Ravingdork |

LORE ORACLE REVELATION: Sidestep Secret (Su): Your innate understanding of the universe has granted you preternatural reflexes and the uncanny ability to step out of danger at the very last second. Add your Charisma modifier (instead of your Dexterity modifier) to your Armor Class and all Reflex saving throws. Your armor's maximum Dexterity bonus applies to your Charisma instead of your Dexterity.
Does this apply to CMD as well? Also, if you are flat-footed, do you keep your Cha to AC?
From a strict reading, it looks like the answers are "no" and "yes" respectively, but I'd like official input if possible.
From what I can tell, it's been asked many times before. An errata/FAQ was even promised once, but it was still never clearly answered.
Please FAQ the hell out of this post so we can finally get an answer that was promised us.

Interzone |

Well the first is definitely a no, since its covered in the rules:
"A creature can also add any circumstance, deflection, dodge, insight, luck, morale, profane and sacred bonuses to AC to its CMD"
and it is none of those things.
Also note that it is your 'Dex Modifier' that is applied to CMD in the first place, not your 'Dex modifier to AC' (that is getting replaced with Cha for this ability) You still use your Dex for CMD.
This might not be how it is intended, but it is how it is written.
As for the second part, its harder to say since its not spelled out, so I will in fact FAQ the hell out of this post anyway :D

thepuregamer |
This is a funny scenario because I would say that you are correct with your strict reading.
1. sidestep does not boost cmd.
2. It does allow you to keep your charisma mod to ac when flatfooted.
Which is funny because I would almost say that I am certain that the intent in both cases would be the opposite of the strict reading. Funny though. I flag'd it too.

Ravingdork |

This is a funny scenario because I would say that you are correct with your strict reading.
1. sidestep does not boost cmd.
2. It does allow you to keep your charisma mod to ac when flatfooted.Which is funny because I would almost say that I am certain that the intent in both cases would be the opposite of the strict reading. Funny though. I flag'd it too.
Thanks for the FAQ (you did mean FAQ and not flag, right?).
I think I remember seeing a designer confirm that the intent was for it to work with CMD. Still, it was never made official in any way. :(
It would be really cool if it both manipulated your CMD AND you got to keep it when flat-footed. Lore Oracles need a boost.

Ravingdork |

Would you get to keep this whenever you would normally lose Dex? Helpless, against an invisible attacker, feint, etc.?
How would this affect a rogue's sneak attack?
Might a rogue ALWAYS get his sneak attack since you NEVER add Dex to AC?
FAQ the thread and we just might uncover some of these answers. I personally believe it is extremely important as substitution mechanics are becoming more and more common.

wraithstrike |

LORE ORACLE REVELATION: Sidestep Secret (Su): Your innate understanding of the universe has granted you preternatural reflexes and the uncanny ability to step out of danger at the very last second. Add your Charisma modifier (instead of your Dexterity modifier) to your Armor Class and all Reflex saving throws. Your armor's maximum Dexterity bonus applies to your Charisma instead of your Dexterity.
Does this apply to CMD as well? Also, if you are flat-footed, do you keep your Cha to AC?
From a strict reading, it looks like the answers are "no" and "yes" respectively, but I'd like official input if possible.
From what I can tell, it's been asked many times before. An errata/FAQ was even promised once, but it was still never clearly answered.
Please FAQ the hell out of this post so we can finally get an answer that was promised us.
This ability and another one similar to it. The board came to a conclusion about the difference that I agreed with, but I am sure we were correct, so I FAQ'd this one. Hopefully I FAQ'd the other thread also. If I get a second wind before I go to sleep I will try to hunt them down. The answer were very reasonable. I just can't remember what the answers were.

Xraal |

I agree with Wraithstrike on this. The simplest is to interpret it as a simple replacement of the relevant attribute for the relevant values.
Oracle Lore may use CHA for AC and Reflex Saves but NOT for CMD
Oracle Nature may use CHA for AC and CMD but NOT for Reflex saves
Neither of them get CHA to inititative, to hit with ranged and so on.

thepuregamer |
thepuregamer wrote:This is a funny scenario because I would say that you are correct with your strict reading.
1. sidestep does not boost cmd.
2. It does allow you to keep your charisma mod to ac when flatfooted.Which is funny because I would almost say that I am certain that the intent in both cases would be the opposite of the strict reading. Funny though. I flag'd it too.
Thanks for the FAQ (you did mean FAQ and not flag, right?).
lol oops, yeah I meant faq'd.
no flagging has occurred... yet :p

![]() |

From a strict reading, it looks like the answers are "no" and "yes" respectively, but I'd like official input if possible.
An oracle of lore with the sidestep secret revelation uses her Dexterity to calculate her CMD since no provision is made in the text to use her Charisma for that statistic. She does, however, lose her Charisma bonus to AC whenever she is flat-footed, since her Charisma modifier is being used in place of her Dexterity modifier.
Yes you are correct.
Necro'd from so long ago I'm sure Ravingdork forgot about this thread.