MinstrelintheGallery |

A long-standing (but somewhat dormant) threat in my long-running campaign is that of the fey. I always liked the idea of old fashioned fairy tales, not the romantic nonsense of Tinkerbell-style chaotic good Disney stuff, but rather the older folklore born from long winter nights.
You know, what Neil Gaiman writes.
Now, it's not that I'm lacking in inspiration, I mentioned Neil Gaiman, but I'm also drawing from Mike Mignola, Lovecraft, Guillermo del Toro, and Changeling: the Lost. This should be painting a clear picture.
Now recently I started watching Twin Peaks (I watched the whole first season in on sitting- I can't recommend it) and really enjoyed it- the only thing I'd seen of his before was Easerhead, which I like more thinking back, the actual watching of the particular film was rather unpleasant. I realized that Lynch's signature style was a rather good fit for what I wanted out of a fey-themed adventure.
So, can anyone help me bring the Lynch? Not just thematically, are there any mechanics I need to jump on for this any classes villians will need to take to really be able to create that strange feeling of dread needed? I'm thinking sorcerers have a lot of potential- aberrant, protean, starsoul, dreamspun and shadow especially. I might need to use the crossblooded archetype to get what I need.

ChrisO |

You know, what Neil Gaiman writes.
I'm partial towards his Evil Twin, myself, but it's always a very close call.
As for Lynch-ing up your campaign: First, stick to early Twin Peaks stuff. Second, take a gander at the random, out-of-place things he slides in. Stuff you look at and think "what the heck is this, and why's he showing it?". Your Sorc ideas are good. Illusion stuff would also be good. I always felt his work was more bizarre than anything else, but he made it work. None of the characters seemed to be "right in the head". He kept you guessing. I'd suggest bards and witches would be two good classes. I'd also suggest out-of-the-norm characters: Good-aligned trolls or orcs, fey-touched dwarves, and other things one wouldn't expect.
'Course, those are my thoughts. Take 'em with a grain of pie. :)

MinstrelintheGallery |

MinstrelintheGallery wrote:
You know, what Neil Gaiman writes.
I'm partial towards his Evil Twin, myself, but it's always a very close call.
As for Lynch-ing up your campaign: First, stick to early Twin Peaks stuff. Second, take a gander at the random, out-of-place things he slides in. Stuff you look at and think "what the heck is this, and why's he showing it?". Your Sorc ideas are good. Illusion stuff would also be good. I always felt his work was more bizarre than anything else, but he made it work. None of the characters seemed to be "right in the head". He kept you guessing. I'd suggest bards and witches would be two good classes. I'd also suggest out-of-the-norm characters: Good-aligned trolls or orcs, fey-touched dwarves, and other things one wouldn't expect.
'Course, those are my thoughts. Take 'em with a grain of pie. :)
Evil twin?
While I do agree his work is incredibly bizarre, you can't really deny the creepiness factor- it's never just weird, it's usually creepy too.