Pathfinder in Spanish!

Paizo General Discussion

Scarab Sages

Hello, I am curious if anyone at Paizo will be translating Pathfinder into Spanish. I would really like to buy the core book, advanced guide, & ultimate magic, but not in English. I have them in English but SPanish is better here.
I searched the boards before posting this & the only thread that really hit this on the nail was from 2008 before it was locked.
I would like to offer translation services if no one is currently officially working on this, as I think Pathfinder could be huge in SPanish speaking places all over the world, & I'm unsure if D&D ever went that route. Tap into it Paizo, you're a great company!
Thanks for your time. If anyone knows of any plans to translate & release books in Spanish, please respond!

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

zabei wrote:

Hello, I am curious if anyone at Paizo will be translating Pathfinder into Spanish. I would really like to buy the core book, advanced guide, & ultimate magic, but not in English. I have them in English but SPanish is better here.

I searched the boards before posting this & the only thread that really hit this on the nail was from 2008 before it was locked.
I would like to offer translation services if no one is currently officially working on this, as I think Pathfinder could be huge in SPanish speaking places all over the world, & I'm unsure if D&D ever went that route. Tap into it Paizo, you're a great company!
Thanks for your time. If anyone knows of any plans to translate & release books in Spanish, please respond!

We'd be happy to license the Spanish rights to an established publisher who is able to present a solid business plan for a Pathfinder line, but we have not yet been approached by anyone with the necessary credentials.

Scarab Sages

Alright, thank you for your response. I hope for such a company to jump on board!

Hello, I'm also interested in purchasing the books but I understand why it isn't possible to publish them in spanish. However, why don't you commercialize a spanish .pdf version of the books? That way you wouldn't have to face any of the shipping and publishing costs.
Thank you for creating such a great game.

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Guido Ferraro wrote:

Hello, I'm also interested in purchasing the books but I understand why it isn't possible to publish them in spanish. However, why don't you commercialize a spanish .pdf version of the books? That way you wouldn't have to face any of the shipping and publishing costs.

Thank you for creating such a great game.

We don't have the skills needed to publish in Spanish—we'd need translators, editors, and layout artists (yes, good layout artists *do* actually need to know what the words mean). And even if we hired freelancers to do that stuff, we wouldn't have the ability to ensure that they've done a good job.

We'd much rather partner with an established publisher who already has those skills.

Sovereign Court

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Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber

¡Que lástima! I tell my kid Busacacaminos stories all the time. I'd buy Pathfinder in español just to support the effort!

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Does anybody know what Spanish language publishers are already doing related material?
I´m pretty sure D&D is translated, and WarHammer seems to have good distribution, but who could actually do this? Since actual rules-expertise isn´t needed per se, I could see a small publisher currently specializing in pulp/fantasy fiction possibly doing it.
It seems like somebody serious would also want to do associated products, like Campaign Setting, Adventures and APs, PFS Modules, and possibly Pathfinder Fiction... Which all help strengthen the brand as a whole, rather than just being another RPG rules-set (like flooded the market mid-90s). ...Those aspects are really the core of Paizo itself, so it seems reasonable for a translator/distributor partner to take a similar angle on things, i.e. RPG rules as adjunt to everything else.
It would be interesting, actually, to see if APs were translated because it would probably make the most sense to re-package them into at least a single soft-cover book.

Scarab Sages

Quandary wrote:
Does anybody know what Spanish language publishers are already doing related material?....

Quandary, you have a lot of good points to say on this. I'll look & see what I can find. I realize it could be an investment on Paizo's part but could be a great move in a new direction. Embracing the bilingual could lead to so much.

I still hope for the Spanish language - going to see what I can find on your ideas.

Scarab Sages

Any updates on Spanish Pathfinder? I know the MMO will take alot of time but just curious if anyone has an update or if anyone's taken this project on themselves?

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

zabei wrote:
Any updates on Spanish Pathfinder? I know the MMO will take alot of time but just curious if anyone has an update or if anyone's taken this project on themselves?

Same as before:

We'd be happy to license the Spanish rights to an established publisher who is able to present a solid business plan for a Pathfinder line, but we have not yet been approached by anyone with the necessary credentials.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

Truth to be spoken, I´m spanish and I rather prefer to keep getting pathfinder in english as until now.
Reasons? Even what I´d consider the best company dedicated to print rpg could be designated as incompetent.

I can hardly think about the reasons why they have published in four years only the core rulebook and 2 supplements for the warhammer 40000 line (they have the rights since 2008)and the Anima RPG (the best rpg ever done in Spain) has had only one supplement published every year and all their fans tired of waiting for a new one.

Apart of the terrible translations done along history in rpg publishing in Spain(I still have nightmares with the translation they did to the crossbow in 2nd edition dnd (X- Cross, no asking please).

I have been a sincere follower of paizo from the beginning (as a subscriber of dragon and dungeon) and I only desire them the best and I think as Vic.
I don´t know if in South America are any possibilities of publishing pathfinder as pathfinder desserves but I think in Spain there aren´t. At least, not at this moment.

I have no desires for a spanish tranlations of the rulebooks to spanish. I would like to see a spanih version of the novels though, does somebody know if such thing exist?


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Nicos wrote:
I have no desires for a spanish tranlations of the rulebooks to spanish. I would like to see a spanih version of the novels though, does somebody know if such thing exist?

I'd love to see this, too! Unfortunately, the novels are in the same state that Vic mentioned above--and I suspect that if and when a translator does approach us, they'll want to hit the biggest sellers like the Core Rulebook first before moving on to fiction. But we've still got our fingers crossed!

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My fiance is majoring in Spanish language and culture at the university and manages to spend our money on all sorts of stuff in Spanish; books, programs, etc. Even keeps his browser set on Spanish. He's pretty new to RPGs but is loveing PF right now and a he'd really flip over a Spanish language Core Rulebook (he doesn't have his own CRB yet and hates needing my Kindle to read my PDF). It would be the perfect present.

Scarab Sages

Very cool, Ringtail!! I cross my fingers for this! Maybe one day.

Liberty's Edge

Count another person interested in having the manuals and materials in spanish... let's hope.

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Is there something you want to tell us about this topic?
You know, sometimes the internet is full of rumors...

I still want to read those novels in Spanish.

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In Spain we had the Publisher "La Factoria de Ideas", but they have abandon the role playing games and they publish only novels now. There is Devir Iberia, those guys are the publishers behind the Spanish edition of D&D 4th.

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Yeah, the RPG on Spain is not very active right now, with Factoria out. No idea how is DeVir doing right now, honestly. Actually, the major editor is Edge (5 Rings, a bit of Warhammer 40k, Cthulu and Anima), but they have much already, and the speed of publication is incredibly slowly, specially for Warhammer 40k. Me, and many more spanish fans buy directly on English because of that wait. Is curious my 5 Rings collection, have on English and half on Spanish, all the way from 1Ed to the current 4 Ed.
I suppose that the current lack of heavy editorial support for Spanish RPG is partially from we people buying directly English version. But there will always be Aquelarre. That game seems inmortal.

Scarab Sages

Lots of publishers mentioned here & glad to hear about Aguelarre! I'd only heard about it before & now I simply must look it up.
Here's hoping for an established publisher to approach Paizo!
The MMO must be the first issue at the moment, so I understand that.

Webstore Gninja Minion

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zabei wrote:

Lots of publishers mentioned here & glad to hear about Aguelarre! I'd only heard about it before & now I simply must look it up.

Here's hoping for an established publisher to approach Paizo!

We announced our partnership with Devir Iberia here to release Pathfinder RPG materials and the Adventure Card Game in Spanish and Portuguese.

Liberty's Edge

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Excellent. Solo espero que los traigan pronto a México, y que vendan el Beginners Box en español.

Scarab Sages

Oh wow! Thank you Liz Courts. Sorry I missed it. All my best.

I still don't have a Pathfinder CRB in Spanish, but surely will buy it on the future. If someone there as a copy, I must ask; how good is the translation?
DeVir has said it will be a good one, but that Forgotten Realms 3.5 translation is still there. How is possible to translate Silverymoon as "Argluna" instead of "Luna Plateada"?

Forum Necromancy here.

Stumbled upon this as I was futilely looking for Spanish content. Then I saw Vic Wertz' post and decided to crunch numbers. I studied Translation a bit at Uni. If you want to translate the Core Book alone, it's going to run you around $25,000 to $35,000. That's a lot of f+~&ing money. Don't hold your breath waiting for it to happen.

But if you win the lottery or rob a bank, you now know what to spend your cash on.

I'm bilingual and would totally jump at the chance to do some translation work haha just saying

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