What's the dumbest Pathfinder question you've ever heard?

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

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In this thread, Mama Loufing mentioned that there was a player in her group who had been playing different versions of D&D for almost 30 years, and he would still ask "Which die do you roll to attack?"

Now, I agree that there's no such thing as a stupid question, but I still had to laugh. :-)

"Why can't I have a *blank* (usually whatever slot the character does not use) of True strike?!?!?!? It should only be 8,000 GP for continuous?!?!?!?"

I hate this and similar overpowered custom magic item questions with ridiculous low costs. No anger at the book I feel it is well written and that if you play by the spirit of the game and apply a set of agreed on basic concepts to magic item creation it all works, however some people...

Why are they called "Comic books"? Comic's are supposed to be funny, Comic book's rarely are. Was "Death of Superman" funny? Now thats a hard one to answer.

Order of hilarity, (in no paticular order)

2 Comics
85 Comedy Central
25 Comic Strips
15 Comic books
340 COMIC the word.
213 Last Comic Standing
47 Comic Club

KaeYoss wrote:

Killing is too good for them.

"Hanging's too good for 'em! Burning is too good for 'em. They should be torn into itsy bitsy pieces and buried alive."

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
hogarth wrote:

In this thread, Mama Loufing mentioned that there was a player in her group who had been playing different versions of D&D for almost 30 years, and he would still ask "Which die do you roll to attack?"

Now, I agree that there's no such thing as a stupid question, but I still had to laugh. :-)

If I got a dollar for every time my dazed and confused players made a d20 roll using a d12...

"Which one is the d8?"

Dark Archive

Dragonsong wrote:
KaeYoss wrote:

Killing is too good for them.
"Hanging's too good for 'em! Burning is too good for 'em. They should be torn into itsy bitsy pieces and buried alive."

As someone who works professionally with translation, I can tell you why that happens - most companies aren't willing to pay what it costs to have professional translations done. One reason for this, at least here in Denmark, is the prevalent attitude that "well, everybody speaks English" (and by extension "so therefore anyone can translate to/from English").

I've seen a Dragonlance book, where "the Dark Queen's creatures" was translated with a word that means "cattle".

Bruno Kristensen wrote:
Dragonsong wrote:
KaeYoss wrote:

Killing is too good for them.
"Hanging's too good for 'em! Burning is too good for 'em. They should be torn into itsy bitsy pieces and buried alive."

As someone who works professionally with translation, I can tell you why that happens - most companies aren't willing to pay what it costs to have professional translations done. One reason for this, at least here in Denmark, is the prevalent attitude that "well, everybody speaks English" (and by extension "so therefore anyone can translate to/from English").

I've seen a Dragonlance book, where "the Dark Queen's creatures" was translated with a word that means "cattle".

D&D translations have a very long history of being translated really, really badly.

It's gone so far that the only people I personally know who actually buy the translated stuff are those who don't know enough English to use the original stuff.

Unfortunately, that was continued even in Pathfinder.

Alzrius wrote:
What's the single dumbest question you've ever fielded regarding [any] RPG?

"How do you win the game?"

That's the dumbest question I've ever been asked about play D&D, or any other RPG. People think because it's a game, then it has to be about winning and losing.

Is it undead?

(Asked 4 times in a row, by 4 out of 5 players sitting at the same 3x3 coffee table, with absolutely no joke intended. The answer was "NO" each time, the creature hadn't suddenly changed inbetween initiatives. Though at this point I was LMAO, because I had actually been paying attention. Of course when my turn came around... hell, I asked it too! Peer pressure and all. Not a dumb question by default, but after the first 2 times in UNDER 5 minutes on the SAME creature, I think it rates.)

loaba wrote:
Alzrius wrote:
What's the single dumbest question you've ever fielded regarding [any] RPG?

"How do you win the game?"

That's the dumbest question I've ever been asked about play D&D, or any other RPG. People think because it's a game, then it has to be about winning and losing.

Is that a dumb question from people who have never played a role playing game?

There are no dumb questions. There are, however, dumb people who ask questions. It doesn't seem to matter what the actual question is; they find a way to make it stupid.

I've had several people ask me about the Satan worshipping aspects of D&D, but I was raised in a very religious environment so I generally learned to ignore it.

I do remember this one guy who was the little brother of one of the guys in our group. He had grown up watching his highly religious parents freak out over his older brother's role-playing "addiction" and had high hopes of evil shenanigans. He became really disappointed and left after two sessions. He went back to torturing cats or whatever.

Last year. I was at a (F)LGS. All I brought up to the counter for purchase was a set of dice.

"Do you know how to use those?" the guy running the register asks me.

I spared his life.


In case you're reading ... Matt ... it was at the Guard Tower. Following that, he asked for my info to see if I was 'in the system' ... and was able to note I've been there on and off since the early 90's.

*clicks tongue*

Foghammer wrote:

I lol'd.

The Exchange

Ashiel wrote:

Closely related is, why are mindless creatures evil? This is especially true with skeletons and zombies which have, forever, been incapable of thought or decisions, and stand around or follow the last orders they had in use. It was like this from 1E-3E. The designers for 3.5 said they just made their moral alignment "always evil" so Paladins could smite them (what an amazingly lazy game design), and changed the rules to say "mindless creatures are usually neutral".

Created by use of negative energy they are evil by their very nature. You need to turn in your geek card now. ;)

Crimson Jester wrote:
Ashiel wrote:

Closely related is, why are mindless creatures evil? This is especially true with skeletons and zombies which have, forever, been incapable of thought or decisions, and stand around or follow the last orders they had in use. It was like this from 1E-3E. The designers for 3.5 said they just made their moral alignment "always evil" so Paladins could smite them (what an amazingly lazy game design), and changed the rules to say "mindless creatures are usually neutral".
Created by use of negative energy they are evil by their very nature. You need to turn in your geek card now. ;)

Negative energy is demonstratively not aligned. Sorry, I have a lifetime membership to geekdom. Arguably because I know enough about this game to know that negative energy is not aligned; know that mindless creatures in 1E-3E were neutral; know that there are logical rifts in 3.5 because of what amounted to "we wants paladinz to smitez teh undaedz", and can cite many instances to prove it.

Yeah...I'm a grade-A nerd. 6_6

Asgetrion wrote:

The single dumbest question? I'm sure -- nay, convinced -- that everyone agrees it has been asked by Mairkurion! ;P

(just pick any of his questions... for example, "is that a blue dragon on the cover?")

No, see a dumb question would be, "Why do dwarves only understand half of any two-part question?" But still, one might ask James Jacobs such a dumb question, for the sheer entertainment value.

Wait, you did understand half of the question! Have we already given away this year's Dwarven Literacy Award? But don't strain your brain cells, boy-o. You might need the back-up one at some point.

Alzrius wrote:
What's the dumbest question you've ever been asked, or overheard, about Pathfinder?

The only dumb question is the question not asked.

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