Druid Natural attacks

Rules Questions

I know this has been asked a googillion times but I can't seem to find a post that answers this straight out. I have 2 questions actually.

1. If a druid is in wildshape form and has a BAB of +5 and he has the attacks bite/claw x2 and he is making a full round action is his attack then (ignoring ability mod for now) bite +5/claw +5/claw +5 or does he suffer the penalties for wielding multiple weapons?

2. Furthermore, the rules for natural attacks state that you don't get additional attacks for a high BAB but instead u get attacks rolls for multiple limbs capable of making the attack? I don't get the difference between an attack and an attack roll. Lets say the same druid above is performing the same full attack with a BAB of +6/+1. How does this rule affect him? The limbs capable of making this attack include a head and 2 paws. Does he get another single bite or claw at +1?

Archeantus wrote:
1. If a druid is in wildshape form and has a BAB of +5 and he has the attacks bite/claw x2 and he is making a full round action is his attack then (ignoring ability mod for now) bite +5/claw +5/claw +5 or does he suffer the penalties for wielding multiple weapons?

There are no penalties for wielding multiple natural weapons.

However, one of the attacks (probably the claws) may be a secondary attack. Giving them a flat -5 penalty.

Though this depends on the animal you wildshape in and should be clear from the entry in the bestiary.

2. Furthermore, the rules for natural attacks state that you don't get additional attacks for a high BAB but instead u get attacks rolls for multiple limbs capable of making the attack? I don't get the difference between an attack and an attack roll. Lets say the same druid above is performing the same full attack with a BAB of +6/+1. How does this rule affect him? The limbs capable of making this attack include a head and 2 paws. Does he get another single bite or claw at +1?

As far as I know, this does not change anything. You still just get the 3 attacks you did in the previous case at a higher bab.

1. Unless the given creature's natural weapons are naturally considered Secondary, you do not suffer the penalty for wielding multiple weapons. If they do however, you take the full -5 penalty regardless of whether the base creature has Multiattack feat (-2 penalty on secondary weapons) unless you have the feat also.

2. Say, a 6th-level Druid (BAB +4) transforms into a Dire Tiger with three attacks. Even though the druid do not gain any iterative attacks were he to attack normally with a weapon (unarmed or otherwise), he still attacks normally with the natural weapons (1 bite + 2 claws).

He does NOT however, gain more natural weapons with the same form even if his BAB reached +6 (still 1 bite + 2 claws).

An Attack refers to, well, the attack itself. So a swing of a sword is an attack, a claw-claw-bite routine is a series of attacks.

The to-hit bonus of these attacks are modified by what is called the Attack Rolls. This is the bonus on the individual attacks you gain from either wielding a weapon or possessing an entourage of natural weapons.

Poison wrote:

1. Unless the given creature's natural weapons are naturally considered Secondary, you do not suffer the penalty for wielding multiple weapons. If they do however, you take the full -5 penalty regardless of whether the base creature has Multiattack feat (-2 penalty on secondary weapons) unless you have the feat also.

2. Say, a 6th-level Druid (BAB +4) transforms into a Dire Tiger with three attacks. Even though the druid do not gain any iterative attacks were he to attack normally with a weapon (unarmed or otherwise), he still attacks normally with the natural weapons (1 bite + 2 claws).

He does NOT however, gain more natural weapons with the same form even if his BAB reached +6 (still 1 bite + 2 claws).

An Attack refers to, well, the attack itself. So a swing of a sword is an attack, a claw-claw-bite routine is a series of attacks.

The to-hit bonus of these attacks are modified by what is called the Attack Rolls. This is the bonus on the individual attacks you gain from either wielding a weapon or possessing an entourage of natural weapons.

There really needs to be a spell-less druid alternative. It would be awesome.

Absolutely. Give me a full-BAB Wildshaping class, spell or no spell, I would gladly take it. But I know some people do swear by a poor-BAB, better spellcasting druid to become available too.

OK. Lets see if I understand this. The "attack rolls for multiple limbs capable of making the attack" is referring to the multiple claws in bite/claw/claw.
I was interpreting these attack rolls as attacks in addition to the bite/claw/claw which is not the case. I think I get it now.

Thanks all.

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