Recent Changes to the Bard Class

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

Paizo Employee Developer

So, now that it's been officially stated that the core possesses a typo, and that bardic music bonuses are untyped, why would anyone make a party not composed entirely of bards.

I mean the bonuses stack. This seems like an awful design decision.

Just look at how it affects some published adventures. Spoilers follow

Month of the Fool:

I think this spoiler title probably gave the joke away

Alorha wrote:

So, now that it's been officially stated that the core possesses a typo, and that bardic music bonuses are untyped, why would anyone make a party not composed entirely of bards.

I mean the bonuses stack. This seems like an awful design decision.

Just look at how it affects some published adventures. Spoilers follow

** spoiler omitted **

Do you really think the bards are as powerful as the change they made to Barbarians? The spell list is ridiculous.

Paizo Employee Developer

Bobson wrote:


The thread was labeled April something or other. 1st let me find it, then I'll link it.

Paizo Employee Developer

I shall point out that a deleted post cannot delete my satisfied smile =P

Aww.. I was hoping for an official April fools joke and all I got was your cheap knock off april fools joke.

I didn't even get a t-shirt or blowed up :(

This joke is a ripoff.

Paizo Employee Developer

Ævux wrote:

Aww.. I was hoping for an official April fools joke and all I got was your cheap knock off april fools joke.

I didn't even get a t-shirt or blowed up :(

This joke is a ripoff.

I'll try harder next year.

Also... this might make you happier

This, too

Alorha wrote:
I shall point out that a deleted post cannot delete my satisfied smile =P

I was hoping for a link to a Paizo joke - then I realized it was just you :p

Paizo Employee Developer

Bobson wrote:

I was hoping for a link to a Paizo joke - then I realized it was just you :p

Noooo! Don't shatter my smug sense of satisfaction!

It's all I have leeeeeeeeft~


In all seriousness, though, Bard Song bonuses should be untyped for better stacking with various buff spells.

Alorha wrote:

This, too

I want that.

Scarab Sages

I want the Goblin link to be real SOOOO badly!

Seriously. I mean it. The best NPC I've EVER had in a game was Bloblog from the Desert AP (can't remember the title right now). Bloblog was awesome! The party intimidated him into helping, and he ended up joining them. I made him do all the fun, useless stuff goblins are supposed to do (he collected the ears off of dead gnolls to munch on as snacks), and I had this really good voice for him, too.

If I had more options for Goblins in a book like that, I'd probably go manic.

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