Papa Smurf announces presidential bid

Off-Topic Discussions

The Exchange

And no one Smurfy cares.

Down with Papa Smurf and his reactionary beliefs in "spontaneous mushroom generation"!

Gargamel and Azrael in 2012!

I'd rather see Johan run, as long as he doesn't pick Pee-wee as his running mate. Maybe, he and Papa Smurf could run together.

I would like to see a copy of Papa Smurf's birth certificate, please.

Papa Smurf once said that he rather enjoys watching COPS in his underwear. Logically I will assume that he will be forcing public schools to enforce a strict all COPS and underwear curriculum.


The Exchange

TheWhiteknife wrote:
I would like to see a copy of Papa Smurf's birth certificate, please.

um.. our candidate is unable to um provide that piece of...oh look mushrooms!!

Scarab Sages

Beware of the Power behind the Throne.


I don't smurf any of 'em.

Vote blue in twenty-one-two!

...errrm. Smurf.

This is some smurfed up smurf.

What has Gargamel done in his three years in office? He promised if we sacrificed 10% of our population that we would be able to pay the deficit with the resulting gold production. Instead he goes golfing and throws lavish parties at his house with royal minstrels while starting wars with the Efreeti! And we owe more money than ever before! I say enough!


Crimson Jester wrote:
And no one Smurfy cares.

Papa Smurf's socialist views will prevent him from winning a majority of the votes. His belief that everyone should "share" their belongings with everyone else in the village is a slap in the face of capitalism. Also, how can he run a government after he has basically been the dictator of the Smurfs for the past 500 years? His word is absolute law with the Smurfs. It will be impossible for him to form a government and pick people to help him pass bills in the Congress. Also, where exactly was he born? I seriously doubt he was born in the United States. More than likely he was born somewhere in Europe.

Scarab Sages

Traveller Smurf wrote:

What has Gargamel done in his three years in office? He promised if we sacrificed 10% of our population that we would be able to pay the deficit with the resulting gold production. Instead he goes golfing and throws lavish parties at his house with royal minstrels while starting wars with the Efreeti! And we owe more money than ever before! I say enough!


And I heard his cat Azrael was caught on tape purchasing an illegal substance.

It's also a known fact that Papa Smurf had an inappropriate relationship with Smurfette. Remember, Smurfette was created by Gargamel, so when Papa met her she was literally days old. Papa Smurf has not revealed his true age, but it is estimated that he is several centuries old. Clearly, it is highly unethical for him to have a physical relationship with someone so young, and I believe that disqualifies him becoming the next US president. He isn't even married, so who would be the First Lady? Smurfette? We would have to call her the First Mistress.

Papa Smurf has got my smurf!

Silver Crusade

I'm still concerned about the story I heard involving Papa Smurf, Smurfette, and a cigar. We don't need that in the White House.

Kobold Cleaver wrote:

Papa Smurf has got my smurf!


Are you insane? When the Founding Fathers wrote the Constitution, it's clear that their intent was that only a Human could be elected President of the United States. I am sure that Papa Smurf will use his dark magic to create a fake birth certificate that shows he was born somewhere in the United States. However, what he can't hide is the fact that he is tiny, blue demon!

Yes, he can smile and pretend he is a nice guy, but he can't fool me! Mark my words, if he is elected President in 2012, the world as we know it will end! The U.S. Constitution must be changed to say that the President of the United States must be born in America, over the age of 35, and HUMAN! GARGAMEL WAS RIGHT!

Leafar the Lost wrote:
It's also a known fact that Papa Smurf had an inappropriate relationship with Smurfette. Remember, Smurfette was created by Gargamel, so when Papa met her she was literally days old. Papa Smurf has not revealed his true age, but it is estimated that he is several centuries old. Clearly, it is highly unethical for him to have a physical relationship with someone so young, and I believe that disqualifies him becoming the next US president. He isn't even married, so who would be the First Lady? Smurfette? We would have to call her the First Mistress.

Oooo, ouch.


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