Can my summoner still cast spells?

Rules Questions

So, lets say I have a summoner who is lvl 10. He gets Polymorph any object cast on himself, permanently turning himself into a mastadon or elephant(+5 we're both animals, +2 both mammals, +2 I have more int than an elephant=9 req'd to permanently be an elephant).

So if I also have the evolution:limbs arms from my aspect(it is a class ability that allows me to grow arms), can I still cast spells? I can do somatic components, and an elephant can make noises(would that count for verbal?)

Side note, just to confirm. If you use PaO to turn into something larger than yourself, you cannot also later use enlarge person or some other similar spell on yourself to grow larger right?

Pathfinder Adventure, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
joela wrote:
Wait, wait, wait. Your polymorphed PC is not governed by the same rules as your eidolon. How'd your PC get evolution (which, as far as I know, only applies to said eidolon) applied to his new form?

Aspect You get it at Summoner level 10. Cool huh!

Would you need Natural Spell? That's how Druids do it.

Silent Spell and Still Spell might help in theory.

A question though, why do you want to be an elephant?

Silent spell (and a new spell component pouch with a big big belt) would do the job. Natural Spell only works for wild shape, not polymorph. That is, unless the Aspect power is a polymorph type effect.

On Enlarge Person, correct, Polymorph effects do not stack, and while your type remains humanoid, it will not work on you.

Rod of metamagic Silent lesser would be a cheap option.

lastblacknight wrote:
A question though, why do you want to be an elephant?

Who wouldn't want to be an elephant?

Well, unless psionic otters are an option.

well I was thinking of doing a mounted eidolon character. So my eidolon would have mounted combat feats and ride me around... I was just wondering if this cost me the ability to cast verbal component spells ;)

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
thepuregamer wrote:
well I was thinking of doing a mounted eidolon character. So my eidolon would have mounted combat feats and ride me around... I was just wondering if this cost me the ability to cast verbal component spells ;)

Yep, you lose verbal component spells as an elephant (they don't possess the physical ability to speak like humans).

I'd recommend still spell.

thepuregamer wrote:
well I was thinking of doing a mounted eidolon character. So my eidolon would have mounted combat feats and ride me around... I was just wondering if this cost me the ability to cast verbal component spells ;)

I love this concept, it's the reverse of the summoner riding his eidolon around - hilarious!

well looking things over, all the summoner spells have verbal components so this could be tough. I might have to cast all my spells with silent spell or a rod of such. Alternatively, I could take a 1 lvl dip in oracle and be deaf and then all the spells I cast are premodified to be silent.
Of course then I would have to deal with being deaf... I am not sure I would be trading up on problems.

Otherwise, are there any other huge ridable critters that most player races could turn into permanently that could possibly talk?

Alternatively, are there any popular talking elephants in popular literature, movies, or tv shows. I mean, Mr. Ed the horse talked, so perhaps there is some sort of international version involving a talking elephant. Then All I gotta do is drop a wizarding hat on him, and bam no one in town will be the wiser.

Update**** Solution imminent.

I COULD START AS A KOBOLD... or as a tengu(what the hell is a tengu-birdish I think)

so can a kobold PaO into a dragon of some sort( I thought someone further up the thread had mentioned that dragons could talk but now that I look back up, I do not see any mention of talking. Though I am sure they can). Dragons are a supremely badass version of Mr. Ed. So some sort of huge dragon maybe. I may yet find a way to avoid massive silent wand debt.

Shadow Lodge

This is a really fun idea. I've thought of playing a Druid ' mount' character before having another player be the rider, but using an Eidolon never occurred to me.

I've often wondered about the whole somatic and verbal component thing, I get the need to clearly 'speak' the spell, but dragons can cast spells and they don't have arms. I know you can hand wave it with 'Dragons are awesome' but that seems kinda lame to me. You could always ask your GM if he/she is willing to let you take a feat (one that you would make up) that allows you use animal noises as verbal components for a spell.

Alternatively you could just get a magic item that lets you turn into whatever creature you finally choose.

Hecknoshow wrote:

This is a really fun idea. I've thought of playing a Druid ' mount' character before having another player be the rider, but using an Eidolon never occurred to me.

I've often wondered about the whole somatic and verbal component thing, I get the need to clearly 'speak' the spell, but dragons can cast spells and they don't have arms. I know you can hand wave it with 'Dragons are awesome' but that seems kinda lame to me. You could always ask your GM if he/she is willing to let you take a feat (one that you would make up) that allows you use animal noises as verbal components for a spell.

Alternatively you could just get a magic item that lets you turn into whatever creature you finally choose.

I can fix the somatic component thing by using my aspect to get hands but my question is this, if dragons are already known to be able to cast spells with verbal and somatic components, why wouldn't I be able to cast spells with verbal and somatic components while in the form of a dragon(does that really count as hand waving it)?

On a sad side note, I did prefer elephant because it was funnier. Obviously dragons are awesome and probably a better form to go with... but I am alittle saddened by my loss of elephantness. I might have even been able to develop a water cannon attack of some sort as an elephant.

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber
thepuregamer wrote:
Alternatively, are there any popular talking elephants in popular literature, movies, or tv shows.



Horton, who heard a Who ("I meant what I said and I said what I meant. An elephant is faithful one hundred percent.")?

thepuregamer wrote:
well I was thinking of doing a mounted eidolon character. So my eidolon would have mounted combat feats and ride me around... I was just wondering if this cost me the ability to cast verbal component spells ;)

Bravo Sir (or madam), bravo!

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