So, how cheesy is this Summoner Build?


I just want to find out if this build works or not. The idea came from reading the Monk's Description of unarmed combat. You know, that one tiny little sentence that states:


A monk's unarmed strike is treated as both a manufactured weapon and a natural weapon for the purpose of spells and effects that enhance or improve either manufactured weapons or natural weapons.

With that in mind, I present the following build, set to level 13 (As that is the current max for pathfinder society play, I think).

Randy the Dwarven Tripper

Monk 3/Summoner (Synthesist) 10

The squishy things:

Stats done doing a 20 point buy


Str: 10
Dex: 10
Con: 12
Int: 14
Wis: 21 (+3 from Levels)
Cha: 12

Improved Natural Attack (Unarmed Strike)
Reach (Unarmed Strike)

Savage (Large Biped Eidolon):
Str: 29 (+1 from the Ability Increases)
Dex: 18
Con: 18 (+1 from the Ability Increases)
And we don't care about the rest, because this is a Synthesist Build.

Large (4 Points)
Limbs (2 Points)
Limbs (2 Points)
Ability Increasex2 (Dex Both Times) (4 Points)

1st.) Steel Soul (+4 to saves vs Spells and Spell-Like Abilities)
1.B.) Improved Grapple (Monk Bonus Feat)
2.B.) Combat Reflexes
3rd.) Combat Expertise
5th.) Improved Trip
7th.) Enforcer
9th.) Greater Trip
11th.) Greater Grapple
13th.) Weapon Focus (Unarmed Strike)

BAB +9

Without Eidolon:
CMB: +11, +15 when tripping or Grappling.
CMD: +26, 28 when resisting a grapple, 30 when resisting bull rush, 32 when resisting a trip.

Reach of 10 feet

AC: 16
Flat: 15
Touch: 16

Fort: +6 (+10 vs Spells and Spell-Likes)
Ref: +6 (+10 vs Spells and Spell-Likes)
Will: +15 (+19 vs Spells and Spell Likes)

Unarmed Strike: +10 to hit, 2d8 damage.

With Eidolon:
BAB +8

CMB: +22, +26 when Tripping or Grappling.
CMD: +40, 42 when resisting a grapple, 44 when resisting a bull rush, 46 when resisting a trip.

Reach of 15 feet.

AC: +30
Flat: +25
Touch: +20

Fort: +12 (+16 vs Spells and Spell-Likes)
Ref: +12 (+16 vs Spells and Spell-Likes)
Will: +17 (+21 vs Spells and Spell-Likes)

Claws: +17 to hit, 1d6 + 9 Damage.
Unarmed Strike: +18 to hit, 4d6 + 9? (The damage by size table in the bestiary only goes up to 2d8...hrm)

Not sure how cheesy this build would be, but I wanted to see the discussion on it. Keep in mind I didn't buy gear, so Randy could easily snag a +28 to CMB when he trips or grapples someone.

So, what do you think?

I am going to go with not terribly cheesy since:
1. multiclassed synthesists are currently supremely subpar. When fused you use only your eidolons bab. If you drop synthesist lvls, then your eidolon bab is 3 lvls back. Your lvl 13 character has a bab of 8.

There are probably other reasons but my mind is currently not working and thus I cannot focus on the rest of your builds text. It could be fun but I would suspect that it is not too cheesy.

Really? I thought you would add your Monk's Maneuver training bonus to the eidolon's CMB. Noting the BAB difference though, thanks.

Level 12 is max for PFS play.

I'm not the biggest fan of grapplers, so I'll leave the reviewing to someone else.

Funniest, and effective, eidolon I've ever seen? A serpent body, four armed, winged snake that a gnome mounted and flew around the battle field. Gnome was an archer... as was the snake and it duel-weilded longbows. lol

Oh, the snake was called Falcore

Mortifier wrote:

Level 12 is max for PFS play.

I'm not the biggest fan of grapplers, so I'll leave the reviewing to someone else.

Funniest, and effective, eidolon I've ever seen? A serpent body, four armed, winged snake that a gnome mounted and flew around the battle field. Gnome was and archer... as was the snake and it duel-weilded longbows. lol

Oh, the snake was called Falcore

Hehe, that is awesome.

Well, I don't feel like scaling everything back a level, though the loss of a weapon focus doesn't really smart all that much in the overall calculations.

Scarab Sages

Mortifier wrote:

Level 12 is max for PFS play.

I'm not the biggest fan of grapplers, so I'll leave the reviewing to someone else.

Funniest, and effective, eidolon I've ever seen? A serpent body, four armed, winged snake that a gnome mounted and flew around the battle field. Gnome was an archer... as was the snake and it duel-weilded longbows. lol

Oh, the snake was called Falcore

Hehe, Atreyu and Falcor were pretty fun to play, although I still prefer blasty characters. But while my summoner was silly, he was still effective. Grapplers, on the other hand, can be really great assist characters, but having multiple grapplers can make fights harder. Mortifier and I played at Strategicon's GameX and had two grapplers in our party. While they were able to pin down two enemies, they didn't do any damage, so it was up to Mort and I to kill the other 4 enemies.

Its kinda the idea behind the greater grapple on this character, and multiple natural attacks. Because of his size and multiple limbs, he can still easily grapple two enemies of up to huge size, and still has the ability to trip anything that comes into his 15 foot range.

Scarab Sages

thepuregamer wrote:

I am going to go with not terribly cheesy since:

1. multiclassed synthesists are currently supremely subpar. When fused you use only your eidolons bab. If you drop synthesist lvls, then your eidolon bab is 3 lvls back. Your lvl 13 character has a bab of 8.

No. To quote the rules, "While fused with his eidolon, the synthesist uses..." is at the start of the paragraph, and "The synthesist uses the eidolon’s base attack bonus..." in the UM's description of the Synthesist. From the CRB, page 30, A multiclassed character adds the BAB of his multiple classes together. That does not get overridden by this class. It did not say the "character" uses the eidolon base attack bonus, it said the synthesist class. Therefore, he gets the BAB of both classes.

So, a 10th level synthesist is +7/+2 BAB. The fused eidolon is +8. A third level monk is +2. A multiclassed character of 10 Synthesist/3 Monk is +9/+4 BAB when not in fused form, and is +10 BAB on all attacks when in fused form. This is actually a huge bonus to be in fused form with this combination considering he gets up to five attacks at the +10 BAB. While the eidolon power suit is not around, +9/+4. When the eidolon is there for the fight, +10 to all attacks, so effectively +10/+10/+10/+10/+10.

Ganny wrote:
I thought you would add your Monk's Maneuver training bonus to the eidolon's CMB. Noting the BAB difference though, thanks.

You do.

As far as the character, you have no ranged attacks, and no flight. So, if someone throws difficult terrain at you and has an archer pincushion you, you are kind of hosed. You have 6 arms, but you only get 5 attacks with natural weapons. I would suggest dropping the last set of arms. I would also suggest sacrificing the second DEX boost, and then taking wingless flight. Having flight at will, not costing a casting action, without big flappy wings to give it away is a serious advantage in battlefield movement. Then, use you spells to fill in the ranged attack issue.

In general, go invisible via spell, fly into the middle of the opponents quietly, and then go to town on them.

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