On Verified Madness

Carrion Crown

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This is a quarto sized book bound in tooled green leather with the title embossed on the front. The corners have mithril protectors however there are some loose leaves which have been reattached poorly with wax damaging the section on the creature called a Tentamort.

All that is known of the author of this single surviving tome, Theophilus Wenn, comes from the introduction of the book itself.. If this section is to be believed Wenn was a high ranking member of the Pathfinder Society and contributed much in the way of written works and lectures. However despite this and the fact that the book was printed in Absalom , by Smails & Smails printers according to the title page, neither the Society or the printworks have any recollection of a man of that name. Or indeed printing such a book.. It is as if he had never existed and has been expunged from the minds of all who have ever seen or heard of him. It states in the forward that he intended to retire to Bedrin’s Bluff which puts his existence prior to the disaster which befell that quarter. Needless to say proving that Wenn actually existed or not is difficult at best.

The book itself details several creatures thought to have links with The Dark Tapestry and focuses on ten of these aberrations. Each chapter has a woodcut print of the beast discussed with the exception of the chapter regarding the Hound (or Hounds as it is sometimes referenced) of Tindalos is torn from its bindings. The following creatures are described in order.
Gibbering Mouther
Hound of Tindalos
Hunting Horror

In addition to some detail regarding these beasts there are also certain arcane spells which may be learned.
Emerald Dart of P’tah, Call Servant of C’thugah, Grasp of C’thulhu. Resurrection, Breath of C’thugah, Curse of Hypnos, Contact Azathoth, Curse of C’thulhu, Stop Heart and Fist of Yog- Sothoth.

or if you like Magic Missile, Summon Monster 8 (Elder Fire Elemental only!), Black Tentacles, Animate Dead, Fire Breath, Deeper Slumber, Contact Other Plane (but only Azathoth will answer), Nightmare, Finger of Death, Clenched Fist

RPG Superstar 2010 Top 16, 2011 Top 32, 2012 Top 4

:: Golf clap ::

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

I just handed them my Library of America HP Lovecraft book.

Awesome Spacelard.

I love that the spell names have their true and original titles.

Excellent stuff, I might just borrow this for my Campaign.

Ask a Shoanti wrote:

Awesome Spacelard.

I love that the spell names have their true and original titles.

I'm having these spells different to the expected norm...

The magic missile will have an iridescent green colour, the Black Tentacles will be be the same colour and icky as a certain squid faced being...and give 'em suckers too
As for Resurrection... unless the DC25 spellcraft is passed to notice the subtle differences in the Animate Dead... that will be a nice surprise :D

Spacelard wrote:

In addition to some detail regarding these beasts there are also certain arcane spells which may be learned.
Emerald Dart of P’tah, Call Servant of C’thugah, Grasp of C’thulhu. Resurrection, Breath of C’thugah, Curse of Hypnos, Contact Azathoth, Curse of C’thulhu, Stop Heart and Fist of Yog- Sothoth.

or if you like Magic Missile, Summon Monster 8 (Elder Fire Elemental only!), Black Tentacles, Animate Dead, Fire Breath, Deeper Slumber, Contact Other Plane (but only Azathoth will answer), Nightmare, Finger of Death, Clenched Fist

Supercool. I should know, but I don't -- are these spells detailed in one of the Pathfinder books, or in a C’thulhu resource somewhere?

Have you written up The Umbral Leaves?

I'm not too experienced with Pathfinder, and especially spells, could you explain how the low level PCs are going to be able acquire these spells? Can a wizard write a high level arcane book into his/her spellbook even if he/she can't cast the spell, by making a high enough spellcraft check (CoreBook, p. 219)? Also, what is the point of a divine spell being written down (such as resurrection) if clerics gain the ability to cast all those spells when acquiring that level of spells? What is the point of clerics independently researching spells, when they can cast any of them once they reach a high enough level (Corebook, p. 221)?

I'll go hunt around on the general info threads if you prefer, but I thought I'd try to see if there is a quick answer since it came up, and I'm curious how the PCs will gain use of these spells since they'll be handing over the books soon in Lepidstadt.

Most specifically, since resurrection is a divine spell that a cleric can't cast until they reach a high enough level and at that point they can cast it without reading from a book, what does it matter that resurrection here is actually animate dead? Do you get my meaning? Obviously I'm missing something basic and important here...

I would definitely like to use your suggestions about the books, so that's why I'm trying to make sure I understand the implications.

Voomer wrote:

I'm not too experienced with Pathfinder, and especially spells, could you explain how the low level PCs are going to be able acquire these spells? Can a wizard write a high level arcane book into his/her spellbook even if he/she can't cast the spell, by making a high enough spellcraft check (CoreBook, p. 219)? Also, what is the point of a divine spell being written down (such as resurrection) if clerics gain the ability to cast all those spells when acquiring that level of spells? What is the point of clerics independently researching spells, when they can cast any of them once they reach a high enough level (Corebook, p. 221)?

I'll go hunt around on the general info threads if you prefer, but I thought I'd try to see if there is a quick answer since it came up, and I'm curious how the PCs will gain use of these spells since they'll be handing over the books soon in Lepidstadt.

Most specifically, since resurrection is a divine spell that a cleric can't cast until they reach a high enough level and at that point they can cast it without reading from a book, what does it matter that resurrection here is actually animate dead? Do you get my meaning? Obviously I'm missing something basic and important here...

I would definitely like to use your suggestions about the books, so that's why I'm trying to make sure I understand the implications.

Okay...putting a new spell into your spell book...from d20pfsrd

A wizard can also add a spell to his book whenever he encounters one on a magic scroll or in another wizard's spellbook. No matter what the spell's source, the wizard must first decipher the magical writing (see Arcane Magical Writings). Next, he must spend 1 hour studying the spell. At the end of the hour, he must make a Spellcraft check (DC 15 + spell's level). A wizard who has specialized in a school of spells gains a +2 bonus on the Spellcraft check if the new spell is from his specialty school. If the check succeeds, the wizard understands the spell and can copy it into his spellbook (see Writing a New Spell into a Spellbook). The process leaves a spellbook that was copied from unharmed, but a spell successfully copied from a magic scroll disappears from the parchment.

The spell names before the spoiler are what I will be referring them as in game...
Mechanically its Magic Missile... But to make things interesting and to fit with the feel of the adventure path I am calling it Emerald Dart of P'tah...Its not Deeper Slumber, its the Curse of Hypnos...What sound more eldritch? I have played Call of C'thulhu from the first edition, when the PCs in that game learned say Summon Star Vampire they always knew it as Summon Starry Horror or Summon Bayhakee became Call Tickler in the Dark. I tend to carry it across into PF, old habits die hard.

Just have fun with it...Web becomes Blanket of Lolth, lightening bolt to Strike of Krakel

Hypnos, C'thugha, Yog-Sothoth are all Lovecraft deities.

Hence Resurrection is mechanically the Wizard version of Animate Dead. Yea nasty stunt to pull but if players think that tome called Verified Madness is all what it seems to be...
Just wait to see the PC's faces when Fred the Fighter opens his white sightless eyes and attacks them as a zombie....If you want anything else explained please ask.
EDIT: they are all Arcane spells unless specifically stated otherwise.

And yes I am going to do Umbral Leaves...

Spacelard wrote:
If you want anything else explained please ask.

Thanks so much! I was being a little thick. Really appreciate it.

So, basically, any wizard in the party, with some good spellcraft checks and patience, can add these spells into his/her spellbook and then study and cast them when he/she reaches the appropriate level. Presumably the wizard will have a sense that these spells by different names have similar effects to traditional spells, although he/she would presumably be aware that there are likely to be some differences in execution.

This will generate an interesting conflict between our magic hungry wizard and the strident cleric of Calistra from Nex, sworn to destroy all traces of necromancy from Golarion...

As for animate dead/resurrection, it is a 4th level wizard spell so the wizard needs a spellcraft roll of 19 to be able to write it in his book, but if he happens to roll 25 or over he will notice that it is actually animate dead. But a clever player might get suspicious since there is no arcane spell called resurrection and may be inclined to investigate further.

Voomer wrote:

As for animate dead/resurrection, it is a 4th level wizard spell so the wizard needs a spellcraft roll of 19 to be able to write it in his book, but if he happens to roll 25 or over he will notice that it is actually animate dead. But a clever player might get suspicious since there is no arcane spell called resurrection and may be inclined to investigate further.

well the DC25 is just off the top of my head thing...but why not!

There's no arcane spell called Emerald Dart of P'tah either..
But if the player spots the "trap" kudos to him!

The thing with horror, and this is just my opinion, to pull it off you haven't got to go all gore and splatter. For it to work you have to make the players scared/uneasy.
So let them write in/spellcraft Emerald Darts and tell them it seems very similar to the standard Arcane spell the wizard has heard about in the Academy (or whatever) Magic Missile by the time they have cast it a few times they prolly won't look to close at Resurrection and cast it thinking that it does what it says on the tin...
Making players uneasy is easy...people that I game with have their favourite setting arrangement...so I change it and they start to wonder why. Player's *hate* splitting the party so there isn't enough room for all the PC's to stay at Kendra's place...sorry but who is going to stay in the inn...
Use the familiar but don't refer to it as such.

Spacelard wrote:

The thing with horror, and this is just my opinion, to pull it off you haven't got to go all gore and splatter. For it to work you have to make the players scared/uneasy.

Right on. We just had our first session last night and it was mostly just payola for the PCs as they received the extra goodies (magic) I had Lorrimor leave for them. They successfully talked down the mob at The Restlands and there was LOTS of talking about character backgrounds, how they met the professor, etc., so not too much creepy action in the first session.

But the players seem to want to go check out Harrowstone (it is now about 9pm) -- at least do some initial recon -- so I need to think about how to creep them out on that recon mission to bring down their confidence a notch. I'm thinking about playing up the limited visibility with the heavy mists, having an encounter with a ghostly prison wagon (suggested on another thread), perhaps some zombies, and I have to figure out what to do once they actually get to Harrowstone itself (other than the fear effect if they do decide to enter the gates).

I have some nightmares prepared once they go to sleep (we talked about this on another thread), and I've created a bit of a local prohibition on going to Harrowstone, so they are going to need to convince the council (especially Councilman Hearthmount) if they really want to thoroughly check out the prison without causing a local riot. I've been playing Hearthmount as not really convinced there is anything that needs to be rooted out of Harrowstone -- better to leave things alone -- but his attitude will change as soon as the creepy events around town start up. I think this prohibition, as well as some other seeds I have placed, will enhance the PCs interactions around town, so that should be good.

By the way, in what language is the text written? What sort of roll needs to be made in order to read the text?

Voomer wrote:
By the way, in what language is the text written? What sort of roll needs to be made in order to read the text?

I would just stick to common and maybe a DC15 to get around the style of writing...

Or if you are mean Aklo

Very cool stuff Spacelard! My players haven't paid much attention to the books yet (hell, they've barely paid attention to the journal yet), but I reckon it's a matter of time before they investigate the tomes. So this should come in handy.

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

Of course, if you wanted to be REALLY evil (and don't mind mixing a little old d20 product with your Pathfinder) you could use the mythos spell versions from Call of Cthulhu d20 (presuming you have access to a copy).

Have you considered adding on elements from Ultimate Magic such as Preparation Rituals n' such?

Excellent addition for the AP. I am creating the books you have listed (and a couple of my own), but ran acroos a question I seemingly cannot find an answer to (bad search fu?). Where is the "Hunting Horror" listed? I can find neither a picture nor stats for it.


(sorry about necroing the topic, but if I can't necro Carrion Crown, what can be necro'd, heh heh)

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