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For the record, anti-paladins do not qualify for Greater Mercy - the touch of corruption ability benefits from anything that modifies lay on hands, it's true, but Greater Mercy also requires the mercy class feature, which anti-paladins don't have and which is not grandfathered in via touch of corruption.
I also think you've got the "mirror" part backwards. Greater Mercy allows a paladin who does not need to use her mercy to make things better. The anti-paladin mirror, then, should be an anti-paladin who need not use his cruelty and can thus make things worse. So rather than affecting someone who is not suffering from an affliction, a Greater Cruelty feat should only affect someone who is suffering from an affliction. Like so:
Greater Cruelty
The cruel pain of your touch feeds on weakness.
Prerequisites: Cha 13, touch of corruption class feature, cruelty class feature.
Benefit: When you use your touch of corruption ability on a target suffering from a condition that you could inflict with one of your cruelties, you can forgo using your cruelty ability to instead deal an additional +1d6 points of damage with your touch of corruption.