MMOs killed the RPG Superstar

Gamer Life General Discussion

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I agree the way Pathfinder and 4E presents its mechanics take a different approach, but in the end you have the same result in comparison with MMOs. Every MMO that was released since EQ has emulated RPGs, and previous versions of D&D have been around a lot longer than 4E. And you have Pathfinder following suit by implementing feats, at-wills, class archetypes, removing save or die, and other features that are similar to 4E class builds and/or powers. In respect for Evil Lincoln, I will leave this thread, because any further arguments on systems are based on perceptions and don't add any additional insights. Except MMOs and RPGs sharing similar features is a good thing, because you have the potential to break into a new market for developers of both.

Didn't we just have a big my toy is better than your toy argument?

Didn't it get locked?

Sunshadow, again?

TriOmegaZero wrote:
If you do not like the way a person plays a game, you cannot change it by NOT playing with them.


I promise to behave better this time. I had a hard week at work and let it leak into my posts despite my best efforts to keep it out. The comparison is still valid, especially in a thread about bringing new players in because terminology and perceptions are important to understanding where and when you are likely to get new players, and how to integrate them into the existing player base with as little tension as possible.

There are huge similarities between 4E and MMO's such as WoW, but there are also huge similarities between Pathfinder and WoW along with a lot of differences. These similarities are not at all surprising when you consider computer RPG's really grew out of the table top, with a lot of successful and influential ones being based directly on table top RPG's.

Which game is the most like WoW is a completely subjective thing though. It depends on what a person looks for in an MMORPG, what a person looks for in a table top RPG, what sort of motivations a person has in making the comparison and a whole host of other things. It's also not terribly relevant, beyond making what what often appear to be (rightly or wrongly in some cases) backhanded insults by way of comparisons.

Back closer to the initial topic a number of my group back home play MMO's while a number of the group don't. I don't have a problem getting along and having a fun game with any of them. And if anybody ever uses some terminology that I don't understand I'll ask what it means, and probably gently make fun of the friend in question if the term seems especially silly. :P

I'm sure that some people who play WoW can be jerks who I wouldn't want to play a table top RPG with. I'm equally certain that some people who play table top RPG's are jerks and I wouldn't want to play with them either. It's different personality types clashing that cause problems, not some inherent divide between people who play MMO's and people who play table top RPG's. The two groups have a lot of crossover and common interest really.

And now I'll get off my high horse, since I probably should have just said '+1' to what Evil Lincoln said anyway!

Berik wrote:
And now I'll get off my high horse, since I probably should have just said '+1' to what Evil Lincoln said anyway!

Would that the rest of the forum could be so wise. ;)

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook Subscriber

Hey, I'm tryin' here!

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