Question about B.O. Catacombs of Wrath Map

Rise of the Runelords

Liberty's Edge

Hello all,

CoW Map:
Looking at the map for the Catacombs of Wrath in Burnt Offerings, I'm looking at the natural tunnel that the PCs enter the catacombs through. If I understand correctly, the PCs enter the map at the bottom left of the map with the understanding that the bricked off portion of the tunnel that the smugglers made (and Naulia later took down) occurs off map. I see the tunnel opens into "B1", has a tunnel that opens into "B2", also opens into "B3", and continues forward. Now, does this tunnel open into the jail cell of "B6", or does it end underneath room "B6". I am confused as to what the white curved dashed line is; also wondering what the "brown circle" is in the once jail cell that is "interferring" with this tunnel. Is this a hole that is cut into the floor of the jail cell, that opens into the tunnel?

Thanks for all your help!


You are right on the second count. The hole in the jail cell floor goes down into the tunnel below.

Grand Lodge

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I was under the impression that the tunnel ended right above the jail cell, not below.

From what I remember, if you come into the COW, turn into the worked tunnels, and head for the jail, it mentions no change in the level on which you walk, so by going down the stairs, off the walkway and onto the floor of the jail, the cells are now below the unworked tunnel.

Just my 2cp though.

The tunnel ends above the jail cell. If it ended underneath, then it would have a pretty steep downward slope after branching into B5, which isn't supported by the map.

The dashed line shows where the tunnel currently ends. The brown circle in one of the cell means there's a hole in the tunnel. Going down the hole puts you in the cell.

Are wrote:

I stand corrected. Either way is not bad though.

Liberty's Edge

Thanks guys!

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This was very helpful! I'm about to run this part of the AP and was really confused by the dotted lines!

And here I thought they'd come out with a scratch-n-sniff version I was missing out on...

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Hardly, if it smells like that. Let me know when the barbequed ribs-scented map of the Halls of Gluttony is released.

Misroi wrote:
Hardly, if it smells like that. Let me know when the barbequed ribs-scented map of the Halls of Gluttony is released.

Sorry... I heard they're doing the Halls of Lust first. And trust me, you don't want to smell THOSE...

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