Recruting for a Carrion Crown PBP. 2-3 spots available.

Gamer Connection

We'll be kicking off a Carrion Crown PBP in a week or two, and we've got a few spots to fill! We currently have three, possibly four players from another AP, but I'd really like to compile a party six. You start diving in too readily, though, here are the rules of the game:

CREATION RULES: All 18 base classes are allowed, as well as the samurai alternate class. Most archetypes are allowed, but those that blatantly clash with the theme of the AP are barred, so check with me just to be safe before doing a full write up of something really bizarre.

Core races only! I know, I know, we talked about it earlier, but I feel that non-standard races are a slippery slope, and I just don't want to deal with it. You do, however, have full use of the alternate racial traits in the APG.

Select 2 traits. You do not have to have a campaign trait (though you may if you wish), but if you don't, make sure to mention how you know Lorrimer and the nature of your relationship with him.

20 point buy
Average Starting Wealth
Max hp at 1st level, afterwards, take 1/2 of the max +1.

POSTING RULES: I want everyone to shoot for one post per day. I'd really prefer us to keep going on weekends, but if you really have to miss, then I guess so be it. Missing a day now and again is no biggie, but give notice if you know you'll be away. If more than 16 hours pass in combat without a post, I will proxy your character for that round.

If you miss 5 consecutive days without prior notice, we shall begin hunting for a replacement. Also, we shall hunt you down and carve the word "unreliable" into your forehead.

Alright, so as I said, 2 or 3 spots are open, and I intend to take my time with this one. Recruitment will remain open for about week, and I'll make a selection at the beginning of this weekend. Please post your character's history, personality, and current sketch along with a general rundown of how they will function mechanically. Interesting characters will be given priority, though we are not interested in divas. Things to keep in mind are that each of the adventures have several investigative elements - if you attempt to build a combat monster, you will get bored. The party seems to be leaning towards a "mostly good" alignment, though unafraid to get their hands dirty when necessary. Evil PCs, while discouraged, are not strictly barred.

As far as what we've already got, the current party consists of...
An inquisitor with the preacher archetype.
A rogue.
A barbarian with the invulnerable rager archetype.
Possibly an oracle with the lore mystery. He has about a day to confirm his interest, then he'll have to apply here if he wants in.

Obviously, spellcasters will be welcome, and you may notice that there isn't too much competition for heavy armor. Just a few things to keep in mind when designing your proposal. Alright then, have at it!

I would quite happy to take the role of heavy armor. I tend to lean toward dwarves and was curious what martial class would suit you and your's most. I don't want to throw down on a fighter when a cavalier would have been far more appealing. I do love the cavalier, but not sure if he'd fit what you need.

In fact, I've been dying to see a cavalier in action since the class was released (no one I've played with seems to like it, whether I'm playing it or they are), and the party doesn't yet have a capable social character, so by all means, knight it up!

Score! I have had a hard time finding people to play one with, haha. I have felt the cavalier is the roleplayer's warrior. Not being super combat heavy will allow me to build in a way that is suitable to my vision rather than just a collection of modifiers.

I am available over the weekends and post an average twice a day. I just downloaded the Player's Guide and will have something together either today or tomorrow.

Lantern Lodge

I would like to play an alchemist vivisectionist eventually going master chemist with the idea that he is kind of a less than savory individual but the mutagenic form is the hero. Kind of a reversed Jekyll and Hyde.

I would really love to run a Pharasmin Cleric in this AP with the Knowledge and Souls domains.
I'm a very reliable poster and will definitely give notice if I'm away.

I also played with Mr. Bang-Bang in another PbP that the DM had to discontinue unfortunately and really miss Seamus! Howdy from Quillin.

voodoo chili wrote:

I would really love to run a Pharasmin Cleric in this AP with the Knowledge and Souls domains.

I'm a very reliable poster and will definitely give notice if I'm away.

I also played with Mr. Bang-Bang in another PbP that the DM had to discontinue unfortunately and really miss Seamus! Howdy from Quillin.

Haha,good to hear from ya, buddy. Would be good to be adventuring with ya again.


I've got a half-orc sorcerer character concept I've had in mind for quite some time. The concept is ready to go but I'm waiting for a game to play in before building the character.


Taric is a half-orc sorcerer with the orc bloodline. He's traditionally used his strength and ferocious appearance to find jobs as a merchant guard but has slowly been discovering and fostering the inner power within him. For all his strength he has a kind heart and doesn't care to harm others unless it's absolutely necessary. He's far more interested in helping people than harming them.

Background and personality (along with character portrait) can be found in the profile here.

Here's voodoo chili's submission.

Issan's Background:

A tall tonsured Garundi dressed in the black robes of Pharasma, Issan’s destiny as a priest of the Goddess of Fate was set with his first breath. His mother nearly died in childbirth due to a lack of competent priests in his small village in the wastes beyond Shiman-Sekh. Concerned at the lack of priests in the area, his parents bravely dedicated their youngest son to the goddess and the child was taken up by a small Pharasmin nunnery near Shiman-Sekh.

A favored child of the temple, Issan was instructed in healing and death rituals. He looked forward to a quiet life as a cloistered priest and healer at the temple until one of his wards succumbed to a virulent strain of ghoul fever and he barely escaped with his life. Many of the beloved sisters of the temple were not so lucky.

Bereaved at the loss of those he had considered his mothers. Issan wandered to Sothis where he met Professor Lorrimor, who was interested in his experience with ghouls. The professor helped Issan overcome his grief while they studied the varieties of undead found in Osirion. It is with great sadness that Issan learned of the Professor's recent passing.

GM Orlock:
ah martinaj, this should look familiar to you as it's a variation of Jaru. I really wish I hadn't tossed him into the Osirion campaign as my vision was for Carrion Crown. can't say I regret not getting into the other CC game though. seemed a little snooty :(

I am definitely interested. Here is Filio Soriel, human Dirge Singer Bard. Filio specializes in giving ease and peace to the dead. He has a very personal connection, as his wife and only daughter were taken from him to rest with his goddess Pharasma. He now seeks to help those dead who will not rest, to go back to Pharasma's Boneyard to be judged and move on, no longer troubling the living. His music is such that even the mindless dead listen. A somewhat somber man, he lives in the knowledge that he will one day be reunited with his wife and child, if he lives his life well. Professor Lorrimor and Filio met at a funeral that Filio was called upon to sing at. The Professor was very taken with the song and the respect that Filio gave to the dead. Through this meeting they began to correspond, and soon became friends. It is through some of Professor Lorrimor's discoveries into the nature of the undead that Filio was able to figure out how to reach the dead through his song.

Filio Soriel CR 1/2
Male Human Bard (Dirge Bard) 1
LN Medium Humanoid (Human)
Init +2; Senses Perception +5
AC 14, touch 12, flat-footed 12. . (+2 armor, +2 Dex)
hp 8 (1d8)
Fort +0, Ref +4, Will +3
Spd 30 ft.
Melee Longsword +0 (1d8/19-20/x2) and
. . Unarmed Strike +2 (1d3/20/x2) and
. . Whip, Scorpion +2 (1d4/20/x2)
Ranged Shortbow +2 (1d6/20/x3)
Special Attacks Bardic Performance (standard action) (8 rounds/day, Bardic Performance: Countersong, Bardic Performance: Distraction, Bardic Performance: Fascinate (DC 14), Bardic Performance: Inspire Courage +1
Bard (Dirge Bard) Spells Known (CL 1, +0 melee touch, +2 ranged touch):
1 (2/day) Sleep (DC 15), Hideous Laughter (DC 15)
0 (at will) Light, Ghost Sound (DC 14), Detect Magic, Read Magic
Str 11, Dex 14, Con 10, Int 12, Wis 12, Cha 18
Base Atk +0; CMB +0; CMD 12
Feats Bard Weapon Proficiencies, Lingering Performance, Weapon Finesse
Traits Inspired by Greatness: Hideous Laughter, Rich Parents
Skills Acrobatics +6, Bluff +8, Diplomacy +8, Knowledge: Religion +6, Perception +5, Perform: Sing +8, Perform: String Instruments +8, Spellcraft +5, Stealth +6
Languages Common, Elven
SQ Bardic Knowledge +1 (Ex)
Combat Gear Arrows (20), Leather, Longsword, Shortbow, Whip, Scorpion; Other Gear Backpack (empty), Candle, Case, map or scroll (empty), Flask, Ink (1 oz. vial, black), Inkpen (2), Musical instrument: Lute, Parchment (sheet) (5), Pouch, belt (empty), Signet ring, Wand of Silent Image, Whetstone
Bardic Knowledge +1 (Ex) Add + 1 to all knowledge skill checks.
Bardic Performance (standard action) (8 rounds/day) Your performances can create magical effects.
Bardic Performance: Countersong (Su) Counter magical effects that depend on sound.
Bardic Performance: Distraction (Su) Counter magical effects that depend on sight.
Bardic Performance: Fascinate (DC 14) (Su) One or more creatures becomes fascinated with you.
Bardic Performance: Inspire Courage +1 (Su) Morale bonus on some saving throws, attack and damage rolls.
Inspired by Greatness: Hideous Laughter Whether you knew Professor Lorrimor well or only in passing, as a colleague or competitor, his career and lifetime of discovery inspired you to be better at what you do. As you honed your craft, you and the professor corresponded, and he was delighte
Lingering Performance Bardic Performances last 2r after you stop concentrating.

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Insert interest here. Working on a Varisian Witch (With possibly the Hedge Witch archetype) who moonlights as a Harrow reader.

Human Summoner, with a Biped eidolon.

I built this charcater for another Carrion Crown I was trying to get into. All of her information is done (here in the profile), I think I might be 2 pts over on the pt buy though.

As far as playing her as a young girl, don't worry I will not be playing her as an over-sexualized young girl. That is SO not the concept of the character.

I post often. I run a PbP, and play in 5 others, and still sit by the computer waiting for updates.

Will have character sheet up tonight. But as far concepts go, I am building a Order of the Shield Cavalier. He is Varisian and he has known the Professor since he was a child. His adoptive "father" was also a cavalier and often escorted the professor from town to town as this is not a safe country. Growing into manhood in this region has taught him the need for warriors of his order and stands firm to protect the common folk from the evil things that prowl the night.

From a mechanics standpoint he is an outgoing face for group and I may go Halfling instead of human and work in the classic helpful "faerie" aspect. Town is protected by a little man who lives in the woods type of backstory.I think that this would play well on the Carrion Crown's gothic motif. Riding a medium mount should maintain the mounted abilities and work as its own character when needed also.

Personality wise he is very outgoing, but not to the point it would be wierd or offensive the local's sensibilities. He is always willing to place himself in the way of danger to save another and works as constant cheerleader for overcoming obstacles.

Name and build to follow after work.

Full backstory will be included with character sheet as trait choices will shape it to some degree.

Kira, spoiled 'brat' of the Moonsong family

An elven sorceress, i know that she is suboptimally built. but for the record, her great great grandparents were a bronze dragon and an air elemental. which is why she is crossblooded air elemental/bronze dragon. severe focus on electricity. she is built to blow stuff up. she is impulsive, immature, irrational and she really lacks common sense. she didn't recieve enough time to 'grow up' and is a spoiled brat on the inside. she is from a minor noble family from ilmarsh. she is only 76 and she was only 40 when her powers kicked in.

the static discharge has no mechanical effect, it's a fluff thing that has no game impact. not even hp damage. it's just unsettling to npcs who touch her.

Fixed the 2 pt difference that was off, she is back to 20 pt.

I've been lurking around the boards for a while, hoping to get into a Carrion Crown game because I like the desert/Arabian Nights feel. I've got a concept for a young human wizard/conjurer who until recently was an apprentice and student in the College of Dimensional Studies in Katapesh. Recently asked to leave the College, Karethas is known for his keen intellect, inquisitive nature, and questionable judgement...the latter leading to his new found freedom from the shackles of position and responsibility. I figure Karethas got his hands on a scroll of Planar Binding and it went incredibly wrong, leading to a portion of one of the College's buildings being destroyed.

I'm pretty open to how we define the relationship to Lorrimer, but the character's academic prospects are now non-existent and he realizes that a more dangerous line of work will probably be the only way to forward his station.

I have the character pretty much built, the only non-standard thing is a trait called Genie Caller, which is in the SRD. Let's him cast one summoning spell as if two caster levels higher once a day. His other trait is Fast Talker because he has in the past gotten by using his charm.

Here is the alchemist. He is still a work in process.

Karethas wrote:
I've been lurking around the boards for a while, hoping to get into a Carrion Crown game because I like the desert/Arabian Nights feel.

Ah Habibi, perhaps you are thinking of Howl of the Carrion King which is part of the Legacy of Fire AP set in Katapesh. That's where the Genies be. Carrion Crown is set in the north in gothic-flavored Ustaslav.

Issan Masud wrote:
Karethas wrote:
I've been lurking around the boards for a while, hoping to get into a Carrion Crown game because I like the desert/Arabian Nights feel.
Ah Habibi, perhaps you are thinking of Howl of the Carrion King which is part of the Legacy of Fire AP set in Katapesh. That's where the Genies be. Carrion Crown is set in the north in gothic-flavored Ustaslav.

Ack! You are correct sir! There should not be two APs allowed with "Carrion" in any part of them...I formally protest to the PTB in Paizo.

Karethas wrote:
Ack! You are correct sir! There should not be two APs allowed with "Carrion" in any part of them...I formally protest to the PTB in Paizo.

I agree! I believe James has already apologized for the overuse of Carrion. I think Harrow needs to be taken off the list of available words as well. : )

I'd like to submit Valachi for this campaign! Basic idea is a human ranger following the natural attack specialty, and using either the shapeshifter or skirmisher archetypes. Background, sketch and basic stats below. He'll have skills for combat, but has some personality traits that will work well in the RP side... orphaned, anxious in cities, lycanthrope blood, etc.

Valachi is a bastard and an orphan, the unfortunate spawn of some Sczarni vagabond and a Varisian whore. He never knew his parents, as the father left the night after his conception, and his mother dumped him at the nearest (mercy) temple a few days after his birth. As Valachi grew up, his wild nature kept him at odds with the trappings of Ustalav society, and he consistently alienated those who fostered him. Eventually, at an age of ten, he ran off to fend for himself. On the streets of Caliphas, Val begged, hunted rats, associated with gangs, and stole - whatever it took to survive, but always he was a loner. After offending a prominent band of thugs he was chased out of the city, and in the wilds he finally found his niche.

Valachi befriended the son of a free woodsman, and by their charity, took shelter in their barn. It quickly became his home. The close, crowded aspects of city life that he chafed with for years were alleviated in the free ranges of the wilderness, where Val could roam to his content. The freedom also softened his personality, and he matured into a gracious man.

As his adolescence progressed, elements of his ancestry bloomed. He found he could extend sharp claws from his hands at whim, but also forced a feral aspect to his features. Though he never knew, Valachi suspected one of his parents was a werewolf. He learned to use his claws to good effect, but the fear of being found and hunted for being a lycanthrope has haunted him for years. Finally, driven to search out the truth of his roots, Valachi returned to Caliphas and sought the help of Professor Lorrimor.

Valachi's Sczarni heritage is prominent in his swarthy features - olive skin, straight black hair, and sharp features. He has a lot of body hair, and shaves occasionally, giving him a rough appearance most days. He keeps his hair long, often loose. His eyes are hazel, but the color fades from brown to green day-to-day. Val is strong, but his build is wirey muscle rather than bulk.

Male Human Ranger 1
hp 13 [10 +3 Con]
STR 15 - DEX 13 - CON 16 {+2} - INT 8 - WIS 14 - CHA 12
Skills: [7: 6 +1 human +1 fav cls -1 Int] Knowledge (nature) +3, Perception +6, Ride +5, Sleight of Hand +6, Stealth +5, Survival +6, Swim +6
Feats: Favored Defense, Power Attack
Special: Favored Enemy - humanoid (human), Track, Wild Empathy (1d20+2)
Traits: Subject of Study, Vagabond Child (sleight of hand)

Putting in for a spot!
Gnome Summoner with a Biped Knight/Angel Automaton Eidolon (Auteidolon? Automalon?)
Should provide for some tension-building RP!

Abenaldar Zanabenda:

Abenaldar keeps to himself for the most part. Long ago he settled in the ruins of Odranto both to seclude himself from the entirely too suspicious natives of Ustalav and to feed his interest in hauntings and abnormal activities. He nearly lost his wits when an entity DID reach out to him. Dynar, as it called itself, made it clear to Abenaldar that he intended in no way to harm him, and offered to protect him in his times of trouble, for Dynar saw greatness welling up in Abenaldar, and wished to be a part of his legacy. From that day on, when faced with trouble, Dynar would fight alongside Abenaldar; which only further cemented his need for segregation from the highly supersticious Odrantians.

His studies eventually led him to cross paths with Professor Lorrimer, who was giving a lecture on the history of the noble houses before the Rise of the Tyrant. Abenaldar kept up correspondence sporadically and infrequently, as getting letters out to post was a tremendous task for him in his relative solitude.

One ill-fated day, Abenaldar was attending a second lecture on the Kellids by the professor. Unfortunately, one drunken peasant wandered into the back of the lecture hall where Abenaldar had secluded himself. This man interrupted the professor's gripping lecture on druidic rituals with slurred accusations of witchery and black sorcery. Not wanting to cause more of an uproar, Abenaldar decided not to summon his otherworldly protector, and instead fled to the stage to hide behind the professor. Only through brilliant oratory and logical prowess was the professor able to calm the crowd down from the ensuing riot. Once the crowd seemed somewhat mollified, Abenaldar slipped out the back with the professor during a short recess. He knows that one day, he will have to repay the professor for saving his life.

here is my full list of proposed characters

Kira, a female elf crossblooded sorceress (air elemental/bronze dragon), spoiled minor noble whose powers kicked in early in life. her parents spoiled her as an attempt to calm her down. she is irrational, impulsive, immature and she lacks common sense. her family took precautions to reduce the effect of her 'static charge' which has no effect in game mechanics, it just unsettle's npcs.

Jack, a male chelexian meteor hammer fighter, a mercenary motivated by cold hard cash who tries his best to keep his enemies on the ground.

Lumi, female aasimaar oracle of life, think flonne, naive goodie 2 shoes with a love and kindness obscession. gives random irrelevant lectures when something bad happens. a noncombatant who prefers to heal because she refuses to willingly shed blood.

Umbri, female fetchling bard, focuses on messing with peoples minds like they are merely marionettes. serves as the face and noncombat skill monkey, useless in combat.

Shuriken, female Tian Rogue, wears a black kimono and carries a spring loaded dagger (think assassin's creed). serves as a potential scout, trapfinder, face and eventually, a tertiary healer (UMD)

Yamiko, Tian Inquisitor of Zon Kuthon, serves as a secondary fighter via spiked chain

Kodachi, Tian flavored human greatsword fighter.

Shinko, Tian Miko or Shrine Maiden, (Essentially a Concept Cleric). fights evil outsiders with a spiked Tetsubo (see morningstar) and has the destruction and restoration domains. restoration is a subdomain of healing

Or Sylphenia, female elven rogue going for wizard and arcane trickster, basically an exotic agent of (insert setting approriate government here)

i still need to pick feats, traits, skills, and gear for all of them. but these are rough characters of which i will let the DM choose based on what he feels the party needs. they are all 20 point buy (except Nox) but i can adapt accordingly as needed.

Hey this is Mrdarkandlights friend, and I was just wondering if i could join in on this, i was away for vacation this past weekend. My character concept is a half elf lore oracle infected with demon blood that gives him extra knowlege of like dark things but is also a curse because its slowly killing him.

I will have the character up later.

Hailing from the Five King Mountains, Thorgun JarlHammer is a member of the elite dwarven outriders known as Torag’s Arm. Riding upon the backs of grizzly bears, whom each raises from a cub, the members of Torag’s Arm are tasked with mitigating potential threats outside the tunnels of the great halls. Each rider is assigned a specific region to patrol. Being far more outgoing than most dwarves, Thorgun quickly befriended a Professor from the region of Ustalav. Becoming known as the Shield of Ustalav, Jarlhammer’s knowledge of the undead was greatly appreciated by the people under his watchful and deadly axe. Many a night, Thorgun spent enjoying the company of his friend and often provided the professor with an armed escort to some the more dangerous areas of the region. Many months had come and passed since Jarlhammer and Marl had heard from their dear friend when word of his funeral reached them in their forest home, quickly gathering their gear, the cavalier loaded his mount and set course for his friend’s final rites….

This the cavalier character of Bilbo Bang-Bang. I opted for a bear due to the flavor feeling right for a dwarf. I can't really get into the idea of a dwarf on a horse, lol.

If you would have me, I submit to you, my arcane duelist bard, known as The Amazing Red. I will have a full profile with stats for you in the next day.

Alright, been following the post for a while, and I think that we have enough applicants that a decision will be reached after I finish work on Friday. We'll begin play roughly a week after that - a long time, I know, but my family is going to be visiting for a week and I'll be showing them around China. I'd just hate to kick off the AP when I'll barely be able to get to my computer to post.

A couple of things, though.

Bilbo: A bear-riding dwarf sounds pretty sweet, but is there a feat or something that allows you to have a bear at 1st level? If not, we'll have to think of something else.

Delia: Love the story, but how does Delia know Lorrimer?

Czernebog: You can absolutely throw your name into the hat! Just post a backstory of at least a paragraph or two, and make sure you detail how your PC knows Lorrimer, and why he'd be attending his funeral.

My origin story is finished along with my affiliation with the professor. Check out at your leisure.

Edit: I also have my character sheet for approval.

martinaj wrote:
Delia: Love the story, but how does Delia know Lorrimer?

...As she got older and needed higher education, he used up whatever favors he could to get her into a school above their station. This is how she first met Professor Petros Lorrimor, as he was at the time instructing at the academy during her first year. It was with his help that she secured a scholarship to finish out her education....

Basically, he awarded her the scholarship, and was her favorite instructor. Kind of a surrogate father when she was at the school, even though he may not have been in any one place for long.

martinaj wrote:

Alright, been following the post for a while, and I think that we have enough applicants that a decision will be reached after I finish work on Friday. We'll begin play roughly a week after that - a long time, I know, but my family is going to be visiting for a week and I'll be showing them around China. I'd just hate to kick off the AP when I'll barely be able to get to my computer to post.

A couple of things, though.

Bilbo: A bear-riding dwarf sounds pretty sweet, but is there a feat or something that allows you to have a bear at 1st level? If not, we'll have to think of something else.

Delia: Love the story, but how does Delia know Lorrimer?

Czernebog: You can absolutely throw your name into the hat! Just post a backstory of at least a paragraph or two, and make sure you detail how your PC knows Lorrimer, and why he'd be attending his funeral.

There is no feat, but the APG says GM may allow additional mounts other than those listed if they choose to do so. I am more than willing to make a change if we need to, though. I am just down the street from you in Okinawa, nice to see someone else on this side of the planet for once,lol. Let me know what you think about the mount thing and we can work on it from there. I will work a more detailed background in if I get picked up,also.

Hey this is my Lore Oracle dude. Just posting my backstory and whatnot.

His childhood started as any normal childs would. He was the oldest 4 and as such his parents placed the most responsibility on him. Although his younger years were as any other childs would be, filled with playing and discovering, he discovered something extra. Thoough he didnt know how, he could remember events that never happened to him. At story time he would finish the story for his parents, often correcting the mistakes that had been made over generations of retelling. For he knew the truth behind the storys. He soon became outcast by the other children and even his parents grew wary of him. When he remembered an event that happened hundreds of years ago in his town as if it had happened yesterday, he grew concerned. He belived that it was not an old memory but a present danger. No one else knew of this "threat" and so he went off to stop it. His youngest brother tried to follow him because he looked up to his older brother with an almost reverance that only young children can have over an older sibling. Sagaar, knowing that what he was going to be going wasconcerned for his brother, he believed he was heading into danger, but when his young brother refused to go home, insisted on sticking with Sagar though it all Sagar was forced to take action. He pushed his younger brother away, just wanting him to back off, get scared and run away. It would be better than leading him to danger. But as his brother fell back, his head hit a stone and he went limp. Sagaar knew that if he wanted to stop the "danger" he had to act now. He couldnt help to stay and see if his brother was alright if he wanted to save the entire town from the imaginary danger he foresaw. When he got thier and realized thier was nothing happening, he rushed back to try and help his brother, but it was too late. The boy was dead. His spirit slaved to haunt Sagaar for the rest of his days. The heartbroken child, crushed by his own brothers murder of him tormenting his thoughs to this day. Unable to explain himself or his actions to his family or the towns council, he was ostracized and cast out of the town at the young age of 12.

He moved from town to town, telling storys, reading fortunes, whatever he could do to scrape enough money to keep on moving. The sheer effort required from living as a wanderer was the only thing that helped keep him from thought of how he had lost everything he owned and even killed his own brother. Being a streetrat, he learned many things. He learned how to survive a fight, how to steal, and most importantly how to talk his way though most situations. In his travels he also learned of local fokelore and superstitions, and began work as a scam artist to help people who are plauged by some form of ghost or ghoul they had imagined that was haunting. He was able to swindle money this way, until the more he started doing this, the more he ran across actual supernatural problems. At first he was able to use his extensive knowlege to help him deal with these thing. Soon though, even his experience in the streets couldnt help him. After another day of being chased out of a town for being a fraud, he ran as far as he could not even knowing what lie ahead, til he passed out laying on a large stone on the ground. When he woke in the evening, he found himself surrounded by dark crypts. And a noise over here. A noise over thie. Something scratched the ground behind him. He sprang to his feet and stumbled backwards away from the sound, only to run into something that smelled putrid, and was soft against him when he backed up into it. He turned around an in horror saw a body hanging behind him. It was horrible eviscerated, but still alive as it reached out with its still blooding arms. In shock, he saw all that had happened to it, and threw up on the ground in front of him. His last few retches were interupted as a pair of large claws grasped around his neck and he almsot choked on his own vomit. This was the end and he knew it. As the something pulled him back though the crypt door down into the lower levels, he watched as the dim moon and the bloody body disapeared though the doorway he was being pulled behind. He was bound and gagged. He was an amusement for the demons that resided thier. They cut him. They beat him. They snapped bones. Then when all was almost over. The demons could sense that he had a darker past, and even some demon blood in him from generations ago. They set to destroy his mind, by forcing him to drink thier blood, trying to bring out the latent demonic tendancies in him to shatter his will. The mix of the demon blood and his own blood from his flayed tounge and cheeks, caused him to almost drown on it. He coughed gouts of red spray onto the ground. When all seemed lost a brilliant light appears that amost blinded him, saw a figure step forward against the demons, and the demons almost shrank back in fear from the man. As he steped towards them into the darkness, Sagaars vision blackened at the edges and he passed out.

When he came to he was in an inn in a nearby town. All of the cuts had been healed too rapidly leaving wide bright scars covering him, his bones had been set and were immobolized for healing. Professor Lorrimar stood over him, attending to his injusries.
"Do you know what it cost me to get you out of thier alive, dammit boy, if i hadnt showed up the second i did you would be a puddle of blood on the floor by now. You owe me big time for that!" And after his tyrade his face sofened up just a bit.
"Well now that your alive i suppose youll be able to pay me when i need a bit of help sometime."

The Professor stayed with him another day or two til Sagaars bones were starting to mend and he could stand again without collapsing. He then left. As Sagaar stood in front of the mirror, he saw he was horribly disfigured. Scars ran all across his body. He would not be able to swindle people out of thier money anymore. Nobody would even talk to him like this. He covered himself up with long robes and travelers cloaks. He hid in the folds of his cloths, hoping that nobody would take a close enough look.

When he was almost healed, he found out about a pain in his chest. It was constant and nagging. WHen he asked town doctors what it could be they were clueless, til he finally asked a traveling divinator. He was now cursed with demon blood, to be haunted, and slowly die unless he could find a cure that is said that only the demons themselves know. He trained with the divinator for weeks, traveling with him, and learning all he could of magic. The divinator, helped him connect to the god Nethys, and through Nethys Sagaar learned magic. But it wasnt enough, if he wanted to be able to tackle the demons to learn of how to cure himself. He would need more. His pursuits branched out of just magic, to more supernatural ways, dealing with holy object and other banes of the creatures of the night. He became an expert at knowing how to deal with the creatures of dark. All the while he barely realized that he was beginning to understand them ever more. He knew of them, and he know about them. He remembered dark time of long fogotten souls. The sickness within him, seemed to be making him grow almost insane. There was a constant pain in him that he suffered through. Ever knowing that he had a debt unfinished to pay. He lived in almost constant fear. He grew to know many thngs of the demons, too many things for his own good. He started to see them more frequently. Whereever he went thier always seemed to be an impending attack on innocent people. Instead of hiding from them, he went out to find them instead, using his vast knowlege to try and outwit them and manipulate other to help him in his quest to free himself from the demons blood poison. He now presses on, conflicted between an utter fascination with all things dark, and an utter hatred for them as well.

A rather tall lanky guy. Never much in the way of good looks. Though he used to be good with talking ever since his disfigurement, he has been reclusive. He almsot always wears long cloaks to hide his apperance. He has sandy blonde hair, grey eyes, and is covered in scars across most of his body. Though he is fit, he is not overtly strong, more of like corded wirey muscles instead of big bulky ones. He is not very outgoing. He is conflicted between both his interests in the underworld creatues as well as a hatred of them.

Sorry in advance for anything that doesnt fit or is not complete or good enough, im kinda new at this.

Alright, I'm finally finished with background/description/etc.

For anyone without the time to read the background on my profile, a summary.

Background Summary:

Tsura was raised in a normal traveling Varisian clan until she ran away to marry a Ustalavian village boy. Her family tries to get her back but is ran off. She and new husband are expecting first kid when early on husband vanishes for a month. Husband stumbled back a month later, strange and troubled by his time away which he doesn't remember, while stress of everything keeps Tsura bedridden until baby is born. Birth is long and hard with baby not expected to last out first night. Second day, doctor redactes his earlier statement and pronounces baby healthy but eyes have changed colors over night.

Tsura raises daughter while husband becomes town drunkard. Daughter is seen as strange but only subject of idle gossip at this point. Husband falls off horse drunk few years later and breaks his neck. Gossip increases and claims it was daughter who spooked horse after bad fight between Tsura and husband. Year later, villagers run Tsura and daughter out of town after a few children go missing in the woods while playing with daughter. Tsura and daughter wander for months before joining another Varisian caravan.

Few more years pass, daughter reaches same age as mother when she was born and starts hearing strange voice. Daughter eventually follows voice and when Tsura finds her again, daughter is with a old woman performing some dark arcane ritual. Daughter claims Tsura isn't her mother and pushes her away. Tsura falls down hill into a river, washes down shore a mile. Tsura comes back, finds daughter and hag gone. Tsura starts search for lost daughter, turning to witchcraft when other methods fail her. She is approached by Professor Lorrimer few months before start of game about her experiences with hag and quest for her daughter. He helps her how he can and promises to keep in touch. She receives news of his death and decides to pay her respects.

I'll put in a short and a longer version of my character's backstory, read whichever you feel like it.

Longer version::

Grimor Lavand was an skilled gunsmith on the county of Alkenstar, but his talent was soon noticed and he became employed by a minor baron of that land, with the task to keep maintenance over his firearms. The baroness, though, had seen in the surly strong man other qualities. For all his troubles, he got to keep his head when the affair was discovered and hastily hidden again from view. In order to only be exiled instead of executed, he swore two oaths: Never to step on Alkenstar again, and never build a firearm, on pain of death.

The expert smith travelled the lands, selling his services and slowly learning other crafts. He was good with detail and small springs, and he took to building exceptional crossbows and bolts. He finally found steady employment on the farming town of Anactoria, selling the easily-handled crossbows to simple farmers that wanted to protect their lands. He married a varisian woman by the name of Valeria and lived a hardy but good life. Although he had sworn to never construct a firearm again, he had carried with him a couple of pistols dissassembled into its parts. He made notes about how to assemble it again but never managed to do it. He was killed in a harsh winter by a pack of wolves while trying to defend the house in which his daughter was just being born.

The smith's daughter was named Vanera, and she grew up knowing very little about her father. Her mother had married again, to a farmer who was her childhood friend. On a trip to Caliphas at the age of 16, the smith's daughter was wooed by a travelling elf, and one month later she had to marry in order to conceal her pregnancy. When the child was born, some folk whispered "changeling" because the girl had pointed ears and big eyes. Although there was a big ruckus, the couple remained married, altough the husband never brought himself to like the girl. She was named after her grandmother, Valerya.

Valerya was a curious child, kicking rocks just to see what's under and asking difficult questions. Some would point this as proof of hag blood, but her grandmother knew better. She gave the child the big box under the bed when she made 13 years. Showing a precise dexterity inherited from his unknown elven father, the child was able to repair and sell a couple crossbows. That earned her family quite a good fare and the encouragement from her mother. Buying shaved wooden stocks and bits of iron, she was finally able to build a crossbow at the age of 14. On 15 she finally understood her grandfather's sketches enough to build a repeating crossbow that was bought by the local count. On 16 her family was murdered.

The wolves had returned to Anactoria. Somehow one managed to open a simple lock and intruded on the farmhouse. The girl was in a small storage room that doubled as her workshop when the wolf that walked as a man slaughtered everyone. She could see through the cracks on the door and hear everything, but couldn't bring herself to act, paralyzed by fear. When the wolf was coming for her, she tried rummaging through the box to find something - anything!- to defend herself. All she found was a horn with some kind of black powder inside, and when the wolf smashed open the door, she feebly hit him with the horn. The horn broke and the powder spread in his face. Throwing everything at arm's reach, she eventually threw her lantern. A bright flash ensued, and the smell of burnt hair and skin. The wolf ran howling, and she was left alive though badly burned.

"Just a pack of wolves", they said. "The girl is mad, she has always been", they said. "Someone must've left the door open". "She's a skinchanger, there was no wolf, she killed everyone!".Nobody believed the girl. Nobody but the Professor. Professor Lorrimor had come to investigate the rumors of witchcraft or werewolf attacks, and all he found was a very confused sixteen-year-old girl. With soothing words, a calm and logical demeanor, and the willingness to believe, he managed to pierce together the story. Fearing the commoners would neglect or outright kill the girl, he took her home. He explained to her about myth, legend and truth, about the moon and silver. He saved her from the townsfolk, he educated her and gave her the tools to pursue revenge and the truth. A couple years later, a very different person was leaving Lorrimor's house. A woman of eighteen, wearing leather trenchcoats and wielding crossbows with silver bolts left Ravengro that day, in a wolf hunt.

tl;dr version::

Her grandfather was an exiled gunsmith who worked building crossbows and other trinkets on the farm village of Anactoria, Ustalav. His daughter had a fling with an elf and thus Valeria was born. She picked up her grandfather's tools and trade, until the day a werewolf murdered her family. Professor Lorrimor protected from angry townsfolk, took her in, and taught her about the monster that killed her family. A couple years later she leaves and spends the next years monster-hunting, until she learns of his death.

If you'd allow, she would be a half-elf gunslinger with the Ancestral Arms racial trait. If that's not your cup of tea, she's probably a half-elf ranger/fighter (crossbowman). I can get both sheets ready in a pinch, just lemme know what's more appropriate for your game.

Thanks for the patience.

Alright, I've reviewed the concepts, gone over it with my players, and here are those who made it in.

Deliah Pilachet

You guys can hike on over to our OOC Thread and say hi to everyone. We'll be kicking things of towards the end of next weekend, and in the mean time we can hammer out concepts and figure out how the party fits together.

I have to say, this was a tough one. There were a lot of great concepts here, and I really hate to see some of them go by the wayside, but in the end, I had to go with those characters that the other players liked, that fit the theme of the campaign, and that round out the party mechanically. Good luck to you guys in finding venues in which to play these PCs!

Thanks for the opportunity to submit a concept and have a great game!

Congrats to everyone that got in! Have a great game.

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