DC vs. Marvel!


Marvel Publishing, Inc., commonly referred to as Marvel Comics, is an American company that publishes comic books and related media. Marvel Entertainment, Inc., a subsidiary of The Walt Disney Company, owns Marvel Publishing.

The comic book arm of the company started in 1939 as Timely Publications, and by the early 1950s had generally become known as Atlas Comics. Marvel's modern incarnation dates from 1961, with the company later that year launching Fantastic Four and other superhero titles created by Stan Lee, Jack Kirby, Steve Ditko, and others.

Marvel counts among its characters such well-known properties as Spider-Man, Iron Man, the X-Men, the Hulk, the Fantastic Four, Thor and Captain America; antagonists such as Doctor Doom, the Green Goblin, Magneto, Galactus, and the Red Skull; and others. Most of Marvel's fictional characters operate in a single reality known as the Marvel Universe, with locales set in real-life cities such as New York, Los Angeles and Chicago.

In 2009, The Walt Disney Company acquired Marvel Entertainment for $4.24 billion.

DC Comics (founded in 1934 as National Allied Publications) is one of the largest and most successful companies operating in the market for American comic books and related media. It is the publishing division of DC Entertainment Inc., a subsidiary company of Warner Bros. Entertainment, which itself is owned by Time Warner. DC Comics produces material featuring a large number of well-known characters, including Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Aquaman, Green Lantern, the Flash, Martian Manhunter, Green Arrow, Hawkman, and such superhero teams as the Justice League and the Teen Titans, and such antagonists as Lex Luthor, the Joker, Two Face, the Penguin, General Zod, the Riddler, Bizarro, Sinestro, Catwoman, and Darkseid.

The initials "DC" came from the company's popular series Detective Comics, which subsequently became part of the company's official name. DC Comics has its official headquarters at 1700 Broadway, Midtown Manhattan, New York, New York. Random House distributes DC Comics' books to the bookstore market, while Diamond Comic Distributors supplies the comics shop specialty market.

DC Comics and its major, longtime competitor Marvel Comics together shared over 80% of the American comic-book market as of 2008[update].

In a fight between DC v. Marvel, Marvel easily wins. There is no question about it. Their characters are a million times better than DC's characters. Really, there is no need to debate this, but I am sure someone will...

DC came first, and Marvel is currently undergoing a Disneyfication.

You lose.

Save for the fact that the conglomerates work together to won 90% of cable media and for all intents and purposes should be AOLTIMEWARNERABCDISNEYMSNBCESPNFOX Inc. but I already pointed this out elsewhere.

Moro wrote:

DC came first, and Marvel is currently undergoing a Disneyfication.

You lose.

Who won at the box office? Iron Man or the Dark Knight?

Actually, when it comes to the movies, Marvel probably does win at this point.

Currently Marvel does movies better than DC, but DC has better animation properties.

In the end I enjoy comics from both companies, and put the theory that I have to choose one or the other into a trash bin, where it belongs. It's like the miserable Star Wars vs Star Trek debates. The misconception that you must like one and dislike the other merely leads to missing out on something good, no matter what side of the debate you end up on.

I've always been a Marvel guy, first because my beloved Uncle Dan was a Marvel guy and let me read all his comics. Later, because I realized all of Marvel's characters were what I like to think of as "broken," and being in many ways "broken" too, I related to them better.

But that is not to say that I did not have a childhood love of Batman - I did. And I also have always had a soft spot for Superman. Green Lantern/Green Arrow was also a fave as a kid, and though I don't know a lot about The Flash, I must like him because I know a suspicious amount considering I don't own a single one of his comics. I also have on occasion collected some Wonder Woman.

But, yes, Marvel. I have always loved Marvel more. I think if you wanted to break down the importance of the two, there is no doubting the importance of DC's history in terms of breaking ground first and being around longest. But if you wanted to say that one had a more impactful influence on literature, Marvel has often had the better writing, and without doubt, the more memorable, more dramatic storylines (even though I think Joe Quesada has effectively destroyed any vestige of credibility they had left).

Bruunwald wrote:
I've always been a Marvel guy, first because my beloved Uncle Dan was a Marvel guy and let me read all his comics. Later, because I realized all of Marvel's characters were what I like to think of as "broken," and being in many ways "broken" too, I related to them better.

Each company does have certain defining characteristics. DC's main characters seem to be archetypes, while Marvel's are more grounded in the here and now. That's part of the reason the Elseworlds-type stories work so much better for DC, and the truly grey-morality tales work better for Marvel.

I prefer DC comics for the most part, even if my favorite comic character resides in Marvel. But then, I am a glasses-wearing, tall, (formerly) skinny brown-haired and brown eyed guy who was somewhat introverted and had trouble relating to people, so identifying with Cyclops more than anyone over at DC isn't really a surprise.

So far the voting is as follows:

Marvel - 3 votes
DC - 2 votes

Leafar the Lost wrote:

So far the voting is as follows:

Marvel - 3 votes
DC - 2 votes

actually if you actually read the responses rather than trying to make the responses fit your bias I see 2 Marvel, 2 DC and several that say being an obtuse fanboi means you are missing out/ split decisions on non comic format success.

Definately count this in the you are missing out by being blindly dedicated to one or the other, let alone not even looking into other presses works.

Dragonsong wrote:

...if you actually read the responses rather than trying to make the responses fit your bias I see 2 Marvel, 2 DC and several that say being an obtuse fanboy means you are missing out/split decisions on non comic format success.

Definately count this in the you are missing out by being blindly dedicated to one or the other, let alone not even looking into other presses works.

I can't believe you said that, Dragonsong. I counted each vote and it came out Marvel 3 and DC 2. There was no bias involved, just simple Arithmetic.

And yet out of 8 posts you only totalled 5 results.

I redid the voting, counting the non-votes as one each for DC & Marvel, and the voting came out as Marvel 5 and DC 4. No bias involved, Marvel wins again.

Yes there is still bias as I said specifically to count mine as an option 3

I like both

You are biasing the results because you dont want to provide the 3rd option.

Its really not that hard to you know actually place the write in votes where they ask to be.

Or have Other: Image, Avatar, Comico.

Dragonsong wrote:
I like both

That's not allowed. It's written somewhere in the geek constitution that you have to pick one side or the other and defend your side to the DEATH!!!!!!!!!

VIVA LA TROLL!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Dragonsong wrote:

Yes there is still bias as I said specifically to count mine as an option 3

I like both

You are biasing the results because you dont want to provide the 3rd option.

Its really not that hard to you know actually place the write in votes where they ask to be.

Or have Other: Image, Avatar, Comico.

Its either DC or Marvel. They are the only comic book companies allowed to use the word superhero.

Q: Image, Avatar, Comico, and toilet paper; what do those four things have in common?

Leafar the Lost wrote:

Q: Image, Avatar, Comico, and toilet paper; what do those four things have in common?

A: They all have better quality of production than Marvel.

Leafar the Lost wrote:
Its either DC or Marvel. They are the only comic book companies allowed to use the word superhero.

OK Troll I'll play:

A) No where in your OP did you say superhero just Comic company. So your artificial Binary is already in trouble. Also where besides your brain did you come up with that they are the only ones.

B) 16 hours and this is the best comeback you have.

C) I would suggest that if you dislike opinions that differ from your own the internet may not be for you

D) This forum sub-heading is not called super heroes its called comics that is far more broad than your silly artificial binary.

In short you seem incapable of engaging in a dialog only spewing your talking points, and that's just sad because when new perspectives are encountered you seem incapable of incorporating or addressing them but instead engage in attacks on alternative comics publishers.

Despite by replying, I am just buying into this, I'd like to draw attention to the fact, no, scratch that, it's an opinion, to my opinion that Leafar has begun this thread just to generate recreational outrage. Any discussion of preference for coffee without milk vs. coffee with milk, rock vs. classical, fantasy vs. science fiction or DC vs marvel is just about preference, there is no inherent better or worse. There is better DC and worse DC, better rock and worse rock, but to buy into Leafar's false premise just encourages him.

I only read reprints, if it was published this century, I'm not interested, whether DC or Marvel.

The Exchange RPG Superstar 2010 Top 16

Leafar the Lost wrote:
Its either DC or Marvel. They are the only comic book companies allowed to use the word superhero.
Dragonsong wrote:
A) No where in your OP did you say super hero only Comic company. So your artificial Binary is already in trouble. Also where besides your brain did you come up with that they are the only ones.

He's got a sliver of a point. In the late 1970's, Marvel and DC attempted to jointly file a trademark registration for the term "superhero". It received the same kind of respect that Lucasfilm's attempt to trademark "Nazi" received.

Other companies have since used the word "superhero" (notably Image), and nobody's lawyers have challenged them. Given that the companies aren't trying to enforce the IP rights they claim, any future attempts to retain the term "superhero" would be very hard to back up.

Dragonsong wrote:
... you seem incapable of engaging in a dialog only spewing your talking points, and that's just sad because when new perspectives are encountered you seem incapable of incorporating addressing them but instead engage in ad hominem attacks.

I concur. Leafar is earning a reputation on these boards that will not serve him, should he at any time decide to actually engage in serious, civil discussion.

Chris Mortika wrote:

He's got a sliver of a point. In the late 1970's, Marvel and DC attempted to jointly file a trademark registration for the term "superhero". It received the same kind of respect that Lucasfilm's attempt to trademark "Nazi" received.

Other companies have since used the word "superhero" (notably Image), and nobody's lawyers have challenged them. Given that the companies aren't trying to enforce the IP rights they claim, any future attempts to retain the term "superhero" would be very hard to back up.

Cool, thanks for the info Chris.

Jason Ellis 350 wrote:
Bruunwald wrote:
But then, I am a glasses-wearing, tall, (formerly) skinny brown-haired and brown eyed guy who was somewhat introverted and had trouble relating to people

off-topic: Are you me?

on-topic: Amalgam Comics for the win!

Grand Lodge

wspatterson wrote:
Moro wrote:

DC came first, and Marvel is currently undergoing a Disneyfication.

You lose.

Who won at the box office? Iron Man or the Dark Knight?

Actually, when it comes to the movies, Marvel probably does win at this point.

Im confused on who you are saying did more at the box office: Iron Man or The Dark Knight.

If you are saying it was Iron Man, you are mistaken.

Also, to stay on topic: DC.

godsDMit wrote:
wspatterson wrote:
Moro wrote:

DC came first, and Marvel is currently undergoing a Disneyfication.

You lose.

Who won at the box office? Iron Man or the Dark Knight?

Actually, when it comes to the movies, Marvel probably does win at this point.

Im confused on who you are saying did more at the box office: Iron Man or The Dark Knight.

If you are saying it was Iron Man, you are mistaken.

Also, to stay on topic: DC.

I think what was meant is that yes, Dark Knight is one of the highest grossing films ever, but that Marvel has done consistently well at the box office with few of their movies doing poorly, while DC is slow to put movies up anymore and has only recently begun to attain the same success as Marvel.

My vote is for both!

RPG Superstar 2015 Top 8

I vote for Papercutz Graphic Novels, as they are the North American publishers of Smurfs comics.

The Dark Knight was the best comic book movie of all time due to Heath Ledger's performance of The Joker. The second best movie would be X-Men II. However, this is a comic book thread, and Marvel has dominated DC for a long time now. Need I mention "FINAL CRISIS"?

Leafar the Lost wrote:
The Dark Knight was the best comic book movie of all time due to Heath Ledger's performance of The Joker. The second best movie would be X-Men II. However, this is a comic book thread, and Marvel has dominated DC for a long time now. Need I mention "FINAL CRISIS"?

How bout you just tally the votes, accurately, since you opened up the voting option on this thread. Your opinion and your vote are already a matter of public record.

Leafar the Lost wrote:
The Dark Knight was the best comic book movie of all time due to Heath Ledger's performance of The Joker. The second best movie would be X-Men II. However, this is a comic book thread, and Marvel has dominated DC for a long time now. Need I mention "FINAL CRISIS"?

No. Spider-Man 2 is simply the greatest superhero movie ever made. Period. Heath Ledger was great. Not quite as great as some think, but being a long time fan of great guitar players, I already know that dying has a way of magnifying your final performances in the eyes of your fans. He certainly stole the show and he definitely re-wrote the character right out from under the scenery-chewing shadow of Jack Nicholson.

But nothing the late Mr. Ledger, the very talented Mr. Nolan, and the hilariously angry Christian Bale could ever hope to pull off would ever overcome the revelatory near-religious experience that is Spider-Man 2. Few superhero movies could come close.

Lathiira wrote:
godsDMit wrote:
wspatterson wrote:
Moro wrote:

DC came first, and Marvel is currently undergoing a Disneyfication.

You lose.

Who won at the box office? Iron Man or the Dark Knight?

Actually, when it comes to the movies, Marvel probably does win at this point.

Im confused on who you are saying did more at the box office: Iron Man or The Dark Knight.

If you are saying it was Iron Man, you are mistaken.

Also, to stay on topic: DC.

I think what was meant is that yes, Dark Knight is one of the highest grossing films ever, but that Marvel has done consistently well at the box office with few of their movies doing poorly, while DC is slow to put movies up anymore and has only recently begun to attain the same success as Marvel.

That would be what I was getting at, yes.

Leafar the Lost wrote:
The second best movie would be X-Men II.

I still have yet to see a movie worth being called X-Men 1. The Wolverine series does have some X-Men as background characters, but they aren't X-Men movies, even if that is what they are titled. The Spiderman and Iron Man movies are much better.

Best Comicbook Movies of All Time
1. The Dark Knight
2. X-Men II
3. Superman I
4. Superman II
5. Batman Begins
6. Spiderman II
7 X-Men
8. Batman (1989)
9. Blade
10. Spider-Man

Leafar the Lost wrote:

Best Comicbook Movies of All Time

Since you arent limiting it to Superheroes just comicbooks. In no particular order:

30 Days of Night
From Hell
Road to Perdition
Swamp Thing
Faust: Love for the Damned
The Dark Night
Superman I
Batman Begins
Batman (Burton)

Best "Superhero" Comicbook Movies of All Time
1. The Dark Knight
2. X-Men II
3. Superman I
4. Superman II
5. Batman Begins
6. Spiderman II
7 X-Men
8. Batman (1989)
9. Blade
10. Spider-Man

Leafar the Lost wrote:
Best Superhero Comicbook Movies of All Time


Swamp Thing
The Dark Night
Superman I
Batman Begins
Batman (Burton)
Spider Man I
Superman II

To add a couple more to the more broad list:

Ghost World

Grand Lodge

Leafar the Lost wrote:

Best "Superhero" Comicbook Movies of All Time

1. The Dark Knight
2. X-Men II
3. Superman I
4. Superman II
5. Batman Begins
6. Spiderman II
7 X-Men
8. Batman (1989)
9. Blade
10. Spider-Man

Kinda amusing that your a huge Marvel fanboy and half of your list is DC moveis, including 4 of the top 5...

I don't overly like the X-Men movies, but then they got a great deal wrong in my opinion. However, for great comic type movies I like Darkman (first one only, the rest of the series is a pale imitation), which captures the feel of comics on screen without actually having been based on an actual comic book.

godsDMit wrote:
Leafar the Lost wrote:

Best "Superhero" Comicbook Movies of All Time

1. The Dark Knight
2. X-Men II
3. Superman I
4. Superman II
5. Batman Begins
6. Spiderman II
7 X-Men
8. Batman (1989)
9. Blade
10. Spider-Man

Kinda amusing that your a huge Marvel fanboy and half of your list is DC moveis, including 4 of the top 5...

What makes you think that I am "a huge Marvel fanboy"? I am just being completely honest and objective.

Marvel is better, imo. I look at DC and all I see is Superman, Batman, Flash, Green Lantern and their diciples, for the most part.... all these "legacy" heroes. TOO many! Superboy, Supergirl, Power Girl, Batman II, Red Robin, Batgirl, Batwoman, a bunch of Flashes, and who knows how many Green Lanterns... it's just watered down concepts. Marvel has that to a certain extent with it's gaggle of Hulks and Spider-girl, and Bucky-cap, etc, but it doesn't stink up the whole comic line like it does DC. Pee-eww.

Robert Carter 58 wrote:
Marvel is better, imo. I look at DC and all I see is Superman, Batman, Flash, Green Lantern and their diciples, for the most part.... all these "legacy" heroes. TOO many! Superboy, Supergirl, Power Girl, Batman II, Red Robin, Batgirl, Batwoman, a bunch of Flashes, and who knows how many Green Lanterns... it's just watered down concepts. Marvel has that to a certain extent with it's gaggle of Hulks and Spider-girl, and Bucky-cap, etc, but it doesn't stink up the whole comic line like it does DC. Pee-eww.

I agree 100% Mr. Carter.

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32, 2010 Top 8

Robert Carter 58 wrote:
Marvel is better, imo. I look at DC and all I see is Superman, Batman, Flash, Green Lantern and their diciples, for the most part.... all these "legacy" heroes. TOO many! Superboy, Supergirl, Power Girl, Batman II, Red Robin, Batgirl, Batwoman, a bunch of Flashes, and who knows how many Green Lanterns... it's just watered down concepts. Marvel has that to a certain extent with it's gaggle of Hulks and Spider-girl, and Bucky-cap, etc, but it doesn't stink up the whole comic line like it does DC. Pee-eww.

I think it's a matter of the Character behind the mask. I mean the writers and editors have been very good at writing Dick and Bruce differently under the Cowl. Wally isn't Barry, who isn't Jay (Welly's my favourite) I don't know much about Kyle or (non-DCAU) John, but it's clear they're not Guy, or Hal for that matter. Contrasting Dick (again!) Tim and Damien is clear. Karen isn't Kara (or Linda for that matter).

Wolverine doesn't interest me so much anymore. I like Logan, not James Howett. X-23 interests me because she's discovering herself. Likewise, Sam, Dani, Rahne, Illyana and Xian are the characters I started reading when I was a teen. I want to see their stories.* On the other end, Dick, Donna, Kory, Raven, Roy and Vic are the characters that interest me on that side.

I've picked up Dynamite's John Carter of Mars because I grew up with the pulps. I liked the art (clear until they introduced Deja Thoris).

So it really doesn't matter so much if Dick's Robin, Nightwing or Batman. I read the books for Dick Greyson. Likewise, it doesn't matter if Dani has powers or not, it's her story I want to read.


even if I don't like the direction of the stories. I really think if Marvel wanted a 'lesbian mutant' a Dani/Rahne pairing would have been more organic than making Xian gay

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