Who is the melee MVP?


Hope this starts some good discussion.

I've seen groups suffer without a good melee killer.
Now While Rangers and Fighters are my favorites, I gotta say my pick goes to the Paladin.

He may not outdamage a fighter but smite takes care of 90% of significant fights.
He's the hardest to drop (Heavy armor/swift LOH)
Magic rolls off him
He can party face
He can fill in for healer
He's got a horse

AURA OF JUSTICE (nuff said)

STR Ranger wrote:

Hope this starts some good discussion.

I've seen groups suffer without a good melee killer.
Now While Rangers and Fighters are my favorites, I gotta say my pick goes to the Paladin.

He may not outdamage a fighter but smite takes care of 90% of significant fights.
He's the hardest to drop (Heavy armor/swift LOH)
Magic rolls off him
He can party face
He can fill in for healer
He's got a horse

AURA OF JUSTICE (nuff said)

It really depends on the game. Fighters and pallies are up top though IMHO.

Grand Lodge

The one whose party is still alive at the end.

Different characters tend to get different mileage out of classes. I'm partial to monks as melee workhorses - self-reliant but work great in a team. The paladin is a great choice too due to his many added bonuses - and he shines in a campaign versus evil.

LoreKeeper wrote:
Different characters tend to get different mileage out of classes. I'm partial to monks as melee workhorses - self-reliant but work great in a team. The paladin is a great choice too due to his many added bonuses - and he shines in a campaign versus evil.

You and your monks /scoff

Fighters personally. I know Paladins can rip something serious right now, but there's a pretty severe roleplaying handicap. It's just a less versatile class than fighter.

Fighter is just good at whatever you decide to make him good at. As long as that thing is killing someone with weapons. Almost didn't put that last line in there, I would have looked quite the fool.

Silver Crusade

My group hase 5 players. One arcane caster, Battle oracle, Fighter, Ranger, Melee Focused Bard.
In that set up the Bard. Is your melee kill. By buffing all 4 melee characters to hit and damage. Throw in some haste or good hope at level 7. And your set to take down encounters 4 to 5 CR higher then the characters.

So it realy depends on how your group is set up.

I would say fighter.

There is no denying that paladins, magi and inquisitors have crazy damage output potential. I have seen them all up close do their stuff and they are fantastic at it.

Barbarians, rangers and cleric can, if built right, be equally awesome.

As I see it the role of melee MVP depends a lot on the tactics of the PC party. In that regard i find fighters to be the best. As meatrace already stated, the fighter can be good at whatever you want him to be good at.
But I would go as far as saying, that fighters can be superb at whatever you want them to be good at OR they can be just good at something and still effectively fill other roles as needed. Their abundance of feats makes them exceptionaly versatile and if you have the right player customize a fighter for your party, you will never go wrong with a fighter.

On the down side fighters are not very self reliant at high levels. Their efficincy against magic enemies with DR, flight speed and/or invisibility becomes very dependant on magic support from their team. In these situations paladins, monks and clerics are more self reliant.
Still the game is played as a team and allowing the buff cleric to shine is also a way in which the fighter actually contibutes to the party.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

It's an idiot question.

The MVP in the melee answer is the one who played by the player who works best with his group. Lone Star cowboys, determined fools, are losers no matter what class they play.

LazarX wrote:
It's an idiot question


Grand Lodge

TriOmegaZero wrote:
The one whose party is still alive at the end.

Sovereign Court

TriOmegaZero wrote:
TriOmegaZero wrote:
The one whose party is still alive at the end.

Shilling yourself? lol...;)

Sovereign Court

The Bard - buffing the hit/damage of the damage dealers
The Cleric - keeping your damage dealers alive

... wait for it ... ... ...

The Summoner - when built to be a duo wherein the summoner is right in the thick of battle with their Eidolon using Teamwork Feats to their fullest potential (Precise Strike and Outflank). The damage potential of the duo can make short work a difficult fight with tactical options (Summoner abilities/spells, reach weapons, reach evolution, etc) that allow them to control placement on the battlefield and threatened areas.

Shadow Lodge

The Barbarian.

As long as there is hot water and soft toilet tissues.

It really depends on what determines your "MVP" status. There are quite a few roles that are important to Melee, so I'm going to cast my votes in these roles: (Also level is a huge determination factor as well.)

Sheer Damage: Barbarian/Crit-focused Rogue

For sheer damage, I tie the two. Barbarians can do extreme amounts of damage with rage, rage powers, and heavy hitting weapons. They can do it consistently, and without regard to anything else. My second vote has to go to a crit-focused rogue with a x4 scythe or hell, even a high crit chance rapier. They generally don't have high strength, but a rogue sneak attacking with a critical can be highly destructive. They don't have consistency, survivability, and are situational so Barbarian gets it in my book. Paladins are very good at damage, but a x3 great axe raging barbarian just obliterates HP.

Survivability: Paladin/Barbarian
As far as Tanks go, there's really two (three technically, but it doesn't apply here) strategies for tanking. Armor stacking to make attacks constantly miss, having enough HP to survive it (third is healing constantly) and Paladins have both. They can LoH's if they're hurt, they have high armor (especially if they pick up a tower shield prof) and they have a high hit dice. Play a race with a bonus to con and put points in nothing but con and STR and you have a tough tank. Damage output will pale to a two handed fighter/barbarian, but survivability will make him standing and taking hits while the rest of the party does their jobs. Barbarians simply don't drop when the GM wants them to, and that makes them a hearty tank even at negative hit points. They do their job until they literally cannot do it anymore.

Teamwork: Bard/inquisitor(Cavalier/druid)
Ok, I have alot of classes in this for a reason. Bards can bolster their allies, debuff opponents, and literally tear through their opponent's ranks with the proper build. They can handle spellcasters, melee fighters, and control the battle field. The best melee fighter (imo) is the one that opponents avoid melee with. A heavy armored soldier would probably engage a paladin/barbarian/fighter any day. That's his job. Guess what isn't? Running up the wimply looking Halfling bard only to find himself tripped and on the ground from a damn good whip attack before he got in range. Oh yeah, combat manuever enhancing feats, ranged (10ft) disarms and trips with whips...a bard can fight technically and ruin a straight "roll a d20 to hit" fighter any day of the week.

Inquisitors, Cavaliers, and Druids
Inquisitors and cavaliers can both deal alot of damage through special abilities, feats, and spells. They also have teamwork feats. The Cavalier is slightly better because of his "OMG MOUNT" and the Druid's special abilities to heal and summon more monsters. I think a great melee fighter is the one that has an army with him.

Now, my final answer to who the Melee MVP is?
Summoner's Eidolon/Cavalier's Mount
The summoner's eidolon and the cavalier's mount can be customized to be highly versatile and dangerous fighters. Especially at low levels. They synergize with those that summoned them, they have hardy amounts of hit points and multiple attacks at levels that aren't used to multiple attacks. A cavalier's horse attacking with full bite/hoof combos usually kills or severely injures most CR appropriate monsters at that point. So if I had to pick who/what I want to melee for me while I stand back and heal? It'd be the Eidolon/Mount that can either come back tommorow, or the next day. Paladin mount fits in eventually, but Cavalier's has no minus (if I remember correctly) to druid level for determining abilities.

But, as has been stated. "MVP" is kind of stupid to put into a TEAM BASED GAME. No matter how bad ass you think you are, you only are because your team allows you to be. If you adventured on your own, you'd be dead before the first night was over. Because Coup De Grace's still suck, and you can't do nothing if the DM decides not to let you sleep a full night and exhausts you.

Also if your DM allows it, the Channeler class from Divine Channeling (third party book) makes you a boss melee. I'm playing a neutral one with domains (just like a cleric) of fire and strength. While very MAD, I'm pretty good at being able to burst entire groups of enemies with channeling negative energy, healing or enhancing weapon damage (or to hit) or even size with spells. Later on I'll be even better, but at level 2 I'm the only melee character in the party and it's working out quite effectively. (Next to the summoner's Eidolon of course)

Fighter is the best at being "The melee guy" but can't really do anything else. My personal least favorite.

Paladin and Ranger are weaker in that order depending on circumstance, but can become powerhouses themselves against the right enemy, and add a good amount outside of just beating someone with a stick.

ProfessorCirno wrote:

Fighter is the best at being "The melee guy" but can't really do anything else. My personal least favorite.

Paladin and Ranger are weaker in that order depending on circumstance, but can become powerhouses themselves against the right enemy, and add a good amount outside of just beating someone with a stick.

Honestly, I disagree. Fighters are the best "combat" classes, I can agree with that. But they can be versatile. With their extensive number of feats (more than 3.5 gave) they can excel at both ranged and melee, at having hit points, disrupting spell casters (which makes them the best tactical class in the game). They can disrupt charges if they carry a polearm with them, they can pretty much stop anyone at any range. Heck, they've got feats that make them potent at fighting large sized enemies or even dragons. A fighter can sword and board, or two hand a weapon and hack through enemy lines. I didn't mention him above, but to me the fighter is the epitome of badass when it comes to combat at any range.

A well built fighter should be the batman of combat situations. He should be able switch his equipment set on the spot and move in and out of every dangerous situation one step ahead of his enemy. If his caster is cornered, that fighter should be able to punish his opponent for turning his back on him for even a moment. A fighter, in my book, always has the upper hand. In fact, this has inspired me for a build...the "Upper Hand" fighter.

Vistarius wrote:
ProfessorCirno wrote:

Fighter is the best at being "The melee guy" but can't really do anything else. My personal least favorite.

Paladin and Ranger are weaker in that order depending on circumstance, but can become powerhouses themselves against the right enemy, and add a good amount outside of just beating someone with a stick.

Honestly, I disagree. Fighters are the best "combat" classes, I can agree with that. But they can be versatile. With their extensive number of feats (more than 3.5 gave) they can excel at both ranged and melee, at having hit points, disrupting spell casters (which makes them the best tactical class in the game). They can disrupt charges if they carry a polearm with them, they can pretty much stop anyone at any range. Heck, they've got feats that make them potent at fighting large sized enemies or even dragons. A fighter can sword and board, or two hand a weapon and hack through enemy lines. I didn't mention him above, but to me the fighter is the epitome of badass when it comes to combat at any range.

A well built fighter should be the batman of combat situations. He should be able switch his equipment set on the spot and move in and out of every dangerous situation one step ahead of his enemy. If his caster is cornered, that fighter should be able to punish his opponent for turning his back on him for even a moment. A fighter, in my book, always has the upper hand. In fact, this has inspired me for a build...the "Upper Hand" fighter.

I think you slightly missed his point.

Edit: I'm also not sure I really buy all of your assertions, either.

Vistarius wrote:
ProfessorCirno wrote:

Fighter is the best at being "The melee guy" but can't really do anything else. My personal least favorite.

Paladin and Ranger are weaker in that order depending on circumstance, but can become powerhouses themselves against the right enemy, and add a good amount outside of just beating someone with a stick.

Honestly, I disagree. Fighters are the best "combat" classes, I can agree with that. But they can be versatile. With their extensive number of feats (more than 3.5 gave) they can excel at both ranged and melee, at having hit points, disrupting spell casters (which makes them the best tactical class in the game). They can disrupt charges if they carry a polearm with them, they can pretty much stop anyone at any range. Heck, they've got feats that make them potent at fighting large sized enemies or even dragons. A fighter can sword and board, or two hand a weapon and hack through enemy lines. I didn't mention him above, but to me the fighter is the epitome of badass when it comes to combat at any range.

A well built fighter should be the batman of combat situations. He should be able switch his equipment set on the spot and move in and out of every dangerous situation one step ahead of his enemy. If his caster is cornered, that fighter should be able to punish his opponent for turning his back on him for even a moment. A fighter, in my book, always has the upper hand. In fact, this has inspired me for a build...the "Upper Hand" fighter.

All of those involve beating a dude with a stick, though. Or shooting them with one I guess?

Once the fighter is in a situation where "attack it" isn't a response he loses his luster rather fast. Ranger and paladin have distinctly more versatility outside of combat - and a bit more inside combat as well on occasions where you aren't beating something with a stick.

Don't get me wrong, fighter is probably pound for pound the most damaging or "kill the baddies" best at melee. But if you want to do something outside of that, fighter isn't your highest option.

Ah, you are right about that. Fighters are basically useless outside of situations that entails danger.

For the Superstar contest, my archetype(never submitted) was a bodyguard for the fighter (named Noble Hand) the idea was that in fiction every noble, prince, or even merchant has the wisened guardian on their side. I really like that "archetype" so to speak, and it's difficult to play that. 2+ int (and what fighter takes Int?) isn't much to work with as far as developing a deep character.

But in the confines of this relatively narrow topic, I was thinking you were limiting a fighter to just melee. But the way I see it, a fighter can be amazing as a versatile soldier capable of adapting and stepping up his game for every different encounter.

So turns out we agree :) Lol

I still say a Cavalier's mount is the best melee MVP.

Ok, I should have stated the title different.

"Which Melee based class is the MVP?"

I was referring to the total package
DPR- check
Survival vs being attacked- Check
Resistance to hostile magic- check
Out of Combat social stuff- check
Out of combat uses (ie magic, healing, trapfinding etc)

They are not my favorite class but I figure Pally or Maybe Inquisitors (followed by arcane.Duelist bards) probably tick more boxes than.other.classes

(Its arguable calling a Bard/Inquisitor a 'melee' class though

If you're just talking 1 fight per day, and you include tanking in your analysis, then a druid wildshaped as a bird sitting in a nearby tree and dumping his entire spell column into summons, top down, is a pretty strong candidate.

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