Venomblade |

Would you get a reflex save vs. a fireball if you are pinned? Also if you and your opponent on on the edge of a create pit spell and the opponent has you pinned and makes his save to not fall in the pit, do you also have to make a save? Or are you not going to fall in just because your pinned?
Also, if the opponent pinning you fails their save would you both fall in?

DireLemming |

Would you get a reflex save vs. a fireball if you are pinned? Also if you and your opponent on on the edge of a create pit spell and the opponent has you pinned and makes his save to not fall in the pit, do you also have to make a save? Or are you not going to fall in just because your pinned?
Also, if the opponent pinning you fails their save would you both fall in?
Back in 3.5 the Wizard's FAQ specifically said characters received saving throws even if paralyzed or unconscious. I don't know if that has changed in Pathfinder.
Also, a reflex save doesn't require a character have room to move. The grapple rules give options for dragging opponents around - maybe that could be applied to the pit example you've given.

Dal Selpher |

I've always ruled that reflex saves are auto-failed if the particular target is either restrained in some fashion or squeezing. That's my own personal house rule, but it's always made sense to our group.
In the case of the grappling foes on the edge of create pit, I'm at a bit of a loss. Knee jerk reaction would be to say the one doing the pinning gets to make a save 1st. If he succeeds, both stay out of the pit, the grapple/pin is maintained, and the 2nd guy doesn't need to save to avoid falling in. If the one doing the pinning fails though, the Pin and grapple are broken and the one who was pinned can make a save. If he fails, he goes in too.
I would definitely be interested to see how everyone else responds.

concerro |

By the rule RAI, and RAW they get reflex saves. Even unattended objects get reflex saves. The saves are not just about reflexes it is about that small chance to escape the impossible situation, like in the movies when the hero is trapped, and he just barely gets away. There was a long thread on this a while back or at least it appeared in a long thread anyway. Some people that agreed it was the intent to get the reflex save just decided to houserule that no reflex save would be given if someone were paralyzed. I know paralyzed was not what the OP was asking about.
PS:Magical objects that is.

Asphesteros |

Dex modifies Reflex, so that's how that's done. If you're paralized your dex is 0 so you get a -5 to your save instead of whatever dex modifyer you usually get.
Weird quirk, though, is it's arguably better to be pinned than grappled to avoid a fireball, since grappled gives you a -4 to Dex which means -2 on Reflex saves, while pinned only makes you flat footed, so just lose your dex bonus to AC (unless you interpret pinned as also giving you the helpless condition, which is another argument in favor of it doing so, in that debate).