Rations - Are they Fun?

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

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.Druid-Induced Veganism...

And what in the heck is that?

-When your party is low on supplies and you decide to hunt. The local druid that you just shot in the rear with an arrow informs that the area is under his protection, and humans in the area do NOT occupy the top of the food chain, particularly when they annoy said druid.

Gorbacz wrote:
I have a Panzerfaust that the Kraut invaders were kind enough to leave in my backyard... I'm holding on to it, you never know when somebody will start rolling tanks over my lawn *again*.

Well, *I* know. For some reason. By the way, Is the address I have from you still correct? Don't want an embarrassing mix-up.

BigNorseWolf wrote:

.Druid-Induced Veganism...

And what in the heck is that?

-When your party is low on supplies and you decide to hunt. The local druid that you just shot in the rear with an arrow informs that the area is under his protection, and humans in the area do NOT occupy the top of the food chain, particularly when they annoy said druid.

That is only when you lose against that treehugger. If you win, it's Druid-Induced Cannibalism.

I've always been fond of the Ring of Sustenance; don't need to eat, sleep less. Cheap magic item.

Another good combo is Ranger favored enemy (animals). Track 'em down, cut 'em down, serve 'em up.

BigNorseWolf wrote:

.Druid-Induced Veganism...

And what in the heck is that?

-When your party is low on supplies and you decide to hunt. The local druid that you just shot in the rear with an arrow informs that the area is under his protection, and humans in the area do NOT occupy the top of the food chain, particularly when they annoy said druid.

Forcing people to starve to death is a hostile act so expect the druid to suffer from PC induced necropsy. Or the PCs to complain that you're not following the CR system.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

My group does but we prefer a more grim and gritty feeling game. Weight allowance, food for horses and safety of horses while in a dungeon are all worried about. But then for my group and I, we are more focused on exploration and RPing, combat is just a means to a end to accomplish the first two.

Weather you should do it yourself really comes down to the type of game you and your group want to play. There is no wrong or right style. just find what works and everyone has fun doing it and go with that. I would just suggest talking to your group and find out what level of detail they want in their game and go with the majority.

Atarlost wrote:
BigNorseWolf wrote:

.Druid-Induced Veganism...

And what in the heck is that?

-When your party is low on supplies and you decide to hunt. The local druid that you just shot in the rear with an arrow informs that the area is under his protection, and humans in the area do NOT occupy the top of the food chain, particularly when they annoy said druid.
Forcing people to starve to death is a hostile act so expect the druid to suffer from PC induced necropsy. Or the PCs to complain that you're not following the CR system.

Meh. They make the same complaints when the town guard beats them up for turning a tavern brawl into a 5 alarm fire/petting zoo/demon brothel. Not every encounter is supposed to be a level appropriate battle. If i say Red Dragon mountain is home to a gianormous red dragon and the party decides to take the "short cut" through red dragon mountain, and then get mouthy with the property owner, they should bring BBQ sauce.

The druid isn't asking anyone to starve. Just not to eat any of his friends. Besides, its not his fault if the PC's are too dumb to know what to eat when they're in the middle of a forest. It would be like us watching someone starve to death in a grocery store.

He doesn't even need to attack the PC's. A more pacifist type can just turn into bird form and caw out a warning to keep the critters away from the party.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I'd point out the above druid is interfering with the natural order by preventing the PCs from hunting for their own food, and should thus lose all class features and spells. :)

BigNorseWolf wrote:

.Druid-Induced Veganism...

And what in the heck is that?

-When your party is low on supplies and you decide to hunt. The local druid that you just shot in the rear with an arrow informs that the area is under his protection, and humans in the area do NOT occupy the top of the food chain, particularly when they annoy said druid.

Do people really put this tired old trope in games anymore? Seriously? Humans may not be at the "top of the food chain" but they are higher than deer. And if druids are going to stop humans from hunting because they aren't at the "top of the food chain" does that mean they would stop a fox or a weasel?

This sort of thing is just silly to me. Sure if deer are threatened by drought, plague or over-hunting a druid might ask the party to not hunt, but he/she would likely say 'and here's a handful of goodberries for you. Good day."

The druid attacking a party for hunting food is one of the sillier tropes in the game.

The druid attacking a party for hunting food is one of the sillier tropes in the game.

it was given the name Druid induced Veganism. What were you expecting, Henry Kissinger Level of seriousness? :)

We normally don't track food. As long as we have 10-days worth each, our GMs usually give it a pass. Playing first level in Kingmaker has been one of the few times we've actually tracked it. Granted, we still went with 10 days worth each, but then we have 2 people that are good at survival (one of which is a half-orc with scent. The success we have on survival generally lets us triple or quadruple the length of time we can stay in the field. In fact, we usually have to go back to Oleg's simply because something has gone awry or we have acquired too much loot to not go back and sell. May not matter anymore once we've gotten through the next module. But it's been amusing. Also had our barbarian walk directly into a shambling mound and cost us the horse our inquisitor almost threw in its face to save our lives. Would never have happened if we weren't searching for food. Just hope that thing god bored and will leave us alone until we are high enough in level to torch the stupid thing.

So, a witch using a silenced and extended "putrefy food and drink" spell can ruin the party's food and water invisibly and silently from 20 feet away.

I've done this sort of thing on occasion.

"You notice a horrible smell coming from your backpacks."

"OMG, our food and water is ruined! What do we do now?"

Dark Archive

brassbaboon wrote:
"OMG, our food and water is ruined! What do we do now?"

We demand saving throws for our food and water, which were attended objects.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
brassbaboon wrote:

Do people really put this tired old trope in games anymore? Seriously? Humans may not be at the "top of the food chain" but they are higher than deer. And if druids are going to stop humans from hunting because they aren't at the "top of the food chain" does that mean they would stop a fox or a weasel?

Probably. Sounds like a vegan druid. He'll try to teach lions to eat tofu. Attacks anyone who doesn't agree. Total douche. The only way to combat those is to kill more creatures than you're eating. Film yourself doing it, and send the films to him. Give the animals fake trials and make it clear that the judge in the scene is totally not impartial. Make the lawyers sock puppets and let them speak in a silly voice with two conflicting accents at once. And the court needs a half-time show. Make animals wear fur coats. Made out of their own fur. That ought to shatter their sanity after the third tape, and they'll die trying to eat themselves, convinced they're a kosher bean stalk.

brassbaboon wrote:

"OMG, our food and water is ruined! What do we do now?"

That's why your Party Charter needs to include the order in which party members are to be eaten. It's important that the order is determined fairly. Either by some kind of merit (like seniority) or totally randomly. Or maybe unfairly, in case everyone hates that one guy. That's okay if you really hate him.

KaeYoss wrote:
brassbaboon wrote:

Do people really put this tired old trope in games anymore? Seriously? Humans may not be at the "top of the food chain" but they are higher than deer. And if druids are going to stop humans from hunting because they aren't at the "top of the food chain" does that mean they would stop a fox or a weasel?
Probably. Sounds like a vegan druid. He'll try to teach lions to eat tofu. Attacks anyone who doesn't agree. Total douche. The only way to combat those is to kill more creatures than you're eating. Film yourself doing it, and send the films to him. Give the animals fake trials and make it clear that the judge in the scene is totally not impartial. Make the lawyers sock puppets and let them speak in a silly voice with two conflicting accents at once. And the court needs a half-time show. Make animals wear fur coats. Made out of their own fur. That ought to shatter their sanity after the third tape, and they'll die trying to eat themselves, convinced they're a kosher bean stalk.

I'm concerned about your sanity, weird jester person.

Dr.Dr. Maximilian v. Drakenfels wrote:

I'm concerned about your sanity, weird jester person.

I know! So am I! Haven't seen it in years. I wonder if it's okay.

But don't try to counsel me. I know you really want that third Dr and are considering psychology, but this isn't good idea.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Man, I thought I had problems talking to myself...

KaeYoss wrote:
Dr.Dr. Maximilian v. Drakenfels wrote:

I'm concerned about your sanity, weird jester person.

I know! So am I! Haven't seen it in years. I wonder if it's okay.

But don't try to counsel me. I know you really want that third Dr and are considering psychology, but this isn't good idea.

Didn't you see the obituary? Or are you referring to the rumors that it faked its own death in order to better hide?

Grand Lodge

Do Druids get bestow curse? Why whinge at someone to become a vegan when you can bestow enough curses to ensure the entire townships is surviving off mushrooms and lettuce! That'll put that troublesome local butcher out of business. I always disliked him.

Also, if you've just been hit with Magical Druid-Induced Veganism, I hope your rations are packing sprouts and not just salted beef. Otherwise you may need to graze for 2d4 hours.

Honestly, a druid with a proper holistic view would be casting spells that make entire populations not require kilometres of farmland for cattle, instead of doing a spell that, I don't know, summons a badger.

But this is a combat game so the badger will protect the forests, not dietary choices.

Honestly, a druid with a proper holistic view would be casting spells that make entire populations not require kilometres of farmland for cattle, instead of doing a spell that, I don't know, summons a badger.

The problem there is if you make more food they will have more peasants who will need more food which will make more peasants who will need more food. You just wind up ressetting the population at druid assisted agriculture rather than sola-peasant agriculture. Eventually the mid level druid will die off or be killed by something and the (now much larger) population will turn to the deer for meat.

You don't waste kilometers of farmland on cattle unless it's not good for anything else in a medieval economy. You raise enough cattle to supply you with cheese and milk and eat whatever herd growth to keep them from overgrazing.

And you certainly don't deforest to raise cattle. If you deforest it's for building materials or combustibles. Human desire for venison and wild pork are the main things that provide any reason for forests to be preserved in a medieval setting.

Grand Lodge

The Lords and Ladies might feel like venison and boar pork every now and then, but the general populace is going to favour whatever's cheap and readily available in their economy.

If hunting venison and boars is expensive due to the danger of the forest being a habitat for a whole range of medium to high CR creatures, not to mention intelligent and organised fey, it makes sense for that forest of potential problems to get razed for a cattle/sheep/goat/venison/axebeak farm. Easier to get it at home and all that. And medieval taxing systems means the tax man is going to demand a dozen head of cattle from local producers to repay for all the protection rather than actual currency. The more you breed, the easier the taxes become. Especially if wolves are the least scary creatures at night preying on your herds.

I can't see druids assisting agriculture, apart from the occasional rain dance for soy producers (who are logging the amazon right now irl). They'd put in boundaries (like bestowing veganism curses) to ensure existing agriculture meets their principles. You don't want your druids selling out to the beef barons.

Ah, fantasy economies.

Speaking of 'resetting the peasant population' I think that's what the dragons are for.

Peasants are the dragon's version of rations. They ARE fun to keep track of.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
KaeYoss wrote:
brassbaboon wrote:

Do people really put this tired old trope in games anymore? Seriously? Humans may not be at the "top of the food chain" but they are higher than deer. And if druids are going to stop humans from hunting because they aren't at the "top of the food chain" does that mean they would stop a fox or a weasel?
Probably. Sounds like a vegan druid. He'll try to teach lions to eat tofu. Attacks anyone who doesn't agree. Total douche. The only way to combat those is to kill more creatures than you're eating. Film yourself doing it, and send the films to him. Give the animals fake trials and make it clear that the judge in the scene is totally not impartial. Make the lawyers sock puppets and let them speak in a silly voice with two conflicting accents at once. And the court needs a half-time show. Make animals wear fur coats. Made out of their own fur. That ought to shatter their sanity after the third tape, and they'll die trying to eat themselves, convinced they're a kosher bean stalk.

The Aristocrats!!!


Grand Lodge


Druid-Induced Veganism...

And what in the heck is that?

Quick and dirty, but I imagine druids in any campaign setting would come up with this:

Druidic Veganism
Enchantment (mind-affecting)
Level 5 Druid spell
Casting time: One hour.
Material component: At least 50gp worth of infant creatures that are native to the area and would ordinarily be consumed as a source of meat by local inhabitants.

You enchant a natural source of water. This can be a small (under 100ft radius) lake, a well, or a spring. The source of water will be enchanted for a number of days equal to 2 multiplied by your caster level. When an omnivorous creature drinks from the water source, they must succeed a will save or become a vegan permanently, altering their diet so they receive all the nutrients they need from plants. This may make many trail rations inedible to the PCs. A remove curse spell will remove the vegan diet. A vegan will not consume meat unless they are dying of starvation, but even then they must make a will save equal to the original Druidic Veganism spell DC to break the veganism effect. If the creature passes the original save, they are immune to the spell effect for 24 hours. This spell can be made permanent with the permanency spell.

Please keep your post-industrial politics out of the medieval fantasy game. It messes up the feng shui.

Nobody had even heard of veganism in the era Pathfinder/D&D draws from. Vegetarianism was voluntarily engaged in only in India by some branches of Hinduism, a region and religion that don't seem to have expies in Golarion.

Atarlost wrote:
Vegetarianism was voluntarily engaged in only in India by some branches of Hinduism, a region and religion that don't seem to have expies in Golarion.

...Seriously? Vudrani, anyone?

My savage ranger that acts like a 'martial druid' believes that 'everything exists to eat and be eaten in turn' is the foundation of living existence. If you don't kill first, nature is perfectly happy to send something to kill and eat you. Deal with it.


I use rations in my game.

My players are currently miles into the Shadow Plane from the portal they came in through.

They found some large edible mushrooms that had human-like faces growing out of the caps (that would move and appeared to be in torment), and they decided they'd go ahead and eat their rations even if those mushrooms were edible. "We have rations, we don't need to eat these." The guy with ranks in Craft (Alchemy) took some anyway though.

One of my characters also has a Ring of Sustenance so doesn't need to eat. (This was a freebie item I tossed him when he joined the campaign at level 4.) I'm like "Oh yeah, and you have a Ring of Sustenance." So he's always happy he doesn't need to eat and only needs 2 hours of sleep per night. (This is a 3.5e game. Next campaign will be PRPG if this campaign ever finishes. I haven't looked to see if the item changed in PRPG.) I dropped another Ring of Sustenance in the loot at one point but the party failed to identify it so they're just carrying it around with the spoils.

Liberty's Edge

DrowVampyre wrote:
Atarlost wrote:
Vegetarianism was voluntarily engaged in only in India by some branches of Hinduism, a region and religion that don't seem to have expies in Golarion.
...Seriously? Vudrani, anyone?

Yeah, really. Someone should tell my Beta test eternally reincarnating demon-slaying Vudrani Celestial Sorceress that she doesn't exist, since she's totally a Bodhisattva expy...

Liberty's Edge

Dark_Mistress wrote:

My group does but we prefer a more grim and gritty feeling game. Weight allowance, food for horses and safety of horses while in a dungeon are all worried about. But then for my group and I, we are more focused on exploration and RPing, combat is just a means to a end to accomplish the first two.

You mean that you aren't feeding the trolls? ;)

My group horses tend to end their life as troll food after they have left them unattended in some outside location for a few days.

The mule generally survive for a longer time.

Greg Wasson wrote:
KaeYoss wrote:
brassbaboon wrote:

Do people really put this tired old trope in games anymore? Seriously? Humans may not be at the "top of the food chain" but they are higher than deer. And if druids are going to stop humans from hunting because they aren't at the "top of the food chain" does that mean they would stop a fox or a weasel?
Probably. Sounds like a vegan druid. He'll try to teach lions to eat tofu. Attacks anyone who doesn't agree. Total douche. The only way to combat those is to kill more creatures than you're eating. Film yourself doing it, and send the films to him. Give the animals fake trials and make it clear that the judge in the scene is totally not impartial. Make the lawyers sock puppets and let them speak in a silly voice with two conflicting accents at once. And the court needs a half-time show. Make animals wear fur coats. Made out of their own fur. That ought to shatter their sanity after the third tape, and they'll die trying to eat themselves, convinced they're a kosher bean stalk.
The Aristocrats!!!

I've heard it differently.

Paizo has been kind enough to publish the Druid enforced dietary restrictions spell for us.

It's called Feast of Ashes and it's in the APG.

Side note, I had the best time last night using that spell to mitigate the problems of a Huge creature with Swallow Whole...

I buy rations for RP purpose, but they never get tracked.

Tracking all of the mundane possession on my characters person, where they are keeping them, how much they weigh, and what they look like is a good 12% of my fun. Especially the part where I find I've put a dagger, five vials of poison, and an unholy symbol in the same pack as all of my rations, a caged bird and a flask of oil.

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