Crafting: Alchemy

Rules Questions

at lv 2 i have +10 to craft alchmey

i want to make a acid Flask which is 10 gold which is 100silver.

I pay 1/3 of the cost which is 33silver

I rolled a 14+10(craft: alchemy)= 24x 15 DC = 360silver worth

so i made 1 flask 3.6times faster than usual in a 7 day week thats 1.9 days

... OR ...

is the amount we need to reach the 1/3 cost amount?
in which case i can make a flask in mere hours?

Sorry, you need to reach the actual value of the object you made : in your case 100 silver... So yeah it's 1.9 days to make an acid flask...

Though I have to say that the craft machanic is not good (to say the least), you can find some awesome craft rules in 3PP products that'll fix this issue... ;)

Morris Chan wrote:

at lv 2 i have +10 to craft alchmey

i want to make a acid Flask which is 10 gold which is 100silver.

I pay 1/3 of the cost which is 33silver

I rolled a 14+10(craft: alchemy)= 24x 15 DC = 360silver worth

so i made 1 flask 3.6times faster than usual in a 7 day week thats 1.9 days

... OR ...

is the amount we need to reach the 1/3 cost amount?
in which case i can make a flask in mere hours?

Crafting is a bit slow, but you get fast alchemy which cuts the time down and master alchemist as a feat which does the same.

This drops the time required by half and then 1/10th.

You can also chose to voluntarily increase the DC to make it go faster, cant recall the RAW on this one, but i think its by 10.

Shadow Lodge

3 people marked this as a favorite.

I made a spreadsheet to calculate alchemy in all its splendor...


Loengrin wrote:

Sorry, you need to reach the actual value of the object you made : in your case 100 silver... So yeah it's 1.9 days to make an acid flask...

Though I have to say that the craft machanic is not good (to say the least), you can find some awesome craft rules in 3PP products that'll fix this issue... ;)

Which ones?

Shadow Lodge

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

The Master Alchemist feat in the APG also helps tremendously with craft alchemal items.

Master Alchemist
Your mastery of alchemy is nearly supernatural.

Prerequisite: Craft (alchemy) 5 ranks.

Benefit: You receive a +2 bonus on Craft (alchemy) checks, and you may create mundane alchemical items much more quickly than normal. When making poisons, you can create a number of doses equal to your Intelligence modifier (minimum 1) at one time. These additional doses do not increase the time required, but they do increase the raw material cost.

In addition, whenever you make alchemical items or poisons using Craft (alchemy), use the item’s gp value as its sp value when determining your progress (do not multiply the item’s gp cost by 10 to determine its sp cost).

HOLY COW master alchemist feat is crazy,

not having to multiple gp cost by 10 to get silvers worth is crazy


Creating Poisons is the same as flasks in that you multiply gold by 10 to get silvers worth value? than a craft check and stuff unless you have master alchemist feat which makes it so you don't have to multiply the gold cost by 10?

so if its 60gold to to make a poison you pay 20gold for cost than roll a 14+10 (skill points) x 15(DC) example dc... = 120...

which means you make it 2 times faster than usual so about 3 and a half days.

Dark Archive

Human Alchemist 5
Intelligence 22 (18 + 2 human + 2 headband)
Heart of the Field alternative racial trait
Adopted Trait (to gain the gnome trait that grants +2 Craft Alchemy)
Skill Focus (Craft Alchemy)
Prodigy (Craft Alchemy)
Master Alchemist
Alchemist's lab

Craft Alchemy: 5 (ranks) + 3 (Class Skill) + 5 (Alchemy) + 3 (Skill Focus) + 2 (Prodigy) + 2 (Brastlewark Businessman) + 2 (Master Alchemist) + 2 (Alchemist's lab) + 6 (Intelligence) + 2 (Heart of the Field) = +32

The DC to Craft Dragon's Bile is 26, it can be increased by 10 to increase the progress per week.
With Take 10, the amount crafted per week is 36*42=1512 which is just enough to craft six doses of dragon's bile per week. Each dose costs 500 gp in raw materials and brings 750 gp when sold. So, in a week, such a character would make 1500 gp. Not bad for a character of fifth level.

Dark Archive

Jadeite wrote:

Human Alchemist 5

Intelligence 22 (18 + 2 human + 2 headband)
Heart of the Field alternative racial trait
Adopted Trait (to gain the gnome trait that grants +2 Craft Alchemy)
Skill Focus (Craft Alchemy)
Prodigy (Craft Alchemy)
Master Alchemist
Alchemist's lab

Craft Alchemy: 5 (ranks) + 3 (Class Skill) + 5 (Alchemy) + 3 (Skill Focus) + 2 (Prodigy) + 2 (Brastlewark Businessman) + 2 (Master Alchemist) + 2 (Alchemist's lab) + 6 (Intelligence) + 2 (Heart of the Field) = +32

The DC to Craft Dragon's Bile is 26, it can be increased by 10 to increase the progress per week.
With Take 10, the amount crafted per week is 36*42=1512 which is just enough to craft six doses of dragon's bile per week. Each dose costs 500 gp in raw materials and brings 750 gp when sold. So, in a week, such a character would make 1500 gp. Not bad for a character of fifth level.

And with Swift Alchemy (which I forgot), the character would be able to create twice as much poison (12 doses per week).

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