Douglas Muir 406 |
So, for example, here's a low-level conjurer. Elf or human, start with 15 Int (17 racial) and 14 Dex (16 racial if elf).
1 Spell Focus (Conjuration)
1a (if human) Point blank shot, to beef up Acid Dart. The Dart is useless at high levels but at low and midlevels it's pretty handy.
2 take Summon Monster I. Conjurer = 50% extra duration on Summons, no effect at first level but now it kicks in.
3 Augment Summoning. Take Summon Monster II and either Web or Glitterdust as two new spells.
4 Take the other of Web or Glitterdust. Increase Int to 18.
5 Improved Initiative, because your monsters share your Init and also it's nice to set up flanks and such early. Take Summon Monster III and Sleet Storm. First magic item purchase: Con boosting item if elf, otherwise Headband of Intellect +2.
-- post your own. You can trick out all the way to 20, but don't forget low-level survivability.
Doug M.
james maissen |
So, for example, here's a low-level conjurer. Elf or human, start with 15 Int (17 racial) and 14 Dex (16 racial if elf).
1 Spell Focus (Conjuration)
1a (if human) Point blank shot, to beef up Acid Dart. The Dart is useless at high levels but at low and midlevels it's pretty handy.
2 take Summon Monster I. Conjurer = 50% extra duration on Summons, no effect at first level but now it kicks in.
3 Augment Summoning. Take Summon Monster II and either Web or Glitterdust as two new spells.
4 Take the other of Web or Glitterdust. Increase Int to 18.
5 Improved Initiative, because your monsters share your Init and also it's nice to set up flanks and such early. Take Summon Monster III and Sleet Storm. First magic item purchase: Con boosting item if elf, otherwise Headband of Intellect +2.-- post your own. You can trick out all the way to 20, but don't forget low-level survivability.
Doug M.
I would suggest avoiding the point blank shot entirely. Even at the start it's not good for you as it encourages you to get within 30' of the enemy. Further without precise shot it encourages you to have an unobstructed path to that enemy.
Get a wand of magic missiles and burn it throughout the low levels. The damage will be better (on average) as you cannot miss. The positioning will be better as you can opt for cover and be 110 feet away if you wish. Sure it costs you 'big' to start, but point blank shot is going to cost you big at the start (getting hurt/dead) and at the end (wasted feat that you never use).
There are a number of things that 'sound' good but can fall down on you, and point blank shot for a wizard is one of them.
![]() |
![Gravin Goldhammer](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/A13-Marooned-Dwarf.jpg)
Your base Int is to low for higher level play.
Level 12
Int 17Base+3Level+4Item= 24 +7modifier
Spell DC
Ability modifier 7+6spell level+2Greater spell focus=25
So with your highest level spell it only works some of the time. Low saves it works most of the time. So any thing that will incress your spell DC is more inportant to a caster then any thing else. Starting with a base 19 is alot more point. The only stats a arcane caster needs is Int and Con. Ray spells are ok but your better off focusing on save DC.
CR 12
Adult Copper Dragon
Fort +14, Ref +10, Will +13
Adult Green Dragon
Fort +14, Ref +9, Will +14
Fort +6, Ref +7, Will +11
Purple Worm
Fort +17, Ref +8, Will +4
brassbaboon |
![Ailson Kindler](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/Horrors-OldHunter.jpg)
Okay, I see that. Easy to get caught up in "ooh, I can get a decent attack that actually does damage!"But anyhow: any others?
Doug M.
My druid has point blank shot and uses it on ray attacks. She also has precise shot and uses that on ray attacks too. She's pretty effective in combat. Deadly even. Of course this is 3.5 using the Spell Compendium where druids actually get some nice ray spells, but wizards do too. Being able to shoot your rays into combat without taking a -4 to your attack rolls, and targeting touch AC instead of regular AC is not a terrible build choice.
Plus I just sorta hate the "buy a six pack of magic missile and cure light wounds wands and just blast away until you reach level 5" approach.
Don't be so quick to give up a concept if you gave it some thought to begin with. Not every character has to be a cookie cutter wizard. A ray shooting wizard with the point blank tree of spells may not be the most optimized wizard, but if it's anything like my druid, well, she's a ton of fun to play.
Jon Kines |
The only stats a arcane caster needs is Int and Con.
Dexterity is actually more important than Con, initiative order is more important for a wizard than any other build save possibly an archery rogue. Here's an example of a human wizard build assuming a 20 point buy, this build is pragmatically optimized, without dumping. Since most
AP's go to ~15, I built it to that point. If you want to hyperoptimize, strength and charisma can be dumped, but don't dump wisdom. One failed will save and you're likely out of the combat entirely. Feat selection allows for the usual battlefield controller tactics with a dash of save or lose for when really needed.Int 19 (13)
Dex 14 (5)
Con 12 (2)
Wis 10 (0)
Cha 10 (0)
Str 10 (0)
All attribute increases in intelligence.
For Specialization I recommend Teleportation (Conjuration subschool).
The extended duration on summons is handy, and shift can be a life saver for things like escaping grapples.
1: Tougness, Improved Initiative
3: Spell Focus Conjuration
5: Augment Summoning, Extend Spell
7: Improved Familiar (recommend Mephit w/ opposable thumbs)
9: Defensive Combat Training
10: Quicken Spell
11: Spell Penetration
13: Reach Spell (suddenly all those nasty spells with range of touch got a lot more attractive)
15: Persistent Spell, Greater Spell Penetration
brassbaboon |
![Ailson Kindler](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/Horrors-OldHunter.jpg)
Dexterity is actually more important than Con, initiative order is more important for a wizard than any other build save possibly an archery rogue.
I agree with this much.
And as a bonus if you have a ray casting wizard with the point blank tree, guess what you get to boost with high dex? That's right, your attack roll!
james maissen |
Jon Kines wrote:Dexterity is actually more important than Con, initiative order is more important for a wizard than any other build save possibly an archery rogue.I agree with this much.
And as a bonus if you have a ray casting wizard with the point blank tree, guess what you get to boost with high dex? That's right, your attack roll!
Don't sacrifice either... take the hit in the other stats.
On a 15pt buy go with:
STR 07
INT 18
WIS 07
DEX 14
CON 14
CHA 07
Then pick a race that let's you put a +2 in INT. I would not really go with Elf, but rather just take the spell penetration feat if you want it... unless you really want to have all 3 (and with piercing spells that's iffy).
As for the WIS hurting your WILL save, that's true.. but in all honesty you target wizards with FORT saves (flesh to stone, etc) to make them go away. Likewise you simply apply sword to face.. both of which a better CON score helps resist. If you have more than a 15pt buy then shore up the WIS score for Perception and (then) Will save.
But I certainly agree with INIT. Diviner (fate) wizards are VERY strong for this. Pick up improved init & a trait for another +6 init, then at high levels augment this with gear.
Have a few metamagics if you can get the most out of them, but go to metamagic rods as your coin purse will allow.
Paizo's added some awesome wizard feats out there.. plan for them.
Jon Kines |
As for the WIS hurting your WILL save, that's true.. but in all honesty you target wizards with FORT saves (flesh to stone, etc) to make them go away.
Or you feeblemind them, which effectively turns them into a commoner and which they must save at a -4 normally, but a -6 if they dumped wisdom. In my opinion, dumping wisdom makes it far too easy for you to be removed from combat entirely.
That being said you were demonstrating a 15 point whereas my build was a 20 point buy, and the parameters definitely affect how you build. I give my players 20 point buy for AP's in lieu of 15, because as a DM I optimize the encounters and 20 point buy keeps it in balance.
james maissen |
james maissen wrote:
As for the WIS hurting your WILL save, that's true.. but in all honesty you target wizards with FORT saves (flesh to stone, etc) to make them go away.Or you feeblemind them, which effectively turns them into a commoner and which they must save at a -4 normally, but a -6 if they dumped wisdom. In my opinion, dumping wisdom makes it far too easy for you to be removed from combat entirely.
That being said you were demonstrating a 15 point whereas my build was a 20 point buy, and the parameters definitely affect how you build. I give my players 20 point buy for AP's in lieu of 15, because as a DM I optimize the encounters and 20 point buy keeps it in balance.
Exactly, if I had 20pts to work with I'd take the additional 5 into WIS (putting it at 11), but I stand by the order of stats for a wizard that puts both DEX & CON over WIS.
As to feeblemind.. splurge on a 4000gp ring of counterspells, or 6000gp if you can get it enchanted on something already enchanted with something else.
Besides feeblemind is one spell, while there are whole schools of FORT save spells.
Can we agree that you need STR/CHA less than you need one more point of INT and 2 more points of CON?
Jon Kines |
Can we agree that you need STR/CHA less than you need one more point of INT and 2 more points of CON?
Absolutely, I even stated in the aforementioned build that Strength and Charisma could easily be dumped. I offered a practical flexible build as a versatile baseline because some people prefer a more flexible character, and a lot of people disdain dumping in general. Hence it was an attempt at a neutral baseline.
As to Will vs. Fort it is not just feeblemind, there are whole schools of will saves spells as well, most of which are every bit as debilitating as the fort spells. Furthermore, I have never argued for dumping Con either, as I always go with a positive bonus. I'm not certain there is even a point of contention here.
Is a 20 int at level 1 more optimized than a 19 int? Absolutely, but a 19 int at level 1 is still an excellent wizard. Furthermore he's an excellent wizard who isn't a social pariah, every enchanters favorite target dummy, and heavily encumbered by only his spellbooks and one strength drain away from a dirt nap. Whether or not that tradeoff is worth it, will vary greatly from campaign to campaign and ultimately depends on the playstyle of the DM.
james maissen |
Is a 20 int at level 1 more optimized than a 19 int?
Depends to what levels you see the game progressing. If you're going to 20th then you want the full starting 20.
Also it's nice at 1st level as you have yet another 1st level spell, as well as the DC being a little higher at the point when anyone can roll high to avoid them...
In other words I'm in favor of it for the wizard, but if you are stopping at 12th (like PFS) then I'd agree and consider the 19.
We don't differ much (if at all), I just guess I tend to find that most people when they see a wizard are going to target them with a FORT save or raw damage. Thus when I build one I tend to strengthen this as much as I can. And when I DM, I tend to have the NPCs tend to go this way even though I, out side of the game, might know the particular wizard is weaker in WILL.
Jon Kines |
Jon Kines wrote:
Is a 20 int at level 1 more optimized than a 19 int?Depends to what levels you see the game progressing. If you're going to 20th then you want the full starting 20.
Given the plethora of options that now exist for raising ability scores, even going to 20 that one point will make little overall difference. For example, if you just factor in level based attribute increases you are looking at a 24 or 25, which offer the same bonus. With a +6 headband its a 30 or 31, again the same bonus. If you additionally add a Tome of Clear Thought +5. it becomes a 36 vs. 35 where the 20 base does gain a 1 point advantage. So yes it is an advantage but hardly game breaking, and the character who didn't dump has more aggregate survivability. Furthermore, by these levels of the game, debuffs mitigate save DC's to the point that 1 point isn't often going to make a difference. Again it's playstyle but our campaigns tend to be gritty and tough, so when I build a caster I go for a little more overall survivability. If I was in a situation where I didn't think it was warranted I would take the 20 int build.