Beliefs I accept before I start drinking

Off-Topic Discussions

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I believe lawful doesn't have to be all about reporting poor Gary to the authorities for rolling ponies. I believe lawful can be much more... fun.

I believe my boss was nuts for agreeing to do a bridal show and a full wedding/reception service within one week of each other.

I believe I'm still a vegetarian. Many people wouldn't know that about me, since I don't really talk about it.

I believe I didn't rat on anyone, I just pointed out the probable consequences of leading a life of delinquency. Even against ponies.

Scarab Sages

I believe today was very....productive.

I believe that today is the worst day of the week. Tomorrow will be the best, so it is just getting thru it..

I believe I'm narcoleptic.


I believe that I will rifle through your pockets while your asleep.

Scarab Sages

I believe it's interesting to watch people bang their heads against a digital wall.

I believe Gary has done something that keeps my focus stuff unfocued! Kudos PMG! Thanks for the Sanity Aid Another! It is apprciated.

Lifts morning mimosa

Scarab Sages

I believe I enjoyed once again having a Dr.Pepper as my morning breakfast drink.

I believe it's time to go get a shower.

I believe I will not attempt to grow out my facial hair.

I believe I may have to try and find the LSU game on.

I believe today is going to be hot and my beer is cold - what more do I need.

I believe all coffee should be Irish.

I believe if I tell someone basic plans they should be able to remember those plans. Especially if I tell them these plans more than four times over two weeks.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I believe dozing in a hammock under a shady tree with someone you care about is next to heaven.

Xabulba wrote:
I believe dozing in a hammock under a shady tree with someone you care about is next to heaven.

I believe that I will rifle through YOUR pockets while your asleep.

I believe chronic pain sucks. Sucks balls.

I believe a cure for chronic pain is a quick trips to movie theater as their nothing in RED BOX worth renting.

Scarab Sages

I believe today was a good day.

Dark Archive

I believe the day can only get better.

The Exchange

I believe it is not Friday yet.

Dark Archive

I believe I need a drink already and its not yet 12.

I can't believe that I am actually pleased that gas has dropped to $3.35/gallon.

Doodlebug Anklebiter wrote:
I can't believe that I am actually pleased that gas has dropped to $3.35/gallon.

I believe I'm having trouble finding Doodlebug's "Yay Socialism" thread here on the Paizo Messageboards.

-- Andy

2 people marked this as a favorite.

I believe my PCs are going to find new monsters creeping up on them as I peruse the Tome of Horrors Complete that showed up on my doorstep today =)

Liberty's Edge Contributor

I believe this is the first time I've posted in this thread.

I also believe I need to stop avoiding the work I should be doing.

The Exchange

Doodlebug Anklebiter wrote:
I can't believe that I am actually pleased that gas has dropped to $3.35/gallon.

Still up that high out east?

The Exchange

Paris Crenshaw wrote:

I believe this is the first time I've posted in this thread.

I also believe I need to stop avoiding the work I should be doing.

I believe firing squads are scary.

Dark Archive

Patrick Curtin wrote:
I believe my PCs are going to find new monsters creeping up on them as I peruse the Tome of Horrors Complete that showed up on my doorstep today =)

I believe I want a copy of that myself at least in pdf. So I can throw something new and different at my neice and newphew who read the MM religiously.

Patrick Curtin wrote:
I believe my PCs are going to find new monsters creeping up on them as I peruse the Tome of Horrors Complete that showed up on my doorstep today =)

I believe I'm jealous of Pat Curtin as I have not received my copy yet.

Scarab Sages

I believe I shall ship some gifts off to the states today.

I also believe I shall visit Popeye's again for lunch.

The Exchange

Popeye's gift cards...hint hint!!

The Exchange

In all seriousness though, you should think about the stereotype of sending a few post cards. To friends or relative back home who may never get a chance to go to Japan.

Dark Archive

So you going to buy yourself that katana while you are over there?

BluePigeon wrote:
Patrick Curtin wrote:
I believe my PCs are going to find new monsters creeping up on them as I peruse the Tome of Horrors Complete that showed up on my doorstep today =)
I believe I'm jealous of Pat Curtin as I have not received my copy yet.

I believe the UPS goblins have struck again! [Lovingly caresses BP's ToH]

Crimson Jester wrote:
Doodlebug Anklebiter wrote:
I can't believe that I am actually pleased that gas has dropped to $3.35/gallon.
Still up that high out east?

I believe it was hovering around $3.75 in my vicinity and recently dropped. Which is good, because my carpool buddy (and hence my gasoline subsidy) got struck down with appendicitis and is going to be in a hospital for the next 3 weeks.

I believe driving a Towncar gets expensive.

Scarab Sages

Crimson Jester wrote:
In all seriousness though, you should think about the stereotype of sending a few post cards. To friends or relative back home who may never get a chance to go to Japan.

I believe that is an interesting idea.......

Scarab Sages

Gruumash . wrote:
So you going to buy yourself that katana while you are over there?

I believe I'm not sure. Many of the swords you can buy in stores are crap, but there's supposed to be a big bizarre here at the base this coming weekend, so we'll see.

I believe I AM going to get myself a sake set. And maybe one for my buddy getting married in November.

The Exchange

I believe I saw gas prices around $3.29 today.

Dark Archive

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I believe I found 12 dollars in my pocket which is going to be my lunch today.

Gas is around 3.63 here.

The Exchange

Crimson Jester wrote:
I believe I saw gas prices around $3.29 today.

And I am wrong $3.19

3.12-3.13 is about the best I've been able to do around here, recently, I do believe. But not after drinking, that's for sure.

Silver Crusade

I believe I just saw regular unleaded for 4.39 in Beverly Hills. But I don't buy gas there.

Scarab Sages

I believe it's sad when a troll has to post in a thread that everyone has basically been ignoring, just so he can say the thread is doomed to end in flames.

Dark Archive

Doodlebug Anklebiter wrote:
BluePigeon wrote:
Patrick Curtin wrote:
I believe my PCs are going to find new monsters creeping up on them as I peruse the Tome of Horrors Complete that showed up on my doorstep today =)
I believe I'm jealous of Pat Curtin as I have not received my copy yet.
I believe the UPS goblins have struck again! [Lovingly caresses BP's ToH]

"Hey you goblin bring that back." Sad I wanted a copy of that.

Gruumash . wrote:
Doodlebug Anklebiter wrote:
BluePigeon wrote:
Patrick Curtin wrote:
I believe my PCs are going to find new monsters creeping up on them as I peruse the Tome of Horrors Complete that showed up on my doorstep today =)
I believe I'm jealous of Pat Curtin as I have not received my copy yet.
I believe the UPS goblins have struck again! [Lovingly caresses BP's ToH]
"Hey you goblin bring that back." Sad I wanted a copy of that.

I believe they have an unlimited second printing available now ...

Scarab Sages

I believe it's sad that trolls look for a reason to argue or hate someone.

I believe that some of the troll comments I read here are a sad showing that some people really need help.

I belive I misspelled believe.

Scarab Sages

I believe I'm very disappointed by some of the attitudes being expressed in that godawful abomination of a thread purporting to be about climate change "debate".

Scarab Sages

I believe I'm once again heavily considering some time away from the boards and the trollfest that's only going to get worse.........

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I believe my attitude was impeccably reasonable.

The Exchange

I believe I did not see much in the way of "debate." Then again I doubt my opinion is wanted, or would be that far off from some of those which have already been posted so it wouldn't cause much debate either.

I believe that due to the new influx of certain trolls which seem to be trying to cause conflict in said thread, I shall use.... Focus.

Ah so much better.

I believe you should try it too.

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