Wild West Fantasy Campaign

Homebrew and House Rules

Looking over the revised Gunslinger has gotten me thinking of running a new campaign that takes a little bit from the d20 Past Shadow Stalkers campaign model. More inspration actually comes from 4e Forgotten Realms. They replaced Maztica with a new continent. Ignoring what WotC CLAIMS happened to those people, why not have most of them cross the Shadow and end up in the Old West?

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

There's some precedence for this, I believe. I think I recall reading somewhere that Murlynd (of Greyhawk fame) was gated into Boot Hill by accident once. There he became something of a cowboy enthusiast and even got a set of revolvers. You may want to look into the Advanced Combat Playtest (round 3) for the revised gunslinger if using Pathfinder, or reskin light crossbows to fill in for guns.

Dreaming Psion wrote:
There's some precedence for this, I believe. I think I recall reading somewhere that Murlynd (of Greyhawk fame) was gated into Boot Hill by accident once. There he became something of a cowboy enthusiast and even got a set of revolvers. You may want to look into the Advanced Combat Playtest (round 3) for the revised gunslinger if using Pathfinder, or reskin light crossbows to fill in for guns.

Actually it is the Round 2 PDF. That is why I was thinking about this. I was thinking of borrowing from many sources. Some from Deadlands d20, Wild West T20, and some from Aces & Eights. maybe a little Space 1889 & Castle Falkenstein thrown into the mix, lol.

A cool book you may want to check out is called Spellslinger. Fantasy Flight Games released it a while back, and it was a small, self contained book for a fantasy-western game.
If anything, it can serve as a spark, I have been toying with a western setting for some time, using this books as a genesis for it all.

Or you could look into Deadlands d20.

Tark of the Shoanti wrote:

A cool book you may want to check out is called Spellslinger. Fantasy Flight Games released it a while back, and it was a small, self contained book for a fantasy-western game.

If anything, it can serve as a spark, I have been toying with a western setting for some time, using this books as a genesis for it all.

Have that.

Ferahgo89 wrote:
Or you could look into Deadlands d20.

And that, as mentioned above.

Check out Sidewinder:Recoiled. The dead tree version is available at paizo for $5

Thanael wrote:
Check out Sidewinder:Recoiled. The dead tree version is available at paizo for $5

I know, but the shipping & handling is another $6.54, lol.

Another idea I had is to adapt Rise of the Runelords to this setting. Substituting real world legendary things for the appropriate equal. I always thought the Path had a slightly Indiana Jones feel.

xorial wrote:
More inspration actually comes from 4e Forgotten Realms.

I was supportive of the notion until I read this. Big turn-off.

These realms are aptly named as forgotten now. They have forgotten the face of their father. They try to aim with their hand and kill with their gun.

But if you wish to fuse wild west and fantasy, I wish you long days and pleasant nights.

KaeYoss wrote:
xorial wrote:
More inspration actually comes from 4e Forgotten Realms.

I was supportive of the notion until I read this. Big turn-off.

These realms are aptly named as forgotten now. They have forgotten the face of their father. They try to aim with their hand and kill with their gun.

But if you wish to fuse wild west and fantasy, I wish you long days and pleasant nights.

Actually, I should say that I am grabbing what they abandoned. They threw away Maztica, I am just putting them to good, hombrew use.

xorial wrote:
KaeYoss wrote:
xorial wrote:
More inspration actually comes from 4e Forgotten Realms.

I was supportive of the notion until I read this. Big turn-off.

These realms are aptly named as forgotten now. They have forgotten the face of their father. They try to aim with their hand and kill with their gun.

But if you wish to fuse wild west and fantasy, I wish you long days and pleasant nights.

Actually, I should say that I am grabbing what they abandoned. They threw away Maztica, I am just putting them to good, hombrew use.

To offer more to this than references nobody who hasn't read it would get: Stephen King's Dark Tower series can also be helpful. It's a mix of western, fantasy, science fiction and a bit of horror.

Imagine a different dimension with a nation of gunslingers following a code that reads a lot like a knightly order's. A world where extremely advanced technology is artefacts of the distant past, time becoming unstable as the very foundations of the world unravel. Dark wizards bewitching the people. Fantastic creatures. Lots of shoot-outs and a few non-nonsensical jokes saving the day.

I actually am doing a civilization in a campaign setting where they are basically the USA if they had been settled in the Renaissance era.

Gold was discovered in some badlands and now a bunch of robber barons are hiring people to go pan for gold for them. They hire entire free companies as their army. (ONLY mercenaries) The "government" has seats that are legally bought and sold. (If you have money- you can protect the people) Privateers are formed into a guild that raids other country's ships. They also have a lucrative contract with the government in which they serve as the "navy".

It upcoming, waiting on the last bit art and formatting. Other than that it's totally written.

Some basics about my setting that I am working on.

Based on the premise presented in d20 Modern Urban Arcana. People & creatures have been filtering through the Shadow/Veil for hundreds of years. Normally, this is just a trickle & not from an specific fantasy world. People from these worlds only have vague memories, if any, of their former lives. Many are not even adventurers, so they just blend in with society. The demi-humans have problems, but most are seen a deformed, if lucky. Some are burned at the stake, in the middle ages. One that managed to escape this was a elven wizard that found himself in Europe at the beginning of the Renaissance. He retained enough memories to see something was wrong, but could not remember why. He hid himself away & studied the spellbooks he had with him, hoping to find a way back, but not really knowing where 'back' was. His experiments are the eventual cause of a major breach of the Shadow in 1864. Unknowingly, his efforts interacted with a major cataclysmic event on a fantasy world (Forgotten Realms & the Spellplague). It is now 1881 & the world is still realing from the sudden appearance of fantastical races & creatures. This is a world wide event, but the majority of appearances seem to be in the New World.

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

I think it would be fun to combine the Weird West, the "bright stars of civilization" in a world of wilderness (like 4th Edition) and Outlands of 2nd Edition's Planescape campaign. I REALLY liked the Outlands, and the idea of a giant plain with a few scattered cities along its edge, with an indeterminate distance between settlements (3d10 days might be common).

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