Shocking net?

Rules Questions

Quick question, I was searching around and couldn't find an answer so sorry if this is a repeat.

I have a bard in a game I am running that is focusing on using nets and I was wondering how special abilities would work once the enemy has been entangled.

With something like shock which does d6 damage on a successful hit, would they only take d6 damage on the round that the net entangled them, or would they take d6 damage each round the net was on them?

I know that it says they take the damage on a successful hit, but since the net would be still in contact with them, I wasn't sure if they would continue to take the damage.


The damage is done once, on a successful hit.

by the rules, they take the damage only once.

BUT, as the DM you have ability to call things as YOU want them. therefore, i would call that they take damage each round theyre entangled. it 1) lets ur player have a little fun with a sub-optimal tactic, and 2) is really cool to think about. =P

I could have sworn there was a barbed net that did damage per round while entangled, but I can't find it in pathfinder material (or the pfsrd).
Might have been from something in 3e.

Anything that can get the damage dealt each round would get the shock damage each round.

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