Email server down?

Website Feedback

Hey folks-

I've been trying to email Vic and Chris Self all day and they keep coming back as mailer daemons. (I really need to stat one of those suckers out some day soon...)

Was it part of the site downtime?

Steve Creech
DragonWing Games

Paizo Employee Senior Software Developer

No, the router upstream of our mail server was having some problems today, but it's now been rebooted.

Gary Teter wrote:
No, the router upstream of our mail server was having some problems today, but it's now been rebooted.

Thanks! I'll try email Chris again.


i've been trying to email customer service, is this the same issue since I am getting daemons too

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

spacemonkeyDM wrote:
i've been trying to email customer service, is this the same issue since I am getting daemons too

I'm not aware of any issues... indeed, the spam is certainly flowing freely today! Double-check that you're mailing

ya i just tried again and got another rejection from google.

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

spacemonkeyDM wrote:
ya i just tried again and got another rejection from google.

Can you PM me the error message?

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