Beliefs I accept before I start drinking

Off-Topic Discussions

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Scarab Sages

I believe - ow! That hurts!

I accept the belief that there are a lot of undiscovered good books; games; people, food, drinks and scenic places I am never gonna get to read, play, meet, and experience but damn nabbit i am gonna try.

I accept the belief that I am a bit backwards; getting less responsible with age.

I accept the belief of my three kids that I am really a superhero incognito with mysterious brain and phyical powers to manifest obscure stuff.

I believe I need a beer and some BBQ

I believe it is time to hit the Christmas fair circuit in search of hand-made locally-produced gifts for Yule.

Scarab Sages

I believe Saturday college football is awesome. Watching USM beat Houston at the moment, then it's LSU's turn to kick some ass.

I believe I'm not a big fan of the holidays.

Shadow Lodge

I believe the Christmas shopping season sucks.

i believe I have so little money everything sucks, luckily my peeps keep me in booze.

Scarab Sages

I believe......Mmmmmm, boooze.

Scarab Sages

I believe the off topic section would be so much better off if certain posters would refrain from with troll posting, or encouraging more troll posting by responding to said trolls.

Luckily, I can ignore most of it thanks to PMG's glorious hide feature.

hehe there aught to be Troll Beer; I name my own homebrew; the beer not games; Griffin Gut and drew a nice pic for it. I go for a reddish Amber beer. Troll beer should that be a Stout? I believe so, we can always hit em over the head with the bottle. I believe we should feed the Trollops, I believe that is the girl trolls, a fortified IPA.

I believe in just petting the trolls and letting them wander away and getting back to my

Valegrim wrote:

hehe there aught to be Troll Beer; I name my own homebrew; the beer not games; Griffin Gut and drew a nice pic for it. I go for a reddish Amber beer. Troll beer should that be a Stout? I believe so, we can always hit em over the head with the bottle. I believe we should feed the Trollops, I believe that is the girl trolls, a fortified IPA.

I believe in just petting the trolls and letting them wander away and getting back to my

Perhaps a bitter stout would be apt for troll beer.

One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors. »» Plato

EDIT: oops Wrong thread, but I believe something to this effect before drinking.

3 people marked this as a favorite.

I believe I still participate in politics, I just refuse to do it here.

Scarab Sages

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Patrick Curtin wrote:
I believe I still participate in politics, I just refuse to do it here.

I believe I follow Patrick's rule, because I believe that some places should be safe zones away from what we call politics today.

I believe that if both parties attempt to understand what the other is effacing; then drinking beer is a good venue for politics as I agree with that old stonecutter, Socrates, that dialogue is a necessary venue of disernment of the truth between two educated peoples on public policy.

Scarab Sages

I believe drinking beer is a good venue for many things.

I believe your right as usual as I believe you usually are except when I believe your being funny; which I believe you do a good job too hehe

Ooh Denver's playing! I believe I'll have a beer!

Silver Crusade

I believe this coffee is delicious.

I believe this pie was a failure.

I believe I should have been allowed to bake it, at least I wouldn't have decided cinnamon was a good substitute for sugar in a blackberry pie. But nooo, I don't get to bake pies.

Scarab Sages

I believe that this statement:

Bitter Thorn wrote:
Ooh Denver's playing! I believe I'll have a beer!

And this statement:

Celestial Healer wrote:
I believe this coffee is delicious.

Put me in the mood for a coffee flavored beer, which I sadly do not have at the moment.

Aberzombie wrote:

I believe that this statement:

Bitter Thorn wrote:
Ooh Denver's playing! I believe I'll have a beer!

And this statement:

Celestial Healer wrote:
I believe this coffee is delicious.
Put me in the mood for a coffee flavored beer, which I sadly do not have at the moment.


Valegrim wrote:

I accept the belief that there are a lot of undiscovered good books; games; people, food, drinks and scenic places I am never gonna get to read, play, meet, and experience but damn nabbit i am gonna try.

I refuse to accept this belief!

But I also believe that it doesn't matter what I accept...

As a box-throwing goblin drowning in Christmas presents, I believe more people should convert to Judaism.

Eight presents and that's it!

I believe my back hurts.

Doodlebug Anklebiter wrote:

As a box-throwing goblin drowning in Christmas presents, I believe more people should convert to Judaism.

Eight presents and that's it!

I believe my back hurts.

I hope you are racking up the overtime and double time!

Yes and no. I'll tell that story somewhere else soon, but I won't bother AZ by talking union in his thread.

I believe I got to go sleep for 2 hours before it's load-the-truck time.

Doodlebug Anklebiter wrote:
I believe I got to go sleep for 2 hours before it's load-the-truck time.

Bless energy drinks!


I believe that if you are truly interested in the details of Comrade Anklebiter's Epic Battle for Christmas Overtime Rate, you should check out the Fawtl Refugee Thread.

I believe I might have to unhide that to check it out

Scarab Sages

I believe I'm bummed out by the news that LSU will once again play Bama. I'd have rather seen OSU get a shot.

Patrick Curtin wrote:
I believe I might have to unhide that to check it out


I believe I have a stomach flu.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Patrick Curtin wrote:
I believe I might have to unhide that to check it out

I believe I now remember why I hid it in the first place >.<

Hee hee!

I believe Gark's a good kid, he's just misunderstood. And f%~*ing crazy.

Shadow Lodge

I believe I have to go back to work tomorrow. :(

Scarab Sages

I believe my boy is not feeling well at all.

I believe I have a couple of items in my head and am therefore unsure which one to submit to the RPG Superstar.

I believe last night was a bust; saw my lions on one screen and redwings on another and they both lost; I dont believe Lions are likely to make the playoffs now or even should.

Shadow Lodge

I believe a three hour wait at the doctors office was not what I expected this morning.

Xabulba wrote:
I believe I have a stomach flu.

I believe I was correct.

I also believe it almost impossible to take oral medicine when you have a stomach flu.

The Exchange

Doodlebug Anklebiter wrote:


I believe that if you are truly interested in the details of Comrade Anklebiter's Epic Battle for Christmas Overtime Rate, you should check out the Fawtl Refugee Thread.

I believe I am no longer able to.

The Exchange

I believe that some people are not trolls, not in the strictest sense of the accepted meaning. These people use this strict interpretation to act like and educated savage. I believe a new term is called for. I believe Ogre is acceptable. Even trolls don't much care for Ogres.

I beleive it is cold as a witches...frontside out there; and I believe this coffee is just the right thing; so am gonna drink it, yum, though I believe a little spot of Irish would make it perfect, but am working.

The Exchange

Valegrim wrote:
I beleive it is cold as a witches...frontside out there; ...

And you know this how??

The Exchange


Scarab Sages

I believe I'm using up a lot of sick leave, even though I'm not the one who's sick.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I believe that 2am - 5am is not a good time for little ones to play.

Shadow Lodge

Crimson Jester wrote:
And you know this how??

Find me a witch and I will scientifically investigate.

TOZ wrote:
Find me a witch and I will scientifically investigate.

I believe i can scientifically refute this. My wife's chest is just as warm as any female's (though I will admit her hands can get quite frosty)

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