Sword of Kisame shark skin

It has a special sword called sharkskin (Samehada), which has the characteristic to absorb chakra and not owning tranchant6. It is composed of hundreds of teeth, like those of a shark, and shreds instead of couper6. Once freed from the bandages, she takes a large (as to be larger and wider than Kisame), and has at its end a mouth squale7. This weapon, alive, emits "cries" of excitement when in the presence of a powerful chakra (that of Biju Jinchuriki an example) 7, and only obeys his master (in practice, if someone else mania, shark teeth spring from the handle, making it let go) 8. More Samehada absorbs chakra, the more it grows, she can swallow at once equivalent to 6 tails chakra Hachibi the devil, if he is extériorisé9.

When injured, may recover chakra Kisame Samehada that stole his opponent and turn it into energy to heal, regardless of the severity of his injury. His wounds are closed in the manner of those of a Jinchuriki cared for by his demon. This ability is at the origin of his nickname "the Biju tailless" 9.

After creating enough water with the technique of "high explosive wave," Kisame Samehada can merge to create an aquatic being half man, half shark with arms and legs and webbed claws, in addition to gills, the tail of a shark and a large aileron9.

Samehada is also able to "draw" the powerful chakra (which is how Kisame will find Killer Bee).

This sword is considered the best of all those "Seven Swordsmen of the Mist" by Chojuro.

Suigetsu wants to collect Hôzuki this sword (as the other six), but it can not compete against Kisame when fighting during the confrontation between Sasuke and Itachi. Furthermore, on return to Akatsuki, Sasuke told Suigetsu it is not yet strong enough.

It obviously can not absorb chakra is not externalized, let alone kill an opponent by emptying his chakra. This inability to make a rival Gai Maito exteriorizes very competent as little chakra, it heard almost exclusively in Taijutsu.



The techniques below are all taken from the manga and used officially by Kisame. They are placed in order of appearance.

Suiton - Shark basic aqueous (水 遁 水 鲛 弾 の 術, Suiton - Suikōdan no Jutsu?) 6

This technique creates a missile-shaped shark from water that is then propelled over the enemy.

Doton - Dochu Senkō10

Kisame approached his enemy at high speed while under the earth and leaving more than Samehada, which may give the impression of an approaching shark.

Suiton - Explosive Wave (, Suiton - Bakusui Shouha?) 11

Samehada Kisame launches into the air, joined his hands and sends a huge amount of water that spreads and forms a gigantic wave. It starts at the top of the wave bearing down on his opponents.

Suiton - Clone aqueous (水 遁 水分 身 の 術, Suiton - Mizu Bunshin no Jutsu?) 8

This technique is fairly well known in the land of fog can create clones of the user, with a tenth of its power, and can not move very far from it.

Suiton - Prison aqueous (水 遁 水牢 の 術, Suiton - Suirō no Jutsu?) 8

Used wisely, this technique can immobilize many opponents at once (using aqueous clones). When they are inside of that prison, it does not seem to be any way to break free because of the large density of water. When fighting against the team Gai, Kisame will use its aqueous clones to use "aqueous Prison" on multiple opponents simultaneously. It seems that the techniques of Hyuga anhihiler this technique may, however, by launching a kaiten.

Suiton - The five hungry sharks (, Suiton - Goshokusame?) 12

As its name suggests, five sharks are invoked to chase the enemy under water. These sharks can regenerate continuously as a part of their body remains in the water.

Suiton - The Great Wave explosive (水 遁 大 爆 水冲 波, Suiton - Dai Bakusui Shouha?) 9

More powerful version of "Blast Wave" Kisame spit a huge wave that overwhelms his opponents.

Dance technique shark in prison aqueous (水牢 鮫 踊り の 術, Suirō Same Odori no Jutsu?)

With water created with the technique of "high explosive wave," Kisame creates a prison of the giant watery form of a bubble. It then merges with Samehada to give up water to breathe underwater and move around very quickly. In addition, the center of the bubble of water following Kisame, who can prevent his opponent to escape with his speed and ability to feel the chakra (the epidermis) and ultimately overcome by asphyxiation.
Kisame to say, this technique is very effective in capturing Jinchuriki without killing them. Once they vanish due to lack of oxygen, it breaks the art and may then dispose of the inert body of his target as he sees fit.
Also, being from the merger between Kisame and Samehada has the chakra absorbing properties of the sword and it is difficult to attack in melee without losing much energy.

Suiton - Shark basic aqueous (水 遁 大 鲛 弾 の 術, Suiton - Daikōdan no Jutsu?) 1.3

Kisame creates a missile-shaped shark colossal and blows on his opponent. It has the characteristic to absorb the chakra of the target to become bigger and more powerful. More absorbed the technique is powerful, the shark becomes more strong.

Summoning Technique (口寄せ の 術, Kuchiyose no Jutsu?)

Technique used to raise animals or objects with the power or importance is determined by the amount of chakra used. It is used by Kisame to summon sharks.
This technique is a blood pact with race invoked (the user signs with his blood on a parchment). It therefore requires that the summoner uses his blood to mark the hand that will put the invocation.
Kisame uses the "Prison aqueous" to provide the shark's part if not in water.

I have the idea to use the hungry ghost monk archetype to steal ki or the bladebound archetype for Magus with the lifedrinker (but it is at 19th level).

Or the qinggong monk archetype.
If you have idea or suggestion to create a character as this.

Sovereign Court

Knowing if this is going to be a PC, NPC, villain or just a flex-of-mind exercise would help. Is it Point-buy, and are you the DM or a player? Still, I do have some ideas.

Shark Shaman Druid, from Ultimate Magic will work pretty well. Just get a Souldrinker (or whatever the evil "I drain health on hits." from Core is called) as soon as possible. I don't recall if there was a weapon magical property to keep enhancement and powers through wildshaping, but that could be his "merging with his sword" bit.

Also, try out Words of Power. You can craft together your jutsus by using the water descriptor and different to-hit words.

At least that's how I'd do it.

ninja/sharkshaman mc.

There aren't ninja class.

I think most Naruto characters were statted on the WotC forums using 3.5 psionics. Since a lot of the XPH has been updated for Pathfinder, you might find uilds?post_id=331950462#331950462 quite useful.

souldrinker ? What is it ?

Waldham wrote:
There aren't ninja class.

There is a playtest version now (look for ultimate combat playtest) and the official version will be out in Aug with the Ultimate Combat book.

Waldham wrote:
souldrinker ? What is it ?

I think it was a weird prestige class from the 3.0 Book of Vile Darkness supplement, as well as a weapon enhancement from the same book. Don't quote me on that, though - I'm AFB and I haven't read BoVD in years.

Sovereign Court

The Shaman wrote:
Waldham wrote:
souldrinker ? What is it ?
I think it was a weird prestige class from the 3.0 Book of Vile Darkness supplement.

You could very well be right, but I've never actually played 3.5. I meant the Sword of Life-Stealing. My bad. Posting links on a phone is a pain in the butt.

Sorry for any confusion. :3

Other idea for the build.

And also a build for Madara ?

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