[Adamant Entertainment] Dread Codex: Goblins Preview!

Product Discussion

Adamant Entertainment art director Rick Hershey has posted a preview of our forthcoming book, DREAD CODEX: GOBLINS, which will be available in print and PDF -- shipping to stores in September.

Click here for a look at the front cover.

You can check out the preview post (with links to art samples) here at our website. I'll repeat the information below:

The Dread Codex: Goblins is a full color, 96 page, creature supplement written by Jason Stoffa with art & design by Rick Hershey.

The Design:
The Dread Codex: Goblins
is a full color book filled with character portraits, detailed maps, full illustrations, and various goblin graffiti throughout. The background pages are done in parchment with decorative twine binding at the seems, giving the book a weathered and rustic look. . . like a heavily used field guide.

Space is not wasted, there are no random spots in the book not filled with an illustration, sidebar, or even funny graffiti. The body text is a standard 8.5 font, in line with Pathfinder.

The Content:

The first chapter is the only part of the book you might classify as a true ecology section. We introduce the basic goblin and discuss and expand on the information most of you know. Details on relationships, clan hierarchy, pregnancy and children, dwellings, and the standard goblin as a player race.

In addition, you’ll find goblin motivations, favored classes, racial traits, and a physical description chart. (not to mention sidebars including: goblin songs, popular books about goblins, new diseases, and more.)

Chapter 2 we begin to get into the fun stuff, goblin variant races, all of which are playable and full of options. You’ll find: Aquatic Goblin, Arctic Goblin, Desert Goblin, Grim Goblin, Jungle Goblin, Magma Goblin, Stone Goblin, Urban Goblin, House Goblin, Sewer Goblin, Trash Goblin, and the Abyssal Goblin.

In Chapter 3 we present 3 new classes for the goblin. The Wolfsworn Class, the Striker class, and the Pyromancer class. We also include New Favored Class Abilities for each, Alternative Class features, and New Class Archetypes. Giving you the most versatility for the three classes as possible.

As we move into Chapter 4, we get see a collection of new feats, new spells (for the Pyromancer) and new goblin skills.

Chapter 5 is all about weapons and equipment. Here you’ll find favored weapons by race, new weapons for the standard goblin, explosives, tools, magic items and more. Each item depicted with a full color illustration.

In Chapter 6 we do all the work for a tired Game Master. You’ll find detailed NPC’s of various goblins, stat blocks for generic goblins and all the goblins presented in this book. Right and ready to drop into your game.

Chapter 7 is a bestiary, filled with goblin inspired and related creatures, including more horrific offshoots of the race, details on various mounts, and a few surprises.

The Last Chapter of the book is all for the Game Master. Chapter 8 includes a compilation of all the charts in the book, including those found in sidebars, maps of various goblin lairs, and random charts for creating goblin adventures and encounters.

Over the next few months, we’ll be previewing sections of the book and discussing the content, both on the Adamant and Empty Room Studios sites, as well as here in the forums.

Dark Archive

Wow, that looks pretty neat. Nice art, as well. The pictures of what I assume are the Magma Goblin and the Goblin Pyromancer are awesome.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Nice cover, I especially like the font for the title.

My group loves Goblins, so this will be a perfect match. I can't wait for it to be out!

Dark Archive

Wow, that looks good. I've only bought one 3PP product for PF (Psionics Unleashed) but I might actually pick that one up.

I was looking through your product category and I was wondering you are going to collect the Fell Beasts PDFs and make a print book? Also, your apocalypse game looks really good.

lastgrasp wrote:
Wow, that looks good. I've only bought one 3PP product for PF (Psionics Unleashed) but I might actually pick that one up.

Cool, then you recognize my work from the cover and interior of that book! See, you got a theme going on :)

Dark Archive

The art looks amazing.I will have to buy it.

Hello there! My name is Jason Stoffa and i'm the lead writer of the Dread Codex: Goblin supplement which will be released sometime in the early fall. For those of you who have kept up with Rick Hershey's posts and previews for the art included within the book, it will come as no surprise that we are heading in some new directions with the way that these creatures are presented within the pages of the Codex. In the next few days keep a lookout for a sampling of the new content which will be posted not only here but also on Empty Room Studios Webssite.Thanks for the support and i look forward to any comments or questions!

And through the Empty Room Studio FB page? :)

Yes, if you follow us on Facebook you'll get some updates. And if you follow either one of us personally, you'll of course get all kinds of random info during our all night weekend work-a-thons.

New goblin picture posted soon on my facebook.

1 of 10 new types of goblin weed in the book. (We've been up all night working, so excuse any typos :)

Giggle Smoke: This common herb grows wild in the desert sands. Small and shrub like, it's thorny thistles protect it from being eaten by may wildlife. When ground into paste the plants roots can be smoked to produce a strange effect. The herb's users become prone to suffer from bouts of uncontrollable laughter as everything becomes oddly humorous. The root can also be brewed into a rich ale that has found fame inside the desert kingdoms. It is prized for its healing effects, and if imbibed can help cure long lasting wounds.

Giggle Smoke
Type inhaled; Addiction moderate, Fortitude DC 16
Price 30 gp
Effect (inhaled) make a Fortitude DC 14 save or fall under the effects of Hideous Laughter for 1d6 rounds as per the spell
Effect (ingested) regain twice as many hit points when taking a full nights rest
Damage 1d2 Wis damage

Howdy Folks, just a quick update on the Dread Codex: Goblins book. It is now completely finished and going through one last pass to make sure everything is finalized.

96 pages, full colored art (and we mean tons of it).
Jason Stoffa clocked in at a final 65,868 words in this book.

It will be sent over to Gareth end of this week and we'll start previewing the tons of content created for the awesome guide.

Anyways, hope you are excited about this as we are.

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