Multiclass Archetypes

Homebrew and House Rules

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I was hoping it was mutable; but if for the simple sake of keeping it in line with the other archetypes, alright, I can go with that. Sometimes simplicity over immediate balance works well enough! >:3

And Recondite Trick is fine with me!

Thanks, and sleep well! >:3

Silver Crusade RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

Elghinn Lightbringer wrote:
cartmanbeck wrote:
[Oh no I think you're reading that wrong. The it applies to any spell that deals hit point damage, regardless of the type. Essentially, it lets you get sneak damage on spells that don't have an attack roll, like fireball and lightning bolt. Normally you can only add sneak dice to spells that have an attack roll, such as a ray (which requires a touch attack) or a touch spell like cure light wounds. So, for a first level ability it's probably WAY overpowered, given that with the arcane trickster you have to get to at least 15th character level to get it. (essentially, it's Arcane Trickster's capstone ability)

I think this is a simple fix. Why don't we do the following:

Surprise Spells: At 1st level, you can add your sneak attack damage to any spell that deals damage if the targets are flat-footed. This additional damage only applies to spells that require an attack roll, and the additional damage is of the type of the spell. If the spell allows a saving throw to negate or halve the damage, it also negates or halves the sneak attack damage. At 13th level, you can add your sneak attack damage to any spell that deals damage, irregardless of whether the spell requires an attack roll or not.

Alternatively, you can add +1 to the DC of any spell if the targets are flat-footed. This bonus to DCs increases to +2 at 9th level and +3 at 17th level. You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Intelligence modifier.

I think this restricts the ability sufficiently, but also allows the stealth mage an improved version of it, but only by 2 levels. Earlier gain of the ability for the stealth mage, vs. the greater sneak attack damage of an arcane trickster. Perhaps even a little earlier? 11th? Thoughts?

Well, the only problem with that is that anyone with sneak attack can already add their sneak dice to spells within 30 feet as long as they have an attack roll and their target is flat footed, so now the Stealth Mage isn't actually getting anything at 1st level. Here's how I would suggest you re-write it:

Sniper Spells: Beginning at 1st level, you can add your sneak attack damage to a spell from up to 40 feet away that deals damage if the target is flat-footed. This additional damage only applies to spells that require an attack roll, and the additional damage is of the type of the spell. The range at which you can add sneak damage to your spells increases to 50 feet at level 6. At 13th level, you can add your sneak attack damage to any spell that deals damage, regardless of whether the spell requires an attack roll or not. If the spell allows a saving throw to negate or halve the damage, it also negates or halves the sneak attack damage.
Alternatively, you can add +1 to the DC of any spell if the targets are flat-footed. This bonus to DCs increases to +2 at 9th level and +3 at 17th level. You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Intelligence modifier.

This gives the stealth mage a little more range with his sneak attack, letting him stay out of melee range and still send a scorching ray in to deal some serious damage.

Silver Crusade RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

Elghinn Lightbringer wrote:
Raiderrpg wrote:

I'm good with that fix, I had just skimmed master strike to check the durations when creating the ability.

The rest is good, then, Elghinn?

Also, looking for commentary/advice on the Shroudsinger. The two 15th level revelations should have 1/day uses, by the way- bit late to edit that in now.

Here's what I believe we have for the final version, barring any other issues? Pupleplexer? Bardess? whoever?

** spoiler omitted **...

Three little things:

1. Perceive Aura (Su): At 2nd level, the trick blade learns to detect the ebb and flow of movements and magic. As a standard action, the trick blade can detect magic as the spell, within 60 feet of himself for 1 round, and immediately gains a +2 competence bonus on attack rolls against any opponents within 60 feet during his next round.

2. Instant Trick's wording was a little convoluted. I rewrote it here:

Instant Trick (Su): At 5th level, a trick blade can expend 2 points from his arcane pool to gain the benefits of any rogue talent (but not advanced talent) he qualifies for 1 round. This duration increases by an additional round at 9th level and every four levels thereafter. The trick blade may choose to emulate a ninja trick in place of a rogue talent. Should the ninja trick have a ki point requirement, he must expend an additional amount of arcane points equal to the chosen ninja trick’s required ki points. The trick blade cannot emulate the ki pool trick.

3. In regards to Sneakstrike, how does casting a touch spell as part of a ranged attack with a thrown object work? You'll have to explain it better or drop it, I think requiring a melee attack would be fine for it.

Melee attack -would- be best for the sneakstrike, agreed. And Recondite Trick... looking at it, I'm not so sure they should get the ability to spend Arcane points as Ki. :\ Yes, it's interesting, but can -normal- rogues use Ninja tricks requiring Ki? I don't have any way to check quite yet.

If regular rogues have some way, I say we give Trick Blade the ability to use'em through Arcane Points. If they can't... well, then it's just spreading this out even further, and I'm already starting to feel concerns about balance.

Silver Crusade RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

Raiderrpg wrote:

Melee attack -would- be best for the sneakstrike, agreed. And Recondite Trick... looking at it, I'm not so sure they should get the ability to spend Arcane points as Ki. :\ Yes, it's interesting, but can -normal- rogues use Ninja tricks requiring Ki? I don't have any way to check quite yet.

If regular rogues have some way, I say we give Trick Blade the ability to use'em through Arcane Points. If they can't... well, then it's just spreading this out even further, and I'm already starting to feel concerns about balance.

Yep, there's a rogue trick that lets you gain a ki pool to use those ninja tricks. Should be fine.

cartmanbeck wrote:
Raiderrpg wrote:

Melee attack -would- be best for the sneakstrike, agreed. And Recondite Trick... looking at it, I'm not so sure they should get the ability to spend Arcane points as Ki. :\ Yes, it's interesting, but can -normal- rogues use Ninja tricks requiring Ki? I don't have any way to check quite yet.

If regular rogues have some way, I say we give Trick Blade the ability to use'em through Arcane Points. If they can't... well, then it's just spreading this out even further, and I'm already starting to feel concerns about balance.

Yep, there's a rogue trick that lets you gain a ki pool to use those ninja tricks. Should be fine.

Ninja Trick (Ex): A rogue with this talent can choose a

trick from the ninja trick list (see pages 14–16). The rogue
can choose but cannot use talents that require ki points,
unless she has a ki pool. A rogue can pick this talent more
than once.

Ki Pool (Ex): A rogue with this talent gains a small ki
pool. This ki pool is similar to a ninja’s ki pool, but the
rogue’s ki pool does not grant any extra attacks. The rogue
gains a number of ki points equal to her Wisdom modifier
(minimum 1). These ki points replenish at the start of each
day. If she already has a ki pool, or gains a ki pool later, she gains half her Wisdom bonus (minimum 1) as bonus ki
points to her ki pool. She can spend a ki point to gain a
+10-foot bonus to movement until the end of her turn.

I think allowing arcane pool to function as ki in this instant is fine. Shouldn't be OP or unbalanced. He's still restricted by arcane pool points in either case.

Raiderrpg wrote:

Melee attack -would- be best for the sneakstrike, agreed. And Recondite Trick... looking at it, I'm not so sure they should get the ability to spend Arcane points as Ki. :\ Yes, it's interesting, but can -normal- rogues use Ninja tricks requiring Ki? I don't have any way to check quite yet.

If regular rogues have some way, I say we give Trick Blade the ability to use'em through Arcane Points. If they can't... well, then it's just spreading this out even further, and I'm already starting to feel concerns about balance.

So this is what we're looking at for fixes.

Perceive Aura (Su): At 2nd level, the trick blade learns to detect the ebb and flow of movements and magic. As a standard action, the trick blade can detect magic as the spell, within 60 feet of himself for 1 round, and immediately gains a +2 competence bonus on attack rolls against any opponents within 60 feet during his next round.

Recondite Trick (Su): At 5th level, a trick blade can expend 2 points from his arcane pool to gain the benefits of any rogue talent (but not advanced talent) for which he qualifies for 1 round. This increases by 1 round at 9th level, and every four levels thereafter. The trick blade may choose to emulate a ninja trick in place of a rogue talent. Should the ninja trick have a ki point requirement, he must expend an additional amount of arcane points equal to the chosen ninja trick’s required ki points. The trick blade cannot emulate the ki pool trick.

Sneakstrike (Su): At 7th level, whenever a trick blade attempts a melee sneak attack, he may choose to cast a touch spell as part of the strike. This otherwise is exactly like the magus spellstrike ability.

You don't need to do the greater invis rogue trick. Rogues can now take ki-pool, regular vanish, and hidden master from the ninja set with regular and advanced rogue tricks. They are all swappable. Everyone can use everyones.

@Blood Venom
Right. Okay, I could have been more clear with that. Let's rephrase it to "reduce the frequency by half, or reduce the frequency by one round (but without altering the duration of the poison in any way, a poison that lasts for six minutes continues to last for six minutes)."

I thought the fat example made that clear, but I can be dense when it comes to huge blocks of text sometimes. It started turning into another 'animal companion' there!

'Throwing' chill-touch daggers needs to be the same mechanic as spell strike. You cast the spell, you throw the dagger as part of the casting, if it bounces off, jack-all happens. If it hits AC, he gets dagger damage + spell damage.

Also: I don't weigh in on all the archetypes as they pop out because they take a lot of thought, and gearing-into the mindset for that class. If I mix them up, I end up making mistakes. I don't juggle for the same reason. Especially not chainsaws. Once the trick-blade is finalized, I'll pick something new and start reviewing that as well.

No one ever said anything about my Hidden Lakes Adept or Mirror Blade but I figure we'll get to them in due time, when Elghinn is ready to stick them on the "Volume III MC Archetypes Appendix (Revised)(Second Printing)".

While you guys are doing these ones, and I've posted my two and continue to point out balance issues and try to be constructive, I'm also brainstorming in another thread about a totally new way to approach psionics for the Pathfinder RPG that won't have anything to do with Vancian styles of casting, or the 9 Level Spell Progression.

cartmanbeck wrote:

Well, the only problem with that is that anyone with sneak attack can already add their sneak dice to spells within 30 feet as long as they have an attack roll and their target is flat footed, so now the Stealth Mage isn't actually getting anything at 1st level. Here's how I would suggest you re-write it:

Sniper Spells: Beginning at 1st level, you can add your sneak attack damage to a spell from up to 40 feet away that deals damage if the target is flat-footed. This additional damage only applies to spells that require an attack roll, and the additional damage is of the type of the spell. The range at which you can add sneak damage to your spells increases to 50 feet at level 6. At 13th level, you can add your sneak attack damage to any spell that deals damage, regardless of whether the spell requires an attack roll or not. If the spell allows a saving throw to negate or halve the damage, it also negates or halves the sneak attack damage.
Alternatively, you can add +1 to the DC of any spell if the targets are flat-footed. This bonus to DCs increases to +2 at 9th level and +3 at 17th level. You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Intelligence modifier.

This gives the stealth mage a little more range with his sneak attack, letting him stay out of melee range and still send a scorching ray in to deal some serious damage.

Looks good. I like that change. I increased it to 7th level to keep the improvement intervals, and I'm keeping Surprise Spells as it's name.

Purplefixer wrote:

@Blood Venom

Right. Okay, I could have been more clear with that. Let's rephrase it to "reduce the frequency by half, or reduce the frequency by one round (but without altering the duration of the poison in any way, a poison that lasts for six minutes continues to last for six minutes)."

1) I've been looking around, how many rounds is there in a minute? I assume 10? 1 round = 6 second, x10= 1 minute? So for a poison with 1/minute for 4 minutes can either be reduced by half (1/5 rounds for 4 minutes) or by 1 round? Still doesn't make sense.

2) All the poisons on pg 559 of the Core Rulebook have a frequency of 1/round for "X" rounds or 1/minute for "X" minutes. If you reduce by half, that'll only work on the 1/minute poisons, same with the reduce by 1 round, since all the others already are at the lowest possible of 1/round.

3) So, I would assume (unless I'm totally dense...possible of course) that the reductions are thus:

If it's a 1/minute poison, you can reduce it by half to 1/5 rounds, then you can further reduce it by 1 round at a t time to 1/round as the minimum.

4) Then I would propose a rewite like this:

Virulent Poison (Ex): At 14th level, the venom blade can enhance poisons already altered by his master poisoner ability. If the venom blade spends half the base cost of the poison, he can make a Craft (alchemy) check with a DC equal to 5 + the save DC of the poison to alter it in one of the following ways: remove the onset time, reduce the frequency (if in minutes) by half, or reduce the frequency (if in rounds) by 1 round. The minimum frequency for any poison is 1/round, and any alteration made by this ability in no way affects the poison’s duration. This effect may be applied to a single dose of poison multiple times. If the venom blade fails his Craft (alchemy) check by 4 or less, the gold spent on the alteration is wasted, and the poison is unharmed. If the venom blade fails his Craft (alchemy) check by 5 or more, the poison is destroyed. The venom blade can alter a dose of his blood venom in the same manner, but no additional costs are required.

I think that prevents any misunderstandings by anyone.

Purplefixer wrote:
Also: I don't weigh in on all the archetypes as they pop out because they take a lot of thought, and gearing-into the mindset for that class. If I mix them up, I end up making mistakes. I don't juggle for the same reason. Especially not chainsaws. Once the trick-blade is finalized, I'll pick something new and start reviewing that as well.


]No one ever said anything about my [i wrote:
Hidden Lakes Adept[/i] or Mirror Blade but I figure we'll get to them in due time, when Elghinn is ready to stick them on the "Volume III MC Archetypes Appendix (Revised)(Second Printing)".

@Hidden Lakes

I have it copied pasted into my working doc. but monk combos just aren't my forte. So many flipping abilities to try and swap and balance...but I'll get to it eventually. Flak seems to be the one that's more into the monk varients.

@Mirror Blade
I think I'm leaning toward it vs. the Burlesque Warden. And then I'm trying to figure out my own Rogue/Summoner too. I think I'm going to tackle those 2 (Mirror and Burlesque) and see if we can find a way to save both, since it seems castmanbeck is becoming frustrated with his.

@"Volume III MC Archetypes Appendix (Revised)(Second Printing)"
Once this is all done, there will be a single compendium with chapters for Core and Base MC Archetypes. I suppose at some point we should post what we have, but I think I'll wait until the core archetypes are redone to consider that. I'd prefer to wait 'til it's all finished.


If there IS anyone following this thread that has been playtesting these MC archetypes, please start posting your findings HERE


Purplefixer wrote:
'Throwing' chill-touch daggers needs to be the same mechanic as spell strike. You cast the spell, you throw the dagger as part of the casting, if it bounces off, jack-all happens. If it hits AC, he gets dagger damage + spell damage.

So somthing like this?

Sneakstrike (Su): At 7th level, whenever a trick blade attempts a melee or ranged sneak attack, he may choose to cast a touch spell as part of the strike. If the attack hits, it deals both weapon and spell damage. This otherwise is exactly like the magus spellstrike ability.

Silver Crusade RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

Elghinn Lightbringer wrote:
Purplefixer wrote:
'Throwing' chill-touch daggers needs to be the same mechanic as spell strike. You cast the spell, you throw the dagger as part of the casting, if it bounces off, jack-all happens. If it hits AC, he gets dagger damage + spell damage.

So somthing like this?

Sneakstrike (Su): At 7th level, when he would normally be able to apply sneak attack damage, a trick blade may attempt a melee or ranged sneak attack as a standard action, casting a spell with range of "touch" as part of the attack. This may be used with melee attacks or ranged attacks with a thrown weapon (NOT a missile weapon such as a bow, or another spell). If the attack hits, it deals weapon damage and the spell affects the target. If the spell allows a save, the target may attempt the save as normal. If the target is immune to precision damage, the spell effect is negated.This otherwise is exactly like the magus spellstrike ability.

cartmanbeck wrote:
Elghinn Lightbringer wrote:
Purplefixer wrote:
'Throwing' chill-touch daggers needs to be the same mechanic as spell strike. You cast the spell, you throw the dagger as part of the casting, if it bounces off, jack-all happens. If it hits AC, he gets dagger damage + spell damage.

So somthing like this?

Sneakstrike (Su): At 7th level, when he would normally be able to apply sneak attack damage, a trick blade may attempt a melee or ranged sneak attack as a standard action, casting a spell with range of "touch" as part of the attack. This may be used with melee attacks or ranged attacks with a thrown weapon (NOT a missile weapon such as a bow, or another spell). If the attack hits, it deals weapon damage and the spell affects the target. If the spell allows a save, the target may attempt the save as normal. If the target is immune to precision damage, the spell effect is negated.This otherwise is exactly like the magus spellstrike ability.

Yeah, OK, that's better. :P

So, does this mean we can move Trick Blade to the Final doc.? I thinks o, uless there's more issues?

Silver Crusade RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

Elghinn Lightbringer wrote:
cartmanbeck wrote:
Elghinn Lightbringer wrote:
Purplefixer wrote:
'Throwing' chill-touch daggers needs to be the same mechanic as spell strike. You cast the spell, you throw the dagger as part of the casting, if it bounces off, jack-all happens. If it hits AC, he gets dagger damage + spell damage.

So somthing like this?

Sneakstrike (Su): At 7th level, when he would normally be able to apply sneak attack damage, a trick blade may attempt a melee or ranged sneak attack as a standard action, casting a spell with range of "touch" as part of the attack. This may be used with melee attacks or ranged attacks with a thrown weapon (NOT a missile weapon such as a bow, or another spell). If the attack hits, it deals weapon damage and the spell affects the target. If the spell allows a save, the target may attempt the save as normal. If the target is immune to precision damage, the spell effect is negated.This otherwise is exactly like the magus spellstrike ability.

Yeah, OK, that's better. :P

So, does this mean we can move Trick Blade to the Final doc.? I thinks o, uless there's more issues?

Looks good to me!

Just so every one is aware, this is what we have so far:


Most will be getting reworked

Spirit Warrior (Bbn/Drd)
Holy Rager (Bbn/Pal)
Spellrager (Bbn/Sor)

Songfilch (Brd/Rog)

Battle Adept (Clr/Ftr)
Divine Exemplar (Clr/Pal)
Forest Partriarch (Clr/Rgr)

Land Master (Drd/Rgr)
Spellarbor (Drd/Sor)

Divine Blade (Ftr/Clr)
Silent Warrior (Ftr/Rog)

Kubudo Warrior (Mnk/Ftr)
Holy Fist (Mnk/Pal)

Radiant Herald (Pal/Brd)
Divine Emissary (Pal/Clr)
Divine Duelist (Pal/Rog)
Spellknight (Pal/Sor)

Divine Warden (Rgr/Clr)
Beast Hunter (Rgr/Drd)
Spellstrider (Rgr/Sor)

Divine Agent (Rog/Clr)
Battle Knave (Rog/Ftr)
Spellthief (Rog/Sor)

Living Refrain (Sor/Brd)
Swordmage (Sor/Ftr)

Divine Mage (Wiz/Clr)
Stealth Mage (Wiz/Rog)


Mutant Hag (Alc/Wit)
Wild Herbalist (Alc/Drd)

Blackguard (Ant/Rog)
Bloodfiend (Ant/Sor)

Mutagenic Brute (Bbn/Alc)

Dread Knight (Cav/Ant) – work in progress
Knight Errant (Cav/Brd)
Radiant Knight (Brd/Pal)
Bone knight (Cav/Sor)

Divine Seer (Inq/Ora) – work in progress
Temple Assassin (Inq/Rog)

Sword Dancer (Mag/Brd)
Arcane Fist (Mag/Mnk)
Arcane Vessel (Mag/Ora)

Hidden Lakes Adept (Nnj/Mnk) – work in progress

Mystic Knave (Ora/Rog)

Angelic Knight (Pal/Sum)

Venom Blade (Rog/Alc)
Trick Blade (Rog/Mag)

Dead Shaman (Sor/Ora)
Shroudsinger (Brd/Ora) – work in progress

Astral Captain (Sum/Ftr)
Burlesque Warden (Sum/Rgr) – work in progress
Mirror Blade (Rgr/Sum) – work in progress

Witch Doctor (Wit/Alc)
Plague Bringer (Wit/Ant)
Elder Sage (Wit/Drd)
White Witch (Wit/Pal)
Eldritch Warlock (Wit/Sor)

56 Archetypes! I figure that's pretty good for 1 1/2 months of collaborative work!! Let's keep going.

Silver Crusade RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

Elghinn Lightbringer wrote:

Just so every one is aware, this is what we have so far:

** spoiler omitted **

** spoiler omitted **

56 Archetypes! I figure that's pretty good for 1 1/2 months of collaborative work!! Let's keep going.

The witch got the most love!

I think i'm gonna give up on the Burlesque Warden, it just doesn't work the way I wanted it to, and it steps on toes too.

cartmanbeck wrote:
Elghinn Lightbringer wrote:

Just so every one is aware, this is what we have so far:

** spoiler omitted **

** spoiler omitted **

56 Archetypes! I figure that's pretty good for 1 1/2 months of collaborative work!! Let's keep going.

The witch got the most love!

I think i'm gonna give up on the Burlesque Warden, it just doesn't work the way I wanted it to, and it steps on toes too.

She did indeed, which was a surprise.

As to the Burlesque Warden, it happens. I've started a few of them (never posted) they ditched them because there were others that were better, or too similar. Just move on to the next one that inspires you. :D That's usually the most important - inspiration. Right now I'm working on a Barbarian/Bard called the War Chanter. No spells, just bardic performance and a few powers. I'll post it when I'm done.

OH! I think I see your confusion.

Okay, if you cut your 1 minute in half, it becomes 5 rounds (yes, 10 rounds to a minute). If you cut that in half, it becomes 3 rounds. Which is generally unhelpful. If you can get rid of those faster, you should. For instance:

Frequency: 1/5 minutes for 5 hours.


1/25 rounds for 5 hours.

Subtract *1* to make it 1/24 rounds, so when you cut it in half you get 12, then 6, then 3... I may have made that unnecessarily complex, and it should just be 1/2. Just reduce it by half as normal each time and leave it at that. >.> Don't know what I was thinking. I wanted to get rid of the odd number to make dividing in half easier, but it's completely unneccessary.

((EDIT: This is what happens when I try to do too many things at once and don't properly think through my math or ask my editor to check things for me. <.<))

Increasing DCs
Increasing the save DC is handled by a SEPARATE ability or doubling up doses. Don't they already get access to the 'concentrate poison' discovery?

Seems we could use some cavalier and maybe some monk love. I'll get working on some stuff after Shroudsinger passes, I -do- have an interesting Cavalier/Abjurer idea; though I'm a bit surprised no one's done a Cavalier/Paladin yet.

Purplefixer wrote:

OH! I think I see your confusion.

Okay, if you cut your 1 minute in half, it becomes 5 rounds (yes, 10 rounds to a minute). If you cut that in half, it becomes 3 rounds. Which is generally unhelpful. If you can get rid of those faster, you should. For instance:

Frequency: 1/5 minutes for 5 hours.


1/25 rounds for 5 hours.

Subtract *1* to make it 1/24 rounds, so when you cut it in half you get 12, then 6, then 3... I may have made that unnecessarily complex, and it should just be 1/2. Just reduce it by half as normal each time and leave it at that. >.> Don't know what I was thinking. I wanted to get rid of the odd number to make dividing in half easier, but it's completely unneccessary.

((EDIT: This is what happens when I try to do too many things at once and don't properly think through my math or ask my editor to check things for me. <.<))

Increasing DCs
Increasing the save DC is handled by a SEPARATE ability or doubling up doses. Don't they already get access to the 'concentrate poison' discovery?

Virulent Poison (Ex): At 14th level, the venom blade can enhance poisons already altered by his master poisoner ability. If the venom blade spends half the base cost of the poison, he can make a Craft (alchemy) check with a DC equal to 5 + the save DC of the poison to alter it in one of the following ways: remove the onset time, or reduce the frequency by half (rounded up). The minimum frequency for any poison is 1/round, and any alteration made by this ability in no way affects the poison’s duration. This effect may be applied to a single dose of poison multiple times. If the venom blade fails his Craft (alchemy) check by 4 or less, the gold spent on the alteration is wasted, and the poison is unharmed. If the venom blade fails his Craft (alchemy) check by 5 or more, the poison is destroyed. The venom blade can alter a dose of his blood venom in the same manner, but no additional costs are required.

It hink this should take care of it. 1/min becomes 1/5, then 1/3, 1/2, 1/1. Seems like the powers that be always have us round up or down, depending oon the situation, just to give us players the shaft. So that's why I went with "rounded up". Plus that's mathematics too.

And yes, I believe concentrate poison does do that.

Raiderrpg wrote:
Seems we could use some cavalier and maybe some monk love. I'll get working on some stuff after Shroudsinger passes, I -do- have an interesting Cavalier/Abjurer idea; though I'm a bit surprised no one's done a Cavalier/Paladin yet.

I've looked at it, but, so many simularities, in general. Challenge for smite, etc. Have a go if you can come up with a good combination.

Like to see your Cav/Abj when you're ready to do it.

I'll work on it a bit tonight.

I also posted in that playtest thread, hoping to run a few sessions to put these things through the paces- got one of my old players in on that, too, so can likely convince my old group to lend a hand on weekends. :3

Raiderrpg wrote:

I'll work on it a bit tonight.

I also posted in that playtest thread, hoping to run a few sessions to put these things through the paces- got one of my old players in on that, too, so can likely convince my old group to lend a hand on weekends. :3


Yeah, I'd actually like to hear some actual playtest feeback toknow how these fair in real games.

Okay, here's a -very- quick, likely unbalanced, not yet done run-up of the Aegis Lancer.

Aegis Lancer:

Concept: A Cavalier who can create mystical wards and pierce spells.

Level: Special:
1 Challenge 1/day, Mount, Order, Arcane Bond
2 Order Ability
3 Bulwark (AC)
5 Challenge 2/day
7 Bulwark (Elemental)
8 Order Ability
9 Improved Bulwark, Challenge 3/day
11 Bulwark (Death Ward)
13 Challenge 4/day
15 Greater Bulwark, Bulwark (Temporary HP)
17 Challenge 5/day
19 Bulwark (Spell Resistance)

Elemental Warder (Immunity)

Arcane Bond: An Aegis Lancer may select either a bonded object or mystical studies.
-- Bonded item: As Wizard. The Aegis Lancer may select either his lance or shield, and may cast Dispel Magic (as a spell-like ability) at level 6 3/day; as well as gain the ability to Craft Magic Arms and Armor at 12th level. He may use scrolls in conjunction with Craft Magic Arms and Armor.
-- Mystic Studies: The Aegis Lancer instead turns to magical studies. While no true spellcaster, this dabbling allows him to use magical wands, staves, and scrolls as a Wizard with a caster level of 3/4 his own level. He takes a -4 penalty on Spellcraft checks related to Evocation, Necromancy, Enchantment, and Illusion. At level 6, He also gains the ability to cast Magic Circle (Spell-like ability) against the alignment of his choice 3/day. Once selected, this choice cannot be changed unless his alignment has also changed. At 12th level, he gains the ability to cast Minor Globe of Invulnerability (Spell-like) 2/day.

Bulwark: At third level, the Aegis Lancer can defend his allies through a mystical ward. This effect is a 10-foot radius field of protective magic centered on you, and is usable a number of times per day equal to 3+your intelligence modifier. It lasts for 1 round per 2 Cavalier levels you possess.
-- At Third Level, the Bulwark grants a Deflection bonus to AC equal to the Aegis Warder's Intelligence Modifier.
-- At 7th level, the Bulwark grants Resistance equal to the Aegis Lancer's Intelligence Modifier against Acid, Cold, Fire, and Electricity.
-- At 11th level, the Bulwark grants the effects of the Death Ward spell.
-- At 15th level, the Bulwark grants each ally under it's effect a number of Temporary Hit Points equal to 2+The Aegis Lancer's Intelligence Modifier. These Temporary hit points are recovered to the maximum the Aegis Lancer can grant at the beginning of each round.
-- At 19th level, the Aegis Lancer has mastered this mighty ward; all allies under it's effects gain Spell Resistance equal to the Aegis Lancer's Level +5.

Improved Bulwark: You may now activate your Bulwark as a swift action. If activated as a Standard action, it now has a 20ft radius.

Greater Bulwark: You may now activate your Bulwark as an immediate action. If activated as a Standard action, it now has a 30ft radius.

At 20th level, the Aegis Lancer becomes immune to one type of elemental damage. He may change which type by spending one hour in deep meditation.

Order: The Aegis Lancer must select one of the following orders.
-- The order of the Shield
-- The order of the Dragon

Needs to have an 18th level ability for his arcane bond, needs a little work here and there, but basically tossing in some classic defensive effects into the Bulwark. He'd be much more pro-active than a spellcaster, but have a few kinky defensives and lose his charge abilities.

If people like, I'll keep going with this concept.

(( Also, I know it's getting annoying, but I really -would- like to hear on Shroudsinger. I'd like to have it done and finished soon so I can have it ready for the playtesting. ))

Behold, the War Chanter!!!
I'll check your Shroudsinger tonight, Raiderrpg. :D

War Chanter:

Among the primitive tribes of the world, are those who call upon the powers of nature to inspire his people to greater heights prowess in battle. Through rhythmic chants and simple refrains, the war chanter arouses his inner spirit, and draws upon the strength and rage of his tribesmen to bolster their attacks, heighten their awareness, and provide increased protection to ensure victory against their enemies.

Primary Class: Barbarian.
Secondary Class: Bard.
Alignment: Any nonlawful.
Hit Dice: d10.
Save Bonus: +2 Reflex and Will.

Bonus Skills and Ranks: Howling fury may select three bard skills to add to his class skills in addition to the normal barbarian class skills, one of which must be Perform (sing). The howling fury gains a number of ranks at each level equal to 4 + Int modifier.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Howling furies are proficient with all simple and martial weapons, with light armor, medium armor, and with shields (except tower).

Fast Movement (Ex): This is exactly like the barbarian ability of the same name.

Rage (Ex): This is exactly like the barbarian ability of the same name.

War Chant (Ex): This is exactly like the bard’s performance ability, but applies only to Perform (sing) checks made by war chanter. In addition, the war chanter uses the following performances in place of accessed by the bard. This ability replaces trap sense.

Battle Cry: At 2nd level, a war chanter can use his performance to counter the effects of fear effects. Each round of the battle cry, he makes a Perform (sing) skill check. Any ally within 30 feet of the war chanter (including the war chanter himself ) that hears the battle cry gains a +1 morale bonus to saves against fear. If an ally within range of the battle cry is already under the effect of a fear type spell, it gains another saving throw against the fear effect each round it hears the battle cry. At 6th level and every four levels thereafter, this bonus against fear effects increases by +1, to a maximum of +5 at 18th level. Battle cry relies on audible components to function. This ability replaces indomitable will.

Fog of War: At 2nd level, a war chanter can use his performance to create a fog of war. The war chanter makes a Perform (sing) skill check. If he succeeds, he unleashes a single low, reverberating note that creates a rolling fog to spew from his mouth and cover the battle field. This functions like the obscuring mist spell. Fog of war relies on audible components to function. This ability replaces rage power at 2nd level.

Hymn of Battle: At 4th level, a war chanter can use his performance to sing an energizing hymn that inspires those around him to greater prowess in battle. Each round of the hymn of battle, he makes a Perform (sing) skill check. Any ally within 30 feet of the war chanter (including the war chanter himself ) that hears the hymn of battle gains a +1 morale bonus to attack and damage rolls. At 9th level and every five levels thereafter, these bonuses to attack and damage rolls increase by +1, to a maximum of +4 at 19th level. These bonuses remain as long as the war chanter maintains his hymn of battle. Hymn of battle relies on audible components to function. This ability replaces rage power at 8th level.

Strain of Defense: At 5th level, a war chanter can use his performance to grant added protection to his allies. Each round of the stain of defense, he makes a Perform (sing) skill check. Any ally within 30 feet of the war chanter (including the war chanter himself ), up to a maximum number of creatures equal to his Cha modifier that hears the strain of defense gains a +2 bonus to AC. At 11th level and every six levels thereafter, this deflection bonus increases by +1, to a maximum of +4 at 17th level. This bonus remains as long as the war chanter maintains his strain of defense. Strain of defense relies on audible components to function. This ability replaces rage power at14th level.

Lay of the Land: At 8th level, a war chanter can use his performance to increase an ally’s luck when accomplishing difficult tasks. The war chanter makes a Perform (sing) skill check. If he succeeds, any ally within 30 feet of the war chanter (including the war chanter himself ), up to a maximum number of creatures equal to his Cha modifier that hears the lay of the land gains +2 bonus on initiative checks, and Knowledge (geography), Perception, Stealth, and Survival skill checks. These bonuses remain for a number of rounds equal to 1/2 the war chanter’s level + his Cha modifier. Lay of the land relies on audible components to function. This ability replaces rage power at 20th level.

Rage Powers (Ex): This functions as the barbarian ability, but the war chanter can select one rage power at 3r level and every three levels thereafter (instead of 2nd level and every two levels thereafter).

Uncanny Dodge (Ex): This is exactly like the barbarian ability of the same name.

Improved Uncanny Dodge (Ex): This is exactly like the barbarian ability of the same name.

Shout of Fury (Sp): As a standard action, an 8th level war chanter can emit an ear-splitting yell that can deafens and damages creatures or breaks objects in its path, a number of times per day equal to his Cha modifier. This shout takes the form of a 30 ft. cone-shaped burst. Any creature within the area is deafened for 1d4 rounds and takes 2d6 points of sonic damage. Any exposed brittle or crystalline object or crystalline creature takes 1d6 points of sonic damage for every two levels the war chanter possesses. An affected creature is allowed a Fortitude save to reduce the damage by half, and a creature holding fragile objects can negate damage to them with a successful Reflex save. At 12th level, the deafening effect increases to 1d6 rounds, and sonic damage increases to 3d6 against normal creatures. At 16th level, the deafening effect increases to 2d4 rounds, and sonic damage increases to 4d6 against normal creatures. At 20th level, the deafening effect increases to 2d6 rounds, and sonic damage increases to 5d6 against normal creatures.

In addition, a shout of fury can penetrate and dispel a silence spell if the war chanter makes a successful dispel check (see the targeted dispel section of the dispel magic spell).

Greater Rage (Ex): This is exactly like the barbarian ability of the same name.

Clap of Thunder (Sp): Once per day, a 17th level war chanter may call upon the powers of nature to strike down his enemies. As a standard action, the war chanter can unleash a tremendous shout, while simultaneously stomping the ground and raising his weapon in salute to the heavens. Immediately upon completion of this action, and once per round thereafter, a clap of thunder sounds and a bolt of lightning flashes down in a vertical stroke at whatever target he chooses. The clap of thunder stuns any enemy within 30 feet for 1 round, unless it makes a successful Fortitude save (DC 10 + 1/2 the war chanter’s level + his Cha modifier) to negate the effect. Each bolt of lightning called by the war chanter deals 3d6 points of damage, and the target receives a Reflex save (DC 10 + 1/2 the war chanter’s level + his Cha modifier) for half damage. Clap of thunder otherwise functions as the call lightning spell, with a caster level equal to the war chanter’s level. This ability replaces tireless rage.

Mighty Rage (Ex): This is exactly like the barbarian ability of the same name.

Rage Power: The following rage powers compliment the war chanter: fearless rage, ground breaker (greater)†, ground breaker*, inspire ferocity*, reckless abandon*, roused anger, and terrifying howl*. (*Advanced Player’s Guide, †Ultimate Combat)

Table: War Chanter
Class Attack Fort Ref Will
Level Bonus Save Save Save Special
1st +1 +2 +2 +2 Fast movement, rage
2nd +2 +3 +2 +2 War chant, battle cry +1, fog of war
3rd +3 +3 +3 +3 Rage power, uncanny dodge
4th +4 +4 +3 +3 Hymn of battle +1
5th +5 +4 +3 +3 Strain of defense
6th +6/+1 +5 +4 +4 Rage power, battle cry +2
7th +7/+2 +5 +4 +4 Damage reduction 1/—, improved uncanny dodge
8th +8/+3 +6 +4 +4 Lay of the land, shout of fury
9th +9/+4 +6 +5 +5 Hymn of battle +2, rage power
10th +10/+5 +7 +5 +5 Damage reduction 2/—, battle cry +3
11th +11/+6/+1 +7 +5 +5 Greater rage
12th +12/+7/+2 +8 +6 +6 Rage power
13th +13/+8/+3 +8 +6 +6 Damage reduction 3/—
14th +14/+9/+4 +9 +6 +6 Hymn of battle +3, battle cry +4
15th +15/+10/+5 +9 +7 +7 Rage power
16th +16/+11/+6/+1 +10 +7 +7 Damage reduction 4/—
17th +17/+12/+7/+2 +10 +7 +7 Clap of thunder
18th +18/+13/+8/+3 +11 +8 +8 Rage power, battle cry +5
19th +19/+14/+9/+4 +11 +8 +8 Damage reduction 5/—, hymn of battle +4
20th +20/+15/+10/+5 +12 +8 +8 Mighty rage

Silver Crusade RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

Elghinn Lightbringer wrote:

Behold, the War Chanter!!!

I'll check your Shroudsinger tonight, Raiderrpg. :D

** spoiler omitted **...

1. Fog of War needs a caster level for the Obscuring Mist effect.

2. I don't see a duration for the Clap of Thunder ability. Charisma mod rounds maybe?

Otherwise, pretty damn awesome!

cartmanbeck wrote:
Elghinn Lightbringer wrote:

Behold, the War Chanter!!!

I'll check your Shroudsinger tonight, Raiderrpg. :D

** spoiler omitted **...

1. Fog of War needs a caster level for the Obscuring Mist effect.

2. I don't see a duration for the Clap of Thunder ability. Charisma mod rounds maybe?

Otherwise, pretty damn awesome!

1) Thank you.

2) "...Clap of thunder otherwise functions as the call lightning spell, with a caster level equal to the war chanter’s level. This ability replaces tireless rage."

Whatever the duration of call lightining is.

3) Thanks. We're definitely getting better,and faster at doing these.

Just going through your soulsinger, will have comments either tonight or in the morning.


I've gone through yoour Shroudsinger and professionalized it. Here's what I did.


Primary Class: Bard.
Secondary Class: Oracle.
Alignment: Any.
Hit Dice: d8.

Bonus Skills and Ranks: A shroudsinger adds Heal and any oracle mystery skills to his class skills in addition to the normal bard class skills. The shroudsinger gains a number of ranks at each level equal to 6 + Int.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: A shroudsinger is proficient with all simple weapons, plus the longsword, rapier, sap, short sword, shortbow, and whip. Shroudsingers are also proficient with light armor and shields (except tower shields). A shroudsinger can cast bard spells while wearing light armor and using a shield without incurring the normal arcane spell failure chance.

Spellcasting: A shroudsinger casts arcane spells which are drawn from the bard spell list presented in Chapter 10 of the Pathfinder Core Rulebook. She can prepare bard spells as normal, but cannot exceed her base daily spell allotment as shown on Table: Shroudsinger of this entry. In addition, he receives bonus spells per day if she has a high Charisma score.

Bardic Knowledge (Ex): This is exactly like the bard ability of the same name.

Bardic Performance: This is exactly like the bard ability of the same name, but the shroudsinger only has access to the bard’s fascinate, suggestion, dirge of doom, frightening tune, and mass suggestion performances. The shroudsinger also gains dead dance and ghastly waltz as new performances, and are described hereafter.

Fascinate (Su): This is exactly like the bard ability of the same name.

Suggestion (Sp): This is exactly like the bard ability of the same name.

Dirge of Doom (Su): This is exactly like the bard ability of the same name.

Dance of the Dead (Su): A shroudsinger of 12th level or higher can use her performance to gain control over the empty shells of those who have passed beyond the veil, though only for a few fleeting moments. Each round of the dance of the dead, she makes a Perform skill check. At the start of the shroudsinger’s next turn, she can animate one nearby corpse or skeleton as the animate undead spell which are then placed under her control. She may continue to select one additional corpse or skeleton each round that she maintains her performance, but cannot exceed a number of HD of undead equal to her shroudsinger level. During her performance, she can command these animated undead without any hindrance to her performance. Once the performance ends, the corpses or skeletons fall to the ground, no longer animated. Dance of the dead requires a full-round action to perform, regardless of anything that would normally reduce the time requirement of a performance. This ability replaces soothing performance.

Frightening Tune (Sp): This is exactly like the bard ability of the same name.

Ghastly Waltz (Su): A shroudsinger of 15th level or higher can use her performance to summon the disembodied spirits of those who have passed beyond the veil. Each round of the ghastly waltz, she makes a Perform skill check. At the start of the shroudsinger's next turn, two ghosts rise up from the ground to heed her command. Each ghost has the same statistics as the ghost listed in the Bestiary, but are each armed with a +1 ghost touch rapier During her performance, she can command these ghosts without any hindrance to her performance. Once the performance ends, the ghosts vanish. Ghastly waltz requires a full-round action to perform, regardless of anything that would normally reduce the time requirement of a performance. This ability replaces inspire heroics.

Mass Suggestion (Sp): This is exactly like the bard ability of the same name.

Mystery: This is exactly like the oracle ability of the same name, but the shroudsinger must select the shroud mystery as presented below. This ability replaces countersong.

Oracle's Curse: This is exactly like the oracle ability of the same name, but the shroudsinger must select the haunted curse. This ability replaces distraction.

Revelation: This is exactly like the oracle ability of the same name, but the shroudsinger gains a revelation at 1s level and every five levels thereafter. This ability replaces inspire courage, inspire greatness, and jack-of-all trades.

Well-Versed (Ex): This is exactly like the bard ability of the same name.

Mystery Spell: This is exactly like the oracle ability of the same name, but the shroudsinger gains her first mystery spell at 3rd level, and each subsequent mystery spell every three levels thereafter, up to her sixth mystery spell at 18th level. This ability replaces inspire competence and versatile performance.

Lore Master (Ex): This is exactly like the bard ability of the same name.

Final Revelation: This is exactly like the oracle ability of the same name, but the shroudsinger gains the final revelation of the Shroud mystery. This ability replaces deadly performance.

The following new mystery may be selected by an oracle, but must be selected by the shroudsinger.

Class Skills: An oracle with the shroud mystery adds Bluff, Escape Artist, Perception, and Stealth to her list of class skills.

Bonus Spells: doom (2nd), spiritual weapon (4th), speak with dead (6th), divination (8th), raise dead (10th), true seeing (12th),...need the rest (14th, 16th, and 18th)

Revelations: A shroudsinger with the shroud mystery can choose from any of the following revelations.

Ancestral Advice (Su): Three times per day as a full-round action, you may seek advice from beyond the veil. This advice takes the form of an augury spell with a 90% chance of success.

Army of the Dead (Ex): Great warriors often die on the battlefield along with their techniques, but this is no barrier to you. You may select a single combat feat for which you qualify, or gain Weapon Specialization in a weapon in which you already have Weapon Focus.

Ride Forth the Demon Belows (Sp): Whenever a being of great evil passes through the veil, it can often become clouded, but you may seek to grant these mighty souls short respite from their eternal torment. As a full-round action, you can summon forth a single soul which manifests itself in the form of a succubus or vrock. This revelation functions like summon monster VII, and uses your level as the caster level. The oracle must be at least 15th level to select this revelation.

Holy Beyond Measure (Sp): Whenever a being great good passes through the veil, the world weeps. However, you can call upon the souls of the saints to grant you a measure of their power. As a standard action, any ally within 30 ft. of you gains the benefits of a death ward and greater heroism spell, with a caster level equal to your level. In addition, each ally within 30 ft. is healed for 4d8+20 hit points. The oracle must be at least 15th level to select this revelation.

Ghostly Servant (Su): As a swift action, you may call upon the aid of an unseen servant to provide you simple service. You may use this ability for a number of minutes per day equal to your level. These minutes do not need to be consecutive.

Know the Shadows (Su): You gain a +1 bonus to your caster level for all illusion spells. This bonus rises to +2 at 15th level.
Lore of the Beyond (Ex): The secrets and lost arts of those who have passed through the veil in ancient times are known to you. You may select any one spell of 4th–level or lower from the cleric, druid, or sorcerer/wizard list to add to your list of spells known. This supersedes you maximum number of spells known.

Remedy the Spirit (Su): You gain a +4 bonus on saving throws against negative levels. At 10th level, this bonus also applies to allies within 40 feet you. At 15th level, you become immune to temporary negative levels.

Final Revelation: The veil between life and death is very thin, allowing you to pass through with ease. You may cast shadow walk twice per day as a spell-like ability. In addition, the spirits of the dead are extremely grateful to you. Once per week, they grant you the gift to cast limited wish.

I did some rewording, and some changes. I moved a feww abilities to different levels, completely removed versatile performance, and put back in lore master. I also went through and determined what oracle abilities replaces what bard abilities. Lore master didn't need to be removed, and I thought it would be useful for the archetype,especially with Knowledge (planes, religion, or arcana)

In general I think it's pretty balanced, and doesn't need any major changes. But we'll see what you think and what other in the thread have to say.

Overall, great job! (I also made the shroudsinger a her. I picture a young white-haired woman in a grey dress, black and silver cloak,and a lace veil over her face.)

"Ride Forth The Demon Bellows" has two l's :P

Also, both those 15th-level revelations need daily limits. I was thinking charisma mod-based or just 1/day.

As for higher level spells... hard to say. I envisioned this mystery as just a bard thing, but... hm.

14th: Ethereal Jaunt?
16th: Moment of Prescience?
18th: Foresight?

If someone has better ideas, put'em in. But I think those fit the flavor somewhat.

And I -do- like the imagery of the Shroudsinger being female! >:DD

I think this is basically golden. Nice to have something come through with minimal changes required! >:DDD

Silver Crusade RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

Elghinn Lightbringer wrote:


I've gone through yoour Shroudsinger and professionalized it. Here's what I did.

** spoiler omitted **...

Spellcasting: A shroudsinger casts arcane spells which are drawn from the bard spell list presented in Chapter 10 of the Pathfinder Core Rulebook. She can prepare bard spells as normal, but cannot exceed her base daily spell allotment as shown on Table: Shroudsinger of this entry. In addition, he receives bonus spells per day if she has a high Charisma score.

-A bard is a spontaneous caster, so unless you meant to change that, this is worded incorrectly.

Dance of the Dead (Su): A shroudsinger of 12th level or higher can use her performance to gain control over the empty shells of those who have passed beyond the veil, though only for a few fleeting moments. Each round of the dance of the dead, she makes a Perform skill check. At the start of the shroudsinger’s next turn, she can animate one nearby corpse or skeleton as the animate undead spell which are then placed under her control. She may continue to select one additional corpse or skeleton each round that she maintains her performance, but cannot exceed a number of HD of undead equal to her shroudsinger level. During her performance, she can command these animated undead without any hindrance to her performance. Once the performance ends, the corpses or skeletons fall to the ground, no longer animated. Dance of the dead requires a full-round action to begin the performance, regardless of anything that would normally reduce the time requirement of a performance. This ability replaces soothing performance.

-Same for Ghastly Waltz

Ride Forth the Demon Belows (Sp): Whenever a being of great evil passes through the veil, it can often become clouded, but you may seek to grant these mighty souls short respite from their eternal torment. As a full-round action, you can summon forth a single soul which manifests itself in the form of a succubus or vrock. This revelation functions like summon monster VII, and uses your level as the caster level. The oracle must be at least 15th level to select this revelation.

-not sure what you meant to type there, but it sounds weird

Ghostly Servant (Su): As a swift action, you may call upon the aid of an unseen servant, as per the spell to provide you simple service. You may use this ability for a number of minutes per day equal to your level. These minutes do not need to be consecutive.

Otherwise, good job Raider!

cartmanbeck wrote:
Ride Forth the Demon Belows (Sp): Whenever a being of great evil passes through the veil, it can often become clouded, but you may seek to grant these mighty souls short respite from their eternal torment. As a full-round action, you can summon forth a single soul which manifests itself in the form of a succubus or vrock. This revelation...

This worded better?

Ride Forth the Demon Bellows (Sp): Whenever a being of great evil passes through the veil, the afterworld shrieks in terror. However, you may grant these malevolent souls a short respite from their eternal torment. As a full-round action, you can summon forth a single evil soul which manifests itself in the form of a succubus or vrock. This revelation functions like summon monster VII, and uses your level as the caster level. The oracle must be at least 15th level to select this revelation.

Raiderrpg wrote:

As for higher level spells... hard to say. I envisioned this mystery as just a bard thing, but... hm.

Even though we are making specific multiclass archetypes, we've been trying to make things like hexes, orders, arcane schools, or mysteries usable by their usual class. We just have the archetypes necessarily slotted into a certain mystery, order, etc, just like the stealth mage, bone knight, and so on.

14th: Ethereal Jaunt?
16th: Moment of Prescience?
18th: Foresight?

If someone has better ideas, put'em in. But I think those fit the flavor somewhat.

14th: Ethereal Jaunt or Temporary Resurrection?

16th: Moment of Prescience (this is good)
18th: Foresight or Astral Project?

Raiderrpg wrote:

Okay, here's a -very- quick, likely unbalanced, not yet done run-up of the Aegis Lancer.

** spoiler omitted **...

Took a look at your Aegis Lancer, and had some ideas/suggestions.

I really like the idea. He’s pretty much a spellbreaking/disenchanting knight. Some of the abilities put me in mind of a class I had created a few years back called the arcaknight.

Here’s some of the things I had for it that may coincide with your ideas, and may inspire you. I in no means expect you to use them, but if parts of them work, or give you ideas, or you need to alter them, go ahead and use them.

Arcaknight Abilities:

Aura of Magic (Su): An arcaknight has a particularly powerful aura linked to the magic within her. This functions much like a cleric’s alignment aura, but is arcane in nature and becomes more powerful as the arcaknight gains levels (see the detect magic spell for details). This aura is also the source from which the arcaknight’s auras and arcane defense are derived.
A detect magic spell will reveal any magical items upon the arcaknight’s person, but if they are of a lower power level than her aura, they remain unrevealed as magical until they are beyond the aura’s radius. Thus, an arcaknight can use her aura of magic to mask the power level of her own magical items. In addition, an arcaknight’s aura of magic can be affected by the magic aura spell or magic that alters or hides the magical aura emitted by objects.

I felt this was similar to your Bulwark ability.
Arcane Aura (Su): Beginning at 2nd level, an arcaknight can tap into the arcane energies stored within her to create an arcane aura. Auras emanate from the arcaknight in a 20-foot radius and effect only allied arcane spellcasters that are within the aura’s radius. All bonuses granted by arcane auras are arcane bonuses, which stack with all other bonus types.
An arcaknight learns one aura at 2nd level, and one additional aura every three levels thereafter (5th, 8th, 11th, etc.) to a maximum of seven at 20th level. An arcaknight can maintain an active aura for a number of rounds per day equal to her arcaknight level, and need not be consecutive rounds. An arcaknight can activate one aura per day at 2nd level, and one additional aura per day for every six levels thereafter (8th, 14th, and 20th), to a maximum of four auras per day. Only one arcane aura may be active at any given time within a 24 hour period. Once an aura has been activated, the arcaknight may deactivate and reactivate it throughout the day. Doing so does not count against the arcaknight’s number of auras she can activate in a day. The duration of an aura that has been deactivated and reactivated cannot exceed the total number of rounds an arcaknight can maintain an aura within that 24 hour period. When an arcaknight deactivates an aura, and activates another aura, doing so does count against the number of auras an arcaknight can activate in a day. Arcane auras can be activated or deactivated as a free action.
An arcaknight gains no benefits from her own auras, but does gain the benefits from auras emitted by other arcaknights if she is within their aura’s radius. If the activated auras from two or more arcaknights overlap each other, any arcane spellcasters caught within the radius of each aura gains the benefits of all. However, the effects of similar overlapping auras do not stack, and only the benefits from the highest level arcaknight’s aura are used. Unless otherwise noted, an arcaknight cannot select an individual aura more than once.

These are the aura’s that seemed in line with the aegis lancer.
Aura of Penetration: Any arcane spellcaster within the aura’s radius gains a +2 arcane bonus on their caster level checks made to overcome a creature’s spell resistance. This bonus improves to +4 at 11th level, and +6 at 20th level. These bonuses stack with those from the Spell Penetration and Greater Spell Penetration feats. This aura can be maintained for 1 round per three levels of the arcaknight. The arcaknight must be at least 5th level before choosing this aura.
Aura of Protection: All wizards or sorcerers within the aura’s radius gain a +2 arcane bonus to their AC. This bonus increases to +4 at 11th level, and +6 at 20th level. Additionally, the arcaknight may ward a single subject within the aura’s radius at the time that the aura is activated. The warded subject takes only half damage from attacks that deal hit point damage (melee, natural weapons, special abilities, etc.), while the arcaknight takes the other half. When the aura is deactivated, or the subject moves outside of the aura’s radius, this warding effect is negated. This aura can be maintained for 1 round per two levels of the arcaknight.
Aura of Resistance: Any wizard or sorcerer within the aura’s radius gains a +1 arcane bonus to their saving throws. This bonus increases to +2 at 11th level, and +3 at 20th level. This aura can be maintained for 1 round per two levels of the arcaknight.

Aura of Magic (Su): An arcaknight has a particularly powerful aura linked to the magic within her. This functions much like a cleric’s alignment aura, but is arcane in nature and becomes more powerful as the arcaknight gains levels (see the detect magic spell for details). This aura is also the source from which the arcaknight’s auras and arcane defense are derived.
A detect magic spell will reveal any magical items upon the arcaknight’s person, but if they are of a lower power level than her aura, they remain unrevealed as magical until they are beyond the aura’s radius. Thus, an arcaknight can use her aura of magic to mask the power level of her own magical items. In addition, an arcaknight’s aura of magic can be affected by the magic aura spell or magic that alters or hides the magical aura emitted by objects.

Aura of Penetration: Any arcane spellcaster within the aura’s radius gains a +2 arcane bonus on their caster level checks made to overcome a creature’s spell resistance. This bonus improves to +4 at 11th level, and +6 at 20th level. These bonuses stack with those from the Spell Penetration and Greater Spell Penetration feats. This aura can be maintained for 1 round per three levels of the arcaknight. The arcaknight must be at least 5th level before choosing this aura.
Aura of Protection: All wizards or sorcerers within the aura’s radius gain a +2 arcane bonus to their AC. This bonus increases to +4 at 11th level, and +6 at 20th level. Additionally, the arcaknight may ward a single subject within the aura’s radius at the time that the aura is activated. The warded subject takes only half damage from attacks that deal hit point damage (melee, natural weapons, special abilities, etc.), while the arcaknight takes the other half. When the aura is deactivated, or the subject moves outside of the aura’s radius, this warding effect is negated. This aura can be maintained for 1 round per two levels of the arcaknight.
Aura of Resistance: Any wizard or sorcerer within the aura’s radius gains a +1 arcane bonus to their saving throws. This bonus increases to +2 at 11th level, and +3 at 20th level. This aura can be maintained for 1 round per two levels of the arcaknight.

In addition, I had some thoughts and suggestions for abilities that came to me just before going to sleep last night:

1) I would actually create a NEW CAVALIER ORDER, call it the Order of the Rod or Order of the Sceptre, or Order of the Wand; an order that opposes offensive arcane magic, with order abilities that grant SR, resistances to energy, challenge ability that allows a dispel or “rod of cancellation” effect (see suggestion below, or Iconoclast ability below), granted certain spell-like abilities of abjuration effects, etc.
2) Have his lance/weapon act as a rod of cancellation (scale for level)
3) Look into the following Barbarian rage power tree: superstitious (eater of magic†, sunder enchantment†, sunder spell†, witch hunter*) (*APG, †UC)
4) Have him use dispel magic/greater dispel magic as an offensive attack he can use a certain number of times per day, or scales with level
5) Read the mage’s disjunction spell for a level scalable ability
6) Perhaps an ability to lower the SR of creatures, scalable with level (lower by 2 at 4th, 4 at 10th, 6 at 16th, etc.)
7) Also I would take a look at the Iconoclast inquisitor archetype from UC. If you don’t have it, here it is. I figure he’s got a few abilities that can be adapted or used outright, depending on what path you decide to follow for the Aegis Lancer.


Some magic items are heretical by nature, enabling the unfaithful to spread wickedness. Iconoclasts seek out and remove such crutches, cleansing the taint these items exude.

Shake Effects (Ex): At 1st level, an iconoclast gains a +2 bonus on all saving throws against effects that come from a magic item. This ability replaces monster lore.

Detect Magic (Sp): At 2nd level, an iconoclast gains the ability to detect magic at will. This ability replaces detect alignment.

Dispelling Attack (Sp): At 5th level, once per day as a standard action, an iconoclast can make a melee or ranged attack against an opponent, and if she hits, she can affect that opponent as if she had cast dispel magic, using the targeted dispel option. If she misses, this ability is wasted. Use her inquisitor level as the caster level of the dispel magic effect. This ability replaces discern lies.

Negating Critical (Sp): At 14th level, when an iconoclast confirms a critical hit, the creature she hit must succeed at a Fortitude save at DC 10 + 1/2 the iconoclast’s caster level + the iconoclast’s Wisdom modifier for each non-artifact magic item the target is wearing or carrying. On a failed saving throw, the target of the critical hit can neither use nor gain benefit from any minor magic item for 1d4 rounds. This ability can be used in conjunction with critical feats. This ability replaces exploit weakness.

Destroy Artifact (Sp): At 20th level, an iconoclast has the ability to destroy minor artifacts. The iconoclast must have possession of the minor artifact for at least a week, which she must spend in uninterrupted contemplation of the nature of the artifact. At the end of that week, she makes a DC 30 Spellcraft check to unweave the fabric of the item, and if she is successful, the artifact is destroyed. If the iconoclast fails, she cannot try to destroy the artifact again with this ability, but another iconoclast can. This ability replaces true judgment.

These are the abilities I think you’ll want to replace.

Tactician =
Greater Tactician =
Master Tactician =
Expert Trainer =
Banner =
Greater Banner =
Demanding Challenge =
Mighty Charge =
Supreme Charge =

I’d keep the rest of the abilities where they are (as per the cavalier table). I don’t think you’ll need to reduce the number of challenges he makes per day to 5/day, especially if you replace the above abilities with equivalent new abilities/spell-like abjurations.

For the bonus feats, I’d simply provide a list of specific feats to choose from, and allow access even if they don’t qualify for them, much like the ranger’s combat style feats. Some may need some caveats to use, or a “feat pool” of sort that allows use of some of the feats that have spell sacrifice requirements, since I don’t think you are having the Aegis Lancer cast spells, just use Abjuration abilities. Or some could simply be altered to function as a class ability (such as Arcane Strike, Dispelling Critical, etc., if you understand where I’m going with this?)

Here’s some suggestions: Arcane Shield*, Arcane Strike, Arcane Talent*, Destructive Dispel†, Dispel Synergy†, Dispelling Critical†, Disruptive, Greater Spell Penetration, Improved Counterspell, Parry Spell*, Ray Shield*, Shielded Caster*, Spell Penetration, Spellbreaker*, Teleport Tactician*. (*APG, ** UM, †UC)

I’m really interested to see what you come up with. If you want some help let me know. Otherwise I’ll just provide some ideas and let you run with it. You always seem to do really well on your own.:D

Silver Crusade RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

Elghinn Lightbringer wrote:

Hey Elghinn, which of the original (core class) archetypes have you worked on modifying, besides the Stealth Mage? I was wondering if you'd like me to attack one or more of them?

I'm interested in coming up with some tailored abilities for the Spellrager, Songfilch, Battle Adept, Forest Patriarch, etc.

cartmanbeck wrote:
Elghinn Lightbringer wrote:

Hey Elghinn, which of the original (core class) archetypes have you worked on modifying, besides the Stealth Mage? I was wondering if you'd like me to attack one or more of them?

I'm interested in coming up with some tailored abilities for the Spellrager, Songfilch, Battle Adept, Forest Patriarch, etc.

Stupid post monster!!!!

I've just started at the top of the pdf and am working down. Spirit Warrior is good. Work off of this Spellrager, its a more streamlined and reworded version. If you have ideas, go for it, the more working on the reworks the better. More brains=more ideas/better version. :D


A spellrager combines the rage powers of the barbarian with the innate bloodline and spellcasting abilities of a sorcerer. She uses her bloodline powers and spells to enhance her inner fury and prowess in battle.

Primary Class: Barbarian.
Secondary Class: Sorcerer.
Alignment: Any nonlawful.
Hit Dice: d10.
Save Bonus: +2 Will.

Bonus Skills and Ranks: Spellragers may select three sorcerer skills to add to her class skills in addition to the normal barbarian class skills. The spellrager gains a number of ranks at each level equal to 4 + Int modifier.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Spellragers are proficient with all simple and martial weapons, with light armor, and with shields (except tower).

Light Armor (Ex): At 4th level, a spellrager can cast her bloodline spells without incurring the normal arcane spell failure chance only if she is wearing light or no armor. A spellrager wearing medium armor, heavy armor or using a shield incurs a chance of arcane spell failure if the spell in question has a somatic component.

Bloodline: Spellragers gain the sorcerer’s bloodline ability and may only choose from the following bloodlines: abyssal, boreal*, celestial, deep earth*, draconic, elemental, fey, infernal, protean*, or stormborn*. (*Advance Players Guide)

At 1st level, a spellrager adds the skill listed in her bloodline to her class skills and gains her bloodline arcana.

At 3rd level, a spellrager gains her 1st level bloodline power as derived from her bloodline. He gains his 3rd level bloodline power at 9th level, and his 9th level bloodline power at 15th level. This ability replaces trap sense.

At 4th level, a spellrager gains her 3rd level bloodline spell as derived from her bloodline. She can choose to gain her 5th or 7th level bloodline spell at 8th level, her 9th or 11th level bloodline spell at 12th level, her 13th or 15th level bloodline spell at 16th level, and her 17th or 19th level bloodline spell at 20th level. The spellrager may spontaneously cast each bloodline spell once per day, with a caster level equal to the spellrager’s level. In addition, each time a spellrager gains a subsequent bloodline spell, the number of times per day the spellrager can cast the previous bloodline spell increases to twice per day. The spellrager’s bloodline spells may be used to qualify for prestige classes with arcane spellcasting requirements. The spellrager may cast his bloodline spells while raging if he makes a successful Concentration check. This ability replaces rage power at 4th, 8th, 12th, 16th, and 20th level.

Table: Spellrager
Class Attack Fort Ref Will
Level Bonus Save Save Save Special
1st +1 +2 +0 +2 Bloodline, fast movement, rage
2nd +2 +3 +0 +2 Rage power, uncanny dodge
3rd +3 +3 +1 +3 Bloodline power
4th +4 +4 +1 +3 Bloodline spell, light armor
5th +5 +4 +1 +3 Improved uncanny dodge
6th +6/+1 +5 +2 +4 Rage power
7th +7/+2 +5 +2 +4 Damage reduction1/—
8th +8/+3 +6 +2 +4 Bloodline spell
9th +9/+4 +6 +3 +5 Bloodline power
10th +10/+5 +7 +3 +5 Damage reduction 2/—, rage power
11th +11/+6/+1 +7 +3 +5 Greater rage
12th +12/+7/+2 +8 +4 +6 Bloodline spell
13th +13/+8/+3 +8 +4 +6 Damage reduction 3/—
14th +14/+9/+4 +9 +4 +6 Indomitable will, rage power
15th +15/+10/+5 +9 +5 +7 Bloodline power
16th +16/+11/+6/+1 +10 +5 +7 Bloodline spell, damage reduction 4/—
17th +17/+12/+7/+2 +10 +5 +7 Tireless rage
18th +18/+13/+8/+3 +11 +6 +8 Rage power
19th +19/+14/+9/+4 +11 +6 +8 Damage reduction 5/—
20th +20/+15/+10/+5 +12 +6 +8 Bloodline spell, mighty rage

I'm currently working on Songfilch, replacing all the bard's performances with ones geared towards silence, invisibility, mirror image, mislead, and other stealth related spells. And gave him a magical ranged sneak attack called piercing crescendo.

Piercing Crescendo (Su): At 1st level, a songfilch can unleash a powerful keening note transforms into a razor-sharp crystalline shard that dazes the target for 1 round and deals 1d4 points of piercing damage to a single target within 30 feet. This note is inaudible to all but his target, and requires the songfilch to make a ranged attack roll to hit the target.

If a songfilch successfully strikes an opponent when he is unable to defend himself effectively, the songfilch can use piercing crescendo to strike a vital spot for extra damage as an immediate action. The songfilch deals extra damage anytime the target would be denied a Dexterity bonus to AC (whether the target actually has a Dexterity bonus or not), or when the songfilch flanks his target. This extra damage is 1d6 at 1st level, and increases by 1d6 every four songfilch levels thereafter, to a maximum of +5d6 at 17th level. Should the songfilch score a critical hit with his piercing crescendo, this extra damage is not multiplied. This ability functions as a ranged sneak attack, but only if the target is within 30 feet. This ability replaces counter song and inspire courage.

To keep it using the realm of shadow more than ethereal... let's go with Temporary Resurrection and Foresight.

Also, Daily Limits on the 15th level revelations, and I think we can call the Shroudsinger done. :3 I'm very happy with it at this point.

Elghinn Lightbringer wrote:
I’m really interested to see what you come up with. If you want some help let me know. Otherwise I’ll just provide some ideas and let you run with it. You always seem to do really well on your own.:D

Aw, thanks~ >:3

Order of the Scepter. DOING THIS.

And going to re-vamp the Aegis Knight with some of your suggestions. I'm going to keep the Bulwark with some minor changes, add in Dispelling attack, and work Arcane Bond in to keep them somewhat wizardly. I do like the idea of changing the bonus feat list...

One thing I want to keep away from is giving the Aegis Knight actual spellcasting. They should have a touch of wizardly feel without using -actual- casting, which shouldn't be too tricky if I fold in spell effects properly.

Also, you've given me ideas with the Aura of Penetration- using the Order stuff to buff up allied casters. I might make a second Order of the "insert noun" to instead weaken enemy casters, so that this guy'll fit in non-caster groups. Expect something around the weekend.

In the meantime; I'm going to take a short break from creating to clear my thoughts from the classes I've put forth so far, and put a little effort towards helping pick at/work with the other classes being made, since I'm going to be managing some of the playtesting.

Elghinn Lightbringer wrote:

I'm currently working on Songfilch, replacing all the bard's performances with ones geared towards silence, invisibility, mirror image, mislead, and other stealth related spells. And gave him a magical ranged sneak attack called piercing crescendo.

Piercing Crescendo (Su): At 1st level, a songfilch can unleash a powerful keening note transforms into a razor-sharp crystalline shard that dazes the target for 1 round and deals 1d4 points of piercing damage to a single target within 30 feet. This note is inaudible to all but his target, and requires the songfilch to make a ranged attack roll to hit the target.

Mm. What might be fun? Making it 1d4+Charisma modifier, and having it ignore hardness. Just an idea that could be used to fit the trope of breaking glass and stuff ;3

Elghinn Lightbringer wrote:
If a songfilch successfully strikes an opponent when he is unable to defend himself effectively, the songfilch can use piercing crescendo to strike a vital spot for extra damage as an immediate action. The songfilch deals extra damage anytime the target would be denied a Dexterity bonus to AC (whether the target actually has a Dexterity bonus or not), or when the songfilch flanks his target. This extra damage is 1d6 at 1st level, and increases by 1d6 every four songfilch levels thereafter, to a maximum of +5d6 at 17th level. Should the songfilch score a critical hit with his piercing crescendo, this extra damage is not multiplied. This ability functions as a ranged sneak attack, but only if the target is within 30 feet. This ability replaces counter song and inspire courage.

So he needs to spend an extra action? I don't know if I like that part of the idea, as it breaks the usual methods of sneak attack. Plus, as a ranged attack, shouldn't it cause an attack of

opportunity- hence making flanking a bit of a problem with it?

RPG Superstar 2013 Top 8

Guys. Guys.

Hold your horses on that surprise spells thing! The phrasing, as I wrote it, is EXACTLY the same as the phrasing for the ability BY THE SAME NAME in the arcane trickster class. It is not broken. It does not need fixing. Until 8th level, stealth mages (or any wizard with subterfuge subschool and sneak attack from another source) can add sneak attack on attack-roll-dependent spells which target enemies within 30 feet. WITH SURPRISE SPELLS, AS WRITTEN, the sneak attack damage can be added to ANY SPELL WHICH DEALS HP DAMAGE, regardless of range, attack roll requirement, etc..

What's the problem??


(I mean, aside from my addition of the DC increasing thing, but that's not even what you were arguing about.)

I know this was "resolved" several posts ago, but I've been gone, and I don't think the resolution is good, necessary, etc. ...

Also, hi :P

Raiderrpg wrote:

To keep it using the realm of shadow more than ethereal... let's go with Temporary Resurrection and Foresight.

Also, Daily Limits on the 15th level revelations, and I think we can call the Shroudsinger done. :3 I'm very happy with it at this point.

Elghinn Lightbringer wrote:
I’m really interested to see what you come up with. If you want some help let me know. Otherwise I’ll just provide some ideas and let you run with it. You always seem to do really well on your own.:D

Aw, thanks~ >:3

Order of the Scepter. DOING THIS.

And going to re-vamp the Aegis Knight with some of your suggestions. I'm going to keep the Bulwark with some minor changes, add in Dispelling attack, and work Arcane Bond in to keep them somewhat wizardly. I do like the idea of changing the bonus feat list...

One thing I want to keep away from is giving the Aegis Knight actual spellcasting. They should have a touch of wizardly feel without using -actual- casting, which shouldn't be too tricky if I fold in spell effects properly.

Also, you've given me ideas with the Aura of Penetration- using the Order stuff to buff up allied casters. I might make a second Order of the "insert noun" to instead weaken enemy casters, so that this guy'll fit in non-caster groups. Expect something around the weekend.

In the meantime; I'm going to take a short break from creating to clear my thoughts from the classes I've put forth so far, and put a little effort towards helping pick at/work with the other classes being made, since I'm going to be managing some of the playtesting.

Sounds great! That's what I was hoping. I sort of had an idea as to what end result you were looking for, so I just wanted to give you as many broad ideas to choose from, then allow you to narrow them down as you see fit. I also Like the idea of 2 new orders, each with their own aspect of "Abjuring" enemy spellcasters. I'm trying to think of a good name for the second order, something related to disjuction...SR reduction...immunity to there a creature that can reduce SR, immunity to spells, etc? I don't know, I'll think on it.

*What do we want to have as the daily limits for 15th level revealtions; either 1/day or #/day = Cha modifier?

Flak wrote:

Guys. Guys.

Hold your horses on that surprise spells thing! The phrasing, as I wrote it, is EXACTLY the same as the phrasing for the ability BY THE SAME NAME in the arcane trickster class. It is not broken. It does not need fixing. Until 8th level, stealth mages (or any wizard with subterfuge subschool and sneak attack from another source) can add sneak attack on attack-roll-dependent spells which target enemies within 30 feet. WITH SURPRISE SPELLS, AS WRITTEN, the sneak attack damage can be added to ANY SPELL WHICH DEALS HP DAMAGE, regardless of range, attack roll requirement, etc..

What's the problem??


(I mean, aside from my addition of the DC increasing thing, but that's not even what you were arguing about.)

I know this was "resolved" several posts ago, but I've been gone, and I don't think the resolution is good, necessary, etc. ...

Also, hi :P

Welcome back Flak!!

As to Surprise Spells, was it cartmanbeck? Yeah I thinks so...anyway, who ever it was, the issue was that the original ability, which is exactly the same, as you stated, is gained at 1st level for the stealth mage, but a 14th-16th level ability for a class/prestige class arcane trickster. A 15 level-ist discrepency.

Originally, I didn't have an issue, since the stealth mage's sneak damage is much lower and spread out. I still don't.

***Here's the original:

Surprise Spells: At 1st level, you can add your sneak attack damage to any spell that deals damage if the targets are flat-footed. This additional damage only applies to spells that deal hit point damage, and the additional damage is of the same type of the spell. If the spell allows a saving throw to negate or halve the damage, it also negates or halves the sneak attack damage.
Alternatively, you can add +1 to the DC of any spell if the targets are flat-footed. This bonus to DCs increases to +2 at 9th level and +3 at 17th level. You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Intelligence modifier.

**Here's the other version:

Surprise Spells: At 1st level, you can add your sneak attack damage to any spell that deals damage from up to 40 feet away, if the targets are flat-footed. This additional damage only applies to spells that require an attack roll, and the additional damage is of the same type of the spell. The range at which you can add sneak attack damage to your spells increases to 50 feet at 7th level. At 13th level, you can add your sneak attack damage to any spell that deals damage, irregardless of whether the spell requires an attack roll or not. If the spell allows a saving throw to negate or halve the damage, it also negates or halves the sneak attack damage.

Alternatively, you can add +1 to the DC of any spell if the targets are flat-footed. This bonus to DCs increases to +2 at 9th level and +3 at 17th level. You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Intelligence modifier.

**Now that you're back we can discuss this, since it was originally your idea.

My opinion: I still don't have a big issue with the original.

Let's break this down...

Even if by 5th level, the stealth mage uses a fireballs and surprise spells, that's only 5d6 fire damage + 2d6 sneak "fire" damage, for a total of 7d6 = avg 25 dmg, which is easily out done by a Fighter with a great sword.

For the Arcane Trickster, he gets it at 10th level (but a min of Rog3/Wiz3/Arcane Tricskter10 = 16th level character). If he cast fireball + surprise spells you get: 10d6 fire + 7d6 sneak "fire" damage, for a total of 17d6 = avg 60 dmg.

A 16th level stealth mage with a fireball + surprise spells = 10d6 + 4d6 sneak "fire" damage, for a total of 14d6 = avg 49 dmg.

At same equivelent levels, the stealth mage does less damage, but gains the ability far earlier, which scales with level. It's definitely not game breaking.

Then there is also the restriction the target must be flat-footed, which, depending upon the circumstances, can happen a lot, or rarely.

My thought is to combine the two, unless some extra range is game breaking? Like so, keeping the original version, but addining in an increased range increment:

Surprise Spells: At 1st level, you can add your sneak attack damage to any spell that deals damage from up to 30 feet away, if the targets are flat-footed. This additional damage only applies to spells that deal hit point damage, and the additional damage is of the same type of the spell. At 9th level, the range at which the stealth mage can perform this ability increases to 40 feet, to 50 feet at 13th level, and to 60 feet at 17th level. If the spell allows a saving throw to negate or halve the damage, it also negates or halves the sneak attack damage.

Alternatively, you can add +1 to the DC of any spell if the targets are flat-footed. This bonus to DCs increases to +2 at 9th level and +3 at 17th level. You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Intelligence modifier.

**Makes it a little more unique ofr the multiclass.

Raiderrpg wrote:
... So he needs to spend an extra action? I don't know if I like that part of the idea, as it breaks the usual methods of sneak attack. Plus, as a ranged attack, shouldn't it cause an attack of opportunity- hence making flanking a bit of a problem with it?

Fixed it. Here:

Piercing Crescendo (Su): At 1st level, a songfilch can unleash a powerful keening note transforms into a razor-sharp crystalline shard that dazes the target for 1 round and deals an amount of piercing damage equal to 1d4 + the songfilch’s Cha modifier to a single target within 30 feet. This crystalline shard also ignores any hardness. This note is inaudible to all but his target, and requires the songfilch to make a ranged attack roll to hit the target.

If a songfilch successfully strikes an opponent when he is unable to defend himself effectively, he strikes a vital spot for extra damage, in addition to the shard’s normal damage. The songfilch deals extra damage anytime the target would be denied a Dexterity bonus to AC (whether the target actually has a Dexterity bonus or not), or when the songfilch flanks his target. This extra damage is 1d6 at 1st level, and increases by 1d6 every four songfilch levels thereafter, to a maximum of +5d6 at 17th level. Should the songfilch score a critical hit with his piercing crescendo, this extra damage is not multiplied. This ability functions as a ranged sneak attack, but only if the target is within 30 feet. This ability replaces counter song and inspire courage.

**Now it does sneak damage anytime he strikes a target that is flat-footed, just like a rogue's sneak attack. Good catch!

RPG Superstar 2013 Top 8

The stealth mage version is also limited times/day. And as you say it scales over a longer period of time. As you showed, the stealth mage version is worse at similar levels. He gets it earlier... but an extra d6 damage on burning hands at level 1? I'd say it has about the same impact at low levels as any other 1st-level arcane school power. And at higher levels, it overtakes them a bit—but remember than you're giving up 1 spell/day and also your arcane bond if you're taking the sneak attack option—but is still inferior to the arcane trickster version. The only reason I can think of to nerf it relative the 'original' I put forth is some conservative notion that just because a prestige class gets it as an unlimited-use capstone with more sneak attack damage, it shouldn't be available as a lower-powered option at lower levels. Which doesn't make much sense to me. A 6th-level character can be a 1st-level assassin with death attack, which is a weaker version of the rogue's L20 capstone. *shrug*

I'd honestly vote to keep it —not just 'cause I'm married to my version, but I really don't think it breaks anything.

Anyway... not really back. Just checking in. Looks like lots of cool things are happening around here. :)

Flak wrote:

The stealth mage version is also limited times/day. And as you say it scales over a longer period of time. As you showed, the stealth mage version is worse at similar levels. He gets it earlier... but an extra d6 damage on burning hands at level 1? I'd say it has about the same impact at low levels as any other 1st-level arcane school power. And at higher levels, it overtakes them a bit—but remember than you're giving up 1 spell/day and also your arcane bond if you're taking the sneak attack option—but is still inferior to the arcane trickster version. The only reason I can think of to nerf it relative the 'original' I put forth is some conservative notion that just because a prestige class gets it as an unlimited-use capstone with more sneak attack damage, it shouldn't be available as a lower-powered option at lower levels. Which doesn't make much sense to me. A 6th-level character can be a 1st-level assassin with death attack, which is a weaker version of the rogue's L20 capstone. *shrug*

I'd honestly vote to keep it —not just 'cause I'm married to my version, but I really don't think it breaks anything.

Anyway... not really back. Just checking in. Looks like lots of cool things are happening around here. :)

I agree. Let's keep it as the original. But..

1) Where does it say that Surprise Spells is usable #/day? Idon't see it anywhere?

2) Do we want to keep the range increase scaling over levels?

RPG Superstar 2013 Top 8

Elghinn Lightbringer wrote:
Flak wrote:

The stealth mage version is also limited times/day. And as you say it scales over a longer period of time. As you showed, the stealth mage version is worse at similar levels. He gets it earlier... but an extra d6 damage on burning hands at level 1? I'd say it has about the same impact at low levels as any other 1st-level arcane school power. And at higher levels, it overtakes them a bit—but remember than you're giving up 1 spell/day and also your arcane bond if you're taking the sneak attack option—but is still inferior to the arcane trickster version. The only reason I can think of to nerf it relative the 'original' I put forth is some conservative notion that just because a prestige class gets it as an unlimited-use capstone with more sneak attack damage, it shouldn't be available as a lower-powered option at lower levels. Which doesn't make much sense to me. A 6th-level character can be a 1st-level assassin with death attack, which is a weaker version of the rogue's L20 capstone. *shrug*

I'd honestly vote to keep it —not just 'cause I'm married to my version, but I really don't think it breaks anything.

Anyway... not really back. Just checking in. Looks like lots of cool things are happening around here. :)

I agree. Let's keep it as the original. But..

1) Where does it say that Surprise Spells is usable #/day? Idon't see it anywhere?

2) Do we want to keep the range increase scaling over levels?

1) Here's surprise spells as I wrote it.

Surprise Spells: At 1st level, you can add your sneak attack damage to any spell that deals damage if the targets are flat-footed. This additional damage only applies to spells that deal hit point damage, and the additional damage is of the type of the spell. If the spell allows a saving throw to negate or halve the damage, it also negates or halves the sneak attack damage. Alternatively, you can add +1 to the DC of any spell if the targets are flat-footed. This bonus to DCs increases to +2 at 9th level and +3 at 17th level. You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Intelligence modifier.

It's a first-level arcane school power (for the subterfuge focused illusion school) and as such it is usable the same number of times per day as any other first-level arcane school power. Yes, an elf could get more uses out of it if he chose stealth mage as his favored class. Also, since I made it a school power and not a class feature, technically any wizard could take it—but it would be largely useless unless they're multiclassing into rogue or assassin, which reduces spell power significantly (and, again, it's limited use).

2) I don't see why range needs to play any part in this.

Flak wrote:

) Here's surprise spells as I wrote it.

Surprise Spells: At 1st level, you can add your sneak attack damage to any spell that deals damage if the targets are flat-footed. This additional damage only applies to spells that deal hit point damage, and the additional damage is of the type of the spell. If the spell allows a saving throw to negate or halve the damage, it also negates or halves the sneak attack damage. Alternatively, you can add +1 to the DC of any spell if the targets are flat-footed. This bonus to DCs increases to +2 at 9th level and +3 at 17th level. You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Intelligence modifier.

It's a first-level arcane school power (for the subterfuge focused illusion school) and as such it is usable the same number of times per day as any other first-level arcane school power. Yes, an elf could get more uses out of it if he chose stealth mage as his favored class. Also, since I made it a school power and not a class feature, technically any wizard could take it—but it would be largely useless unless they're multiclassing into rogue or assassin, which reduces spell power significantly (and, again, it's limited use).

We'll just keep the original.

Silver Crusade RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16

Elghinn Lightbringer wrote:
Flak wrote:

) Here's surprise spells as I wrote it.

Surprise Spells: At 1st level, you can add your sneak attack damage to any spell that deals damage if the targets are flat-footed. This additional damage only applies to spells that deal hit point damage, and the additional damage is of the type of the spell. If the spell allows a saving throw to negate or halve the damage, it also negates or halves the sneak attack damage. Alternatively, you can add +1 to the DC of any spell if the targets are flat-footed. This bonus to DCs increases to +2 at 9th level and +3 at 17th level. You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Intelligence modifier.

It's a first-level arcane school power (for the subterfuge focused illusion school) and as such it is usable the same number of times per day as any other first-level arcane school power. Yes, an elf could get more uses out of it if he chose stealth mage as his favored class. Also, since I made it a school power and not a class feature, technically any wizard could take it—but it would be largely useless unless they're multiclassing into rogue or assassin, which reduces spell power significantly (and, again, it's limited use).

We'll just keep the original.

After your analysis of the damage output, I can agree that it's okay to keep it as Flak had written it, with the per day usage.

Wow! talk about a slow day. I assume people are working (jobs), working (in their yards), or working (on archetypes)...:D

Should be posting the redo of the Spellfilch soon.

EDIT: Ya!! 750!!

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