Interest for Bronze Age Homebrew

Gamer Connection

I have wanted to run a Bronze Age setting for a while, and now that I have had opportunity to play in some PbP games on these boards I would like to give back by DMing.

I am proposing a game set in an essentially Bronze Age world ruled by dragon overlords whose time might be coming to an end. This setting is actually the ancient history of a previous campaign I ran, so expect a very well fleshed out world with lots of history and interconnections. I am therefore hoping that there is interest for a game which includes the opportunity for tying characters strongly into the setting and in-depth roleplaying.

If there is enough interest, I will write a player's guide with some notes about race and class choices. Be warned that I have already decided some things.

  • As this is a bronze age setting writing has barely been invented and accordingly there are no wizards. The lack of wizards is a potential plot point in the story.
  • I will be drawing from Pathfinder core as well as any other setting appropriate Paizo material, however I am generally extremeally lenient about allowing most 3.5 material in the game if it adds to a character
  • I reward characters being well-integrated into the world in terms of backstory. If you have a character concept, I feel that it is my job to help create a place for it in the world.
  • There is no 'Common' language, since there is relatively little contact between groups at this stage of history. Language will potentially be a very important part of the early sections of the campaign

I hope there is interest, since I feel that this is the sort of setting which is rarely seen.

I imagine that the bronze age would extend on to the weapon and armor choices as well? - or will they be unrestricted?

So no wizards - cool, does that extend to all arcane casters? - and are divine casters ok, or restricted as well?

Sorry for the 20 questions, but am interested and it looks like it could be quite interesting for play.

Sounds like this could be interesting.

What are some of your other character requirement? Point buy vs. Rolled stats? Are you using traits/will there be setting specific traits?

If we are doing bronze age.. I'd have to totally play a gladiator. Like a guy who isn't a slave, and actually goes into the gladiatorial arena to fight.

The only things I'd really want from 3.5 is maneuvers and skill tricks.

Some answers. Remember that I am still developing the setting , so these things could change. Also player input will hopefully shape the world as well.

Mark Sweetman wrote:
I imagine that the bronze age would extend on to the weapon and armor choices as well? - or will they be unrestricted?

In terms of weapon and armor technology I am probably just going to use the rules in the Pathfinder SRD linked to below. I twas thinking that the technology to make equipment out of iron and other metals exists, but only the Dwarves know how. The dragons can probably also make some steel by smelting it in their breath weapons. However these weapons are virtually never sold as they are basically cutting edge military technology.

Bronze Weapon/Armor Rules

Mark Sweetman wrote:
So no wizards - cool, does that extend to all arcane casters? - and are divine casters ok, or restricted as well?

Sorcerers and Divine Casters definatey exist and I am considering having a spontaneous casting Magus as well. Other classes will not be touched except for some archetypes which are not very period appropriate (I can think of a few off the top of my head, mainly Bard and Rogue related). The lack of wizards is a potential plot point in the story so it is kind of important.

Talomyr wrote:
What are some of your other character requirement? Point buy vs. Rolled stats? Are you using traits/will there be setting specific traits?

Stats are going to be 4d6 drop lowest with an option to add points to bring it up to at least a 25 point buy. Each character will probably have a standard trait and a campaign trait which the player and I work out based on the character's backstory.

Ævux wrote:
The only things I'd really want from 3.5 is maneuvers and skill tricks.

This is completely fine, in fact I will probably strongly encourage martial characters to at least splash a class with access to maneuvers.

The Exchange

Definitely something I'd be interested in. I've never done a Bronze-Age anything, let alone one without a common language. Things could turn out to be very fun.

The image that comes to mind for me is a lightly armored Egytian with bared chest wearing a shendyt while wielding a shield and a khopesh.

Mark me down as interested.

The Exchange

I know this would be a stretch, but you wouldn't happen to allow Psionics, would you?

This sounds like a setting in which superstitions and unexplained mysteries would fit rather well. With that in mind, I am mulling over various ideas for a witch to fit the vision-inducing, prophecy-spouting, entrails-reading archetype. In a world of change - both in regards to the downfall of dragons and the gradual spread of writing - (s)he would be a voice of ineffable traditionalism; yes we may do mysterious things, but we couldn't explain our secrets to just anyone *cackle cackle cackle*!

Edgar Lamoureux wrote:
I know this would be a stretch, but you wouldn't happen to allow Psionics, would you?

I honestly had not even thought of that. If you really want to, I can probably think of a way to work it in.

If you are open to it - I'd play my Egyptian Khopesh wielder as a Psionic Warrior as per Dreamscarred press. I can come up with a nice backstory to fit the powers and give you DM fiat on every power listed, etc.

I would be up for giving this a try.
I want to try out a Summoner using the Master Summoner Archetype from UM. Less reliant on the Eidolon and more about swarms of minions.
Another possibility would be a Polearm Fighter.
Let me know if there is interest in either of those.

The Exchange

It's not really a big deal, I was just wondering whether you were going to allow it. If not, it's all good. If you were to allow it, however, I was planning to try out a Soulbolt, which is basically a Soulknife that uses something similar to a bow. They can switch between long, medium, and short range projectiles, each leaving a different number of hands free, and using a different damage die. I got a copy of DSP's Psionic's Expanded Work in Progress, and was kinda wanting to try out either a Soulbolt, or a Vitalist, which is an Empathic healer.

The Psionic Warrior should be ok based on the description in the SRD.

About the other psionic classes, I don't own any of the psionics books from Dreamscarred, so I can only go off of what I can find in the SRD. If you can show me a link to the soulbolt I can take a look at it.

The Exchange

The only thing I can find concerning a Soulbolt that I could even link you to is simply the Beta playtest, although it is pretty close to what the Soulbolt turned out to be. Soulbolt Beta

Their weren't many, if any changes between this version and the published version, although I will read it over and tell you any changes applied. I know for a fact that there are more blade skills, but I'd ask you before I took any, of course.

I'd post the class straight from the pdf, but I don't think they'd like that.

Edit:I've gone through both versions, word for word, and not a thing changed that I could find between Beta and PDF, bar the name and the addition of some blade skills.

Cool, if I was to do this, personally I'd like to use only Ex maneuvers cause I'm a fan of those but not so much the Su. Though some of the Su could be explained through mundane means. (smoke sticks and alchemist fires.)

The PF SRD site is the exact same content as the Dreamscarred book - so there are no differences.

The powers I'd take would be internally focused and he'd play much like a Psionic Monk.

No need to look unless you're bored:
So sue me - I like making characters.
4d6 ⇒ (1, 3, 2, 5) = 11- 10
4d6 ⇒ (2, 4, 3, 2) = 11- 9
4d6 ⇒ (2, 5, 2, 4) = 13- 11
4d6 ⇒ (3, 5, 1, 2) = 11- 10
4d6 ⇒ (2, 6, 4, 1) = 13- 12
4d6 ⇒ (2, 5, 1, 5) = 13- 11
Heh, look like I'll just use 25 point buy instead :) (which is fine by me)

The Exchange

The Soulbolt Beta is only found on DSP's forum's. and the class itself isn't on D20PFSRD in any version.

What he said^:

Do you mind if I just take a 25-pt buy instead?

I'll put a proper recruitment thread up tomorrow with full character guidelines and information on both races and classes in the setting.

The Psionics is fine, just be aware that I am a firm believer in Magic-Psionic nontransparency. Also Psionics is quite a new thing in this world, so don't necessarily expect to find many psionic items in treasure.


The Exchange

No problem. I don't usually use psionic items anyway. Can't wait for the recruitment thread.

Cool - will look forward to the recruitment thread :)

No issues with non-transparency (I'm assuming that means that psionics is treated exactly the same as magic?).

The Exchange

It means that they are going to be completely separate in this world. For instance, psionics would still work in an Antimagic field, and Magic will still work in a Null Psionics Field, for instance.

The Exchange

Mark Sweetman wrote:

Cool - will look forward to the recruitment thread :)

No issues with non-transparency (I'm assuming that means that psionics is treated exactly the same as magic?).

You are thinking of Transparency. I had to look it up to verify, so I've got it right off the page.

STR 17, DEX 13, CON 14, INT 11, WIS 16, CHA 14

Heh - thought I might have it muddled. Either way is fine by me.

The Exchange

Ævux wrote:


Also, the generation method wasn't this "Grid" Method, rather the roll method directly above it. For that matter, it would probably be wiser to simply roll here on the forums.

@Mark, yeah, either way is fine for me as well, as I won't be using any psionics powers anytime soon. :P

Castle tends to be the first place I usually go in a roll, since I first started pbp. Grid is pretty much just near iron man. (In case you don't know, Iron man is where you roll for the stat and don't move them around.) it has just a slight amount of movement though.

But if you really want me too..


4d6 ⇒ (1, 3, 2, 2) = 8
4d6 ⇒ (6, 5, 4, 4) = 19
4d6 ⇒ (1, 6, 6, 2) = 15
4d6 ⇒ (3, 6, 1, 4) = 14
4d6 ⇒ (1, 3, 2, 6) = 12
4d6 ⇒ (6, 6, 6, 3) = 21

Posting interest. I've got a few ideas, depending on how the rest of the party composition is looking. Do you have a due-date for submissions or a planned start date?

Also posting interest. I too have a few ideas - likely a skill monkey of some flavor, but I'll wait to see what options become available within the creation guidelines.

Looking forward to see the recruitment thread.

Recriutment thread is up in case you had not already found it.

Take a look here.

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