Isger: Gillamoor plague

Lost Omens Campaign Setting General Discussion

Dark Archive

I was wondering if there is notes about the relative size of the town. I was starting to write adventure. I want the PC to hire to invest. I was thinking of giving Gillamoor city walls since they are so close to Chitterwood and also explains why the plague has not moved on. I would like to think a small army unit has qaurtine the area and now the PCs have to get into the city without being arracting the attention of some possible 700+ walking dead.
I also planning to start PC at first level. I had so ideas were to let the PC go thru the sewers of the town to gain a level or two. So that they learn about the undead from a survior hidden in the sewers. So they all do not all become infect after the first encounter. I like the write-up from the Gillamoor plague zombie in Classic Horror revisted. I just not looking for TPK on the first encounter


glwalker52402 wrote:

I was wondering if there is notes about the relative size of the town. I was starting to write adventure. I want the PC to hire to invest. I was thinking of giving Gillamoor city walls since they are so close to Chitterwood and also explains why the plague has not moved on. I would like to think a small army unit has qaurtine the area and now the PCs have to get into the city without being arracting the attention of some possible 700+ walking dead.

I also planning to start PC at first level. I had so ideas were to let the PC go thru the sewers of the town to gain a level or two. So that they learn about the undead from a survior hidden in the sewers. So they all do not all become infect after the first encounter. I like the write-up from the Gillamoor plague zombie in Classic Horror revisted. I just not looking for TPK on the first encounter

I would suggest reading the webfiction The Walkers from the Crypt

by Howard Andrew Jones which starts Here it talks about a similar town in Galt


Yep the party of an Isgerian game I am running are in Gillamoor right now. It was vague and contradictory, it said it was a village and then a town. So what I did was make it a very large lumber town, one of the important centres of Isger. A cramped place of business and mostly workers, with very little nobility.

I also gave it a large wall, it makes a lot of sense. Stone and wood topped. I used a modified town map I came across online. The town is filled with the dead, besieged by the small Isgerian force, but you can move around across the rooftops to rescue survivors or loot.

I've gone for fast zombies (with some editing), that bite not slam, the plague isn't on all of them precisely (can't tell you why, there is a number of factors in play here, it doesn't have a simple source). They can't climb well. Attracted to sound and can be quite vicious at times.

Gillamoor zombie (toughened, eager to bite, can and will charge)
Initiative +1, HP 16, AC 16 (most of it natural)
Movement 30, can hustle x2, can charge.
Bite 1d6+2 + "the disease" DC 13 1d3 dex, incubation 1 hour, if slain by bite, will rise within 1 hour.
BAB +1
Dr 5/slashing, undead traits,
Perception +0, loud noises gets them moving in that direction, dark vision 60.
Climb -3, strength checks at +4 (good at breaking in).
Feats: toughness
Cr 2

There are about 2000 of them spread over the town. They have to be smart, get people out, find out what is going on, or the town will be burnt down once the weather clears and there are no more survivors seen on roofs or by wall patrols.

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