Need help with build ideas - Serpents Skull


We are starting Serpents Skull, and so far we have a druid, magus, swashbuckler, and me. I am going to have to play some sort of healer, but i dont want to "just be a healer". 15 point buy as standard, 2 traits and one free campaign trait. We are also missing trapfinding due to the rouge archtype.

Looking for build ideas, actual builds i can review, general advice, etc. I have never ran an oracle or cleric, but those are the 2 i am looking at. Any advice/help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance!

You already have a healer. The druid has CLW. He's your healer. Screw that "There must be a dedicated healer" noise. Play what you want. Healing in combat is generally not a great idea anyways, and wands of cure light wounds work amazingly out of combat. If you don't want to play a Cleric or an Oracle, then don't.

A bard could work well, and three of the archetypes give Trapfinding (Archivist, Detective, Sandman) but they all give up Inspire Courage. Plus they can also cast CLW from wands.

A Wizard or Witch would be a great choice too, since you don't really have all those lovely arcane spells that help out a ton.

Alchemist healer type trap finder

Ranger would be a good option as well. They can heal and use wands when needed and could be good in that AP.

If you want to go cleric, I would suggest Gorzah or Sarenrea. The first one is good for the region where you will be and the second has healing and fire as two good domains. Since you do not have a primary arcane caster, the fire domain will give you a little more area damage spells.

But as others have said play what you want and have fun with it. But healing and nature types are pretty important in this AP in my opinion.

Silver Crusade

Doing two jobs with one character. Healing arcane caster.
Witch(Hedge Witch)
Patron Healing 2:Remove Fear 4:Lessor Restoration 6:Remove Deseas 8:Restoration
Spontaneous Healing (Su): A hedge witch can channel stored spell energy into healing spells that she did not prepare ahead of time. The witch can “lose” any prepared spell that is not an orison in order to cast any cure spell of the same spell level or lower, even if she doesn’t know that cure spell. This replaces the witch’s hex gained at 4th level.

Just focus on flow of battle spells. Like web, black tentacles, and charm spells. Along with some save or suck spells like baleful polymorph, magic jar, and flesh to stone. This lets you have somthing to do in combat and out of combat.

calagnar wrote:

Doing two jobs with one character. Healing arcane caster.

Witch(Hedge Witch)
Patron Healing 2:Remove Fear 4:Lessor Restoration 6:Remove Deseas 8:Restoration
Spontaneous Healing (Su): A hedge witch can channel stored spell energy into healing spells that she did not prepare ahead of time. The witch can “lose” any prepared spell that is not an orison in order to cast any cure spell of the same spell level or lower, even if she doesn’t know that cure spell. This replaces the witch’s hex gained at 4th level.

Just focus on flow of battle spells. Like web, black tentacles, and charm spells. Along with some save or suck spells like baleful polymorph, magic jar, and flesh to stone. This lets you have somthing to do in combat and out of combat.

Some good ideas here but i think i will go with an oracle or cleric. I am just not sure which one or what kind of build.

Silver Crusade

Hedge Witch
Str 8
Dex 12
Con 12
Int 19
Wis 10
Cha 10
Feats: Spell Focus:Enchantment, Greater Spell Focus:Enchantment
Hex: Slumber(DC15Will)
Traits: Reactionary, Boarded in Varisia: Treat your spells with the
mind-affecting descriptor as being +1 caster level higher
when cast against creatures and natives of the jungle.
Familier: Green Sting Scorpian
Patron: Healing
Spells Known: All 0 level
1st level: burning hands,charm person,comprehend languages,cure light wounds,detect secret doors,enlarge person,ill omen,identify,

Silver Crusade

He are two difrent types of Oracle
Oracle Mystery Battle
Str 17
Dex 12
Con 14
Int 10
Wis 7
Cha 14
Feats: Improved Initiative, Extra Revelation: War Sight
Revelation: Skill at Arms
Traits: Reactionary, Boarded in the Shackles:+1Will save
Skills: Diplomacy, Intimadate, Knowlage:History,KnowlageEngineering,Sense Motive,
0 level: Creat Water,Detect Magic,Spark, Mending,
1 level: Cure Light Wounds, Bless, Comprehend Language,

Oracle Mystery Time
Str 7
Dex 8
Con 14
Int 14
Wis 8
Cha 19
Feats: Improved Initiative, Extra Revelation: Knowlage of the Ages
Revelations: Temporal Celerity
Traits: Reactionary, Mwangi Scholar
Skills: Diplomacy, Knowlage:Arcane, Knowlage:History, Knowlage:Religion, Knowlage:Planes, Linguistics, Use Magic Device
0 level: Creat Water, Detect Magic, Spark, Mending
1 level: Cure Light Wound, Bless, Command

Waylorn wrote:

We are starting Serpents Skull, and so far we have a druid, magus, swashbuckler, and me. I am going to have to play some sort of healer, but i dont want to "just be a healer". 15 point buy as standard, 2 traits and one free campaign trait. We are also missing trapfinding due to the rouge archtype.

Looking for build ideas, actual builds i can review, general advice, etc. I have never ran an oracle or cleric, but those are the 2 i am looking at. Any advice/help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance!

I would tell Druid or Swabulker to work trapfinding in to there build.

Alchemist healer type trap finder/ healing witch maybe...

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