Replacement needed for RotR PbP

Gamer Connection

The Exchange

Seems our Runelords game has lost its alchemist. I'm running this game in Pathfinder and have modified it for 6 players, so I'm looking to replace him.

The characters are currently 2nd level and are in the middle of some exploration/combat. New characters won't be introduced until after this is completed and by then the party should be 3rd level.

If people are interested in creating a character for this, post some concepts here for me to look over.

I don't need an entirely built character at this stage, just a concept on who they are, and why they would be in Sandpoint.

Some notes on events that have happened so far (spoilered in case)

Goblins raided Sandoint some 2 weeks earlier. The party were intstrumental in saving many townsfolk and are now known as the Heroes of Sandpoint.

Since then, they have been instrumental in capturing a group of local criminals known as the Creedys. These boys are locals, but they were caught up in a bigger conspiracy and are currently being held at the local gaol

The group also interrupted a drug smuggling operation while trying to find the Creedy's. As a concequence, a group of very dangerous bandits rode into town and killed their captured man plus everyone else in the gaol at the time (the Creedy's weren't there at that stage). This has caused the sherrif and all his men to leave town and bring this band to justice.

The "heroes" have been deputised and are now the towns defenders until the sherrif returns

I will create a link to my DM profile for this game later this afternoon when I have more time, but if you have the players guide you can use that to help tie your character to the game.

I need players who can post regularly (once a day preferable) and will give precedence to those I've played with before or I know as good posters from these boards.

Having said that, anyone who creates an interesting character with good tie ins to teh game and a reasonable reason why they would be entering at this stage will be considered.

Current party - Bard, Paladin, Ranger, Wizard, Druid. Only accepting classes from core game and APG. Only races from core game.


Alright, I have an idea for an interesting character. A dwarven Monk 2, Inquisitor 1 (To give you a mechanical idea). He is of moderate age (Not quite medium age bracket, but approaching it) and has been sent to Sandpoint to assist the investigation of this local drug smuggling ring. He seems to wander around with a perpetual scowl, but that is more of an act than anything. If you look below the scowl, you would find a nice guy who just wants to help people out. Might be kinda cool to go drinking with, really.

Diety is Irori, and the domain (If the Ultimate Magic Inquisitions would be out of the question) would be Knowledge with the Thought Subdomain from the APG.

Will the magus be allowed at a later point? I have a character I'd like to play, who would be starting out as a ranger, but eventually taking levels of magus.

The Exchange

Fraust wrote:
Will the magus be allowed at a later point? I have a character I'd like to play, who would be starting out as a ranger, but eventually taking levels of magus.

That will come down to whether I buy the Ultimate magic book or not. I tend not to include material that I don't own, as I like to vet things for my campaigns at times.

Another thing to consider for all of you is not stepping too much on other players character rolls.

The monk would work well, for instance, since we have a dwarf already and no one else is a monk. So in terms of competition for gear and group roll he would slot in ok, and would provide an excellent companion for the dwarf paladin (two lawful dwarves would be interesting to watch in social situations hehe).

Depending on your build and the time taken to move into magus, you may end up crossing into the roll of our current ranger too much and I tend to find that can sour gaming experience at times.

I'll get more info up when I get home from work tonight though, and that will give you more to work with to help with that particular issue.


Wrath wrote:

The monk would work well, for instance, since we have a dwarf already and no one else is a monk. So in terms of competition for gear and group roll he would slot in ok, and would provide an excellent companion for the dwarf paladin (two lawful dwarves would be interesting to watch in social situations hehe).

Anything else you might want from me, Wrath?

The Exchange

Ganny wrote:
Wrath wrote:

The monk would work well, for instance, since we have a dwarf already and no one else is a monk. So in terms of competition for gear and group roll he would slot in ok, and would provide an excellent companion for the dwarf paladin (two lawful dwarves would be interesting to watch in social situations hehe).
Anything else you might want from me, Wrath?

Just check back in later tonight for any updates I add in GannyYour initial concept sounds ok, but I'll be leaving this open for a while and also getting my players to drop in read through to see which ones they would enjoy or work with best as well.

Once more info comes in you'll be able to better flesh out things like background and motivation. Good start though.


Sovereign Court

I'm thinking Cleric. Something simple and provincial with a desire to roam. A masseuse/con artist/healer with Travel Domain / Trickery - due to his gambling problem.

Interesting RP angles, as a figure who both gives helpful advice and falls prey to his own vices.

The build would fit your party, and I could tune it to suit the setting, swapping out masseuse for medicine man or shamanic exorcist.

Should you require a writing sample, I'm down for that.

I'd love to have a shot at a RotRL-game! I'd like to apply with a Skorabor Skalfgrin Boulderback. He's a dwarven fighter i played and very much enjoyed in a Second Darkness game that folded due to DM disappearance. I'm at work right now but will flesh out the application later this evening.

Ok, I'm posting this using my DM alias for the game. If you click that, the page has some more info about Sandpoint itself and the people who are there.

More about the group

Human Bard - Tanaia Teg. She's a young woman recently returned to town and making quite a name for herself, though she's not aware quite how smitten some folk are with her. She grew up in town and is freinds with Jo'No from their shared youth.

Dwarf Paladin - Feldspar Flamebeard. Fresh from the chapels of his homeland and recently arrived in Sandpoint. Strongly lawful and dutiful, he is a balwark in both combat and moral dilemmas. No old ties to the town, but he's developed some interesting new ones since arriving.

Half Elf Ranger - Idrian. He was living in town for a while before the raid, working as a hunter and sometimes bounty hunter. He has connections with the sheriff and his men, since he worked with them. He has a fairly negative relationship with the criminal side of town though, as you would expect for a bounty hunter. Hates goblins.

Human Druidess - Mikka has only recently joined the party, having been tracking the trouble with the goblins in her woodlands for some weeks now. On her arrival with them back in sandpoint she has been plunged into one struggle after another, and its only been two days. Mikka doesn't shirk her duty to the mother spirit though, and has proven more than useful so far.

Human Wizard - Jo'No Screaminghawk. An anomally amongst the Shoanti, he gains his powers though study and hard work, rather than spirits or native ability. Jo'No is kind of caught between two cultures, and has the added bonus of being adopted since his own folks were slain when he was young. Strong ties to some of the Shoanti in town and many of the arcane folk dwelling there as well. Friends with Tania from when they were kids.

Ok, those little bios may give you some more inspiration for tie ins when you create characters.

What I need from anyone applying is:

Character concept (The three i've seen so far are good examples of character concepts. I'll be keeping group balance and dynamic in mind when I recruit.)

Fleshed out background (Who the character is and what motivates them)

Reason for being in town and joining the group (Careful not to make this something that is likely to cause you trouble if the adventure path goes down another track. So far I've managed to incorporate everyones backgrounds into the plot in one form or another, but this is an Adventure Path and its plot will take you places as Paizo wrote it. That means I may not be able to use certain backstories, and may also mean you need to come up with reasons why your character chooses to go on at times.)

Game thread is Here if you want to have a bit of a look through and get a feel for the players and my style.

This thread will be open for recruitment for about a week or so. Even then, it may take another week before I'm ready to introduce you into the thread since they're in the middle of something major.

If you get chosen and are ready early though, we can work together to build more backstory or an intro story while the others finish their bit. That will help get in character as well.

Thanks for reading, and thanks for showing interest for those who post here.


Okay for me, I've got a whip fighter. already at level 3

I'd just need to replace one of his traits (probably the hunters blood) with a RoTR trait.

His quicky background for this one would be "Stuff started happening in sandport, so he showed up for the party"

I do also feel like making a trap master rogue. Quicky "I've dealt with the poison man for some time." (forget the APG trait that talked about sandpoint and the poison dealer"

And lastly is my beastmaster ranger. Lots of dogs. "These freeking goblins killed my dogs, now I'll kill them. ALL OF THEM!"

Looks like for the most part you guys could use a rogue...I think I'll throw up a different character than the ranger/magus (didn't notice the party had a ranger). What races are open for the game? The character I'm thinking of is a tiefling rogue wizard, but if tieflings are not kosher she easily becomes a human rogue sorcerer. Eventually going for arcane trickster, and focusing more on the theme of "a rogue who has a little magic" so she shouldn't step on the wizards toes.

Shadow Lodge

I would like to apply for this opening as well. My concept:

Durik Male Human Varisian Inquisitor (Desna).

Called in to town by Father Zanthus to see if any help can be provided for Maree. This is a task Durik has often been assigned, but the job is starting to wear on his soul. As often as not the task ends with the death of the possessed individual, and Durik does not know if this is a lack of power or faith on his part.

As the player of the dwarf paladin in Wrath's very fine RotRs game, I have to admit that the addition of another lawful dwarf in the party would make Feldspar very happy indeed. :) There might, however, be a lot of gnashing of teeth from some of the others.

Interwebs just ate my lengthy Character Concept post. So here goes again.

This is Prat, short for Prop Rat, a nick name given to him in the theaters of Magnimar. An orphan raised by a cranky old stage hand he was eventual taking in by the rising star Allishanda and he came to Sandpoint with her for the short run of "The Harpy's Curse". While in the town strange things started to happen around the boy and the superstitious nature of theater folk took over and two weeks after the festival the Entourage returned to Magnimar leaving the boy behind. At young age of 15 he is on his own in a strange place, Cyrdak takes pity on the boy and asks the Heroes of Sandpoint to take him on. (He likes the kid but he is a superstitious theater type himself.) The strange things happening to the boy are latent magical talents being awakened by the same strange things that are causing trouble in Sandpoint (like the Late Unpleasantness.)

Character would be a Sorcerer (Elemental: Fire bloodline) 1/ Trapsmith Rogue 2 (This represents not an official training with traps, but rather an understanding of mechanical devices gleaned from backstage theater work). I'd play the Sorcerer part as a new unfamiliar and untrained thing that is happening to him as the campaign moves along.

DM Wrath:

To represent wrath affecting the boy's magical lineage I think elemental fire is best, unless together we would like to create a Wrath Sin bloodline that might be interesting to develop in a Runelords game.

I am currently DM of a Runelords PBP here on the boards, but I promise not to use OOC Knowledge to spoil the fun/ story for anyone. Besides, it seems you have created a lot of things different than the traditional AP. I am also in a PBP for Legacy of fire that has been running over a year here on the boards.

I hope you like my concept, If you select me I will do the crunchy bits and put them into the profile to review. Thanks.

Fleshed out application
As i posted previously i'd like to apply to your game with Skorabor Skalfgrin Boulderback. He's a dwarven fighter, complete with axes a shield and a dull intellect.

As the latest decendant of the Boulderback clan he's travelling the world to find his great adventure in order to prove himself to his father. He's come to Sandpoint more as a coincidence than a conscious choice, and even though he's out to find the Pathfinder Society it won't be hard to steer him into another direction as all he's looking for is an adventure. Skorabor is pretty easy to handle, the only thing he will not stand for is insults to himself and his clan.

I have DM:ed the first two modules of RotRL for my F2F group, but i won't let player knowledge interfer with character knowledge.

If you want to see how Skorabor acts and functions here is the link to the Second Darkness game he was a character in before it folded.

Description, Background and personality. Spoilered for space:

In many ways Skorabor resembles the mountain rock of his ancestral home. He’s stocky, sturdy and has rough features. He kind of looks like a boulder, a heavy armored and armed boulder with a two small eyes surrounded by a vast ocean of blonde beard and a big nose that brings it all together.

Skorabor is in fact seldom seen without his suit of armor and at least one axe. At a formal dinner or while taking a casual stroll, it matters not to him. The truth is that he’s actually quite self conscious and as such wants to look his best at all times, combing his beard and hair and keeping his gear in pristine condition.

As the son of Kargunt and Eldagina Boulderback, Skorabor was born with a silver spoon in mouth. The Boulderback family name has always carried weight in Stoneshire, a stronghold and dwarven settlement in the southern Kodar Mountains. But it also carries great expectations. The Boulderbacks can lay claim to numerous dwarven heroes in their ranks, from Ewinflug Boulderback who’s greatest feat include slaying a purple worm single handed to Dwalkrin Boulderback who led the defence of Stoneshire for 200 years. Some claim that the Boudlerbacks are descended from Torag himself! Raised with the stories of his ancestor’s legacy Skorabor grew up with one goal in mind: to take his rightful place among the heroes of his clan.

He spent most of his childhood re-enacting the heroic tales of his ancestors, always insisting on being the hero. As the eldest son of the current Warlord of Stoneshire, Skorabor began training with arms at an early age and showed great talent for battle, if maybe abit showboating, and was constantly eager to learn more. His only setback was that he seemed to be abit slow and lacked cunning and tactical insight, something that was a somewhat of a letdown to his father. Unawares of this Skorabor happily continued his training and eventually he earned himself a place in the Stoneshire royal guard.

His appointment to the royal guard filled him with pride and confidence that he was on the road to greatness. But his merriment was cut short only a few weeks after his promotion. One night he overheard his parents talking and his father voicing his concerns over his slow witted son. Skorabor couldn't believe his ears and his heart sank like a stone. He idolized his father and the thought that Kargunt Boulderback, the warlord of Stoneshire, had doubts about him cut him deep into his soul.

Heartbroken Skorabor decided that he would prove his father's doubts unfounded. He would go out into the world and make his own legacy. That night he left a letter explaining his decision to his family and left Stoneshire determined not to return until he had preformed feats worthy to be included into the Boulderback family journals.

Skorabor spent the following months wandering in search for his great adventure, but to his disappointment finding none. The further he travelled the more disillusioned he became until he finally crashed in the coastal town of Riddleport, and to support himself he took up employment as a guard at a gambling hall called "The Golden Goblin". The town's lack of morals weighted heavily on the dwarf's shoulders and tore at his psyche, but fortunately his luck was about to change. One night, during one of his routine "throwing out the drunks", Skorabor learnt of a group of explorers whose mission it was to scour Golarion for legends and lost places and artifacts. The group supposedly financed numerous journeys to all parts of the earth and could count all kinds of heros to their rooster. If there was a sure way to find adventure, this group was surely it. The group was called The Pathfinder Society and held a "lodge" (probably similar to a clanhold) in a city called Magnimar, across the Varsian Gulf. Renewed Skorabor immediately gathered his belongings and went to the harbor, looking for a ship to take him across the sea. Sadly the dwarf in all his eagerness made a poor job scouting the docks and booked passage on the first boat going "across the Varsian Gulf", unknowing it would take him to a little town called Sandpoint, instead of the city of monuments. Now some time after Skorabor stands on the small docks of Sandpoint, ready to embark on his great adventure.

Skorabor Skalfgrin Boulderback is a curagous young dwarf who has, like his ancestors before him, been educated in the Boulderback clan’s glorious past and present since the cradle. He is immensely proud of his heritage and sees himself as a natural hero and a champion for good and justice. He is in a way his own biggest fan.

Even though Skorabor would never intentionally go against the morals he believes in his slow wits (one could go as far as call him down right stupid without being far off) makes him quite easy to deceive and manipulate.

Please let me know if i've missed something or if there's something that's unclear.

Throwing my hat into the ring. Still working on the concept and back ground, but thinking halfling cavalier.

The Exchange

Some really nice characters in here folks.

Prat and Balodek have done particularly well linking themselves to the game already, and are high on my interest list. (You two both put stuff in that makes it interesting to DM for.)

Fraust, I'm not a fan of Tieflings, but if you can make it interesting enough I'm happy to see one try out. Otherwise human is also good.

Patrik, dwarf fighters are my second favourite character to play, next to dwarven clerics :). We have some solid melee already though, so that may work against you when I come to make a choice. It also comes down to what the others in the group have to say.

I'll need a bit more from some of the others before I can provide feedback.


Riding into town, astride a white wolf, is a rather plump hafling cavalier. His armor and shield shine, and his banner lazily waves in the wind. As he aproaches, he raises his lance in salute. "Hail and well met my fellow Heroes, I am Sir Adaver Beestinger; knight of Chaldira Zuzaristan; royal cousin to the future king of the halfling nations; goblin slayer; and protector of the weak; at your service."

He removes his hat, and executes as extravagant a bow as one can manage from atop a wolf, almost falling over in the process.

"Many is the tale I have heard of you great daring and righteous battle against evil. I would join you on your noble quest"

perception check 1:
A few things anyone would notice quickly about "Sir" adaver Beestinger; he's well fed, keeps his arms and armor polished, His rather large and ornate hat is completely out of keeping with the rest of his attire, and your pretty sure his wolf rolled its eyes when he rattled of his many titles.

halfing cavalier with a white wolf mount, prefering to use lance and shield whiel mounted, and a short spear while on foot. He's got an overexaggerated sense of his own deeds and accomplishments, but honorable in his intentions. Slightly delusional and forgetfull, he is nevertheless an ally against evil and a constant source of frustration to his enemies.

Let's flesh out this dwarf, Rogar Ausbildung!


Fairly tall for a dwarf at four and a third of a foot tall, Rogar Ausbildung's black hair and beard are beginning to be shot with grey. He isn't quite as stocky as other dwarves, weighing in at around 190 pounds. His robes are simple and unassuming, a plain white and composed of homespun linen. A simple symbol of Irori can be seen hanging about his neck, and on the right arm of his robe can be seen several black stars, about half a dozen of them all told.


A dwarf of the commons, Rogar was named for his father which his mother, Bodill, heartily approved of. His father, an assistant smith of the city of Magnimar, didn't make a lot of money, but they managed to make do with what they could. Rogar's family was a fairly large one, and being the oldest he was apprenticed to a tradesman as soon as he was able. Unfortunately, the smith Rogar's father worked for had taken on two apprentices and couldn't afford a third. Thus was Rogar apprenticed to a tailor, a monk of Irori who traded his wares for items the temple had no access to, such as ore to create temple swords and cestus's and wood for quarterstaves. It was here that Rogar learned to sew and to weave, all while watching the monks of Irori go through katas and styles. It wasn't too long before Rogar asked to join the order, and his tailoring mentor, waiting for Rogar to ask the question, took him to see the Master of the Temple. Fasting, the lanky humanoid monk and one of the three premiere Masters of Irori was on pilgrimage and visiting the temple at the time. After several hours of questioning and examination, Rogar was admitted to the temple.

Rogar spent his adolescent and a great many years training his body, mind, and spirit in that little temple of Irori, finding he had a knack for escaping bonds and the grapples of his fellow monks. Whenever someone would ask how he managed to escape those ropes, or how he got out of that choke hold, Rogar would start to explain how it resembled a particular stitch or pattern. Rogar would always be satisfied with his explanation, but no one else would be.

It was in his 59th year when Rogar completed his training, and he went to his home to celebrate with his parents. Instead of arriving to a happy dwarvish home, he arrived to a crime scene. His father, ever a proud man, had stood his ground against a band of thieves. These thieves, a small part of a drug smuggling ring, decided they really wanted to rob this house, and killed everyone inside. With the help of the local sheriff, and a pair of Inquisitors (One of Irori, the other of Torag) they managed to bring the gang to justice. This, of course, set the four adventurers deeper into the smuggler ring's plans. Rogar, now part-time Inquisitor, part-time Monk, all-around seeker of justice and self-perfection, has arrived into Sandpoint following the lead of a large Pesh shipment. He hopes to find who is responsible, and perhaps shut down this part of the smuggling ring for good.


Rogar Ausbildung is a peculiar dwarf. He follows the laws as best he can, but as a monk of Irori he understands that not everyone is capable of following those laws as he can. So, he tempers that urge to see everyone with the same perfection he strives for with compassion. He enjoys telling stories, and his day isn't complete unless he ends up making someone laugh.

GM Note:

Once the smuggling ring is taken care of, Rogar will stick around. Not just to help the party out, but he would like to see Irori be one of the Gods worshipped in the Sandpoint Cathedral.

Did some thinking, and it turns out Rogar will be Monk 1, Inquisitor 2. Every level from now on will be alternating Inquisitor, Monk.

Much as I would like to take the challenge of making a tiefling interesting, I think I should bow out. A little too much on my plate at the moment.

Wrath wrote:

Patrik, dwarf fighters are my second favourite character to play, next to dwarven clerics :). We have some solid melee already though, so that may work against you when I come to make a choice. It also comes down to what the others in the group have to say.

Yeah, i know that a fighter isn't the best fit for your group but i'm a big fan of Skorabor and would like to play him again, so i thought i'll take a chance and apply :)

"Now I've heard it told that only thieves and charlatans take your money and run. But I've never heard of a man who heals a deathly sick girl, accepts no coin for the mercy then steals that same amount not ten minutes later simply to loose it all at a card table not feet away. Either you are irrevocably cursed or the happiest man I have ever put behind irons."

-Sheriff Balor Hemlock of Sandpoint

Aesoph Faine

Character concept: A wandering cleric who has as much virtue as vice. A medicine man and occasional trickster blessed with the gift of healing and a wild streak of fickle luck. Aesoph is merry human, who lives in the moment and plays every day like a hand of burning cards. He rarely shows animosity or anger, simply believing fortune and friendship will grant him another boon should he be open enough to meet the opportunity with a grin.

Domains: Travel & Trickery or Healing / Party Applicable

Fleshed out background: Faine is an opportunist who was given to the church of of Abadar in a basket as a babe. Whatever parents the boy may have had they were surely wild devils, as his tutors thought him born from the Chelish town of Senara, ripe with Tieflings. He caused the priests no end of inventive incidents that had him stripped of his robes but he since he was already naked found under bath bubbles with the archbishop's niece it wasn't to much of problem to leave.
Aesoph fell into the life of a wanderer without problem, getting used to waking in haystacks and running from pitchforked armed mobs like another would learn to tie their booties. They say he was from Stavian’s Hold but all Faine might do is wink at the thought of his blood being Taldorian. He is motivated by excitement, challenge and having an enjoyable time with friends and enemies alike, he's not fussy.

Reason for being in town and joining the group: Aesop was jailed by the sheriff of Sandpoint for applying leeches to the body of a rotund Deverin Brewer. It was instigated with the promise of helping the poor woman loose weight in exchange for a heavy palm of coin.
A shadowy figure offered to trade Mr. Faine's freedom for his personal alignment with a party of adventurers hot on the trail of quest and treasure. It was an easy choice, as he happen to quite like not being behind bars, and even enjoyed the restless company of those crazy enough not to stay at home nursing warm milk and a boring book about runes. Bring on freedom and a night of adventure.

Shadow Lodge

Wrath wrote:

Some really nice characters in here folks.

Prat and Balodek have done particularly well linking themselves to the game already, and are high on my interest list. (You two both put stuff in that makes it interesting to DM for.)


Some GM questions:


I'll be stating up the character and getting more background information tomorrow, but I do have a question. I know you have mentioned not having Ultimate Magic, there is an archetype in there for Exorcist Inquisitor, would that be ok to use or should I just create a vanilla Inquisitor?

Class ability changes:

Verdict of Exorcism (Su): At 8th level, an inquisitor using judgment can unleash the verdict of exorcism on a creature. When she does, her judgment ends, but the creature is dazed for 1 round (Will negates); if the creature is possessed, the possessing entity must succeed at a Will saving throw (DC 10 + 1/2 inquisitor level + inquisitor’s Wisdom bonus), or be exorcised and never again allowed in that same body. This ability replaces second judgment.

Verdict of Exile (Su): At 16th level, an inquisitor using judgment can unleash the verdict of exile on a creature. When she does, her judgment ends, but the creature subject to that judgment is dazed for 1 round (Will negates, DC of 10 + 1/2 inquisitor level + Wisdom bonus). If the creature is possessed or an outsider, the possessing entity or the outsider is affected by dismissal (Will negates). This ability replaces third judgment.

Closed Mind (Su): An exorcist inquisitor must close off her mind to deny her enemies even a foothold. At 17th level, the inquisitor becomes immune to compulsion effects and possession attempts (including magic jar). This ability replaces slayer.

Verdict of Anathema (Su): At 20th level, an inquisitor using judgment can unleash the verdict of anathema on her enemies. When she does, her judgment ends, and all enemy creatures within 10 feet are affected by her verdict of exorcism. This power replaces final judgment.

The Exchange

It's not looking like I'm getting many more applications for this one, so I'll go ahead and close new appplications now.

To answer some specific questions that have been asked of me


I'd be happy to see you try and develop a Wrath bloodline. I'll give feedback of course, but it would be interesting to see how it played out if you get the nod.


Don't stat him up unless you get chosen at this stage. It could be lots of work for no gain. You are high on my interest list though, buti'm looking for feedback from group as well.

As for the new Inquisitor stuff, I'm happy enough for you to use that one. However, I'm not sure how often you'll get use the dispossessing stuff. There are certainly times, depends on how often you're happy with it is all. If you get in, we can always try it out and retcon later if it isn't panning out so well.


He looks good. I'd play with his background if you get chosen, as the smugglers part is coming to a close fairly quickly. There are some other good reasons to be hanging around for a monk/inquisitor and beween us we could make one.

At this stage I'm going to shortlist
Prat - human Scorceror/rogue
Balodeks character - human Inquisitor
Ganny's character - dwarven Monk/inquisitor
Skorobar - Dwarven fighter

I'll be taking these four concepts to my players to see which they would prefer. If they can't come up with a concensus, I'll make a choice on whats best for me (hehe). I should have a decision later this week.

As for the rest of you who applied. thank you for your time. I actually liked a few of the ones posted, but didn't feel they matched the campaign or group at this stage.

Prince of Darkness - your halfling cavalier is something I'd love to see played, but he better suits the kingmaker game you've applied for. If that doeesn't pan out for you, I may be recruiting to replace one of my Kingmaker charaters soon as well, and it be worth a shot putting him in for that.


Here's my general thoughts:
(note: I am an opinionated and analytical sort so here's hoping no one takes great offense to my random comments about their characters -- I am going to assign arbitrary subjective points to help me rank who I feel would be a good fit).

Also, I really like the presentation of the cleric, Aesoph Faine, so even though it's not in Wrath's list, I do feel compelled to include it in my remarks.

Skorobar - Dwarven fighter
Originality of Concept (1 point) - my preference is always towards "original" characters. Transfering the same character from campaign to campaign to me shows a possible lack of imagination and/or an absence of desire to try new things -- conversely I do appreciate that if someone enjoys playing a particular character, or has mastered the ability to roleplay with a particular character, that they have far more fun staying within their "comfort zone".
Background (2 points) - detailed and interesting background
Party Role Fit (1 point) - meat shields... I mean fighters always can be useful (although since I am playing a wizard, my thinking on this point might be a little biased. We do have a good balance of melee types and ranged combat types so I think either fits well into the party)
Character Role (1 point) - Sounds like a straight forward fighter who kills stuff with straight forward weapons.

Overall: 5 points. An interesting character concept that will be a good asset to the party.

Rogar Ausbildung - dwarven Monk/inquisitor
Originality of Concept (2 points) - sounds like a unique character
Background (2 points) - detailed and interesting background
Party Role Fit (1 point) - a versatile character capable of both melee and healing
Character Role (0 point) - not a strong melee character or a strong caster. Multi-classing any type of spellcaster limits their contributions at higher levels. Multi-classing two "average BAB progression classes" also really hurts melee contributions.

Overall: 5 points. I really like the concept of this character and I think from a roleplaying point of view he will be fun. Because of multi-classing I think his contributions will be limited in the future, however since we have other characters that are strong in melee and casting, the need for this character to be "optimized" is not as great.

Prat - human Scorceror/rogue
Originality of Concept (2 points) - appears to be a unique character
Background (1 point) - interesting and unique background
Party Role Fit (.5 point) - I believe the skills and abilities a rogue brings would be useful -- although many are duplicated between our bard and ranger. With having a wizard and a bard in the party I'm not certain there is a significant benefit that a multi-classed sorcerer could bring to this party.
Character Role (0 point) - multi-classing a rogue with a non-melee class limits the combat effectiveness of rogues. Multi-classing a sorcerer whose spell progression is already "behind", really limits the magic contributions that can be provided, especially at higher levels.

Overall: 3.5 points. It is an interesting and unique character. Since we have other characters that are strong in melee and casting, the need for this character to be "optimized" is not as great.

Durik - human Inquisitor
Originality of Concept (1 points) - not a lot of info to go on, but it sounds like it would be a unique character
Background (.5 point) - not much posted but it does sound like an interesting background
Party Role Fit (2 points) - I believe this would be a good fit to the party, especially since a strong healing based character would be useful.
Character Role (1 point) - I haven't seen anyone play an Inquisitor yet, but I think the class has some good abilites that would offer some good options for the character.

Overall: 4.5 points. I could see this character being quite useful although I would have liked to seen the background fleshed out more to see what this character offers from a roleplaying point of view.

Aesoph - human Cleric
Originality of Concept (2 points) - sounds like a unique and well rounded character
Background (2 points) - very interesting and unique background
Party Role Fit (2 points) - a cleric... need I say more :)
Character Role (1 point) - a straight forward cleric concept.

Overall: 7 points. I find that clerics can be challenging to play as they can become quite boring. Clerics are more interesting when played by a strong roleplayer with a unique concept. I think this cleric indeed fits that and would like to see him in action.

Shadow Lodge

Kor - Orc Scrollkeeper wrote:

Durik - human Inquisitor
Originality of Concept (1 points) - not a lot of info to go on, but it sounds like it would be a unique character
Background (.5 point) - not much posted but it does sound like an interesting background
Party Role Fit (2 points) - I believe this would be a good fit to the party, especially since a strong healing based character would be useful.
Character Role (1 point) - I haven't seen anyone play an Inquisitor yet, but I think the class has some good abilites that would offer some good options for the character.

Overall: 4.5 points. I could see this character being quite useful although I would have liked to seen the background fleshed out more to see what this character offers from a roleplaying point of view.


I appreciate the feedback. I have a few ideas for background and spent a few hours going through the world guide coming up with a background/concept, but held off posting after seeing Wrath's posts. I can certainly post this information if you feel it would be helpful in your decision.

Spoilered in case I missed the deadline and this is no longer allowed.


As a young man Durik traveled the areas around Varisian with his clan. Though not an easy childhood it was full of happiness amidst the hard work, and the faces of those his clan entertained made the long travel and late hours worth it. He still vividly remembers the day this ended.

Though he does not speak of it now, those at the town he arrived in relate how he stumbled onto the road, covered in cuts and bruises, speaking of his cousin Piousa going mad and rampaging through the camp. Several townsman visited the camp the next day to find it in ruins, with no sign of this Piousa.

Taken in by the church of Desna, Durik found the staid life of a local clergyman to be to restricting. Taking to the roads of Varisia as soon as he was old enough, he has spent many years traveling from town to town, looking after the faithful of Desna and purging the demons from any who are possessed. This life has made Durik slow to trust and unwilling to form attachments without first confirming the strength of will of those he meets.

To this day he hunts for Piousa and some sign of her eventual fate, to put to rest his own ghosts if nothing else. He has been sent to aid Father Zanthus at the behest of the church of Desna, in the case of a young woman named Maree. He is starting to lose faith in his abilities of exorcism, as the last several have gone badly. If the outcome of this mission does not end to the satisfaction of Father Zanthus then it is possible Durik will lose what little faith he has left.

Durik is a Varisian male of average height and weight, his skin is olive and his hair dark. He has a few tattoos from his time with his family, but he keeps these hidden under a thick green shirt. His family scarf he keeps in his pack at all times, having incorporated bits from his mother and father into it. The scars on his arms and back are testament to his survival of the demon attack, but he will not speak of these to any that ask.

Balodek wrote:


I appreciate the feedback. I have a few ideas for background and spent a few hours going through the world guide coming up with a background/concept, but held off posting after seeing Wrath's posts. I can certainly post this information if you feel it would be helpful in your decision.

Okay, add another 1.5 subjective points to your tally :)

Overall: 6 points. I could see this character being quite useful and possesses a unique background.

(-1 point if he is lawful, and -3 points if he is chaotic good being played as a lawful good character) *grins* Just joking on these -- my fellow players may find the humor in this :)

Thank you for your feedback. I hope to join you in game.

The Exchange

Well, 4 of my five players have given me feedback. It was pretty close between Prat and Balodek's character. However, with quite a few positives from the group going towards teh Inquisitor, and my own inclination leaning this way as well, I'm going to go ahead and invite Balodek to stat up his inquistor and and bring him into the game.

Here's the OOC Thread

It has all the build details in there. Go ahead and post in there when you're ready.

I start my holidays in a week, so I'll have more time to go over things in detail then as well as do some introductory story stuff for you as needed while the others are delving below sandpoint.

Congrats on getting in.

For the rest of you, again I thank you for taking the time to apply, your characters were great. Good luck with them in the future.

Oh, and specifically for Aesoph

I liked your character concept by the way. However, we have a few lawful types that have already had some interesting clashes with the more chaotic members of our group. Aesoph may have been a bit too much. What weighed against you more though is the druid in our party came in to replace a dedicated divine caster we lost earlier. Clerics are teh masters at curative spells, no doubt, but between druid, paladin and bard, we don't really need that too much.

I have faith that Aesoph will make into someones game very soon though. Cheers

Thanks for considering me and congratulations to Balodek! Best wishes on the game!

ps. I'm a fan of the Aesoph concept as well :) ds.

Thank-you for your kind words Kor, Wrath and Patrik. Have a great game.

Patrik Ström wrote:

Thanks for considering me and congratulations to Balodek! Best wishes on the game!

ps. I'm a fan of the Aesoph concept as well :) ds.

Thanks for checking my character out, I hope you have a great adventure. If you find yourself in the need for a scrappy coming of age sorcerer let me know.

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